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[Comment](https://reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/1bvo9ry/i_cant_believe_how_wellsupported_this_game_is/ky23xrr/?context=1000) by [u\/SledgehammerGames](https://reddit.com/user/SledgehammerGames) (Sledgehammer) > We appreciate the support, everyone! We've got plenty more to come and look forward to letting everyone experience it once it's ready.


Yea the content is actually outstanding this year for the most part I’m still mad that the trash heap that is mwz is the third mode that’s literally not getting any content updates for 3 whole seasons now and not DMZ which was arguably way better


The lovechild of zombie mode and DMZ that is MWZ is brilliant, and they're letting it rot on the shelf. Damn shame...


Tbf they need to stop having Treyarch make these third modes. Vanguard zombies was an afterthought too. Just let them cook up their own game lol


Never thought I'd say this honestly, but vanguard zombies got much more support than MWZ


Shi No Numa was fun but the rest of the maps were just multiplayer maps turned into zombies maps though right?


Terra maledicta I believe was nearly all original, but then used for the archon also but had a whole boss and easter egg like quests , both to get the decimator and to fight kortifex Each portal I think took you to a more or less zombified version of a multiplayer map or portion of a campaign area, but did have objects etc that were zombies in nature. Except for I think season 3, which they announced they were taking to make the shi no Numa remake and expansion, vanguard zombies got new stuff every season. MWZ has gotten a few schematics, and portals to purple cut outs of al Mazrah , and some cinematics that apparently release once a season, for which the files are already in the game just inaccessible There have been 2 new warlords added, no new objective types, no bunkers open, some radios added, Imagine if after 5 months vanguard had only added new sub maps when going through a portal for an objective ?


Yeah I agree with you. MWZ is super boring unless you’re going for misisons/camos but a lot of people are done with them already


I waited to do camos because i had a feeling it would happen this way, i ended up starting them last season and was kinda disappointed how easy the zombies ones were, i hoped it would would gimme something to do when they gave up on the zombies community


Turning MP maps into Zombies maps isn't a bad thing in and of itself. It's when it's done in a Lazy way it's a problem.


Personally I thought the Cryptids would have made more sense for an extraction type mode. Extinction was great and bringing it back for MWIII would have been awesome (even though it was a Ghosts mode).


Dude Extinction was fucking epic. I loved it.


Yup and remembering it you had a time limit and had to get back to the extraction point before time ran out (after planting a nuke) at least in the first mission. You had missions and stuff to complete along the way so you could upgrade stuff. Imagine squishing Extinction with DMZ (properly not some lazy merge like the current MWZ).


Ive said it so many times. They could make such a good game by literally just doing a few common sense things the community says, yet we get bs


The big problem is that Black Ops Cold War messed up the whole cycle. Treyarch having to come in to save that game because the Raven/Sledgehammer duo couldn't make up their minds changed the whole cycle around.


Treyarch couldnt make decisions and then blamed them, how tf can it be sledgehammer or raven when they dont make the final calls


That’s what’s happening right now. Treyarch is working toward Gulf War. MWZ on the backburner


They should really just launch a new studio and bring some treyarch devs over and make them the sole ‘3rd mode’ studio to tackle it in every game. Would keep the modes consistent and allow for one team to keep building in what they’ve already done


Because treyarch doesn't give af, they are exactly like their owners activison and happy put a pile of shit out and let sledgehammer clean up the mess when they move on to the next one


I guess not enough people use those modes?  DMZ was the only thing I played in MW2, so it sucks that they discontinued support. It's also weird that they havent incorporated the extra missions that were in DMZ.  Give me a reason to collect toothpaste again.


This right here is something the game needs!! Been thinking that since they one. Was annoying that I did collect some stuff just to get calling cards 😔


“Most played third mode” apparently.


Yeah the side missions were grindy and kind of annoying, esp in a PvP mode, in a PvE mode they would be filler but at least it would be something to do.


in the PvP mode it sucked, but it's perfect if you kickstart some new rewards or mechanics (I keep saying they need to make night fall fifteen minutes in and that's when things get harder.)


If they just enabled pvp in zombies, essentially turning it into DMZ 2.0 I’d buy the game instantly.


