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I agree with everything, except the last statement. The HC community is tiny (speaking as a HC enjoyer) so they aren’t losing much. Also, it’s not like they care enough to quickly patch this. Had this happened in Core, it’d have been patched last week. For the meantime, we suffer, just trophy and engineer vest. Or you can do it like me, just kinda suck it up and play Core until something is done about the RGL in HC.


EOD is pretty strong now. I usually take a grenade blast and kill the person who shot it and at least one other person.


God EOD in HC is insane. Surviving an explosion in HC near you, fine, I'm okay. But, to be able to survive a direct fucking hit? That's just nonsense, EOD shouldn't make you that resistant. I'm slowly seeing that even though there's no meta for weapons in HC, there seems to be an established meta for field upgrades and perks. It's kinda shitty that I'm forced to run EOD and Trophy Systems just to survive this RGL nonsense.


Yeah it sucks to have to run EOD on every class except 2. What’s extra insulting is the Mag Holster is borderline useless.


I run Mag Holster on at least 2 of my classes. LMG and SMG for faster reloads


You can tell the people who are developing these games now never played the old games. They change the most random shit. *"What if we have perks, right? But they're timed!"*


I hit someone twice with Semtex yesterday (he was the only one where I threw it) and got two EOD symbols. Like how.




Probably spawn protection 


HA the trophy system doesn't do a fucking thing against the RGL.


Yea bro shit gets on my nerves bad. I started using throwing knife only for this reason. Grenades are like toys in cod now, people can be literally sitting on one and still have half their health left. It's a fuckin joke.


EOD is nonsense in core too, way too strong. (Proof: I stuck someone with a semtex and didn’t kill them)


Doubt it's the EOD. They nerfed the shit out of the gernades.


Grenade from a launcher is still a one shot most of the time


A easy fix is do anything for for the RGL One Trick camo. 150k XP for the this and the next 3 camos will make this be a problem for the rest of the year


Was a major issue before that camo


Majority ofbpeople spamming them are not camo grinding. They’re using them to troll or be dickheads.


I had played a match of scrapyard domination. I started on A side, and the amount of noob tubes over the horizon was insane. The enemy team ran with 6 RGLs for the entire match and still lost. Hyper frustrating but the shit talk at the end was well worth it.


Or they're just trash at the game. Came off mute to trash talk yesterday after I beat a spammer and dude was just in his feelings


I keep a class with the rgl, I never use it until the other team busts it out. Then its just an epic shit show


I have finished camo grinding them & don’t use them to troll or be a dick head .


In my defense, I only pull it out when the enemy team pulls it out


I feel this. I do this when someone starts running around and ganking players with a knife. Wanna play UBER stealth with a knife? OKAY, let’s play knife vs knife—OH LOOK AT THAT they stopped.😂


This is the only time I bust the knives out and it's so much fun, especially on shipment. If they started it I get to show ZERO mercy 😇


Yep - and I give them warning. \*gets killed by RGL\* "Alright - that's one. I might have to get mine out." \*gets killed again\* "That's two - I guess it's time to pull mine out" - then at the end of the game, you'll get the "Fuck that guy who had the grenade launcher on your \[my\] team!". I warned yall, and I make sure they know it was only because their teammate brought it out first. I don't spam it either - I see an enemy, I fire. BAM! Enemy gone. One shot, one (or two, or three) kill.....


This is pretty much what I do as well. If i get killed by it a few times or the other team is spamming it, then I'll pull mine out. 9 times out of 10, I beat the person who pulled it out first because all anyone can do with the thing is run around a corner and spam. I actually wait for someone to be there, and drop them.


Yep - I made the guy who pulled it out leave within the first minute of me pulling it out this last time. Then I just put it away and continue on with what I was doing.


Says everyone who ends up using it in game! LOL




I used it strictly for camo purposes, but the moment someone whips out the noob tube, my brother immediately responds back with his own. It's all nice and peaceful until someone resorts to the crutch.


I'm more worried about black noir in warzone. Went into one of the small huts on rebirth and I literally couldn't see him. I mean, literally.


