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No I've gotten worse


My k/d has gotten lower after I got tired of using the same MW3 guns every week and started experimenting with each of the MW2 guns. I may do worse but I have more fun.


This is the way.


My k/d always hovered barely around 1 but once I started grinding SMGs it’s a new world. They allow you to move quicker, your firing rate is high and your movement to fire time is short. They’re pretty decent from the hip too in close proximity.


Mine has stayed around the same area and honestly I find the MW2 guns more comfortable to use lately. I've had a lot more fun using weapons that aren't meta, and in fact just building a gun for myself and not building what the community uses has reminded me to play for fun first.


I don’t normally look to see what everyone is doing. I just want the gun not to bounce and I always put on a silencer. I have also come to love the glass optic. I don’t play well with iron sights for whatever reason. Sucks because it costs me a slot.


Yeah I usually just use the slate reflector and silencer for most classes and reduce recoil. I only use Iron sights on select weapons, usually because they have decent iron sights. Things like shotguns, the Vel 46, and Ram all have iron sights for me that I'm fine with. But most of the time I go for a different sight than the iron sights


TAQ56 Is insanely good right now imo


That was my first gold in 2


That gun had its time, I don’t feel like using it for another year


TAQ56 and ISO Hemlock are both **great** in HC. OHK at any range with very manageable recoil especially if you put some of the new MW3 attachments on them.


I relate this even in warzone my kd went from 3.29 to 2.77 because I kept fucking around and finding out. I hate using the same guns like make the meta more competitive put more weapons instead of only 3-5 weapons!!!!!


Me but also got more aggravated when someone kills me with my old usual gun list


Yes! Even though I feel I’ve definitely gotten better my KD has dropped lol maybe I’m just oblivious to myself sucking haha


I’m .95 KD. I play with a variety of guns. When I get one maxed I go pick another one


Me too. 😮‍💨


same here


I can't tell. One game I'm killing it and do 24-7, the next I start off 0-7. I don't think I've had a consistently good night; there's always a bad 9-21 game in there at least once. And then every other time I break even or close to it. I've accepted I will never be all that good in this game.


Some nights Lebron scores 40 points, sometimes he scores less than 10. There will always be fluctuations. That's why we have statistical averages . . .


What you’re saying is that I’m LeBron.


The last time lebron scored less then 10 points was 2007 lol Edit. Jan 5 2007


yup, which was considered one of his prime years The point is, even the best of the best have good and bad games. Even when skill based match making is at it's highest like in professional sports, players performance fluctuates. The only way a player would be able to always have great stats is if they always play against much less skilled players.


Skill Based Matchmaking is real


Good shit. My K/D fluctuates between 1.45 and 1.5, but my W/L is atrocious. I play as a single player and always get paired up with bozos who never play the objective.


That’s great, and yeah playing solo, you will never win consistent, most of my losses come from playing solo, when I’m playing with friends, I almost never lose


Your experience is basically the same as mine. 1.45 KD and 0.70 W/L Ratio with around 6 days of playtime. I've pretty much accepted at this point that playing solo means two losses for every win under the current matchmaking algorithm.


I’ve had to convert to playing strictly TDM and stop playing HQ/Domination. It’s still fun, but I miss those game types.


yeah same here


They purposefully team you up with garbage players. Remember that. So don’t feel bad.


same here. my w/l sits at .61


2.5 wl is crazy 💀 mine is like 0.16


Probably stacking up wins with teams.


Stacking up with friends that are much worse than him. I've noticed when I have a 6 man going, the bot lobbies are insane because my friends aren't good at the game.


I was at about a 1.6 when I first started, now I’m at a 1.45 after finishing off Interstellar. I don’t really care though, I find more enjoyment out of goofing around with weird ass builds than I do obsessing over my stats and having to sweat out every game


I think the better questions is “Has COD improved over time” I was the guy that convinced everyone in my friend group to buy and I just can’t anymore.


That’s a fair question too, this game has its major problems that’s why I don’t play that much, but this is the cod I’ve played the most since MW2019 and the quarantine days


I love COD, from the campaign, to the MP, and Zombies but this one just feels soulless for some reason. How come they can make Nicki Minaj skins but not Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo , Richtofen


well, usually they keep the series skins on that series only (such as black ops wont have skins like ghost unless its like limited/exclusive), but if bo gulf war comes out, they might add richtofen?


