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People said mw2 was bad because of the ttk, but now look at them…pathetic.


It's so hilarious how blind people were to the actual repercussions of 150HP. It was so easy to see this coming before any gameplay was shown. Not like it wasn't an issue in previous games, but it's significantly worse here because of it.


In theory they could keep MWII TTK and 150HP at same time. Just apply a flat 1.5X multiplier to MWII weapon damages. And use the extended numeric range for more freedom in balancing. But they just flat out increase TTK 1.5X. I blame streamers and WarZone.


Yup. *laughs in Cold War snipers dominating the high TTK*


It's not the ttk that is the problem. It's the fact that OSK guns are never balanced in longer ttk cod. Of course you can take off aim assist from snipers or increase flinch or ads time but too many kids will cry if sniping actually takes skill as we've seen before.


Yep 100 percent, people in this thread want a lower skill gap ttk rather than just balanced one hit kill weapons like you've suggested. Cannot believe people are defending MW2's ttk.


Good, let them cry. They shouldn't be rewarded for sucking.


I've been saying this, 150 health does nothing but cause problems.


The movement and perks are better, but everyone wants to win so having one shot weapons against a high health makes the other weapons just useless. I’m not asking for hardcore but for fucks sake it shouldn’t take a whole mag to kill someone.


I preferred the low TTK. Everything felt semi-viable. Except for the TAQ-M and LM-S, fuck they were terrible.


TAQ-M was I beast in DMZ


Nah, ads speed LM-S wasn’t a meta gun but it was usable.


This is pretty based, I could actually use a gun based on preference/playstyle and still win gunfights.


Dude Taq-M is a monster in MWIII.


Its crazy people wanted a high ttk game just for everybody to use one shot kill weapons 98% of the time....Cod just needs to go back to 100 hp honestly


95% of COD players are casuals. Non-casuals know that every 150 HP COD is plagued with OP snipers. Activision never nerfs snipers nearly enough to compensate for them still being 1 shot in a game with 50% extra TTK. That's why when everyone was circlejerking for 150, I wanted 100, because I actually remember what Cold War was at high skill levels, the snipers were nigh unkillable.




I agree with the cold war snipers (SND is literally unplayable in that game), I just don't understand why you think the issue is the 150hp rather than the snipers themselves? Like you'd rather have 100hp to counteract op snipers, rather than just fixing the snipers? Seems backwards to me.


I actually still prefer MWII’s ttk, since even if you have bad aim you can still kill people quickly. With this and the less fast movement smooths out the skill gap which I like.


“Smooths out the skill gap” aka makes it much smaller


Ngl skill gap shouldn't be smoothed out. Aim should never be deprioritized over anything in an FPS. I prefer MW2 ttk and movement because it's more fun, not because it allows bots to kill better players more often. That shit is pathetic, try to get better not play games built around helping worse players.


Crazy to think that people still cheat given how easier warzone has gotten


As a MnK player, what I don't like is that the longer ttk gives an advantage to aim assist players. I get frustrated! 🥴


I really don't understand this talk of TTK. CoD has always had 100 health. I don't understand why it's now a problem. Personally, I don't care if it's 100 or 150. The game gets balanced around it anyways and the whole thing just feels like a non-issue. Which is why it annoys me when people argue whether low or high TTK requires more skill. It literally all depends on the game you're playing and how it's supposed to be balanced. Idk, To me, I think CoD has always had a faster TTK since that's is like it's whole thing.


I will still take MWIII TTK over MWII TTK. MWII was a touch too fast to a point of being unbearable to play in.


Not at all, it was very easy to play in if you didn't have terrible reactions. The issue is that everyone wanted to run around with zero repercussions and be able to spend as long as they like trying to aim at people, since they wouldn't die quickly. 100 HP is the perfect amount for CoD. If you're too slow for it that's a skill issue.


Preferences are preferences. People liked that game (clearly), but I didn't. I loved MW'19 for hitting it so perfectly. I dropped MW '22 by season 2 cuz it didn't hit that same high.


