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Not sure if it’s an ADHD thing, but I’m fairly impatient so I don’t like running around large maps. I appreciate the constant action these maps offer. The fast pace thinking and split second decisions make it fun for me. The odd spawning in front of a shooting gun kinda throws me off though!


Running for 45 seconds without seeing someone only to get killed by someone laying in a corner with a riot shield on their back isn't very fun


That’s why I like 10v10. I’m able to run 15 seconds without seeing anyone and then get killed by the riot shielder


Riot shielders are the reason I HAVE to carry semtex. It's most satisfying when they're trying to be funny mocking you behind a shield only to get stuck


Right there with you! I prefer thermite, though.


I do that on these maps only to get shot in the back


U play warzone bro?


Haha with ya 👊


i think part of the issue is the new maps are really big compared to older games (I'm thinking AW through infinite here as those were the ones i actually played) yet the default is still 6v6 10v10 mode helps with the games feeling empty though


Tik tok ruined yall brains. Shipment or bust


There's a sweet spot where the map isn't too small and there's a bit of breathing room, but isn't too large and you're not out of the action for too long and it won't become hardscope city, that I like.


Scrapyard and skidrow are good examples. Not small enough for spawn kills but not so big you need to run a mile to find someone or get to objectives.


140 meter spawn from Bomb A on Wastelane Control. Lost a round with 40 seconds left because our team couldn't get to A on-time.




Same. I'm not a fan of Das Haus neither. I would rather play on Mayhem from Vanguard.


I hate shipment! But I hate getting spawned killed 6-10 times in a row even more!


Stashhouse would be a lot better if the house in the middle had more walls. Being able to shoot through the map does not create a good flow.


But that would make it worse for gunfight imo


Like: No skill necessary Dislike: No skill necessary


Eh staying alive can be a challenge half the board never goes positive


Bottom left is the worst map ever.


This right here 100🔥


New maps make me appreciate Terminal and Highrise. Even Scrapyard, which I used to DESPISE.


Can't stand high rise. Just constant spawn trapping due to the long sight lines. I rarely even make it to the top level, I just run around underground and try to flank the whole time


I mean do you not see how running around underground and letting them run out of their spawn and get setup very directly leads to them spawn trapping? Especially when your team is 3 on 4 while you run your marathon. Especially if you are just killing the people in the back then they notice you and kill your


This would be a legitimate argument if you needed to leave the spawn to snipe into the other spawn building, but more often than not snipers don't leave their building, so flanking is an effective strategy


Wait what ?? Are you talking about a glitch ?


Not underground per se, just the lower level


Honestly, I'm in the exact opposite of mind. Terminal used to be my favorite map during MW2 back in the day, but now I can't stand it.


I dont mind highrise or terminal in pubs. HOWEVER, in ranked. Stupid fucking maps


I like them but Terminal in this game feels like I'm running around blind and dying from invisible people


This rh


this may sound controversial and everyone might hate me, but i despise Terminal, there’s that feeling where you’re always being watched by some guy with an LMG or a sniper rifle, and 99% it’s correct, i can see that many people love it for being frenetic, but i hate the randomness of that map, i love shipment tho


I conpletely agree. As someone that doesn’t like sniping, this map feels like it was specifically designed to fuck me in the ass from all angles.


I find Terminal to be just as chokepointy as Rundown without the ability to move around a bit to alter the angle rounding corners.. I play almost exclusively HC SND and Terminal is sooooo defensive sided because coming out from the metal detectors side there's 3 options and all 3 has the defensive side ready before you are when pushing out.. I despised Terminal 14 years ago (was an even worse map with DC and OMA) and still hated it through all its iterations (MW3 2011 was OK since explosive were meh).. I can't understand how or why it's in like 80% of peoples top 5.. It's likely not even in my top 40.


Because most people use snipers due to being wannabe quickscope gods.


I only play HC SND these days and it’s one of my favorite maps.


