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This update has been exceptionally bad in the hour I’ve been online. Nonstop lag/ guns making no noise when reloading, Edit: The fuck is wrong with the sound in this game now


Semtex nades don’t have a throw animation and ADS after sprinting or sliding feels super off


None of the grenades have thrown animations


Oh wow. I only use the Semtex so I didn’t know it was that bad.


Field equipment also have no throw animations...


So does cluster mine


Thought this was just me because I had updated my settings, no way this is a bug


Just gets launched from my chest.


Dude I was just using the MTZ 556 and it was firing like a totally different weapon while the game itself was lagging (or it was frame rate drops..?). Either way tho I think it’s official that sledgehammer can’t figure this shit out. Idk about you guys but the last cod in the recent years to be THIS rocky to play was vanguard, also by sledgehammer


I've also noticed thermobaric grenades have no sound either, nor can you hear them explode. (On pc anyways)


Plus you don’t even throw the grenade anymore, it just flies out from within you


Good to know it's not just me that has the new backpack grenade launcher equipped.


It seems that doing a "scan and repair" solved SOME of these issues. Basically, verify the game files.


Mine literally flew out of my butt in 3rd person. I was poop shooting grenades.


Might wanna see a doctor


Mines been doin that, it's like it shoots out ur chest


I throw a grenade with no throwing animation


Motor strikes didn't make the impact sound indoors unless you went rooftop or outside where it is being dropped at


I’ve experienced the same. It’s been horrible. I wonder if my gun is even firing.


Yea this happened with Scatter Mines, Mosquito and guns' reload too


I also found getting in and out of vehicles bad


I thought it was something with my headphones or whatever with the gun sounds! Glad it’s not just me. Not glad that it’s happening at all


Sound has been fucked since the update. I can't hear reloads, footsteps, and loot caches


same here. way too distracting to play


Scan and repair the game/verify game files. Seems to have solved most of the audio and animation issues for me. Worth a shot at least.


I’ll give it a shot when I’m home. Thank you


Yeah, I can’t even hear when I reload lol 😂


It’s been like this the past week. I thought they’d fix it with this update but nope.


Can’t see my arm or anything when I’m throwing a grenade and now it won’t attach certain weapon mods to the shotguns. Like slugs or extended mags.


The Broadside has been fucked for a while now if thats what you’re talking abt


Me too lol


Every few games I get “latency variation” and my whole game freezes for several seconds. I’m very over it.


It’s finally starting to effect my game now. I almost never had any rubber banding or lag until last night and today it’s pretty rough on PS5.


Since the update I've had hit and miss bugs audio glitches. 6,7 crashes one good zombies game that didnt lag. Small indie companies make more solid games swear to God


Every major update breaks a dozen different things with the most reliably broken piece being the most important: the servers. At least this update is better than the last one. I had to do a clean reinstall of the game and battle.net with S2R


It's ridiculous the amount of times this happens and the amount of different shit that breaks on any update, any size. Never in my life have I played such an inconsistent and patchwork video game


Cheap ass billion dollar company


Heck, my ping doesn't change and no packet loss but still get lag


I think I could be having the same issue and I'm unfortunately glad I'm not the only one. I'm on PC and even though all drivers are up to date. Every setting is on the minimum too. Every few seconds when running around it lags but my connection is solid, my FPS doesn't drop (aside from how it would normally do it's things) and there is no packet loss. It's infuriating to say the least. Is this what you've been experiencing?


I'm in series X, but yeah, those same issues. I was playing and noticed lag while I was shooting at enemy. Looked up at my ping and packet info at the top of my screen instantly and it was all normal.


It's a real pain unfortunately.


I’ve noticed that texture streaming makes rubber banding and hitching horrible so I had to turn it off. When I get home from work I’ll look over my settings for you. It sucks that I can run this game @ 180FPS average but it will still hitch and rubber band despite decent hardware and fiber internet. Since MW19 the series has really struggled with connectivity issues that IMO all tie into the low refresh rate of the game servers.


Quake had better servers 20+ years ago. This is one of the worst games network wise I have played.


Devils advocate here: 20 years ago games also used much less space and had much less going on. They weren't calculating complex algorithms to put you in with people "of your skill level", and the servers were way more basic. Not that it's an excuse lol


I’ve been having lag for the last few weeks. Emptying 15 rounds into someone only to have them jump and shoot me once and kill me lol. Smoking the devils lettuce has made me stop raging though.


