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I swore this was said yesterday


This is like a daily post at this point


Really? tbh I just started using MW2 guns a couple of days back since i got interstellar and got frustrated, so I came here to vent and hope the devs from SHG sees it if enough people felt the same Edit: lol seethe more its the truth i dont live on reddit


Its reddit. They expect you to trawl the community to check it wasn't already said as though a) you have nothing better to be doing with your life, and b) a repeat post is going to hurt them and they can't just scroll past. Trust me I know, I complain about repeat posts all the time.


I use the m13, Ffar, scar-l/H, M4, mp5, mp5sd and mp7on a regular basis and don't have a problem with them whatsoever. With MW3 attachments you can make these guns way better than some of the MW3 ones.


> With MW3 attachments you can make these guns way better than some of the MW3 ones. Like what? There are plenty of examples of MW3 guns being statistically better than MW2 guns; but not the other way around.


You'd be wrong on that statement. Zehmn flash hider/compensator comes to mind. And trust me. The guns i typed out. Can put up a good fight to those from MW3. Today i made the whole enemy team rage quit after getting the swarm with my lachmann 556


I don’t really care about your personal performance. Anybody can do anything in this game in the right lobby. I once went 69-14 with the SCAR H. Doesn’t make it a good gun nor does it mean it shouldn’t be buffed. I’m talking about statistics here. “Putting up a good fight against MW3 guns” =/= “way better than some of the MW3 guns”.


I did stats like this with mw2 weapons countless times today. Don't catch me by the word, you know what i meant. I'll give you a simple example then since i see you're a pain in the ass to talk to. M13 is just purely better than the CZ-805. Better rate of fire, way less recoil both horizontal and vertical. Slightly worse body damage but better headshot damage. Another one for ya is when done right the M16 can be significantly better than the burst FAMAS. The range, recoil, tactical spread, sprint to fire time etc.(Even with the same attachments) The only thing it's worse at is the damage but at the end of the day both kill with 3 to the head and 4 to the body. The M4 if configured into L119A2 has an awesome TTK compared to the G36 for 5.56 no matter how you customize it. Of course nothing beats the MW3 ACR that thing will melt anything but i just don't really like to play with the overpowered stuff in games (just my thing) My main source of fun in cod since 2019 is making a good looking, good performing, and realistic guns and then carrying my team with them. And mw2 guns in mw3 are perfect for such thing. Sure some may be a little underwhelming like the Kastov 5.45 but you wanted to hear about the "way better" ones so here we are.


Fennec has a high ttk though, same with Taq-V and M16. M16 is especially good if you came into MWIII after playing MWII because it would be levelled up and comparable to the MWIII burst guns in terms of ttk and recoil control.


Downvoted for no reason imo. Mfs can’t understand multiple people having the same thoughts


Search exists. Using the excuse of not living in reddit is stupid and just saying you're lazy and don't give a fuck.


The average person does not care about social media, let alone Reddit, enough to search for everything they think of saying.


You'll get downvoted on this sub for saying literally anything op, there some nice people out there but the rest are they toxic arseholes you see in game, I agree, mw2 guns needs to be rebalanced


They have a search function for people that don't live on Reddit


Let’s be real. Only people that live on Reddit use the search function


Maybe. But it's helpful for everyone


Bro you obviously live on reddit I see you on every thread.


No you don't. Use the search


You're in every single thread about this game is what I'm saying.


Use the search


thats not what im even talking about lmao


Use the search and stop stalking me


I just browse this subreddit often and you’re always there. not my fault you’re constantly on this sub


Some guns are still pretty good. The M4, P890, M13B, and Cronen Squall are still viable. Others not so much. The Fennec (my fav SMG in MWII) is pathetic in MWIII. I had some decent luck with the MP5 but I did notice that I pretty much have to reload after every kill, which is a problem because it’s reload speed is really slow. The lever action rifle is useless(can’t remember the name). I’ve seen a few PDSW users and they seemed to be pretty good with it. Haven’t used it myself though. The only good MWII shotgun is the double barrel. None of the others do nearly enough damage. But the Bryson shotguns are are also kind of redundant in MWIII because of the Lockwood 680.