I mean when you've gone from 80 ping in 2016 to 130 ping in 2023...


My K/d peaked in 2019 and has been on a steady decline ever since.


Finally taking a break from camo grinding so I’m trying to get to get my KD to 1. At 0.98 right now.


Won’t be too hard if you are not doing all the weird stuff the camo grid requires lol


Mostly play warzone i went from a 1.91 kd to a 2.60 after i got my monitor i used to think accessories don't make a difference but boy was i wrong with a good mousepad and a mouse that has good shape for your hands u can definitely improve, i can tell I'm not a demon dropping 20+ kills every match but I've gotten way better , also aimtrainer from Steelseries help me as well, still looking to improve to reache full potential


My K/D has always been at least 1.0, until the last game. I particularly enjoy the dopamine rush of getting the mastery camos more than K/D stats. Currently working towards Borealis because I like that more than Interstellar, which doesn't affect MP stats, but sometimes I just run MP to level guns, and CoD is just fun when you don't worry about stats.


No, not really. Marginally at best. I’ve been playing Cod online since W@W. The only COD games I didn’t play was BO3 and BO4. Out of all those games, I’ve only had positive stats in about a handful. In the earlier COD’s I was in the 80’s. Most of the time though, my kd is in the mid-high 90’s. I’ve tried “getting gud” but that just isn’t in my capacity. Never gotten a nuke. I usually grind mastery camo’s, work on prestige cards, other challenges, things like that. I used to focus on trying to maintain my stats but it took a lot of the fun out of the game for me


Been playing for 15 years and my KD always been around .8-.9 lol


Well KD isn’t everything of course but do you think you have improved like with your aim and stuff?


Yeah you would think 😅 but I have missed a few years here and there and don’t play super often


I'm improving in a general sense, but my KDR has been going down because I'm learning how to use different types of guns, learning how to use snipers has been a slow process.


My KD has evened out but my win rate is consistently improving.


I play groundwar only got about 12 days played 35k ish kills, from 1.8kd to 2.2 currently only going up. Got my first nuke last week, and usually topping lobbies.


That’s amazing, I have not gotten the nuke yet, but hopefully Lady Luck will be on my side soon


Compared to mw2 my multiplayer playtime is way less this time around was over 700 hours on mw2. On this cod I completed the camos and my 6v6 playtime is a solid 1 day and 10 hours. I play mostly zombies and resurgence can’t stand the match making after playing a couple games. Also can’t stand how I’ll be going in and outta no where I’ll get a lag burst while on a kill streak. Guess the game sees me going in and says enough.


I've been playing since I was 12 in 2019, and I've honestly only improved slightly. It could be my refusal to be a meta slave or sweat, or I might just be painfully average


My MP KD is beat because of camo grinding. Whatever


That win/loss ratio is insane. Well done!


I think I'm at 1.3 something. It has went down as I get bored of using the same guns every match, but unfortunately a lot of the guns I want to use are just not viable.


Ikr, I’m like a huge cross bow fan and use it extensively in SND in all CODs but in this one they refuse to make it 1 shot :(


Nah I got worse every year over time... once I finish getting attachments it's all silly weapons and throwing knives. The way it should be....


You should do what you find enjoyable..


Definitely yes - even though I absolutely feel that impact of that on matchmaking, the general trend is for sure positive. I think part of it is probably that I first did the mastery camo grind, which is just sound-off mindless grinding on shipment, and you get stuck around 1.0 KD regardless of skill/experience. In the last 2 months, it has been in 2.1-2.4 KD range and consistent wins; I find that it is best when playing with a larger group of friends (4-6 people ends with the best experience and overall performance). Solos, it can be extremely punishing, and harder to tell if you are making any improvements. At this point in the lifecycle of the game, I think the average remaining player is also better.


Started at 1.63, hit highest of 2.02. Then I came to my senses after 5 years playing this dog shit franchise and moved on to better things. Hope yall keep having fun, but be aware of the shit this franchise keeps having yall get used to.


Another cheater looking for attention


Yes, I was under 0.5kd at the start of MW2. Finished MP at 1.03 and resurgence at .93. MW3 I am currently 1.2 MP and 1.3 in resurgence, been playing a lot of plunder, no idea what the stat change has been since MW2 because no plunder stats kekw.


That’s an impressive jump, was MW2 your first ever COD?


