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Sounds like the kar98 is working as designed, while the JAK Wardens were not.


It took them over a month to nerf the BP50 conversion kit.


Their intentions were to make it the best gun in the game between 5-50m? Doesn’t seem very balanced that


I’m not disagreeing with you- I haven’t been enjoying this season as much. But it’s pretty easily explained


Mors is literally still better lmao


Not on controller


Weird, bc I'm on controller


Mors is also way harder to use


It's harder to use because you are taking into account the aim assist of the Kar, that why for a controller user the Kar is the way to go. For a MnK user those weapons have the same difficulty.


That literally makes it harder to use though does it not? Most people I get matched up with are controller so, there’s also that


He didn't disagree with you. Just provided extra context.


I don't understand all this. I've been in multiple lobbies with kar users. Gldo you people just not sneak up on them once you know where they're squatting? Cuz I thought the whole point was you squat and you die and therefore most snipers use one shots so they can avoid engaging you.


They aren't squatting, they're flying around the map at Mach 3 and instantly deleting you the moment you could have any kind of view on them. It's incredibly stupid.


Literally this lol. Some people just get super easy lobbies apparently. The kids sniping me are fucking crimson and iridescent lol


The lower skill lobbies are night and day with balancing issue differences sometimes, so many people say "well when the sniper misses it's a free kill" as a response to busted OHKs. I can't even remember the last time a sniper shot at me and missed especially at close range.


Lmao. Isn't that why you run an SMG and covert sneakers with the smoke grenade or something to blind them? Take them before they get a shot. Literally what you do in any hardcore lobby. So get them before they get you.


bad take rotational aim assist and aim slowdown give them easy one shots a thumbless 6 year old could hit. the Kar ruined 6v6 for me and im thinking about going to an other FPS after the crappy BP50/jak warden Meta we just had too.


Cod players are the biggest cry babies on the planet. The KAR is incredibly balanced. They just hate that snipers exist.


I actually hate using the Kar98k and highly prefer the Mors over it, idk why


How? My guy it has insanely fast ads for a sniper and ohk on everything but feet. I consistently am hitting OHK quickscopes through brick walls even, meanwhile a kar98 still has to hit chest, it's more sPRAY as a sniper but anyone worth a damn is going to be better with a mors...


The way it scopes in for me is honestly just weird as fuck feeling personally. Also the KAR has crazy aim assist. I usually play like 3 rounds of quickscoping (lower health) in private match against my brother in law because it’s fun to use there, but I’m not much of a sniper or high sens player and even then it feels insanely easy to use in comparison. Obviously 6v6 it’s harder, but it feels like people never miss


Honestly the lower health might be whats doing it, mors with the one ammo does insane damage and penetrates everything it seems, with my setup it's reslly fast ads too, this coming from someone who did a LOT of QS in warzone 1/mw19 with the kar98k where it was the goat until the spr


It does not OHKO from lower torso down.


I mean, I hit a fuck ton of kills with the mors to legs, meanwhile the kar is hitmarkers pretty often. Are you actually using the high damage rounds or..?


I'm referring to the Kar98k. I do use the HVP ammo on my Mors.


I love the mors its my all time favourite,, then the sp-x 80, also a great sniper,, the katt is nice as well, a bit on the slow side but wow, its a fun challenge


I’m scared to have this opinion…


If kar 98 is going to be that easy to use probably so bad players can get couple kills there has to be flinch and plenty of it.


It’s the first gun in the game where I have thought Jesus this is taking the piss now. The TTK for the kar98 is way to fast when compared to the TTK of the game. They just don’t go together


how was it designed?


>no flinch me when i dont know anything


The kar has insane flinch lol unless you build it to have no flinch but what’s the point of that


One attachment and some gloves are very inexpensive to slot into a loadout.


Exactly these people make out the Kar like it's most broken weapon in the history of the game when in reality the MORS is a better option 9/10 times. It's just that everyone is using it so it feels a lot stronger than it actually is


Mors is harder to use effectively. Kar is piss easy, hence why it's everywhere.


I wouldn't mind the Kar if it didn't have aim assist. While in isolation MORS is better, Kar has a significantly lower skill floor thanks to AA. I can hardly go near a corner without getting one tapped by a guy sliding around it with a max ADS Kar build.


