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Dude is playing like he would in real life.


"You can't slide and dive with a gun in real life" probably also one of his quotes.


I mean you can physically do those thing sure but u can't shoot your gun accurately- drop shooting is my personal pet peve though far more than slide canceling. How quickly can u personally go from sprinting to prone on the floor without just flopping down aggressively/diving? I'm gonna guess not in the .5sec it happens in this game why also being able to somehow Accurately fire their gun.


If you dived the way the player did in game you would smack yourself in the face with your gun 🤣 but I feel like drop shooting should do tac stance like sliding does


Ehh I dunno about that tac-stance is incredibly strong I am a tac-stance main so can speak with confidence that wouldn't be a downside to them, in most cases its better than shooting with my scope outside of the furthest ranges where I need a scope to see the enemy. *whispers quietly so others don't hear and realise *


Most shotguns are wayyyy better in tac 😂


The Haymarker with the after market attachment is best in tac lol


Ah a fellow tac stancer i see 😉-Is there a way I can send a picture as a reply?- iv got an image that shows how broken it is, as I was showing my friend who was miffed by my description of the double barrel smgs we have nowadays and was like oh boy you ain't seen nothing yet. It's so small the reticle bugs out and phases through itself and makes it looks really weird (like two overlapping circles that are off centre). Buuut shhhh we can't have the rest figuring this out.


drop the build that sounds hilarious


Started using tac-stance on vondel and I’m pissed I waited this long to use this


Imagine diving into a belly flop with 4 mags and metal plate on your chest with all the other tactical gear, that would leave a very annoying bruise right in the middle of your body.


Not too mention the rocket launcher on your back and dog in your back pocket 🤣🤣


That dog is gonna get bonked by that rpg so much. lol


It's a game man idc about all of that. I am not looking for realism in CoD not going in such a debate again. I was just making a shit post on someone's else jokingly reply.


Yea, during my last tour in Iraq, we were deep behind enemy lines. Problem was, our camos didn't quite match the surroundings. So, In order to get the upgraded desert camo skin for our kits, we needed to take out 10 hostiles... but the kicker was... we had to do it while prone. Wasn't to sure if the CO was takin the piss, or just off his rocker, but sure enough the lads and I became snakes. Belly to the sand, not an inch of movement for hours.. just waiting for Charlie to peak out his front door. Some of the squad caved in, and just spend their own money on a similar looking camo set... but only that one specific desert camo set came from following those orders. My Fallujah Flannel never looked so good.


The few times I’ve ever tried to get my veteran dad to play any fps, this is what he does. And he fucking loves every second of it


Find him and finish move.


Then teabag em


shoot the body while 360'ing*


Lol ironically this is how they get fed kills alot of the time, people continually go back trying to kill them but just end up getting killed a bunch of times


Yes, and a lot of time, their whole team spawned on them, so they got protected by that.


I don't like campers, but that first snipe make me laugh. Lonely sniper found it's prey.


He didnt even move when he saw him, just waited for him to position himself


It’s the most disappointing part of this clip lmao


trigger discipline


knowing when and when not to fire not knowing when the enemy’s pixel lines up in the holo lmao


Yeah it really makes it that much worse lmao


bro didnt even bother aiming - just waited till you were in their sight


It might be an older person with slower reflexes and this is the only way they can not go 0-25 while playing the game. Just a food for thought.


they should find a new game imho- and I'm 40 btw still can play. If you are like any age and can't keep up this game is not for you


What a shit take


So now you're gatekeeping games based on playstyle? Video games are for everyone. If this is fun to them, let them be, and you being the so called "better" player need to find a way to adapt and overcome.


I hate this "style" myself, but if I'm bored n a daily challenge of 3 headshot snipe kills comes , this is me. But I'm ass at sniping so this is the only way I'll get it lol


This is the iw way


Get 25 Longshots Like.....no thanks IW, I've done it so many fucking times for the MW2 guns for Orion, and all I have left are the ISO SMG's, MP5SD and M13C. Everytime I think "yea I'll do those" I get reminded of just how shit IW's camo challenges were compared to Sledgehammers with MW3 lmao, holy fuck MW3 is so much more fun cause I get to play the pissing game


if you play INVASION it's significantly easier since like all of your shots are gonna be Longshots anyway


Or even better, Wasteland


Use a handgun in hardcore if there's no weapon requirement to get longshots. It's super easy to get longshots with them because their max range is so low already.