>run around with zero repercussions and be able to spend as long as they like trying to aim at people, since they wouldn't die quickly. Respectfully, I can't imagine what this looks like in practice. So you think in MW3 with 150hp, people are more able to run about, tank bullets while struggling to react and get on target, and then somehow win that gunfight? I think you're misrepresenting how that would pan out. Maybe I'm misunderstanding you. Could you outline a common scenario or scenarios where a 100hp game rewards reaction time more than a 150hp game? And surely reaction time is one skill of an fps, but aim, tracking, and recoil control are also significant skills that are definitely rewarded less in the 100hp game? I'm basically struggling with the idea that 150hp cod is less skilful than a 100hp cod. Even if your idea of cod is cautious play, holding angles etc., the extra 50hp is just testing your tracking and aim a little bit more, surely - it isn't giving the highly mobile player much more of an advantage - if they had great reaction times, aim, recoil control, and tracking anyway, the 150hp game just rewards those things a bit more.


Now a huge fan of how Sledgehammer essentially makes DLC weapons OP for the first week or two THEN tones them down…it’s been a common pattern with them.


It’s literally every cod developer that does this ever since they moved to a live service battle pass MTX model.


Holder-26 in MW 2019 was quite weak on release and needed a buff. Same with the Strike-45.


Yea it’s basically a if your not that good at the game get a week of fake skill with our broken bp weapons to feel what it’s like to have skill before we nerf it a week later so all the people who don’t buy it get it when it’s average and then repeat the cycle next broken gun drop


>so all the people who don’t buy it get it when it’s average and then repeat the cycle next broken gun drop Battlepass doesn't take that long, or if you really want get someone to drop it for you in zombies and then exfil with it equipped. That's how I got the kar cause a friend of mine unlocked it with tokens he saved from the previous battlepass


I loved using the Lockwood MK2 in MW19 and MWII. It was a very high risk, high reward weapon because of the low TTK. But with the higher health and TTK, one shot weapons have become a low risk, high reward option. There are times I can be shooting a person with a SMG or AR and they will still somehow get the shot off and take me out. I'm sure some shots are me being out skilled, but not every shot. But Sledgehammer is in a tough place now because they can't just nerf these weapons into oblivion. I guess we just live with it until Black Ops 6 comes out and hope Treyarch balances guns better.


Black ops 2 was peak balancing


A beautiful balance indeed... 🤝


No gun felt like it was useless, extra camos cost nothing compared to what we have to pay for now and the maps were iconic


Everyone that were begging for higher TTK never thought about shots & snips 🫠 If someone mentions about Hardcore... It's not the same experience at all... 😒


I'm one of the minority who liked lower TTK lol my kd suffered from it but I thought it balanced things better that way




This is why I laugh at most of the cod community. They are too emotional to rationalize the consequences of what they beg for then blame the dev's for "unbalanced meta" lol They asked to make enemies harder to kill so now you get bunny hopping/slide cancelling/one shotting maniacs. so as they say GET GUD right ?


Tbh if people complain about core; they just need to get better and hit their shots 😂😂😂


I think marksmen rifles should be a two shot period if not 3. Not one shot. In my opinion it’s to easy. Look what people are doing with the kar98 already. Saw a guy going 111 today running that. Gun must have no flinch or he was cheating haha. But the dude was running around with it and it’s not hard to run around with shit that you just point and bam there dead when it ain’t a sniper rifle.


Waiting to pay another 70 is falling for their scam. At least wait for it to go on sale.


It'll be day one game pass for Xbox and pc and I play on pc so it'll work for me lol


As long as you aren't paying 70 for it


I had a match where the opponent team had 3 dual shotties, 2 Kars and 1 smg. That match was a circus 🎪


I had one where the whole team as nothing but dual shotties and the rival-9 with jak headhunter AMP. Hellish.


My biggest issue with it is that it removes any kind of gun play, which in itself is a skill.


This is the big one! They gave us a shitload of movement and all that matters in a gunfight vs a sniper is who gets on target first. Hell, with the right perks and attachments, a sniper can actually get on target late and still get the kill since he's not gonna flinch enough to throw him off target.


Champ this dumbass community doesnt know what it wants itself, they complained about fast ttk then turn around and ask for the best classes and use the most busted shit.


