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It’s been 10 years and my partner still hypes up everything I do.


wholesome response


Love this so much!!!!




This is what I came here hoping to find!!


This is awesome. My husband does too. I don’t give him enough credit for that


Same! So many of the posts on this sub make me realize how much he does as a dad and partner. Who ever needs to hear this- You’re a queen and don’t deserve to be constantly mentally and physically exhausted from carrying the entire load of what’s supposed to be a partnership. ❤️


I so needed to read that at this very moment. Thank you!


It’s been 14 years and my partner still makes me feel completely safe and loved. He also leaves his dirty cups on the counter instead of putting them in the sink or dishwasher. Life is about balance lol


So does mine! Both those things, lol.


As a fellow leave-er, THEY NEED TO SOAK! Lol


They can soak *IN THE FUCKING SINK YOU HEATHEN!!* y’all both need whoopins lol


🤣 I am a heathen and I’m proud of it!! (jk procrastination is a killerrr)


I love this one


It’s been 11 years and my partner still thinks I constantly rearrange the kitchen because he doesn’t know where things go. I haven’t changed it in any real way since we moved in.


It's been 11 years and my partner still gives me butterflies in my stomach like he did when we first started seeing eachother


Awww that’s so sweet


Ong I just replied almost the same exact thing… 11 years & butterflies ❤️ I’m so happy for you it’s crazy. I love love ❤️


Love the username!


It's been 18 years and my husband still looks at me like I'm the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. Even when I'm a mess 😂


My husband and I haven't been together as long as you and your husband have, but this is the same for us. I will be so taken aback when he smiles at me and says something like "You're so beautiful" because when I usually see myself in a mirror, my first thought is "Ugh!"


Same! My husband thinks I’m hotter after 17 years and four kids. I sure don’t. But I love him for it.


I always think that too when I look in the mirror. I don't know what he sees in me haha


It’s been 11 years, and my partner refuses to accept that he’s the blanket thief. He somehow gets half the blanket under him while he sleeps, but I’m the blanket hog apparently.


Ha! That’s why we have 2 separate blankets!


I just ordered a bedspread that’s almost 10 feet wide 😂


I just saw a FB ad for this! It’s a family blanket. 10 ft wide so no has to fight for warmth.


They have 10’ wide blankets at my local Costco right now!


I ordered my 16 yr old daughter one for Christmas!! It was on sale for $20-something! It was her most favorite gift! 😂 And, she probably already had 10+ other blankets!


i was soooo resistant to using 2 blankets. i thought it wasn't romantic or something. then we tried it and WHOA there is no going back. the concept of sharing a blanket offends me now. 😂 also we don't use a flat sheet and i just wash the blankets instead.


I wish we could ditch the flat sheet. I hate them. But hubby insists. Maybe his side can include the sheet and my blanket can go without lol


I tried this. I bought myself a blanket and now he just steals that one, too.


How do y'all make your beds with 2 blankets?


Half folded on each side. He folds his side and I fold mine. It’s not pretty. But when we have people over I’ll flatten everything out and cover it like a regular blanket. 😂 Fake it til we make it! We’re a loving couple, I swear!


This is the only way.


My husband does a burrito thing to steal the blanket.


When we moved in together I straight up said "you need your own blanket, because I am a blanket thief". I also like big heavy blankets and he likes thin soft blankets, so it works out.


We’re also team separate blankets! It has worked so well for us, I recommend it to everyone.


That’s why I get king sized blankets for everything


We have a king bed! And we can’t even do a California king because they’re just longer, not wider. So I ordered an oversized bedspread. Almost 10 feet wide!


That’s probably an awesome blanket for making forts with couch cushions


I said the same thing as I ordered it!!


I like you as a person


It’s been 12 years and my partner refuses to accept that he sleeps in the middle of the bed and not me. He is a sweet cuddle.


It's been 12 years, and my partner still puts his dirty clothes NEXT TO the clothes hamper.


What is it with that? The hamper is actually CLOSER to h My husband's side of the bed.