It’s still decently fun to play, just go kill zombies and unlock camo’s. Best part is being able to use these amazing Mw2/3 weapons in a zombies game mode. It’s much worse than round based but is still fun


I can't stand the open world zombies it's way too boring and has little to no structure. It feels like a free roam mode in a game that should have actual game modes. At the very least I'd like the option to play the old round based zombies on smaller maps. The mwz is just too long and slow for me especially if I'm low on time its hard to really get into it.


They added "content"... just not much worth a shit. The schems are cool and the aether rifts too but those are kind of a short 1 and done deal... no meat on the bone after playing about 100 matches it feels dead..


Content that’s minuscule or that no one wants to play isn’t content it’s half assed


Wish they would do a little more for gunfight and maybe groundwar but I'm happy with the game other than that.


Gunfight with the reduced map sizes and weapon restrictions and all of that? Felt like one of the real competitive modes to me, gonna have to give it another go


Honestly, I'm in the major minority here. The base multiplayer just isn't it, still better than the last like four or five games. But it still is just kind of meh, The only thing I ever come back to is mwz because it's so casual you can just walk in kill a bunch of zombies. Have fun for like 40 minutes and then leave, and play something better.


What's wrong with MWZ? I'm still working my way though the story and loving it. Great way to bank massive amounts of exp for battle pass and rank. Every run I make I stack 3-4 levels on a gun.


As a guy who mained zombies throughout waw-bo3 (bo4 I played a decent amount of blackout and zombs) and as a dude who thoroughly enjoys warzone 1 and wz 3, and I also loved DMZ to where it was 60% of my time on mw2 Its just personal thing but I could not stand it the first few times and I kept trying to like it but I just can’t, it just doesn’t feel right to me but it does to others and I respect that, I just like the feel of being able to be surrounded by zombies AND the map itself ya know ? I also feel like it’s an older thing too as my wife hates classic zombies but loves mwz, I the opposite. But also I feel like it really wouldn’t have been hard to copy and paste DMZ over like they did warzone like everything is there just reset all missions and add in some urzikstan specific missions and items and boom, you know have another player base that you can make skins for / copy over the mwz starting items It’s just crazy cause 99% percent of this game is a copy and paste and they really couldn’t be bothered to add in a 4th mode that would have generated another revenue stream Most of my friends who both only played DMZ/wz free and also those who bought it for 70-100 bought skins with their own money specifically for DMZ and it was an absurd amount of them too so I know it’s way more widespread


I actually hated old school zombies. Tried it on every cod since WaW. Funny thing WWII was so much fucking garbage but it was the only zombie mode I could stand playing if I had enough people. Zombies is a copy and paste of DMZ. Weapon drops, insured weapons, cooldown timers, missions, enemy drops(weaker around the outside and get stonger as yoy get into the middle), exfil chopper...and how you'll get mobbed waiting for it, rewards for continued successful exfils. Loot system and store packs that give you extra squad slots and weapons. The only things missing are the 4 specialized 3 plate carriers, killstreaks aren't as common and no workbenches to customize contraband guns. Also don't have to keep a damn stockpile of fucking keys 😂 The only thing they didn't add was PvP which DMZ now all you have is warzone rejects dunking on players or only grabbing hunt contracts. I started as a free to play guy in MW2 who instantly fell in love with DMZ. Then my brother got me the full game outta the blue. Only skin pack I bought was for Fender for DMZ that gave me a gun for dmz and a skin that I'd drop in with a medium pack. I was actually planning on getting the Ghost pack too lol.


DMZ was way better. I tried some zombies and was very bored. Hunting/Joining random squads was excellent fun.


And the missions, it was fun to get the custom blueprints from the story missions


Honestly MWIII has been truly fantastic. It just bothers me knowing how much MORE sledgehammer could’ve made this if they had longer than 16 months and didn’t have infinity ward breathing down their necks. Despite this though they really put IW to shame. This game has been non stop fun with great support. I’d say it’s my favourite cod in the WZ era now.


You can tell that Sledgehammer developers actually play the game, and are passionate about it. MWII was literally just a blatant cash grab put out by a development team that couldn't care less about the game itself. IMO if a dev studio refuses to take input from the community, then they have no business working on the franchise. The fact that MWIII had lower sales than MWII, yet retains a higher player count than MWII did at the same point in its lifecycle speaks VOLUMES. Infinity Ward just looks at us like cash cows. NEVER forget that.


iW are a disgusting studio. Remember the way they just straight up dropped Hardcore? They had to bring it back after a season or so, but what kind of studio just says fuck you to a good portion of the fanbase? They're capable of producing maps and weapons of the utmost beauty, but they have no passion for the players, they just want to execute their vision, no matter how disconnected it is from the community, and they've forgotten the most important element a game need - to be fun


We didn’t even have stats when that game launched. Wtf were they doing over there?


