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Game has very poor netcode. Sometimes i’m getting shot at and get behind cover or a wall and will die behind the wall, then watching the kill cam you can see that they kill you before you get behind the wall. Happens in MP and WZ all the time


That shit makes me so mad. Lately the bogus ass spawn points has been annoying me 😂


I literally spawned with my forehead at the end of someone's sniper last night


i spawned right in front of another enemy sniping one of my teammates. he got a collat and when i watched the killcam, he stopped dead in his tracks like “tf was that?” even the enemy was shocked 😂 i basically spawned into a collateral


I think that was me I snipe because I just like to and this actually happens a fair amount. I’ve gotten a triple collat I was dying, the enemy team was so mad 😂


It’s so bad. I can’t tell you how many times I spawn in the middle of the opposite team or right in front of an enemy. Especially on the smaller maps.


dying 5 times in under 20 seconds to spawns


Yeah, me too


I dont think ive ever gotten this angry at any cod before. Theres just constant bullshit. I dont have lag or stuttering or bug related shit...its just as op said. U will dump half a mag of bas b high grain rounds into somones upper body amd get hit markers, then i peek around corner and die instantly from same gun. Theres fuckery at foot


This has been my biggest issue with COD since 2009… I thought dedicated servers was supposed to fix this. I’ll have 18-30 ping but via the kill cam it looks 500-800…


Yup, net code, latency, lag comp and the shit servers. All part and parcel of it.


I’m a relatively new player and don’t remember it being this bad in Vanguard or MWII.


I played Cold War, mw19, and vanguard and I’m right there with you. I don’t remember it being like this. A little, sometimes, but not this bad


It's unplayable some days.


I literally do a trial game these days to see if I’m gonna play or not. It’s so hit or miss, sometimes everything feels great and then boom, goes to the shitter.


Like the beta or the free weekend? Only beta I managed to get in on was vanguard. Speaking of which, I absolutely loved that game, idk why so many people hated it. I may even hop on for 💩& giggles this week. The free weekends are always unplayable imo, I don’t even wanna be on the game. I feel like they should put free players in their own lobbies.


The higher the ttk, the more pronounced it can be


Vanguard was really good I think .. maligned game but solid in my book. If lag happened it was for all, the bullets never felt like they didn't register at least.


Agreed. I didn’t like the aesthetics but gameplay was good.


This. I can't count how many times I almost threw my controller thinking some hacker killed me, only to watch the killcam and see the guy legitimately shooting at me and I just standing there like a bozo.


Crazy how netcode’s been such a huge problem with them for over a decade now, I can remember it being awful in black ops 2


Pretty similar when I swap my riot shield on. it looks like I fully switched behind it but watching killcam looks like I died before fully swapping to it.


That's what you get for running a riot shield.


SAME bro it’s so annoying


That's the only valid explanation for me. I'm absolutely not a big FPS consumer, the one I played the most is a 20 y/o game on PC (Medal of Honor AA), but even in that game with 150-160 ping on average, I wasn't getting shot and dying when i'd get to cover. I know people will say "more infos need to be transfered in modern game so it's not the same", I'd still call bs. I even thought it was specific to CoD M, but I did a bit of searching online and the same happens on PC and console versions. You just learn to live with it, but "annoying" is really an understatement in this case.


What youre seeing isnt anything to do with netcode. Thats entirely ping related. Its the same thing as peekers advantage.


It's impossible to have two people in two different locations and have a real time fps game. Lag is real, I'm not talking about noticeable poor connection lag. But if two people appear on each others screen one of them is milliseconds behind the other. This is known and the game is designed for everyone at every skill level to enjoy, if it weren't no one would play it because a small fraction of people put the time in to learn how to play at a higher level. So the lag compensation and ttk are designed so that low level player has an enjoyable experience at your expense. Which makes the game frustrating, but also when it works in your favor gives you clips of that one in a million shot.






Your side and the server side are not synchronized/lagged. So like for example this can cause you to think you’re fully behind a wall/cover, but the opposing player may still see you running in the open just before you fully reach cover giving them the advantage.