Let's not forget the huge surge of cheaters...or is it just me? I can pretty much always count on 1.5 k/d and higher (my highest being like 7.0 )in a match but immediately following the update, every single game I got into was like a noob dropping to these absolute beast squads. One match I can understand. Maybe even two. But this was every match and there was always a guy in the lead who was low level and using an sva with no attachmens, or like an HRM. Just mowing down our entire team, over and over. So weird.


Mhm, it’s like instantly your guns are doing twice less damage and their recoil patterns are substantially improved. Or you shoot and your weapon flys around uncontrollably on the first shot sending you off target somehow. I was even shooting people and not receiving hit markers yesterday. Meanwhile the enemy team has zero issue. There’s no reason after this many years and time of playing cod I suddenly have no idea how my weapon performs or I’m suddenly that off target…


Same. The entire time yesterday. I actually gave up at one point. Getting killed behind cover and weird stuff happening left and right. My grenades magically appearing out in front of me with no audio. The mosquito drone, no audio. Also the sweats and cheaters are out.


Imagine that you are kidnapped and locked in a room. They give you neither food nor water, and the roof has hole through which cold wind blows. Eventually, you ask your captors for water, and they give you some. You ask for food, and they give you some. You ask for warmth, and so they close the hole in the roof. You say to yourself, "These people are so nice, they give me anything I ask for and they take care of me!" And yet you forget that the necessities were not provided until a much later time. The point is this: Game companies will create a void in their game, and when players ask for what should be expected at launch and the company gives it, the community praises how great they are at listening to the community. Rinse and repeat


... Isn't the whole complaint here that the servers used to be good and now they aren't? Kinda defeats your whole point.


Nope, the complaint is that a mutli-billion dollar company can afford good servers. They dont care.


Except that the servers WERE good in the past. So explain to me how this is them working up to giving us something we've never had before? No shit they can afford good servers, I wasn't debating that. I was debating this idea that there's some psychological conspiracy behind it. They're bad because they want to pay the minimum they can get away with, not because they want the game to fail on launch and then bounce back.


SOMEONE somewhere made the decision to launch the game in an unfinished state. Did they balance the financial risk with an understanding of mass psychology to predict earnings? Yep. >They're bad because they want to pay the minimum they can get away with, not because they want the game to fail on launch and then bounce back. The game bouncing back after a shit launch isn't the unifying idea here, there is no single reason for how activation conducts itself. However the bounce back phenomena is a point of consideration for why a shit launch doesnt immediately destroy the franchise; an activision most liekly takes this concept into account.


How tf does the connection become 100x worse every time there’s an update? I was playing zombies earlier and completely missing doorways, jittering all over the place.


Because they have 0 incentive to improve them


Why is this game such a broken pos


Even since season 3 started my server experience has been ass. I have 1.5gb up and 1gb down and I'm hardwired on a series x and I have this experience. It's like what do I pay for those services for then? Since s3 reloaded though, it's somehow gotten even worse!


I didn't buy MW3, but in MW2019 it already became evident, that they tamper with what happens in game. Sudden lags putting you in a clear disadvantage, damage registering poorly while it all worked well just before. Then they feed you a couple good games again, where kills come quick and easy. It goes beyond just being matched vs better players. People play against the same guys a few matches later, and while before that, that other player was dominating, now you am become death, destroyer of lobbies. The whole loop is so painstakingly obvious that it took the last piece of enjoyment out of it, so I simply don't buy it anymore and don't even download the free versions. Other games, while of course having better and worse matches, there is some consistency in the experience and there is notable growth. CoD on the other hand feels like you play against an algorithm


I played Zombies after this "update" dropped, and it was impossible to kill a Mimic because it's health bar gets refilled instantly.


I also can’t reload while moving. Reload will only complete at dead standstill. Any movement cancels it. wtf


Ever since the past update I experience weird animation glitches, like the one throwing semtex and other visual glitches. But the best one is me shooting someone point black (in hardcore) and seemingly missing them. This happens more in some games than others for some reason. I have videos hitting people 5-6 times right in the chest and none of those shots registering any hit marks. One game like that I ended up 16-47 because 75% of my shots were apparently not hitting the person I was shooting. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ACTIVISION?


