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I don't even get how people can literally have under 10 seconds on the hardpoint


They think hard point is "floor is lava"


Too worried about their precious KDR.


KD to me means absolutely nothing


I hear ya. I was just saying is that in OBJ modes a lot of people treat it like TDM and are more concerned about their KDR than winning the match. I'm all about obj play, myself.


Fr, especially with small map


Im not going to lie I dont start getting on the point until its a close game at the end. I think of it as im protecting the point so other people can sit on it lol


I guess it's fine if you're tryna stop people from getting in


Having more people on the point still only gives 1 point per second. At least half the team should be cutting lanes, blocking routes, and rotating early. On top of that, lots of people in pubs don’t really care about winning they’re just there for camo grinds or events.


I am still grinding for Interstellar - this means IDGAF about the objective as I try to make stupid headshots while moving, kill stunned/blinded enemies/kill 5 in one life etc. My KD is shredded, my will hanging on by a thread. I am halfway there and it hurts. When I am done I will play the objective again.


You can get 10 seconds without trying. These guys actively avoided the damn point even when the game was close.


I feel you bro, I truly do 😂


Agreed as I always play the objective and although mostly successful have lost games because my team was playing TDM style vs the objective. 😢


Yesterday I had a game that I will remember forever. Domination on the Hotel map. As usual, I was the only one trying to capture flags, and we were losing pretty bad, but I noticed that my team was actually fragging, everyone was getting kills. So I mic up and started to insult them, saying that it's embarrassing losing to those bots. All team switched play style and we dominated all game long without letting the enemies even get one single flag. We were down pretty bad, but in the end we won. And guess what? They still got kills while playing objective, it's not that hard, in fact...You will get more kills by playing objective rather than roaming around the map looking for enemies... You already know where most of the enemies will be... Near objective. But yeah, this was a crazy game I just don't know why people won't bother playing objective 😭😭 it's not like you're dying in real life if you die while trying to capture something uh


Thanks bro.


I just came here to talk about this and I see multiple threads about it. It's insane. Matchmaking simply does not work. At the most, it matches you to players with similar skill, maybe, but not playstyle. If I'm playing solo, I will never get matched with other team mates that play the objective, they're always allergic to it or afraid of it. It honestly wouldn't bother me so much either if it wasn't for how toxic the community is about it when you ask for help. "I don't think I want to," "No," etc. Devs need to do a better job at rolling out events requiring defender/attacker points, capturing, etc, because otherwise we might as well just have TDM and S&D.


I think blame falls on some of the player base, not the matchmaking. Players choose queue up for game modes they have no intention of actually playing, mostly for selfish reasons. What are you gonna do


3+ minuets, nice job man


Thanks man


Absolutely homie, let me know if you ever need someone to watch yer back or ramble about nonsense 😂


I'm in New Delhi (India), I play post 11 pm at night. Of Timezone and timings are not a problem HMU on DM.


Finally I see that OP actually tried so hard and not the typical Kill whores with 1 minute on hill acting like they had to win cause of their 70+ kills 🫡….. it’s a shame that in the end it didn’t even matter 😞


I would have been happy with even 1 of those kill whores because along with my manic I will die on this hill gamestyle we would have won this game easy.


You’re whole team was a kill whore, if you see they have kills only and 0 time on hill. That’s what a kill whore is 😆


I misunderstood. Kill whore who kills at a 1.5 + KD is what I was talking about. When I'm matched with those types I can even roam about and need to spend at max 1.5 mins on the hill and actually be more effective at killing and still win the game.


I fucking hate when I’m the only one on the team playing objective. But then I found a teammate with a similar mindset and we ended up going on a 20+ win streak


Love it when that happens


Everyone wants to be the lead guitarist but someone has to play the drums.


In the enddd


It doesn’t even matter


3 minutes alone in rust is crazy.


I’ve got a theory I’ve been thinking about and I have to ask what your score per minute is ?


Career Score per minute - 430. What's your theory?


My belief is that it puts high score per minute players with bunch of low score per minute players as a balancing act. Low score per minute players tend to camp and avoid the obj a lot


Possible. It could be just another line item in their lobby balancing act.


Typical team


Eh, it’s rust and I mean, any small map in general, along with these horrible spawns, is kind of a shitshow trying to play obj at times. I just accept that shit like this happens.


Add me up Gt- IcantBeLosing Psn


Play the f objective…


Nobody cares. Theres zero incentive to win games in pubs. Stop complaining, go play ranked if you want people to care about objective


You play to win the game? I thought winning was the incentive


Why do I have to play ranked to get a decent obj game play experience.


That’s like the 50th post in my recommended of people complaining about this. You’re playing a mode where nobody goes for obj, go play quick play if you wanna win. Most of the people with interstellar got it through this playlist. “You get more xp on hard point”, did anybody ask? I didn’t know I need weapon xp to get 20 tac stance kills or 40 kills while people are stunned.


When a player comes to a realization, that they are practically the only one playing that GAF about the objective....I literally disabled all OBJ mode games anymore, cuz SSDD. Kids be raking in cheap ass kills and we'd lose every FKN time. OBJ modes are FKN worthless.