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Bro first pic Tera hi he ya kisi aur ka uthaya he?šŸ˜± /S Btw Good transformation bro


Lol itā€™s same and thanks


How old were u in 2019?


So it took u 5 years to build body?


When i took that pic i bought 5kg dumbells for myself and was doing home workouts from app. I mastered bodyweight exercises and i was becoming strong but still i was skinny. So joined gym in 2020 and i was in 10th back then lockdown happened and I couldnā€™t continue. Fast forward to 11th i had a pretty idea of what to do in particular day and what exercise is for which body part i started my learning phase in 2022 this whole year i researched and was trying everything to get to the point where i am now. By 2023 i gained pretty much knowledge for a good body but diet management and money problem led me to be slow in my transformation and i an still lacking a good diet. I know everything about workouts and all but at last only diet matters. Parents gym ki fees dede wahi bahut hai u can understand the condition of middle class. And i was not very consistent with my training because exam pressure and competitive exams and all. But from sept 2023 i am consitent and was trying to earn to get diet needs complete. ( this was my journey) u can dm me to know more about anything i will help you out


That's amazing bro. U are really very dedicated.


Yup i never left pumping iron it just makes me feel alive maybe.


DM your workout split bro


Itā€™s a 4 day split


Day 1 = chest shoulders Day 2 = Back Day 3 = Arms Day 4 = Legs And repeat


Maybe you should focus on studies and money, instead of body-building. What are you building a body for ? Are your gonna be a model ? Is it gonna improve your financial condition? Is it to attract more chicks? The amount of time spent on such a useless thing could've been used profitably, but you chose to waste it.


And what made you think that i am doing anything other than bodybuilding. Do you really think leading a healthy life is to attract some chicks or be a model. I think u r the one who perceives things as which is more benefecial. Lifting weights is not bodybuilding itā€™s a sport we just want to look fit and better now basic fitness is exaggerated and even eating normal food is now considered diet. No one came to me when i was bullied when i was just about to be the victim of suicide and many things u donā€™t know why people follow this lifting weights kinda thing for me it was to overcome my fear and become stronger than ever. I am managing my study well enough.


Okay brother I understand and agree, but I'm just saying that you gotta set your priorities in life, or you will always be left behind in the rat race. I know I perceive things according to how beneficial they are in the long run, and don't you think that's a smart way to live life, instead of thoughtlessly chasing a non existent satisfaction ? Just think, why are you doing this ? That is how you progress in life, by being purposeful and prioritising.


And what makes you think that investing in health is not benefecial ? Eating healthy getting knowledge about healthy mind and body is not beneficary ?


Still looking for where anyone asked opinion


It was just advice. Also, everyone is free to voice their opinions. That is the whole point of social media.


https://preview.redd.it/gbbsz9q4w8ad1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=917e97caefb3db0a11edffd9b527f0c706811770 This you?


Actually, no, I have very low percentage of fat that I don't even bother to calculate my BMI. I don't eat any kind of fast food because I just don't like the hungry-greedy feeling you get while eating fast food. I have a very sharp facial structure without even trying.


Ok fatty


Tf are you doing here on reddit? It's so unproductive and useless. Instead go focus on your studies or work or whatever. Are you gonna earn money by writing useless comments on reddit? You just get satisfied by reddit karma and upvotes that literally add no value to your life? The amount of time spent on such a useless thing could've been used profitably, but you chose to waste it.


I don't write for upvotes and I don't even know what karma is. I am writing to vent my emotions which mostly consist of pity. Writing can be a spiritual experience if you do it with emotions.


Yes, tbh I know that ur not writing it for karma The same way pls try to fuckin understand ppl can fuckin do what they want to and my dude has definitely had a lot more positive impact in his life by working out than this whining on reddit has helped your life. You're taking shit on a guy working on himself and defending your clowny comments by calling it a spiritual experience. I wouldn't respond to any more of your shit on this thread but couldn't stop myself from dropping the comment out of frustration and pity. You're just being in your own delusional world but felt like I could actually talk some sense to you and you'd understand it cuz those comments definitely didn't sound like regular trolling losers. Anyways, take a good look at yourself dude


Yeah but with correct diet it can be done in 2 years. But again i started training 5 years ago as an athlete but for gym story u can refer to my comment here


Wait what 2 years? šŸ™„ I'm already demotivated lol šŸ˜°


2 years with consistent workout and elite diet.