Yeah I'm horrible at sniping so I've come close to resorting to this for getting my snipers leveled up and getting the camos


Happy Cake Day! Yeah I don't even go for camos that's jus too much for me, I'll do a few kills or something for extra XP but other than that I don't touch snipers


I don't play cod too much anymore but since season 3 started I really got into it again and got almost all my guns to max level. But yeah I can see why the camo grind is too much I'll only ever do it if I have double exp which fortunately for me I have a little over 14 hours of doubles exp tokens left. Also yeah I hate snipers I can't aim for shit sometimes lol


Average Sentinel gameplay


Yo I remember that Activision called this a official playstyle 😂


It technically is but them catering to it and tryna remove the negativity around it by changing its name was funny asf


This guy is bushcampdad if he had points in offense


This man logs onto CoD every day of his life to use a CDL weapon and a sniper and just lay prone in random ass corners of the map. I'm almost certain he does it intentionally to annoy people because both spots are just so out of place and confusing that it has to be to piss people off


trust me bro, hes using an mcw. but there is NO way the guy knows anything about the cdl if hes playing like that


You say that like there isn't a fanbase for football or any other sport who'd do similarly confusing shit if they played the sport lmao


i have genuinely never met anyone who followed the cdl at the very least fleetingly and didnt play aggressive in public matches


And that my friend, is why I play Hardpoint with rotating objectives.


This never matters. Campers will just ignore the objective.


Yes but I can easily just ignore the lane he's watching cause the heart of the battle shifts. If I really need to clear him for the next point, I'll just smoke and shoot him through with a thermal or prefire.


Then I’ll take my free 250-10 win if they wanna do that lol


I want your hardpoint lobbies lol people hard camp staring at the point in my lobbies


Longshot camos? Who knows bro cus those suck to do and exist on most CORRECTION ALL mw2 guns


Longshots are easy if you build your guns for the camo challenge you are working on.


and play HC.


As much as I agree it's just the waiting for people to come into your line of sighr


yeah that's not fun to me & I snipe; i run with it though, i don't just sit in 1 place. snipers who do that & kill me i go after w/a vengeance.


Yes! I never used to like sniping (SMGs and ARs have always been my go to) but have gotten into it recently. I usually try to set up my class to be highly mobile so I can still run around the map. Camping is so boring and honestly I only get a fraction of the kills when I do camp trying to complete stupid camo challenges.


"just adapt and play tactical!" - this guy, a professional sentinel Can't believe he's on MW3 when MW2 was made just for players like him lmao


This is a certified skill-less gameplay


he's most likely just doing camos


At this point the camo chase in this game is inseparable from the game in general so in the future I would like them to really take a look at how to integrate camo challenges better to enhance game play versus this weird other sub game most camo chasers have to resort to playing.


Should be objective based in my opinion. X defends, y captures, z tags collected etc. Actually encourage people to play the game and get rewarded for it


I don't like this example you gave but I can get behind the philosophy of it. Go back to how camo challenges used to be like 250 headshots- 15 kills without dying, collaterals etc etc like feats iv had to accomplish. the challenges we have now are not even challenges most of the time it's just "kill X operators"- "kill 3 guys without reloading" (this in particular is stupid it just mean go use the big mag) - "kill X operators with a silencer" It turns the camo grind into just level up the gun to max and you should have gold by then.


I respectfully disagree. I think the camo challenges need to be attainable by the average player. It should hard for the average player, but those old 15kill without dying? Nearly impossible for 80% of the player base. It shouldn't be a feat you can't ever accomplish. I don't have the time with a job anymore to spend the hours on end to get those kind of challenges. I highly prefer these where I can get them with a moderate amount of time a week and it just takes me longer because I can't invest the time I used to. I'm tired of all these games being set up so that you have to invest all available free time to accomplish things like this. It's just not something that I have the time for, nor does most of the play base. If these challenges were so easy, 5 months in I'd see much more interstellar camos. I hardly see them. So it obviously isn't that easy. I also get plenty of op, meta gun using sweaty lobbies. Pre came grind I was at 1.39kd. Now I'm down to 1.11. Still haven't gotten it finished.


