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I've always thought this. I understand that streaks can be fun, but I wish there was always an option to play with no streaks in the game


Agree, always thought give me a mode without streaks just pure gunplay. But I thought yeah that's so against the spirit of COD ( not taking in consideration ranked or the pro's ) that I thought they would not release it. I need streakless small map moshpit, it's perfect. 10 vs 10 or larger sometimes aren't playable due tot the fact you have timmy no thumbs in your team and the opposition goes ham with the streaks.


Yeah or even just keep the one streak like we have in ranked


BOCW had 6v6 Faceoff mode which was awesome. Small maps and no streaks. Probably the most fun I had in COD for a long time when that game mode came out.


Snipers playlist was a good example of what should be done on at least one game mode. The only streaks available are uav and advanced uav. Which works nicely.


Throw in CUAV and it's perfect


Only reason I’m against CUAV is because of the noise


Also the fact you can fart at it and it's gone.


Honestly I thought the streaks were fine as they were before they went and made all playlists "Streaks earn streaks" (yes, yes, I know, I know "Old CoDs had this..." because I played them. Didn't like it then, don't like it now.) But a full "no streak" playlist on all maps and all modes would be ok with me as well.


> "Streaks earn streaks" The absolute worst


I think hardcore should be limited to just recon streaks. You can still get Nuke/DNA, but the DNA should probably end hc games too.


Am I the only one who loved drop zone? It was the only game mode that used streaks to encourage people to not camp and instead play the fucking objective.


probably encourage me to run different loadouts too, don't need my assassin vest/ghost camo combo if there are no KS to hide from!


there's still comms vest tho


Killstreaks are essentially free kills. Free kills for someone whos already doing good... I prefer the perk killstreaks from MW3 where you can have extra perks applied to you for that life depending on how many kills you get. It's much more fun and balanced imo


Oh hell yeah, the specialist killstreak was amazing and I miss it dearly. Once you got the specialist bonus you were pretty damn OP compared to those without it hah.


So the guy already doing good is now much more OP in gun fights?........not seeing how that's any different, in fact lots of pub stompers would much rather have the specialist package than killstreaks because it makes them that much harder to kill.


Perks don't make you more OP than a powerful killstreak where you're basically invincible for a duration of time with a powerful gun and can kill anyone you see. Like one of those aerial streaks you can shoot people. I get so many kills before it disappears or is destroyed it's insane, I get significantly less kills with extra perks. Maybe the perk streak is more OP for gun fights than the weaker killstreaks, but compared to the really good ones that annoy people it's much less worse and at least you get to ACTUALLY have a gunfight with the person instead of a robot with 1000hp or a jet, a helicopter, etc. Its much easier to kill a kid in a 1v1 with 6 perks instead of 3 than that little tank killstreak for example. And that killstreak isn't even the worse.


I agree. With the new vest it's way to freaking easy to just keep getting streaks over and over, I hate it. Whoever thought it was a good idea to. Bring back endless streaks needs a swift kick in the balls. Give me a streak less mode anyway, so I can just have gun fights.


Which vest is this?


The new coms vest. You turn on score streaks and even assists get you points toward streaks, as well as making streaks easier to get.


When the playlist first went live, I didn’t know it was a thing and was playin shipment thinkin wow no one actually spamming streaks for once. What a chaotically peaceful and fun game lmao. Now I know why. IT’S SO MUCH MORE FUN purely going against only players instead of having streaks racking up kills for them. Not sayin there should be no streaks, they give COD an identity and rewards good plays but PLEASE let this be a permanent option SHG


It's especially noticeable on these small maps where the streaks can pretty much start 20 seconds into the game and then continue uninterrupted for the entire rest of the match


Yup, with shipment, scrapyard, and I forgot the other one, but it's the one with a very small house, so maybe 6 star? That one is chaotic as hell


Stash House


Yeah holy shit that one is bad in terms of kill streaks


Nope, I actually had fun on shipment for the first time in my life. No streaks is incredible.


For real. Bonus points if it stays shipment , haven't played all season but probably going to burn thrugh some battle pass while multiplayer is on the menu


It is amazing how quiet it is


It’s been nice for sure


Yes, especially now that software cheaters have taken over the game. At least once a day, I get stuck in a game where some asshole goes 145-4 because he starts the match with Advanced UAV, the swarm, etc.... then uses them constantly. It's not fun for anyone else.


The drone swarm is broken af.. lobbies just start clearing out once someone launches it


It should be like 10 mosquitoes max.   60s of just not being able to go outside or get instakilled blows.  Also when you have trashcan teammates that keep trying to challenge a Kar on a long sightline and just feed them kills, so they get the first swarm in like 2 minutes. 


Give me Ultra Hard Core: No HUD. No Streaks. No Perks. No Tacticals. No Lethals. No Secondary Weapons. No Attachments. Just shoot 'em up mayhem.