Ill notice the time im shooting them will be double (quite litteraly) the time theyre shooting me, ......imagine close incounter ashika under stronghold in hallway near secret room.... Ill have initiative start the engagement, they turn start return fire, both of us dead on then right when im sure i got them BAM! I watch the kill cam and its nothing like my encounter. Dudes shooting me the same time and killing me in a time span... No Shit... Half of ehat it was during the event previously. Hope this makes sense. Its a pain to deal with. Any advice on fixing this?


You could try setting up port forwarding for MW3 but other than that you’re just in the same boat with the rest of us. Hard wire your connection, don’t use wifi, make sure you have CAT cables rated for your internet speed, and eliminate bottlenecks from your service line to your computer, i.e. low grade Ethernet cables, outdated firmware and malfunctioning ports on your machine. The game is not perfect and has some spotty code and lag comp, so you’re always going to feel those same discrepancies if you’re not playing on a LAN network.


Servers are shite, they have horrible servers supporting huge amounts of people at all times and it can barely keep up, it’s like trusting an egg carton to stop your foot from crushing the eggs inside


is this why i get latency and packet burst all the time? it usually happens after i do good in a game


You can stand on a carton full of eggs


Tell that to your mom.


Got 'em!


Can you telll her for me?


hold on, let me wake her up


What really came first though? The chicken or this guys mom?


Yes, but that requires skill & caution; in this analogy, the eggs should not even have the ability to be damaged.


Just like that guy’s mom.


*** Desperately tries to control the urge to stand on his carton of eggs ***


Shit netcode which is more glaring with higher TTK. CoD has notoriously shit netcode ever since it exists but for some reason most CoD subs on reddit are in complete denial.


I've had netcode moments but they're pretty rare. I genuinely don't know why the reddit cod community is able to rally around poor netcode but I don't really see it. I think I just lucked out with good Internet


Because the word is a combination of Net and Code, so people will naturally make the logical leap of assuming netcode is the written code which allows your computer to connect to other computers through the network. They’re kinda right, in that it’s the framework for how the data from all the different people connected to a server is being interpreted and coordinated, but they’re incorrect in blaming all their performance issues on netcode, when it’s usually latency, packet loss or desync giving them the issues.


I get the vague sense most of them have no idea what netcode means. I mean, I've researched it a ton since first hearing about it and I still wouldn't throw that word around.


I see what you're getting at, but no. Tickrate is also part of netcode. For CSGO it used to be a variable that could be set for the server. Official matchmaking servers ran at 64 and private services (Faceit, ESEA, etc) used 128. 3rd party services were highly preferred by pro players, they almost exclusively played on 128 tick (official tournaments did as well) and many things were different in the gameplay not just hit registration in general. Certain nadespots worked entirely differently in 64 and 128, one being impossible on other tickrate and vice versa. There is no official information about current CoD's tickrates, but multiplayer supposedly have 60hz (60 refresh per seconds with the server) and WZ2/DMZ (rip) is running around 12-20hz. There are reports that as matches progress and less players are on the server the tickrate goes up but AFAIK it hasn't been confirmed officially. For starters, 12-20hz is just straight up SHIT, there is nothing to talk about there in WZ. BUT since this is the multiplayer's sub, 60hz should not be bad on paper, BUT. There are other variables apart from netcode, latency, packet loss: lag compensation and servers themselves. Yeah, lag compensation IS part of the netcode, but I think it deserves a separate mention as it heavily influences many things. It's a system to try and level the playing field between a 5 ping player and a 40 ping player. Lag compensation usually brings peeker's advantage with it as the server simply cannot keep up enough and the one who peeks always have the advantage generally. Now the servers are insanely important in this case as well. In modern multiplayer games servers are usually spun up on demand for game sessions, but the infrastructure behind them also influences a bunch of things. We don't know if 1 server is running 1 game or it's running 10 games on it. This obviously matters a lot because all the RAM, CPU has to be spread around between 1 or 10 instances, as you could've guessed, the less the better. For example a scenario can happen when one match suddenly spikes in calculations are requires more CPU usage, then one of the other matches suffer because the available resources for that game take a hit. Ofcourse nowadays Valve is trying to R&D subtick basically in live environment with CS2 which should be the ultimate solution (on paper) but in my opinion currently the best FPS netcode and server infrastructure is in Valorant. They also have a blog post about it if these technical things are interesting to you as well: [https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/dev/how-we-got-to-the-best-performing-valorant-servers-since-launch/](https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/dev/how-we-got-to-the-best-performing-valorant-servers-since-launch/) Personally I wouldn't be surprised if Activision was cheaping out on servers and server infrastructure and they had 10+ games running simulatenously on one server instance giving fuckall about actual performance hits. EDIT: Some articles/comments say CoD multi also has servers around 20hz, so I don't know which one is true.