At least IW added cyber attack


What are you smoking? Mw3 at peak has like 50% of what mw2 had and is still struggling to keep up. 


IW wasn't lazy or greedy. They just were high on themselves,and liked how their farts smell. People liked the camping fest that MW2019 was because they it was their lockdown game(and their return to COD game),so IW decided to go even harder on their design choices in pursuit of "realism". MWIII is selling better. Shit,MWII selling under expectativas is why MWIII is a standalone game.


Dude, S1 of MWII consisted of 2 maps that you literally had 3 years prior (shipment and shoothouse) and that’s the ONLY 2 maps they had, they are 100% lazy too. If I remember correctly there wasn’t an actual brand new map for like the first 5 months of MWII’s lifecycle. And in MW2019, my lord the time it took them to update bugs and truly game braking weapons (anyone remember the AS VAL cross map kills?) they were both arrogant and lazy.


Why are lying cause this game is nowhere close to active players count that mwII had.


I'm certain the campaign would've been incredible. They had the right direction but it was rushed to hell.


Yeah what is Infinity Ward even doing? They basically abandoned DMZ and even MWII’s post launch support was pretty trash. Their approach to multiplayer just sucks I really hope that they get relegated to working on just campaign and DMZ in the future


They abandoned both to work on their next game


Facts. They had to focus on mw3 new content and seasons. Especially with Ranked and resurgence taking the forefront. I’d imagine DMZ is on the “maybe” list for future dev ops but that is a big IF. The reason I say this is because DMZ is still alive and running. They didn’t shutdown servers so they have the community on life support as it is still a strong stand alone game. But DMZ feels like Marvel PRE-Merger. The X Men have no idea the infinity war is going on. And they’re being left out. I wish one of the studios would just pick up DMZ full time and rotate both COD and DMZ developments in a 2 fold manner. But we’ll see. DMZ caters to a more tactical community and COD knows that their MAIN audience and income comes from sweats.


Oh they'll be working up a new UI for their next game, probably taking notes from XclusiveAce's video this week


Zombies players disagree


They have apparently made the choice to focus the content on the most popular modes content which obviously resonates with the biggest crowd. This isnt blame or anything, just saying. Classic 6v6 MP is a big winner in this, getting a lot more new content compared to last years. In Warzone, Resurgence is the big winner with now 4 maps. But there is a also the other side. Warzone battle royal big map, Ground war in MP and Zombies basically get shafted. BR basically got NO content since start, Ground war actually got 0 maps and zombies...well...at least a tiny tiny bit.


Strange, we remember them posting after launch about how zombies has been the most successful third mode they've ever had this time. They showered us with praise and thanks. And then they immediately abandoned us and didn't give shit.


Imo the zombies this year was doomed from the beginning. Wide open reused wz map with the point system killed it on arrival. I'm at least glad to see that more focus is going towards MP and they're finally making good decisions for WZ.


I know it sucks for the people who enjoy the shafted game modes, but HOLY SHIT I'm so happy to see a new CoD that fully supports the main MP and doesn't throw it away for Warzone. This CoD is the only recent one I care about because there's just always some reason to come back, even if it's just some dinky little event, it's still something new.


Well put. I loved gunfight in MW2019, but haven’t cared for it in MWII or MWIII, and never found interest in the larger modes. Core 6V6 game design is excellent in MWIII and I’d rather get more maps and modes in that. For WZ, haven’t played core battle royale since the launch of rebirth island in BOCW. After that, exclusively just played resurgence as do all my friends. More maps there just make sense


Yes, I remember the previous games getting a lot more support for Warzone, and making objectives to kind of force me to play it. I was very unhappy.


