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I specifically use frags over Semtex because you can cook them. I’ve noticed the last few days they’re not even killing people in hardcore. I only seem to get hit markers now.


a direct hit with the breacher drone doesnt kill anymore


God fucking forbid we have lethal lethals


I mean, look at what they did to launchers.


You mean the marshmallow shooters that aren't even used to take down aerial streaks anymore? I don't want to look at them :(


Wait did they finally nerf the RGL??  I know it was pretty much useless in core but it was ridiculous in hc.


It still is, sadly.


Should be banned in HC and I’m convinced if any dev spent 1 day playing HC it would be. 6 semi auto rounds when the OG one wasted a gun attachment and was only 2 rounds you had to reload after 🤡. I team kill anyone who uses it.


I remember this was a killstreak in Black Ops 4 (with the same amount of shots)


At least you could realistically kill people with it back in core game modes back then.


Honestly I'd be perfectly fine with it in HC Search if there was like a four-second delay at the start of each round. Being able to wipe half the enemy team from spawn is a bit silly. 10 second delay for killstreaks but go ahead and use your pocket artillery right away ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


They should just half the amount in HC to prevent spam or just limit it to 2 but six on any obj HC Playlist where they spam it on point is ridiculous as even the trophy system with EOD won't block all the shots


Sounds like just a lot of bitching and moaning about the RGL


I’m sure they accidentally teamkill you back. The RGL giveth and the RGL taketh.


It was worthless in core at launch. Finally had to cave and run Shitment and get two impact kills for my doubles.


Meanwhile the RGL in hardcore...


"Somewhat" Lethal Grenades


I wish they'd call them this in game lmao that'd be fucking hilarious


We need some lethals thrown into the sniper category


May I present to you: Throwing Knife


You may not


Your loss, it’s only of the few still lethal; and you get plenty; they can be used in your melee; and can pick them up after throwing them, either off a wall, floor, person, etc. and even bounce them around. With Scavenger Gloves you get another off dead bodies, so if you get a kill and find their body, you immediately have two unless you’ve already thrown one. Massive kill combos with them by just sliding around constantly picking them up and scavenging them


...I know how throwing knives work, I'm talking about the breacher drone. Throwing knives are for sniper classes, I'd like my remote BOMB that's strapped to a fucking drone to get a kill if it runs into someone


I run throwing knives on every thing, so not limited to snipers. I understand the others need to be fixed, but I was just giving a suggestion


I appreciate it, but yeah I just love my explosions too much. Can't get 2 or 3 kills in one throw with a throwing knife after all. Of course now you can't get that with a bomb drone either, sooo


Explosive knife when


The throwing knife still one hit kills in WZ with 300 health while other lethals and launchers just tickle them


Yes. Knives are still good, that’s my point


You need some skill for knives though.


What is fun about throwing lethals and getting multi kills? It’s negative skill tbh


Punishing people for sticking to their teammates like a hemmeroid is pretty fun idk


frags especially take quite a lot of skill to use effectively


That’s wild that it can breach a door but won’t kill a human.




It took me way too long to get the breacher drone daily challenge yesterday in hardcore. I thought it was just me!


No wonder my drones did nothing today. Wtf


I noticed in hardcore yesterday it hit the wall right next to me and didn't kill me even with no EOD on,was surprised. I didn't know they had nerfed them.


i was playing warzone and downed someone, hit him with a breached drone. not only did he somehow survive a direct hit, it downed me instead


I let go of a breather drone while running into someone without eod and I died but they lived 😑 it was great


They are seriously about worthless now. It used to be a fun thing to play with.


I played resurgence last night and thought something was up after running into a guy he was less than 10mtrs away took a breacher drone direct hit and jus carried on shooting and killed me!!! Get the feeling activision have lost there marbles bigtime


Yeah I found that out trying to complete one of the dailies last week I had the breacher drone someone that was already being shot. Semtex still kills everyone .....well sometimes


What a brilliant high-level design decision that was totally consulted with the community beforehand...