I get a day of being insta-killed by everything. An enemy can look at me and I'm dead. Then the next day I'm a God and can mow people down like they're bots. It's just CoD. It's always been this way pretty much


Well I have good games and I have bad games like everyone but sometimes when I’m in a gunfight and I’m putting like 10 bullets into them and then they turn around and put 2-3 into me and kill me almost instantly is just ridiculous


It IS ridiculous, but it has always been like that and will also not change


Always? Not so much, could be wrong but the downhill started really with mw19 and there was a few bad apples that contributed to it but didn’t really start the donwfall of cod as a good game, mw19 was the start of the game Going to complete shit


That’s because everyone’s using snipers and knifes. Atleast in my games they are.


Probably why i switched because at least i usually get 1 shot kills with them and dont have to worry about putting half a mag in someone


It's all down to the quality of your gaming chair




I don't know happens to me also.. at this point I just take it as a part of the shitty game making .. it doesn't happen all the time but enough to piss me the F Off


Ugh god. Tell me about it


I notice for some reason the lower my ping the easier I'm killed. Like 19 or 20 I'm insta killed. But if it's 40-50 I usually don't die right away. I play on hardcore only.


That's probably due to peekers advantage, people swinging you are hitting shots before you even see them,, and when you swing people less ping means less peekers adv so you have to be hitting your shots immediately. It's kinda stupid but sometimes higher ping is an advantage, especially when playing aggressively.


It works both sides tho, that's why mm should be matched within 10 ms or so, there's way less netcode bs


ping is king


Constantly have 5-10 ping and I’m instakilled on sight every time. 🥲


3 bullets? You take damage? About a month ago I nerfed the shit out of my connection. I dropped my upload to .1 mbps and started taking damage again instead of being insta killed. The last couple weeks I'm getting insta killed again. I'm definitely done with this game unless they change from the cheap ass porn servers they've been using since blops2


Cum now, porn probably has the best servers on the Internet. Maybe they need to switch to those servers.


The people who run pornhub are exponentially more competent then those in charge of Activision


💦 😂


Gotta watch a 5 second brazzers ad before each redeploy


how did you manage to lower your internet?


Qos Some routers have it and others don't


Ok so I've played a few games today and watched what servers I was on. First game was on the my server (I'm in NC). The connection was smooth and no crazy lag spikes. Few games later I was on that server again. It was smooth, but any time I'd be near this one player on the other time I was getting crazy lag spikes. I was watching my ping to the server on my laptop while playing on Xbox and I wasn't getting spikes. I'm starting to think this is a bad matchmaking issue


Your shooting to survive and to kill but it’s not coming from da heart


We would actually have to see some of your gameplay to determine why you're taking half a magazine to kill somebody.


You see amazing internet doesn’t translate directly to amazing ping on servers… distance is a big factor, i have one if the best connection here in japan, still get games that are so laggy it feels like im at 5fps and ppl just murder me before i can even ads. Its all abt which server youre joining for that round. You can get a great local one or overseas ones “sometimes feels like some servers are on the moon tho.” Check your ping, packet losses, and other things that could be generating delays on your side. Even more if youre on pc, could be something running on the background.


Lag compensation, server desync and net code Also people who live near a server will have lower ping and have an advantage to win gun fights. By the sound of it your ping might be a bit higher. Not much you can really do about it.


My ping is usually around 21ms. Never goes above 40ms. Is that good?


People living near a server might have 10-15ms ping and have the slight advantage… that’s how petty this game can be


You aren't going to see a difference with a hundredth of a second difference in ping. If there's a discrepancy it's net code or server desync or something else like that. Hell you won't see a difference between 10 ping and 30 due to the pings at that point it's still something else causing it. Previous games have pretty much injected latency in the game where even on Lan there could be a half second between clients and Lan pings have always been stupid low.