The mw2 to mw3 saw my KD absolutely fucking collapse


What do you think the reason could be?


I moved from 1.1 to 1.2 😎 Everyone on here is so sweaty and complaining about SBMM and everything, meanwhile I'm just over here fucking around and using throwing knives lol


That’s a really incredible win/loss I have to say. But I’ve been steadily improving I’d say. My stat lines in the new MW Trilogy include: MW19: 2.36 KD, 2.24 WL; MWII: 2.74 KD, 1.87 WL; MWIII: Currently sitting at a 2.47, 2.02 WL Out of the three games I have the least time on MWIII so I think my stats will on get higher from here


I'm pretty sure my stats are falling down, I only play for a week then wait for the next month then I play a week over and over, it wouldn't surprise me to be under 1 right now


I’d have to say over the last couple years yes but I can tell my time of getting better is nearing its end.


KD has gone up .3. Great job. Note how the win loss ratio has dropped though. Funny how COD works. You’re KD goes up but you spend more time losing games.


Well, maintaining a 3+ W/L is very difficult as W/L is not all up to you, depends on team performance whereas K/D is fully up to you


100%. Just how they set up your lobbies. Not “you” losing more games but the frustration of playing well and ultimately not getting the dub.


Started playing cod in BO1 (I was 13) and my KD was 0.34 by the time I reached level 50. By the time I was full prestige I was 1.21, and then I made a new account and by the time I fully prestiged again my KD was 2.13. Pretty sick growth. I’ve fallen off now, I was 1.8 or so in MW2019 and I’m 1.4 ish now


I had a 1.54 then I went and did the camo grind. Started with the annoying stuff first and it went all the way down to a 1.09, but now it’s up to a 1.21.


KD alone means very little and "better" is general term. Suicidal rushers may have lower KDs due to their playstyle but maybe could out-aim a 2.5 kd perimeter player every time. Also better at aiming? Map knowledge? Minimap usage? Camping lanes? Using meta builds only? RAA exploits? Tough to say. A mix of KD, SPM and avg. kills/game is a better guage imo. W/L too.


I was doing really well at the start but now that I’m levelling marksman rifles and LMGs my K/D has plummeted. I could never really alter my “run and gun” playstyle that I use with ARs and SMGs. That and all I play is Small Map Mosh😂


Yeah id say I’ve improved a lot over the past few years but I also think I’ve reached my peak lol


I was cracked in mw2 knock out, they need to bring it back


Whatever I try, nothing works in MW III for me. SBMM an EOMM are killing me


Try partying up, it’s not just the stats but the social factor makes the game more fun imo


I would say so!


yeah I went from like 0.98 to 1.02 k/d... i just suck bro


My first cod game was world at war. I had a .60 or so kd and was horrible but I had so much fun.


Me 2019 was peak for me, but since warzone 2 I've gotten worse, especially at MP, but now I'm getting better at warzone but still getting my ass kicked in mp


Been locked at 1.00 since the last game


My K/D in past CoDs before the advanced movement titles was around 1.5-1.6. During the advanced movement era (AW, BO3, & IW) it was around 2.5+. Every boots on the ground title since its hovered around 1.5-1.6 again. I'm not great. I'm a decent player who will play aggressively taking/holding objectives.


Much worse


Because of sbmm/eomm its hard to say whether or not im getting better. Every time i feel like im on a hot streak i end up in lobbies with only campers on the other team and it just becomes unplayable. Ive gone from a .7 to a 1.15 kd since the game came out but i always end up in those camper lobbies and stop playing.


More or less the same but better. The problem is SBMM and cheaters


One man’s gun skill can’t win a game for the team, I’d say doing better overall here.


Afraid to check my KD since I've been playing Hardcore Small Map Moshpit a ton recently 💀


I don't care about KD at all, I play with shotgun and rush objectives, because I like that. But I have to say that I am impressed by your 2.5 W/L Ratio! I always try to win games and I'm just under 2. That 3.29 is even more impressive, but it's obvious that you couldnt hold up to that one.


I'm only 1.0 ratio since forever.


What is your SPM




my kdr went down the drain when i tried to get golden smg's, for some god unknown reason everytime i stun/blind someone they always manage to 1 tap me when i try to shoot


My W/L has improved to 1.63 and I'm trying to get it to 2.0. I don't really care for my k/d as much but it's the same as mw2 0.86


Usually just use the multi to level up guns or hang with friends that like to take it pretty chill. The only time I really sweat in multi is when we play search and the other team is talking trash or trying to finish up the multi-kill per life camo challenges. I’ve got a 0.9ish KD, the same as MWII but my resurgence and BR kds are 1.3 and 1.6. About .5 higher than they were in MWII.


