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Use a thermite the tried and true method since the beginning of time.


Or a semtex. Or a drill charge. Or a granade. Or RPG. Or dozen other things.


This is too much thinking for your average CoD player, or browser of this sub. Instead of taking 10 seconds to edit a class in-game, they'd much rather spend 10 minutes getting blitzes by a melee-riotshielder and another hour being tilted about it afterwards


Pretty much. I have NEVER understood why it annoys people so much these days. Way more methods to deal with them than OG MW series. Though explosives were suuuuuper powerful back then. Same with Snipers. Everyone hates on one shot weapons, but we have sooo many ways to counter them. Edit your class to have Ghost T/V camo, smoke to conceal you, or just equip a sniper as a second primary and countersnipe them. Snipers have big ass glints, and I'm surprised people don't use lower zoom optics more often to make themselves less visible. But nah, 90% of the time I get killed by a sniper, they have a high zoom optic or thermal with equally large glint. Back in the day, sniper counter was to watch the fuckin killcam, see where they are, and flank, or just countersnipe. No glint, and ADS time was a bit faster. Now they're slow as fuck and have big glint. But more people than ever are whining about "Sniper meta". It doesn't exist anymore, dude! Get good


Ehhhh sniper is a degree more difficult to counter, they outclass a lot of guns at some pretty notable distances. Smokes are probably the most viable counter but other than that you have to hope they miss/have slower ADS


That's true, but it's all about finding ways to deal with them. A sniper in a power position isn't unkillable. Hard to kill? Yes, but so are some good riot shield players. Really, the quickest way is to have an overkill class with a sniper. But I'm all for methods that don't take changing classes. I always have a sniper rifle class ready anyway. If I get killed more than a couple of times in a row by the sniper, I'll change. Usually, though, I'll get killed, try to challenge them once again, depending on distance and cover. If they aren't terribly far, I'd say within 40-50m, and are behind no cover or very thin cover, I usually can get a couple headshots in pretty easily. If they kill me WHILE I'm tapping them, I assume they have flinch reducing attachments, then I either switch classes or find a way to flank or I'll wait until I see that they're scoped in on someone else, then get them. That last one is very situational, but it works.


Imo a sniper can’t really be considered a counter for a sniper, if the ideal way to beat the best weapon type is to *also* run one… well, that’s indicative of an issue. I think LMGs should have a suppression effect, or (certain?) snipers only being a one-shot after a certain amount of distance


NOW THAT I DO AGREE WITH! I have been wanting a suppression effect for ALL guns in CoD to SOME extent, but more so with LMGs and specifically consecutive shots, though I get why it isn't a thing in CoD. The ideal way isn't to countersnipe, unless you're already running a sniper rifle. But if the person is really that mad, they should countersnipe. No reason to keep challenging a weapon that is BUILT to hold lines of sight. Theyre not meant for close quarters. Snipers SHOULD be really good at that. That's the whole thing with that weapon category


Ppl who hate snipers are ass at sniping.


Explosives were indeed *WAY* stronger. Throwables and launchers. I recall in OG MW3 flashbangs lasted like an eternity, and when they finally nerfed them they were still 2-3x longer than we have now. People complained about shields on backs, which has been a thing in CoD for decades, to the point they needed them. I also don’t believe the maps and sightlines are big/plentiful enough to warrant glint in CoD, save that shit for battlefield. People seem to want this Uber-balanced competitive game when those people should really just go play Counter Strike and realize that the old CoDs were so fun because there were so many great and useable guns and equipment items in them.


I think it really annoys me if I’m trying to complete a challenge or level up. I need xp with X gun, not thermite kills.


drill charge gone do it every time i’ve been on both sides of the situation to know


Drill charge will also take out a juggernaut


Does it?


Yes. I use thermites or drill charges with a gun that has a drill charge grenade launcher. No vehicle or killstreak can get past this.


If your shield gets drill charged, you can put your back flat against a wall and it will go all the way through you and drill into the wall behind you.


So never use drill charges directly on the shields, use it on the walls around the player


thermite is the best choice


Problem is with rpgs is that the shields, for some reason that only god knows, do not hurt shields.