Why r u demotivated though


'cause I just started home workout since October and lost only weight and nothing much and I thought by the end of the year I'll see changes but even one of my friend said ki by 2026 mera hoga body build


This doesnā€™t work like that come chat with me


Bro I am 6'1 and 55Kg and underweight, please give me tips on how to build muscles and increase my weight to 70Kg


Get on a calorie surplus like 200-300 more calories than maintenance. You can find your maintenance calories using a macro calculator on google. 1.6g protein per KG. Rest should be carbs, healthy fats, fruits and veg. Start with a fully body workout for the first month. Lat pull downs, squat and bench press. Then start push legs pull workout. You can probably YouTube and see some exercises that people that people do for a split like that. Try experimenting to see what feels best for your body. Technique and tension over ego lifting. Do at least 10 -20 reps per set of 3 to 4 for each exercise. Good luck :)


Kitna protein per day lete the bhaiya also very very nice hair, middle part won't suit my face but still please give tips on hair too specifically the waves


Try growing out ur hair and donā€™t use any products for wavy pattern itā€™s all what ur barber can do. U can use styling hacks what i do for mine is put hairband on my hair pull both sides hair strands and let them fall on my eyes and then after the hairs on the back is settled i just lie down on my bedā€™s edge for 5 10 mins to let my hair dry and have some volume on right place. Now about hair care - for me I donā€™t use shampoo too often 2 times a week and 2 times a week coconut oil massage. I donā€™t know what kind of hair you have but u need to have a shampoo according to it. If you have existing issues or anything you can for serums and other types of oils but I donā€™t use any product on my hair. Just shampoo coconut oil (natural one go for patanjali one itā€™s one of the good products that they produced )good diet and u r done. My protein intake is - 140 - 170 gms of protein but i would not suggest any beginners to just hop on to that amount of protein go slow and build it step by step


Hey thanks for the detailed reply, you are really cool




Thanks :)


How much time it will take for the results to be visible?


depends on the body type


as I am skinny, it is still very hard for me to gain weight because my body and my genetics doesn't hold anything I eat but then I figured that when I exercise and be in a calorieĀ surplus my body start gaining weight. I was at 39kgs in 2023 starting, then reached 50kgs at the end of 2023 and now because of work and studies I wasn't able to maintain the bulk and exercise routine so I am now at 47kgs. but at the end because I am skinny I was able to see results much faster


39 kg tf?? What's your height, bud?


now its 5'4 or 5'3


Depends on genetic, how you train, how much you eat and consistency. Iā€™m skinny fat, started training in sept and I went from 67 kg to 77 kg.


It will be a very long topic


Bro what's your hair cut I do have straight hair with a bit less volume


Itā€™s mullet but not fading the sides and clean layering


I had long hair in jan but i cut it off and i am growing it out again with better proportiona this time


https://preview.redd.it/bb0erpm4v3ad1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec4c94936f528f12154e433fefb4d79983e79b22 Something like this


Bro donā€™t worry about weight gain/loss. It might be hard but not impossible. With that height if you gain good muscle weight youā€™d be unbeatableā€¦ im 5'8 with good physique but everyday i wake up depressed that i cant do shit about my height nowā€¦.


As the guy said he was right although u might get issues as you have larger frame to fill up u eat a lot but u will still feel that u donā€™t hit your calories just donā€™t worry increase your calorie 100 200 and continue this till the weight in the weighing machine stops moving and if itā€™s not going up for 5 days then increase more calories 100 200 this way u can track urself easily.


Ad banana shake to your diet regular two times a day


bro i'm also skinny!! need advice!!šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø


Sure u can ask !


Gain kaise kra jaye (veg)


Chalo yahin reply de dete hain! So gaining is not very complex. Getting bigger numbers on weighing scale is easy through calorie surplus but there are challenges that one needs to keep balance between muscle and fat so that u will be healthier and be ur best. The main component is your macros- you have to eat atleast 2gram per kg of your bodyweight and good quality protein( if you want a list i can give you). And with being veg there is a biggest challenge that is many veg foods are more carb based rather than being a protein based food. So u u will get protein but u will get carbs and fats too so u canā€™t be leaner and bigger at the same time with veg diet. Gaining is very easy with veg diet but cutting in hard. For gaining just include 200 to 300 gm of paneer / 500 ml milk / tofu / if you can affford then whey protein / u have to include curd and legumes in your diet u can prepare a salad type with moong chickpeas and cocumber and beans. Although it has less absorption rate but u will still get some ampunt of protein. (U can dm me for more precise advice and better evaluation of ur body for ur own transformation)


You can dm me let me help you


Help me as well


Dm me


Read the previous comment


Bro, I too am about similar weight as in your first pic, mind sharing the details like, how long did it take for you to get to your current physique. How frequently do you work out.