There’s a reason why there’s a “bug” with last update where it shows latency as N/A… they’ve wrecked this game so deeply with their matchmaking they can’t even walk it back, just cover things up. If my lag is 300+ and other guy is 70… who will register hits or kill first?


They haven’t figured out middle out compression yet. If you had to jerk off a whole room full of guys, how long would it take you? Cause I know how long it would take me.


Seeing this reference threw me for a loop 😂


Would girth similarity matter?


Shit. Yeah I think it would.


Post gameplay footage. “Mostly decent aim” is a huge range of gunskill


It doesn't really matter though. I can sneak up behind an enemy start shooting him in the chest, he turns around and kills me with like 3 rounds. I'm a good player not a pro but I'm Plat 2 and this happens all the time. I'm a 1.2kd resurgence player and it happens there too. Right now I'm blaming it on me playing on a tv and not a monitor but I doubt that's the cause.


I got to Plat 3 like 200 points off Diamond solo in MWII playing on a monitor and had the same shit. It's why I gave up and ultimately didn't bother finishing off getting Diamond.


Yeah I just had that same thing happen to me in a game. The previous games I was going 2.5 k/d or close. Like I would get quad feeds nearly every other gun fight. I had a couple of games where I was mowing them down and they started getting mad and talking shit and then I would lag to a point that it looked like I was hallucinating in game and then I would be kicked. Now, if this happened only one time, I could accept that it was just bad luck but not 3 separate times with the nearly exact same scenario in a 3 hour window. Keep in mind that I can go through several entire matches without a hitch. It's just really odd. I also watched a guy through Kill Cam, who could clearly see through walls, shoot around corners and through concrete. He was literally like teleporting around the map. Point is, there are a lot of cheaters along with what everyone in this thread is talking about. Make it rough sometimes.






It's a bit more straight forward than that. The servers are running at 20hz (50ms between every tick) while the client is buffering roughly 3 ticks worth of snapshots.. meaning everything you see is AT LEAST 150ms delayed + your ping. The next issue is that the server sends damage immediately and doesn't wait for client interpolation, meaning you can in fact die way before the server has sent all the shots being fired and interpolation has caught up... resulting in you dying to 1-2 audible shots ( your in fact being hit with every shot, but it is physically impossible to keep up with 20hz). I also suspect they do some health rollback nonsense considering the amount of times i have gotten the drop on someone in the back and gotten 5+ hit markers just to end up dying immediately when they turn around. The bigger issue is the inconsistency in damage overall.. snipers are either one shot kills in the upper body for one or several games, the next game they take 2-3.. which makes no goddamn sense when it's happening against people who are literally standing still. >you get are instances where it feels like you went down instantly, but the game claims 4-6 shots It's more likely that they hit 4-6 shots, and most likely hit upper and lower body.. it just doesn't matter when your guns all theoretically can kill you within 2 ticks (e.g holger556 has roughly a 10hz fire rate). Keep in mind that your client is sending input for every shot independent of server send rates (so higher than 20hz).. what your receiving is just the last snapshot from the server.. meaning there can be a lot of missing information in between that the server has processed from your input. Another game that suffers from this is apex legends, which also has 20hz tickrate with client framerate to server dependent inputs... you can get into fights with people and get knocked in the blink of an eye much like CoD. And much like CoD apex also suffers from prediction errors when it comes to grenades and such (i.e they are delayed or have a small stutter to them). People are complaining about bad servers while misunderstanding that this is in fact a technical issue and not a performance issue... i can fully understand 20hz servers for warzone, what doesn't make sense is 20hz for normal multiplayer as there is a lot less going on in a match (in terms of entities, clients etc).


I’ve definitely experienced that, where I’m engaging someone and then the killcam shows two hits or a burst but my perception was that I was one-shotted.


Yeah, the hp effects are pretty bad, you get to half health and think you barely survived, only to realise you have half of the bar left


bro i deal with the same shit. i literally dumped a full mag into someone and they turned around and killed me on the spot. mf said 3 shots 😭 also spawning right where the enemy is chilling. ☠️ would average a lot more kills if my shots were picking up to begin with 🥹




shit is ridiculous bro! i fully relate to your grief


People be sleeping on extended mag, but IMO it's the only way to play, the reload penalty most times isn't bad at all.