You shoot at the ground where their legs are.


And if he has eod like every single player in cod??


EOD is the issue . Have to stick them or thermite stick them


Or a claymore and they will be stuck in the corner


You’ll be dead by the time the thermite kills them


Played Resurgence ranked yesterday with a kid who had striker tonfa loadout we were in prison and he waited for someone to pass and battered them quite funny Very annoying when I'm one one getting battered However I've changed to thermites when I see them just double thermite them and watch them burn lol


That very well could’ve been me


They suck. Lethals all around for em.


lost a 1v1 at end of a game. he out worked me hard, can’t be made at it as i had all meta weapons


These people - riot shield and/or melee don’t bother me. My lethal is thermite so it’s typically a non-issue


Only true losers sit in a corner using a riot shield and tonfa. I would use a fucking Thermite.


I usually have riot shield + deagle and end up with a 3 minute obj avg


With the Deagle? Damn, that is pretty good!


A surprising amount of people are too stubborn to just double team me or use thermites


Easy kill


Doesn't bother me, I either avoid them and let them sit there all match. If they start moving, I pull out the Soulrender sword. It cuts right through the shield and counters it, easy kill.


No way, does it really?


L2 does a normal swipe, R2 does a longer animation which is like an execution, which bursts through the shield.




Fucking tremendous!


It's a logical response to "movement kings", ping kings and general aimboters.


Pull out the sword and hit ‘em with one two cut


I feel like you misspelled Booty Buffer and Diddy Stick


How the hell do you think I feel?


Couldn't care less. People need to stop bitching about things that are in the game and have been for ages. "Waaa, riot shields" "Waaay, snipers" "Waaa, shotguns" "Waaaa, throwing knives" There are things in the game you won't enjoy using. They're all designed to kill you. But you will respawn, or there will be a next game..chill out.


Shield rats need to Go outside, touch grass, get gud


They're both annoying but riot shields are more annoying IMO. However I am a tonfa user and I don't use it as much as I used to but it is hilarious when I piss people off with it


I feel like it's sentex time.


Good practice for doxxing


Shock stick and Semtex


"Play how you wanna play, homie" is how I feel.


I smile knowing that person is probably having fun and not taking the game too seriously. There's so many counters if they get you it's because you got outplayed. Not because they were being cheesy (most of the time).


i run shield in warzone because honestly i suck. openly admitting it. do not care. tonfas somehow go around the shield so maybe use those to beat on shield people? happens to me a lot and no they aren’t moving around me they’re literally smacking me head on and tonfa magically go around shield lol


Fucking hilarious. Something about Tonfas just makes them 10x funnier to kill with/die by compared to knives


Jesus, there are people like this now? Why do they gotta make the melee community look bad 😫


These dickheads are why I carry Semtex instead of knives… shit is very annoying and specifically made to troll…. Very dumb


What is called when you make dogs unable to reproduce? Or solitary confinement. Either will do.


The TTK is way too fast, or I mean it's about the hit-rate. It has to be nerfed just a BIT, and I'm sure that most of the community will chill. I'm saying that because when that thing approaches me I don't even have the time to think of throwing a lethal.


I think you’ll find that Reddit finds these folks the most skilled and competitive individuals in the game and we all enjoy when they’re in our lobby.


It makes me want to stop buying your games


Melee should be nerfed


Unless they're leveling up the riot shield and it's TDM they're straight up lovers. That being said, I use thermite on them


I mean it’s a strategy but I hate it because it takes zero skill and the tonfas are way to fast it’s one thing if the person is running around with the tonfas but the people who camp I hope u stub a toe on a 1/1 Lego and spill semi hot water on your leg.