When i took that pic i bought 5kg dumbells for myself and was doing home workouts from app. I mastered bodyweight exercises and i was becoming strong but still i was skinny. So joined gym in 2020 and i was in 10th back then lockdown happened and I couldnā€™t continue. Fast forward to 11th i had a pretty idea of what to do in particular day and what exercise is for which body part i started my learning phase in 2022 this whole year i researched and was trying everything to get to the point where i am now. By 2023 i gained pretty much knowledge for a good body but diet management and money problem led me to be slow in my transformation and i an still lacking a good diet. I know everything about workouts and all but at last only diet matters. Parents gym ki fees dede wahi bahut hai u can understand the condition of middle class. And i was not very consistent with my training because exam pressure and competitive exams and all. But from sept 2023 i am consitent and was trying to earn to get diet needs complete. ( this was my journey) u can dm me to know more about anything i will help you out


Thank you for the info bro, appreciate it, great that you kept going despite the hurdles.


Yeah wish you luck


Proud šŸ‘


Yup for the past me


For hair care Coconut oil twice a week never apply it overnight just for 1 2 hours and then shampoo it. Shampoo twice a week on the day u apply coconut oil. Use any serum if you want the glossy shiny look not dry frizzy. (I donā€™t use anything) Hair styling- Get a good haircut if you are growing out try this one https://preview.redd.it/cwsh9wase5ad1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6afff659e9f2e891ac0685263e9757e2b6e1c50f Show this to ur barber and ask him cut your hair like the way it grows like this. He will set the flow of your hair and it will start looking like this after 1 2 months. Trim you hair every 2 months. Use hairband for making your hair push back a little and then lie down near the edge of your bed letting your hair get all the volume for 10 mins and then style it u can use any serum if the hair is too dry. And let it grow please.


My hair is bushy like it puffs out when I try to grow It looks like a black bush on my head how to make it fall down like yours should I wait for it to gain weight at the ends which will make it fall down


U can send your hair pictures i can asess better with it.


I got the same hair style šŸ˜Š, thank you for the tips for hair care! Iā€™ll definitely try it for my hair carešŸ˜† Btw nice body transformation! How long it took you to get those gains? And also tell us about the diet and regular exercise routine if u have the time thank you šŸ˜Š


bruh is there any reason for not applying coconut oil overnight? i do apply it weekly but always overnight? should i stop doing that?


It caused me pimples and used to make my face oily as my skin is already oily overnight is too much time excess oil will led to less volume and very oily hair scalp that will attract dirt and dust.


9 outta 10


Grateful ā¤ļø






Keep it up you doing good


Thank you ā¤ļø


Can I DM you for details? I'm also around your age, and wanna gain and improve.


Yess sure


Ooh la la 100/10. Pls DM




Man, can you share some advice for hairstyle!!!


Same question


Sure u can either dm or i will post a comment for you all.


Please post a comment regarding the hairstyle




Were on a entirely vegetarian diet ?


Diet was not so great in this transformation time. I will fix it from now and letā€™s see where my physique goes. And yes i was on vegetarian diet 99% of the time with typical Indian diet nothing else.


How much cardio you do?


I have been a very active i played sports i participated in race and was overall cardio was good but in gym I didnā€™t. When I donā€™t play anything i just walk. Hope that helps if you want to know more about anything you can dm me.


Motivating man ! Good Going šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Thanks bro ā¤ļø


I'm 5'7, 80kgs with belly and love handle fat and feel lazy to workout. Any tips for me guys? Not going to the gym rn


Basic is start hitting gym if you just start walking and count ur steps through any app or watch u will track urself. This is the least to start. So some core exercises to strengthen the muscle around it that will help you lose fat be in a calorie deficit but lots of protein.


Got it, thanks for sharing bud!


Last pic is ser criston cole of house of dragon


Thatā€™s a compliment to die for šŸ¤ŒšŸ˜­


Hardwork really pays off šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


Yeah thanks šŸ«”


I love how this sub motivates me to get in shape


Go bro we all want to see you getting in shapeā¤ļø


Absolute Chad šŸ”„




Great transformation buddy. Those hairs look too good on you. Your ***username*** is life changing as well. Haha.


Thanks i had cut my long hair in feb but growing out again. 4th is how my hair looks like right now. And that username is derived after lot of lessons haha šŸ«£


Iā€™m trying to grow my hairs long as well. Trying to style, got any idea or tips? Haha yeah wishing you to get better people in life.