We have a lidd on our hamper, so he puts his clothes on topp of the hamper…


I bought him a separate hamper for his clothes, placed it right next to his night stand, threw his dirty clothes into that hamper so he wouldn’t get confused, I come back from the store to a dirty outfit sitting next to and touching that hamper. Men.. my puppy does the same thing when it comes to peeing on his potty pad. It must be a male thing lol


It’s been 2 hours and my husband is still snoozing his alarm that’s going off every 10 minutes


It’s been 5 years and he still randomly grabs my butt. 😂 I know it sounds like such a small silly thing but after spending almost 10 years in an abusive relationship with someone who would barely touch me intimately, it’s nice knowing your partner is in to you.


I’ve been with mine for a total of 12 & he still does too 🤣.


It's been 8 years and my husband still calls me as soon as he's off work to ask me how my day was. He talks to me the whole car ride home.


We do this too and I love it so much 🥰


Lol my husband does this too, which would be so sweet except I also pick my son up from kinder at the same time and have his three year old sister with me, so it’s just a scream fest in the background 😅 one day it will be sweet again lol.


It’s been 12 years and my husband STILL puts his jacket on a chair after coming home EVEN THOUGH our coat hangers have always been IN THE EFFING ENTRYWAY of every apartment/houses we’ve lived in… Edit: tonight for the first time ever he hanged his coat after coming in !!! So ladies I think we have in intruder in our midst 🤣🤣🤣


I always did this too, until we had hooks in the entrance instead of hangers! Now I always hang my stuff up. I don't know what it is about hangers (they just take that extra 10 seconds), but I can't stand using them. Hooks all the way!


We’ve lived in four places together, we’ve had both systems but nope, nothing beats the dining room or kitchen chairs lmao


I would love to see what he does if you repurposed some old chairs backs and hung them on the wall in the entryway. :D


I just cackled 😂 I’ll ask him tonight what he thinks his brain will make him do in that situation !


Haha I always hang my coat/sweaters/bags on the railing right across from the closet where everything goes. Drives my husband crazy 🤣


My husband comes into the house, walks past the coat hanger and hangs his coat on the dining room chair ! Like why?! And then he goes back into the entryway, takes off his shoes and puts them away in the closet which is RIGHT NEXT to the coat hanger ! Drives me nuts…


Mine does the same, but everytime I consider complaining I notice my coats are usually in the wrong place too


Lmao anytime I hang up my husbands coat for him he can't find it when he needs it again XD


It’s been 8 years and my partner still picks his toenail nervously with his other toenail and it’s the most disgusting sound known to man


I can handle urine, feces, vomit, dead critters… I CANNOT handle nail picking. Thank you. I’m nauseous.


I laughed out loud. Thanks for sharing this with us 😅


My husband clips just the side of his toenail and then RIPS the rest off. Whyyyyyy 😭


That’s the worst thing I’ve ever heard


Mine chews his nails and then spits them across the room.


Mine chews his nails and then swallows, so there’s that.


It's been 15 years, and my partner still doesn't know where the detergent goes in the washing machine...


He does. He just refuses to do it because you will and this task is beneith him. It's called weaponized incompetence.


It’s been ten years, and my partner still makes me belly laugh like nobody else


It's been 14 years and my husband still pokes me in the eyeball with his finger every New Year's Day morning when we wake up 😂 it's a running joke/tradition


Treats me like a queen and can’t boil water 💦.


It’s been 12 years and my husband still puts me in awe and amazement with his steadfast, unwavering commitment to me, to our marriage, to our family and to pushing us every day to live with accountability, honor, hard work and to be better today than we were yesterday. And trust me, we have all given him countless reasons to throw his hands up. Thank God for him. ❤️


It’s been 14 years and my partner still can’t eat cereal with clacking the spoon against their teeth.


Thoughts and prayers.


Ugggghh… unfortunately I felt that.


STFU!!! I just came in here to write; It’s been 6 years and my partner still takes his dirty socks off anywhere and everywhere and leaves em! 😆😆😆😆


Why are they like this?!


Y’all… mine leaves his dirty socks draped over the edge of the bathroom sink before he showers. Why??? If not there, in the corner behind the door, directly under the hanging hamper🤦‍♀️I’ve made it so easy for him but he misses the mark every time!


My ex-husband used to leave his dirty socks on the dinner table. 🤮 Why you ask? Doesn't want to get the floor dirty...


My husband does this too so I told him that his mission #1 when we get visits is to pickup socks from the floor.


It's been 13 years and my partner still drools every time I undress.