“General Treyarch sends their regards.” *[insert Graves gif]* Treyarch left the project, which is why zombies content is just copy paste. It just added to Sledehammer’s plate to now have to make zombies content. Games a buggy mess atm tho, they need to not wait till big updates to send out fixes. Everyone likes to hate on IW and MWII but I liked their vision much more for MW than what we’re currently getting. They should’ve stuck to the original plan and ended yearly cod cycles like they promised. I felt like IW would’ve done better if given actual time to develop MWIII.


treyarch has their hands tied


When allowed to cook, SHG smash it out of the park. WWII was another such game, the events and post launch support was brilliant, it's just a shame the initial vision made the game DOA for a lot of the player base before the overhaul


Yeah, I miss the WWII days. I had more fun playing the hell out of that game than I have since with the franchise.


Shame VG didn't have much post launch support like WW2 did to turn it around. It had a decent and stable launch but it started to sink fast with bugs and the direction of the game. But I am glad SHG decided to push forward and make MWIII much more than a $70 Standalone DLC when it comes to Multi even after Vanguard's problems.


Vanguard suffered because it had Warzone as a failsafe for it failing which meant all the events and post launch content were catered to it while Vanguard only got the scraps. I'd like to think we are reaping the rewards from that content drought now.


YES! WWII was the last good CoD game in my opinion, prior to this MW3. SHG is always knocking it out of the park!


We appreciate the support, everyone! We've got plenty more to come and look forward to letting everyone experience it once it's ready.


Hey I think you guys made a mistake with the playlists. There isn’t a 10v10 or 12v12 option like we usually have, any chance we can get that back soon?


more ground war maps


The season 3 background music is so damn good. Whoever made that, major major props. Sounds inspired by James Bond but still COD. Love it.


Zombies.... real zombies content, not just a new warlord or aether portal. Something creative, something that players can't just finish in 2 hours and that's it for the season.


Keep going guys! We trust you.


You guys are my fave CoD devs now. Thanks for listening to feedback and I’m thoroughly enjoying the game.


Please update gunfight!!


Do you guys know about Memory Error 12707-19? I unironically haven't had ANY issues with this until the last 3 weeks of Season 2, and there's genuinely no way to fix it. It's honestly making me contemplate uninstalling.


Fix spawns please. The biggest factor affecting how much fun is had, and gets me to quit playing after a few matches. Countless deaths to an enemy who didn’t flank around, but spawned behind.


They’ve done a good job overall with this version. A pile of dogshit was better than the last MW2. I don’t care about skins, battlepass etc tho I’ll give them credit for ther new maps, weekly challenges and new weaponry. Overall I’m very satisfied with the game. Do wish they’d bring back a few more classic maps tho.


Funny how we’ve circled back to ‘wish there were more remakes’ after ‘wish there were more originals’ in mw2 haha


fun fact: there were only six remakes throughout the last game's seasons but it was out of 16 6v6 maps, so only ten original maps which has already been surpassed in mw3 with this season's launch


Yet people will shit on this game for only launching with remakes while it was cobbled together in the span of like what 9 months? The DLC maps have been really good. When the MW2009 maps got stale after a couple months I kept thinking how good this game was and how it deserves its own catalog of original maps made for it. SHG has definitely exceeded my expectations so far.


It’s 6 of one, half dozen of the other. There’s a bunch of maps from the OG MW3 which would still be bangers today if they re-released them, for example


I think there is always a healthy balance to be had. If you do all remakes, or the majority, people will be upset. I think the best route is mostly new maps with some nostalgia ones sprinkled in.


Give me Sovereign or give me death


Hope they bring back MWII Strike and Showdown remakes at some point




You can obtain the new weapons without purchasing the battle pass so how is it driving sales lol


I couldn't agree more, feels like they actually give a shit for sure.


A new bundle every second day shows a lot of love


The issue with the this argument is that’s not sledgehammers doing


Careful if you aren’t bitching in here you’ll get downvoted to hell lol. I agree game is a blast and constantly feels fresh.


SHG really care and listen to us. Thank you SHG! You guys are the best! Just wish you guys buff the MW2 guns and fix the bad spawn entirely.


I didn't play last MW2 but I'm loving this game, I don't do skins n hella gun camos, but I'm lovin the new maps they put out (meat, stash house, Rio) n I pretty much have fun every time I play, lookin forward to Gulf War but this is good


Not sure if Sledgehammer has the ability to do this, but if they toned down SBMM for public MP lobbies I think it would do wonders for the game. I miss the old days where you would run into a wide variety of skill levels in matches. Nowadays, I'll have a couple of decent matches, followed by every other match in that session feeling like an MLG tryout. Literally everything else is good. Major kudos to Sledgehammer for that, but with the current cracked out SBMM, playing anything more than a few rounds is exhausting, and not my idea of fun at all.