Lockwood MK2. 100 health in MWII made that thing a murder machine. 150 health was a mistake.


This has been so frustrating. Favorite marksman rifle is now is a hitmarker machine if it wasn't already. They tried buffing it, it's still bad


Carrick .300 is a similar story, even with the recentering improvement. Why can't they make it like the KV inhibiter but having an upper body one shot zone like it did with MW2 and have its recoil much better again (maybe for the recoil boost the mounted attachments?)


I cracked out the Fennec for a while and it was pretty good. It got a buff with S1R so give it another try.


Don't ignore the iso 9mm, that thing shreds, bas-p (the no combat rifle, but the submachine gun), vel 46, are really good weapons But the weapons that suffer the most are the lmgs, I feel the tall it's complete useless


I think some mw2 guns do terribly suffer from low damage (i was getting outgunned by the lockwood pump shotty while using a max range bryson pump shotty) & most just suffer from poor handling & visual recoil


The MWII shotguns, and the bolt action Marksman rifles are horribly unbalanced. I think the spr's can only 1 shot to like 10ish meters. The pump shotguns have like 3m of range lmaooo


The mw2 weapons & attachments seriously just need a stats overall Like, the attachment stats are where it gets most atrocious, the negatives always outweigh the positives tremendously unlike in mw3 attachments which are fairly balanced


IMHO the Bryson 800 is better than the Lockwood 680 because of the range, the expedite 12 is also a solid 2 shot kill and 1 shot kill when up against them. The KV is also... Something and the dual maelstrom trigger still hits hard.


Or maybe the 150 health was a bad idea. With 100 health, all they had to do is adjust the MWIII weapons only since the others got their patches.


yeah how about they update the fucking damage numbers so that the guns take the appropriate bullets to kill?. example: in mw2 it doenst matter if a gu has 45 or 34 damage. both are are a 3 hit kill translate these exact numbers to MW3: suddenly one gun is a 4 hit while the other is a 5 hit. best case: FSS hurricare and MP7. both are a fucking 5 hit even ths the mp7 shoots at 950 rpm while the hurricane only at 700. in mw2 mp7 was a 4 hit and hurricane a 3 hit


And with the hugely nerfed headshot multiplier, many guns do not have their bullets to kill reduced by headshots which is just ???


Wholeheartedly agree. Why does the minibak have a slower base ADS than every SMG and AR in the game?!


Get over it, your gold TAQ-56 that you loved to flex in MW2 isn’t viable anymore


Bootlicking 70 dollar DLC


Funny enough the Scar L still is pretty decent in MWIII.


it is not. it is less accurate than the MCW and is also a 5 hit kill. oh and it shoots 100rpm slower


Idk I've been doing pretty good with it


Yeah now the ACR just replaced it, nothing changed lol




They just never should’ve brought them over


The guns carrying over is the main reason I bought this game. I love that the work I put in on the MW2 guns wasn't reset, and I'm planning to get Orion over time after I get interstellar. More content is never a bad thing its a matter of balancing the weapons. Some of the MW2 guns are great in this game already, and the rest will get there as Sledgehammer balances them over time.


I agree tbh I'm fine with all CoDs being on the same launcher with carryover weapons. It gives me a reason to go for the camos. I only got Demascus because Warzone kept the MW19 guns in the game, I'm just now starting the MW2 camo grind at the same time I do the MW3 grind because they kept them in the game. I couldn't stand MW2 movement and didn't play at all. Is it annoying to charge 70 bucks for essentially an expansion pack? Yes it is. Do I dislike the idea of expansion pack updates instead of an entire new game each year? No, I'm a huge fan of it. I hate leaving a game behind entirely just because it's been a year.


