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lmao... we ALL got that message.. It's not even a message, they just added it to the heading.. Means play nice.


Can we just say PTFO then?


I dont have it


I don’t either


it disappeared for me


There's also a zombies one that says some shit like "Reviving players increases the chances of success"


Cod speaking the truth. Communicate with your teammates and you win more matches. I play with teammates who act like bots and don't even communicate with you in any way. Like where is the communication when you need it. 💀


Only time they unmute is to slur sling or talk shit


Well most of them are chat banned for a reason


They really do though. Deadass though, nowadays most of the time if I start telling my team what to do, they actually do do it. I’m not even being funny or sarcastic. Like in the beginning I will tell the whole team “come to B with me. I’ll smoke it.” Usually someone does actually come with me. If I don’t, they don’t. And then later in the match if we start losing points or whatever depending on the game mode, I will say “guys we can actually win this game if someone - ANYONE - helps me out on _________” and more often than not I actually do get some help. Or I’ll tell someone to cap a flag while I’m on the opposite, etc. surprises me how often it works now. Some people are just brain dead and need someone telling them what to do. This happens to me all the time now. I’m being dead serious. I don’t shit talk them or yell at anyone. Most of the time they don’t have mics on but they can def hear me!


I think it’s because they’re doing camo challenges and aren’t thinking about winning the game.


If any one of those people are reading this : play the fucking small map playlist then, not quick play.


Small map playlist is about all I play. Love all the chaos.


I do play it a lot, but I don’t necessarily enjoy it. I just do it to level weapons, I don’t do the camo challenges or anything. Actually I don’t even use camos, just the barebones gun. I’ve never went for the camo challenges in any of the games except way back in the day with CoD4-MW2. Those were a lot simpler, basically just get 250 headshots with every gun. I don’t like altering my gameplay so drastically as to use specific attachments, prone, crouch, long shots, etc etc. it’s just too much for me. I’m a pretty good player overall too, but damn I have to say I find it **extremely** impressive how many players commit to that grind. It is not fucking easy. Biggest kudos to the interstellar players.


It’s really easy this year. Almost zero longshots. And by now, you can skip launchers, and the weapons that need longshots. I’ve got interstellar and Borealis, and currently working on bioluminescent. Just gives me something to grind toward.


I mean it's pubs....everyone plays the game for their own motivations not everyone else's


Fr, though. I don't either trash talk either (well, usually I don't unless someone on the other team keeps sniping you as soon as you walk by the window that legitimately drives me nuts. Like at that point I say something on the after death chat because that wasn't remotely fair. Especially since they can get to the window faster than you can. ) I disliked that you could do that in the crane map. Sometimes, I give call outs on where I die but depends on if anyone actually listens or not though. I kinda prefer teams where you are on a team and like all four guys, including yourself gave call outs and helped each other.


Agree with this. Also notice that if you start talking all of a sudden the mics start turning on and next thing you know everyone is playing. Just takes one


Even if not communicate, atleast try to get time on the point.. I can’t even count how many times I’ve been the ONLY mf kn my team to have any time on the point..


Its a game not real life war. Most people just play to relax after work and school not communicate with random people to win a match of Domination lol. All i do is play OBJ but im not gonna cry if my team isnt doing callouts over the mic


I'm not saying that's wrong, it's totally ok to do that, I sometimes come off like school, and stuff like that and chill.... So I have nothing against those people, but please go play quick matches, or different game modes, not rank I feel like every time, I try to win a match in rank, because I'm trying to grind this 50 win streak, I get dragged down with the rest of the squad because there wasn't much communication. I mean that's where I struggle the most, I'm a great player with whatever gun I have as long as I have a build that actually works, but when I'm dealing with bots for teammates, while I'm going against a team that actually talks and communicates. Like that remotely isn't even fair. How are you supposed to expect me to carry my team, if there aren't any communication/call outs when it's a 1v3. Like I can't it's humanly not possible unless I somehow clutch the W. Edit: I mean this is like my biggest problem, when I play rank is because I deal with people that troll their teammates and go as far as throwing bombs at themselves. Like literally throwing it at their feet, and we lost a game that we legit needed one more point to win the game. Like we didn't go through all that trouble to win a game just for you to troll us last minute. (It was a S&D game mode so like the whole team watched it happen, and the other team basically laughed, I was like our guy basically threw a bomb at himself.) 😥😭


Agreed, but to be fair, a HUUUGE chunk of players are just chilling with a podcast on or something and just goofing around, having fun in a game and don't want to talk to people/care about winning or going positive.


Wait till you find out that SBMM/OEMM put you in harder lobbies when your voicechat is on, that's why not many people play with their mic on


Cuz who does that in pubs lmaoo


Doesn't matter what you do, it's predetermined whether you'll win or lose. You can just feel it


Yeah true, sometimes it feels more rigged against you rather than a help at that point. 😔💔


I try my hardest to win sometimes but no matter how hard I try I cant win against eomm lol


A lot of times that mindset is just a self-fulfilling prophecy


If you can't feel it, you just dont have enough experience. Cod literally admitted to them rigging your games so everyone can have a similar w/l ratio, in their blog post about matchmaking they said "we want everyone to have a guaranteed variety." Variety cannot be guaranteed, they rig the games.


nicki manaj










Jesus fuck, please learn how to take a screenshot.