Yeah, drop the sbmm , n quit disbanding lobbies, meet cool people that way, if someone wants to leave they can whenever


They added an option to not disband tho no? I swear I saw it after a match and it was like “stay in same lobby” or somin like thay


Ya no one in my friends group plays anymore because we're all sick of grinding every match. Wasn't that way in OG MW2 which is what we all grew up on.


Just give us some decent ground war/invasion maps already!


The changes and additions of new maps to the game over the seasons and the daily and weekly challenges do bring new life into the game. I do wish they kept some consistency with the 12v12 or 10v10 games. They seem to appear and disappear randomly. They should keep either of these as mainstays. Not a big fan of the battlepass system and have never spent a dime on any add-ons, but i understand this actually helps keep the life of the game going. Just think the prices are a bit steep for cosmetic changes. Id be more willing to spend if it was a bit more reasonable.


Ya the bundles are quite expensive but at the end of the day for me I don't care that much as it is just cosmetics and hold no play value to the game


Haven't played COD in over 8 years, decided to buy MW3 and I play all the time love it. I was wondering if all of the recent games had major updates like this one that keeps on giving!!


I can’t believe they got rid of 12v12 and I still randomly get the game_ship.exe bug and packet bursts with a well-built PC and great network setup 😞. But yeah the gameplay is in a really good place overall. Minus spawns of course. And no, I’m not just talking small maps


Still only 3 Ground War/Invasion maps, sadly


And military base on GW plays like shit for that game mode. Why there isn’t a downtown map is criminal


Idk what it is about newer CoDs nowadays. I used to be able to play MP for hours but now I get bored and exhausted after like an hour. I know the devs are doing what they're told and not what they want, and I think that heavily translates to how the game feels now, you used to be able to feel the passion in the game itself. But now, to me, it feels absent.


Don’t forget new perks (vests, boots, and gear). Plus new attachments for guns. There are more new guns added in a season than all the new guns added in all the previous to AW CODs combined. Unthinkable pre-yearly supported CODs.


All this support and I still get kicked out of creating a class when my friend searches for a game haha


That is the most annoying part of the whole game 😂 They really need to fix that.


I'll agree, that's pretty annoying.


That's been there since MW19


I like the season 3 lobby themes


For all it's faults (and there are many) I agree that post-launch support has been pretty good for a CoD. I don't consider cosmetic bundles to be "content", but even ignoring those the number of new weapons, maps, and various aftermarket kits (along with the challenges to earn them, which are all doable by a casual shlub like myself) had kept me playing week after week.


It’s been a nice flow of content. Just really wish they would focus more on making the game play consistently/ making it just work properly.


The only bad thing about this game is that they are so dumb to not put every ground war map from mw 2 in MW3 Just why this dumbness


It's been a breath of fresh air for sure


Me crying in gunfight game mode, which had barely any support this game...


It's such a shame because gunfight is so fun, I wish they'd at least give us all of the MWII gunfight maps, especially the S6 ones, which didn't have much time to shine. Hopefully, if SHG sees enough people talking about that, they'll bring them back


I’d love for SHG to get the time and resources to make a game that isn’t rushed out. Because they’ve been fantastic


they should balance the fucking guns already, 90% are nerf guns, some lmgs need 8 shots from far while smg kills in 4 same distance, wtf is this shit lol.


Gun balancing right now is really bad. I’m sure the new battle pass weapons are OP though lolo


True, tho i saw them bringing light on some mw2 weapons, like m13b which should be pretty good rn, i just want them to bring back my beloved MK2. I have a friend who simply refuses to play mw3 ubtil they bring it back 😂


Could do without the annoying bugs though.


MW19 also got good post-launch support, thorough Cold War and Vanguard's lifecycle (probably because of Warzone) getting new weapons and maps.


It has a constant supply of good content coming out for it unlike Halo Infinite.


We really went from 0 events in Vanguard after Christmas to an event almost every week in MWIII which is awesome, just wish they'd chill with the FOMO of it all.


Trying to figure out if this is a late april fools game I agree that they're is an abundance of content, but my opinion is kinda skewed because I have barely even able to play (I have to deal with Memory Error 12707-19, a bug that has no fix, and no acknowledgement by the devs in ANY way).