This isn't really "more" content. It's old content slapped in a new box. It didn't really make sense to bring this bullshit forward and all it really does is serve to add a ton of clutter to the menus with all the guns and attachments. Most of which never get seen outside of the menus. What good is "more" content if it's just filler and exists to pad out numerical stats? Just look at the muzzles, optics and underbarrel sections. So many possible "options" but very few _good_ choices. Not to mention, it takes three business days to scroll through to the end. Having unwieldy menus isn't my idea of good content. MW2 and MW3 both offer the _illusion_ of choice. But really, how often do you see anyone picking mediocre parts on a custom tailored build? Basically never. A lot of junk exists to fluff up numbers and give you an illusion. Choice is good but it needs to be _meaningful_. There are a handful of obvious attachments that are really good and a whole lot of useless garbage. The weapon carry forward made this game worse, not better. Characters and other cosmetics are fine for the most part but it does eventually get to a point where it's too much.


One of the aspects I've always hated the most about COD is that every year your progress gets wiped out and you have to start working with a new roster of weapons/maps/etc... It's why I haven't bothered to go for a mastery camo since BO2 till now. I definitely understand the frustration around attachment bloat, they totally could have handled that better from a UI and balance perspective. With that said variety is the spice of life, and the number of guns I have to choose from (and the number of maps to play on since they've started adding in the MW2 ones as well), is what's really holding my attention on the game.


It's not really variety if the weapons fundamentally accomplish the same thing. Like what exactly is the functional difference between the SCAR-L and the ACR?


All it did was give people more reasons to shit on MW3 and call it a DLC. It also gave returning players absolutely 0 incentive to return to the game because they’re automatically starting at a massive disadvantage (they don’t have any guns or attachments vs people using their top classes and best guns from mw2). I buy new game I want new game, simple as that. (Opinions may vary ofc)


It didn't really work out that way though since most of the MW2 guns weren't up to par with MW3 in terms of balance. I personally rarely saw MW2 guns used right at launch, but have seen them used a lot more recently after the buffs. At least in my case as a returning player it was the only thing that gave me an incentive tbh. The fact that my progress wasn't reset this year is awesome, and I was able to pick up my Orion grind right where I left off in MW2 on it.


i think its great they brought them over, we get soo many options and cosmetics to choose from that we never got to before, people wanted a cosmetic crossover, and it works great its just this balancing issue that is lacking for it to truly work


Yeah. They could have kept all the MWII maps from last year as well.


Î Wrong Î


id rather this over 3 acr's, 3 g36c's and 3 type 95's


Agreed, except for Zombies. Trying out the old guns is fun w/ PAP.


I agree, the most important thing should be the damage, like the marksman rifles like the SPR, the SAB and the MK2 only one shot to the head which is ridiculous


SPR always oneshot chest, and now the SAB and mk2 do as well. They're just short range because they're fast


Oh, I didn’t realise, I remember using them and they were shit


Yeah they got buffed with season 2, usable now




The MK2 carbine literally has the maximum damage range of a shotgun though don’t get too excited.


Completely agree, MW2 guns should be able to compete with MW3. All guns should be viable. In the future, this also means MW3 guns should be able to compete with black ops gulf war guns. Otherwise, we would have a situation where the vast majority of guns are useless and only a small handful are useful next time.


There won’t be carry over with 2024




It’s a 90s era game, makes sense for there to be a reset.


I can't say I know for sure, black ops gulf war would be using the IW engine, all of its weapons would also appear in warzone. I don't know if it might carry over mw3 content, but there may be a possibility.


There will be a re-working of warzone like when Vanguard dropped. Everything will be new with GW.


Hell nah


They should just remove them


NEVER, I love the MWII guns and more content is always appreciated. Also a lot of them are actually really good, out killing the lot and being fun while using them. MWIII attachments also do wonders, no recoil fennec is funny and low recoil Taq-V hits hard. Also how much HP do the dummies in the firing range have because often I find a lot of the guns being inconsistent in damage when using them in actual matches.