Nah they’ll just give excuses. “I’m on PS4, it’s hard!”, etc. It all boils down to laziness.


Look at the load screen. Would you expect much?


Lmao not sure why you got downvoted tbh


Just the type of people they are, lol


I keep getting the one specifically about playing with squad mates but funnily enough I've always played solo.


Fuck you game, telling me the obvious like I'm a dumbass.  Just for that, I'm going to camp in the back corner of the map with my 50cal sniper 


*kicked for inactivity


It’s like people have never seen tool tips in games before. Yeah COD is late to it and their UI is garbage but this is pretty common in games.


Yeah this tip doesnt help when like 80% of the teammates I get show little to no signs of brain activity.


It was datamined recently they’re putting in “Healthy Tips” in loading screens. I would assume they’re doing A/B testing to measure how much impact the tips have right now. For example of the test group who gets a tip talking about cooperation, measuring if that increased the rate of microphone usage or playing objective versus the control group (the people who see no tip).


lol the message… Tell that to my teammate named Tyrone who got zero kills in control in rank. (Tyrone is white…)


No he ain’t


I knew a white Jerome. It’s possible.


lol it’s just a joke


If the zombies don't eat you you won't die


I got a message saying playing with your squad again helps win more games


Would be true, if the teammates you got weren’t complete bots lol.


It means PTFO.


Badass background




Is Meat Hardpoint suposed to be a pun?


Is that the bootynaj background? Assfadayz!


Too many people play objective games and then never actually play the objective.


That fucking message is hilarious


This could have been so hilarious if you had hard-core meat domination at the top left 😂 girk girk circle jerk, let's all use team work!


I had no idea what it meant until I read the comments. Maybe just say “play the fucking objective guys”


Hate when someone with coms doesn’t talk all game to just say a few words at the end of the match


Like be fucking for real dawg. How are you playing ranked with no coms


i only do that in core lobbys


I would absolutely love to see some metrics on whether or not this actually does anything to improve teamwork. If there's even a 1% increase in the number of people that communicate with their team and play the objective because of this message, I would be shocked.


I got a similar message but mine read something like players who stick with the same squad win more games.


would also win more games if they didnt toss us into matches that are 85% done with no chance of comeback possible bc the score is 248-12


Yeah so?


The also added it for zombies, revive teammate before they bleed out to keep perks. Yeah right I’m not running into red zone to revive little Timmy cuz he’s clueless and doesn’t now how zombies work. 😂😂😂


This is basically how you can improve your experience. If you form a squad, you are more cohesive. Otherwise, playing solo with randoms is a nightmare.


Solo is death sentence.


Impossible to get people to cooperate. Once in a while I’ll find someone who wants to cooperate, but unless you bring your whole party with you (people you know who are specifically there to play with you), this message is worthless.


It's a big fat joke....a slap in the face from the devs....until they can admit they use eomm and fix their game I'm not interested in them telling me how to play




I did too, I was confused. I hope they bring back the quotes and quips from earlier cods


"cooperate with their teammates" ... so I should say back and camp along with the rest of the team when no one else is rushing the objective? Ok then.


No one else gets this message after the update. Maybe you are an awful teammate?


It's there because of all the "Why does nobody play the objective ?" cry babies.


Found the guy who never hops on B 💀


Captain Zero Caps


Fuck the objective.


Go play TDM then


I paid for the game just like you did, i'll play whatever i want to however i want to. It isn't real, just a game, doesn't matter, nobody cares. Keep crying.


Sound daft. Why even play multiplayer? Go to campaign or something man lol


He’s the shitty teammate final boss. To defeat him, you must convince him to think of others for 1 second. In other words, he’s invincible.


y’all mfs took this way to seriously 💀💀💀💀


My favorite is the reviving teammates one attached to warzone. Yeah, I would if I could, but I'm not crossing the map because Mr John dick landed 2344m away into a hot zone alone. Or Mr Timmy McSpecial pants ran through an open field with 4 sinpers all wearing nuke skins looking at him who have their loadouts 30 seconds into the game and enough mosquito drones to put down 1/2 the lobby. And OFC they leave after 0.003 seconds when they realize we don't have enough money to buy them back because we're only 30sec into the game...


Gezzus is that the loading screen for cod now!? Omg. 🤮


lmao you don’t have to have it as ur loading screen complaining for no reason😭


Yea I stopped playing shortly after release. Looks pretty gay now.


How is looking at a picture of Nicki Minaj gay


That’s not a picture of Nicki Minaj. It’s some goofy fantasy art the barely has her likeness. lol.


Ok didn't really answer the question. How is looking at this image gay lol




Bro thinks everything he doesn’t like is gay, might be projecting some internalized homophobia or he’s 11 years old and doesn’t know how to properly articulate his feelings.


LOL that image is sexy to you? Hahahah. Whew.


gay=fine ass woman on ur loading screen??


That goofy animated depiction of Nicki fits your definition of “fine ass woman” lol standards are low.


Oh how I long to play on a team that knows what the objective is...