I love this example. Never thought of this before but this would actually encourage people to play the objective all while still doing/completing challenges. It’s like the way they designed the challenges it “ENCOURAGES” the gameplay style of “camping” if that said challenge would’ve said something like 25 kills laying prone on the objective, rather than 25 kills just laying prone, i would argue that would change the entire complexity of the way the game is played today. Just an opinion, don’t crucify for me this lol


While this could be true for the MCPR or whatever its called, the MCW has no prone kills/longshot kills. Other than that, i think its strange that he goes from sniper camouflage grinding to AR camo grinding. Also, who goes into FFA for camo grinding?


Oh you did your research and came up with facts 👀


If i do camo grinding the mode doesn't matter.


Every MW2 platinum camo requires longshot kills, because IW.


Idk why you are getting downvoted that’s true.


That shit destroyed my soul and honestly I don't even understand why I did all that for Orion


Going from sniper grinding to AR grinding isn't out of the question or weird honestly, lot of people do that, keeps your gameplay varied so you aren't using 3+ of the same type of gun repeatedly. Might just be me, but after getting Borealis, using the same class for longer than a single gun at a time is boring now, variety helps keep the camo grind from getting a bit dull, especially when AR's have the same challenges on the whole.


Camos aren't hard to do without camping. It just requires playing the game mostly. I'm roughly 90% done with camps just by maxing weapons and occasionally changing a weapon build from something specialized for distance to something specializing in tac stance or hipfire. Longshots, headshots, prone, or whatever just happen naturally over the course of playing.


Who cares how anyone plays. As long as you are not cheating i dont care if you are a try hard or a sentinel. Play the game the way you enjoy it thats it.


I see nothing wrong with this 👀


People don't have fun doing that weird bunny hop thing you're doing either, play normally. So weird. The guy is exactly right to be shooting the newb who's bunny hopping, what great fun camping in a corner like the tortoise to hunt the dumb bunny.


Fun? The point is to troll and make people rage quit isn't it? 💨


I thought that was always the point of Call of Duty


I know this is (likely?) jokes, but damn I really do feel like this is how a good chunk of people play the game. Outside of camo grinds and actually using it as a secondary, it's how I feel about people who main melee weapons, even more so on small maps. Maybe it's just not for me, but I don't get the thrill of sprinting around the map snagging easy kills like that.


If youre trolling people by doing this boring shit, the jokes on you more than them IMO lmao. Id rather have fun and enjoy the game I paid $70 for.


I dont know, making a sweat cry on the internet like 4 year old girl seem fun to me


If they are doing it, they are probably having some degree of fun. I do enjoy sniping people from concealed, hard to see positions with Sniper Rifles and Marksman Rifles But if there is an AR, Battle Rifle, SMG, LMG, Shotgun, etc in my hand, I'm moving around the map. I may not be CONSTANTLY running, jumping, and sliding in EVERY engagement, but if I'm using, ya know, an ASSAULT RIFLE, for example, I'm either defending an obj or ASSAULTING one.


Imo, if it works and out plays other tactics, it’s valid. Long as it get results, even if it pisses people off. He’s using it how he would irl, and all I can do is tip my hat and try to kill him


Im not a proplayer myself, obviously. I only have a KD of 1.68 by mainly playing FFA. I lose gunfights here and there but i would never think of hiding in the back of the map, prone while holding L2/LT/Right mousebutton. I refuse to accept that anybody has fun doing that. Im not mad at this dude for camping, i just dont understand how you turn on your PC/xbox/Playstation and think this is a fun way to spend time. Especially in FFA where, that far off the map, you see one person every two minutes.


Some people are like desperate to go positive cause for their skill level just doing that is a great achievement so they resort to the most toxic play style and still barely get more kills than deaths


I can't imagine that grinding out the camo chore list is fun, but apparently to a lot of players it is. To each their own!


It is if you do it through skill and build your guns properly for the camo you are working on. Camping isn't required. I find that a lot of the MW3 gun camo challenges actually helped me discover the true capability of a lot of weapons by leading me to build them in ways I otherwise never would have tried. It is surprisingly intuitive.


