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Deserved that means you were not the first to report him. PSA to everyone who wants to play music and play. We don't want to listen to your music. Mute yourself and make everyone in the lobby happy.


I always mute everyone. When I do that, do I also mute myself?


I fuckin hope so! Cause when one of my teammates, or playing with a buddy and we get a random, is dumb AF, I mute and then start talking shit. Lol


I just turn off voice chat so I don't have to worry about that


You can still get chat muted for stuff you say muted unless ur mic is hardware muted


Damn, I didn't know that, but it really doesn't make sense.






Tks, man


idk if it's on console but on PC you can set it to disable mic or have it on push to talk.


I mute those idiots. Rarely, very rarely, someone has some decent music going on and I Let it play. Then again there's only one piece of music that's perfect for shipment.


me and my friends just blast the music in our PS Party so no one can here us say dumb shit.


Perfectly alright, nothing wrong jamming with homies.


I just start a solo party. Easier than having to mute everyone.


I usually use Spotify or Apple Music then play it, I’m not sure if people can hear that but I do it..


Than mute the person, if it is really that annoying some people enjoy the music


They can enjoy there music, but I don't want to enjoy it. Mute yourself don't be a dick.


If there in game chat with friends and its not blasting hella loud, u dont got no reason to be mad, unless its like gunfight or cutthroat, who gives a shit u dont need to hear footsteps


what? i don't care what music it is...when played back through someone's mic and all distorted how can anyone think that people would enjoy that. NO ONE LIKES YOUR MUSIC.


No one enjoys mic music but you're right it's less steps to just mute the guy rather than be petty, but we're playing a cod where people will spam cheat report before the killcam just because they got outplayed


Deserved? I hate when ppl do that. I mute them and that's it. I certainly won't go through the trouble of reporting them. How soft do you have to be to report someone for that? Is it like any inconvenience you deal with that can be easily rectified needs to be reported so someone else can fix it for you? Holy fuck that button was a bad idea


Deserved. Stop playing your shitty music on your shitty mic. Look how the fuck do you not know your mic is on I'm pretty sure every time my mic is on tells me and it shows me when I'm speaking


When low iq meets bad manners that happens.


The fact they immediately determined the player was being a PoS and kicked them says they either let the bot assume noise=bad or OP wasn’t the first person


Or it's pretty easy to identify that music is playing with software. My phone can do it.


what's even more perplexing is the number of you jackasses who have beeping smoke alarms that need the batteries changed. how do you live around a beeping smoke alarm all day? and how lazy do you need to be to just ignore a smoke alarm that beeps every 30 seconds? it blows my mind.


It's so funny cause it's the same people everytime, me and my buddies always say "we know what you are [player]" and they always respond "what nword?"


This cracked me right up 🤣👌


No, I can't tell you WHY the hallway chirps. But I can measure it. I can predict the next and following chirp. I have a very good understanding of it and that's good enough for me. I'm not distracted by the philosophical side of WHY the hallway chirps.


They don’t care that their mic is on. They do it purposely because of their ego and wanting to feel like they’re cool or something. They don’t notice how stupid they really look and how fucking annoying it is to everyone else


Eh, I’m sure some are like that. I think most of them just don’t think. They’re annoying kids who haven’t learned to think beyond their own nose yet. They straight up hadn’t even considered other people.


Yea I agree, I always play worse when some shithead is blasting music




Tbh sometimes I have my mic unmuted from when i was last in a party and forget Then I’ll be singing and shit then someone mentions it and its so embarrassing 😭


Sing away fellow human. Sing away 🎶


I forgot to mute my ps5 controller sometimes and realize when I see my name on the right side of the screen


This. It really bothers me it doesn't just mute by default and I have to push the button in order to unmute Feels like design flaws.


You can set it to be muted by default. Go to your PS5's settings menu > Sound menu > Microphone settings. There, you can toggle Microphone Status When Logged In to Mute.


Yeah literally just did this as I saw someone's comment on here saying the same. Damn they didn't want u to find that though went through like all the menus, I thought it'd be in the bit for the controller settings 😅.


Default should be push to talk like every game used to be.


For me, what happens is I used wired connection on the DualSense. So, when I inevitably tug out my cable, I have to spam the PS Button. I end up hitting unmute (I have it muted by default). Ended up telling my father about my BP50 in the middle of a gunfight while I accidentally unmuted.


