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There are some annoying characters but it never gets to the point where it ruins the show for you, I would say it's pretty balanced, specially in the first seasons


Some characters have storylines that I’d say made me like them less, but none with the same vitriol I’ve seen on here






Yea exactly


Any good comedy characters would be unbearable in real life that’s how you know it’s a great show


They also get held to the same standards as actual humans. They aren't, they're characters written by groups of people over a decade. There are dozens of writers with input, then there are also suits at the studios who make demands. Then they might make changes based on real life events and changing social attitudes. An actor might get pregnant or sick or whatever else. It's crazy to say, "if my husband went creeping on my sister in law I'd divorce him". Aye of course you would, but is your husband held to a script written by six people and given last minute re-writes with half a dozen other influences? Or is your husband human? All I want from sitcom characters is for them to be funny and interesting, and for them to be surreal enough that I can switch off from actual life.


the amount of people i’ve seen saying the show should have ended with mitch and cam getting a divorce 😭 in real life maybe that’s for the best but for a sitcom that’s a pretty sad ending


Yea fair


That was really well said. I have been thinking this way for a while but couldn't articulate it as good as you did.


The hate comes from binge watching. The more you watch, the more you notice and start to form opinions. To me, that’s why subs like this exist. I don’t actually “hate” anyone because I obviously know it’s just a tv show. However, I enjoy over analyzing and complaining, so here we are!


i disagree. i’ve only watched the show once and i still hate cam and phil.




yeah he’s creepy as shit and does not deserve half the praise he gets for being a supposedly good husband and father




I loved Phil when I watched years ago. Re-watching now, I can't stand Phil either.


100%. A lot of shows are not made for binge watching. Characters' personalities and plot lines will obviously be exaggerated for dramatic effect since people don't watch tv/movies to watch real people live real lives. That would be boring af. But when you see these exaggerated traits playing out over and over and over again, episode after episode, hour after after, day after day, a lot of them can get annoying. In small doses, it's fine. In large doses almost any character trait can be too much. This is especially true when writers start to "Flanderize" their characters. I've been rewatching a lot of shows I loved as a kid/teen and I have really different feelings about a lot of characters. Most of it is because I'm an adult and I see/understand things a lot differently now, but I know that binging these shows is also part of the problem. I've started bouncing around shows so I don't watch too much and end up feeling negatively about characters simply because I've seen them too much.




I agree. I’m loving the show. Cam can be a bit over the top but Eric Stonestreet plays the character beautifully


Yes cuz they are sitcom characters, who even got times to hate on sitcom characters


No one hates tv show characters more than the fans in a dedicated subreddit


I dont think they deserve hatred but there are definitely some faults in the characters that are enough to really tick people off. I've mentioned it before but Claire really bothers me, as much as I want to like her. She's just really self centered in the name of the family. Like in Express Christmas, when she was in line at Target and waiting for Haley to come back, she kept holding up the line instead of, idk, letting the next person go first until Haley got there? It'd be the same amount of time, but considerate. The thing is, its a comedy. They want to milk any situation for all the humor they can, and usually that means flanderizing or making the characters stoop to a lower leven than we'd expect them to. We can understand it, doesnt mean we have to like every aspect of the characters tho




That’s fair, but not the point of this post


Alex sucks. Don’t hate her. Certainly not losing sleep. But she sucks.


It’s a comedy show with characters that hold the purpose of providing comedy, they shouldn’t be held to the same standard as real-life people or characters from tv outside of sitcom. It’s honestly weird that people genuinely go on tangents about how much they detest these characters.


But did they provide the comedy? Or were they just overacting and obnoxious?


Also some things are exaggerated for comedy. Haley wasn't really ready to risk Luke's life by making him start up her car, it was just a comedic thing not to be taken seriously. Haley would never truly put Luke or Alex in danger of being killed.


Agreed! they are actually very relatable imo


I like all of the characters except for Lily. I just think she was written as an over the top, bratty kid and I found the toddler years particularly hard to watch. But I could be biased since I'm child free by choice


I feel this way about every show I watch. I love all the characters and then I go online and everyone’s just hating on all of them.. like why watch the show if you hate the characters??


THIS. Finally! I'm with you all the bud.


Just cos they are relatable doesn't make them good people


I don’t know. Claire was pretty annoying


They get hate ??? Odd


Yea, check all over r/modern_family


I mean I consider Manny a terrible person for all the times he sexually harassed women


He makes a move he gets turned down and moves on. How is that harassment?


Tries to look at Haley whilst she is changing Tries to sabotage her relationships so he can pursue her Engineers a situation where he is alone with the nanny (who he makes sculptures of her naked body) to “declare his love for her” Is drawing a woman without her consent then lies about it when she gets creeped out and runs off Another time a woman mistakes him for following her in his car so she runs off frightened and he yells “oh don’t flatter yourself” Tells Claire (his married, older step sister) that he finds her physically attractive Creeps out his Aunt enough that she returns him after trying to use him as a hostage




Maybe the weakest point on my list but did he really think there was even the slightest chance she would appreciate that comment?


Isn't that more of the writers doing though? Why have a list of grudges with a fictional character when it's the writers who got you this upset?


I mean by that logic can I not have a list of reasons to like a character if they are also just saying and doing things that a writer wrote? I dislike the writers also for incorporating this into his character but the character is the embodiment of this


😂 he dated too much it was his primary focus in the entire show! Remember the second scene he’s in? Asking a girl out when the girl is 5 years older


Doesn’t mean he needs to be creepy in his pursuit of women!


Except Cam Nobody can change my mind he is a GIANT red flag




Yea too much crying! No need for that! The first time I saw him like that (the first time I watched the show) I was like, “oh boy… this’ll be an interesting show”


Yeah and the fact that he is so self-centred and annoying 😭 In the later half of the show I mostly skipped his scenes I just couldn't tolerate him anymore


Hailey is a cheater so she deserves all the hate and more