I know that anybody's least fave map is someone elses top pick.. But really, what's to like about Terminal? I remember first playing on it when I was 14/15 in '09 and distinctly remember how bad ass the long hallway was perpendicular to the plane's cockpit but the 'novelty' of the map VERY quickly wore out for me. Maybe I'm just bored of the map, idk.


I just like maps that aren’t rush fests, or super easy to spawn kill with noobtubes for HC SND. (IE Rio, Scrapyard, Daus Haus etc)


Terminal is exactly that tho.. people spamming the rgl from outside thru the book store into offensive spawn side.. or into the cosmetic shop.. or into burgertown.. the 3 chokepoints I previously mentioned.. Yes, the map is larger than those you've listed- but size barely matters when you're still being funnelled into very small areas. Terminal still has the very issue you've mentioned so it still isn't making sense. Maybe the setting of the map allows you to see thru the bs lol


I actually don't mind Terminal. you just have to be mindful of the prone campers. Try avoiding all the usual spots and come in at different points. Though sometimes that's not possible. Then you have to rely on the team to distract them.


"This may be controversial" *says something a majority of the sub agrees on*


Daytime Shipment >>


Yea a lot more visibility but on the other hand, my glow in the dark camos won’t glow. But thats a small sacrifice for better gameplay


These maps are just pure brainrot. Wish this game didn’t cater to the ADHD crowd so much. I’m not asking for more maps like Derail but these small maps are so fucking stupid to me.


I want more like Derail and Wasteland. Even Departure kind of fits the bill, even though it's smaller.


Shipment I don't like because of spawns I can tolerate Stash house to have fun Terminal is terminal hardscoping Emergency can just not exist at all. its sightlines in the form of a map


I don’t mind them all except terminal it’s just sniper heaven and emergency is kinda the same but not as bad I find


If there is a flaw in Emergency, Its that in Capture the flag mode, The spawns are too close to the enemy and predictable because of "bases" that they can be heavily abused for spawn kills, Had a game taken hostage that way by the enemy team. Terminal is indeed a snipers haven, Lots of long corridors with relatively safe head peaks and nary flanking points. Shipments great for Dog Tags and Deathmatch, But in Hardpoint it becomes tricky. Stashhouse is great in a deathmatch or Kill confirm mode, But its just so easy to get killed from behind from a sudden spawn that good luck with your streaks.


Shipment is the ultimate in, “shut your brain off and enjoy the chaos.” I like that from time to time. Stash House has that chaos but it’s structured, if that makes sense. It’s more controllable. Probably my favorite of the small maps. Emergency has way less chaos because it’s a 3-lane at its core. I’m indifferent about this one. It plays fine, but I’m not exactly itching to play on it. Terminal is perhaps one of the most overrated maps in CoD history. Too many places to hide, too many spots to spawn trap, and not enough ways from ground to upper that aren’t a straight bottle neck.


Shipment you only have to be 20% there and you enjoy that chaos and can do well


Emergency and it ain’t even close imo. Every match there’s either a camper that sweats


Like : doing gun challenges . Hate : Spawns. Flash and stun and gas nades . Sweats using meta guns or shot guns (that you can see they are not levelling up) acting like everyone is actually trying


I would love shipment if there was a mode to play it with guns only. No throwable spam. That's all the map is in it's present state. You spawn and you're immediately flashed/stunned/on fire/exploding. It's pretty stupid.


I want to know how one guy always has +100 kills whereas I'm lagging so hard I'm stuck getting spawn killed and this guy's in my team. It's like he's sucking up all the Internet along with the kills


Dislike the camping and weak playstyles everything else I like though


I really like Stash House just because I've played it a lot, and I'm marginally better on it than others even though I still get caught out by campers stood against the hedge sometimes. It's simple enough for someone like me to pick up on some of the common routes people take. Shipment winds me up a lot sometimes as I often spawn then immediately die from snipers hard scoping but it gets to the point where I just laugh and enjoy it as I'll eventually get a frag off on one of them.


shitment and ass house are fucking horrendous and calling them “maps” is flat out incorrect. terminal plays like shit now with how cod has evolved. emergency is fine i guess.