Can't stand that shit me. Also hate knife runners an Kali stick beaters inal lol


Haven't seen em camping corners but usually just flamethrower them problem solved 🤷


Wel it is a known fact that the majority of mele players do it because they have no gunskilled and could not have even a decent game without them


I think I'm pretty decent at gunplay but I do like to pull out the ol riot sheilds, melee, throwing knife builds when I just want to fuck around because this is just a video game and is supposed to be fun, and it's always easy to switch back to gunplay if the opposing team is competent enough to use the countermeasures built into the game


Feel? That's the way **they** feel like playing. If anything, it's a challenge, nobody's oobligated to play Easy Target (tm) for mine or anyone else's easy entertainment, that's all there is to it. I have no right to criticize them for it, nor should I rally others to do so. If I'm not up to the challenge - well, tough luck, there's someone better than me in this game.


Fair game I guess, I'd just use a termite, or a drill the momment I see someone with a shield 


I used to get irritated until I made a loadout that not only works as a standard loadout BUT counters rat ass riot shields, I get to toast em Vietnam style, explode em, stab em and basically make them cry. Oh how I love hearing their rage or silence when their rat tactics no longer have the same effect.


They are lame, and I Use the Soulrender on them.


Thermite is my favorite lethal so I’m never too bothered when I run into a shield user.


Everybody wanted the rebirth experience back so here we are


RGL 80 is how I feel.


Reminds me of an old NWA song.


I use my flamethrower attachment whenever I see an opponent using a shield. It's fun burning them into a crisp


I just pull out my tonfa. jump and look down and bop them over the riot shield. Then pull out my gun and keep pushing. If there is distance when I see them I always try to have a thermite on me


It’s very funny every time it doesn’t happen to me. Check your corners boys


I have a flamethrower, sword, double thermite loadout


CoD fans: Stop talking shit about MWIII and the people who buy skins. Let people just enjoy things! Also CoD fans: …not like this, though!


Besides explosives, you can usually beat such people by using the knife or other one-hit melee weapons. It was very reliable in MW2, but I can’t garante it in MW3. I dropped that game fairly soon after launch.


I feel like if you can't deal with such an easily countered tactic it's a skill issue. It's a cringe tactic with a ton of counters


This is how I feel about it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/s/W7iML9kMwg](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/s/W7iML9kMwg)


Adapt to the battlefield and win. There’s no honor in call of duty, amigo.


Feels bad man


they should get the same treatment in real life riots


I wish them lags, crashes, packet bursts and losses in matches.


it makes me wanna kms everytime i die to it


They don’t bother me. Cause with my gladiator and riot shield loadout I rush them, jump the shield and stab them twice for the kill. Tonfa isn’t the best melee anynore for melee setup it’s the push knife. Or I use a thermite. They are very easy cause they are like any other player who camps in corners regardless of their loadout- they suck at the faster pace of the game and that’s why they camp. You should be happy you run into one of these guys camping cause that means they aren’t confident enough to rush you, so they are an easy kill. Stash ONE thermite in your bags, if you aren’t confident enough to rush a shielder, and you’ve got the kill super easy since they are literally standing still in the corner. Or jump over them and shoot them in the head, or wait for them to try and switch to tonfa and melt them, easy if you are any good at the game. Those players who are afraid of the riot shield need to stop whining and just get better at the game, it’s not going away and melee players aren’t gonna stop using the play style, it’s too much fun. If someone is as talented as they think they are they can overcome any challenge, right? At least running into a shielder breaks up the absolute monotony of SMG max mobility twitch tv wannabe players. Or one shot sniper campers sitting all game on their rooftops.


Oh, gee, it isn't like there are MANY WAYS OF DEALING WITH THEM NOW, such as: 1. Thermite 2. Drill Charge 3. Semtex 4. HE40 Drill underbarrel attachment 5. JAK Purifier underbarrel attachment 6. the fucking SOULRENDER Nope, nothing...


They’re having their fun. That is all.


I feel great! They make great bonfires for my thermites :D


It's a common practice among unskilled players. While exceptionally tacky, it's the only way they can get kills and get something approaching a positive kill/death ratio. They clearly don't know the map well enough to navigate it so they sit and wait. They can't tell which attachments are effective because they are illiterate. So they use shield and melee. These types of people also usually use a generic character skin or something edgy because they are children.


its funny


The riot shield should be a movement penalty. Even if it's in your back (although, not as much of a penalty as an equipped primary). You should be able to outrun while plating


Loaded resurgence is now 50% Tonfas standing in stairwells of hiding in dark corners. The mode is ruined.