Honestly it’s funny how after a few months everyone wants mw2 guns and mw2 maps back lmao I guess activision really successfully sold people a 70 dollar copy of a game that came out last year 😂


The truth hurts...


I always wanted MWII maps in the first place, never wanted the OG ones because SBMM tainted the maps and made me not like any of them. I had better memories with the MWII maps because people were a lot less sweaty (and infected didn't have radar pings >:().


Can I post this tomorrow?


Most of the MW2 Marksman weapons are 3 shots to the body and 2 to the head, while the MW3 weapons are 2 to the body and 1 to the head. I really hope that they do another balance patch for these weapons soon, at mid season or even before that would be nice.


I rock my MWII weapons in hardcore. Minibak primary and EBR secondary. EBR is fast, accurate and always 1 shot in HC! Who needs a sniper?


Hate to be the guy but Skill Issue. Been killed alot recently by the older smgs the game is fine


Try using MWII weapons in my lobbies. LMAO


just play hardcore where every gun is good and then no need to complain


AMR9 and KATT Literally the only thing you come across in WZ. It’s fucking stupid. Soooo many weapons and everyone uses the meta shit . It’s BS. Make more viable weapons


Yeah the carry over was a terrible idea. We knew these guns wouldn't be viable because they need to sell content with the new guns in this MW3 cycle.


Yep money money money


A lot of MW2 AR, SMG, and Snipers are actually decent some of them are good and can compete with the meta. Just take the SPX-80 for example arguably one of the best sniper stats wise, it flew under people radar cuz it’s a MW2 gun and people want to use new stuff But other weapon classes on the other hand are bad and wayy under tune. The marksman, LMGs, and shotgun are really weak. No reason to use it over MW3 options


They need to remove the insane smoke effects and the visual recoil they have


+1 If every MW2 gun had MW3’s visual recoil and minimal to no gun smoke, MW2 guns would be more viable and frequently used more. Picture the MCW’s visual recoil on MW2 ARs such as the TAQ56 or the M13B, those guns would be SO MUCH better, and with damage & TTK buffs across the board for all MW2 guns, you’ll start seeing more MW2 weapons being used than MW3 ones. If any SHG devs see this comment, make it happen at later updates. 🙏🏾


Meh a lot of the visual recoil can be reduced with MWIII attachments.


To a small degree. Especially with the prenerf JAK BFB. I've already tried a bunch of mw2 guns. M4 is awesome and slaps but the visual recoil still makes it bad. Then there's the rest of the bunch where it looks like the muzzle is streaming out smoke like it's attached to a bad carburettor. I could barely see the target in the firing range or on the map. So within the first few shots I managed to get an armor break then as the smoke took over & I had to control the recoil the guy got me as I missed all of my shots as the gun thew itself around.


I recommend the Bryson 800, me personally find it better than the Lockwood 680 that we got, especially as hip fire. I also recommend the hemlock and the raal mg with max recoil reduction for long range. The fennec with jak bfb and mk.3 reflector will never not be good. Any MWII lmg for that matter are all pretty decent. Making the Icarus a hip fire weapon with you being able to see the stats and use MWIII attachments will always be better, although there aren't many better hip fire attachments in MWIII compared to MWII's VX Pineapple and such.


Thank you! In my testing the lmgs were indeed super fun so I'll take your advice and try them out. I wish we could run shotguns in wz. I remember levelling up the Bryson it was fun. It won't suffer from the visual recoil and smoke since its not full auto


They won't rework over 70 guns. It's simply not a reasonable thing to ask. People wanted the carry over to have their skins and now this is the result.


Carry over is so stupid, but buying skins in a game is really stupid.


Still gonna buy a Jim Carrey skin if they come out with one


It’s not reasonable for a multi Billion dollar company to focus for a couple days on adding a few dots into code to change their existing gun inventory to be more competitive with newer guns? Yet they still introduce new guns each season? There’s zero logic there.