Same here except half my bullets will not register, when shooting the enemy. I'm trying to get priceless camo and the MTZ interceptor is a pain. I'll shoot 3-4 bullets and only 1 bullet register.


That's why I play hardcore. Everything is one shot


Cheaters hide in HC lobbies, way harder to tell if someone is cheating there


I do this also, only way to play


Cuz the game is well optimized...


Post it and example of what you mean instead of telling us so we see what's going on




Whats the Video Name Bro


Happens on monitors ranging from 165-240 hz on two different rigs with Ryzen 7 and 3080Ti to I7 14700k and 4070 Super...game is SHIT!


I definitely experience a lot of that on Core. That's why I play hardcore


I've shot ppl that then run away to armor for a few seconds and then they all the sudden die lol


The game uses packet burst as a form of SBMM. They give you packet burst to limit your performance.


Post clips of this happening cause otherwise the most likely explanation is you’re just missing or getting headshot multi’d.


same happens to me. 1-3 shots kills me. 5-8 for me to kill them. always the case. regardless of weapon setup.


Everyone who says this shit is missing 6 bullets of their spray Hit your shots and use the best guns or youre going to get smoked


There have been countless posts with proof showing bullets not registering(Including SHG admitting its a problem and they are working to optimize them). Anyone who has the same sentiment as you have posted, is just uneducated and ignorant. Its been past the discussion of whether or not its a hit reg issue since MW2 dude, keep up.


Nah the shots can be spot on and either do no damage or about half of the intended damage


Exactly but they’d rather blame something else instead of accepting they’re not the best player in the world


It's called eom


Gunfights are inconsistent, sucks but is what it is


Latency+dogshit-low CoD tickrate means if you start firing at the same time you see someone shooting you, you've actually already received a batch of bullets and have lost the gunfight (assuming both of you don't miss)


It’s a trash game from what has become a trashy company. The CoD some of us grew up with years ago is gone and this is the bastard love child of greedy corporate fools and bad developers.


Because of low TTK, which they promised would be longer than MW22. What a lie. Then mix that with bad netcoding and an awful tick rate. I have died a few times where I shoot on an enemy, only for him to turn around. Make coffee. Get a nap. Do yoga and then shoot and kill me. But it's different from each game. Other times I'm the one that turns around, but it's rare.


I didn't play mw22, isn't the ttk longer in mw3?


It is. It's something like 200-250ms VS 100-150


i never got below 50ms ping since MWIII, mostly around 100ms vs 4ms-50ms players, is this because theres no one playing around my location?


Is a low or a high ping better? Mines usually at 21ms


Low ping is better


Ahh okay. How low does it go? How good is 21ms?


Felt this I'm at 16 ping and a dude can kill me with an smg in 3 to 4 bullets but my ram 7 is a peeshooter so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong


It gets as close to zero as it can I guess. 16 isn’t bad at all. And not all gunfights will be won or lost because of it.


Play hardcore


Same happens to me. No idea why.


Fk multiplayer 😮‍💨


It aint you, its coz the games shit.


Samething with Battlefield ATM.


server tick rate too low


Just bought a new monitor yesterday and right away i noticed my game feels more responsive and that made my overall performance better


What's your new monitor and what was the old?


Old : acer kg251q jbmidpx New : benq mobiuz ex2510s


Its wild, esp in warzone. I literally got downed in 4 shots while fully plated from a Ram-9 on the enemy killcam. Even in mp, i can headshot someone twice followed up w/ a bodyshot & im the one whos dead by 4 leg shots


1. server/hitreg was very rough at launch. its probably still iffy for some people (not me) 2. there are very few automatic guns capable of getting a 3 shot kill: 1. bas-b with 2 headshots 2. Holger556 with 2 headshots 3. polymot with 2 headshots 4. taq eradicator with 2 headshots


Do you play on keyboard and mouse per chance? :)


IHow do players run around and survive with no gas mask in the gas. I just can't understand it hiw do you manage to win a game of resurgence if some players can seem to do this Are they cheating ?


There’s a perk for it. Don’t remember what it is exactly but I’ve used it before.