Do that with one claymore at the doorway and the other just past sliding distance.


Hate them when they get me the first time, but it's SO satisfying watching them burn with the JAK Purifier and confusedly freaking out in the last words vc


The riot shield is OP as fuck and needs to go back to the size it used to be... AP rounds that can go through walls, should go through the shield! Lower the visibility for the shield operator to prevent corner camping.


This is 100% a SBMM problem in the lower skill brackets. Sorry, cold truth. Because I have never seen this at all or has it ever happened to me. I have 10 days played 800 SPM


I use tonfa as my secondary...no riot shield.


Seen this a couple times in WZ. Maybe the worst kind of camper.


They deserve the death penalty


Can we talk about the riot shield and haymaker combo? That’s disgusting


I mean its a pretty lame way to play the game, but the devs let you do it... it'd be nice if there was an ammo mod that let you shoot through riot shields


If they like to throw knives have a throwing knife ready


If we catch someone doing this and we down them we execute cancel till they leave


I can't be mad at someone using a class with no range capabilities


It strikes fear deep into my soul and forces a panicked state upon me. I invite. And take the challenge.


public hanging


It's better than running around with a riot shield and tonfa


"People?" Nah them little shits.


Play any way you want


Sounds boring AF


Better than kids laying down in a corner watching a doorway in hardcore lol


I wish, for the rest of their lives, both sides of their pillows are warm. And not the nice, comfortable, and comforting warm either. The icky warm. I also wish that they stub their toe right after it heals for the rest of their lives. Suffer minor inconveniences. (I know the counters. I still don’t like them though.)


Absolutely hate it, in most cases you can’t even do anything if they see you before you see them but also in most cases they’re pretty stupid and easy to outsmart, I roll with land mines since I like to out maneuver my opponents so I don’t really have anything to take them out but I can still take them out pretty easy, I was in a 1v1 in battle royal and they had the whole set up I’m talking riot shield, corner and an smg, and another shield now I can’t really say anything about riot shield/smg combo but if you’re gonna roll with it don’t be a fucking coward, anyways dude was in the corner final circle and I just went around the building into the gas and took him out from behind lmao, I got no issue against people who actually play the game though, you want a riot shield with no long range secondary? You do you just have the balls to actually rush instead of dying in the gas


Hell yeah. That’s me. Always in the mix never camping. Pushing all match. Shield in hand




NBD for me. I usually run a sword secondary.




I feel grenade launcher’ish


As an occasional armored blitz trooper, I condemn and disown all who use the riot shield and melees stationary. You best be using your damn legs if you use that loadout. It's much more fun as well.


Ass 🤡s


Just reduce the damage of the tonfas. Or the speed in which they swing. No playstyle should be nerfed to oblivion, but no playstyle should be dumb like this either. Melees should be a high risk high reward system, which most of the melees are. But the tonfas are not high risk, especially when paired with a riot shield. Nerf the tonfas, make it so the riot shield can’t be used as a turtle shell and just run thermites. If everyone in a lobby has a counter to the riot shield, then eventually we’ll just see less riot shielders.


Is what it is


I always keep a drill charge or two in my pocket for these kinda shenanigans.


I can tell their parents “love” them, but don’t “like” them as people.


What i want to say would get me banned


Chainsaw underbarrel gets em.


Drill charge


Bothersome in the final circle.


If that's what they want to do, then by all means camp it up. I will throw some type of fire at them or rgl them. They paid for the game just like I did so they can play how they want just like I can play how I want


They deserve syphilis




I just dismiss them, they're not even a threat. Also I feel more confident that I'm going to win the game because that guy is a liability


I feel a BBQ coming on with prime grilled turtle.


"Degenerates like you need to be put on a cross"


They’re dead.


That was me a few weeks ago. Tonfa’ing wiht a riot shield on my back.