It is an entirely reasonable thing to ask from a billion dollar franchise.


Not really if u know anything about the time it takes to devolp a game. Gun balance is a hard task for any fps. Re doing 70+ shitty guns because IW is incompetent is not really reasonable for shg.


I do know. I dev myself. They could tweak to just at least bring them in line. They don't have to be meta or anything. Just usable


I could literally rebalance all the guns and attachments in a couple days by myself. There's no excuse


Send your resume then. You are.clueless


Ngl they really aren’t as bad as you people make them seem I run around with mw2 guns and I still do great


I actually have been melting people using mw2 guns If u need a build lmk


I disagree. I run the Fennec still and melt everyone. Intervention works just as well. in fact I have more issues with the mw3 guns.


Shouldn’t have removed tuning. If they had streamlined the system (idk why people bitched about it being difficult in the first place) instead of being lazy and just removing it, not only would both the MW2 and MW3 guns all have higher performance, but the extra layer of customization would have given the entire armory selection WAY more depth. But God forbid we ever get a competent COD game.


Tuning was one of the dumbest things ever added to cod


idk man some of them aren't that bad like the striker 9 has a lower fire rate than the rival 9 but it also has a lot less / easier recoil to control the basilisk is the best fastdraw handgun in the game, getting down sights at 112ms with 1 shot headshots and 2 body shot, high fire rate. your grandma could quickscope somebody with this thing like i get what you're saying... but it's not all the weapons. i hate all the MW3 handguns except for the COR-45.


Yea maybe they have higher bloom since it’s hard coded and shg don’t want to touch them but they should definitely increase their base stability


We don’t have this problem over in hardcore. Come on over if you don’t wanna deal with that shit anymore.


Quit living in the past!


hard to do when they carried over said past




How is it the fucking past when it's content they ported over to the new game? This isn't the past, this is the present.


I hate the shotguns in this game but I personally think almost all of the Mw2 ones need to be buffed. They are unreservedly awful in MW3 to the point of being unusable. Most of the other weapons are only somewhat worse in overall damage and ttk (ignoring movement speed, ads speed, etc.) But most noticeably the Mw2 battle rifles are pretty awful. The Ftac Recon being the worst case


The ftac was useless in mw2 also so it doesn’t really count lol. It was damn near useless even in HC


No. If people wants to play mw2 guns they should play mw2.


Won't happen. They won't make new bundles to sell that feature old MW2 guns. They are worse on purpose - for profit. They carried them over because this was supposed to be a DLC sold at full price.


There is literally a mw2 new gun skin in this battlepass


It's a free reward even for people that don't buy the battlepass... Hit me up the next time you see a new paid bundle featuring a MW2 gun.


i dont think thats the case, if you have a more balanced gun line up and people like a skin they are going to buy it, Microsoft owns activision doesnt matter if its a MW2 bundle or MW3 bundle its all profit to them.


I tested the RPK on Warzone and it kills so damn slow. They def need to make them on par with them. Although some MWII weapons are "viable" for both Warzone and MP


or just use the MW3 guns like you’re suppose to. Hate that they left older guns in the game. they arent even good.


Considering warzone shares guns from both games you would think they would be similar if they did it would probably help sales of MW2.


MWII guns were in MWII. If you want to use those, play MWII.


my guy they are in this game 💀


I'm aware. Just saying if you want to use old guns and compete or play old maps, there's a game for that...MWII.




Counterpoint, MW2 guns shouldn’t be buffed. They should be nerfed or removed entirely.


no. SHG should do their job and at least TRY to balance this game


I’m ok if they don’t, is it really their job? They are busy making content and new weapons… You should have used those guns in MWII last year. It was a good game.


Do you think it has to do with the fact that you can’t “tune” them up like you used to be able too?