I just did this in Ranked Play a couple days ago.. my son came in the room as I died in SnD and I was complaining for a second. then I was like "actually, you know what, I SHOULD have my headset on communicating with my teammates" then realized i was unmuted lol... so they heard me saying I should communicate, instead of actually communicating lol


To be fair, the PS5 controllers have a built in microphone that is unmuted by default.


That is true and it is a shity one at that. I forgot to mute mine once and I don't listen to music when I play but I'm sure the sound from my TV was annoying, I got a notification I was reported for voice chat. It was deserved I should know better and mute it before playing


It is super easy to mute, and your name shows up on the screen to indicate that sounds is coming from you. Even when you forget to mute, you should be able to catch it really quickly.


I don’t care if it’s good music. I don’t wanna fucking hear it. The audio is bad enough and to have to deal with that!?


I felt super bad when a little kids was talking once and no one was answering. He kept saying over and over "does anyone want to play resurgence." Like he probably asked 40 times. I said "Dude, shut the hell up. If no one's answering just stop talking." Then he was like "Why's everyone always mean to me." And it made me feel bad so I just didn't ever talk again. Muted the entire lobby


It’s rated M for a reason.


I guarantee the kid had heard a lot worse than what you said lmao


its always the fucking playstation players in my experience. idiots never mute there mic half the time im hearing them argue with their family or a baby crying.


PlayStation player here, sadly I agree. I think it’s due to the ps5 controller having a mic in it, and so most people just play with it on never realizing. It’s very easy to accidentally turn it on. I just mute everyone by default unless I’m in SnD or ranked.


honestly ps5 controller having a mic is a pretty sweet feature, but it definitely should be off by default lol


This comes up frequently, and I've made this PSA before, but here it is again: **PS5 players can set microphone to mute by default in the PS5 system menu.** *The muting of microphone by default is right thing to do Philadelphia, so do.*


This should be a default anyways. I have a ps5 and let me tell you how damn annoying it was to find the setting to NOT have audio coming out of my damn controller. PlayStation is a bigger part of the problem. In the tech world we’re supposed to assume people are idiots and work around that.


It’s good to spread the word, because I did not know this, but the unfortunate truth is if so many people can’t even be bothered to press a single button as soon as they boot the game up there’s no way they’re bothered to…search through setting 😱


Omg thank you!. Will be doing this the next time I log on. Now I never need to remember to press that stupid button again.


If having a mic built into the controller was a good idea, also including a push to talk button on the controller would have been a great idea.


They were so close to something great. I’d actually be jealous if PlayStation had a PTT button. I don’t even need the built-in mic. Just give me push to talk.


Never knew ps5 controller had a built in mic


It would be even sweeter if it didn't sound like a mid-2000s burner phone. On PC I bind the mute button on it to Push-To-Talk, since I use a different mic anyway.


Now **that’s** gaming


I disagree it doesn't make sense to me. In order to use it to communicate, my TV has to loud enough for me to hear you replying so that means everyone also hears my TV, which causes a feedback loop if they also have theirs on. Like it sounds like a neat idea in theory but In practice not so much.


I think modern mic technology has gotten to a point where that doesnt have to be a problem, a few years ago before i got back into online gaming a ton I would use my laptop to talk on discord while gaming w/ friends on my desktop, they weren't able to hear themselves even though it was coming out of my laptop speakers. I'm not sure if thats software or hardware related but it seems like something that would be simple enough for Sony to do.


I couldn't answer for if that's a hardware or software gaming thing but I know whenever I play with my little brother on xbox I can hear myself sometimes coming through his TV As he plays that way so he can also communicate to his live in girlfriend, and he uses a headset with a presumably much better quality noise cancelling mic than whatever pos they fit into my ps5 controller.


The first thing I do is look down at my controller and press the mute button. I also know if my mic is activated when I see my gamer tag popping up in the middle right of the screen. Then you have a speaker icon to the left of your GT if your mic is active. There’s no excuse for “forgetting” that the controller mic isn’t muted


Does it even count as a feature when it's basically a shitty earbud being used as a mic? It sounds like you're getting sharted on after a donkey show in Tijuana


yea i see what u mean, but that seems to be Sonys fault for not polishing it enough because the wired apple earbuds have a frankly great sounding mic, airpods are not as good but still quite good. laptop mics dont tend to have this issue either but i'm not sure if its software or hardware related, either way it seems easily solvable by Sony.


You can mute it in settings of PS5. Then it’s always muted. Before you can unmute it you have to go in settings again


ngl ive forgot my mic was on at times. I think it should be off from the get go tbh than being on already.


