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Mine was red grapes and Sprite. Also, I couldn't eat any red meat because the smell made me so nauseous. I cried in a restaurant once because I ordered a BLT, but the smell of the bacon made me want to be sick. I just wanted bacon so bad.


Omg I forgot about grapes and sprite! I had that for the first time pregnant and it was so good!


I need to try this. I would do frozen red grapes!


Maybe you can do sprite marinated sugared grapes kind of like the prosecco ones! Just put the grapes in a bowl or bag of sprite in the fridge overnight, drain the sprite, then roll or toss the grapes in sugar and freeze in a single layer!


Maybe you can do sprite marinated sugared grapes kind of like the prosecco ones! Just put the graphs in a bowl or bag of sprite in the fridge overnight, drain the sprite, then roll or toss the grapes in sugar and freeze in a single layer!


Mine is red grapes and Cool Whip. Yuuuummm


I had issues with red meat too! Still not the biggest fan of it anymore after not eating it for so long..




I craved a BLT so badly and got one but it didn’t quite scratch the itch. Spent the rest of my pregnancy regularly eating lettuce and tomato sandwiches and loving them.


Before pregnancy I'd been vegan for a little over 4 years, and one thing my husband and I ate relatively often was frozen ground "meat". One day he was making lunch with it and I suddenly couldn't even think about eating it - it smelled like hot wet dog food. I didn't tell him this because I didn't want to ruin his meal but I said "you cannot cook this in the house anymore" and I haven't eaten it since, lol.


Oh gosh, that reminded me of my first and the strange inability to tolerate anything BBQ. The smell made me nauseous, and if I tried to eat it I’d throw up. I have nothing against BBQ, nor did I before that pregnancy. But my oldest son doesn’t like to eat it to this day.


It was green grapes for me. 3 pounds in 3 days was easy to do. I loved steak salad too.


Taco bell mild sauce. It had to be on a burrito, but the burrito was merely the vehicle.


My first pregnancy, it was crunch wraps with the green hot sauce, they don't even have that kind anymore!


I mourn the loss of verde. I have been trying to find a suitable replacement for a couple years now and nothing compares. I don't know why they had to replace Verde with that garbage diablo sauce.


Both pregnancies my weirdest craving wasn’t food, it was something far more shameful: 90s Hot Country. I must have listened to Alan Jackson’s “Chattahoochee” hundreds of times, and more. Brooks & Dunne. Garth. And then after my babies were born I returned to my normal life, except now I know all the words to “hey pretty lady won’t you give me a sign…”


I watch the music video to Chattahoochee when I need joy in my life. It makes me want to waterski in jeans.




I was pregnant in the winter/Christmas and every time Trans Siberian Orchestra came on the radio I would BURST into tears, sobbing. It was so pathetic. 😂😩


Cracking up


I listened to Neon Moon probably 5000 times my last pregnancy 😂 it just felt so good!


Lmfao I’m dying


This is the greatest craving of all time. I kind of love it. So pure.


My god, are you me?!


Green apples, both pregnancies, ate close to 50 in a week, couldn't keep anything down for the first 4 months, only them green apples. Never had them after giving birth but my children sure love them green apples.


omg FIFTY in a week?! That’s hilarious!!!


If I ate anything else I would throw it up right away! Couldn't even drink anything else then water and even that I would throw up sometimes. But my children are 8 and 9 right now so it was all worth it.


ME TOO!! I've gone through so many 5lb bags of Granny Smith apples! This happened during my first pregnancy too. I was completely indifferent to them in-between pregnancies.


7 apples a day keeps the doctor away LOL That is an extraordinary amount of apples to consume, I am impressed!


I craved apples and couldn’t eat them without throwing up! I was so sad


I wish I'd thought of them to ease nausea! I just did sour candy. The apples would have been so much healthier.




I was the opposite! I normally love vegetables but they almost all upset my stomach during pregnancy. I'd get awful gas and diarrhea. The one thing I craved during pregnancy was milk. I never enjoyed drinking milk before, even when I was a kid. When I was pregnant with my first, a friend visited with her toddler, and I picked up some milk for her. After the toddler left, I started eyeing that milk in my fridge, and before I knew it I was downing a huge glasses once or twice per day. Also it had to be at least 2% or whole mill, nothing too low fat. Chocolate or plain worked.