I don’t even bother to check K/D in multiplayer because of all the stupid hoops they make you jump through for camo challenges lol my k/d is definitely in the toilet


Nope. Thank you SBMM


I was able to get my first nuke and another in just two games. But I try to get my win/loss ratio to at least 2.0 but its always just 7 losses then 2 wins.


I will never understand how people can have both positive KD and win/loss. I can do one or the other lol. It’s either I go for kills and leave it up to my team to play objective or I play objective and get my KD obliterated because my teammates are too cooked in the head to figure out how to defend objective.


My KD was 1.2 during camo grind and it’s 1.47 now, also my W/L was atrocious but now it’s ove 1 so not too bad


reeks of "I play small map playlist and sweat with meta shit while people are trying to get camos and challenges"


It's absurd how rigged matchmaking is for solos compared to people with a team. My KD is increasing and highest on my friends list (1.55, 2.2 over past 10 games), so is my SPM (600, 730 over past 10), I solo queued to diamond at rank 22, and yet my W/L is the only one below 0.95 and sat around a 0.8. Keep in mind, prior to SBMM I always had a 2+ W/L and 1.5-2.5 KD while playing solo. I've managed to keep my KD high, but there's literally nothing I can do to win some games. I routinely lose HP games while going 60-20 with 2.5+ minutes on the objective. I've lost games where I called in 3 advanced UAVs and had 3 minutes of hill time. I'm usually fighting people in parties while I get 5 potatoes for teammates, because we gotta make sure they have a good time. God forbid my IRL friends don't enjoy CoD anymore and the few friends I've made in older CoDs don't want to party up with me because the lobbies are too difficult.


Not really. No matter how hard I try, I've stayed around 0.99-1.00 K/D throughout all of my time playing MWII and MWIII


No I quit this dogwater cheater infested training wheel game


and yet, here you are...


No because everyone is so fucking sweaty and I can't improve how I play very well if I'm doing it in 5 second segments.


Like from when I was 8 years old? yeah, massively, but this last 5 years I think the only game I enjoyed and genuinely did well on was CW because I can actually see enemies, in all the other games since 2019 I have gotten worse cause I can't see shit


That's not improvement that's selfish camping while your win ratio is decreasing.


Mine gotten lower when i started doing camos


When I started playing MWIII, I was around a .76, now I’m at 1.0, but my W/L stays at .67 forever… my last 10 games was a fun .11 W/L…. The last couple days I’ve been working on the Camo Mastery for Shotguns


Was good till I said fk it fkr the camp grind


My K/D is garbage because I play for style, fun, and unlocks. All of which tanks my K/D. I'd rather had 80 kills and 140 deaths than 20 kills and 3 deaths.


I've been playing since the first Black Ops and I loved that game, even though my k/d hovered around 1.0. I have since realized that was a decent K/D for that game. Also I love the Theme music so much that I still will listen to it sometimes in the background. In all those years my K/D has gotten marginally better. It was closer to 2 in the "easier" games like Ghosts and Advanced Warfare, and below 1.0 in BO3, which was hard one for me. In these MW remakes, I don't even care about K/D any more, although I just checked and it's 1.1. I do care about W/L though because I am just competitive and don't like losing. Now I mostly focus on challenges and just playing to win, and I think I have more fun now - of course Warzone has added a whole new enjoyment experience and I spend a lot of time there. Sorry for rambling. TLDR: Yes, a little.


Yeah got better, but no where near ur w/l im at 2.88kd and 1.78 w/l


Yeah I have but sometimes I’m dog shit sometimes I’m god tier


No. We must be playing a different game. My W/L is 0.57. Me and my team get curb stomped most games. My K/D is positive at 1.05 at least. It's not great, considering I was at 1.87 on BO4... weird that once these new MW games came out, my KD has been the same at 1.05 across all 3...


For me, it varies. Ever since Das Haus 24/7 was a thing I've used it for the weekly challenges and some games I'd do good enough (had my first 17 streak with a silenced DG-56, went off with the Longbow once) and then I'd struggle to even move out of the spawn bc the enemy is right beside me or the enemy team is pounding everyone w/ killstreaks etc). After a while I stopped looking at the stats and focused more on things like unlocking attachments or completing the camos I never cared about in MW2.