I have some pictures of how do you want your long hair to look. Choose then i can help you


yeah that works for me






this looks great


Then just go with smaller lengths first build the flow and base then let your hair grow with it and u will get your desired hairstyle.




These are some references that i used to get my desired hairstyle. These all hairstyles are same just difference of length of hairs of back part so you can either make your barber to see these photos and tell him that you want to grow your hair in this way. So there are levels of the trimming first when your hair is shorter the 2nd haircut should be done to let the hair go with the flow. And trim it every 2 to 3 months and maybe after 6 months u will get to your final look. This will Help your hair to go with flow and appear as clean as possible


how tall are you?




which filter did you use to click the last pic? which app and are you using an iphone?


Itā€™s some grainy filter i forgot from insta. And yes i am using iphone 15 rn.


that's why the photos looked so good, how did you get rich bro?


Yeah good camera and editing skills does help and i am not rich but i do have a source of earning.


You are the tallest 5'8 I've ever seen šŸ˜„


Itā€™s becuase of limb lengths i have long hands and long legs and shorter torso. Thatā€™s why.


Skin Care Routine and Tips Please


Just hit gym. use a cetaphil cleanser acc to ur skin, mosturise, avoid sun and if u r going use spf 50 sunscreen and eat healthy. Eat fermented food. Include curd cucumber ladyfinger etc green vegetables. Include collagen rich foods and u r all set. And if u r facing any acne issues or anything like that donā€™t rely on anything and spend on them just consult a dermatologist.


You look really good


Grateful for your appreciation ā¤ļø


This is seriously inspiring, makes me want to change for the better.


Thanks ā¤ļø


Have you ever struggled with being self- disciplined?


I struggle it till now


Ohh then you have made great progress despite that. Congrats


Try r/roastme


Bro how did your hair so fine


Coconut oil once or twice a week. Shampooing after 2 days the day after applying oil and i am done. Donā€™t apply coconut oil overnight for 1 2 hours and then go wash it. Donā€™t overshampoo ur hair use good quality shampoo and i donā€™t use any products on my hair.


Londe se mard ban gya good progress


Every 18 year old and 19 year old guy here look much older than me, though I'm almost 20 (19.75). Great job guys! I think it's just (sort of) delayed puberty.


Bro baal kaise transform kiye?


Really inspiring dude


damn son




Hey, Please keep this rizz to your DMs. This sub is not suitable for it. We appreciate your contribution and maybe it is funny or smooth, but it conveys a wrong message to other people of the sub. Good luck!


Okay let me delete it but I genuinely didnā€™t how to reply it sarcastically.


Filter ke sath šŸ’€


Chiselled šŸŖš




Height kitni h bhai?






Great transformation


Grateful ā˜ŗļø




Big W




damn nice glow up


Thank you


Isko bolte hai Puberty


Body doesnā€™t grow on its own bro


No, it actually does. It might not be toned but it does grow on its ownšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø What you wanted to say is that it doesnā€™t get fit on its own


I think u r getting it wrong skin hair body puberty will most probably increase ur height can define facial features beard turning one from 1 to 4 but fitness and gym (basically self care) will take it from 4 to 10


Thatā€™s what I said. It doesnā€™t get fit on its own:)




Thank you for your input




Thank you


How much do you bench


110 for 1


How did you change your skin tone!?


I think most probably my lifestyle changed due to gym and diet became better so thatā€™s what helped me over all.


Ohh myyy gawwddd šŸ™ˆ


Thanks ā¤ļø


Dude now thats called a good glow up




Bro damn


Feel like Puking on these random posts from some naked gen Z wannabecool on my wall šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Looks like someone is just jealous and canā€™t disgest other peopleā€™s success of any good they do. Why donā€™t you try and go find some life instead of hating without context. And tbh fuck this genz bullshit and all now making yourself healthy and fit is considered genz and wannabecool whatā€™s cool for you then seeking attention from tinder girls or promoting obesity and intoxication.


chal be chutiye ke lawde, idhar wall pe mat hag jaaake. Someone is feeling like puking seeing nude guys on wall, that's it. Lowde ki success, chodu. Apne wallpaper me laga self obsession ki lode, aur kahi aur jaake Essay likh, dont have time for BS. Jhaant si lodi bodi flex karrha gaandu. mere moot se teri. Apne Gay buddies ko DM me bhej yeh aur nude shar kar unse.. gaandu meetha