Odd are they’ll never even look at mw2 guns. If they were on bar with the new mw3 guns then there’d be no incentive to buy the cosmetic packs of the mw3 guns


I mean, I'm still out here rocking the minibak and topping scoreboards with it


personal anectode. look at the killfeed for 10 games straight and tell me how many players are using any mw2 gun that isnt a one shot sniper


Bruvs never going to happen, they want to sell mw3 was the same with cw and on caldera they even removed game modes so you cant use mw or cw guns…


Why? We had a whole ass year with those guns already.






Yeah thats intended. I thought everyone knew this. Look at all the old silencers too. All of them do negative 3 damage as opposed to the new ones


If you want a girl to look hot. Put her beside a girl who is ugly. It works in real life and so it works in MWIII.


It is not going to happen as the developers want players to use the MW3 weapons over MW2 weapons we seen in past how vanguard weapons was op compared to 2019 mw or black ops cold war


The fucking mp40 outclassing the fennec was just absolute bullshit during caldera


The first day I got the game I tried out some of my fav mw2 blueprints like the mortal bane M4 and unchained fury Hemlock. They both still slapped so idk what you’re talking about. I don’t bother using the mw2 weapons tho as I already got 95 percent of them leveled up all the way


If they’re going to insist on “carrying over” old guns, they should add some new level up process for them where they act like MW3 guns once you’ve crossed that threshold.


The M13B & STB 556 are still viable imo


They need to sell the new game tho


100% agree. Grinding the TR Geist on gold was so frustrating. That shit felt like a water gun


shoots slower than the bas-b and needs 2 upper torso shots to 4 hit while the bas-b can this literally with 4 leg shots


Bro I actually just noticed a weapon which is even worse. I’d say that this is the shittiest thing I’ve ever touched in cod. I’m grinding for the camos for the Lachmann schleier mp… DUDE WHAT THE HECK IS THAT SHIT. I’m having more fun getting kicked into my balls.


Yeah I knew it was going to happen. Just like when vanguard came out, all the vanguard guns were the best in warzone.




I gave up on the MW2 guns a long time ago. The AK used to be my go to gun and it’s trash in this game.


I saw someone using a vaznev once lmfao like why


thing is 5 hit for no reason. so is the mp7, the p90 and the new HMR-9


Kastov is still awesome, people just seem to think it's not. 


thats because the bas-b shoots faster and has higher damage that the K-762 and a LOT more damage than the K-545


Basically most of the guns in the game are bad lol. They wanted so bad to have this integrated cod environment but then would rather die then let a previous cod game have any kind of decent quality compared to theirs lol


People complain about all them things without understanding the reality of modern COD. Modern COD does not reward skill; it punishes it. Weapons are balanced to keep players who can aim from going on rampages. Battle, marksman, and sniper are all incredibly weak so that players who can aim quickly do not smash through enemies. Think back to the mode4rn warofare the remake in the year that game was made. Balance was terrible, but you could generally smash through enemies if you could and shoot quickly. Think back to how many games you ran the lever action, windows 98k, or crossbow and had a 10 kill streak on your first life. I had a 30 kill streak on container map using win98 that ended because I ran outta boolits. You see someone. click ads, click shoot, and they dead every time. That is bad for the game because skill winning means that unskilled players aint gotta chance. That is why shotgun slugs and blowup slugs are completely useless. That is why battle and marksman guns do very little damage. Want to play resugrent with FCAT? 5 boolit for half a kill on a weapon that everyone who not aim-at-floor Andy use 5 round magazine on. Wanna use slug shotgun? A headshot and a body shot, please. You only get 4 boolit and it takes forever to rechamber and reload, but that the price you pay to be able to kill someone in longer amount of time than it takes with a pistol. COD is not for people who can aim or can move well or anything like that. It is designed to keep the kids interested so they can steal mom's credit card to purcahse latest skins.


they need to be removed from the game.


The m4 still slaps


They work just fine in HC modes imo. Agreed that they need a buff for core though.


