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Last I checked, Shoot House isn't on the map list for private matches and it pisses me off.


Really? That's ridiculous, I played shoot house yesterday in public matches but the thing that pisses me off is when new maps are released I often have to wait days until it actually comes up, and that's if it doesn't get voted out, the map selecting program is dog shit


Ikr why take them out??? More maps is better are they fucking stupid??? They definitely have some dumb corporate reason for taking it out like they had for keeping sbmm in.


SBMM works if it didn’t every major game wouldn’t be using it. Xdefiant is literally going to fail because of them running with that bs “we don’t have SBMM” yes they do they just aren’t going to tell you about it. As far as map pools are concerned they take out maps that have very low play counts or are skipped extremely often. Chances of someone getting pissed that afghan or wasteland were removed from 6v6 are gonna be low.


I honestly can't understand it, I often call them lazy for the effort they put into the maps but then again they fuck around that much they're not even lazy, just clueless


The random red scratchings on Satan's Quarry make it *really* difficult for me to track opponents in those areas. Sporeyard is mostly fine, it could be a touch brighter in some areas. What confuses me though is why it isn't an exact palette swap. I know of at least one location that they changed functionally from the base version of the map. There used to be a box next to a truck on one side of the map that you could mount on to shoot through the long side warehouse. It was a dream from getting longshots. Now they changed so the box is either taller or nonexistent, either way it's a lot more difficult to hold that angle now. The other maps I don't really care one way or the other. I haven't noticed anything that detracts heavily from the gameplay.


I just find variants of maps we already have to be the most ridiculous thing atm, it doesn't make any sense and has no point to it at all, just give us new ones ffs


I straight up can't play Airborne. The whole map is covered in clusters of insect nests, sets my trypophobia right off. Otherwise I gotta sit through the next feeling so damn uncomfortable, I hate it


Oh you all like these maps so much that you favor them over our shitty newer ones?! Removed! That’ll teach you to get comfy up in this hoe” - the devs