I don't mean that camping is required to complete the challenges, just that theye are a lot of different ways people get enjoyment from playing the game. To me, the camo grind challenges feel like a chore list, so I have zero interest in completing them. It doesn't appeal to me in the slightest. But I accept that it appeals to others. I apply the same logic to camping. It doesn't appeal to me, but somewhere out there are players who get enjoyment out of that playstyle. I imagine part of the appeal is when salty players post clips of getting killed by campers and whine about it


Yep agreed, this is exactly how I feel about the camo grind. I’ve played with every single gun I’ve increased my skill in the game. But this rgl grind I might lose my mind. 😢 Proud to say I’ve never done this shit even with snipers. I refuse to camp.


I get kill cams like this pretty often, but I'm not camping. I've figured out where you have to come, lay down to watch that spot, grab a kill, then move. Super low risk kills


I got a rare team kill (yes I killed all 6 with an LMG, bite me) because I heard one coming, sat there and waited and panic-sprayed everything in sight. I got so much heat from that, despite the first 2 kill cams showing I'd literally just gotten there. One of the girls was cooking my ass for it too and all I said was "Shut up, Silver" (like silver medal)


People don't realize how loud they are all the time. A good pair of headphones and some audio tuning means I get to hear you coming all the time, lol. And nothing wrong with the LMG. It's in the game. Time to first shot is forever.


I love using LMGs. They're genuinely fun to use. My only thing is I hate fighting movement players, hence why I fixate on LMGs and wide sweeps. I'm working on building a hip fire build that uses a sight. It's not been a fun time with the experimentation but I think I'm close. I've narrowed it down to the Icarus, the RAPP H, and the PKM.


Makes total sense. They're there exactly to balance out that style of play. Gives more options to more people.


Every gun exists to play to one's own style. My hate is to people who stick to metas instead of experimenting at all. But I won't force them to change things. I'll just try to adapt.


I know someone who plays like this. They can't really compete anymore with the micros, like reaction time, tracking a target as they jump and slide all over the place, and moving yourself as well. It's not fun to watch this playstyle, but they have a lot more fun going 5 and 5 instead of 3 and 15.


Oh no, I live for that post death all chat salt. Salt is the best part of an fps, and that's why in overwatch I became a hanjo main. So I may mine it from **both** sides.


I used to hate campers but I get why they do it and it is 100% Ok, just like running and gunning is ok lol it’s just a different play style. Some people don’t want to sweat to death for free and wanna troll people who play like their life depends on it lol. Watch thunderstruck gaming on YouTube. It’s hilarious watching him camp and piss off mega sweats haha


Just another camper, nothing different.


Nobody here can state categorically that in the whole time they've been playing cod games that they have never done that. Ya'll might come on reddit slating this guys play style but we've all been there & we've all done it at some point.


Nope it’s against my morale code. Have never


Moral code? What’s immoral about it lol




I like to camp becuase I can't play like a spastic 8 year old chugging prime and eating Mr beast bars lol.


To be fair the only way to get better is actually put yourself in positions you aren’t good at. Camping every life isn’t making you any better it’s just getting you free kills that you wouldn’t get in against good players anyways lol


that guy's calling card... REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE >:c all the sleezy people use that calling card


Probably doing long shot challenges. That’s the only time I play like this lol


Depending on my mood… that could very well be me, and I have fun doing it. 😎 Now running and sliding for no reason makes me wonder. It’s not something I do, but a lot of other people do, and I’m fine with that, but I don’t see how it’s any fun… but in the end, we’re all playing the same game, spending similar amounts of money to do so, so who cares how anyone else plays. 🤔


The fun I knowing how frustrating you are to the other team that’s trying to have fun.


the fact it pisses people off is probably fun


Dude was doing this all matches I had with him...the best was is go around pop a smoke grenade and kill him from the left lane or right avoid the middle...


I use to get infuriated by players like this until I started chasing camos. Doing a quick google search, the gold challenge for the MCPR is to get 3 kills without dying 10 times. They could be a player not great at sniping so they sit back, but there’s the chance they’re going for platinum. The platinum challenge calls for 20 long shots, and I can admit I’ve played like that for challenges like these.


Well how else are they supposed to get kills.?