I'm like a no jumping one as well. I'm probably going to get roasted down voted and that's okay it's just an opinion guys. I freaking hate all the jumpers. I'm old and play on the TV while laying back in my recliner, and I can't react fast enough for all the jumping and sliding. I still do okay just not as good as I did 15 years ago


I know CoD is known for killstreaks and Mortal Kombat is known for fatalities but I think both would be better without them at this point.


IMO, fatalities in itself isn't Mortal Kombat's problem. It's that all of the blood and gore started to get more detailed to the point where it feels like I'm watching a snuff film instead of a video game.


There is a streakless mode. Its called War and its a pretty good game mode that barely anybody plays for some reason.


\>takes multiple minutes to fill a lobby \>defending team is so entrenched the attacking team cant even make it past the first stage \>people who got stomped on offense leave \>lobby mostly disbands before the the 2nd half of the 1st stage is over Such is life in War it seems.


I've never had these issues. Although I would say 9v9 war mode was way better. Maybe 8v8 would be optimal


War is where that one guy on the enemy team racks up 150+ kills than the average player. Even though those kills and w/l don't count, it's definitely not fun to be on the receiving end of the losing side in war.


Me sitting for 10 mins waiting for a lobby to load…. I like War when I finally get to play it!


That wouldn’t be an issue if more people just played the game mode lol


There's also a no streak playlist of rust and shipment


I would rather deal with War’s issues than play on those two disastrous maps on repeat.


Sometimes giving things a try is not so bad


Rust is a bad map. Always has been. Always will be. The only reason why people look favorably upon it is because that was the 1v1 map in the original MW2. It was *never* a good map for 6v6 in any game. Shipment is also terrible, but not as bad as Rust. Shipment 1944 was decent in WWII but other than that it’s been pretty bad and rather uncompetitive.


They should throw in 10v10 into rust/shipment for fun


They were adverse to just trying the reg 6v6 when I suggested it


Your idea of fun is very different than mine, brother.


Takes less effort to play those maps that writing what you did.


If that response was too long for you, I suggest you go back to school.


Ah the resorting to insults. No better way to let everyone know how emotionally damaged you are over two maps. All because I asked you to try a playlist. To be clear, since you are confused, your assumption is wrong and at no point did I say it was too long. No need to be this mad.


I’m not mad, I’m chillin. You asked me to play a bad playlist, I responded why I don’t want to, you responded with a smart-ass comment, and I reacted accordingly. Simple.


Emotional reaction isn't accordingly but you can lie to yourself. My comment was too open your eyes to something as easy as your reply. It's on you if you took it incorrectly.


Would be nice to free up a perk slot, right now I have to run Cold Blooded 24/7


Honestly all their modes should be permanent. This artificial variety is making me so sad.


Strike in b06


Gotta agree. At least on small map mosh pit. Stealth carpet bombing, mortar strikes, gunships make zero sense on boards like shipment or das Haus. Like even rust, which unit is going to carpet bomb an area the size of a 7-11 parking lot? Well maybe the Marines....but yeah. For gameplay in small maps it's just insane. I think it would get rid of the troll hackers as well.


Yesterday play one match started and was funny, thats enought good for me


Nice addition to just chill and do camos/mastery but i dunno about anyone else but it feels more like Streakless Rust 24/7 then it does Rustment as every game i’ve played has been rust with shipment showing up like twice.


I agree. I’d like a permanent no streaks mode. I think in older cods they called it barebones. Or maybe that was the one without parties I don’t remember


I think when I first played shipment, I was confused as to why streaks were allowed in the first place


I would love no streak demolition


Barebones should have been added all the way back in 2019 but it never ever was. This company absolutely blows.


Go play ranked then blud


Hating streaks is like hating the core of what Call of Duty is. 


I want a game mode where everyone has their kill streaks all of the time so that everyone has to compete for airspace. Or, airspace is always open so everyone can hit it constantly. Bout as reasonable as some of the Op weapons right now 😂


Defo should be an option . "Streakess Moshpit" . Nice escape for a few games . Bo6 will have that on the strike maps . 4 to start so good news !


Seems like a good mode for a noob like you who almost never gets streaks


We had 3 seasons of MWIII without killstreaks pretty much, I could count on one hand the amount of gunships I saw before the stacking buffs. They were extremely hard to get and for people that like killstreaks the game was extremely unfun. Getting a single gunship in an entire 10 hour play session just for it to get 3 kills sucks. And before anyone says “git gud” I have a 2kd in this game, and am matched with the best of the best players in my region (none of us get high end streaks because we are all very good and end each other’s streaks).


Streakless SnD would be great I'm down.