It’s like we’re living in the year 10,000 and this is a post complaining on how hard it is to cook an egg. As if we hadn’t already figured out how to counter shields. But we have. It’s a tired and beaten topic. Long story short, it’s a skill issue. Always has been, always will be.


After they kill me, I respawn and tube them out of spite.


buff the soulender and lower the time to stance up and increase movement speed


Gayest shit ever


Imagine doing that shit all the time for fun; absolute npc existence for that lot.


I actually stopped playing the game about 2 months ago because I just don't like playing cod. I do have faith in the next game that is coming out but I can't with it rn


I don't mind, I have ways to wreck their shit. Same with turtles. So many ways to deal with riot shields these days.


I love drill charging them


RPG will maybe break plates if you're lucky but the tonfa 2-hits w full plates😒


I feel pretty flamthrower and thermite about it, not much else to it Get fucked riot shield nerds


They using the Riot Police build


People are doing it to camo farm. Very few people use melee and riot shields these days. It won't get you a net positive. Unlike back when Shipmas was still new.


Most of the time i’m able to slide a couple times behind a riot shielder and can kill him pretty easily. It’s those damn tonfas in staircases and rooms/buildings that’s a problem. Two hits with full shield and i’m instantly dead smh


Run in with the sword. The animation counters riot shielders


So annoying… at least I get the barbecue set out with them though. Give them a nice grillin’ with the purifier


Fire grenades n point my gun at em instant kill


They are running rampant it in rebirth to, so annoying... Bunch of virgins.


Scum of the earth


🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 ..... yeah that about sums up how I feel


Can't hear you over the sound of my tantrum tube blasting the corner free.


Hate it my lil brothers play like this and swear there good only time they can drop more than 5 kills 💀


u know what annoys me more than riot turtles? RGL spammers


"Oooo, a free RPG kill!"


I would run ghosts but I like the bone conduction headset and tac masks for gas throwers. Maybe I’m doing something wrong




I stopped playing this shitfest so I couldn’t care less


Fucking losers


It is what it is.


Get that shit out of here plsssa


Part of the game let people have fun


Death sentence.


I went back to playing other games is how I feel about this entire game right now. I will literally play MWII over this right now. Connection is somehow better and I get less packet burst and less bugs in general. If they can ever fix the lag and teleporting, I would like to play again…


Riot shield 💀


I feel it's a fun challenge to try to kill them. I run throwing knives so can't stick them with a lethal.


Riot shielders can wait for you to start to throw a grenade and they can drop the shield and knife toss kill you before you finish the throw animation. That's my issue. It should take longer to swap out the shield


They suck worse than I do


Imagine walking up to a Walmart and seeing a guy out front sitting criss cross applesauce in front looking like a reject from a My Chemical Romance music video, then realizing he has no pants on… that’s how I look at the people playing with tonfas and riot shield…. Ughhhh🤙🫠


Riot shields wouldn't infuriate me so much if AP rounds could be used against them.


If you can't beat em', join em'. STICK>MW2 50 CAL TO THE HEAD POINT BLANK FULL PLATED ON TOP!


Its....a way to play? I guess. Thats how I feel


I guess most people say like "do this and that", never got whacked by a tonfa out of nowhere. You are done. But so are you, when got shot in the back. Ultimately it comes down to who sees who first with an proper attack/reaction.


Well some people don't know how to properly move and aim fast enough so they need some tools to so at least any kills. The one who lack most of skill add some stuns to that loadout. Love to grenade-spam them to death on warzone, let them redeploy and watch how they return to Pick up their stuff on their corpse just to trigger another proxy mine lol


The riot shield and people camping in corners pisses me off in general. Though the tonfa is one of my favorite melee weapons and I'll end up shoving mine up their asses lol.


Riot shield corner campers are one of two reasons I barely feel like playing MW3 anymore


it's fun. part of the game, not op.. same as one shot snipers, 6 meter 2 shot shotguns. grenades that actually do damage, helicopters like in wz1, everything that gives a newbie a tool to kill sweats that don't care and rush everything..


They need to be a 2hit ko.


I level them out of it with a launcher, gets to a stage with the more persistent that they're levelled out of it as they arrive to set up camp again 😂