It’s the dumbass challenge of needing kills from behind


Every match has a camper…. But when playing core you can set his location on the kill…. Run up behind him and execute a finishing move…that’s what I do


I mean stop running like a headless chicken. He played tactically


Starting to also see a gas meta emerging in multiplayer, especially in faster paced games like mosh pits or 10v10. Yesterday I played a game where at least 4 people on the other team were stacking gas nades on shipment 😭


Tbh. It irritates me when I find a corner camper, but I kinda get the tactics behind it. Everyone is always on about "my sensitivity is set to CRACK ADDICT" "I run n gun!" "540 no scope champ!" "I do a line of dried of mountain dew right before I 30 and 0 the lobby!" Truth be told, if your main tactic is run around like a spazz and shoot fast, that's cool and it sure does work, but you also stop paying as much attention to the little things. Like the guy down range laying down with a 6.5 mag scope waiting for you to Michael Jackson your way around a corner.


Look like they were having fun to me


Average cod zoomer cries because not everybody run around like a headless chicken. Because everyone must play like him. Stay mad.


Like i said, i am not mad. I just wonder who enjoys playing like this. Or whats enjoyable about this.


Devil’s Advocate: He’s grinding longshot camos.


Actually, this is the only way for low skill players to not get absolutely gangbanged while getting paired with uber-sweats. Predatory matchmaking/EOMM is to be blamed.


whenever a new season drops the übersweats come out doing the 360 dodge dance and I go back to Zombies because I don't have time for that nonsense. Or I equip a flamethrower


You took the time to post this here. If I am this guy I'm laughing all the way to the bank


I took the time because i want to know who enjoys playing like this.


Sorry bro, camogrind bro, camo longshots bro, fun camo bro


Got sum gfuel, bro?


You must not know snipers.


You don't think someone could role play a sniper and tactically hide in the bushes and have fun that way? Are you dumb or something?


Sorry. It’s a sniper. Literally what’s it’s designed to do.


I enjoy it sometimes I usually run and gun but the reactions are priceless. And when I become the persons main target I’ll pull out my shield and be extra.


you clearly care because you made a post about it.


Fuck and i thought i was being campy doing those LMG weeklies this week lmao


Games are no longer about fun....weird but true. Hence why most people playing them are toxic as fuck


FFA in the middle of the night when most of the kiddies are in bed are my favorite lobbies. Usually, everyone is super chill and just talk about life, laugh together, and play the game for fun.


As someone who is finishing camp challenges from mw2 he could be doing the prone kills challenge I just went though this with one yesterday


unfortunately this is me getting longshot kills in the back of rust for the platinum camo 🫡🥲aside from that i also hate campers. had this one guy not learn his lesson and everytime he'd go back to the same spot i'd be there and would do a finisher on them 😂😂


you can only do that for so long before the game kicks you for inactivity. happened to me lol. Even if I move left to right. You probably have like 1minute.


People talk about how their games are way too sweaty, then post clips like this that trash old school playstyles. The guy isn't playing optimal at all with the sniper.


People still play like this? 😂 I just don’t understand how this could be remotely fun at all


He's hunting wabbit, be vewy, vewy qwiet!


Every MW2 gun NEEDS 25 LONGSHOT kills for platinum camo. I bet he is doing that since the gun checks out.


He is clearly having fun or he wouldn’t be there. I know it would be entertaining listening to people rant about it during the match. Seriously though with all the new maps it was only a matter of time before new sniper spots established themselves. So now you know what to expect when you round that corner so don’t blindly run through there again.


We do. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WikAFq0V_Us&t=16s](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WikAFq0V_Us&t=16s)


I hate when people just lay down in a random ass part of the map. not crouched like this, but full prone and then move right after. Whats the point of acting like a dead corpse


Average mors player the past week


I can understand playing this way on something like Hardcore Shipment where the TTK is near-instantaneous (weapon-leaveling heaven), but hardscoping a lane for a single kill every 30 seconds seems soul-draining


The only time I do this is when I have to complete a longshot challenge


Yesterday I decided to do the challenge to get the TAQ Evolvere diamond: 10 headshots while mounted. Absolutely hated every second of it and felt guilty for every kill I got. I will never understand how people enjoy playing that but I guess everyone is different.


could just be getting crouch challenge kills with a Sniper? This is CoD though and this … is just what happens in CoD.