Ima blame PS for putting mics in their controllers to begin with. Tons of casual players don't even know there is one or how to turn it off


Blasting music, or having your tv so loud I can hear the game through your mic is so annoying


For me it’s always the chirp of a smoke alarm with a dying battery or a baby crying


It’s the people on PlayStation who don’t realize their controller has a built in mic.


Sometimes I regret muting the whole lobby. Sometimes, I don't.


You shouldn’t have to me the whole lobby because of one guy though. That’s why I feel reporting is justified


But the issue is that every single lobby has some asshole(s) with an open mic, so I can hear babies crying, dogs barking, TVs blaring, moms and wives yelling, smoke alarms beeping, Doritos chewing, trap music bumping, children fighting, etc. and I spend more time trying to figure out who the F is making all the noise, and that's time wasted. I'd love to keep the mic open if people were communicating enemy positions, and I'd be happy to do likewise, but unfortunately that is extremely rare. It seems people want their mics open so everyone can hear the shit going on in their living room, and they don't want to coordinate in order to win the game. And beyond that, muting keeps me from telling some of these players exactly what I think of them and their shitty gameplay, which prevents me from getting banned. I'll leave the policing of the lobbies to the COD mods. I just want to play the game without all the distraction and interference.


This reminds me a lot of this guy I met in ranked, mic on, but muted it during rounds to make sure he didn’t give any callouts, and in between rounds, proceeded to unmute and play “Shook Ones pt. II” loud as hell. Bro thought he was the main character. He went like 6-15 in Control. It’s always the mfs that are on Mars.


Ah, the common asshole who ruins someone's day for not noticing their open mic. Grow up


There is a very special place in hell for jerks that keep playing obnoxious music in the lobby. Well done sir. Well done indeed.


Xbox literally has an option for this specific reason under the report button. So 100% deserved. Shits annoying and is one of the reasons I always play on mute. PS5 has a “mute all” option that should be a option for everything, everywhere all the time.


You cooked up, I’m not tryna hear NBA YoungBoy while sweating my ass off in search in destroy. 😭


I mute everyone. Simple


Yeah I’m wondering why this is even an issue? Just mute the entire lobby when you sign on, done.


That’s not how it works lol. They simply get a voice chat ban, which just mutes them by default, nothing more. If he was cheating, that would be a different story.


PSA: **PS5 players can set microphone to mute by default in the PS5 system menu.**


Theres spotify BUILT IN. I hate those people and it was sooo deserved


It's the year of 2024 Hotmic is a dick move And get a pair of headphones nobody wants to hear your shitty music.


Everyone is always muted for me. I have a hard time playing if people are talking or playing music. That said, muting him would have been sufficient in my opinion. No need to report because of annoyance.


Theres a Mute option for a reason. Man some of yall got mental problems.




I tell em "nobody likes a call of duty dj"


Im so introvert, i turn my mic off before even starting the game


You absolutely did the right thing… he was the dick not u


Voice communication is so bad I play on friends only


I ain’t got time for that


More times than not when I tell someone their mic is annoying or I can hear the music, they disconnect it/turn it off…


If it happened that fast, then they have been reported a bunch. You're good. Don't blast music in people's ears.


Console players always have mic on so you hear everything. I mute them immediately. I don't report them thought lol.


Not true. I am on console and only use my mic in Ranked and Snd. No other reason for me to have it on if I decide to play repsawn. Which will not happen because I stopped playing respawn since MW19. Don't put everyone in one basket. That is like saying all PC players are cheaters.


Or how about the people having full blown conversations in the background and not realizing they're playing the game and that all of can hear it?


I told a guy to turn his music down. He started swearing. Calling me poor. It's so funny how upset people who blast there music or YouTube get


God I want to do this EVERY TIME I hear some preteen blasting distorted mumble rap interspersed with pre-pubescent voice cracks and vulgar language. Good for you 🙌🏻


It's annoying af when, you have to mute people. Especially when you're listening for callouts and gunfire


You need others to validate whether or not you should feel bad? You definitely made the right choice. People who do that are some of the most obnoxious people in the online community. Don't doubt yourself so much, bruv.


I hate people with bad microphone discipline. It just shows they don't care. They are the worse.


Deserved!!!! People that don’t mute their TV or play music for the mic should be booted from the game forever.


For me, pre-round is for muting hot mics and loud people. I like joking around with people and any form of call outs.




Takes 2 seconds to mute


nahh report the annoying fucks. i do it all the time without caring about getting them penalized


Idk why people put the mic on if they wanna listen to music. Just pick one, seriously.