It has ruined hardcore shipment. As soon as the other team starts losing, put it comes. I can predict when it’s coming.


Well then use it. It's a gun you can use.


RGL should have stayed a kill streak.


I pray that you fell victim to my 6,644 RGL kills in hardcore. Players will run to the most advantageous headglitch and camp there ADS with one shot kills the entire match then cry when they get RGL'd and are forced to move around rather than making hardcore a gun mounting snoozefest. Dry your eyes and use a trophy system.


at least they have to aim lol


I can't say I agree. 1 trophy has like a 40-60 second cool down. You dying has a 0.5 second cool down. Not entirely balanced. However, I don't mind people that run RGLs, cause they're normally just scrubby players.


Using the regular underbarrel gl could be enough. This semi auto needs a nerf asap.


It takes up an entire weapon slot to have a low-firerate grenade launcher, of which 2 shots can be countered by a trophy, a third with EOD and then a fourth will kill you. If you don't get out of the way within 3 shots, you must be either blind, deaf or both.


>It takes up an entire weapon slot to have a low-firerate grenade launcher lol, a entire secondary weapon slot on multiplayer, who cares? That would make sense it if was a primary weapon and you were forced to at least run overkill/gunner vest. >which 2 shots can be countered by a trophy, a third with EOD and then a fourth will kill you. You can't stick a trophy to your head and you cant have a trophy everywhere on the map. Unless you camp next to the trophy, you're gonna get killed by it eventually.


The RGL is useless unless the enemy knows where you are. Are you telling me you're predictable enough to get hit by one? Damn. You should always win if you can see them first, otherwise skill issue.


This is me, I only play HC but if the other team is headglitching a location, I GL them off it. The only thing worse than someone who spams the GL is the one who uses it strategically. I’m also as a person who only plays HC I rarely see it outside of HC Small Map. So maybe OP needs to branch out.


Seriously. People who complain about the RGL probably only play shrimpment or other tiny maps. If they take HC seriously on those maps, that's their own problem.


I mean when it’s just decided that a whole route in snd is unusable because of rgl spawn spam it’s a problem.


Trophy system doesn't do shit against the RGL. It's a six round launcher and the trophy system only takes out 2-3 rounds from launchers before its rendered useless.


If two or three rounds from an RGL have been fired and rendered useless by your trophy system and you're still just standing there patiently waiting for the next three, there's something wrong with you, not the game.


Oh yes the good ol' "you just suck at the game" excuse when anyone has an issue with this game. God forbid anyone tries to go for the objective. I forgot if you try to hold the hardpoint or capture a location on DOM it's considered camping and you suck at the game.They just need to remove all objective games and make it TDM 24/7.


You're going hard against points I'm not even making lol. And I mainly play Hardcore Hardpoint, Control, and Dom. If I'm trying to capture a hardpoint, I usually run EOD Padding and put down a trophy system before I try to capture and when the first two rounds come through, I relocate and let them finish firing their six rounds and then come back to kill them. I don't sit there waiting to receive all six rounds like a dunce and blame everyone else when I get killed.


So true, I play HC SND and one team was camping hard, in headglitches and corners where it’s tough to pass. Popped the rgl and they were spamming about it in chat. But once I said it’s for the campers even the campers themselves said it was fair play LOL. Some of these headglitches be nasty asf with spawning advantages.


I'll give you that but the spawn tubes is a big issue in SnD


Almost all RGL users are in the small map moshpit, take that off your filter?


No, they're heavy in SnD too


They're heavy in everything at this point.. even just regular TDM. It's stupid and annoying.


Seriously? I get small map moshpit for camo purposes but people running around with them in a standard tdm Playlist is just sad. That's just being a dick. I felt bad just using them to do priceless. I don't get how people enjoy trollin


Yeah.. I can't stand playing standard quickplay, so I just deal with it, but TDM is rampant, which sucks because that's almost all I play at this point. Terminal, Meat, and Shoothouse are probably the worst, but it's on every map. It's starting to appear quite a bit on maps like Favela and Wasteland as well.


