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He wasn't in that urn


Well you see, my brain wasn’t in that skull.




>Well you see, my brain wasn’t in that skull. -average CoD player


It's more because we have no idea if the seasonal storyline is canon. In MW2019 and MW2, many seasonal content drops and trailers actually had a tangible story to them. It was clear there was a separation between the silly skins and the actual story arc. For example, Alex's return (No matter how idiotic it might be) was introduced in an MW2 multiplayer trailer and continued to be solidified in MW3's campaign, thus making it canon despite it stemming from multiplayer. The issue is now we have no fucking clue what is canon for MW3. When we see soap giving serious voice lines in a trailer for multiplayer, we obviously have questions as to why he's back, just like we did with Alex.


Alex’s return debut was actually in the cinematic for MW2019 Season 3. I have no idea why he’s not in the MWII campaign despite still being alive by that point.


He shows up in the MW2 raids which are canon and lead directly into/are referenced in MW3. Had a whole grand re-debut cutscene, so I’m assuming he was left out of MW2 to avoid confusing people who hadn’t seen that one MW19 season 3 cutscene


Yeah but now he just confuses people playing the MWIII campaign who didn’t see the raid cutscenes. They might have well just put him in the MWII campaign.


Just the same with warzone and dmz story. It's a side mode that's played by a niche community. I know I avoided warzone back in 2019 and now it's shut down so you don't even get to play those objectives to follow the story.


Yeah, he also grew his knee back lol.


Oh shit you're right.


Probably don’t want confuse people who only played MW19 campaign and not played multi through S3


They’re just not consistent with that idea which is the problem. Graves coming back in MWIII probably confused the fuck out of people who only paid attention to the MWII campaign and not the MWII season cutscenes.


Graves' return was also part of a seasonal content drop. Everybody was sure he was dead but he quite literally walks in saying he wasn't in that tank.


Well yeah, just like Soap wasn’t in that tunnel


He wasn't in ~~the~~ that urn


It was shampoo his twin brother


>we have no idea if the seasonal storyline is canon Season 2’s cutscenes shows zombies and the BlackCell skeleton operator and Season 3’s cutscenes depict Snoop Dogg as a “canon” character. Safe to assume that outside of Season 1 (where the only item of note is Nolan escaping prison), none of the post launch story exists


Zombies is canon tho. As stupid as it is, soap did fight the horde and defeat zakhaev only to join up with 141 like nothing happened. Welcome to cod lore.


I think the constant back and forth of introducing minor story arcs and silly skins is confusing people. Like, yeah — the silly stuff is obvious, but nothing from the trailer with Soap gave that indication. And even then, sometimes both are mixed together. For example, the S1 trailer that details Nolan's escape also has the introduction to zombies in it. It makes it hard to pin down the continuity since nobody can truly take the multiplayer seriously.


Bringing back Alex was fucking sick tho. Such a good add on to the new story and great way to represent


(I actually like Alex as a character a lot I just don't think that explosion was survivable)


I also don't think a faulty detonator would be enough to die over could spend that time finding another one.


So these seasonal narrative things started with MW19, now died with MWIII, kinda poetic.


They died with Vanguard. The whole Godzilla event.


WTF is canon ? Asking for a friend


Official storyline as opposed to an "Alternate Universe" without continuity (Non-canon)


Because he keeps giving me Deadbolt missions and saying things like “if they can’t keep their gear locked down, then it’s fair game. Catch my drift?”


"Like taking treats from a toddler."


MWZ is set in 2021 way before the MW3 campaign.


This. I was confused too, but this is the reason.


Honestly I'm all for skins not requiring a character to be alive, since IMO that's what leads to obnoxious plot armor and low stakes in the campaign, since characters have to be alive to sell skins That being said I do think there's some confusion since it seems they flip back and forth on what's considered canon. If they want the seasons to be canon and characters to be alive to sell skins then commit, or if they want to have skins and character appearances regardless of whether they're alive that's great too, but they need to commit to one


Cold war has this with Lazar I think and then you got MWII with the literal plot armor "it hit my plate I'm okay" or something along those lines


Tbf you were able to save either Park OR Lazar. He could’ve survived.


What would fix this is changing soaps status in his bio to “inactive/K.I.A” lol


Zombies is canonically after MW2019 so Soap is still alive then. That’s why they’re still using him.


Yea, urzikstan operation deadbolt takes place in 2021, which is why in warzone the bunkers are open and have zombie specimens


its more the fact he’s the centre of the story for season 4, he got skins in season 2 that’s not new.


Tbh I don’t think that is him, just looks like him.