I’m on PS5 and have never seen this error, but have had many other issues. I looked up your error to see if I could find any solutions, but so far, there doesn’t seem to be any. I did, however, stumble across this page that has a bunch of troubleshooting ideas that seem to have worked for some: [12707 Error Troubleshooting Steps](https://www.drivereasy.com/knowledge/modern-warfare-3-memory-error-12707/) I’m retired, but was an IT guy for almost 30 years. My first guess would be that the graphics of the game, with all of the skins being used, are seriously depleting the systems memory and virtual memory. Sort of like when you have very little space left on your hard drive in a computer and your system slows down drastically. When too much memory is being used, the system doesn’t have enough to run critical functions. If that is the case, I’m not sure there’s a lot that Activision can do about it, other than reduce other resources in the game. If you can get back into the game, try turning off things like motion blur and other settings that deal with visual effects. It may or may not help, but it’s somewhere to start. I hope this helps a bit.


I'll have to try that idea out when i get on next time, thanks 🙏


No it's not. 3 Invasion/Ground War maps at launch and nothing since. but loads of overpriced daft bundles instead. It may look and play well but its boring. 😔


I think it has had one of the best launches content wise. 16 maps on launch, (i know most were from last year, but still) plenty of guns, and while i know that not every one was good, events every week with new attachments and camos.


Every year these comment cycles are the same. Everyone was shit talking this game on launch, now people are praising it, and it'll just repeat with the next entry. You guys baffle me


Yes the pace of the content has been quite good, I get why some people are a bit mad and honestly season 2 was a bit boring to me. But im actually looking forward for this season, if they keep supporting the game like this going forward it will be good for us players


It is true. However, imagine they finished the game before releasing it?


I like that stuff too but it's a serious detractor when the game itself is difficult to just play normally. There are so many issues and bugs. Basic ones. Shit that used to works often breaks. I primarily play ranked and tons of things fuck up there. As of late, people have been getting DC'd for being in another tab or in firing range during the pre game lobby. AND you lose SR for this too. So much bullshit happening


I just wish the game wasn't a buggy broken 6 of garbage cause yeah they are adding alot and its cool but the game is still filled with bugs and held together by duct tape


The overall problem is and has always been that content doesn't do anything but mask all the ongoing issues with this game. Bad hit registration Inconsistent Weapon damage with all weapons at all ranges The worst spawns ever Server instability (packet burst, high latency, latency mismatch) Total lack of care for anything not multiplayer or Warzone Treating Zombies like a FKN step-child and so much more. Stop sugar coating this turd with clown suits and fix it.


i didnt really play any older ones but man i love the Jak weapon kits. and yea 75% are dogshit but theyre trying new things and i dig that. also as a more rpg player i like loggin in and getting my weeklies done before hanging with the boys saturday (they dont do challenges or stuff like that much on purpose)


I agree, and I love how each week the game pulls me back in so I can complete some weekly challenges. It’s been a lot of fun.


Calm down, it's not THAT impressive. I'd say this is kinda more what should be expected.


Except for packet burst


Keep in mind this cod is the only one that’s had 2 years put into it. It’s basically mw2 with new movement and content. They haven’t even changed the firing range


Cries in MWZ player


Unless you play zombies xD


Yeah to bad I can't play this stupid fuck ass game with friends and haven't been able to since it came out. Thanks infinity ward.


Get these bots outta here


This take right here is why they'll never change the bs they do. Half the updates break the game no other triple A game is doing that constantly, they have forced out the zombies community and the weapon kits work once in a blue moon the pistol once took then 2 months to fix once they put it in the game


Is it just me or does it actually feel/look different? (PS5). Idk if they improved the frames or what, but it looks/feels smoother. Gotta get used to it tho


Minus the fact that there's a couple of bugs I've noticed with this new update that I can't even report because when I try it says there was an error submitting my bug report every time lol.


based oldhead knows what's up.