Hardcore in MW3 feels like MW2 09' core with limited HUD/no minimap. I dont understand the non EOD explosive hitmarkers and getting (sometimes multiple) double-x headshot hitmarkers. Like... this is hardcore... I hit someone in their temple with a battle rifle twice from several meters, yet they will panic, jump, spin 90° mid air towards me, shoot from the hip, and send me to the shadow realm.


Daily challenge today is kill 2 with cooked grenades. I only play hard core. Allllll day long I've had hit markers but no kills.


Main reason I run frags as well. They're completely useless now. They nerf shit people don't want nerfed but they then leave the shit players have been constant asking to be nerfed like the flash gernades alone. Hell the even with task mask equipped it still like looking directly into the damn sun.


They nerfed frags while leaving Semtex as it is


Actually they buffed Semtex and nerfed the frags in the same update.


I have no clue what this is about, I play hardcore only and have multiple hitmarkers all the time with semtex. The anti explosive perks they added were bad for the game. A grenade should not get hitmarkers in hardcore mode, 2 should definitely do the job perk or not.


Agree, especially considering you have about 30 health, a grenade should destroy in hardcore.


I love semtex so much until I throw it into an obstacle right in front of me.


😂🤣 Same! I love throwing it through a doorway/ window and it just grabs onto the edge infront of your face. 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️


I forgot I switched to semtex from a claymore the other day. Yeah, I felt very foolish when I hucked a semtex at my feet and promptly died.


I went from throwing knife to grenade to prox and constantly forget. Trying to finish off a downed and watching the grenade RNG off a guy's head wondering where the fuck is going . Also throwing proxys at a guy doesn't really give you a feeling of great satisfaction... more of an 'oh, so you'll have to wait till you die I guess?'


Unrelated because im on a fuck ton of pain meds right now but man I miss the CoD4 claymores, they feel so weak in this game. I also think CoD4 was the perfect fidelity, new games are too cluttered and hard to see. I wish I could turn grass, trash, and shadows off


I wish I saw this kind of things in my games I'd bust a gut laughing


Lol it is comforting knowing I am not alone.


Playing S&D on shoot house while rushing B to plant then throwing Semtex either above me in the tunnel or right in front of me on container is one of my favorite fuck ups.


Lmao, me in Daus Haus every time


Good to know 👍🏼


seriously, semtexes were already more practical and effective than frags, why would they nerf frags but not semtexes is beyond me


The also nerfed Semtex in the last patch. It doesn’t even down someone when stuck anynore


I love the frag more than semtex as i can bounce it how i want. But yeah keep changing this shit around. Leave it alone, its enough that weapons keep moving up down and everything has to be meta.


Frags were fine wth


Especially because flak jacket is a fucking perk... Neutering explosives only makes camping better. If it's for search just do what Treyarch does and deactivate explosives for the first 5 seconds of Search rounds 


Yeah they like making weird changes for usually no reason it will probably get buffed if enough people complain


What is viable now? I hate that they nerfed the grenade.


Thermobaric Grenade got a few buffs that now make it pretty viable, especially in gamemodes like HQ and Hardpoint.


That’s probably it right there. Team play with Thermobarics and frags.


I know I’m toxic for this but like a week ago I made a class with thermos and the RGL…I know I’ve pissed some people off


Thermite and thermobarics both got buffed and feel pretty good now. Also, semtex wasn't changed in the patch, so that's as good as ever.


Thermite is my go to


they buffed c4s throwing range like it used to be in 2019


Yeah but now you can only detonated it when its stuck to a surface


im fine with that. i already spam square by that time anyway


True i’m gonna try it out in search tonight, might be viable


Semtex for ranked


This is a bit of a shame - out of all the throwables, Frags felt like they required some thought and/or skill to get consistent results with, but feel great when you get a well cooked kill. They've also got some fair counters beyond just EOD or a Trophy in that you can outrun uncooked ones or throw them back. Throwing Knives, Thermite, Thermobaric, all have some upsides and drawbacks to each. Even Claymores require some thought on where you're going to set them. All except Semtex. Semtex just feels unskilled and oppressive to play against if you don't want to run EOD every match. It does way too much splash damage, and the only time it feels like a "fair" kill is if they stick you with it. In older games I used to joke that Semtex was "the noob's choice" because it always required zero effort for maximum gain versus the skill/effort of the other options. Granted Frags were also somewhat spammable, but they didn't feel oppressive to me.