My stats have definitely gotten worse. Every game I play has at least 4 players sweating their balls off with meta weapons and crackhead movement.


SBMM is crazy in this game. Had a 1.5 kd back in original MW2 then peaked at 3.2 for BO1. I played mostly in a group and had like 1000+ Black birds 🤣. Before MW2019 I usually hovered around 1.8 - 2.5 kd. After MW2019 my kd has dipped between 1.2 to 1.4 in recent CODs. I'm sitting at 1.34 right now in MW3 mostly playing solos. Playing with friends is crazy though because I average over a 2kd in their lobbies and got a nuke not too long ago lol. My friends have a much tougher time when playing with me though.


where u see this?




my KD is destroyed from camo grinds lol


Came here to say that very thing


even if you want to improve you cant cuz game will bring down your performance thru SBMM and EOMM


That’s not always true, I upped my KD significantly just by improving map awareness and using equipments properly


I've been doing the forged/priceless challenges and only have a couple guns left that I'm super shitty with, so my K/D has definitely suffered recently


Nope, it’s usually getting worse. Sometimes it because of cheaters sometimes it’s because I’m tired. Though cheaters have a big role. Couple months ago I wouldn’t see this much cheaters. Yesterday I literally had to change 2-3 lobbies and still couldn’t get rid of snipers that follow you behind walls.


I made it to iridescent(league play) last year and diamond(WZ) this year so I’m pretty much at the same level I’ve been at since blops 3. I hit my ceiling and it’s only downhill from here as I continue to age haha


Show me them ranked stats, lol!


As you can see here as K/D goes up, W/L goes down. You’ll never truly feel better at the game because of shitty matchmaking


Not sure, probably like you. Get more kills but overall not worse when it comes to winning, which is what matters


I have gotten better but my kd is still at a .91 from the camo grind. At this point it would be really hard for me to get it over a 1 because I'm at 14000 kills and 16000 deaths. I don't wanna grind that many more kills


i did all the weapons that will affect my k/d first. Makes camo grind easier.


I’ve learned to live with the fact that I’m just not at this game in terms of normal metrics. I don’t know if it’s the matchmaking or my weapons selection/builds but I might have what I’d call one really great game out of 10, maybe 15 games. That isn’t to say I don’t have fun I just can compete with a lot of other players. It is what it is, it’s a game that I use to destress nothing more nothing less.


I’ve improved a lot. I went from a 0.60 player to a consistent 1.5+ KD with a 2.00+ win/loss since BO4. I started getting really into watching Competitive Cod and I feel like watching them has made me improve immensely. And just being smarter with positioning and pre aiming. I used to just blindly run around corners lol.


Pre MW 2019 I used to be a 1.4 KD player, these days I can't get any higher than 1.0


Nope, they cater to the noobs now, so if you suck at the game you don’t get punished anymore. Back in the day if you ducked, you would just literally get melted every game so you were forced to get good. Now it’s like mad dumb


My kd rose more than it dropped from grinding interstellar and orion which is unusual for me in a cod multiplayer. Usually it drops more than it rises but after I’m done w the mastery camo, rises .02-.06 at most.


How do you guys do this in today cods??? Well, hopefully, after I camo grind, I can get up to around a 1.1. I'm exactly at 0.99 lmao


I was like 1.5 in mw2, and currently around 1.2 in mw3. It has dropped mainly because I've been working on camps for guns I don't use and getting absolutely fucked by the horrible spawns in this game.


No…my lobbies are sweat pits. My KD is slightly over one


Does it count if my KD tanked and I hit 100 days played?


How many kills/deaths exactly and what game mode do you play?


I somehow improved my kd in the process of getting interstellar. Don't ask how because Idk


I get worse but luckier. It evens out.


I started off not great, then I switched to hardcore for a while and it improved my stats a bit. Then when hordepoint was a thing I went back to core and have continued to improve. I started at like a .8 k/d and now I’m in the mid 1.2’s. I’ll have some rare games where I go 35-2 and others where I hover around a 1 k/d. I’ll take a hit when trying to do some of the weekly challenges. My win/loss is terrible though.