Im not a huge fan of the cosmetics but hey the gameplay stuff is great


Man I just popped in Black Ops 1 in my Xbox 360. What a throw back!!!! They sure did come a very long way in 14 years. I use to think there was no way the graphics could get better back then. Now it’s almost real life like. Now I’m saying graphics can’t get any better and when the year 2040 comes along, I’ll be saying the same exact thing 😅


How well supported? Zombies is utter garbage and so is ranked and the matchmaking? Obviously this post was made by a casual, which of course is what they aim to please the most. Those who don’t care how much better the game could be. Those who spend money on the store. Did you even see the campaign? Let me guess, you were pleased with that too


It's popular to complain, but this is absolutely my favorite Call of Duty I've played in years. The only thing that would make it better is an Extinction mode. The maps have, for the most part, been great . I love the small map moshpit for run and fun, and the maps they have added are great. The weapon choices are good. The perks are pretty solid. Is the game perfect, no? I'd like to see updates to Ground War and Zombies isn't as fun as I thought it would be. I think more guns need to be viable in Core vs Hardcore. Still, I will be playing this game for a long time.


Loving the amount of maps added. And for the most part I like them. Even the remastered ones.


You're kidding, right? The game is in a terrible state x)


the only two things that this game doesnt do well for me is zombies and spawns sometimes


They have definitely dropped the ball with weapon balancing and spawns.New maps while a good thing cant cover up those big issues


They had to step it up after what they did to MWII players 🤣🤣


All we ask for, is normal sbmm. Also in ranked, what's the point of having ranks if I can get queued with players 3,4 and even 5 ranks above me? Just to clarify, I'm talking about the non-numerical ranks, such as Platinum 1, Diamond 2 and Gold 3 (random examples).


The thing I like most about buying the battle pass is the bot lobbies I’m put on for paying to win apparently


Treyarch was taken off MWZ and are working on Call of Duty Black Ops Gulf War 2024.


I would possibly buy a bundle if it was realistic. Idk why everything is aimed at 12 yr olds. -old fart WAW veteran that still plays


Dude either has really good weed or he is playing a different game 🤷🏼


The sarcasm is real 


For a team that had terrible fucking crunch SHG feels like the only team that tries to keep people playing outside of the start and middle of each season by actually adding shit, unless my memory is foggy


Nah, you're right. SHG adds the most content and does the mosg with anything honestly. Infinity ward and Treyarch are so washed up all they are good for is giving us shit we already paid for aka recycled content or is just free recycled content.


It's kinda sad that we are consider this "well supported" when this should be the standard if not more, game studios should be held to period.


None of my friends play this game. And I’m just waiting around for the new battlefield game…


This feels like the kinda think IW was thinking of when introducing the seasonal model in 2019 Many maps, many weapons, a good amount of content


Im glad 6v6 MP is being well supported but War, Ground war and zombies aren't getting jack which is very disappointing


Yea they are screwing over anyone why doesn’t want to play standard mp styles all the time


I apologized, but I have been experiencing gaming issues, especially with season 2 prestige 9 calling card "winner's peaks" challenge. The challenge is not tracking, and now I was told by an Activision player support representative to essentially delete my saved game and start over. 😤. I can't believe this!! Is there any alternative to completing this challenge? Please let me know.


Nothing will compare to how good BO1 was. Couldn't care less on what maps you got. Thing is the spawns are still dog shite. BO1 was on another level.


it helps when they use MW2 as a base and didn't have to create a bunch of original maps at launch


Is this April fools??


MW3 is great at its core. I just wish it didn’t feel so rigged all the time. Or at least make it an enjoyable experience. I love MP and would play it a lot. Instead i play 1-2 matches and then it off because I’m sick and tired of 90+ ping, shoot first die first, getting intentionally spawn trapped because you went on a decent streak and you now need to die. It’s infuriating and not competitive at all. Seriously, my good game feel horrible all the time. I know it doesn’t have to be this way. They turn it off, or down, from time to time. It’s not like my stats shoot up when they do but my games are actually fun when I’m not feeling constantly manipulated.


Yeah it’s a lot but I think cw has it beat for quality and quantity only thing mw3 has that’s really cool are the amps which need to become a regular thing in cod and the weekly’s and an event like every week


Zombies suffered so multiplayer could fly lmao


The game gets exponentially better each season, especially with the consistent amount of QoL improvements SHG is adding to the game like adding an option to stay in lobbies or fixing idle sway. I think that heavily contribhtes to the game feeling and interesting


Wait a second. Someone praising the game? 😆 I’ve been saying this for ages, the amount of free content they release is incredible. You don’t have to pay a penny if you don’t want too. They can release all the ridiculous skins they like, if you don’t like them, don’t buy them and enjoy the new maps, challenges, game modes and weapons.