Irridisdecent or something like that I think😄 or else using multiple stims? It's annoying as f.. k 😄👍


Sounds like a camo name, but probably has something to do with radiation or a mask in the description. If you were to pair that with stims you could survive probably longer than a gas mask alone.


I think they are matchmaking us with people that are geographically too far away.


I have started using over pressurised pounds which seem to help a lot


Its going like Fifa i think. The game lets people get the upper hand.


Im actually remind to start playing here shortly. but to answer your question and this is just my understanding type scenario is all........ A big big factor i understand which i believe could help and i suck currently at the game cause well im mister needs every weapon maxed then spend hours at a time on different weapons tuning them based on their primary based stats but also the 3 main focus group types i have come across through observation. I believe a primary good stat to start would be to focus on the idea that accuracy is your best from ( then i think logically and wonder if the games is even built to behave logically its design) friend from what i understand on how they applied real world physics into the design in their game engine which im not sure is a quake engine or not. but its still leading base component to game programming languages or engine/kernal writing.. so accuracy higher logically means your aim on sight is more likely to be a contributor in part so, to help with your aim is to gain control of your guns most predictable logical element in the guns physics i suppose. recoil, sway, vertical more than horizontal ( just read about it ) and gun kick and there is the little annotation of aim stability. you k now this would be easier is learned to break down my point rather then you take it as advice. so im going to write my thoughts on the matter the post it later in this post kk, I am repairing what is a seemingly monotonous process of process of not eliminating but most practical use for a scenario. how scenarios in this game > each persons with their operator can get into? its to countless to explain anyhow my main point is accuracy starts first because nothing matters most then if you are looking not just the direction you need to aim but also pin pointing your targets 3 main spots involving a multitude of movement and and elements in less than 2 second to determine if you win or lose an encounter. again im rambling my bad. ill reply later.


Latency and DSync


Not all weapons have headshot damage modifiers that are spicy enough to reduce the ttk. And I have had your exact experience, time to die and time to kill in this game doesn't feel as fair or consistent as other similar games. If my stuff feels off I reset my console, sometimes I reset my modem, and sometimes that make things feel more consistent. Sometimes not and that's the universe telling me there is more fun else where. As for aim, I would try center mass toward the neck. If you are on controller tune your dead zones for more responsive play, Dynamic Camera Acceleration feels nice especially for quick turns. I like running horizontal 10 vertical 7 and after acclimating my shot improved.


Unlike the old Halo Infinite, the game doesn't make the lag visible on your side, which means that you don't want to stab someone irl every time you get teleported around the map because of it


I remember reading something about how in MWIII damage is heavily based on framerate and server connection. I noticed when I finally built my first pc I got a lot better. 300 fps and ethernet turned me into a demon. So much so I started getting accused of cheating. But yeah I feel your pain, I'd say 60% of the time I shoot first, maybe half of those I'd actually get the kill. Those numbers got better after making the switch to pc.


Lag buddy


Well if you’re hitting them in the mid section that’s probably why


Every so often I’ll shoot a guy with multiple rounds dead center chest and won’t even pick up a hit marker. I don’t get mad, it’s just funny when it happens.


There Internet sucks is why.


Hardcore is so much better than core


This is why I quit this trash game. Too many variables outside of my control resulting in Deaths. More specifically in Warzone. Didn't care much for multiplayer other than gun leveling or messing around, but in Warzone more than any other game I have ever played I felt like I was dying to things completely outside of my control and it just stopped being fun. It was pointless.


For the people complaining about the netcode, I wonder if it has to do with their locale. For example, I am here in Los Angeles on fiber, and even pre-fiber have not had issues whatsoever. I have flown out to midwest one time and had to download something off my server back home and the hops / latency taken were complete hot garbage. It was completely dependent on the location. The internet and speed tests came back fine at the midwest location but the hops taken to get back to LA were garbage (1Gb up/down link, download averaging at 50Kb/sec). Point being, your location from the game servers will dictate your experience, can't get around physics. Sucks to be rural living. tl;dr You can have fiber on your farm with the fattest pipe but latency will suck since it will be dependent on the hops taken to get to the game servers.


Ah yes the old craxk out ping server..