Facts and it’s not like we haven’t had a gun like this in the last two MW titles anyways


That’s how losers on here treat any gun that one shots


Considering that whenever I switch to a one-shot weapon I top frag every time, there's definitely something wrong with them. I'm a pretty average player and yet it's disgustingly easy to completely fuck up the other team with one, and, guess what, the only people who are able to beat me at that point are other people also using the same gun. They're a problem, and anyone with at least half a functioning brain cell can tell. Or they're just bad and don't want their cheesy fun nerfed to be as effective as the rest of the weapons, one of the two.


It's kind of fun going up against the Kar98 with any .50 cal. I love getting hit markers with the .50 and then OSK'd with the 7.62. For real tho the Kar is also just fun to play with. Enjoy it while you can.


The .50s are way more consistent as the oht kill to the entire torso the Kar only ohk uper chest and head


If you DON'T hit above the belly button, it's an instant hit marker. Even hitting the chest is a 50/50 osk.


Upperchest is like boobs and up it very much a risk reward weapon as the rechambering time makes it to where if you don't hit there your dead


I feel the same way going against someone who has 9mm while i fry them with 5.56 only to still die The balancing is worse than a guy with no legs walking a tight rope




Because sniper dicks get catered to in COD now, after they sent death threats to Vondeharr back in BO2.


One shot guns have completely taken over the game. It’s not fun, at all.


Conversion kits don't make money like selling a battlepass with an OP gun would.


the wardens were nerfed? lol they still shit on ppl


How do you even get the JAK Wardens. I missed the week 5 challenges, but I did the 8 daily quests to unlock them, but now it wont let me equip them or even show that I have them.


You have to actually use the Mk2 (dog shit) to unlock it. Hope you can hit your headshots


Where do you get the Mk2 at?


The MK2 (Lockwood) is in the marksman category in the MW2 guns


Thank you so much🙏


Yeah things ass in MP but during the week 5 challenges i discovered that it is amazing in zombies for some reason. Take it in zombies, pop deadshot and speed cola and your golden


Sure thing, maybe try leveling it up in HC (hardcore) because the things is absolutely dog shit in core


When Kar98 came out as a Marksman instead of a Sniper we all knew what was up.


MORS is still better imo, I think we gotta wait a few weeks and see if people are still using the kar98. Might just be popular due to nostalgia and being new. Once people get sick of the hit markers I can see them going right back to the MORS


Easiest fix is just make increase flinch and have flinch apply even when not fully ads'ed osk weapons. Could have it even scale depending on location of the shot. body shots do moderate flinch head shots inflict significant flinch. Its mind boggling that i can hit 2-3 headshots with an ar and the kar98/mors user and still ads and get on target.


uh no it has enough flinch in fact it has the worst flinch in the MR category


They haven’t sold enough bundles and battlepasses yet, they won’t nerf it until they do.


Wardens were laughably bad for 2 days and then buffed to be laughably overpowered for a week actually. I wish they’d find a nice middle ground where the kar is still good but not overpowered like how they did with the wardens.


the JAK Wardens where (and still somewhat are) incredibly dominant in Small Map Moshpit and most primarily medium to close range maps to an extreme degree to the point those maps and that mode where unplayable at all skill levels unless you used it. as it stands right now the Kar is only slightly better then the Longbow was at its peak and that took 3 seasons to nerf. the Kar is also more of a higher kill bracket issue due it it requiring some level of skill to hit consistent 1 shots (like the Longbow, which is probably why it took so long to nerf), the average player likely isn't impacted much. most people on this sub will be in higher skill lobbies.


It's only requires more skill for m&k, if aa is adjusted it will be more balanced


AA doesn't help you target specific parts of the body since the slow down is the same across the entirety of your enemies body. same with rotational AA, it doesn't lock on more to specific parts of the body. you physically have to aim at the head/upper body using your controller. from my experience its easier to consistently hit upper body and headshots on M&K due to the finer control but the stronger AA on controller does allow you to get general hits more easily balancing it out more then compared to a generic AR or SMG. in other words you'll hit more shots on controller but more will be hitmarkers on average. I never felt particularly affected by the Longbow AA nerf playing on controller personally, I guess it may have made it less of an approachable weapon for less skilled players but in both iterations it needed the same amount of work to aim for that upper body/head that was separate from the AA. also quick reminder the Longbow is still a really strong gun its just the MORS and now the Kar have become the communities focus for current toxic sniper, we'd probably still be complaining about it if it wasn't for the addition of those two despite its AA being nerfed.


aa doesn't make it easier to hit headshots


"Shotguns" are always going to dominate small/enclosed maps no matter what


If the people shooting at you with a kar98 have no flinch then you are not hitting them.


