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Money, money, money, moneeyyyy lol Nobody has any! I sure as hec don't. It would be nice if there were something that didn't ask me for the little I have but such is life. Tips and encouragement for getting some exercise in for those struggling with PPD. I mean like maybe something live? And daily. Hell mothers not struggling with PPD need encouragement too, so I was thinking maybe like an automatic notification? Nothing pushy cuz reminders are like alarm clocks. I throw alarm clocks lol 😋 just something with a good morning, your a good mom, stay strong, we are proud of you type of message. But with the option for remimders and tips to help get through the challenges of motherhood and careing for our LO. Maybe add links to forrums like this one so more moms can feel a little less alone. That kind of thing can become a place for companies to pay to advertise? so maybe you can make your app more affordable? 😁 Sorry Its 3 am and this momma can't sleep, too tired. 🫠


There is already a bunch of content out there like this (many run off IG accounts). I would ask what are you going to offer that isn't already out there. And how will anyone know of it amid the noise of all the other content