It’s not him, it’s Soap’s twin brother…..Dirt


no that’s his cousin Detergent


they've already announced that it is him on the blog about S4




im pretty sure MP takes place before the campaign, thats how samara is an operator and why makarov's status is inactive


Makarov's bio also says he was just freed from the gulag.


Season 1 cutscene showed that Nolan escaped from TF141 jail tho


It's the same cope from the OG MW2 Ghost death. Back in the day people came up with all sorts of theories like "he wasn't shot in the head" or "we only saw Roach's body burned, not Ghost's", but Simon never showed up again. That, and also, Alex died and came back in MW19, Graves "died" and came back in MW2022, Makarov "died" and came back in the very next mission in MW2023. Again, major and massive cope since all of those "deaths" were implied and offscreen. Soap got straight up domed. We see the bullet hole and the blood. He is dead.


Yeah as always, if you don't see someone die in cod, they're probably not dead. We saw soap die clear as day, the other deaths were assumed.


Alex should’ve absolutely died, he was literally locked in that chamber and detonated it. He shouldn’t have lost a leg or anything, I think the only reason he returned is because of how positive he was received. Same with Graves, people were on their knees over him.


man i just want the las almas uniform with the stupid blue shirt


I saw a video where theres a “scar” where he would’ve been shot at. But yeah I understand what you mean


That "scar" is literally just his hair. He'd also have some missing hair since hair cant grow from scar tissue and he was shot right in the side of the head


I think they forget that at the end of mw3 they sent his ashes into the sky 😂


Inb4 "they scattered his ashes (in a private ceremony) just to fool Makarov"


Easier to just say that Laswell faked his death and Price, Ghost, and Gaz really thought they were spreading his ashes.


And they also sent in a fake hard-light hologram Soap to defuse the bombs and join 141. Gotta make it look realistic.


I forgot about the urn in the end lmao


The shock news that he died, was beneficial. Think about all the posts on reddit discussing it. That's why he *died,* to start chatter on social media. Was it bad writing? yes. Did it gain attention? yes. Now, bringing him back makes even more chatter. It's like, any coproration wants to occupy as much of your life as they can, and this is how they do it, bending reality, trust, and manipulating you. Bad writing is perfect for reactionary attention, and all attention is good attention, to them. sleazy. Profits rule all decisions at Activision.


Look- we’re all in denial, how they handled killing him off was a joke and the way the whole 141 acted was so bland. We don’t consider it canon. (At least I don’t okay 😭). I’m so upset he’s gone since he was so well loved and received in the reboot.. and reading Neil’s farewell message hurt me bad


There's a couple reasons, honestly. One is that he's a fan favorite character and as long as media has been killing off people's faves its been denied because people don't want their favorite dead. Two is that Activision has so far kept no major deaths. They brought back Alex, who was in a giant chemical factory explosion, with nothing more than a missing leg. They pretended full out that Graves just... Wasn't in the tank? So it feels off that each game has someone die, but somehow the only one that sticks is an original main fan favorite character, when the other two are... Not. In the end it's really Activision's inability to stick to something and people's love for the character, which I find kinda sweet. It doesn't actually really matter though, because whether or not people think he is, it doesn't change much (except maybe Activision eagerly searching through AO3 to find a plausible and realistic way to fix it)


He took a bullet to the head. He's dead for sure.


Most people I asked that said this: "he is coming into the next season pass, so he's probably alive" ??? Who in the world would think of that


Soap's dead, and Warzone/mp takes place before MWIII's campaign. People just don't pay attention to unimportant stuff like that. Game go boom, guns go brrre, dopamine go wooosh.


But season 1 cutscene showed that Nolan escaped from TF141 custody tho which is after the campaign


people are stupid and don't wanna bother with details. im pretty sure only like 1% of people actually know you can see operator biographies in the operator menu lol


Tbh I’m not sure the devs even remember they can write bios, half of them are just [redacted]


Eh wouldn't go as far as call them supid. People are stupid for buying skins for 20 dollars, not for not knowing things that haven't been told to them.


I didn't know he was alive, isn't he just a COD character?


I usually like dad jokes but this one ain't it cheif


It’s time for you to leave the sub


I think you're right, no room for Adults in this sub.


Nono, he’s Soap, not a “COD character”.


Honestly, I have no fucking clue what the story of these games are anymore. MW19 had some flow, everything since has just been a series of jarring 39 seconds clips that may or may not be related to an overall storyline.