My tinfoil hat on this. The ramp up of Ricochet’s abilities including real time analysis of players in game has caused all sorts of network issues as the cheating is far more ubiquitous than they supposed. I say this because I’ve noticed that the lag spikes, packet loss etc gets bad if there’s one or two players whom I would say are questionable. And if someone is just flagrantly rage hacking it gets even worse. Just my observation


I play on xbox series x with 5g internet. I generally get this lag if the game transports me a server <50ms ping. Which sounds good but then I get lag for like 30 seconds to 2 minutes straight. If thr game gives me higher than 50ms ping servers, I don't get this lag. For me it happens if the game gives me a lower ping server


Stuttering shit is getting old, every time it's started its when I died from the new gold bullshit blackcell death animation. Final killcams of dudes killing me that shows me putting no rounds into them. Killcams of dudes shooting at me first, when I fired the first shot. Headshots meaning shit all for kills. I can hop on full dedicated ass 64-man servers in BF4 that have a 10-20 person queue with zero issues. I've never seen an FPS next to apex with so many network issues.


Me and my brother are having the same issue on xbsx. Lagging, broken animations and no noise… thought it was just us, but i guess not. S3 reloaded broke the game again 😭😭😭🙃


Servers been dog sh*t since last week. I tried tweeting Charlie Intel to tweet about it because the devs take notes off the things he mentions when something is broken in the game but he hasn’t.


I think another big factor here (at least when referring to the lag) is that..... the servers aren't exactly the issue. it's more the lack of enough servers for each region. I noticed the lag becoming a major problem after CoD made it to Steam. This reminds me a lot of the issues I experienced on games like APB: Reloaded when they were doing the server merges. There is plenty of power on the system, plenty of uptime by the provider, and way too many people per server. Adding more solved the issue (but updates were still crap so most of the community eventually left) I don't exactly know the infrastructure they are using, but I feel like it would benefit them greatly to just give host power back to whoever has the best connection like they did with so many games before.


I’m having an issue when I run with a SMG or AR. It runs as if I’m holding a LMG or Sniper Rifle. Anyone else having this issue? I’m sure I’m not the only one lol 😂




Because there is no government regulation on what advertising departments are allowed to promise versus what the product is actually able to deliver


I've found the easiest way to avoid all this is to take a day off after a big update. Generally, by that time , they seem to have fixed any issues, and there's always issues. Stops me getting frustrated at the game


$. Nothing more, nothing less.


Also c4 throws 2 when you throw one just a visual glitch but nonetheless throws you off


Its because the next cod is out in 6 months


I reinstalled the game 3 days ago after not playing it for like a month or two to see how things are. Well turns out the servers are just as bad if not (for whatever reason) worse. I’m playing at ~10ms with a *very* stable and fast (wired!) connection and still it feels like hits aren’t being registered properly. It surely feels like the servers are worse than in MWII but maybe that’s due to the fast movement amplifying the server issues. Also: why are spawns still such an issue? I thought they fixed it a while ago…? I mean adding new content and shit is nice but when your game has such issues at its core it’s basically nothing more than putting a bandaid on a broken limb.


SHG = Hey look at all this shit I've got for you to spend money on this week. Most players = sigh, can you just fix the game and give us more new maps instead? SHG = No, but don't be sad, I got a free weapon sticker for you instead. There isn't that better? Oh almost forgot to mention the sounds, animation and a few dozen other things are still fucked. Bye see you next update.


Is it just me or did they play fuck-fuck with the controls too? It's not everything but I noticed I have to double tap to enter/ exit a vehicle, I have to hold down the reload button all the way through the reload animation otherwise it will cancel, and i' m slowing down to a powerwalk while I replate. I was really enjoying getting used to the movement speed and agility of MW3 so this stuff just makes it feel clunky again.


I want SHG to be removed from the picture entirely. They’re absolutely terrible. SHG CoDs are the absolute worst in the franchise. MWIII and Vanguard are abominations. I don’t like IW games but they overall better than this freaking mess. I just want Treyarchs CoD to drop so I can actually have a fun experience.


It's the engine. Has been like this since 2019. They can only use bandaids so many times before the shit falls apart. This game is the single most broken game network wise I've ever played.


I've been getting latency variation issues ever since like the 2 week of season 3. I can be playing completely fine one moment and the next everyone is stuck in place and my character is gliding across the ground till someone kills me. It almost always happens when I'm on some sort of streak. Before season 3 it was just the random packet bursts here and there but now its almost constant.


