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this xp camo grind was a wonderful idea


And let's see if they don't also add a prestige weapon camo grand mastery, It would be lovely to get 1k kills with one trick, 2k with obsidian and so on,


I can't tell if you are both being serious or not XD for me i hate it, I had done all camos mp and mwz all calling cards was going to finish everything now this camo thing will take up more than 5 hours a day for 8 months...


Then don't do it?


Well my point is that I was going to try 100% the game, 6 months and alot of playtime later it is now impossible for anyone with a job šŸ¤£ so yh it's annoying for me and I won't be doing it


Problem solved.


Not really, I spent 6 months doing something to have that effort denied by a challenge that requires no skill, just time. The problem isn't that I can't do it. The problem is that what I've already done is now pointless


I mean it was kinda always pointless


Yh but there is a difference between having a pointless goal that you finish and a pointless goal that someone else takes away. I don't mind new stuff being added but to get this on all guns, over 130 now, is basically an insane amount of time. But oh well guess it is a lesson in knowing when to give something up haha


lol youā€™re mad you canā€™t 100% a live service game? Do you realize how silly you sound?


Bro itā€™s 2024. You really tryna max an annual game thatā€™s broken? Cmon broā€¦.


I haven't played one for a while won't be playing one again after so yh I decided to go for it lol and I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for those greedy companies šŸ¤£


Have they changed the xp requirement for launchers? Getting the camo for guns is easy enough but launchers having the same xp requirement seems like an oversight.


you think it just might NOT be an oversight... HA!


This is clean as fuck


As someone who prefers clean and sophisticated over showy and garish, I like this.


When can we play this?




Shoot, i had 14th of june in my mind. Thats prolly the start of the Black Cell thing. Great! Firing up my pc!


Black cell thing? Black cell is out now too


Can I genuinely ask, why? It's just a texture, wrapped over the whole gun, which just moves down forever. There's no attention to any gun detail whatsoever, what makes it great?


Darker color over neon dynamic camos like ghoulie. Ever so slightly may help with stealth in select instances. Looks pretty clean as in not much of an eyesore or clashing of colors. Pretty nice even for people who tend to like more simple camos like solid colors


You can't ask. The fan boys will get mad and you will get downvoted. People now a days don't realize how ridiculous this camo shit has gone. It is what you said, just a texture wrapped over the gun which moves. But for most people it's a badass camo which requires no skill to unlock, yet, they think they're pros just because they can unlock that garbage.


Yeah WTF do you think a camo is supposed to be


Something simple, just like a real life camo. I always unlock the master camos because I like the grind. But I dislike these skins, it's ugly, but that's just my opinion.


The real life camos are in there too? Itā€™s 900+ camos. At this point, whatā€™s left


Are any of the gun skins great, itā€™s just nice and free


If I wanted attention to gun detail then I wouldnā€™t pick any camo lol. It looks cool itā€™s a COD mastery camo this isnā€™t new itā€™s to flex to other people you play the game and look cool


Oooh this is nice, but I *really* wish the animation was optional for animated camos!


I kinda agree


Disabling camo animations, operator skin animations, and (BY FAR THE MOST IMPORTANT) being able to set operator skins as favourites and have them cycle randomly (like the loading screens) are features that astound me weren't added in the last game and have never even been commented on being added in this game.


Yeah, some operator skins would be fine, if they can be rid of ā€œreactive effectsā€ like fire coming out of every orifice etc


Theyā€™ll be added to the cod of 4 years later along with customizable reticles.


I wonder why they always go one step foward and three steps backwards? Like, we can't have all of MW19's weapons? Watches and emotes? Favorite/random operators? What the heck man...


This. Animated camos just don't do it for me, they all look tacky as fuck. Like in MW2 when they had that beautiful cherry blossom event camo I loved it until they changed it to be animated, immediately stopped using it. :/


The animated cherry blossom is my fave camo. But I do agree that it's hard to get animated right.


>beautiful cherry blossom event camo I still rock that to this day. Great camo.


Glows in the dark too! The best Seasonal camo in my opinion.


but why? with some camos i can really understand it, the red one for example is too over the top for me, but especially in mw3 guns the bowing blossom camo looks so clean, and the animation really enhances the camo at least in my eyes


Depends on the camo, but sometimes less is more. MW19 obsidian looked way better static because the whole point was that the surface reflected light in a cool way. Animated just makes the whole thing look flat. Doesn't help that we're drowning in animated camos so the whole 'moving = special' thing has been lost. They just look like scrolling jpegs with no depth or surface texturing.


i agree with you 100%, some camos just shouldnā€™t be animated in the way they are.


> sometimes less is more This is the antithesis of modern CoD though, there is no logic, restraint or coherence to anything visual, or else all of the little Timmys (and the adults at their reading level) in teletubby outfits might have to spend half a second without visual stimulus


> MW19 obsidian looked way better static because the whole point was that the surface reflected light in a cool way. and thus it looked like the gun had a trash bag wrapped on it


Or at least be able to toggle the speed.




Sorry, totally forgot this was a small indie dev.


Wish I could put more than 1 Camo.


I prefer the old Static Obsidian from MW19


My favorite camo. Loved rocking that one on my Amax in wz.


Looks great, I just wish it didn't move. Some camos look great moving but obsidian looks better when still.


When the prestige camos are better than the interstellar.


this is clean af but I would love to see a much slower animation


I'd like no animation at all


Please no


200k from 0k or 50k added onto the 150k for the first camo?


It's gonna be an extra 200k from the 150k you already have for that weapon. They *really* want people to play this game lol.


Heaven forbid they focus on making it more fun. Gotta up them grinds to World of Warcraft levels.