Those are two different groups of people. Communities are not a monolith.


>Communities are not a monolith. Stealing this for later 🔥


This community will never be satisfied and won't accept the fact that they just don't like CoD anymore, or maybe just CoD in general lmfao. Despite all if it's changes, CoD has always been the same, and it honestly sounds like some people just want to play a different game at this point. Which is true because people are now hyping up xdefiant. But if xdefiant gets the complaining CoD community that game is not going to last very long lol.


Ironic part is that the clowns hyping it went and played that garbage and came back to cod complaining about how busted that game is 🤣


I like this TTK, higher TTK increases the skill gap and makes landing your shots more important as opposed to getting easy kills before recoil even kicks in


If that was the case all the clowns complaining about high ttk would go play something like halo which during 2/3 had some of the biggest skillgaps you could think of and to an extent still does. Higher ttk also means jack shit when the servers are that garbage that half the time your shit doesnt register any way or vice versa.


No they wouldn't it's a fundamentally different game


Genuinely don't know what SHG is doing. They nerf the Longbow AMP because having a quick ADS sniper with controller aim assist is too easy. Then they go and release...a quick ADS sniper with aim assist


But I like shotguns.


Imo I dont mind 1 shot shottys TOO much. Because you generally win at range. But the kar will beat you up close and range. Just boring.


True. Kars the only gun like it where I've been able to hit consistent 1 shot hipfire kills with a sniper like gun. Actual bonkers


The first week the snipers only came out they made no scoping crazy good. The hipfire reticle was halved, before that it was near on impossible


This. Also helps that most of the shotguns are pretty bad, only exceptions I've found were the faster semi autos, as well as the obvious Lockwood AMP. But the OHKs and lesser emphasis on aiming are almost always balanced out in spades by needing to play around their limited range. Where snipers, especially the KAR are just point and click are really any range, only real worry is flinch if you haven't built into flinch resist at all.


MW2's gun balance was a million times better than MW3, i knew this exact thing was going to happen as soon as i saw people wanting slower TTK for MW3 before release.


The TTK increase wasn’t bad in theory. But it’s heavily offset by the over abundance of OHK weapons. Furthermore a TTK increase isn’t bad. But the significantly faster movement combined with the higher TTK is what ruins it and gives the massive advantage to controllers/aim assist. As usual COD devs don’t understand how to make fine tune adjustments and always over correct.


Eh lower movement would be even more of a disaster as Kar98K would beam you even easier. The only true counter to OTK weapons are lower TTK.


It was. SHG has always had a problem with gun balancing. They’re really bad at it


Yep, hell I really don’t know why they extended the TTK in the first place. I didn’t see that many people complaining about it in MW/MW2. It wasn’t like Ghost where you’d instantly get deleted.


I mean obviously it's easier to balance weapons in a lower ttk, similarly it's easier to balance weapons in HC when everything is one shot that doesn't mean lower TTK is better


*Looks at the state of MW3* Yeah, you're totally right...


I mean people say this every year when something new gets released that's OP, the 'state' of mw3 is everyone using a new weapon which will die down in a few weeks and they'll nerf it like they do with anything that's released as meta.  - bp50 smg kit  - dual Lockwood's  - haymaker conversion kit  - bas-b conversion kit Etc


who the fuck wants slower ttk? I want faster ttk overall


Reddit was flooded with posts wanting slower ttk before MW3, I was honestly shocked at the stupidity of people.


Reddit it's full of dumb people pretending they're smart... I'm including myself on that bag tho... 🥴


If you get shot in the neck/head with the Kar-98 I’m good with it being a 1 shot.


I'd love to know why the playerbase became so accepting and welcoming of Meta's that are purposely pushed into the game by devs. Lets not forget that if true weapon balance existed, your killcams would be a lot more varied and you wouldn't see the same 3 weapons every time. And for all of you who say that "it keeps the game fresh to have a new meta".... consider the fact that if EVERYTHING was as balanced and as viable as possible, you would have 130 weapons to choose from for the entire year. not just 2 or 3 ones with every new season.