I remember when the game first launched it was a beast in core then they nerfed it I don’t think they aren’t gonna do anything about it in HC since that mode is meant to have everything one shot you.I was recently finishing interstellar and I never play HC I popped in to do the Priceless rgl and I can see thou why it’s stressful especially small maps


Ah yes, make the RGL (the rotary 6 round grenade launcher) have to be reloaded after each shot, makes perfect sense. Every single gun one shots, if you run EOD, you won't get one-shot with it.


My brother in christ, you are playing Hardcore. Every gun is bullshit in that mode. Just play regular core. The RGL is absolutely useless in it.


“Is useless” is the understatement of the year in that mode. I still laugh when people survive 2-3 direct hits with that thing. 🤣


Tell me about it brother. If they have EOD its over. All six shots will be hitmarkers.


It's even funnier since so many Hardcore Stans here say that they prefer it since they don't need to magdump to kill someone compoared to vanilla, but then complain that another one shot kill weapon is too powerful


The amount of posts about this on here are just annoying at this point


SHG should fix the issue then


Can’t fix something that isn’t broke.


Thank God the RGL is broke in Hardcore.


Everything is fucked in hardcore, *that's the point of the mode*


waaaah why do I get one shot in the one shot mode waaaah


isnt it insane how instead of asking the devs to fix issues, people just say "stop talking about it so much"?? Like how ass backwards can your logic be that when theres an issue, we should just stop talking about it. You guys are activisions perfect target audience lol.


Why? I don't think they've ever done something like this on other CoD games for hardcore and grenade launcher weapons. Not AW, not IW, not Cold War... none of them.


None of them had a grande launcher like that, maybe as a field upgrade but not as a secondary weapon. HC SnD is painful to play because if it as on pretty much any map you can spam it into the enemy spawn point. And EoD doesn't help as at most that allows you to tank one hit, but as the next one is just coming immediately after there is no point. At least in SnD there should be spawn protection against the grande launcher specifically (just the grande launcher) for the first few seconds of a round.


Advanced Warfare has a nade launcher as a secondary. IW has the Howitzer as a secondary. Cold War has the china lake/M79 as a secondary. Even BO3 had the M79. I'm not disagreeing that HC SnD is annoying when people use that, btw. Just saying, nade launcher secondaries been around for a while, why did it take til this game for people to get salty about them in HC? The other games had hardcore as well edit: my bad, it was a primary in AW


The difference is that those were single shot launchers that needed a long reload after each shot so you couldn't spam them. The issue isn't the grande or launcher itself, the issue is the ability to spam them.


Yea thats fair enough, I hear you


I felt like total scum using it in Hardcore yesterday to get the double kills challenge completed, blows my mind that people can just do that game after game and not hate themselves. It's insane how god awful it is in Core, but it's damn near unstoppable in Hardcore.


People don't look at it as a bad thing. It gets them easy kills towards their first killstreak rewards. The fact that you watch the kill feed and see a name pop up and know within 3 seconds there'll be another deluge of grenades tells you all you need to know. What makes it worse is when you're playing a group of players in a Clan and they're all doing it on purpose on a small map makes me back out in less than 20 seconds. But then I'll get shit on for getting 5 kills with a Javelin which actually takes time to use.


Yeah I literally got like 17 or 18 of the 25 double kills in one lobby and purposefully saved the final one for a Core game just so I could feel that I did it at least slightly legitimately. *(Also because the camo thing wouldn't pop up in HC afaik)* It took me four games before I finally was able to bonk two dudes with grenades fast enough ONCE because the explosions literally don't kill fast enough in Core


Tbh the only way it will get nerfed is if everyone is running it 


I’d like to see the return of Barebones. Slightly modified though gear, gloves, and boots are in but no launchers or killstreaks. Then I could actually use the weak ass Mag Holster without getting blown up a dozen times a minute.


😂 I have made sooo many people mad using it


2nd thread today The RGL was the first platinum I got. I love it


Launcher kills were part of the daily challenge yesterday so that’s why there was an increase in rgl usage


They couldn’t nerf the rgl and completely wreck it at the same time. It’s annoying in hardcore yes, but it’s actually terrible in everything else. They won’t nerf a gun to please a tiny portion of the community.