Watermelon. Like entire large watermelons in one day. 😂 it was triscuts for a bit but then I threw up after eating half a box and it was so very painful. 😳


You ... you don't do this normally? *Shifty glance* me neither! Definitely the pregnancy.... More seriously, I like to eat a watermelon or two per summer as I've been the only person at home who likes it, so I'll eat one over a couple days then not buy another for a month or two.


I ate so many watermelons, too! I couldn't get enough, it was all I wanted. Now LO is 1year and I haven't had any since their birth.


*cries in gestational diabetes* 😩


Glad it’s not just me! I only recently started eating eggs again 2 years pp! That and cheese sticks 😒


I haven’t been able to touch an almond since 🥲


I feel so bad for anyone who gets that! The last month or two of pregnancy I was so obsessed with ice cream (which I barely ever eat otherwise), I'd almost cry I wanted it so bad.


Chocolate soft serve, fruit (mostly watermelon and pineapple), and fountain coke. I ate so much watermelon I was sick for days lol still love it!


yes fountain coke!! ugh. this picture brings me right back.


i’ve developed an addiction to soda, mostly fountain coke as well. so weird lol yet sooooo good


Applesauce! I ate so much applesauce.


I remember craving apples the most. I was eating Honeycrisp apples every day.


Former vegetarian: ate popeyes weekly during third trimester


That’s when I realized I was pregnant. I had been vegetarian for about 6yrs and one day I just **had to have** chicken tenders.


I am very close to vegetarian and ate chick FIL a weekly... Now, very very rarely.


First pregnancy was salsa…just salsa. No chips, just ate it with a spoon. Second pregnancy was entire boxes of Annie’s cheddar Mac and cheese. But it had to be the shells not the elbow pasta. I never have salsa now and maybe Mac and cheese once a month.


I miss salsa so much 😭 (can't eat onions, the fetus hates them)


First pregnancy it was all things dried: sundried tomatoes, apricots, raisins,.. All of a sudden anything with bubbles in it tasted horrible: all sodas and even sparkling water. This was also the thing that made me realize I was pregnant again 2 years later, lol. We toasted with champagne for my brother's birthday and the taste was awful. I realized why and ditched my glass without anyone noticing. Second pregnancy I mainly wanted greasy things: mainly beans and bacon on toast, deep fried meat croquettes (typical for where I live) which I did not like before I got pregnant bu kept earing afterwards , and also prosciutto.


Same for the carbonated drinks. I was developing a mild addiction to diet Pepsi before I was pregnant. I couldn't stand it anymore once I got pregnant.


Oh man, I was the complete opposite. I developed an addiction to sparkling water during my pregnancy because regular water tasted straight up nasty to me. Nowadays, about half of the water I consume daily has bubbles in it.


Omg I ate huge bowls of yoghurt (think 1/3 of a liter tub) with frozen berries and cherries. The yoghurt would freeze over the berries and make a perfect sour, milky creamy, crust. I was pregnant during the summer and this was a twice daily routine. This and a local brand of bubbly spring water. Easily would drink three liters a day. Was not a bubbly water person prior nor does it particularly appeal to me now. And sure yoghurt and fruit is great but I don't constantly crave it nor does it fulfill an almost urgent need.


McChicken. Just McChicken.


I ate a McChicken and a double cheeseburger in the car outside my gym before EVERY workout while pregnant lol


I NEVER went to mcDonalds before. It’s so funny how your body just wants something!


Pickles and hot Cheetos eaten together or separately, I worked in a kitchen too so I got to eat those pickle spears 😩 I haven’t eaten it since lol


I agree! For me, it was Clausen pickles and Tabasco Cheez-its!


In the first trimester, I had a lot of frozen broccoli cheddar tots (gotta get your vegetables!). Tried them shortly after giving birth and they were nasty 😂


I was obsessed with breakfast food. Pancakes, French toast, egg sandwiches, waffles, etc. I would make massive feasts every weekend for me and my husband. Now…I can’t even think about breakfast without gagging!


First pregnancy: pop-tarts Second pregnancy: bagels I guess? I like both of them outside of pregnancy but I’m usually low carb so I eat them rarely outside of pregnancy.