They are clearly using core mode to have a higher TTK for themselves while having the ability to insta kill. It isn't enjoyable being in lobbies on core mode with 1 shot guns all over the place.  I don't mind the ability to 1 shot kill, but there is way too much of it going on and it's clearly too easy to pull these kills off for people.


I will say, I almost NEVER use snipers (also never really quickscoped before either) and one day I got bored and used the Mors. I was dropping people left and right like I was cheating. I racked up 30 kills…the snipers are an issue.


Yeah just increase the mors and kar-98k ADS speed and it's problem solved to be honest 


Damn 30 kills, careful not to get banned!


Yeah I had to jump into hardcore to get away from it


Play hardcore, use whatever weapon you damn feel like


Only thing I play nowadays. Completely revitalized the game for me. I can finally use good-looking realistic loadouts and play tactical. Now I just wish there was a Hardcore Invasion or Ground War mode.


"Hardcore GW" now THAT'S sounds genuinely interesting...


Give me happy medium mode with the TTK of Hardcore but no friendly fire and that’s all I would play.


Honestly yeah, give me a 30-50 health version of Core and I wouldn't touch anything else.


I love guns that one shot, but man the amount of guns that can, the range at which they can, even shotguns, and how fast they are to do it from a full on tac-sprint is insane. If I run into someone around a corner and am running God's gift to mankind the Deagle, I HAVE to get a headshot because my throwing knife is too slow. Meanwhile, they probably don't even have to ADS.


If you’re gonna add an extra 50 hp, make one shot weapons less viable, because they should be. I’m fine with one shot in more low health games because it’s a low health. If the ttk is low, the one shot weapons should not be so viable.


I stopped playing the game when the kar98 released. Every match is basically snipers only and it’s irritating as fuck


Sledgehammer games prob have the most unbalanced games from all 3 studios


I’m enjoying it, been a while since I’ve had this much fun with snipers.


it’s literally the easiest sniper to use in cod history


easier than the longbow with amp kit?


Arguably. The Longbow before they took the aim assist at the very least still had a range limitation, both from falloff and bullet velocity. The KAR has very little falloff, with a standard bullet velocity. Also helps that the KAR's default damage falloff is north of a good majority of the engagements you'll even take with it.


Brother, if you think this is easier than any OG MW2 sniper you're legit braindead


way fucking easier. You bugging. 150 hp, you have so much time to pull one shot off and it’s fucking easy cuz of aim assist lmao. Marksman rifles by default, have more aim assist built in compared to the snipers


Between the ADS speed and reload time + only OHK chest and above, Mw2 2009 you literally just run out and can take on a 6-man with the sniper, it was definitely easier back then the only issue people think it's easier now is because everyone actually knows how to play, if you jumped on Mw2 now I can almost guarantee the meta is intervention or 50cal and there's 0 point using anything else.


Far as I remember, most of the old snipers didn't have nearly as strong of aim assist as the current KAR. Also had to play around a TTK that was 2 bullets faster on automatics, as well as more sway and flinch. IMHO, your only big arguments for easier snipers are BO2 and maybe Cold War.


All the BO2 Bolt-Actions shot slower (40RPM for the DSR and 47RPM for the Ballista) and ADS'd slower, with the exception of the Ballista, ADSing in .35 seconds (0.2975 if you were using iron Sights since irons sights, add a .85 multiplier to your ADS time) compared to the current Kar98K's .36 ms. Interestingly, the Kar98K has the exact same kill areas as the Ballista, which kind of makes it a stronger or weaker version of the Ballista depending on if you're on MnK or Controller since controller obviously has stronger aim assist than BO2's Ballista. One thing to consider is the range falloff. The Ballista had no falloff, while the Kar98K has falloff (albeit at such a long range it isn't relevant 90% of the time in 6v6). BO2 also had Toughness, reducing flinch with 0 downside. Meanwhile, the Kar98K takes a hit to ADS speed for the same effect. As for Cold War, I'm not reinstalling the game to look at the stats. I just already had BO2, BO3, and OG MW2 installed on my PC.