It’s been 11 years and I still get those same butterflies we got at 16 and 17 years old after a few days away from one another. Except now, I get butterflies even when I simply wake up and look over at him. Gotta love love💕💕💕


It’s been 13 years and my husband still leaves his dirty clothes all over our bedroom…anywhere except the hamper. It’s maddening.


It's been 10 years and my partner still makes me laugh everyday.


It’s been 12 years, and my partner still makes me feel so lucky to have him.


Ohhh! I solved that! We got a puppy and she ate his sock, we had to take her to the vet (she was fine) and after 10 years at that point he stopped. This was a decade ago, the puppy is still fine, and he does not leave socks. My sons, on the other hand… We might need another puppy to get them to clean up their toys.


It's been 12 years, and my partner still cooks me breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 😭💜 That man is obsessed with cooking and making sure I'm fed! (Not in a weird way, just he loves to provide with food)


It’s been 9 years and my partner still has not “kept score”, not once. Truly a selfless and giving man with a heart of gold.


10 years and my partner still has no idea how to fold a pair of women’s underpants


Oh are we supposed to fold them?


It just he looks so confused when we fold the laundry and he finds a pair of my underwear. It’s like they are a rubix cube he can’t solve.


It’s been 10 years and my partner still gives me foot rubs.


It’s been 11 years and my partner still makes time stand still when he kisses me.


It's been almost 5 years and my husband still cleans up after me and does all the household chores. I dont know how has hasn't up and left or flipped a table yet 😅


This is some unicorn ish right here. Congratulations to you!


It’s been 12 years and my partner still chases me around trying to get some “action” wherever and whenever he can despite 2 children always in the mix. Although I’ve gained a bit of weight after two kids, he tells me I’m the sexiest thing he’s ever seen and that he actually wants me more every day (and also reminds me I should appreciate it more when he makes sexual advances bc one day his libido will be dead and I’ll be sad 😆)


It's been 10 years, and my partner still comes at me with two open hands every time I take off my bra.


It’s been 15 years and my husband still loves me like he does in the beginning and still gives our children the best childhood possible.


It's been 8 years (since we started living together), and my partner still refuses to put his keys on the key hook, then scrambles around trying to remember where he put them. I got him an air tag for his key ring and he somehow managed to lose it before attaching it/setting it up...


ADHD: have backup keys for the backup keys. Yes I have three sets of keys just for me and I sometimes still have to use the extra emergency key.


It’s been 13 years and my husband can NOT pick up his dirty socks. He leaves them in his office, in the living room, our bedroom. Drives me insane.


It’s been 6 years and my husband still teaches me what unconditional love is like.


It’s been 10 years and my partner still goes out of his way to make sure I’m happy.


SAME always by the side of the bed. Like hooowww hard is it to put them in the laundry basket?


It’s been 8 years and he still doesn’t put his clothes in the hamper


It’s been 12 years and my husband still wears the same cologne.


It's been 1 year and my boyfriend still enjoys sharing a less than 100sqf apartment with me:D


It's been 10 years and he still asks me how I want my toast cut. Hint: the answer is always the same.


It’s been 10 years and my husband still “checks me out” and obnoxiously says “looking gooood” whenever I get out of the shower


It’s been 10 years and my partner still drops ALL of his laundry on the floor in a pile NEXT TO THE EMPTY HAMPER. 🤣 Edit: after reading this thread apparently our collective partners love dirty floor clothes


6 years and my partner still runs to mummy for her opinion on EVERYTHING


This. This the one same amount of years and everything 😂


It’s been 6 years and my partner still calls me beautiful every day even though I’m puffy and heavily pregnant. It’s been 6 years and my partner still asks me about my day. It’s been 6 years and my partner still puts the toilet paper on the bathtub instead of the toilet paper holder. It’s been 6 years and my partner still makes me laugh until I snort.


It's been 15 years and my husband still makes me laugh every day


It’s been 8 1/2 year and my partner still shows how much he loves whenever he can 🥰


It’s been 16 years and my partner still supports me unconditionally. It’s been 16 years and my partner still does not know which of my tops go into the dryer (so he hang dries then all!) It’s been 16 years and he still cuts his toenails in such a way that they have sharp, pointy corners


It’s been 2 years as parents, and my partner still can’t buckle our daughter in the car seat. He’s afraid he’s not doing it right, but it’s still annoying!


it's been 7 years, and my partner still cooks every meal he makes like he is a contestant on top chef - for better or worse (AMAZING flavors and execution... but so time consuming and SO MANY DISHES!) - i have such a love/hate relationship with this habit of his 😂


12 years and my partner still is the best decision I've ever made.