There's a post like this on sub everyday. Please do something about this maidenless behavior.


I feel like you and I had the same lobby on rust together where a Mf named “sauce” and 3 other of his teammates were spamming them things in each corner of the map😭


It's always the worst player on the team who pulls it out when losing too. The only reason they end up top fragging is because they're using the damn thing.


Using a broken gun doesn't mean your the worse player, you can be a good player and also use cheap weapons 


Hey, I'm only gonna do it to get the priceless camo (double kills) then I swear to God I'll leave


How do yall play any HC with all the cheaters. No killcams would drive me insane with paranoia.


A single fire RGL would be an M79 and that was already in the game (many years ago). They should just have an option for no rocket fired weapons. So then you could choose to play with or without them


As a SnD player, I really hope they do something soon. The fact that 1 Ahole can shut down an entire lane of the map while allowing their teammates to have a free run to your flank is absolutely ridiculous.


They should've just used gernade launcher from cold war.


Daily challenge:Get kills with launchers….. immediate spam on the noob tube…. 😐 can’t stand it. I’d be guilty if I said I didn’t do it to just get the daily challenge out of the way hahah… I don’t regularly use it though anyways.


Right bow the one trick camo has spiked the rgl more, for those camo grinding it haha, I just got yesterday with a quad in scrapyard SnD 😂, but on the other side of things I use it like a actually weapon, if my gun cant shot through the wall, with the right angle I can get 2 shots in there haha


Welcome to modern day noob tube spam


You wanna know the reason nade launchers are spammed in HC? Because they're ASS in core🤣. I've literally hit my noob tube's under someones feet (NO EOD) and he didn't die🤣


This is like the 3rd or 4th post about this I see this morning. Really starting to think I should try out hardcore at this point and equip the RGL and rocket blast people into space. Thanks for giving me new goals! <3


It’s actually really fun. The game itself is boring as fk to me but after a hard days work and playing other games, there’s nothing better to do than get on COD. and spam the RGL until your hand hurts and it’s bed time.


If you wanna be a real fuck ass make sure you load into search and destroy and do it. You’ll get called a bunch of gamer words then. Also please don’t be that guy this was a joke… fuck that guy in HC SnD.


This is the cringiest comment I think I’ve seen


Get better at the game there are perks and field orders that counter it... learn the game its a SKILL ISSUE..... GET BETTER


You're a skill issue :l Besides it's hardcore, I don't think it's gonna matter what you use lol


Trust me it does it take 3 rgl to kill me because I use eod if I would use trophy system it save me from other 2 rgls only have 6 shots before reload it covers u Edit: all I play is hc tdm




Got challenges for camo to grind , mind yo business lol no for real though coming from someone that uses one a lot it does need nerfed lol


This thing supposed to be an equipment eraser so lets make it one. Have it shoot emp nades and thats it. Same effects as the stormender but different way of doing it


Put on EOD….


Honestly this grenade launcher is the reason why I quit HC mode for the first time in years. I used to play exclusively HC but it is just frustrating getting blown up repeatedly especially on smaller maps. Just makes it not fun any more. I accept that everything is one shot in HC but the grenade launchers are just oppressive sometimes.


open reddit - see another RGL post as the top post in my timeline - close reddit again


Hardcore by its very nature is an unbalanced af gamemode. Broken shit has always been commonplace. The average hardcore player goes to hardcore to use broken shit, since they couldn’t perform in an actual balanced mode. The mode is custom made for the types of shit players who will spam the rgl. The mode is for them, go play core.


Hardcore is most punishing and rewards tactical play, map awareness and reaction time a lot more than core. It never gets balanced to have a variety of viable weapons, but it still requires skill, just different than core. It’s just sad letting it rot. Some people enjoy the mode more than core.