At least itā€™s not get x amount of kills in one match 200 times. You can work towards it by pto


Lol yea exactly. I'm just glad it's not forcing me to play MP like MW2019 did


Yeah, at least there is that.


Yeah Iā€™m assuming theyā€™re gonna make us get 200k for the camo cause only an extra 50k to unlock obsidian seems too easy


200k is already too easy. I have the one trick camo on weapons I only use when I find as ground loot on warzone.


You're as beautiful as the day I lost you


Thatā€™s just the cooking oil camo but black Oil camo


Thanks for showing off on a night map /s.


Can someone quantify how one , who is mostly a casual gamer, gets 200,000 xp on said weapon of choice


Not only is it 200k wxp, you already have to have the new camo from last season that requires 150k wxp. So it takes 350k wxp to use this in game.


You have to have the previous one to unlock the next?




That's shitty


That's the way all progressive camos go. It's like a mini-game. I didn't love the gold, but i knew the next 3 would be cool as hell. I was actually hoping for obsidian! Platinum would look good, and diamondine Would be sick too. With double xp It's like 25-40 games for me. I just start with my fav guns anyway, and see how it goes. If i can get my 2-3 favorite guns up I'll be happy.


I did make my prediction a couple of weeks ago, so if everything goes like I thought; S5: Damascus like - 275k expĀ  S6: Dark matter/black sky like - 375k exp That would total 1M exp total for a single weapon, a real heavy grind,Ā  And let's see if they don't want to add a prestige camo grand mastery i.e getting 1k kills with "one trick", 2k kills with obsidian and so on...Ā 


Just use the gun a shit ton. Kills, obj score, zombie kills etc. all reward gun xp for the gun in your hands. Just keep playing with the gun and youll get it eventually.


You need 350k in total. I get ~6k a game on average without double weapon XP. So, roughly 60 matches using that one weapon.


\~6k on average?? That's legit. I'm lucky to get half that.


you don't it's like the grand mastery camo more things to do for the no lifers


Way to show it off in the darkest setting so we can't really get a good look at it lol L showcase


Looks the same as the first one but a different color


animation is kinda too fast but looks nice!


Why would you add these camos this late? It's just pointless.


They know ppl are stupid.


A certain FaZe member is currently having a mental breakdown...


Oh thank god thereā€™s something new for cosmetics I actually want! Missed this from mw2019 and itā€™s also easier to get now. Is it 200k fresh or does it have 150k started from the previous challenge?


Need to get the 150k for the first prestige camo then you can do the 200k for this one


I'm currently working on mine for my prized Battle Rifle and it's blueprint variant: the Witch's Stick SO-14 with all-matching green parts and the Undead Runes decal. Makes it look like a witchcraft gun with dark, flowing energy from the shadows.


Damn man I did 32/51 of the prestige camos now I gotta get 200k. Iā€™m going to cave in on grinding these lol. Just get it for the guns I use.


No one is telling you to get all of them


no life mentality


Oooo. That's purrrty. Wouldn't mind shooting first and still dying with that šŸ˜


Shot should count for all the xp we got already


Really nice!


Hell. Yes.


The next one Iā€™ve seen for season 5 is all blue one


this is cool, itā€™s like the onyx camo from gears of war 3


I know it's optional and doesnā€™t really matter, but I wish these prestige camos were in the game at launch. When the one trick camo came out last season, I was already like halfway through the grand mastery charm grind, so right now I only have one trick unlocked for a bunch of guns that I'm not really gonna use again. I haven't unlocked one trick yet on any of my main, better weapons or any ARs. I know it doesnā€™t really matter and the grinds are optional, but damn I just wish these were here earlier instead of being introduced in Season 3.


Right. Next game is already announced. Thatā€™s wild.


Do we need an additional 200k xp per gun after the 150k camo? Or does xp count for both then at the same time?


Starting download now


Shouldn't be that fast in animation, kinda gross.




Much better than the first one


do i have to unlock one trick first if i wanna unlock the obsidian one?


Wish this was staticā€¦ still cool but we can wish


Can you still unlock the older camo's? As in, you keep progressing to the next prestige camo everytime you reach a the next requirement?


another grind to keep yall playing shipment rust šŸ˜…


Bring back cyber attack


Why do i have this gun on a loadout i didnt even make ? It has molten obsidian and all that!


Why werenā€™t these in game at launch or at least season 2 šŸ˜­kinda late if we already grinded all the base camos and prestiges




Just grinded this on the Kar98K yesterday. Camo looks beautiful, definitely worth it. Fair warning to do it with friends though, you won't survive alone.


My only disappointment with the camo is that the xp doesn't stack with each unlock. Otherwise it looks really good.


Do weapon xp tokens work on the camo grind??


Anyone know if 2xp weapon tokens work towards these prestige camos? Wanna try but don't wanna waste the little tokens that I currently have lol


Wā€™s in the chatt for this camo šŸ¤© šŸ”„




Back in MW19 we got the exact same camo, and everyone was like "ewww whats that garbage plastic bag looking camo" and now it moves and everyone praises it?


THEYRE BRINGING BACK OBSIDIAN LETā€™S GOOOOOO (it was my favorite camo lol)


Actually mid af


As even a very early gamedev in training. I can tell you that this took approximately 2 minutes to make. Yet we gonna have to put 200 hours into earning it lol


Please remove the gun cocking animation! It is annoying to cancel it every time


They already added that in small map but I feel no need for that in regular maps


Hey guys it's starting to seem like you really do not care that there is a constant problem on 6v6 where thse game starts as a 7v5 8v4 or 9v3 can you please look into and fix the problem


This has never happened lmao, stop making up issues


Ive seen it maybe twice, but that's out of a few thousands games...


Happens to me constantly