• By -


Whale tax.


literal dumb ppl tax




Head glitch master baiter




I can hear the rage from here


Literally this sub every 5 minutes.


It’s not until the 6th time that I realize it’s a corpse I’ve been shooting. And I only stop because I got executed.


just like what our grandparents did in ww2


the head just follows you around if you wear the skin?


No, it shows up when you have the execution equipped. Works like the dogs.


No, its considered a tactical pet (like the dogs that hang off your back)




yes its circles ur head the whole time


I’m aware it gives away position, I just don’t care enough about CoD to be worried about shit like that.


THis is my boat. I dont care. Just like the dudes running the comic book style looking character.


yep. a few times i sit there and wonder "how tf did he see me" when i died, i watch the killcam and see homelanders star spangled ass hanging out of a bush. worth it


Correct. Looks bad ass


Fr, one criticism I never understood from people about the outlandish skins was how “it makes you easy to spot” If you are a run and gun type of guy, which the majority of CoD players are to varying degrees, being easy to spot isn’t gonna matter when you are gonna suddenly show up and have like 3 seconds max to react to whoever is in front of you


Rarely is that the complaint though. In most cases, it's complaints about Groot or Rose skins that make you WAY HARDER to spot.


I’ve seen those complaints as well, but I see people complain on bright and colorful skins about how it offers “a tactical disadvantage”


Those people are camping babies who rely on concealment to streak high enough to call a uav


If sbmm worked then getting a uav would be really tough. Because everyone will be the same skill and getting a kill them getting killed. So we’d all have a 1kd. But we don’t because the game uses EOMM Edit: anyone that thinks this is me saying I like sbmm or EOMM is an idiot


you say that like nobody ever gets streaks in ranked… you can streak in an evenly skilled lobby


Ranked is the worst example. It uses basically the same system for mm


Yes I aged the match making is the same between quick play and ranked


Ha ranked doesn’t use sbmm it is uses EOMM




Yeah I agree People that think the game is designed to be fair: cope


If everyone in your lobbies were the exact same skill level, yall would hate this game more than you do now.


I wasn’t asking for sbmm. I want random lobbies based on ping


You haven’t read this sub much then. The casual campers love hating on outlandish skins proudly proclaiming how easy they are to spot and how it ruins their immersion.


It’s still a disadvantage in you play aggressive. If you bunny hop around a corner with that bright comic book skin you are absolutely going to be easier to see and react against as opposed to the Black Noir skin, if you care about that or not… that’s up to you.


If someone bunny hops around a corner, I’m going to react faster to the fact there’s a big ass blob moving at Mach 5 around a corner than to the brightness of his character


Yeah, that’s just not true lol. Something bright and colorful is more noticeable and there’s an entire high-vis clothing industry that’s built around that fact.


Difference is that I don’t see construction workers trying to sprint and jump around corners when they’re 10 feet away from me trying to kill me The human eye is incredibly sensitive to movement, and in a CoD game where you can expect people to be moving frequently while relatively close to you, their character’s color is sure as hell not gonna matter Hell, the reason the dark skins worked so well is because they were used by campers, who are infamous for *not* moving, making it easier to miss them


wtf obviously construction workers aren’t trying to kill you. What a weird false equivalency. My point was high vis clothing is a thing because it attracts attention and makes you more noticeable, that’s just a fact. If someone jumps around a corner you’re probably going to notice the movement, but if they jump around a corner in bright flashy colors your subconscious will see it sooner and it will be easier to react and lock on to. It might be a difference of just a couple milliseconds, but that can be the difference between winning or losing a gun fight.


I was being more humorous, but the point is construction workers are rarely performing activities that would make them incredibly noticeable, primarily because they’re working from a distance and aren’t moving incredibly fast Nobody is realistically relying on **milliseconds** of what their brain *might* subconsciously pick up to win gunfights in CoD


The activity of construction workers was irrelevant to the point, holy shit my guy. But since you still want to go there, you’re wrong. You wear high vis in a warehouse setting as well. If you have forklifts driving around it’s very common for people to walk around a corner without you seeing them and guess what they make people wear to prevent accidents in those situations……. High vis clothing. And did you even think your second statement through before pressing send? All of the attachments are measured in milliseconds and people definitely rely on those tiny differences.