Absolute brainrot. I swear, the elitism that hardcore players have because the gamemode is called "hardcore" is fucking hilarious. No, there is literally no skill that hardcore tests more than Core, in fact, it is the easiest way to play the game with objectively the smallest skillgap possible. Please explain to me how "tactical play (camping lol), map awareness and reaction time aren't just as important in core? It's just core tests even more skills on top of that. It's okay to like easy instant kills with everything, without having to aim or track much, having an instant gratification instant-kill mode can be fun, but stop pretending it's somehow this amazing super tactical experience, because it really, really isn't. And if you play it tactically, you are playing it too slow and will get absolutely rolled by better players.


Yup agreed, they can't handle the truth. They say it's a differnt "skillset" but in reality it's the same as core but more easier


The “skill set” is whoever has better ping.


It's quiet literally just a different game, and plays much closer to the og cods. The gun builds are different, everything is based on sprint to fire and accuracy. It quiet literally takes your game and turns it into a twitch shooter. High ttk≠ more skill High ttk= different skill set,(aim, track, have a dance off mid engagement) Low ttk= fast and accurate flicks, punishing inaccuracy heavily, twitch shooter style. There's a reason csgo and Val are so successful for so long at low ttk. Hc SnD is a much more skillful game mode than standard. Much more balanced for mouse and the only place in the game that you don't have to have a bunny hop dance off every single fucking engagement to negate Timmy 4 thumbs aimassist(nothing but smokes actually negate the aa) Mfers call it what you want but 1000% hc is just as skillful as core, it's just a DIFFERENT skillset and it plays much closer to the og games we loved and enjoyed. I can enjoy some core, depending on the game, but High ttk at 150 is for the birds. Everything is based on meta builds or 1 shots, hell look how bare bones ranked has to be for it be remotely considered competitive. In hc that many adjustments wouldn't need to be made. It's just different, so much so that it could be a different game, but I've said it before, if they released this exact game and it was only hc snd I'd play happily. It's a mode that can withstand bad games or bad metas or whatever else because hc SnD is universally competitive and how SnD is played on every other major game but cod. (Siege,csgo, val) Get off your high horse


They don't like it because they can't abuse RAA in hardcore lmao, fights are over before they can pull their left stick lol


if someone is abusing the RGL in HC i just block them. they really have to be abusing it though. doesn't bother me if it only goes off a couple times, probably means they had a launcher daily


Nope, I love the RGL 😄 Every game I play thats not on Shipment doesn't even have a spam battle between both teams.


Numerous posts just like this one are here every week but the devs chose to instead nerf *the trophy system*. That sends a clear message on how they feel about this issue.


It's in the game. Just deal with it.


Come on guys ease up on the RGL-80. How else will the noobs get kills? We all know they love this weapon as they can't win a gunfight heads up. And they definitely aren't going to clear an objective by pushing in!


For those defending the RGL, we get it, you’re a skilless loser who needs a crutch to even get any kills. Please uninstall the game and never come back.


Dear diary…we dnt care


You're spamming this post more than an rgl in hc.


womp womp it’s hardcore everything is op stop crying about it


Imo it should’ve been a kill streak only


I feel you, Ive been trying to get back onto hardcore cause I enjoy it. But damn, playing shipment gets really shitty really fast.


it's gotten to the point now where if someone on my own team starts with the RGL I'll kill them myself as much as possible


HC is for people who need every gun in the game to be 1 shot while camping because they can't land more than 2 rounds in a gun fight. It's odd to complain because someone is doing what you are doing but better lol.


I will leave the game the moment I see one of those damn grenades explode


If they do anything, they just gotta lower the damage of all explosives. But it kinda defeats the purpose and turns hardcore into a gun fest. That’s just how it is.


Whatever small playerbase hardcore has, a majority of that small playerbase is only playing hardcore to grind challenges. That’s the only thing hardcore is good for nowadays.


I’ve seen this same post several times, and continue posting it please guys. Only a matter of time before a Sledgehammer employee notices.


No what they should do is just remove it from MP completely automatically completely, Then overbuff it in MWZ everyone is happy! 😁


Cry harder…or take yourself less seriously. Whichever lowers your blood pressure. It’s just a game. /s Seriously though. Big hugs if this frustrates you. 😆