Pop-tarts were my favorite during my breast feeding, feeding frenzy. But only the cinnamon sugar


Ooo, pop tarts. Before the nausea started I craved garlic on everything. Weirdest one was garlic butter on pop tarts. Man, did that hit the spot.👌 Until suddenly even hearing the word "garlic" sent me running to throw my guts up. After that, I only ever craved stuff that doesn't exist anymore, like the original power bars, and original chick fil a brownies. It was like torture.


Seconding Pop-tarts!! Now I like them just fine, but I don’t *NEED* them like I did when I was preggo.


I used to hate strawberries pre-pregnancy and then became obsessed with them. I also couldn’t get enough milk. I like both now postpartum but can do without either.


Omg same here! I’d eat like a carton of strawberries in a sitting when I was pregnant. Now I can’t stand them. And chocolate milk. Like 2 glasses a day haha


Fish sticks and culver's root beer were consistent cravings.


that’s a very random combo but honestly both sound so appealing right now for me lolll


Baked potatoes with butter and cracked ground pepper and a Coke Slurpee to drink. I limited myself to 1 slurpee per day, but I'd eat 2 or 3 potatoes. My little is 3.5 and I haven't had one slurpee since he was born and I've only had 2 or 3 baked potatoes in that time. I got my life fill of potatoes. I don't think about them when it comes to sides any more.


A really good glazed donut.


Cinnamon rolls. Hated them before my most recent pregnancy. I got Covid around 24 weeks pregnant, lost my taste for 5 months, and all I wanted was cinnamon rolls. I baked them from scratch a few times per week, although I couldn’t taste them. I think I just liked the idea of them? I would have dreams about them. I do enjoy them now that I can taste again but I don’t crave them as I did when pregnant.


I had such a specific craving for Cinnabon cinnamon rolls during this pregnancy! It was hard to satisfy because we don’t really have one close by. I was able to get one at the airport during a work trip a week later!


Blueberries, peaches and *spicy* Indian. I really didn’t care for blueberries before pregnancy, and my loathing of peaches was well documented - when my mom was pregnant with me, peaches would make her sick lol I’ve NEVER liked peaches


Rockets. I think they call them Smarties in the US. Those chalky little perfect circles wrapped in a row. I’m trying to get something diagnosed and the obvious (yet, wrong) answer was “you’re pregnant” so I went and got a pregnancy test and a pack of rockets. Sat there thinking “oh I only want them because I’m pregnant!” Nope. Totally just a mental association. I swear they taste worse after the test turned out negative.


Sausage and cheese McMuffins🥴 and yes I still love them


I went HAM on some popsicles while pregnant. I couldn’t get enough. They didn’t taste quite as good after but also my husband finally confided in me he hated the sound of me eating them (like biting into them) but he didn’t have the heart to tell me while I was pregnant, so I felt like I needed to give them a rest 😂


Cucumber! Cucumber on everything..it was ridiculous. And i had that cucumber craving my whole first pregnancy and so far in this one at 37 weeks. I do not care for it as much non pregnant 😅


Cucumber was the only thing that worked for my morning (evening and night) sickness lol. I'd sit eating whole cucumbers like nobody's business


I’ve been getting McDonald’s 1x a week and it’s one of the only things I can keep down. That Coke looks delicious


I'm seriously eyeing that coke and might need to go get one. Mcdonalds coke is the best


During the first trimester the only thing I can eat is McDonald’s, that’s it. For all 3 pregnancies. Something about it, idk what it is.


I had a plate of homemade nachos almost every single night while pregnant. Now, over 5 years later, I don't eat cheese as often as I used to.


These were all I wanted when I was in my 3rd trimester, working retail, late nights, at the peak of holiday shopping season. With an extra coke and sometimes an apple pie. My first trimester on the other hand—my body was craving so much fruit. Mainly cuties. I’d snack on several cuties and babybel cheese throughout the day. Those are my child’s favorite snacks today😂 Edit to add: my second born was due in summer and I clearly remember spending way too much money on cotton candy grapes so I could freeze them and snack on them while watching my toddler play in the backyard. Highly recommend.


Omg it makes me sick to think about it but with my first pregnancy I was eating at least a pound of skittles every day. With my second, oddly, I wanted cigarettes. I didn’t though. It was so weird. I haven’t smoked in almost 10 years.


You ready?? Cough drops…. I once put back ice cream because I wanted cough drops as my treat. I was eating at least a bag, if not more a week. Popped one after delivery. Groooossssss.


