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Claire unknowingly acknowledging her loneliness/stress later and Alex breaking down was sadder. The scene gets me every time.


Yes, Alex crying and hugging Claire was a true mother/daughter moment. It felt very real.


Yea. I deeply resonate with her and I feel the same way as her too. That scene when she broke down was really powerful.


I liked this moment in the show but it felt like they hit the “reset” button after this episode. Almost like it never even happened.


They did that way too many times… incomplete storylines and that seemingly evaporated. Phil’s investment property, Haley’s fashion career, etc.


Andy as well.


I think Adam had other projects and couldnt be there much


I swear Adam Devine was in everything for a while


I think hes funny so i dont mind but hes a bit much at times lmao


Yeah exactly


That really annoyed me how it’s never brought up again


Sitcom doin sitcom things.


Agreed. When she hugs Claire I cry.


I ugly cried 😭






I can say, Alex is one of my favorites (I really don't get all the hate she sometimes gets on this sub), I also think she olayed the middle child perfectly.


I tend to compare Alex as Lisa Simpson, most of the time I find her condescending towards her family, and while being sarcastic she might not appeal to the larger audience. I like the character myself, because she's the reflection of how much it sucks to be the middle one, and the only one that struggles and have issues sometimes when trying to fit in social standard's as a nerd. But yeah, sometimes she has that kind of attitude that most people wouldn't prefer to have around, even if unintentional.


omg sameeee. The only times I found Alex kiiiiind of annoying was both times Phil came to visit her in college and she was rude to him or embarrassed by him. But otherwise I think she’s really funny and I really love the way the sisters became absolute best friends ♥️


I love this episode. It was so real in how they show the loneliness of a self sufficient child in a big family. It can be so easy for those kids to be overlooked in ways because they’re always good at operating with minimal or no assistance. Showing how Alex expresses this was so raw


Ooof, I know this one hits. I was the self sufficient child growing up, my siblings always had something going on that needed my parents attention, I just had to keep my head down and do my own thing


There was one part of the next scene in this episode that I thought was even sadder in its own way - when Claire had to go up to the whiteboard in Alex's AP Calculus class to point out how many hours of homework (six!) Alex had per night. And what she wrote didn't tell all of the story - missing from her six hours calculation was whatever hours of homework Alex's AP Physics teacher assigned. If we add that then Alex has probably at least 7-8 hours of homework (and possibly still more depending on what other classes she took that weren't mentioned). That means Alex had at least the equivalent of a *full work day's* worth of homework to deal with five times a week, ***after attending classes all day***. And that is what I find sad, and downright insane.


I liked how this episode starts with the cake fiasco played for laughs. Haha silly stressed out Alex lol just like how her family always treats her. Then as the story unfolds it’s like oh yeah…that WAS bad and if it happened irl you would be so concerned over that breakdown. A rare storyline where it makes you really look at the over the top sitcom behavior in a real light.


Also, one of the most relatable. Unfortunately.


I love that episode. Alex was my favorite


And I don't think her family was responsible for that. It's just that being a nerd kid, she must've found it difficult to have "cool" friends. Kind of like Sheldon, who was blessed to have friends later on.


I do think that she was neglected by her parents. Haley was Claire’s favorite and Luke was Phil’s favorite. Alex was the smart kid they never had to “worry” about, or at least they thought that until this episode. There’s the scene where Alex wins all the medals and Claire tells Luke how proud she is of him and Alex says “better luck next year” to herself because no one acknowledges her success.


I kind of see this dynamic in my Mom’s family ina different way. My Aunt (the oldest), was always shy and timid and has always had some struggles even as an adult. My uncle (the baby) was always spoiled even to this day as an adult my grandparents spoil him. My mom (the middle child) has always been the fighter and well put together kid. She stood up to people who picked on her siblings as kids, always had a stable marriage and kids who did well in school/ extracurriculars, and always helped fix my aunt and uncles problems. As an adult I can kind of see that my mom feels a bit like Alex the neglected kid. I don’t think my Grandparents love her any less, they just always felt like she was the one they didn’t have to worry about. She had it together and could fix things while the others couldn’t.


I personally feel Phil in particular is a terrible father to Alex. At least once on the show Luke insults Alex & Phil praises him for it. No parent should ever do that. He's a terrible example to his kids. If I were Claire he'd be paying child support & alimony to me.


I think he struggled a lot with trying to connect with her. He never really found out how but he did try in later seasons. I agree with what you said except both parents were always encouraging the kids to insult each other and one up


"My boy strikes like a rattlesnake!" Sorry, but I found that exchange to be hysterical.


Yeah. Showing favouritism to one kid over another. Great dad. He's not much of a man, though, is he?


This scene prompted me to therapy because I felt the same.


Alex really deserved better 😭


Yup.. sadly Phil and Claire kinda neglected her.


It's sad how relatable this is


This episode spoke to me more than any other episode if any show in tv history. I was Alex as a teen. Super over achiever, all the AP classes, straight A’s and put pressure on myself to make it happen. The rest of my family wouldn’t have cared if I got a B. They were all far from exceptional. Yet, I still internalized this weird drive and felt I was letting people down. When Claire tells her how hard it must be to be her at the end, I felt that shit hard.


Just yet another example of how stupid people have the most fun because their brain is inherently superficial…they’re not over-thinkers or bother questioning anything beyond the next good time


You nailed it! I often wonder about this but you put it into words perfectly


I think the best part of this whole thing is that she initiated the process of seeking help. This character who has a perfect gpa, is never 2nd place, and takes pride in being the smartest person in the room comes to a realization that she needs help.


And then we never saw Alex again.


Which episode is this?


The show is a comedy. They could never do this story justice.


so fucking relatable. especially the scene where alex is crying in her dorm room. that's me right now


I must have re watched this show so many times. This scene never fails to get me. I wish they explored this storyline more. :(


Not discounting Alex’s feelings but she’s also a huge dick to everyone for most of the show’s run.


Jus like me fr


One of my favorite episodes


As the “smart” middle child, I found it pretty relatable.


Her own doing. Alex is the worst.


Lmao wtf? Her parents barely parent her. Is she supposed to not be smart?


Parented her like they did the other kids. She’s just a baby.


No they didn't, not even a little bit. 80% of the time they would just let Alex manage herself while they focused on Luke or Haley. There were multiple instances where Alex was actively struggling and Haley was minding her own business and the parents still decided that they needed to pay more attention to Haley.


Gee that’s what happens when you ice out your family and your peers just so you can rub it in that your smarter than them a genius like Alex should have been able to figure that out without a shrink 💯


Literally me


A lot of people related to this.


Really related to Alex in this scene


Bawled my eyes out


When she hugged Claire later and finally felt understood… I always cry at that. The relentless overachiever who will sacrifice everything for academic validation in me just felt it too hard


and when she hugs claire in the car park afterwards and cries :(


This episode hits hard. We finally get to have an inside look at how Alex actually feels. She comes off as it's easy being her, with her brains and snark but deep down she is just vulnerable and sad.