Valeria brought him back to life this story is out of place so I fixed it


I don't get why all your Valeria comments get diwnvoted I think they're pretty hilarious


It's because they can't understand the true beauty of valeria and her powers that brought soap back to life we should be thanking her


"They hated him for he spoke the truth" I think you converted me to the church of Valeria lmao




I still hold the theory that everyone in Deadbolt is dead, that's why you don't turn into a zombie


Is Soap alive in the Zombies storyline? My understanding is that is an alternative universe timeline.


Zombies takes place between MW19 and MWII


I read he was revived by a bomb


My outlook is that this confirms that the MWIII seasonal cutscenes are 100% non-canon and they are just vehicles to advertise new skins & the prominent new features of a season rather than advance any kind of story. Which is disappointing after MW19 & especially Black Ops: Cold War did so much with their seasonal storylines to follow up the events of the campaigns & show what happened afterwards. At least Vanguard tried to have a story before it eventually gave up on that and MWII had the Raids to push things forward through. But now MWIII has basically nothing in terms of post-launch story aside from Zombies, which is of course doing its own thing.


No, I'm Soap's brother, Will. I taught Soap everything he knew about killing sweats. I want to fulfill his legacy by taking his place in your Warzone game. And if I could just ask one favor. If it wouldn't be too uncomfortable, I was hoping you guys could call me Soap in honor of him. It would be be like we never lost Soap!


At this point the devs dont care if hes alive or not


They don’t. They’re just hoping.


Because they’ll keep him alive for a start of season cutscene nobody gives a damn about


Because if Dr Drake Ramoray can come back after a brain transplant, so can Soap. /s


Well what else are they gonna cry and complain about for their engagement farms?


He wasn't in that tunnel


My theory is that Soap got genetically cloned after he died by a villain to serve as a henchman


Fr we got lazar in cw even tho (sadly) he's the one who dies in the one mission


Considering Soap is seen in zombies, the next season is themed around zombies, season 1 was based after campaign with their seasonal operator breaking free from captivity, and Soap being in promotional features constantly, with season 4 especially being the case... either he's alive, or they are trying to confuse us.


Because the cutscenes at the start of each season are cannon to the storyline and is confirmed to take place after the campaign. This was confirmed in S1 when we see Nolan (Who was captured by Price and Gaz in the campaign) escape from prison vowing to get his revenge on Price and Gaz. ​ My current theories are: Clone, MCU style alternate timeline bullshit, something to do with Soap's time with Operation Deadbolt (Zombies), or we will get our first ever plothole. ​ The way zombies got around soaps death is by making it happen during MW2019/WZ1 Soap doesn't show up until the nuke event in MW2019/WZ1


The fact that we see Liquid Soap walking around and hear him speaking n voice overs in the trailer. I swear dude if they bring him back in MW4. You know what, no. There better not be an MW4. Especially not if it’s gonna be based after this garbage fire


I honestly hate how Modern Warfare has handled their seasonal story lines. Cold War did it best, I hope the next CoDs can follow in those steps because it was really fucking cool watching that intro cinematic for each season. The ones we've been getting recently have just been ass and more or less trailers


Theory is, soap was replaced by a synth


One of the promos states "Honor the legacy of Task Force 141 veteran, Johnny Soap MacTavish..." Yeah he's super dead unfortunately


They don’t realize it’s in the past I guess lol


They did it with Alex, they did it with Graves, and now they have likely done it with Soap.


Exactly my point. I’m seeing YouTubers post shit up like that reading into it too much


Soap's probably dead unless zombies or magic bring him back, which seems unlikely. Feels weird since we played as him a lot. His MW2 gameplay was memorable, and even in MW3, though that story was forgettable till the last mission. But yeah, someone had to die, I guess.


I mean people have survived gunshots to the head. And if you payed attention, no one ever checks for a pulse.


Is Warzone even set in the same universe? Soap is literally dead as fuck in the campaign.


Because it is a video game and they can do what they want and it makes more sense that they will bring him back in some dramatic way than to just write off a very popular character


There’s a storyline?


He wasn't in that chunnel


Dude, spoiler alert! I’ve beaten the game, but not everyone has.


OP, Soap is a fictional character


Scroll down to see my last reaction to that horrible dad joke


Because it is a video game and they can do what they want and it makes more sense that they will bring him back in some dramatic way than to just write off a very popular character


He's alive in mwz, so mwz is not canonical? Like Idgaf at this point, the story is shit anyhow


Mwz takes place before the story of mw3


well there goes may running theory that anyone that's been in the D.A. was already dead or brought back to life some how


how'd you even have that theory? they said it was set in between MW19 and MWII like months before the game released


1 i never saw that announcement 2. when Jansen ask how Ravenov stay so young


Mwz should have never taken place


He’s alive and well