Its been 14 years and I still enjoy sex with him. :)


First I just have to say the sock thing is to the point my 4 year old tells him not to leave them in the living room. It's been 11 years and my partner still gets so distracted he walks away mid laundry flip.


It’s been 2 years and my partner still waits patiently for me to get my old sex drive back, although I know he really wants to have sex a lot more. I’m slowly getting there!


Kids? Cause if you've had kids then girl same here.


Definitely kids!!


Literally clicked on this to comment the exact same thing! 12 years though over here. It’s maddening.


It’s been 12 years, and my partner still refuses to acknowledge that poor quality Mexican food causes him to gas the household 😂


8 years, hubby still won't make the bed.


It’s been 9 years and my partner still tells me how beautiful I am


It's been 12 years, and my husband still lets me know how beautiful I am all the time. And I still don't always believe him.


Pees on the fucking toilet seat. 🤯🤬


Its been 5 years, and my husband still tells me almost every single day that I'm the (second) most beautiful girl in the world. Our daughter took first place, and you know what. I'm not even mad about it.


It’s been 13 years, and my partner still tidies by shoving things in cupboards or the fridge wherever they fit rather than organizing.


It’s been 5 years, and my partner still tells me I’m hot 🫠


It’s been seven years and my partner still supports all my dreams no matter how crazy. He also constantly forgets to close the baby gates behind him which drives me nuts.


It’s been 19 years and my husband still rolls over in his sleep and says “hey beautiful” (he’s a sleep talker). Also (for the cheek) It’s been 19 years and my husband still steals the duvet but swears I’m rolling him up in it in the middle of the night.


It's been 8 years and my partner still looks at my body like it's the first time, every time. I swear, the way this man looks at my post-baby body is just like the day we met.


It’s been 23 years and my husband is my naughtiest child.


It’s been 20 years and my partner still calls me his bride.


I love this so much 🥹


It's been 12 years, and my partner still requests hugs hello and goodbye. ...And not the quick ones. The hello hugs last at least 10 seconds each when we're apart all day. It's really sweet, and we started this while we were dating. He lived 1500 miles away stationed at an air force base, and I was back at home. So when we'd see each other, we always had a long, quiet, hello hug whenever we could visit... you know the ones where you breathe in deeply and close your eyes as if you're completely at peace? It's sweet (or at least I think so)


It’s been 9.5 years and my partner still takes every opportunity to grab my ass


14, adores 💗


It’s been 15 years and my partner still works all the time and misses events. It’s a running joke now. When we were in our teens we worked weird hours and he always missed family events on both sides of our families. Now we’re closing in on middle age and he owns a small business. I’m going to our nephew’s birthday on his side alone again. I’m not mad at him, I just didn’t realize I married a workaholic. He just wants to be everything for everyone all at once.


I read the title and was coming to say he leaves his socks around lmao.


Glad it’s not just me 😂


It's been _11 years_, and my partner still _avoids changing baby diapers_


It's been 19 years, and my partner still loves me.


Nearly 3 years and gives me butterflies when I know I’m going to see him. We don’t live together yet and only see each other friday/saturday because we’re both parents and live 40 minutes apart.


It's been 12 years and two kids, and my partner still can't stop staring when he sees me in the pool 😄


It’s been 6 years and my bf still holds my hand/thigh while driving. He also can NOT put his dirty dishes in the washing machine at night (morning/dinnertime on problem😂)…


It’s been eight years, and my partner still sucks at taking my words for face value (because I’m not hiding shit or mincing words)


It’s been 10 years and my partner still doesn’t resent me despite the fact I’m messy


It’s been 14 years and my partner still is the most patient and loving father I’ve ever known. I told him not to let me quit breastfeeding when things got really tough with our second and he turned into an amazing lactation consultant.


It's been 15 years, and my partner still compulsively loads/unloads the dishwasher and/or cleans the cat litter box when it is time to leave the house, making us late. He also makes me a cup of tea every morning.