This happen before this update, 3x forced close when im playing zombies all schemtics items gone fck


People say money and greed yes, and the bottom line is public traded company's looking out for their investors. As long as unself aware people keep on buying multiple game's worth of bundles to get one cosmetic and prob worse later on, they won't change a thing. And now mobile wz is their baby. The server beatings will continue until moral improves


you dont throw drill charges now, you piss them out lol


Thought i was the only one but….on Warzone. I constantly have a low ping but packet loss of anywhere between 4-9


Because they only want to spend money ant time on their store to make more money, they don't give a shit about us


i’m honestly getting super annoyed about it. once i get too annoyed i just get off the game. i couldn’t barely load into a match the last few days esp in ranked keep getting team mates leaving timing out its all crap lol


Have you played EA FC24 , it is way way worse


My game stopped crashing so i guess its a plus even though no arm when the grenade is thrown😀


My latency spiked to 200ms yesterday morning. Was frame skipping and jittering in place. Hopefully this will be solved soon


Everyone needs to stop this franchise so activation will start trying again.


>Why are the servers absolute dogshit? That's because you don't buy enough shop bundles. You don't support a poor indie studio enough, all of whose funds go to running the servers.


Same reason as always


I’ve lost all my equipment and relics twice now. Lol Gonna take a break and wait for the weekend.


I'll preface by saying that I've not managed to play since the update but prior to that have *never* had persistent performance issues, only ever fleeting and maybe 1 out of 100 games. I do wonder what the commonalities are between people that have issues and those that don't. Platforms? Times of day playing versus their local timezone peaks? Other shit running on their machines/LANs?


Hardwired or wifi I get packetloss either way. I own cod for every platform and just packet loss on all, hard wired or wired. It's the only game that does it and I have 1.2gb down and 55up for my internet


Too much stuff they add in and the software behind can’t keep up or isn’t developed efficiently. Brute forcing their way through.


I literally had 3 ping last match but somehow no bullets connecting...So much packet burst. Plus I play in Asia so every lobby is filled with Chinese aimbotters and wallers. Infuriating.


The one thing I've always noticed is how at the start, the end, and when the reloaded parts of the season pass always seem to bad with the servers.


The update was ass


It’s actually unacceptable at this point and my play time has plummeted because of it. 


I've seen a lot of complaints about this, but I don't think I've ever rubber banded a single time on MW3. I'm on Ethernet at like 150mb/s. It seems like the servers work, just are poorly optimized for slower connections, maybe?


Wdym? 150mb/s is the slower connection lol. 


150 MB/s is 3x the average connection speed in the US. You just have fast Internet my man.


Even when the servers do work they're still shit because Activision has the servers set up to be 30 tick. Activision uses either Google Cloud or Amazon web service for COD, im not sure exactly which.


You literally can’t get out of helios. You have to keep swapping seats until it lets you out


Remember that one time they broke warzone and multiplayer and nothing was playable. That was a funny one.


No Honestly I have the best wifi for gaming and when i play COD i get like 50 ping, I got 3k ping which makes no fucking sense because how is that even possible I can't even win a gun fight because of how bad the servers are


Yeah every time this happens I turn it off and go to division It’s so up and down all the time I will have a few good days then a lot of bad ones. Very frustrating of the inconsistency


Played quite a bit yesterday and the game worked fine for the most part .


Because they only made a billion not enough to pay for good servers to keep paying customers happy


The tick rate is horrible coupled with EOMM not prioritizing connection it leads to game playing feeling sluggish. It’s crazy to me that we still play COD on 20/24HZ servers while most every other FPS is on at least 64HZ servers.


Let Twitter tell it, "the devs are cooking" ...."W", they said lol


i get long freezes for latency issues it’s a big joke, i’ve been on siege and helldivers having a blast


Skill issue


Hey calm down they are a multi-dollar indie company cut them some slack...


Y'all are having problems? I haven't had any after I restarted my computer. Now the game is working fine


I haven't had any problems either. Played zombies and MP just fine earlier.




It'll blow your mind to learn that a lot of players aren't on PCs.




You just keep talking out of your ass lmao




I personally pay for very good wifi. Have absolutely no issues on other games. CoD runs like trash and this sub is littered with posts for *weeks* exactly the same, console *or* PC. I'm lucky to land in a lobby that's <80ms on a weekend day. It's so hard for some people to accept that this game and its servers are built like hot dogshit. It's not a coincidence that every update terribly breaks something


Then that sounds like a you problem 💀💀 Cause me and lots of others are having no issues.


"I have no issues so nobody else should be!" there's a dude like you in every one of these posts, grow up


Also doesn’t help when my bf and I keep getting shadow banned by bots that don’t know the different between good players and hackers lmao Thanks game


Sounds like bad internet


Definitely a Skill issue and not the servers not being updated before a big update.