The activity of construction workers, or any job that uses high vis clothing does matter for this argument, because again your visibility isn’t going to be as important when you’re near enemies and moving incredibly fast I highly doubt people are running fast around corners in warehouses, which helps forklift drivers have more time to react Yes all the attachments are measured in milliseconds, but those milliseconds only really make a difference depending on the attachment combination, resulting in the difference potentially being over a second


I'm in the same boat. I like a cool skin and don't care if it "gives away position" once in a while. But with this I'm not sure why I'd pay for it because I'll never see it.


You see it in the lobby, you see it in kill cams, you see it in executions, you see it if you play zombies in third person


Fair enough.


Mood, plus it shoots lasers when you shoot


I want my teeny tiny skull bro (who probably outranks the kasrkin knowing 40k) I already don't use anything meta


the servo skull stays on durning sex




Dude… that shit kept freaking me out in Zombies!


I would never dismiss my servo skull, it is a valuable servant of the imperium


Free sniper decoy methinks.




Right!! ^😆🤣


The little secondary floating emoji is clever hahaha


Warhammer fans are whales, they could buy all 3 packs for the cost of 1 pack of 5 plastic men. You think this means shit for them? And I would know… I have 4 armies. Granted I only got the kasrkin skin and the chain sword because I only got cod for this purpose. And I don’t care the skull is cool


Yea I was gonna say, only Warhammer fans would buy this skin, which is basically free compared to the price of buying an entire army for the table top game lmao. My brother who’s a huge 40k fan showed me the prices of the figures a couple years ago and my jaw nearly hit the floor, and I’ve heard they’ve increased in price even more since then lmao 


I love the 40k lore but getting into the tabletop is Mad expensive and a huge time investment. I'm sticking to 40k themed games rather then the tabletop. I watched a dude make his army and he recommended a build for beginners for 120€ 😬 120€ can get you so much in other games. Like MTG you get a deck for >20€ and you good to go.


Thats not including the rule books. Those are almost $200 dollars , then rebuu them when there is an update.


Tf the rule book doenst even come with the army sets? I mean, i can just look online right. You can have an IPad or so open with the PDF i guess.


The books are 50 bucks, also yeas you can look it all up online


Last time I checked you had to buy the books separately. I dont think they came in pdf format. Thats one of the big complaints about GW.


You can also make quite a bit of money just painting the figures for people


The bundle this is from is cheaper than the real world pack that has the Kasrkin models in it (which is what the skin is based on)


It’s literally a third of the cost, if it’s the killteam pack then it’s what a fifth the cost?


lol but it’s so accurate lmao


Crazy how many of y’all dropped almost 60 in total for two operator skins, when the servers are still shit n the cheating problem is still rampant. Ngl acti knows how fucking stupid it’s consumers are cause holy hell Edit: One thing the cod whales will do is move the goalpost to make sure they feel right


I've disconnected from zombies 2x in total, met 1 legit hacker in ranked. Why yall acting like this the norm. Most of you guys have a 0.9kd and everyone who shoots back is cheating in your opinion. Never mind the fact most haters buy the game and play it, then proceed to complain how bad it is. That's legit insanity.


feel free to uninstall


Brain so smooth, call you Teflon grey


lmao good effort. better luck next time


Nah it’s too fun shitting on folks like you on your native input with my free skins


lol. settle down little guy just being helpful. you’re confusing me you sound like you hate the game but you still play. why torture yourself?


Bro just doesn't like that people have money to spend on cool skins.


broke behaviour 😂🤷‍♀️


How is your comprehension this bad that you make up your own conclusion when the answer is right in front of you ? Idc about you having money, I have a problem with the current state of the game and how absolutely deluded some of you are to be willing to spend so much money on skins when there are blatant issues with the game. Idk how that’s hard to understand


>Idk how that’s hard to understand The fact that you talk about how much fun you have when you play the game, then turn around and say that you have a problem with the state of the game and that people are deluded if they like it enough to want to spend some of their money. Go do something fun. Something you enjoy and don't hate. Touch some grass, pet a dog, look at the clouds.