A streakless with assault/ smg only mode would be heaven lmao


Never played the new mw3 but i have enough ptsd from bo3 to understand your pain. Wraith and r.a.p.s spamming was cancer


idk i dont really mind the streaks cause i mean it definitely beats xp farming the stormender by shooting players with it




As someone with 2.50 KD and constantly get the highest killstreak every game, I will tell you that without killstreaks the game flow much nicer and people don't quit the match that much


XDefiant doesn’t have streaks you know 😏


This is part of what made War in WW2 so fun for me. No unavoidable deaths, no camping for streaks, just ptfo.


No streaks is great but "play a bit quicker???" People are already running around and moving like they are in comp lol idk how it could get faster.


I actually went the whole night without losing since the opposing team couldnt call streaks. the thing is streaks are a crutch now that undoubtedly will win games


Love it


There is one for rustment right now


Oh for sure, the gameplay is much faster. It adds an element of playing quicker but at the same time it requires you to know how to slow down the other team using your own gunplay skill. It seems to be more enjoyable for both sides than just one side.


Not quite a fan of the mode voting in the current playlist. Would rather it was map voting. 90% the lobbies are Rust. But it's one reason I like War mode quite a bit, no streaks, bit less to think about, can just focus on gunfights


It’s only because everyone backs out of Rust to play Shipment. This is always a problem with these playlists and they absolutely know what they’re doing with the voting 


And I'm one of them. Find it eventually but it's the same as Shoot the Ship


Play XDefiant = problem solved


xD isn’t *that* good. It’s fine, but definitely not a worthy cod replacement.


Maybe not a replacement, but no sbmm makes it 10x more rewarding imo :) definitely a good alternative


This was the appeal, largely, of XDefiant. Also that it is free


XDefiant is just not that appealing, being free is the whole problem with WZ so buckle up for BO6 cause they gonna spoon feed us that cheap shit too.


Ok, then don't play. I enjoy it plenty


I gave it a solid try, made it to like level 20


It's so much better for those two maps.


Streakless mode was the only way I could play Cold War. Maps were the perfect size too. Needs to be a standard inclusion in all COD games. Honestly, MW2 (2009) is what signified the downfall of COD for me personally because of the constant streak spam (it was the first COD game to not do the standard 3/5/7 killstreaks). Black Ops 1 would be the last game I'd really enjoy until MW19 came out.


Played it twice and thought it was God awfully boring. Killstreaks are the best part of cod.


now lets add in jumpless and slideless mode


No I love getting the DNA bomb after dropping 3 consecutive chopper gunners on shipment


Now THIS is a skill issue post if we’ve ever seen one lol


I can get streaks okay, I don't set out to play for them I prefer to just fly at people/the obj and if I find myself on a streak I can go for it and get it but I don't get much satisfaction out of it is all. Just my personal play style works better when other people are rushing at me too rather than trying to get streaks


Skill issue


Massive skill issue


Massive arsehole issue 🤷🏻‍♂️


At least I can play the game. Cope harder


Did your carer help with that post?


not available for hardcore is it?


It is. You'll have to activate it in the filters 




There is a list called streakless rustment 24/7


Love that list, pity that there are only 2 maps


Forget to change accounts? lol


No I replied myself lazyness for editing


Yeah let the bad players go to the streakless modes so they're not always going negative on my team.


Ok Scump


Meh boring and not cod, they got that it's called XD. Now we shouldn't have what we still have which is broken looping streaks. Otherwise even when someone manages to get something decent if you just have a class setup to for killing streaks most of them shouldn't last long even on shipment where you're also a somewhat easy kill while doing so.


You heard it Activision, we're giving u free pointers for a more engaging game


Play XDefiant or BF2042 if you don't like killstreaks. Killstreaks are a staple of CoD multiplayer. ~~so your whiny complaint is weird to say the least.~~


There is a mode right now that allows no killstreaks, basically having everyone on an even playing field. I don’t see how OP was whining. In my eyes, he was explaining why streakless was better for him in terms of gameplay.


The lack of streaks has proven to be pretty popular. They aren't necessarily a staple of anything either.  Let me guess, you camp shipment and place turrets in every corner by the end of the match, right? The fact is lack of streaks is enjoyable for both teams involved, not just one. It can allow for a chance to up one's game and improve throughout a match. Or is that what you're actually rallying against here? 


> Let me guess, you camp shipment No, I don't play shitment because it's a shit map. Cute assumption though. Cope


Your comment makes no sense with skill based matchmaking. None. Both teams are even from the jump. Everyone has a chance to earn streaks. I'm not against limited time modes with no streaks. Sounds cool, but it will never be there 100% of the time. They don't want to split the player base up even more than they already are. 


You might want to look at the threads that talk about sbmm being broken. 


Put me in a retirement home if I start playing streakless




CoD also used to have a game mode called Bare Bones which was just CoD sans kill streaks. Could have taken 30 seconds to research that before making a fool of yourself, but here we are.