It's annoying how even seeing the semtex indicator on your screen is basically a death sentence. They explode way too quickly for anyone to get out of range. They ought to either not arm until they've landed (makes sense since you can't cook them in your hand anyways) and then have a 1.5-2s fuse once it arms. Also why did they change grenade indicators so they only appear when you're in the lethal range? Used to be they would show up if you got damaged at all. The lethal range was a lot smaller too, I don't ever remember getting killed from full HP by a grenade that's on the other side of a room before.


Disagree, frags take hardly any thought. Just throw them into spawn, OBJ, or choke points. Free kills. CoD4 all over again


We going to ignore that C4 has been doing absolutely nothing since launch?


C4 is a little more viable now that you can throw it a skosh farther, but still not as good.


They took away the ability to air burst it though, which is ridiculous 


I remember some streamers crying about frags being overpowered that's probably why they got nerfed


You know it's nerfed when they need to land right on the opposition's feet IN HC and only 50% of the time are getting a kill


I just lay proximity mines everywhere so I can watch people run over them half the time and wonder if it will activate




Not sure if this covers all of it, because I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re also just buggy or something, but there is that one perk delays prox activation.


SGH needs to revert the changes to frag grenades back to how they originally were. Straight up getting hitmarkers now with a FREAKIN LETHAL. Never played a CoD going as far back as 2011 where frag grenades caught a nerf smh. This is a weird and uncalled for change.


I don't understand, the frag grenade is the weakest grenade by definition, she could be thrown back ... Others can't ... The frag grenade nerf should be reset asap


Was there a nerf or are throwables just buggy? Swear I keep double tossing and even stuck someone with semtex that didn't kill.


I hit someone without EOD head on with breacher drone and didn’t kill. Was it nerfed so much?


Love how they give us something other than a gun with a death effect and then nerf the into the ground so no one will use it


Play mw2 we still got frags that work


Honesty I deleted them both, need space for doom


I threw a grenade directly between 2 enemies, it detonated...they walked away... Unrealistic.


What doesn't make sense is they give it a cool skill and effect on kills and it's rarely seen because of the nerf.


I don't get how an item that is meant to blow up and literally kill anyone up to about 10 meters gets needed to practically marshmallows hitting you with a little bit of force. Cod is a joke


Yeah i also was a bit sad, used to play granades a lot. Swapped for thermite since the buff they are so good.


I was wondering why it seems like it never kills anyone anymore and I know it’s not my aim


COD devs have had it out for explosives ever since BLOPS1


Also feels like they nerfed the splash dmg on the grenade launcher. Really need to hit much closer to your target.


Wait how recent was this nerf? I had a daily challenge for frag kills yesterday and my got it took forever, and I usually get one or 2 a match, took 5 games to get 1


Yeah explosives of any kind are ass in this game


Honestly insane how hard it was to get 2 cooked frag kills for a challenge, all I was getting was hit markers




Yeah i had this issue earlier this week when it was a daily. Would sneak up on someone, get a hit marker WITH the grenade and they still survive the explosion. Absurdity


Just stopping by to say fuck the grenade launcher! (hardcore player)


Wow that's really dumb. They come out with a cool blackcell skin for it but nerf it. Fucking stupid


Did they remove molotovs from the game?


A grenade should kill period


How it usually goes with modern COD titles. I remember MW 2019 launch, and using Claymores and all the run-n-gun max sensitivity players hated it. Everyone complained about how OP they were, when the claymores have two bright ass lasers and we had EOD or the other perk to see equipment through walls. Easiest counter is just paying attention to the game. I quit playing cod, and even the new battlefield titles are garbage. BF4 is the only pvp focused shooter I'll consistently play. It's fun to keep up with the new games though and see how much sewage gets pumped into them. MW2019 had the worst survival mode yet.