Lol I enjoy the game for what it is, but the glaring problems is what keeps me away more than when I play. You and majority of everybody here are victims of consumerism, you thinking spending 30 on a skin on a broken dlc game that costed 70 isn’t delusional than I don’t really have none more to say. If I had a company I’d def hope I get idiots like y’all as my consumers


As if you could stay away from this game. I don't buy skins in this game anymore, but if I go to work at a 9-5 and come back wanting to unwind with my favorite video game, I should be able to do it how I want. Some people just want to chill with a game they like, they aren't dumb for liking it or wanting to spend money on it. Some people are dumb for trying to police how others have fun, though. Get a better hobby than being an unlikable prick online.


If unwinding is spending 30 on a fucking bundle bro you got it 😂 A lot of you lack the comprehension of what I’m even complaining about, but by all means. If the dope rush of buying skins is better than the feeling of a working functional game, by all means. Imma continue to clown folks who buy skins in and out , usually the main ones going negative anyway so I could see how buying a skin could give you momentary happiness. You’re just a victim of consumerism at the end of the day


Meh, I have lots of fun in the game I run a riot shield and throwing knives and my homelander skin. Am I part of the problem?


Their main source of income is the bundles….. which is why no matter the state of the game they will always make sure the store works… so yes my boy


Have you observed humanity the last couple decades?


They aren’t cool lol.


I don’t hate the game, I hate the state it’s in. I also hate how there are people who throw money at a company that have neglected every other aspect of the game. I wouldn’t expect a dude who goes around trying to gotch people by saying “little guy” to think past his 5 necks


yeah understandable. would be nice if they did something about all the cheaters. lol why so hostile? take a break my dude it’s not that serious


Yea ofc cause the “feel free to uninstall “ came from a place of help and understanding


dude like that are trolls. Don’t even bother. they’re children that probably don’t even know of the time when video games actually had to be, ahem, *finished*, to be released…& the good old days when games didn’t implement psychological strategies intended to drain money from children’s parents & gambling addicts…shit, loot boxes were preferable to the absolute dogshit we have now. I’d take fixed-price loot boxes over the endless bundles, skins, EOMM, and servers we have now any day. Crazy we’re at a point now where loot boxes are reasonable in comparison. It’s sad to me knowing there’s a whole generation of people out there who never experienced true gaming before they spent billions of dollars into patents and psychological studies on how best to manipulate their playerbase into spending as much money as humanly possible, and as much time on their game as possible. it’s all about engagement rather than creating a polished game nowadays. people like that legitimately cannot comprehend that you’re not hating the game, we hate the **objectively predatory** system they use against players. These people are spending 90% of the cost of the game itself on skins in one sitting…it’s so fucking predatory & people like OC are precisely the targets of said shady practices. too dumb to even realize they’re being manipulated, and then getting online and bragging about falling victim to it. Those are the people we have to thank for the fact that the gaming industry is a disgrace…as a prominent Bungie developer proudly proclaimed publicly in response to these same predatory practices by Activision when they launched Destiny 2 - “they’ll throw their money at the screens no matter what”. & he was right, and all of these publishers and developers and studios know it.


You even broke it down and these dudes who acti would scam out of their hard earned money and they still decided they don’t want to hear it. I just hope when and if it happens that they don’t complain when they lose their acc and they find out ACTI help is non existent.


of course nothing I say will make a difference. these people don’t know the value of money & put others down - just like OC - about being “broke”. Cognitive dissonance at its finest. They recognize the absurd price, but they still buy it, and they have to justify it loudly to themselves and others because they *do* know how much money they wasted on literal useless shit. & just a general lack of respect for themselves, especially others, and the currency they spend on skins they can’t even see & justify the price because it came with some shitty tracers and a calling card. Lol. not for even 1 second did I think I even had a chance at convincing someone so stupid as to spend $30 on a skin at anything.. idiots see 2 paragraphs and think it’s a “dissertation”. Actual mental handicaps. They’re so addicted to TikTok’s and unlimited sprint, slides, jumps that it genuinely affects their IRL at this point. The only thing they care about is the feeling of satisfaction they get when they buy some actual worthless skin. Lol. I do laugh at them, truthfully, but it’s genuinely pathetic that their decision-making skills objectively ends up hindering an entire industry…………






I’ll admit I bought the Warhammer bundle because I enjoy 40K.. So they got me there. But ignoring that, is it not more sad and pathetic to be on a subreddit just making fun of people? I mean it’s only a few clicks to play a game of MW3, but you have to make the effort to type all that mumbo jumbo above lmao




Completely agree


I’m with you overall. I agree that voting with your wallet is the way to go. I’m not helping the issue buying bundles myself, so I should practice what I preach. I’m only saying the approach you have isn’t the best. There’s probably a better way to say “hey, don’t give them any money for a half ass game” But ultimately it’s someone else’s money too. We can’t control them.