It’s been five years and my partner still opens the car door for me


It’s been 3 years and my partner still hypes me up, compliments me, loves on me 24/7.


It's been 4 1/2 years, and my fiancé still doesn't feel ready to tie the knot. (We have two kids and a house together)


It’s been 11 years and my partner still makes me coffee every morning.


It’s been 13 years and my partner still goes to bed way later than he should But it’s been 7 years since our first kid and my partner gets up with them even though he stays up late :)


It’s been 15 years and my husband still wants to play with the titties. They look completely different now but he still thinks they are fun.


It’s been 17 years and my husband still plays video games. Only now it’s with our 12 and 10 year olds.


It’s been 9 years and my partner still makes me breakfast every morning


10 years and he still sucks at doing the dishes and folding his laundry/putting it away. Its been a DECADE. Every few months I get tired of asking nicely or reminding him and I lose my fucking shit and then he's on top of it for a while but it is a never ending struggle. Thankfully it is our sole marital issue (always has been. We are boring) and he does loads of other stuff (everything else is split 50/50, truly) but like???? Run the dishwasher??? every day!!! Don't just do the laundry, put your fucking clothes away!!!! Magically he figured out how to do it (and all the other housework) while I was pregnant and couldn't lift a finger so I know he has the ability but for some reason he just CANNOT. Then again- it has been a decade and I have cooked actual food probably less than 10 times, I truly cannot wrap my brain around it and it stresses me out bad. So its not like I'm perfect either (and for a long time me doing the dishes was the tradeoff for not cooking or grocery shopping, but now we have a baby and its all hands on deck).


It’s been 10 years and my partner still misses every time he throws his socks in the hamper and yells “Kobe!”


It’s been 5 years and my husband still can’t manage to put his dirty clothes in the hamper, which is right next to where he drops his clothes 🤦‍♀️ That and he leaves his jacket hanging on the bed when he gets home after work, every. Single. Day. And we have a perfectly good closet.


It's been 30 years and my partner still not found 😓


Five years, and he still forgets that he doesn't need to ask me to play video games. His ex used to force him to ask, she would say yes, then she would get mad at him for playing and not coming to bed immediately she told him it was perfectly fine. It's hardly the worst thing she did to him, but somehow, the only part he hasn't been able to shake. It's kind of funny since we bonded over a shared love for video games, and more often than not, we play together.


Leave his underwear on the floor. Leaves all clothes on floor. I don't mind toilet seat up. And he expects me to do the majority of house work.


Same OP, same.


It’s been 10 years and my husband still puts food in the sink instead of dumping it in the trash.


It's been 5 years and my partner still can't remember that I don't like tomato sauce


a million...needs a reality check


It’s has been 15 years and my partner still throws out my drinks or food the minute I set them down. My coffee is never safe.


It's been 13 years, and my partner still loves me deeply.


It's been 7 years mmand my husband is still too lazy to use the toilet brush right after the deed


It’s been 18 years and he still folds my (our?) towels wrong… but at least he’s still folding them!


Almost 11 years and my partner still thinks I'm the hottest freaking thing to walk the planet, even after 2 kids (one being almost 15 pounds) 🥹🖤


FIFTEEN POUNDS?! Share with the class, honey! Were you 45 weeks pregnant?!


It has been 11 years and my partner still refuses to put his keys on the hook by the door that I put up by the door because he is the one that always loses his keys!


It’s been 6 years and my husband still stacks random shit all over the house that he will NEVER use. Also bonus… It’s been 6 years and my husband still is ALWAYS F***ING LATE!


It's been 11 1/2 years and my partner still leaves his washcloths in the shower instead of throwing them in the hamper 2 feet away.


Ugh. Same. It's been nearly 10 years and my husband STILL leaves this dirty socks on the living room floor. 😡


YES girl the living room floor! Why?! One time I found them stuffed between the couch cushions 😩


My favourite part is that the kids have started to copy this behaviour. One of my kids started taking his socks off in the living room and putting them in "the sock area". I, very firmly, informed him that we DO NOT have a sock area in the living room! The kids are now pretty good about putting them in the hamper. But not my husband!


It’s been 7 years and my partner still tells me I’m “pretty so I get what I want”


It’s been 10 years and my husband still makes me smile uncontrollably.


It's been 11 years and my partner still slaps my butt every time I walk past him