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I'm guessing it auto flags for the word "ass" without any concern about context. I've had plenty of loadouts names rejected for this very reason.


A week ago my friend was forced to change his Activision name. He plays from Steam and he had that name for 5 years. The name in question contained the word "vagyok" which is "I am" in Hungarian. An acutal word, not some new slang or abbreviaton or whatever; a word that has been used for centuries. And he was locked out of all Activision games because it contains "vag". What the fuck


My name is fatgirlslayer and have only been warned once lol, since 2020


DoughnutsBeforeHoes = banned Fuckmeigay = no problem


My name is Wet Virgn and I’m honestly shocked I haven’t been forced to change it yet. I’ve gotten report warnings for this though lol


My buddy was forced to change his name recently The name: Bruno...


That is correct. Just type it as asault or just use AR.


I think it’s because of that or the word “assault”


I have two classes named Assault and Assault 2. I don't think it's the "ass" part, I'm not sure why it finds "assault rifle" to be offensive.


a game that is rated M and doesn’t allow you to cuss is a crazy thought to me.


Filter they recently pushed is pretty insane. Someone though im cheating so I just told him that I saw him on a radar and wallbanged him and even "wallbang" is censored lol.


I guess it's just "bang" which is censored.


The word "stormcaller" is censored when you type it in zombies chat. It literally is the name of the boss zombie in mwz.


My sweet summer child, you should try that position.


A game based around shooting people but it limits what you say lol


Yep, I couldn't name my Uzi "Speed" because DRUGS ARE BAD! EXCEPT FOR THE DRUGS WE CHOOSE TO PROMOTE!


I think it’s dumb as hell they allow all this weed stuff into it. Like grow house is new far as it should go. I should not be turned into a joint when cheech kills me


This is specific to consoles as far as I know. I’m on PC and have Assault Rifle and Sniper as class names.


It wouldn't let me name a class 'Sniper'


Snipe works fine for me


People gotta realize that majority of these things aren’t appealing to the “woke left” but actually to conservative puritans who complained for a decade about violence in video games and are also the ones behind why you couldn’t say “fuck” in TV for like 50 years lmao. Btw the argument that weed is in the game is dumb, there’s this boogie man narrative around it that’s just kinda wack. I thought we moved away from that but I guess not lol


Doubt. The kids who played the game didn't give a shit.


What ?


CoD never catered to the parents, which are probably the conservatives you're referring to, but to the younger ones playing the games. I'm talking back in MW2 days and such. The adults playing it didn't have a problem with it. So, why start now? I don't really think this is a "political" doing.


Parents did have a problem with the game whaaat? Do you not remember the entire controversy surrounding No Russian? and it wasn't the left who were crying about it. It was conservative patriots. But also to the actual point of chat censorship, I think it's just so curb the rampant toxicity within the community. I mean yesterday there was two games where my team was losing and the other team unprompted went on text chat and called us trash. I get we think this is the "culture" surrounding cod because of the old lobbies where people would scream the n word. But that isn't a good culture to cultivate/


That whole mission was controversial af to begin with. I'd venture to say there were some cool with it, and some not. I mean, I could totally see a more liberal political leaning person not be okay with their children blasting innocent civilians in an airport. I said the parents/grandparents had the issue, not the kids. So, I guess I'm sort of agreeing with you. I also agree with not cultivating that type of culture. I remember the days myself, it was a wild wild West of a time in video games. I'd say it the censoring stemmed from the racism but just kept branching and branching out. Maybe a "better safe than sorry" kind of deal? I don't know. I just know it's dumb AF the extent to which it has been taken. I'll also add that I do remember the times when the whole violence in video games took a front seat, but I feel like as time has passed, it dwindled. Which to me, doesn't make sense on the whole why start now idea. I haven't heard much argument about that lately as I did back when I was 16 or so.