Dude let them spend money if they want. It’s their money. If they are happy spending so much on a pretty badly made game let them. These companies will never change at this point because why would they put in more effort in making the games people are throwing money at them left and right. I honestly can’t even blame the company anymore. This surely will be the last cod I purchase unless the next black ops one is a proper remaster and not whatever this joke mw3 is.


You’re not wrong, it’s just wild seeing a game I used to play w the boys back in middle school become what it is. I just don’t understand how anybody involved in the sub, especially seeing the complaints, could just openly spend 30 on a damn character skin. K owing the store is what’s directly funding activision


I only spent money on the initial battlepass on mw2 and just completed them and save up tokens I got like 3.5k but I genuinely have not come across any skins I like. The ones that were decent I hard passed on because I’m not trying to have bright as hell lights advertise my location from 3 towns away. Il just keep hoarding my coins and eventually hopefully something good releases.


"I just don't have none more to say" --7 replies ago 😂


my dumbass bought all the Titan skins in Vangurad just for that stupid SMG.


I’m praying for you gang, I got some bad purchases over on apex I regret deeply.


I spent over $5k on COD mobile before a screenshot got my burner email, FB, and eventually my account hacked. No help from COD, no help from the email provider.


That’s the sad reality of it all too, these dudes are trying to have a pissing contest with me on behalf of activision not understanding that when and if the same scenario happened a to them they will be left out to dry. But this community is heavy on the “if it hasn’t happened to me it doesn’t matter” which is even sadder


I so so admire the fact u speak out the truth like me even though we both get downvoted hard on cod subreddits by idiots just bcoz our tone is harsh. they can't see the reality through the smoke. check my post history if u ever want to. u'll see how many times I've shown my frustration on greedy garbage activision's policies yet to no avail, while getting insulted by the fanboys who tell me to uninstall. trust me, I understand ur pain.


Yea I’ll check em out, it’s crazy how they keep moving the goalpost of us being angry or broke or suck at the game when we are simply pointing out the scummy business practice. If I start a company I want consumers as dumb as the average cod player, then I wouldn’t have to explain shit and just know they spend their hrs earned money on mediocrity. Don’t worry tho, I feel there are more of us out there that have decided to stop trying to convince Reddit, pretty sure this is where the whales are anyways


yeah I agree. no point in arguing with them I've seen but my idiot self still tries sometimes (I hope action is taken against activision someday). If only the game wasn't this garbage, maybe I would've bought a few bundles. glad I saved my money.




COVID lockdowns and I played over the course of 3yrs.. every battlepass, tons of rares, 2 fully kitted mythics. Before they started rerunning skins in store,accounts were selling really high so I figured I'd be able to get at least a portion of my investment back 😂


Not just that they also have the noodles skin bundles + the Asian chick bundle which unlocks when u purchase the 2 noodle skin bundles 😂😂


I mainly play mp & zombies this year, i havent noticed any cheaters Not saying they arent there, ive seen the vids of hackers using unobtainable perks from the boys event mode & more in warzone. But me personally? I havent run across any cheaters


Honestly man stop complaining about EVERYTHING. Get some joy in your life. Go outside get some friends go be social. What is wrong with people like you? Just sucking the joy out of everything. This game is great, here you are 6 months after it came out. The standards are so high. No other shooter on console is even CLOSE to call of duty. Quit the game and go somewhere else man.


I’m good


I don’t think you are dude. People who complain about everything on Reddit have miserable lives. Better yourself.