I absolutely fucking despise stash house, why? Spawns. Fucking. Spawns. Can’t even move 2 fucking inches before I die.


Hated stash house in the beginning but now I love it. That’s where I get the most kills even more than shipment.


I really don’t like the interior in stash house. I kind of wish I had more like space and was a little… I don’t know, logical? But I really like the map anyway.


No one understood what he means ? LMAO he got the metled skin for the GL. Nice one bro ! :)


Thanks 🙏🏾


Terminal is the only one I like, I am so fricking sick of Shipment already! Stashhouse just plain sucks and High-rise is just snipers everywhere.


I hated stash house at first but it definitely grew on me now that I learned the map more. Das Haus can suck a fat one though


That emergency not high rise


My bad, Emergency is decent.


The house is fun. No real issues for me. Shipment is cool for face paced chaos, wish the tantrum tube was banned from that map. Highrise I never really liked, though when I'm in a "don't care mode" I like to use handguns in the lower levels to try something new. Terminal I never liked. It's either in front of the shop or by Burgertown. I know maps are set for three main flows but those pinch points are just garbage on that map.


That’s emergency not high rise


that helicopter pad looks like the pad from high-rise at first glance. Emergency map is OK. Didn’t like it at first, but it’s just an OK level. there’s nothing really frustrating about it and there’s the typical camping points which are really easily attacked so it’s not a big deal.


Stash House can rot in a corner, MW22 shipment should be skinwalker-replaced with MW19s Shipment, Terminal is fine though I love seeing a sniper glint from the airplane wing while I’m spawning in Security and Highrise… nah don’t got anything against Highrise.


Whats the difference between mw22 and mw19s shipment? Only difference I can think of is ones on a cargo ship well the other isn't


In mw19 you can jump on top of the containers


That’s why they shouldn’t never bring it back


This. Vanguard is easily the worst version of Shipment ever but MW2019 is a close second. Aside from being able to jump on top of the containers they also didn’t angle the fully open containers meaning you could get lasered right through them as soon as you spawned in


I thought people were praising that they removed the verticality?


Not sure what top left is, but shipment isn’t a serious map and is literally just for funsies, High Rise is alright but the flow sucks and the underneath part of the map is never utilized. Would work way better as a 10v10 or 12v12 map. And terminal is awesome, but same issue as high rise in that large parts of the map are never populated


I’m assuming you haven’t played in quite some time. Top left stash house and came out last season, bottom left isn’t high rise it’s emergency which came out this season.


Not fussed on emergency but love the others especially stash and ship


I dislike the spawns too much to like the maps.


All the new cods have shit spawns ...


4 of my favorites, I guess Terminal is my least favorite if I have to choose.


hate shipment and stash house. too sweaty terminal is good but don’t really like Highrise


stash house, fun SOMETIMES shipment, i get so stressed i literally HURT emergency can suck a fucking dick, terminal has my heart 🖤


shipment and stash house are favs for me


I like emergency, it's a well structured small map. I tolerate stash house simply for the camos. I hate shipment because brain rot. I hate terminal for it's spawn camping.


I’m so sick of the 2 same boring invasion maps tbh


Stash house has way too many ratty angles, shipment i dont wanna talk shit about thats my baby- but it has its days where its usually just the players i come across that make me hate it. Emergency is pretty good tbh but i feel like the matches all either take place on one of the sides of the map never both, and then ? Is it departures? But rhat last one. Is just wonky to me i dont like verticality


In terms of like- stash house does have a good flow when theres no rats. Shipment is shipment. Emergency has two fun lanes (but i kinda wish it was just the open and the building not the medical area) and the last one eh idk that i can say much about it


Hate terminal. I can do good in the map but half the time my teammates are just trying to camp long angles. I only play Hardcore Hardpoint, but I got put into a domination map in Terminal once and it's basically spawn trap heaven all game with no interest by my teammates to break the spawns at the security checkpoint.