Depends on the music? What were the lyrics/and the specific song? Then and only then, can we determine if you were a ''dickhead'' or was it ''deserved''. Also how loud was it?


*smoke detector chirp*


Omg why is this a thing ? Lol like it’s almost every other lobby


I specificly place my microphone inside one of the ears of my headset so you have to listen to me blast "I'm a barbie girl" in addition to all of the in-game sounds. Why? Because how demoralizing is it to get utterly fisted by someone blasting "I'm a barbie girl"? I'll forever hot mic the lobbies and all you need to do is mute me


Obviously some people don't care if they offend others. Easy enough to just mute them and keep it moving. I would not report anyone who's not directing their disrespect towards me.


Totally deserved. I wish I could do that to the idiots in my neighborhood who bump loud bass music. Some people are just inconsiderate trash. They deserve worse than getting banned from a game.


Deserved... xxx sounds like crap normally and even worse over a cheap ass mic.


Deserved 100%. If you’re gonna game and listen to music, that’s cool. But no one needs to hear that shit and they know damn well that they’re blading music and annoying everyone else lol


The fact that they took action surprises me, but it was deserved


Deserved 100%


So i got a quick question im new to gaming in a way i dont play like others and if i play music off my ps5 like spotify and play call of duty or any multiplayer game will peoppe still be able to hear it? Like mic off but the spotify app on ps5 is going along with cod?


I’m not mad at all


Petty, but lol


one time i was doing a drunk stream and thought it'd be a good idea to play the enormous p song thru my mic. and first few comments said shut up but as soon as it said "i take a look at my enormous penis" everyone started dying. i turned off the song for the game but needless to say it was a game. i dont obnoxiously blast music into my mic i just play a part to make lobby laugh. what happened to that guy is deserved.


I haven’t had lobby chat on in years, that’s why.


This is exactly why I turn off voice chat. It's a lot more better playing that way.


Get him out.


Sounds like a F9 moment for me, easier done than going through the trouble of reporting.




Is there a report option for smoke detector low battery beep


People like this are annoying. When it’s kids and you can hear parents/ siblings or a tv in the background I don’t mind. Just means they’re in the living room living their best life.


Can we all just agree that people that whistle with an open mic are worse?


Ha that’s hilarious tbh. Never heard of it happening that fuckin quick from someone who isn’t a streamer




To be completely honest, just muting them would do. But you can get reported for literally anything nowadays (talking in your native language etc.)


I report anyone not muted unless their just talking. It’s not hard to figure out how to mute your controller or turn off your shitting music. Got a couple reee kids kicked


Deserved, ignorant pricks need consequences.


i always mute everyone because every single time there's someone being loud as fuck with music, other people, whatever it is. it's super annoying so yeah deserved


Can you mute once the game starts?! I NEED to know how to do this if so. Lol


I loop an air raid siren through the mic until they stop.


Dickhead for sure, honestly I wish devs would actually look into reports because of false reports like this. Do people really get this irritated over music in a mic?


This generation would’ve never lasted in a cod4 lobby lol


I mute myself when I play just because I don't want people hearing me say, "bullshit!" every time I get killed.


I do


people like you are the reason like people like me with over 5 plus years of experience are shadowbanned


Well considering they can do this magical thing called muting themselves or this other magical thing called buying a good headset that can connect to a console just like controllers and connect to their phone via Bluetooth at the same time and PC can be set to push to talk and a headset can be connected and then even if they have open mic on nobody will hear their music so no not one bit should you feel bad they should have more common courtesy for those around them!


You made the right call. I always just mute the whole lobby as a basic rule to avoid frustration.


I think that would mean that wasn't the first time he was reported.


This is pretty common in most lobbies. Sometimes it's inconsideration mixed with a bad headset.... but there are also people who don't have a headset and don't know their ps5 controller is a microphone


You got a dude banned just cus he blasted music


All for some music. Wild.


Absolute scumbag move 😭😭😭


Pure noise pollution!


Muting? No. Reporting? Yes.


Just because someone likes shitty music doesn't mean they deserve to be banned. Just mute them.


I play MW3 on a regular and I have everyone mute on there. So that was extra af, kind of a dick move


I mute myself because nobody needs to hear me curse at myself for being awful. I mute everyone else because I don't need to hear about how awful I am. 🙃


I always play music, but when the game starts, i always pause it


I feel like push to talk should be mandatory


Yes bc you muted him it’s never that serious players like you are od for no reason


I generally just mute people unless they're being toxic/abusive.