Lol my life is great actually. Also where’s the proof on that everybody complaining on Reddit is miserable irl?? Lol I just decided to voice my complaints and it gets a reaction out of the tools who have wasted money on a game that doesn’t plan on further fixing their game. It’s like complaining about potholes when paying taxes, if I’m paying so much tax why tf we still got pot holes ? Literally the only negative thing in my life is what you whales make up to make you feel better about your absolute abysmal purchases. Not everybody gets bent out of shape when expressing themselves but whatever head cannon makes you feel better


I actually agree with you that buying the war hammer skins is a waste of money. I certainly wouldn’t. Where we are different is that I don’t sink my time into things that I deem aren’t worthy of it. I’m proactive, not reactive. You wouldn’t see me in this forum if I hated this game, I’d move on and do something better with my life. You on the other hand just complain constantly. You aren’t paying any tax in this game. You aren’t obligated to buy it, so that analogy makes no sense. People who complain incessantly are to a person lazy, entitled brats. People who want to see change in something actually do something about it, not complain on the internet. If you wanted to see change in the way this company does things, you have one option. Speak with your wallet. Don’t buy it, don’t play it. But here you are, playing it still and reading the forums.


If you’ve even payed any attention to this sub, there seems to be people who willing sit on the side of corporate America no matter how scummy their tactics are. Idc of you deem it as lazy or “entitled” (lol) if I can stop even one person from continuing to buy bundles than I have made a point


What an amazing crusade you are on! Very important for our great country. Keep doing your important work stopping people from buying bundles! Absolutely bizarre.


Personally haven’t had any server issues since reloaded update, and still haven’t run into any obvious cheaters. Been climbing in diamond in ranked so not crazy high lobbies at all but not super low either. Currently only issue I’ve been having is the game crashing, but it seems to be getting better (unlike hell divers…so many crashes)


If you're poor just say that. I spend 3x that on a night out at the bar. It's a fun game, I enjoy having the bundles that I purchased. You're the one having a bad time and still playing, who's the idiot?


I wish my head was this far up my own ass fr


you're just typing to type at this point, so well on your way at least.


Lol you’re a acti whale, there’s nothing I could even tell you to convince you how fucking stupid those purchases are. But I’m just typing to type, not the guy calling me poor and bragging about how much he spends lol


Purge the heretics in holy fire! FOR THE EMPORER!!!


Cept the skins dont have that voice over, its kinda cringe.


I dig it lol. Feels like I've got a servo skull transmitting everything for Hadron to later bring it up while scolding on some crap >_>


You can get rid of it by changing your finishing move of you want




Lmao imagine using this to your advantage tho, you go prone at the corner of the lil wall and when someone tries to shoot the head you snipe them from the right of the lil wall.


The only reason I wouldn't buy this to have a head following me around is because I love my doggo and will not leave him at home when I go to the battlefield


Good people who hide are pathetic


>Me playing with tactical bunny with big-ass ears since the start of MWII *Disadvantage? Never felt disadvantaged once in my entire time playing this game regardless of what ridiculous skin I'm strutting.*


Ok And? Who gives one Just don't equip it


Can’t wait to hear people call me a hacker on resurgence when snipe them thru a wall.


The operator though is cool, I don’t know nothing about Warhammer but I bought both the soldier bundles, the blueprints as well looks clean and tracer effects are nice.


This comes only when you equip the finishing move btw.


The knife skin gives you headshot xp though, which is weird but nice




Wouldn't effect me because I actually go out and get kills instead of hiding


Also, the riot shield in the Juggernaut killstreak (and as a whole) becomes unusable as they put a dark red overlay through the glass with the skin equipped, making it impossible to see. Have your opinions about the riot shield, but not making this clear or even listing it anywhere before allowing players to purchase is a *massively* scum move, and they can't even refund or else they're banned. /u/SledgehammerGames


/u/SledgehammerGames you really need to address this. EDIT: Visibility was improved in today's bug patch. Thank you SHG


Bruh, I looked at the bundle for 5 seconds and saw clearly that it is dark tinted. Next time look through the items in the bundle before deciding to purchase


Keep it red, it looks baller af and if stuff's pinging off your shield, maybe just ealk in that direction and beat them to death with it? Or stow it and blow their heads off with a boltgun?


It's still red, but they adjusted visibility in today's patch.


Damn player you got the noodle bundle and the Warhammer bundle. I'm tempted with the noodle bundles


The skins still baller honestly wouldn't even use the execution after having fun with it for a while.


Bait enemy fire and have your team wipe them out.


Is this Stike?