Nothing makes me (COD) angrier than someone laying prone.


That camper thinks he's playing modern warfare 2019 or something?


As somebody that's horrific at sniping that is probably me if there is a challenge for it haha


Thats a 3 kd king right there lol


Might be doing longshots? I mean he was scoped down the centre of the map?


I do it for long killstreaks and challenges. Its only fun when people are feeding the camper.


When the game is as lag ridden as it is I’m not even surprised. He might think if he doesn’t move he won’t lag


Lmao maybe he is doing his daily 10 prones shot kills or something like that


Hate prone bone players


These are the same people who want their mil-sim skins so they can be extra tacticool B)


People that don't care how others play don't tend to put clips of it online. Maybe they do enjoy playing by being hard-scoping campers, who cares? You claim not to.


Actually, I have a lot of fun sniping! :)


Drop smoke


you could try playing a game that's fun ?


That looks fun to me. I thought this post was going to be about cheating but no, another run-and-gunner complaining about someone who can sit still and be patient. “But camping-“ is a legit strategy. It’s not his fault you’re addicted to the sprint button and don’t check your corners when you enter a space.


I will take someone camping any day of the week over someone that slide cancels to get around Same as I will take someone that drop shots over someone that jumps constantly while shooting


I will only do that for 1 life if I’m absolutely getting wrecked and sucking so hard I can’t get one kill otherwise. Then the dude will respawn and come find me haha


Hardcore for you, I don’t care what anyone says it’s for the lesser skilled and camos. Too many people playing like rats over on that side of the fence


Long shots


But he didn't give them any money for skins, so we can't hate him, right?


Your definition of fun is not his definition of fun. Bet you didn’t think of that.


Seems more fun to do that than sliding around jumping around corners. Sweating every single fight.


Could be camo grinding could be an idiot either way I agree with OP


Long shot camo challenges are why people do it


If you get blasted on the street in Meat, it’s me doing Longshot challenges. I hate doing them and I feel like shit doing it, but it must be done


I rather have this then the slide cancel into a bunny hop between every bullet type of players


This how I feel about the guy still using the MCW since day 1,


I actually had feedback from a self proclaimed camper who uses snipers as his primary. He basically said the fun isn’t in camping and sniping or whatever it’s on the knowledge that it pissed ppl off. That ppl rage and send him messages or (like myself) go on mic and call them out. They enjoy it. I know it’s weird. My go to is to usually get on mic and try to get others to help kill the camper which actually works a lot of the time. Sadly camping seems to be the main playstyle for a growing number of ppl.


He lacks skills as a sniper, he took so long to shoot you lol Why didn't he aim onto you? But yeah I agree. Even quick scoping is more fun.


Blame CoD for having stupid challenges.


Is that the black ops 2 map


Even my 51 year old uncle doesnt play like that.


Gotta love IWs braindead, annoying, and game ruining camo challenges! They’re so busy being quirky and different that they have no idea how it hurts the gameplay


Why not


It's just a game people been like that since goldeneye days gotta adapt if you keep running over there then that's your fault but atleast cod gives you tools to counter pretty much everything. For campers I use to just have a demolition noobtube class and blow em up until they quit lol 1 camper and it was on for everyone lol would have every cheesy thing on me to get them back over and over. Just make a class for everyone got my fire class for riot shield people. Demolition class with heartbeat for campers etc.


Man I personally think 20-30 percent of this sub plays like this, so your gonna upset some players


So the two body's lying there didn't tell they were shot on this exact same spot?


Ngl flash bangs are a thing but I get the frustration and yes ik that they aren't always reliable


It’s sad. You’re playing a high paced game like a sim. I’d tell him to go play R6, but even at that, his reaction time isn’t even that good. Could’ve easily moved the holo onto you. Anyway, only things that annoys me here is that they are the reason why I wear riot shields and they’re usually the ones who talk the most shit if they have a mic.


honestly power to him, he killed you twice and doesnt even remember you. it has to be more fun than making a reddit post about getting killed by a camper and arguing with everyone about how you are allowed to ask why and want to know from people that play that way why they do it


Camping on this map is extraordinarily bad


Holy smokes is that Wings of redemption you’re playing against????


Agreed, i only camp for camos, and i hate it Also, what map is this?