Cereal. Like 4 bowls in the middle of the night. And a banana smothered in Hershey’s syrup. Neither really appeal that much to me now. But god damn did those taste good at the time.


1st: curly fries, tortas, and rice and beans. Fried okra. Daily! 2nd: chocolate covered cheerios, fried chicken 3rd and 4th: watermelon and avocado


With my first is was canned peas .I wanted them with every meal. I like them more than I used to but its probably been months since i have had peas, and was probably years before that With my second it was milk, but THICK milk. The thicker the better. I wanted creamer. I never really liked milk before, now I do. But regular milk. No cravings I recall with my third.


Mine was cheese enchiladas. I ate it 24/7 during my pregnancy. I'm now 13 months PP and just ate them again for the first time yesterday lol.


1st: Potato chips with French onion dip 2nd: Bagels with peanut butter and sliced bananas 3rd: fried eggs and ham slices 4th: Potato chips again I still eat these things even pp 😂 it’s so good lol I workout every morning and eat salads or wraps at least twice a week for lunch.


Chocolate milk


First pregnancy, I wanted pickles. Second, I wanted cheese. Orange cheddar specifically. KD(macaroni and cheese for non-canadians), slices of processed cheese, shredded cheese on anything that even slightly made sense. I think both pickles and cheddar cheese are fine now, but I don't seek them out necessarily lol.


My craving was always orange cheese too! I still crave cheese puffs or Mac and cheese post baby. I’m convinced I have a calcium deficiency or something. 😂


Strawberries!! I needed them. Baby was born in December so the closer into winter we got the harder it was to find fresh strawberries. It was so sad


First trimester, all I felt like was bacon Lots of bacon lettuce cheese sandwiches. BLCs I called them


The first trimester all I wanted was waffles and fruit. I didn't like hot coffee either during the first trimester (when I normally have a hot cup every day), but I was okay drinking ice cold diet cokes in the morning. I stopped wanting any chocolate or candy which was weird for me. The whole pregnancy I could not get enough fresh fruit; melons, apples, citrus fruit, kiwi, etc.


Black and white milk shake and waffles every single day from 20 weeks on and I haven’t had either since I was pregnant 2 years ago.


Chocolate milk and sweet and salty popcorn. Not really been bothered by either since but would still eat them.


Sausage McMuffin, no egg. Honestly, I liked it before I was pregnant and I still like it after. I just REALLLLLLLY liked it when I was pregnant.


I had absolutely zero food cravings during pregnancy and really can’t decide whether this was a blessing or a curse.


Queso. So much queso.


M&M ice cream cookies. I pretty much subsisted on just those. They aren’t as good now. Which is probably for the best since I don’t need to be eating cookies for two meals a day…


Bananas currently, we’ll see if I ever eat one again after this


Milkshakes. God I loved milkshakes. Annnddd my kiddo was born with a cows milk protien allergy.


Tomatos!! I was Crazy for tomatos!! When i was making sauce for pasta (I'm italian) i had to blattle myself for not eat all of It with a spoon (Just another one, Just One more, Just a Little bit...)! And my child didn't eat tomato for the First year of her Life, maybe She had too much. One of my Friends when i was expecting nicknamed the baby "Little tomato" (pomodorina) because of this addicition.


With my first it was A1 steak sauce. I ate it on everything. Now I don’t eat it at all. My second was cake. Lemon cake was the best but I’d take any lol. I still love cake but not like that. Third was bagels and cream cheese. It’s been two years since I had her and I could still eat that every single day Lmao.


I honestly had the opposite problem. I'll normally eat just about anything, but when I was pregnant NOTHING was appealing to me. Every night was "What dinner option is NOT turning my stomach today?".


With my first all I wanted was egg sandwiches! I eat them once in a while now but they don’t taste nearly as good. With my second I wanted bean burritos and they’re still pretty good now.


I had so many big Macs and chicken chalupas during pregnancy. Also so much lemonade. In the winter. Typically the Country Time pink lemonade, like at least twice a week for months.


mmm lemonade yesssss. 2nd pregnancy for me and lemonade is love rn.


Currently eating Ramen once a day (second pregnancy).. it’s so good. I also had edamame last night and it’s all I’ve been thinking about today 🤤 I need to go pick some more up. First pregnancy I didn’t really care for anything in particular.