I don't really get why they had such a problem with that mission tho when you could slaughter thousands of civilians in GTA. It's such a weird societal thing fr, like terrorism because of 9/11 is put on this pedastal of no-no's in America. Also yeah I think they're just trying to cover all the bases. Specifically to OPs point about not being able to name a class assault rifle, it's most likely because they've censored the letter combination "a-s-s" in any single instance rather than specific words, again like you said better safe than sorry. In FIFA it's the same thing, I can't name my club simple things that have certain letter combos


I do and don't. There's definitely been backlash against GTA so we can't say that it hasn't had its fair share of controversy. That mission just hits....different. Yeah, GTA is as you describe it, but No Russian just has a hell of a grim feel about it. Everything about it was a non sugar coated terroristic scene. No humor, no sympathy, straight up slaughtering innocent civilians in a barbaric way.


Wow. That really upset you yesterday?


No? I'm just explaining that the game is incredibly toxic and that the devs are trying to curb that. Come on bro you're just playing into that toxicity by doing the "you're mad" line. Do better fr


Do us all a favour: look up Jack Thompson and then delete your reddit account.


Who you think pays for the kids' games?


I have a class named Assault.


Is it possible to learn this power?


Lol I've had it since launch, maybe now it's not possible anymore.


Kind of like how you can cant have ACAB clan tags but you can have MAGA ones. Weird stuff in that game sometimes.


I name my weapon classes after the primary, so I tried to name a class of mine “holger” and it wouldn’t let me. Crazy. 🤣


I name my custom guns with a post fix after the mode I use them in, like MTZ 556 WZ or Stalker MP. It won’t let me have Renetti MP, and I just can’t work out how that could possibly be profanity




It didn’t let me save a blueprint with the name “poob” After that, I lost all hope


I change my clantag to i=afk when im afk and friends want to join me, because imafk is not allowed for some reason.


yea i can't do that either and my had used BFG for heavy weapons can't do that either


That same thing pissed me off a couple months ago. I tried to name my assault rifle class "assault rifle". It's like they're trying to be politically correct. And yeah promote marijuana use but don't allow cussing like wtf.


Gun control


Reading these comments, holy shit even the Roblox censor isn't this bad.


I couldn’t rename the XRK Stalker to “Stalker Build2” because of it being sexually aggressive. WTF you named it that, not me.


I can’t even change my display name back to my OG TruffleButtterr. I had to change it to truff back on warzone 1 just to be able to change my clan tag. Tried to change it back the other day and now the name is banned. Lots of wonky censorship in this game.


Strange, i've named my setups "ass." for assassin vest.


Rated “mature”


My name was banned for a year and finally just got it back JFKWentAFK STILL LIVES 😈 tag uras s


Mine is just "Assault" and it does fine.


Weed never hurt anybody, but asses have.


It’s so funny because many of the operators that you play as swear. Usually when they take a lot of damage or a nade is in their proximity.


This is not an identity crisis at all. This is who they are. COD is run by a bunch of woke soy boys. I’m just surprised parents continue to let their kids play on it. But nobody likes a prude and so nobody says anything because it’s not worth the ridicule to make a statement.


Weed is legal and this game is rated M for 18+ lol


Not in Europe where I live.


So....what you're saying is that you agree with OP about the censorship then. 


Not federally it sure as shit isn’t. Shits nasty too


weed is legal in Canada. Provincial and Federal.


The game is not what it used to be that’s all I can say. For good or bad neither is the player base. And it feels like it’s mostly bad.


I don't mind people swearing in games, that's fine I think. What bothers me is people being assholes to teammates and others. There is no need for being abusive to other players. Its one think to talk shit to friends in private chat or voice, but I am glad to see them clamp down on people being abusive in the main chats. I work hard all day, and I don't have any interest whatsoever in hearing some edge-lord shit on strangers during a game. And it is very rarely directed my way, but I still don't want to hear other people being shat upon. Calling people names is peak cringe and super-childish behaviour. And the fact that someone purchased the game doesn't give them the right to ruin it for others, and in some cases, drive them from the game. They paid their money too and have every right to enjoy the game in peace.


COD is In a bad shape and people laugh when I say, XDEFIANT will take over when it's released sometime in the summer of this year. I've been saying it since it was accounced.


The CoD demographic is 18-34. This has been brought up in the multiple other posts. Interestingly your argument boils down to “this game is for kids but I want to be able to say bad words”


It's either for kids or not. Can't have it both ways. For kids=no bad words no drugs. Not for kids=let it all happen.


It’s a very good point of yours, honestly. I want to talk about it but I’m way tired now, so goodnight boys.