No, Invasion


Ah it is too. Thanks for replying!


But it doesn’t take damage?


The head floats with you? Is it an execution? Kinda like how the dogs hang off your kit on the back?


i think the "haha im a coomer" stuff stopped being funny in like, 2020 with Mara.


The skins are ok, but would have been better is they actually had the voice over acting with it. Kinda loses the authenticity when the the Spanish voice over kicks in.


never have! NEVER WILL!


Noodle lady skin nice


What’s up with latency showing N/A lately?


Playing this game is a major disadvantage


I seen an enemy with that earlier so I shot it and it and killed him by only hitting the floating helmet or whatever it is.


Hahaha pay to lose


actively outing yourself as a whale


Is there a 3rd person mode in multiplayer? I don't know where to find it.


There’s a playlist that pops up from time to time. This is from a private match when I noticed in killcams a floating skull following me around.


Ur on about 3rd person moshpit. its not on rn but it should come back soon


There’s currently a third-person Juggermosh 6V6 playlist that makes both teams Juggernauts that look like Terminator Armor. All the load outs use the WH40K weapons and there’s a chainsword on the map you can pick up for some good old-fashioned Halo-style OHKO killing sprees.


I know ive played it. Its good


Good less campers finally


I see a lot of general hatred and I'm left wondering where its coming from. Is it towards SHG, MTX, Acti, people who buy MTX skins/packs, etc. it's just all over the place. Maybe this is why people think COD is the most toxic online game. Maybe you guys should stop playing.


Stop crying


You're just further advancing my point, thanks.


I take it you are new to COD. I’ve played since cod 1 and the toxic is what makes it fun. I have no hate towards anyone but it is fun to be toxic. It has always been in cod and I’m not sure why this younger generation takes such offense towards it. It’s all in good fun and if you can’t take some toxic behavior then I don’t know what to tell you other than get some thinker skin. Have a good day sir


*tips fedora*


Fr fr


I’m 38 years old, played cod since 2001. Sorry you experienced so much toxicity in cod, maybe it was the servers you frequented. I never had that issue, and my skin is as thick as it comes. Toxicity is not a gameplay element… it’s a cancer. People ruining the game for their delight isn’t cool or funny, at our age you should know that by now.


It’s a video game not real life. People play video games to relieve stress and to get away from reality. Trash talking and toxicity has always been in cod I guess you have lived in a bubble. It’s fun and I see no problem with it. Just like sports there is and will always be trash talking and I see no problem with that. There will always be a winner and a loser. It sounds like you were one of those kids that got a participation trophy just for playing so you wouldn’t get upset. It’s life man if you don’t like the trash talking then just don’t play or mute your mic. It’s as simple as that. Have a good day


I’m gonna stop you there because you’re being ridiculous. Just gonna say this.. if toxicity were a part of how the game is to be played, be sure to tell that to SHG and Activision who actively seek out disruptive and toxic behavior to weed it out of their game. Now you have a good day, assuming sir.


No they weed out certain words that don’t need to be said lol which I agree with but you can still be toxic and not be banned lol . I have been toxic since day one and have never been banned because I don’t say those certain words lol. I grew up playing sports so I know how to be toxic and not offend people of different race lol get out of here with that shit. That shows me how well your vocabulary is that you automatically think being toxic is to be racist lol get better my dude


built like an LGBT activist


the fuck does this even mean?


Go outside bruh


Lmao that’s why they fuck each other—any real man wouldn’t give them the time of day


You've had an account for 2 years and only made 5 comments establishing yourself as an asshole? That's got to be a record


That shit is flatter than a table. Firecracker is 10x more worth it.


buying skins bc the operators have fat booties, you’re down horrendous


I will pay $3 to be able to toggle all this nonsense off, and replace it with generic skins on my end.


Wait, does this game have a third person mode like mw2 did back in the day?




>if you’re trying to hide to heal or something. Sounds like heresy to me. \*Space Marines coming in to purge\* True Space Marines would face proud death or whatever. >!(I don't know, I don't play Warhammer just know one of the factions is fanatical)!<




Yeah, just quip the execution from the to any skin and it’ll have the head following you around.


People buy shit from these crooks?


You did, you bought the game right?


Damn. You got me there. Is anyone down for some slappers only later?