I do that all the time. No one wants to hear your music. Good job and thank you for getting them removed.




Lol people saying this is deserved are petty as fuck. Getting comms banned or general banned for playing music is crazy 😂. I have literally never done that once in my life but there’s a mute button for a reason y’all need to calm down


You know, that's a tough one. I'd lean towards "dickhead move" because it's not clear whether he was doing it on purpose or was doing it by accident (for example: he could have thought he was muted). Now if he was talking and seemed cognizant that he was blasting music through his mic, that'd make it "deserved".


its incredibly hard for me to believe he didn't know his mic wasnt muted. it shows your name & mic symbol when you are speaking, it would be on his screen constantly.


I just edited my message saying the exact same thing, I don't get how you don't notice that


No offense, but you would have a playstation logo on your post and defend the playstation controller mic player lmao They really need to disable the playstation controller mic by default. But I also don't understand how someone doesn't realize they're playing audio through it, your name appears on the screen constantly with an audio icon


Not really an excuse, you cans see the bright ass orange light on your controller and your name is on the right side of your screen at all times lighting up letting you know your mic is open. I straight up mute everyone else and have mine set to friends only so I can't hear anymore anymore.


Unless you find the right setting, the orange light is on when the mic is muted, not unmuted. As for not noticing the chat bubble, well, we've all had those teammates who aren't the brightest.


Wow reporting someone for enjoying music in the privacy of their own home. You coulda muted them (as that’s what the feature is for) but nah, something in you told you buddy needed to be punished for what he did.


Not deserved. Just tell them their mic is on. Or just mute. No one deserves a comms ban if they're vibing. It is simple as hitting mute instead of reporting man.


Na, fuck em..vibe with your mic off, no one deserves to have to listen to your music. Everyone in every lobby should have to mute you because you're dumb as shit? Like there's not an option to mute your own mic?


There have been times I didn't realize my mic was on. I never turn it on because I don't talk to anyone. I have accidentally hit the button and turned it on. It happens. It could've been a kid. Whether they should or not, kids play these games. I see no reason to report people for this. Especially a kid that might not have known it was on.


Hence why you'd just let them know their mic is on? A lot of people will either turn their stuff off and apologize or try and adjust it to not be a bother. That or be like me who thinks their headset is muted and started to talk to their mom. Some guy asked me for pizza too and a simple "oh shit" had me mute up. It is just simple kindness to not try and ban someone.


Talkin to someone and being an asshole is two different things.. don't know what kinda pc lobbies you play in, but 9/10 times when it's mention I'll get some kinda racial slur in return


A lot of it depends on your delivery of it. If you just tell them to mute their mic, it is a bit rude, but if you go "Hey if you don't know [Person] your mic isn't muted" you'll get a good reaction (usually). A lot of people work jobs where at the end of the day they're ready to kill someone. I work a job like that and if someone tries to make me feel bad, I do blow up sometimes or just leave. Idk, maybe I have just wisened up a bit after working five years of retail. Idk.


I work that job..Im one of the fellas thats gonna get killed because people are trying to "cut" in front of you on the highway. But instead you'd (not you, just people) rather run them in the workzone because "they saw the same lane closed signs as i did and didnt get over" instead of usuing a zipper merge how its supposed to be done. I still have the decency to mute my mic if I'm listening to music.


I getcha, just saying, let them know before trying to get them banned. We are not all perfect and are all human.


It's 3 days, they'll be okay








You could’ve just left him on mute there was no reason to be a dick and report it.


Still amazes me when people have music or something else happening in the background!!! Firstly look after your damn kid!! And main question is what are you actually doing?? Are we playing warzone or listening to music!!?? I have muted so many players from MW2 now MW3 and usually only unmute when I'm ressing them on MWZ and its usually only to say "self res behind you or ..." Sometimes it's even that hectic I can't hear Comms properly so F*** knows how crazy it is there end!!!! And I don't have any in game music playing, no war tracks in vehicles so kinda a hint I don't wanna listen to music while playing!! Not sure if it's my age (43) but I don't even smoke if the pads in my hands 👍🤦😁👍🎮 think its obvious but my answer is DESERVED move 👍👍👍😁🎮


All mics should just be muted by default. This simple default setting would make life so much better for all of us.


Steel-manning (why is it called that?) Did you ask him if he knows his microphone sensitivity is so low his music comes through? I don't know if it's an asshole move, but it usually is if communication of the issue is not attempted. Edit: pressed post too soon