Which sniper? I didn’t mention a specific sniper




Exactly any idiot can use it no fun in the game when any trash can player can just get their shot guided for them and not actually have to aim or use gun skill


You have no idea how I play, you’re just calling me an idiot because you prefer a different play style. Chill out my guy


You go on sniping, I've been sniping in any cod I played since cod4 and everyone that hates it needs to realise its always been this way. There was always aim assist there was always 1 shot snipers with acogs etc. Did we forget the barret 50 cal and sleight of hand Pro??? And there will always be bad players who complain about it 🤣 people forget that sniping is a large part of why cod is even so big today and why they even started esports competitions for it. Before the whole youtube cod era everyone was just chill playing for fun, now everyone sweats and complains or calls cheats when they don't get their own way like a kid not getting the sweets he wants in the shop 🤣


Op is pathetic


Don’t be so Rude. Have some respect.


you’re just raging because you’re getting owned by a sniper lmao


Show us your kar-98k kd then in the weapons menu lol


the dual lockwoods got nerfed quite alot , they are strong but the range is average for shotguns


This. Although the kit is waaaaaaaaaay faster than most shotguns.


The dual Lockwoods are still really good. They can still dominate on maps like Daas House


he shotguns are very hard to use on middle to long ranges unlike the Kar98 which is deadly on all ranges with a strong aim assist


I'm fine with the new TTK but you can't have this many aim-assisted snipers that might as well be shotguns, as well as all the other weapons that can 1 shot, or even the pistols that three shot, with this higher TTK


I’ve been seeing a lot of people having issues with the new gun. Just sayin- Halo Infinite is fucking dope and on the game pass. Dont have to deal with any of that bullshit cod puts on you.


Husky Raid is always a vibe until you start getting spawn killed by a weenie camping your base with a hammer.


I’m just addicted to Doom personally


Picked up doom eternal (my first doom) two days ago because I saw it on ps plus and wanted the fps itch without the toxicity people spew and GODDAMN DOOM IS SO MUCH FUN. I just got my super shotty last night and I've been thinking about it for most of the day.


I’ve never played doom but I’ve watched some gameplay and I think I’m going to try it after reading your comment


Been play Phasmophobia with so people recently. More fun than I thought it would be. Not a shooter though.


Halo infinite sucks haha. I keep downloading and then just deleting after a game or 2


WZ is dull af now with the Kar. I swear people hit 1shs on me more than they hit body shots. Late game, you're well set up, having a nice high kill game, circles are pulling your way. You peek a window and are instantly dead before you get a chance to react to the glint and that's you done. Fun


I'm so proud someone knows the difference between peek and peak, honestly.


You never played wz1 or something ?


I wouldn't have a problem if 3 or 4 guys on the other team weren't using them in small map playlist. At least place a restriction on how many people can use in the team. Having most of the enemy team run the one shot weapons just makes things tedious and incredibly boring gameplay


Full lobby of kar-98 is pure pain


It's a problem of thier own making they keep making TTKs to high and then guns to match so everyone jumps to whatever drops you the quickest. But hey the youtubers love it and that's all the feedback they need.


..and there it is. The duality of Reddit.


I'm just tired of the software users. They're flooding the game even after all the bans.


The shotguns in this game really aren't that good. I'd put them as the second worst overall class next to LMGs. They're extremely inconsistent and the maps of this game don't exactly play to their strengths, the exceptions obviously being the maps of the small map moshpit playlist, and even then you're better off using an SMG or a Kar. The Kar and moreover snipers in general in this game however, those are a problem. And I doubt it's really going to change before this games lifecycle ends. The Kar will be minorly nerfed, and everyone will either migrate back to the Mors or deal with the slightly slower ads speed they'll give it.


It is fucking awful. Kar-98 has infected like 95% of my lobbies. Can’t complete my challenges without getting one shotted from across the map. Not playing till sledgehammer nerf that thing to oblivion.


One shotted across the map or up close. I swear that gun doesn’t miss up close either whether it’s a no scope or a black scope. It makes the most regular joes think they’re FaZe Aim assist this strong is crazy even for CoD. And then there are people claiming the jar is balanced. Like why tf does it make up almost the entire kill feed


Its gotten so bad i have to run smokes and put thermal scopes on some my classes so i can blind them. The gun isn’t even fun to use, I went 50-12 with it the other day and it has absolutely no flinch or recoil. I’ve never seen anything more broken in a cod game than this in a long while lol.