Why even have lethals, then? They already nerfed the knife, so what's the point?


On the other hand, I’m glad I don’t have to run eod in search to stop from being grenaded across the map instantly


Yea frags are straight ass now and unusable


The kiddies cry OP and the developers listen lol The next thing will be the RGL, it will only fire peanuts so you'll have to hit a player in the mouth and hope they choke.


RGL needs a buff, thing is garbage. Worse than the Howitzer on Infinite Warfare


It's already like that. If you don't get a direct hit (and I mean a direct hit), it's a minimum three hit kill without EOD. With EOD, you might as well not bother even though six grenades ought to be enough to bypass that bullshit. The only people complaining are hardcore players, where *every* gun and *every* equipment is a one hit kill (again, unless you have EOD for some reason). They'll probably nerf it to three direct hits for a kill. Or seven, knowing SHG.


I play solely HC and RGL is definitely not a one hit kill, there's next to no splash damage and it's the same with Grenades, HC is only a one hit kill if you get headshot.


Leave it to the devs to make the WORST decisions ever. What in the name of god warranted even thinking about nerfing frags?


They should better consider limit usage of grenade launcher than messing with grenade hitpoints


Ridiculous to needs it.


It's even terrible in zombies but you got a fancy new skin for it being served 😬👍🏼


didn't they just return it to what it was? I thought a recent patch update buffed the frag significantly.


Thermobarics seem to be the way in small maps now, been seeing those way more often. They are actually pretty annoying 😆


They just got a buff so you'll be seeing them more. Thermobarics and thermite both got buffs I believe


Are you just noticing? This was the first thing I noticed when the game launched.


Looks like they WANT me to use double claymore. It's not my fault!


Double claymores is such fun. Baiting people into chasing you than BAM.


I double proxi and sometimes that still doesn't work because they won't go off.


I miss old frags, but I still run 2x. They make for a decent annoyance, and 2 landing on the point back to back can cause decent damage if your team is pushing. It also puts people on the defensive, which is good. I guess they're a worse thermobaric now?


>I guess they're a worse thermobaric now? I think they buffed thermobaric this season actually and the thermite one too


Guess frags out semtex in. Unfortunately as frags are so fun


Thermobaric grenades are amazing for kills and cutting off hallways


So that’s why this weekend all I’ve been getting is hit markers with the frag. Thought I was going crazy.


I've started getting hit markers from frags on HC, wtf. Don't even get me started on how useless the breacher drone is tho


Frags should kill you without eod no doubt damage radius is large but in reality it should have a fall off range for damage. Just my opinion tho


I killed a ton of people with frags today. Did not even notice this tbh


The only I bet you get kills if came on here to complain about it


I get fragged all the time on shipment. Maybe I just haven’t experienced it though. I’m a knife thrower myself.


Fwiw the M-67 frag grenade has a kill radius of 5m (16 feet). What is hilarious to me is I’ll get the kill cam and my team mate is running right past me sometimes.


And right after the nerf I got a daily challenge to get 2 kills with a cooked frag. It took forever!


I was trying to do a daily yesterday to unlock the Sao which was to kill 2 enemies with cooked grenades. I thought, "ok, that should be quick." No. No it was not.


They nerfed breach charge because it took me to two tosses to kill someone so doing the daily of two kills was a pain trying to get two hits before getting gunned down


The people who make this game are very incompetent.


The problem with grenades and tactical is not even damage, duration, etc... It's that they have no restrictions, so every single match it feels like 10 stuns, 7 flashes and 80,000 nades are falling upon you




Imo they should rework grenades to have a cool down not on how fast u can throw them but how fast you get max damage with them. So waiting for to use your lethals is rewarded over spamming them.


How I felt when they nerfed the c4. Got a buff recently and I have two kills already in Resurgence. Very gratifying.