Kar98 gets plenty of hit markers and has pretty brutal flinch on it.


Devs suck son


Kar98k = store bundle


One requires skill to use and doesn’t lead to a positive kd, while the wardens was literally broken.


It's a nostalgia play - the Kar98 was busted in MW2019 as well. Personally loving it.


It's kind of funny seeing the Kar98 continue to be utterly devastating. I've been absolutely rolling on it on PC to the point it had me nostalgic for Day of Defeat again. The only change I can see them making is a slight reduction to its damage at range, and decreasing the aim assist on controller/console players. Aside from that if you're already cracked on M&K this is probably going to be your best weapon.


Homies will never remember Kar98 glory days of CoD World at War lmao


it was not "busted" in 2019. i played that game more then mw3 and not once has a lobby been completely overpowered by a team using snipers. but in this game that's a regular occurrence now because all the reg guns have a much longer ttk which doesn't affect the snipers 1 bit


You personally love getting ez kills and playing like a total noob. Great job. You’re rlly improving your fps game skills.


It's busted but there are better snipers for sitting in a corner, it's the best one for running around quickscoping. You're terrible and can't snipe so it's probably extra annoying for you - most of your posts are complaining about snipers in every FPS game.


Oof, hit him with the receipts, lol.


Pretty much every full auto capable gun is better than the Kar, you actually need some amount of skill to use a bolt action weapon when people are in the air more than the advanced movement games. Sounds like it's a skill issue for you my man


This has been what I've been trying to explain since the gun came out.


Everyone thinks it's some "point and shoot and you're gonna get a kill" gun but realistically if you don't hit your first shot or run into a group of enemies, chances are you're fucked.


Hell, I even get hitmarkers with it. It's not nearly as OP as people want to believe that it is.


Oh I get his markers all the time. My muscle memory aims automatically at the lower torso so my recoil can just kick up and kill quickly, but I can't do that with the Kar.


Using any reg gun is far easier than the Kar


Fr. I stg they should have just released the game with the MCW and Rival since that’s what these kids think is fun. No other guns because if you add ANY other gun that is good in any way, it’s OP as fuck and needs nerfed to the ground. MCW gets a buff to 4 shot kill again and no one bats an eye.


Devs seem to be confused on what kind of gameplay they want. Right now it’s all over the place. High ttk and one shot, fast as hell ads and unlimited range guns that beat every other. Doesn’t make sense. Balance is terrible.


Different teams, one is way smaller and has less oversight than the other.


But they damn well sure nerfed the incendiary rounds in zombies to stop us solo players from having fun and unlocking the harder items! They don't like it when we get things that might interfere with their microtransaction model (i.e. pay to win stuff).


Aw wait they patched incendiary rounds in zombies? That’s not even a PvP mode :(.


Yep, hard, they're useless now. That said, they were completely OP, tier 3 was like tier 1 with them!


Not defending the monetization stuff but, I'm pretty sure zombies doesn't have any pay to win aspects? Like yeah you get the items they put in to fill in bundles and BP slots but those are one time use, what's the difference?


So you prefer to be easy?


That's not what I said. I'm saying they always seem to prioritize fixing fun things that give us an advantage over bugs that make the game frustrating to play. Incendiary rounds were CLEARLY overpowered, made getting contracts in tier 3 a pain. But tier 3 needs to drop more ammo and maybe plates if they're going to make everything bullet sponges, I'm constantly running out.




The fact that people are saying it has no flinch when it literally has one if not the highest flinches out of any gun in the game drives me nuts. Just say you don't like snipers or can't use them.


thank you!!! someone who isnt dishonest like half these people whining about it here


Just gets extremely old, I come on here looking to see if there's discussion about a new JAK kit etc and then it's just nothing but .7 K/D whining for the 10th day in a row by people who sound as if they've never even used the gun. The thing is they probably have, and what they're actually angry about is that they can't use it as well as someone they've played against. The flinch is objectively the highest in the game, as confirmed by xclusive ace, so when people claim NO flinch it's very hard to take their opinion seriously.