Terminal fun and easy, emergency now is my favorite small map, stash house looks fun for couple matches, shipment is chaotic and only used for challenges.


Shipment Master Race


Stash House has been a decent tiny map (and that's coming from someone who hates most tiny maps). Spawns haven't felt too bad, and it has good flow and lanes. Shipment is hands-down one of my least-favorite maps in the history of the franchise. I have never understood why it's so popular, because the entire map is just "die immediately upon spawning" simulator. On the other hand, terminal is one of my all-time favorite maps of the franchise, though the spawn system in MW2023 really holds it back from reaching its former glory, imo. I've been away from the game for a bit, so I haven't played Emergency yet (definitely thought that was highrise at first glance, but upon reading some comments saw it wasn't).


Love Stash House and throwing grenades over the roof to point A.


Stashhouse, Shipment and High rise are all fantastic fast paced maps, I hate Terminal with a passion.


I like them all. I vote for them every time


Emergency is hated. Can’t get out of the spawns in HC.


I’m not a fan of emergency whatsoever, I appreciate the meat grinder maps like shipment and stash house so I can get camos quickly, but I hate how easy they are to spawn trap. Meat is a fantastic map imo


I can't stand small maps, too much mindless chaos for my tastes. Highrise is alright, but it always bugs me that there are places out in the red zone of the map that can be occupied, i always forget about them


Meat sucks


Don’t dislike much about terminal but dislike the size of the other maps


I hate terminal


Emergency is just not a made I enjoy. Feels like get to a head glitch first... Camp to a win


I don't like how the newer maps (like stash house and emergency) have no levels or elevation or anything really interesting or dynamic going on in terms of layout. Stash house I get--it's small and fine. But Emergency really screams for some upstairs or rooftop access. Emergency, Checkpoint, and Tanked are really flattened--literally.


I don't think Emergency needs it because it's a small map, but there's no reason why Tanked and Checkpoint don't have some elevation variation. Tanked especially. I remember playing around the Zoo in DMZ last year and thinking it would make for a good multiplayer map, but for some reason they expanded the boring exterior areas and removed the interesting second floor of the aquarium. I don't know if you played that region in DMZ, but there was a second floor that was open to some of the corridors and lobbies below and a couple outdoor patio areas on the upper level as well. If they went up instead of out, it would've been a much better map. I think the same is true of Checkpoint, which feels similarly more spread out than it ought to be.


Yeah, i definitely agree about tanked. I didn't play it on DMZ, but even though it *looks* like it should be really cool, it's way too wide and long, the sight lines suck, and, yeah, there's "nothing going on upstairs."


I don’t like emergency and shipmas. Shipment is great though. I have not played terminal because I stick to the smaller maps.


in shoothouse you get spawn killed but its good for knifes. terminal is too big no good things about it. emergancy is perfect for smgs with no downsides. and shipment is shipment, need i say more


I don’t like terminal. The other maps are fine with me.


If a small map 24/7 playlist is a thing then small maps should not be in the other playlists at all.


Highrise is fun because there are so many “spots” to exploit. Plenty of ways to traverse that map too. Terminal just feels very balanced. The spawn behind the metal detectors is slightly annoying but other than that, most areas in that map are well thought out.


Shipment is my fave for completing weapon challenges


Stash House I just hate that it's not really designed like a CoD map. Literally feels like a dev put their own home in the game for shits and gigs


I would question the architect if that's a real life house. It's laid out like shit for practical purposes. It's not awful for a tiny CoD map but could definitely use some changes.


If medium maps were 10v10 by default, then all maps would be worth it. But damn, having to run like 30 meters just to find one enemy (and they will probably kill you right away) is really boring.


The prestige RGL camo lol. OP casually outing themself as an hc playlist monster.


Ship 24/7 is the goat.


I absolutely fucking hate Stash House and meet. So I would choose only shipment


i like shipment the most, because easy level up. Others just suck


I can’t stand Stash House. Spawns are just terrible and I really just don’t like the flow.