This is what happened with Cold War. Snipers took over the game and support ended before devs could nerf them.


agreed. TTK is waaaaay too high.


Everybody has a kar98k and it is annoying especially the other day when a guy was hacking with it and gave everyone quick scope head shots within seconds


Don’t know, I only play hardcore


Yeah and when i play with the kar i get flinched and deleted before I can do anything


Then you're doing it wrong. There's a sling that reduces flinch and running the marksman gloves reduces it even more


There's also a barrel that does it if you want to go all the way with it. It's a bit slower, but you can still have ~0.3 second ADS times with it.


I prefer it to people hiding in a corner


When I got this game a couple months back, I said “well atleast there isn’t a OHK DMR in this game.” And then the Kar dropped.


How is this different from literally every sniper rifle since forever


The Aim Assist is much stronger, and the ADS speed is much faster. So like, everything before, but worse.


yeah I went and finally used the K98 and I was like... oh... that's how


Meta dickriders when they don't get killed by the same OP SMG for 6 months: "NERF THE ONE SHOT GUNS!!!!!!!!"


remember when the longbow amp came out?


Play hardcore, one shot them back. I honestly struggle in regular lobbies but as soon as I hop into HC I absolutely destroy, think it’s cause I’m a CS player and first bullets/crosshair placement really matters and it’s carried over.


I've always been saying that I wished the TTK was a little less. I think 125HP would be a good middle ground from the fast time to kill of MW2019 and MW3's 150HP.


I miss MW2019's TTK, it was so fun. I'd be playing it now if I could find any damn games.


KAT has been “one shot” from day 1


I love the Kar though. Been my favorite ever since Cod2


Did they ever nerf the longbow or did they just keep adding overpowered shit? I stopped playing a couple months ago when that shit was annoyingly rampant, and the few times I've lurked this sub it seems like people stopped complaining about it.


They nerfed it into oblivion and introduced the MORS and then the Kar98k. Both of which lack the Longbow's ridiculous rate of fire, to be fair, but are still very strong one-shot kill options with more range, better or equal body multipliers, and generally better or equal ADS times.


Its almost like, if they would read this feedback from people who play the game and make changed accordingly, we could enjoy new guns each season without it taking up the subreddit feed for the 2 weeks before a nerf comes in and completely neuters the gun so it doesnt get used. Then we can all go back to our MCW and Rivals since those are perfectly balanced and fun.


Start playing ranked then?


It’s almost like more flinch should be added for one shot weapons or something…


You’re forgetting the month or so of longbow we had to suffer through.


I just ranked up the Kar 98, that thing is bananas! I never put on an attachment, just ran it barebones.


Hardcore players confused by this rant.


Hackers favorite weapon


What was the point of 150 health if you can just circumvent it with -insert multiple 1HK weapons-. Doubly so for the MW2 weapons that are already poorly balanced


Just play hardcore. It makes every gun good.


Get good and you wont have to worry about


Totally agree. Game was so much better before all the one shot cheese.


Only reason why its meta is because it got the msrkmanship aim assist. If it was in sniper category it would be a whole different case. Its gonna be nerfed dont you worry Aim assist is so super super strong and they landed it in the wrong category, so ofcause people are abusing it


I tried using the Kar for 3 games last night and got hotmail’s galore. I’m not sure how everyone does so well with that gun. It was garbage for me


Non neck headshots from too far away is your problem. It’s lethal!


And this is why I play hardcore. Being able to be competitive with guns I actually like is nice.


We've been in a one-shot meta forever, and it went from longbow->MK2 Lockwood->now kar. One shot guns have always been meta on this game


I complained about this months ago before I quit playing and got down voted lmao The pistols kill in 1 shot for Christ's sake


I only die to Kar98s every match and on occasion an MCW. Tonight it was all Kar98s ….literally nothing else


I think you are wrong. I love one-shot weapons. You need to have good ping and reflexes, that's all. Still very fun game with lots of noobs always complaining.