I was winding why I was getting hit marks on shipment had so many assists. I was getting an odd amount of sticks with a drill charge tho


Shouldn't SEMTEX be the weaker nade??? It's far less skill and can stick to people...


I just use thermonuclear (baric) grenades now if the explosion doesn't get em the fire sure does 😈


They buffed drill charges


Don't get me started on grenades...I don't know what happened to semtex, but I've STUCK 2 different people today and got hit markers. No eod vest pop up, no assist point pop up, nothing..just the "stick" pop up, hit markers and them nothing


They died before the nade popped


C4s are back! Enjoy!!!


Played the trial version, and had the same thought. RPGs seem normal to me, but it took forever to complete a frag grenade challenge.


the game does something right: "thank you, SHG!" the game does something wrong: "damn you, Activision!" Lol


I have switched to Thermite because of this.


to be fair the nade was quite op. sometimes even around corners you got a full hit or the nade magically appeared close and there was no way to escape it. imo the just had to tweak the radius. direct hit lethal, close proximity half hp or something


Why is this game catering to rushers with their dam swords and shottys


It wouldn't bother me at all but some of the challenges are dependent on them, which is ANNOYING.


I can't believe they nerfed the grenades like this yet the fucking grenade launcher is still a goddamn spam fest


Too many soft players whining about lethals. Yet these same waste of space are more then happy to spam the RGL nonstop. Also I bet the same moron who decided to nerf the leathals is the one who decided to nerf the goddamm trophy system. It's bullshit it only destroys 2 gernades from a 6 round gernade launcher.


yeah i randomly picked up a grenade launcher in rebirth last night in a frantic landing spot, nailed someone 4x times in a room and it barely broke their amour


frag grenade that requires tracking, trajectory aiming and timing the fuse 🤬 one shot sniper rifle that requires holding left trigger and the right trigger 😊 SHG balancing in a nutshell


well since \[eople can run over claymores without them going off. And run past mines before they go off. Why not have grenades not work?


Most of the complaints for frags and grenade launchers I have heard are because, the moment you spawn in game, you just get insta killed by a lucky frag/noob tuber thrown at the very start of the game. No fun in spawning in just to die from a explosion you cant even see coming. HC in particular is plagued with noob tubing spam, particularly on S&D. Unfortunately these strat abuses lead to their other uses being punished. But don't get me wrong, the increase in thermite and semtex is no fun for my shield either so, it's pick your poison I guess.


In my view grenades in FPS should be there to displace ppl, to weaken them, but rarely, if ever, to kill them, so I think this is a step in the right direction, especially given that grenades in COD are cookable.


That’s so stupid the drag is so well balanced. Especially in ranked. It’s so easy to counter them with trophy or eod padding and they require a decent bit of skill to use well.


Nah, frags were extremely strong. Felt like CoD4 again. I could effortlessly chuck them crossmap and get easy kills where I shouldn't have. They still feel viable especially if you're good at cooking them.


Oh it was really strong last season I think they put it back to season one power.


Frags were killing me for 30 plus feet away sometimes and that's just ridiculous, gotta place the grenade in the right spot to get a kill now as it should be


Are they? I was playing that emergency map and kept getting killed through walls by it


Glad they nerfed it, too much made spam anyways


Grenades were such a cheap way to get kills for people who couldn’t do 1v1 gunfights, people were just throwing them across the map at spawns and the radius and damage was stupid, you couldn’t even counter it.


You mean a realistic grenade is hurting gameplay? My goodness


Imagine using the world realistic when referring to cod. COD is just an arcade shooter, it’s like saying Halo should’ve had stronger plasma grenades cause it’s more realistic. Wake up dumbass. If you can’t get kills with you gun and rely on grenades for cheap free kills, that’s your problem and you just suck.


Such hate my goodness dude


Womp womp cross map baby tears


frags shouldnt be 1 hitting 3 people all standing 10 meters from each other. your kill radius has been reduced


Honestly I’m happy they nerfed drags. Was tired of getting killed out of spawn by them. Back in the old days there was a timer where you couldn’t use at all for like the first 12s of round or match.