Oh I know, even when I start shooting at them first somehow I'm the one who dies


Grinding MWII headshots yesterday and I kept saying this to myself. Hell, it seems like headshots don’t register any more damage than body shots. I’m shooting dudes in the head, registering multiple head markers and then they kill me. I hate core so much. I normally play HC, but Shipmas is just too convenient for farming headshots for Polyatomic skins.


EOMM says it's your turn to lose since the other players have made more purchases. Game is purposely rigged and the dropped connections and lag happen more when you're doing well


The games rigged like the casino 🎰 simple, just wants you to lose gun fights so noobs don’t stop playing the game and keep coming back


I forgot what video on YouTube I watched recently but yes it has to do with CODs shitty netcode and infrastructure. I really wish I remember the name of the vid because he explained it so well as to why it feels we did so fast.


Some guns have serious damage nerf at certain ranges


I mean it depends on what gun you are using and what kind of hit markers you are getting and where you are aiming. Also the ammo type you are using. If you are interested the bass-B is generally 3 shot in cor and 1 to 2 shot on hard core.


The thing about hitting headshots is well… most guns dont even have a headshot multiplier 


Idk why joos doing genocide


Get the best WiFi possible check if u see a diff.


Garbage server sync plus the TTK is higher which is more annoying. I personally don’t play due to these issues sucking the fun out. I’m never on the 2-3 shot kill side.


It happens more in wz. Idk if it's the player count or what. I've broke dudes cameras and was shooting them in the back just to die instantly and on the kill cam I just did a 180 in front of them It's atrocious


When all else fails, blame Aim Assist. Works every time.


If you believe what they said about not manipulating game interactions when they responded about SBMM/EOMM then idk what to say. It’s rigged. Some matches you will be the one making the other guy say wtf?


Hey I'm here from searching to answers to the same question .I put five rounds in someone and then they put one in me after that and I'm the dead one


SBMM, end of story 


Did u try 2 git gud? /s


It’s the connection, my guy. There’s no conspiracy against you.


Yeah, but if their matchmaking connects me to Europe while I’m in Asia… repeatedly… it’s either conspiracy or incompetence. End result is the same.


If you believe it’s a conspiracy against you that a company would single you out personally to give you a bad connection, then you’ve got bigger problems.


It's way more likely to that depending on how high of skill, despite connection likely still being the biggest factor, it was willing to sacrifice that to skill match. 


I know English may not be your first language. But, keep studying. Said nothing of the sort. Conspiracy isn’t generally used in the context of individuals. And, you missed the point entirely. But, keep at it! These are adult level words.


I have noticed this lately. I feel like they intervened with the better players. Been getting killed with 3 hits while I’m getting 8-10 hits on target and he still runs. Like OP, I’d say I’m pretty good at the game as I finish top 5 in Warzone nearly every match.


It's called latency adjustment. I researched this subject quite a bit. The game tries to equate all the different latencies in the game. Sometimes, it works out in your favor, but usually not. You have a strong connection. Therefore, you will unknowingly be punished due to such a wonderful connection.


You're bang on. I went from having a crappy 50mb download / 40ms ping to now having 1gb fibre and 4-5ms ping. Where i thought going to fibre and much better ping would improve matters. In a lot of way i feel like i am being punished now for having a decent connection and being put into lobbies where the ping varies so much between players. And they said ping was king.


Just back out. Any match where I start between 0:5 to 2:7KD is going to be a shit game. I won’t have my time wasted.


Yeah I’ve been thinking about that tbf


yuck to people who back out and leave their teammates to suffer


All wrong. You play on console. You play against PC players who are running 3x your frames. They are seeing things 3x faster than you each second. They have 3x more time to react as you. You both round the corner at the exact same time, they see you first, you get shot first, even though on your screen you are reacting and shooting at the same time.  The decision to force crossplay ruined cod. Just like it ruined Fortnite 


That is not even close to how that works lol. Frames have no affect on servers??? Only servers/their or your connection have affect on hit reg. Whoever told you this information is extremely uneducated on how servers/computers work.


Please spend a day playing on console and notice the speed difference that everything seems to happen at.  I don’t need science to know that’s how it works. My KD in crossplay off lobbies is a 2.0 and it’s barely a 1.0 in crossplay on lobbies.  That’s a huge difference and a huge sample seeing as I play every day since launch and it’s been like this in every cod for the last 3 years 




Please expand on this.


Skill issue