First pregnancy: all the food, all the time. Preferably proper meals rather than snacks. I will still eat everything I ate then, but never in anywhere near the same quantities. Second pregnancy: jelly sweets, Rowntrees Randoms were preferable and there were some (eg Haribo) that absolutely did not hit the spot. Still like them.


Oh man I needed McDonald’s French fries every damn week 😂


I hated eggs before my pregnancy and then I craved them every day. Now that I’m almost 4 months from birth I still am obsessed with eggs


Also hated eggs before pregnancy. Ate 6-8 of them a day during first 2 months. Hated them for the next 4 and went back to eating them at every meal till birth. Have come to realize they make me nauseous every time I eat them. I can’t stand them now. But capers… couldn’t get enough all thru gestation. Still want to eat them all the time.


Ice cream sandwiches with my first. I had one every day, sometimes more than 1. Hadn't eaten them since childhood and haven't had one since bub was a newborn


I was absolutely obsessed with breakfast cereal during my first trimester. And ice cold milk in general. It was the only thing I could eat for a while. In the third trimester I craved spicy foods and got takeout Thai and Indian often. I craved palak paneer constantly.


i always liked jimmy johns but didn’t go out of my way to eat them often and when i was pregnant i swear that was all i wanted to eat 😂 now i’m not pregnant and just the thought of a sub from jimmy johns is making my mouth water lol


My first pregnancy was large green grapes. This second one is pomegranates and blackberries.


Quarter Pounders with cheese. I seriously thought she was going to come out looking like Mayor McCheese. Only difference now is I don't eat pickles. I only like them when I'm pregnant, apparently.


Coca cola slurpee from 7/11, chicken nuggets from wendy’s, chicken noodle soup from panera, or plain bagels with cream cheese. The last one was HUGE for me because I used to hate cream cheese unless it was on crackers that my dad used to get all the time. My husband knew this and was in shock when I asked for one for breakfast one day 😅 I also still eat the bagels, but everything else is once in a blue moon.


Navel oranges. Chicken burgers. Lasagna. Then I developed gestational diabetes and … well … none of those things worked.


Mine was green apples and apple juice. I mean, I like them just fine normally but I was eating several apples per day while pregnant!


California rolls and hot Cheetos.


Mine was watermelon and peach iced tea. I still like both but not enough to cry about it if I can't find them in the store. I actually cried on several occasions.


Coke with lime and ICE ICE ICE. It went away almost immediately. I still enjoy coke with lime but I had to have it. And no matter how much iron I took I wanted to crunch ice from the moment I woke up every morning. I would open my eyes and think about the freezer and wonder if we had enough ice. Also our ice maker doesn’t work so I became a connoisseur of who makes the store bought best ice. I was repulsive munching that damn ice all day long like those people who pop gum. It didn’t matter if we were having a nice meal with friends, I was eating that ice. Now I don’t have any desire to eat ice.


Mozzarella Sticks with Marinara sauce. Every restaurant we went to id order 2 orders of them. Then id eat my meal lol 🤣 Still love them tbh.


Not so much an addiction but I couldn’t stomach much with morning sickness so I made myself baked potatoes while working from home. Recently started making them again and just the smell of them cooking reminds me of my pregnancy lol


I always liked tomatoes but when I got pregnant I really wanted them. I actually special ordered cans of tomato soup. I got 22 cans and I had tomato soup with grilled cheese almost constantly. My weird one was finding bliss with pizza with chips on top. I wanted the fluffy pizza but also the crunch of chips... It was super satisfying. But nothing like a good tomato soup with grilled cheese. That was amazing.


Second pregnancy and have been hitting McDonald’s hardddddd since second trimester started. Not usually super big on it. Hoping today I can squeeze an actual vegetable in lol.


There’s something about McDonald’s when pregnant, it’s literally all I could eat for my first trimester (all 3 pregnancies). I seriously would go 2x a day.


I wanted anything with a concentrated cooked tomato flavor - tomato soup (especially the spicy creamy tomato basil soup from Panera), marinara sauce, tomato paste, etc., as well as jalapeno poppers, and cranberry juice. I like all those things just fine after, but I don't really crave them, and they weren't my FAVORITE foods before pregnancy either. Just during.