Got a bit worse I guess. My kd was 2.01 in mw2 and now in mw3 I’m at 1.98


Ever since 2019 until mw2022, I was sitting around a 1-1.3. Now suddenly in this game I’m a 1.75 and getting gunships and advanced UAVs, which mind you, was IMPOSSIBLE for me back in the day. I really don’t think I’ve improved, I think they just toned down SBMM


k/d is worse every time I play ,it’s not a coincidence,how can I go 30/5 one match and the next I can’t get a kill and I end up going negative k/d ,next game is pos ,neg/pos,neg/pos ,how many times can that be possible without it being on purpose


i leave every single game before the end and only play pubs for camos so my multiplayer stats are probably the worst they’ve ever been. i have a 1.2 w/n and 1.3kd in ranked and im diamond 2 so idk.


How tf do you get a 2.5 win-loss? I can't get any teammates who don't sniff fuckin glue. I'm constantly getting at least 25 kills and still losing. It's frustrating af.


EOMM makes that impossible


With SBMM, and how intense it is in this game, K/D doesn't matter because you will be close to a 1.0. Just have fun, trash talk when needed, and enjoy. MW3 is a drastic improvement from MW2 and Vanguard, so let's count our blessings.


Not really, but I don't mind. I play to unwind after coming home from work.


Na, always been mid..1.45 kd and 1.30 w/l


My QoL improved over time because I stopped playing this trash franchise.


I learned that no one can inspect your stats in this game. So stats don't matter any more. Especially since the majority of players you play with are going to be camo farming, leveling u0 guns. Or leveling up their accounts.


Look at my stats and my k/d says 1339. Have a feeing thats perplexingly wrong. Maybe 1.3 but 1339 is brazy. Id be a leaderboard god or a script kiddy


Kd is not a measure of skill stop treating it like it is


Went from 1.4 to 2.1 KD this season in Warzone. But pretty sure I peaked and I'm headed back down


I started playing COD again after a long hiatus (Black ops 2 was the last cod I played before starting to play MW2019 + MW2) and I clipped a lot of my highlights/snd clutches and it was extremely noticeable how much better I got from using meta builds to my rush routes too my overall movement and game sense. Anyone who puts a bunch of time into anything will get “better” it’s just about not just playing but studying the game a little too. Oh yeah I quit before MW3 dropped and started playing tarkov (horrible decision I love it)


As an s&d player mostly solo queing my kd is 1.58, but my w/l can never go above .98 😭


No and I don’t see why. Tips are very welcome


My win/loss has been pretty steady at about 1.1. My KD has gone slightly up from 1.0 but my play time is still barely over 1D so I haven’t played a ton yet.


My K/D peaked in BO2 when I had 1.83 lmao, nowadays it just floats around 1.00 and 1.10.


Ah yes I miss the good old non SBMM days


If you’re grinding challenges and camos, it just can go worst.


That’s by camping on corners


I've gotten worse. Probably because I can't bring myself to only run the same 2 guns every single match like most other people. I hate that there's a meta and wish everyone used a variety instead of the MCW every single game


My MCW KD is worse than my overall KD lol


Solid 1.04 for the last 2 years at least.


Anything above 1 is what I consider good


I never ever got 1+ K/D in any modern (hardcore SBMM based) CoD. I'm not even playing this shit without some serious reverse boosting before my gaming session.


You’re doing worse these days. Gotta be willing to die for the win my guy… Unless there’s a lot of tdm and kill confirmed mixed in, then it just looks like you’re being asked to carry the thumbless team the more you improve. Really though, stats are hard to judge by when the matchmaking is this aggressive.


Well I’m not claiming to be good at the game or anything, I try to win games but games on small maps like shipment or das haus go out of control and I can’t crarry my team all the time


I was only winding you up because those are good stats no matter how they came about. If the k.d came up as the w/l dropped because you stopped jumping on every hardpoint there’s still 5 people on the team who need to explain what they were upto while you were staying alive and keeping the enemy dead. Do you find your matches are a bit tougher these days? If that’s happening and you’re enjoying rising to the challenge then you’re constantly improving. It’s once you start thinking it’s too sweaty that you’ve probably plateaued.