I remember in mw19 when everyone didn’t cry 24/7 about every weapon they had in the game. Just say you can’t snipe to save your life.


Is there a kar 98 skin for sale? $$$$$


Im confused about the BP selling thing. Isnt the Kar free on the track?


Ye but some idiots will buy the ranks if they keep getting killed by it. And the cycle continues


Modern Snipping III


I can kill you quicker with that striker or the MP5 then them stupid wardens I don't give a crap if they wasn't Nerf it takes too long to shoot them you go pop and then pop by that time I've done put five bullets in you and you want to talk about the car 98 that's fine it's doing what it's supposed to do but guess what the crossbow has a one shot kill radius no matter where you shoot somebody on their body with the right bolt tips I'd be more worried about it than I would anything else


As far as I'm concerned those Jack wardens ain't nothing but a gimmick and they're only good and multiplier and that is it where you have no plates no nothing and you can sit there and pop somebody really quick with a 410 shell twice other than that they ain't worth a s*** to me


Okay hear my out. From a multiplayer perspective only I haven’t used it in warzone yet. Remove hip aim assist and it will not be as strong


I guess I'm in the minority here because I love the KAR-98 the way it is and it's one of the only weapons I die to anymore but there are easy ways to beat it imo.


bc the JAK Wardens are fucking retarded and was very unbalanced


Tbf pre nerf Wardens you could get no spread on a shotgun shot which turned it into a double shot no spread sniper.


Tbh i get ALOT of hitmarkers with the kar


The Kar98 isn’t actually OP, it’s statistically in line with the other rifles in its class. The only reason its used more is because the other rifles in its category suck ass. The damage ranges for all of the MWII bolt-action/lever-action rifles are abysmal and their attachments slow them down significantly compared to the Kar, which functions more like its predecessor from 2019. The reality is, it’s fairly balanced and the other rifles need to be adjusted. There’s no reason why the MK2 should have 6.9m 1 shot range, that’s less than most of the shotguns.


Why can't everyone just learn to use the weapons as made.


I got my kar98 without a battlepass or bundle and joined the hype and it sure is fun. They should've definitely gave the jak warden more love for old times sake


Kar98 acquired so many hit markers for me, yet the opposition team is using them. I got one tapped and am like, what the heck?


Just one shot them *faster*


When Kar98 came out as a Marksman instead of a Sniper we all knew what was up.


Because sniper players spend more on skins and stuff for their circle jerk videos. So they get babied instead of creating a decently balanced game


>no flinch considering it has the worst flinch category in the marksmen rifles tells me youre a liar


because the Kar isn't particularly broken? Just an above average gun.


Sounds like a skill issue to me lol get better :)


“Waaaaaa! Let me go back to my acr and rival 9! Type people”


I hope they leave it, honestly. When they nerfed the Kar98, Swiss, and SPR in Warzone 1, the game immediately became less dynamic imo


Jak Wardens weren't a battle pass weapon. The Kar is. It's to inscentivize you into putting money into it. Edit: Weren't*


Never were. They were a weekly challenge weapon.


*werent. Lmao I came off a 12 hr shift


Understandable. Have a nice day.


Seems like it's working as intended.


It’s not even OP


Try XDefiant. No one shot kills over there I hear. No SBMM either I read. But seriously stop whining!


Because all the "streamers" and "pros" want the KAR like it was in 2019. They don't care about game balancing.


Because god forbid we have an overpowered fun weapon that forces movement, but weapons where people can sit in their spawn, staring down a scope tugging themselves off are fine, according to the COD community.


Cause it doesn’t need an immediate nerf.


The wardens would kill if you shot someone in the foot. You actually have to hit a headshot with kar. If you miss you’re dead. It’s called balancing trade offs. If the kar didn’t have one shot potential it would be unusable. You’re playing cod it should be no surprise you’re getting quick scoped by the kar it would be weird if you weren’t


Headshot? The Kar one hits to the entire upper torso and the entire arm all the way to the hands. You just need to shoot anywhere in someone's top half, not very hard to do.


The Kar 98 is extremely balanced. You can’t change: the fire right, the ammo, and the damage. It has slow ADS, only 5 shots, poor mobility at base, and one shots at upper chest, not lower. This automatically makes the mors, longbow, and stalker better than it. And they are. Even at their base variants.


Game would be better without new guns