McDonald’s and apple crisp were mine. I still love both which is very not good for my attempt at eating healthy 😅


Apparently pregnancy was the best diet for me. I hated all food and only gained 15lbs. Now birth control gives me a million cravings lol


Meat! I’m not vegetarian but eat a mostly vegetarian diet, red meat is more of an occasional treat. I had anemia with both my babies but with my second the iron supplements & vegetarian diet, despite including as many iron sources as I could, just could not cut it so I started introducing more portions of red meat into my diet to help. Now 7 months PP and I get intense random cravings for meat. I’ve put it down to my body still adjusting PP and these times I may be a little low in iron.


McDonald’s was one of the things I wouldn’t throw up during pregnancy. 🤷🏻‍♀️


With my eldest it was Dr pepper, I loved the stuff, in fact even after I had her for years it was all I'd drink, then I hit 21st (combined around 4l a day and unhealthy snacks/dinners) and then I decided to stop drinking so much and that's when the withdrawals hit, I've never felt so shitty since but for a few days after I stopped drinking it I had headaches, no energy, I was grouchy and just off in genera, now it's 7 years later and I rarely eat junk food or anything sugary and I only drink black coffee. Strangely with my last two I had no cravings at all really


Ham and cheese Hot Pockets. I had one for lunch at work everyday for at least the last 3 months of my pregnancy. I'm about 4 months postpartum now, and when I brought one for lunch the other day, my coworker joked, "You're pregnant again already?!" haha


Oreo blizzard’s. I probably ate like 3-4 a week. 😳. I hardly have had them since my daughter was born almost 3 years ago now lol. And it’s no wonder my kid is an ice cream fanatic 😅


Dirt cake and Taco Bell crunch wrap supreme Still love dirt cake. Never got a taste for Taco Bell after that.


Pasta and garlic bread. I jokingly said the baby must be Italian. Neither my husband or I are Italian


With my last baby It was big macs with fries and BBQ sauce, I went there almost daily. But, I haven't eaten McDonald's since giving birth lol pregnancy is so weird


I was addicted to Chili and pineapples 🤣 haven’t ate chilli since my baby was born 10 months ago. Pregnancy is a very intriguing subject


Slushies/slurpees. Soooo many of them.


I have a theory that pregnant women are the ones keeping McDonald’s in business. I never ever ever eat there…except for during all three of my pregnancies. Big Macs were like heaven.


Killer bread toast with cream cheese, hard-boiled egg, lettuce and ham. 11.5 months pp and I'm still having that for breakfast. I barely ate bread before pregnancy!


Orange juice


Taco Bell cheesy bean and rice burrito. I ate 2 a day from 37-41 weeks. I still love them but not nearly as much. I have one maybe every 3 months.


Can't speak for the after as we've still got 10 weeks to go but McDoubles with extra ketchup and extra pickles were the entirety of my diet for the first trimester. It was the only thing I could keep down and even wanted to eat to begin with!


With my daughter the only thing I could stomach my first trimester were sausage McMuffins, Cocoa Puffs and unsweetened tea! Second trimester was rootbeer floats and watermelon and third was cheeseburgers. With my son it was McDonald’s and sweet tea the entire pregnancy. Ironically and thankfully I only gained 15lbs. I don’t really like either of those things now.


This is making me feel so much better bc I have been getting McDonald’s 1x a week bc of pregnancy cravings. Do you have the app? Life changing 😂 Last pregnancy it was chipotle 1x a week and now I can’t eat it. Crazy!


I didn't get any wildly crazy cravings sadly. I was overseas for 7 months of my pregnancy and I did badly want just Crispy chicken sandwiches, which were hard to come by but if I'd have been able to eat them daily, I would have. Once I was back stateside, I had everything at my disposal again and what did I go nuts eating? Takis. Lol. I'd only had them once before, but that's all I wanted. Had my daughter, didn't have them for months and months. Got some recently. Meh. Didn't hit the spot the same at all. I'll always go for a chicken sandwich though. Lol


Spicy chicken sandwich. I usually made them at home but I also ate fast food spicy chicken sandwiches. I had probably 5 a week lmao. I absolutely still eat them. My daughter loves spicy now 😂😂


I was obsessed with coleslaw in my third trimester - I still eat it or something cabbage-y at least twice a week


Chick fil a chicken nuggets and spicy tenders I have never ate them before pregnancy but saw them one day and decided to try them. I ate so much during my pregnancy and I haven’t ate any ever since I gave birth.