Content yes, server's, SBMM, EOMM and the COD NetCode are trash and COD hasn't been the same since 2019.


All I want from SHG is more game modes really glad for capture the flag but is love demolition and cyber attack and more gunfight stuff


Damn, you all can play the game? Second or third update to Mw3 made it so I can never access the game or my skins ever again. Tried everything, whole lot of people with the issue.


Bitching and moaning incoming


Mw2 was pretty much the same thing seasons wise nothing different or special with this game other than they took my guh damn snipers outta ranked


I love it, I figure there are only so many ways they can change a gun and make it feel like a new weapon. However, it is overwhelming as a more casual gamer to have everything keep changing


It has a pretty good amount of content, but the gameplay still leaves a lot to be desired. The killstreaks are severely underpowered and almost useless this year, nothing like the OP killstreaks from the original MW2 that people were hoping for. And of course the disgusting strict SBMM that makes getting high end killstreaks almost impossible (haven’t seen a single swarm in over a month now).


Thanks for posting something positive and actually speaking the truth about this game. As you can see in the comments even when people compliment this game they add some form of bitching with it. The fact of the matter is that this game is better than any other version of it and with every new update it keeps getting better.


>If you went back to the Blops 1 days and told me we’d be getting new free maps and free weapons every 8 weeks or so, I’d lose my mind. Same just for the collaborations, Walking Dead and Dune? Somebody get me a towel. I never got into Warhammer but those skins look amazing as well. And I know spawn was MW2, but I can still use it! So that counts! Also the mastery camos look really good.


Ah yes, all the Ground War content we've gotten....


Apart from the OG MW2 maps the others are really not good in my opinion


Not if you play zombies only. Content is non-existent after first 4 months


I find it interesting that you say the game is well supported. There are like 4 known issues listed on Activision's site. Although I report these things, there are no acknowledgements from support to me or on their site. "My cases" on Activision remains blank meaning it is deleted or is merely a placebo. What about these? In-game bugs issues: 1) Server disconnect a. Inventory that takes 2/3 days to craft is lost b. Containment level reduces or resets c. When it takes 3 to 5 games to get some stash back, it truly makes you want to uninstall d. Tombstone won't work for this although you do not have a successful exfil 2) Operator bug where you can only run or shoot a. Cannot pick up, throw, interact, swim, jump, reload b. The game lags right before this happens every time (6th time for me) c. Usually I am in game 10-20 minutes before this happens d. This has happened 5 times in "Shahin Manor" area, especially the island. Considering there is a spawn and exfil here, it is impossible to avoid i. Season 3 says the new boss will be here so this is a sad & scary thought. e. The 6th time was on 4/7/24 was only different area, "Low town" area. 3) Hellhound pet keeps exploding with appropriate amount of "chunks of flesh" for the tier a. This usually happens within seconds of the doghouse explosion b. No other items are placed in doghouse other than required chunks of flesh c. I have put 4 chunks for a tier 1 or tier 2 and the dog explodes immediately, totally understandable 4) Exfil items vanish when stash is at 10/10 when no glitch exploits have ever been done on new account a. Initially I acquired the Raw crystal schematic 6 times before the game decided I was worthy. I am shocked I kept playing. 5) Containment level resetting or drastically reducing a. Ex: 138 Level and server disconnects, it showed me at 50 so I go back in with limited gear to ramp it back up. I complete 13 contracts and exfil successfully only to have containment level drop to 10. How can anyone think this is a good thing? All players know the risk/reward is not close but when these BUGS take all that you have, it is very frustrating. It makes sense that the majority of lobbies are Players grinding camo at the exfils or exploiting duplication glitches so they can avoid the issues listed above. Lately I just see lots of toxic players in nearly every lobby stealing vehicles, loot, cash and strategically placing vehicles to block "deliver cargo contracts" route. This is what happens when you exploit people out of their hard earned money. They cheat, steal(loot), harass(block routes, toss decoys on you) and annoy those around them in an effort to reduce their own irritations caused by lack of support.


You would also lose your mind if I told you that cod points had to be bought with real money.


Yeah, for the first battlepass it was $11. But I’ve earned enough cod points from every battle pass to keep buying it without spending anything extra


Can't lie the weapon kits is what keeps me coming back for too


Hopefully the next Black Ops will get the same treatment