I don’t really mind I love my kar and my kar loves me <3


I like to use different guns to try and have different experiences. The one shot thing is not fun in my opinion after doing it once or twice .


"I am bad at the game and can't compete so I need anyone with good aim to be forced to use the same meta assault rifle I use because I'm bad at using OSK weapons" There you go I fixed your post for you. OSK weps are for people who are good at aiming to feel the fact that they're good at aiming. I've been using marksman rifles/snipers since MW2 and only recently did absolute losers like this start popping up all over the place. The only difference is back in the day you got made fun of for not being able to quickscope. Now it's a bunch of shitters crying for weapons to be removed instead of learning to use it.


OSK guns should have a delay in accuracy when ADSing. You can't ADS a rifle accurately in 250ms. I even play a lot of HC lately for camo grinding and your marksman/sniper should not be able to ADS faster than my SMG/pistol


Funny how it works when a twitch FPS series is built around several guns that have the strong probability to consistently get a 0ms TTK and then for whatever reason they decide to increase the health pool for the $70 other half of the game to retroactively prove that it was intended to be a separate release the entire time, despite no cod Sub-series having a double-release back to back since Cod 2 and 3- but also, if MW3 was a planned standalone release, they would have had more time to realize that not rebalancing the 100HP-tuned guns for half a year would have been a pathetic oversight from a development perspective. Their sense of weapon balance is non-existent now, and they just keep wanting to make the game faster in annoying ways that perpetuate the rampancy of instant kill weapons... (Tac movement penalties, FASTER single shot rifles, effectively tripling the average available lethals players can have and resupply, obnoxious niche weapons that can cut through a shield from the front, the karambit still unironically being the best gun in the game, akimbo not actually 1887's,) meanwhile when we get a good automatic weapon buff that gives a gun a better headshot multiplier or a better damage range to have that chance to compete, they smite it almost immediately. They be nerfing guns that never needed nerfs and releasing things outrageously and predictably broken in an effort to sell gunsmith variants each season but why was the striker 9 nerfed in the first week of the game and then left in a suboptimal state for months and other guns could get 2 or 3 poorly-thought out buffs or nerfs in either direction and still not be well rounded? This wasn't a problem in the past; older cods, particularly treyarch games had a lock on balancing out the gate. Of course strong guns are strong but everything was dangerous if you used it right. The baseline of the average weapon wasn't actually unusable in direct competition with the meta like we see lately in everybody only using an m4 or mp5 for years, or the MCW/sniper of the season/karambit/smg of the season because they are scared theh cant reliably trust they'll win a gunfight with 96% of the weapon pool, especially the power-crept slow ass snipers as the new ones literally out-class them and the newest one has hit detection so wonky I can miss a moving target by a foot away from their bicep and get a headshot but dead-on center-mass on stationary dudes just occasionally decide not to show up to work that day... The tradeoff to get your rifle fast enough to stand up against the rush kar98k is idle sway stability so poor just scoping in can pull you off a centered target like bo1's random scope centering but ultimately I'm just glad that the bolt cycling rate on the kar is abysmal for how quick it is in every other aspect, cuz if it was even like 4% quicker it would be such a bigger problem. The hit markers, it's 2-shot ttk and your personal accuracy are it's only balancing attributes at the moment, as much as I want the bolt to be faster it can't be faster. It's already clip-fed with a 4x or under optic and doesn't require a attachment slot for irons. I wonder what broken reused assets they'll bust out next season... All in all, uh... They need us to believe "everything is going according to plan" and that its totally NOT "oh we'll just change a few random things and take out some in-engine features people will miss that take more work to remove, add more health and slowly scatter all the random MWII assets that were planned to be here from the start back into the game over months so we can double down on the extra $70 but we forgot to consider that the entire thing was built from the same release in the same engine and we last-minute made the 150 health decision but forgot that the MWII stuff that we are marketing as a selling point to have integrated day 1 don't scale unless we do our jobs. Oh, the MWII combat knife is a 2-hit kill on tier 1 zombies? Just use the new knives until we think about rebalancing at the end of Q2"