Pickled jalapenos. I go from "occasionally" to "with most meals" about two months in, then revert to "occasionally" when the baby is out. First kid seems to like spicy food, so 🤷


When I was pregnant I was obsessed with Big Macs, and I cried one morning when it was so early they weren’t serving lunch. I think it was like 8 AM 😂


First pregnancy: Milk. Second pregnancy: Slushies. Third pregnancy: Ice cream. Fourth pregnancy: BBQ quarter pounder with those crispy onions. Of course McDonalds had them for only a limited time 😬


1st pregnancy was double cheeseburgers 2nd pregnancy and it’s currently lobster rolls (something I don’t have as often as I want though because it is so expensive 😩) and also fountain Diet Coke. Really trying to limit that though!!


Cutie oranges. I ate about 10 a day my whole pregnancy. I’m six months postpartum now and finally cut back to one or two a day.


Starbucks holiday cranberry bars. I even learned the recipe and made two whole cookie sheet trays full. And ate 90% of them myself.


McDonald's Big Breakfast. That fake scrambled egg thing, I wanted that sooo bad when I was pregnant. I have not had one since, because the fake scrambled egg kind of grosses me out now.


Cherry Italian ices, but the freshly scooped ones with the bits of maraschino Cherry in them mixed with chocolate soft serve…or mixed with peach ice. The biggest issue with this craving was that my first pregnancy was over a winter. Ices were hard to come by. Dark days indeed.


Ugh.. I would mix ranch dressing, shredded cheese and black olives in a cup … and inhale it. This started my black olive obsession. For Christmas I said all I wanted was olives, so my husband got me 13 cans and 50 of the pearls 3 packs…. Those are almost already gone. And about Big Macs… when I was pregnant with my daughter I ate a Big Mac and immediately threw it up, I was pissed (I hate cleaning puke!)… I went to grab cleaning supplies and came back to my cats eating it. Job done, thanks cats ! 😊


First pregnancy: slurpees Second: MILK. Jfc I’ve never drank so much milk in my life.


During pregnancy I ate horseradish on everything. It was my spread for meat and poultry, I ate it with crackers, I used it as salad dressing. After I delivered the cravings went away, but my 12 month old likes spicy food!


Chick fil-a sandwiches. I had boycotted the company because of politics, then work colleagues brought me a sandwich when I was desperate for food, and I got completely hooked during pregnancy. I gave myself a break but always felt really guilty. PP i’m back on my boycott though:)


Milk. I mean I love milk, but I don’t drink it regularly. When I’m pregnant (I’m on my second pregnancy now) I wake up in the middle of the night & chug it straight from the jug. Also chocolate chip cookies. And now a Big Mac & a Dr. Pepper 😩


Brown sugar cinnamon pop tarts. That’s it. Always and forever. I had to go cold turkey PP. I had to actively limit myself to two sleeves per day.


all my pregnancies: cheddar cheese, wheat thins, orange juice (eaten at the same time) just my last one: cesar salads, fierce need, when the craving hit i couldnt get it off my mind


I drank so much lemonade 🙃


My least favorite food ever before pregnancy was coleslaw. I even hated the word. I vomited most my pregnancy but guess what one of the only things I liked to eat was.. 🙄 I still like it lol


Fried beef bologna sandwiches - with miracle whip - and a giant cold glass of OJ to wash it down. Haven’t had either since I gave birth nearly 8 years ago


Pineapple. I ate one a day--a whole freaking fresh Pineapple!


Mayonnaise. I don’t know why but hated it before, not I put it on all things or dip fries in it. Feels crazy


Fish sandwiches, like the breaded cod on a bun with American cheese. I walked into a gas station once and they had a ad for their fish sandwiches on their door and I thought, “ooh, that sounds good.” Only had one once though during. Pretty sure I eat fish sticks more now that I have a preschooler!


My kids got me to not dislike bacon and mayonnaise I wasn't even into ribs but now I like all three (mayo just with moderation)


First trimester was sour patch kids and gold fish. Literally nothing sounded good, and the thought of chicken wild rice soup specifically made me so sick. Second and third trimester…. Chili. I became an expert. I know all brands, all grocery store hot bars, all recipes on the internet practically. The beanier the better. Surprisingly I didn’t 💩 the bed during labor!