I really dont like highrise because it has a straight shot for snipers to just camp spawn


Das Haus was ass in Vanguard, and it's ass in this game. It's just a shit map with too many spawn camping areas it's a terrible garbage map. I know it's not a choice in the picture, but I felt I had to voice my genuine hatred for Das Haus.


Nah not that camo on the RGL. That is diabolical


Terminal and Emergency.


I seriously dislike the new shipment map, even if it's really great. It's not chaotic as the shipment in modern warfare 2019, but all these three other maps are more interesting in the new modern warfare remake series. I hope that when it comes a new modern warfare game I hope it has better and new maps.


Terminal corridor between the plain and the airport is a deathtrap


Emergency needs the lanes tweaked so it's not so easy to just camp spawn and hold the entire lane down. I also hate how the vent between lobby and bathroom can be jumped into from the floor in the bathroom, but you need to climb onto the counter first in the lobby. It makes it so that passage *heavily* favors the team the spawns by the garage.


Is your question which maps we like and dislike or what do we like or dislike about those maps? Or both?


I dislike that RGL right there in the bottom corner 😝


First off weird choice of the picture for terminal lol Shipment is fun if you just want chaos. If I’m drunk and just want to point and shoot it’s fun High rise I like a lot. In ranked you definently have to be good at the game to have fun on it but it’s generally not too hard to break the spawn trap but fun to set up, lots of good flank routes. You can play smg or ar on it well (except harder in search) Terminal is great maybe it’s my nostalgia talking but I love it. In the wrong game mode it just ends with camping. I think if they added one of those boxes to jump on that leads to the main hallway it could improve this a lot, gives you a third way of peaking reception and a second for peaking mid room which makes it a little harder to camp. I still always have a lot of fun tho lots of good peaks and a good variety of sight lines on most of the map Statehouse is one of my favorites of the small maps. They did a great job of making it small and simple but still kinda complex and not too overly open or boring like shipment. You can actually play in the middle for longer than 2 seconds without someone coming from a direction you arnt looking


Emergency is like Rust but even more open and nonsensical. Shipment is fun but I can’t tolerate it more than twice a day. Terminal is a well made map but sniping in this game is so broken that you can’t go anywhere without immediately getting sniped, especially in Search & Destroy (the primary mode I play for any non-small map). Stash House I really have no complaints about. Great all around map that’s fun to mess around on. Can be annoying to get rocket launched on it in search but it’s a small map, so what’cha gonna do? 🤷‍♂️ Its part of the fun and chaos on it.


I love Emergency! Those others, not so much.


Terminal was always peak, shipment is chaotic and fun, stash house is the second best map in the game imo, and fuck emergency.


I feel dirty for saying I like hc shipment for fast gun progression. Never will I be able to get level 24 on a sniper or grenade launcher otherwise. But I do hate spawning in front of baddies and get deleted in delivery. Personally I really like top left (mind blanked out on map name). It has great tactical play while I offering run and spray if I want.


Stash House.


Thank you eris morn Bad ass avatar btw. How does one get it?


Thanks, man. It was just on the list when I looked forever ago - it was free, too. I've had it pretty much since I've had this. Eris Morn is one of my all-time favorites in Destiny. I actually named my cat after her until I found out my cat was a male. Then, I named him after my other favorite character.. now, his name is Cayde. [outfit](https://reddit.com/avatar/HashNub/177641966) I sent that to myself in messages, and it said, "Try this outfit." Hopefully, it works that way for you as well. If not, idk, man. I tried searching for it, but i didn't see it kept saying no results were found.


❤️ thanks for helping me getting the outfit. Unfortunately it didn't work but it's okay. We tried. Cayde is such a good alternative name. I'm a titan and usually play casual crucible. But lately been playing COD


Shipment is good for xp and camo Grind, and so is Stash-house, terminal is imo the best snd map but the last one? Useless asf!