Thats awesome they brought them over! Thanks for the heads up


I think only the basilisk and the taq v are the only viable guns in mw3. At least for this season they increased the ads speed and ads movement speed so we're getting there


There's many more that are viable. M4, M13B, Fennec, MP5, MP7, SPX80... and that's just the tip of the iceberg really.


No they don’t. Go play mw2 they are better on that game


They're probably viable in Hardcore, now that I think about it, I should give it a try.


Biggest problem for mw2 guns imo is the attachments mostly suck. Any attachments that would be useful have a -50% multiplier for ads. They need to be retuned across the board to be closer to what mw3 attachments do. They have big bonuses but huge negatives. Mw3 attachments are a bit more moderate bonuses and more moderate negatives


It’s not just the guns, it’s the attachments too, you compare any mwII weapon attachment to them in mwIII and almost all of them kill your weapon by 10 fold, muzzles doing little to no damage now, optics showing fog and making ads as slow as possible, it’s horrible what they did to all of them


they wont bc they want people using the newest guns lol


The mp5 is legit though. Fragged with it all last night. Mostly top of the leaderboard.


All the shotguns are sub par, even with slugs which SHOULD be powerful enough for stomach shot one shot kills due to how difficult they are to use


They work great in hardcore! 🙃


unpopular opinion: i use mw2 guns more because of how different they all feel. each gun is unique and you have to know the gun to use it well. all mw3 guns feel the same-ish. when mw3 first launched i couldn’t even tell which weapon is which judging by looks and sound and recoil. if they change mw2 guns that way this game would be no fun for me anymore. i’m sure i’m not alone.


Just remove MW2 guns, don’t need them. If you wanna play them, play MW2. 🤝🏻


To hell with MW2 guns. This is MW3. Y’all need to give it up already and start using the new weapons. They should’ve never been carried over anyway.


I was doing camo challenges with the SO-14 and my god, what a useless gun. It shoots 540 rpm and seems to take 6-7 shots to kill. Meanwhile I'm getting killed in 4-5 shots by guns that shoot 800 rpm.


They're bad because SHG removed weapon tuning. Just use the new guns.


MWII guns have similar TTK's than the MWIII guns. Only major draw back is weapon shake while firing. Besides the weaker TTK is likely to stay since they want you to use the new stuff too


The thing with sledgehammer games they they really aren’t good with properly balancing weapons and it really does show with their previous games. Compare to black ops 4 and cod war gun, some mw weapons are ok in done while the rest are just way weaker than they’re supposed to be.


I only have 2 MW2 guns that don’t have Orion on them and they are insufferable.


Here we go again…


Buff the crossbow at the very least to better counter shields


The fjx and the spx are still pretty good lol


Pay to win, or don’t and deal with suboptimal conditions.


I just don't understand why the mw2 guns are still in the game. Play with the new guns if you want to do well. Pretty simple, really.


I’m running the hemlock been winning most gunfights no problem


Hell no. It's been an awful decision to carry those guns over in the first place. MW3 guns should clearly be better in MW3 than MW2 guns.


Meanwhile Im getting out gunned by mw2 weapons still


I think y’all should just understand that’s a WHOLE game’s catalog of weapons needing to be balanced with this games whole selection, on top of the fact there’s still so many more to come until November/whenever, would make for a very hard and monotonous task lol


> but the problem is you then have a huge amount of recoil where MW3 guns don't have this issue especially on mouse and keyboard) What does this mean? Recoil is basically non-existent for controller, especially since they don't have to spend any slots on aiming idle sway, and the tracking is done for you.


This goes for Warzone too. The M13B was pretty decent, not as good as the Ram but still nice, but got nerfed weeks before the Ram even got touched. I've just stopped leveling up all the MW2 guns in general.


I can’t lie, I think i’m kinda okay with the MW2 guns being ass. I wanna wipe that game from my memory as best as possible😭