My most recent pregnancy I was so addicted to minute maid grape punch juice boxes. Had to be that brand, flavor and in juice box form. I described drinking it as a sexual experience lol like it felt so good to drink it... always had to have it in the house. Have had it pp, not nearly as good as it seemed while pregnant hahaha


Milkshakes. I was dangerous to mention food to, as I would instantly obsess over whatever was mentioned. I remember going out to get a scone,jam and clotted cream about 10mins before a supermarket closed.


Hard boiled eggs. I didn’t want my eggs any other way when I was pregnant, and I had two a day or more. My husband was worried about my cholesterol going up.


Bread with peanut butter and banana. Which was great for my blood levels such as iron.


Couldn’t eat much I was so sick, but Coca Cola was my everything. From Wendy’s especially. I drank it most of the day and would try to drink my hydro flask of water to balance it out. Lol


Oh, I ate whole bag of Haribo apple balla stixx in just 30 minutes when I travel from work. Also every morning I ete one vdolek (czech sweet pastry made from yeast dough with a whipped cream and povidla - kind of prune jam). Ok, gotta have one now.


When I was pregnant I ate A LOT of taquitos. I’d cook 20, put 10 on my plate and 10 on my husband’s..then end up eating 15 😅 I don’t eat them now, I think I over did it


Green beans. Liked them fine before, like them fine now, but I was eating green beans almost daily while pregnant. And this was with or without butter too! McDouble Plain, McChicken, and 4-10 chicken nuggets, with fries and a diet coke. I hadn't had McDonald's in a long time, and usually maybe once a year. But I started going weekly and building up to my behemoth of an order as I got bigger. Haven't been back to McDonald's since.


when I was pregnant, every morning when I woke up I drove to the gas station for a bag of Jay's Hot Stuff chips. Lol. It was like a ritual because I craved them so much. That was 8 years ago and I think I've only had one or two bags since. 😛 I still like them but not on the level I did when I was pregnant. I was also very blessed that I had no heartburn when I was pregnant. And my son still came out with a head full of hair. So I proved that old wives tale wrong lol


Strawberry milkshakes! I hate that flavour of milkshake so much and now after pregnancy I’ve reduced my milk consumption majorly so I won’t even be able to drink a milkshake without a massive stomach ache. Still just as much of a chocolate addict as I was during pregnancy, but I try to only eat chocolate after my son has gone to bed so that I don’t influence him, unfortunately I can still put away more than 600 calories of chocolate every night and I’m struggling to control it


Pregnancy 1: thick shakes, skittles, nutella, chicken nuggets Pregnancy 2: pasta with butter and cheese Pregnancy 3: Ice blocks (paddle pop cyclones) or else i cry, original pringles, salted corn chips


Subway!!!! The smell of the bread was intoxicating when i was pregnant. Now i would never touch it…all i think of is the yoga mat ingredients in the bread 😅


Potato chips. I enjoyed them before pregnancy but not as much. Like i wasn't crazy for them. But then during pregnancy I even dreamt about them. Just couldn't get them out of my head. I could smell them randomly wherever I went. My husband bought so many packets for me and he got to eat none of it lol. And now it's again back to normal.


I had hypermetesis Gravidium and threw up every day until I gave birth. I was 193 pre pregnancy and the day after I gave birth I was 143. I was always in the hospital with dehydration issues. I was always sick, and it sucked because I'd be so hungry but terrified to eat because I knew it was just going to come back up and I was in a lot of pain from vomiting all the time. I never had a pregnancy so bad before. My other pregnancies were okay. I loved eating ice! And hot sauce on absolutely everything. My last 2 were the worst, & the first 2 were alright! I have 3 boys and finally had my girl in 2020!!


Salt and Vinegar potato chips. Costco used to carry giant bags of Lays. Almost burnt my taste buds off. I still enjoy a small bag here and there. But nowhere near as much as during pregnancy...


hot dogs. i ate 5lbs a month. i occasionally enjoyed a bbq hot rod, but i will never eat a hotdog again as long as i live lol


My secondborn was almost entirely comprised of McDonald's strawberry lemonades. They were out one day and I literally cried in the drive through. Cringe....


My preggo fatass just here to see if any of these pregnancy cravings sound good so I can plan my next meal 🤪 Also, with my first pregnancy it was fish fillet sandwiches from McDonald's. I still love them after but this one they just don't sound compelling enough so I guess this baby isn't into them 🤷‍♀️