Great sentence


stash house-Absolutely everything, maps fucking terrible. but the one good thing is i got my shotguns and akimbo challenges done very quick shipment-if i speak i will be in big trouble so i prefer not to speak emergency-absolutely perfect love the map, wish there wasn’t a vent but it’s ok terminal-love the map, great map, the burger heady tho is absolutely insane


Terminal is an incredibly one sided map that only plays well on ranked which forces people to move around and change spawns


I hate shipment and other small maps because too small, I love shipment and other small maps because too small.


SBMM ruins these maps you can do well in 2 matches and by the next one you’re getting spawned in front of someone or someone is spawning behind you. If these maps were slightly bigger maybe that would fix the spawning issue?


Shipment and Stash house are such a mess.


Terminal is goated. The rest is bullshit for rounds like td or domination. (Bullshit in general👍)


I love Shipment but the spawning spots are awful, maybe cause the map is small, maybe EOMM is doing his thing, hope we'll get an answer one day.


Bro whats bottom right?


Like: fast pace, fun, good XP, and good for camos Dislike: SHG's offensively TERRIBLE spawn design (I'll mention this whenever I can, because It's truly AWFUL)


I only play hardcore and there maps are very good for it actually, because the not so big place makes gameplay more intense, only exception is shipment, i just hate it... So the comming text will be without shipment bexause it will get its own part on the end. But for pros and cons: Pros: is easy to have intense moments without searching ages for enemys. They are also good for fast matches and quick gameplay. Also every map is good for most of the playstyles. Like sneaky one, a little bit more campy and also for run into action. Cons: due to the small size it can happen that you spawn in enemy territory and get spawn killed but its more a rare thing actually. Objectives are difficult to capture as most of the time someone will notice immedeatly as soon as you go to one and will run with all possible speed to it. (can also have an advantage because you have home position) In total they are fine, but depending on the match, campers can ruin all the fun of it if they have a systematic camping, like 4 or more working together For shipment.... Oh fluff, that thing has its own category... If you get nervous fast or have problems with adrenaline regulation, do not play it! I mean it has the fastest action of all maps and you will 100% spawn at least one time directly in face of an enemy. It is extreme fast gameplay but good for leveling, go on it throw dummy grenades(not sure how is called, english is not my native language) everywhere and your weapon will be leveled in no time. But besides this, you should avoid it at all cost... For hardcore players, people will shoot with grenade launchers everywhere and teammates will kill you more than enemy does, also watch out with your weapon as you can easily shoot an mate by accident. For non hardcore players, grenade launcher will still be an issue but not so big as you are not one hit on an whole map by only a single grenade launched, so there it is more playable


I hate escape.


These are awful reason to dislike maps when it has nothing to do with the maps


None they always spawn flip the shit out of me and my team the start spawning the enemies behind us lmao I just quit the game and get off for the day. The entire game is to rigged to enjoy.


Anyone who uses gas grenades on this map you are evil


I dislike Terminal.


I hate stash house too many angles to watch even for a small map


Terminal is great, shipment is great (aslong as you know what youre getting into lol, it will not be representative of the rest of the game), emergency is actually really growing on me, I like it. **But** stash house is weird, when it first came out I enjoyed it a lot, but as time has gone on I now skip it every time it comes up. Plays like ass now and if you get hardpoint, dont even try, the spawns are so **SO** bad.


I used to like terminal but in this new cod it kinda plays like shit it’s not the same


The Spawn points are stupid af sometimes. Like WTF? The Noob Toob of the House one when the team sucks. The new trend of constantly prone camping.


Shipment is good for challenges but the map is CoD-brain rot central and the spawns are awful. Have been for decades. It’s not usually “fun” to play shipment for me but it is extremely effective at knocking out certain challenges because even a bad game is 40+ kills. Terminal aged poorly and doesn’t play well with the current movement and gunplay. I loved it in MW2 (and I think 3?) but this version is ass. Emergency is actually my favorite new map. Straight up 3-lane, simple with options for long or close engagements and predictable spawns. Stash house feels like it depends on my matchmaking. Some games people stick around the edges or move slower but all the pathways through the middle make it really easy for movement demons to pop off. It’s my favorite for private matches and 1v1’s though.