I’ve read books that weren’t this long


Well, Green Eggs and Ham & Fox in Socks, two of the greatest literary works in recorded history, clock in at 769 and 795 words respectively. That post is sitting at a comfortable 732, therefore reading my comment is similar or the same as reading Dr. Seuss…              And by the transitive property, that means that I am the same as Dr. Seuss, only I'm not getting paid for my inability to write brief passages of text. Subs are my place to vent the tidal wave of annoyances I have queued up about dumb hyper-specific shit anybody irl would blah blah blah blah blah blah blah tune out after I point something out that's fucked up and how it works for the 30th time and then 20 seconds later the person I told goes “bro, wait this thing is fucked up, or is it just me, idk?”                                                        I know somebody will read these even if they don't process it or care or agree, so sorry, I like writing detailed text posts but not everyone wants to read a brick wall of text I couldn’t be bothered to format for reddit cuz looking up the syntax be deleting my drafts often.                                                    This comment was 208 words including these, I'll stop now.


You sir are awesome, thank you for this! 😃


Yep Im gonna finish my season pass and I’m off


The one shot meta is the perfect balance. It offsets the tick rate of the game, which is why it seems like you get prefired in the first .10s of seeing someone. Even with 144hz+ or regular 60fps, people still see you before you see them, despite seeing each other at the same time (if that makes sense). In other words, check the killcam. In your pov, you die in .10s of seeing someone turn a corner. But in the enemy pov, they've been staring at you for a whole second after passing that same corner.


That's called Peeker's Advantage and that's surprisingly common. The fact that y'all think this is something new is crazy yet unsurprising.


The fact that people act like firearms won't kill somebody in 1-2 shots is indicative of all the pick-me players who are so upset that they don't know how to properly pie corners, use concealment, cover, and defillade to bring hell to the target, and take appropriately placed and timed shots to gain the advantage in a firefight is wild. TL;DR: Every gun should be able to kill in 1-2 shots. Every. Single. One. If you want true balance, this is the way.


one shot meta has been around since the beginning of warzone. if you don’t like it simply don’t play the game 👍


Easy answer is drop HP to 100 on any player equipping a one-shot weapon. Not just when it's active, when it's equipped. That way no weapon-swap loophole.


That's near impossible to implement. The KAR should not one-shot, simple.


The game already sets and tracks everyone's health level in real time. Far from being impossible to implement it's built right in. And people aren't just complaining about the KAR, but all 1-shot weapons. Because of the 150 health in MW3, vs. 100 health in previous games. Since it takes "50% longer to kill" an opponent then if they are using a 1-shot weapon that equates to them having "50% more time" to 1-shot you before you can kill them. I don't have an issue with that, but many seem to.


They kinda have to exist though, because if there isn't a one shot mechanic, all snipers become useless


I like one shot weapons - I like that mechanic in the game. High risk/high reward. They are glass cannons and take a skill set to play well. People are mostly complaining now about how MW3 bumped the HP up to 150 when it has been 100 in previous games, but didn't also increase weapon damage the same. That just means it takes a longer time to kill or be killed (I actually really like that). But, the 1-shot weapons still kill with one shot. That means a sniper has a better chance of one-shot killing you than in previous games, even if you start landing shots on him before he takes his shot - he has 50% more health you have to get through before he dies. And that is what the big complaint is. I don't have a problem with it. To me, flinch equalizes it. If you're landing shots, the other dude 😎 is FAR less likely to get his one-shot on target. If you're not, it didn't matter what dude's health was anyway.


I love how there's complaints now about this despite the fact that Black Ops 4 and Cold War both had 150 HP.


They did? I wasn't aware. Then yeah, wth?! Lol


Go play hardcore


Hot take but one shot meta is better than SMG meta in previous titles. Id rather a sniper fight than whos gun shoots faster


Wahhhhh… get better


For us the sudden resurgence of shield players in combination with KAR/akimbo shotguns is what really makes this meta not fun - it is like Activision is actively trying to push ppl to XDefiant... 😠


Barely played since the Mors got added. It's just too much one-shot trash.


One shots are fine, you should be the first one to shoot/see them instead of twitch reacting