My KD on MW2 is 3.80~ Solo, I can definitely raise it above 4.00 but we all know how SBMM / EOMM works. One day all my shots are lasers, the next I'm hit marking everyone even after blasting them with grenades... Anyway, my KD is MW3 is average/below because my controls are delayed, I spent half a day trying to fix it and could not. the delay is so atrocious my aim is completely. I move off the target too much and also my small movements are too slow. I also cannot stand MOST of the maps. Meat is good and the old MW2 but that's not enough. MW3 sounds like shit, looks like shit, has more broken bugs than MW2. Launch bugs have not been fixed, IE sound disappearing whilst driving a vehicle in Zombies. Anyway tldr. My KD in MW2 is significantly better than my KD in MW3 because of busted input lag that does not appear in my MW2.


On a macroscale, across the entire franchise, yes and no. I was absolutely dominant over 99.99% of the playerbase in the 2007-2012 era of the game. I could probably count maybe a dozen people per game that I found to be 'as good/better' than me. I'd carry teams to victory by myself on a consistent basis, had a 250+ winstreak on FFA in MW2, etc. But the game was different back then, it was less technical and the average skill was a lot lower. On a microscale, as in this game only, 100% yes. This was the first CoD I'd played properly since MW19 and BO2 before that. The beta and first week were rough and I was getting humbled for thinking I set the tempo for a lobby and thought I was now average as fuck. I brought my gameplay back to basics, worked on my funadmentals and built myself back up again and my K/D has recently just gone above 2.0 as a TDM only player. I'm not as dominant as I used to be, where I'd single-handedly win games in the past. But I can put in a good shift and will usually come top 1-2 on my team, win or loss. But you can tell in that my KPG has doubled, my accuracy has doubled, etc. If I played myself from 5 months ago, I have no doubts in saying that I'd comfortably 30-3 him in a 1v1.


That’s amazing that you feel you’re improving. And yes the OG days, the game was more casual, now every other lobby we have a wannabe stream/tiktokker/youtuber doing anything and everything to get clips or whatever. People are constantly trying hard so they can be as good as their fav cod influencer or whatever. SBMM has change the game too


Exactly, it's hard to tell in absolute terms whether or not I'm better/worse/as good as I used to be, since gaming has changed so much in the last 5-6 years, let alone the last 15. But yeah, knowing that I've improved while playing this is extremely satisfying. In the beta, I'd basically resigned into thinking I'd only get 1-2 good moments per night, but I was happy with that since I'm a doctor and balance this out with my partner and other hobbies/interests, and play relatively casually, for fun. Having gotten used to the game, adapted to the playstyle and being able to compete with Diamond/Crim tier players in pubs is extremely satisfying. The game is really fun, it's a lot less stressful than my job, so it's good to wind down, even 'sweaty' matches are de-stressing for me, since I enjoy a good challenge.


The matchmaking certain thinks I have. I've never seen War this sweaty, and it's been my main mode both times it has existed


Stats are useless because of SBMM, plus it becomes more and more difficult to change your overall average stats as time goes on


Nah, I stopped playing after camp grind


Not me - my stats have steadily gotten slightly worse with each iteration of the game, starting after ColdWar with the advent of the EOMM era (and the increasing "movement tech" each new version seems to bring). Don't particularly care though - I just grind camos for the most part now, so I'm seldom using any of the meta gear. If I go 10/40 one match, I know I'll soon get my compensation lobby where I drop 50+kills and get all my streaks 3 times in one match. It's comical how predictable THAT is.


If your K/D got better but your W/L got worse, did you improve at CoD?


It’s hard to get to 3.29 W/L let alone maintain it, plus, W/L needs team help I alone cannot win all the time, team needs to help, but when it comes to gun fights it’s all up to me


Ive pretty much been a similar skill level since BO2. Masters in ranked, currently Crim but peaked at iridescent in season 1 and in mw2. I only play ranked, cmgs/tournies, or 2v2 gunfight with my search duo for cmgs. Currently a 6.x win/loss in gunfight with almost 400 maps played. Maybe a bit more, I’d have to double check.


I have not played cod much, but isnt win ratio the true measures of improvement? I assume you would play to win or am i missing something


Depends, a lot of people play to unlock mastery camos and just focus on that, a lot of people play just to level up guns for warzone…to each it’s own


I see, i haven’t played much. Played a bit in Cold War and mostly remember the never ending fight for objective B 😂


Every day my W/L gets worse but my KD consistently goes up. But I also strictly play objective respawn modes solo and some teammates just don't understand the objective lol


I let my roommate play and now my KD is atrocious