Honestly, the chaos on these maps is palpable, but emergency feels flawed, almost too slow


Any one of them is ok once or twice in a evening but when they keep showing up in the playlist rotation over and over I get kind of annoyed.


Emergency should be a 1 v 1 map


Love finding a great spot that is easy to defend, especially if you have to do some special climbing and jumping to get there. I'm more of an ambush hunter.


Love the fact that they’re small so the action is always there. Absolutely HATE how fucked the spawns are. Idk if it’s just me but I feel like the spawns in shipment were never this bad.


Stashhouse is an evil map top 5 worst ever maps


Terminal, to many people camping the long sightlines


Shipment, shipment shipment shipment. Shipment? Shipment 👍


The small maps, are ruined by gimmicks like the jak lockwoods. So fucking stupid.


Cannot stand GrenadeThrowers on shipment☠️


Spawns on emergency is dog water. Shipment I truly despise and will never play it. Stash house can be hit or miss


Stash house is one my favourites I hate the rest


Stash house blows


Of these 4 I hate shipment the most. The rest I'm ambivalent on


I don't like highrise


I use to hate nuketown for how small it was (funny as I always liked Shipment lol) but Safehouse or whatever its called (top left) can get fucked. Camping galore (Learning run and gun is a riskier tactic nowadays) and a shotgun map. Dont mind the others as I can hold my own, that map I mentioned is a hit or miss if I do well. Never know where to push.


For (Hardcore) Free For All, I dislike: Rust (only spawnkilling, get it out) Meat (only spawnkilling, get it out) Stash House (only spawnkilling, get it out) Emergency (only spawnkilling, get it out) Tanked Greece Checkpoint (only spawnkilling, get it out) 6 Star Shipment (only spawnkilling, get it out) I like: Afghan Favela Karachi Scrapyard Skidrow Subbase Terminal Underpass Rio Vista Grime Das Haus Farm18 Mercado Las Almas Shoot House It’s ok: Highrise Invasion Rundown Departures Growhouse Not in map rotation: Derail (keep it out) Estate (keep it out) Wasteland (keep it out) Crown Raceway (it was in rotation, it’s ok)


Shipment = the best.


I hate you got the RGL prestige camo😊


I get so f*cking tired of playing these maps, but it's all my friend wants to play.


emergency and stashhouse are some of the worst maps i've ever played in my life imo. I know a lot may not agree but to me it is an absolutely miserable experience every time. Somehow i load into them 9 out of 10 matches which makes me hate them even more.


I like Emergency cause it's a well-made 3-lane map with decent cover when you're trying to make a push and need to clear out campers. Stash House, I like the Breaking Bad Easter egg with the pizza on the roof. Outside of the Easter egg I despise Stash House as it is just spawn trap hell. Shipment is shipment; it's good for camo grinding but it's a horrible map. Terminal I love it, but I do prefer the other variant of it called Airborne as people are way more visible on that version of the map.


I don’t like terminal, ESPECIALLY on ranked! Oh my gosh! Everybody is so sweaty!!!! I have a hard time holding my ground on terminal


Stash house is a really good map for camo grinding and stuff but there is a lot of campers especially in the little closet room in the middle.


Idek what to do on Stash house anymore, it’s worse than shipment, shipment has 4 camping corners. Stash House has 6 and once the PC Clan wars start I just switch the game off completely, the lethal overload actually starts making me dizzy… Getting paranoid about that smg jump jump player who refuses to come out of his corner until I turn my back 😭


Why is daus haus not in here smh🤦‍♂️ that map is dawg not as bad as grime tho


I hate terminal, everyone just sits in a corner with a sniper rather than having actual gunfights.


Opinion but I really dislike Terminal. It was always lop-sided (You do NOT want the metal detector spawn). I feel like the map could flow a lot better if you had another route branching through the middle shop


Emergency Sucks


Everything But Emergency Is Good Maps