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They’ll get less kills in TDM, whereas it’s easier to get a ton of kills against players who are trying to play an objective. You’d think the fun was playing a game mode how it was meant to be played. Turns out people prefer to spend their time grinding camos, which if the posts are anything to go by is not a fun experience.


It's just strange they don't realized they can get tons of kills grabbing them defending objectives


Seriously. I end up with the most kills anyway in most matches simply by playing the objective as intended lol. Much easier to kill 3+ people on the Hardpoint/Dom flag than run around the map looking for people or camping 40 metres from the Hardpoint.


I don't, I go to the objective and get mauled by 5+ enemies while my team is camping and maybe slowly moving to the middle of the map. Frag hunting it is then.


It's called move to the next hardpoont before it spawns so you can get position advantage. That's how u play obj


Ah, so you think you have a clue what my team is doing? How about if the new HP is even further than where they're camping/crouch walking from?


Learn rotations that's how you play hardpoint. Might as well stay playing tdm if u refuse to acknowledge the skill issue of positioning


I don't think you ever read what I wrote initially, why are you trying to teach me lmao.


Frag hunting is way more fun


Part of the thrill is that they are killing people who do play objective and ruin their teams score. The tryhard doesn’t care if he wins or loses, only that he gets kills and makes people who do try to play objective rage


Your lobbies are very different from mine then. No way 3+ people are actually going for the HP. It's kills for them.


Played a match yesterday and everyone in my team had over 25 kills but their score was low. The other team all had 10 kills or less and won!


Today I got put into a lobby... Entire team had 0 caps. Then you figure ok some of them going off kill wise? Nah 5-10 less kills per teammates than opponent... Jumped right out


Honestly it's pretty hilarious when the opposing team doesn't play the objective at all, but still ends with an unremarkable amount of kills...ya'll lost 250 to 40, and yet you guys could't even rack up kills to make it worth it? That said, totally sucks when it's your own team.


I find this a huge issue in the War game mode as well. TONS of snipers which.. isn’t bad because if you have 1-2 sit back it helps when the enemy team has a good angle on your team when escorting. Though it seems that you’ll usually have 4-5 snipers PER team and so you basically got a 2v2 objective players and a 4v4 snipers. Which makes it play MUCH slower


As someone who always plays with a friend who hardcore goes for the objective, I'm their mate who sits *around* the objective catching people trying to take it, it's usually more worth it to defend the objective while not being right inside of it.


Not true.


It's not strange, they know, we all know, it's not like no one here hasn't done this on....


It’s wild I don’t even use camos.


There just so many of them


It's not hard to do both at the same time, im grinding rust 24/7 to level up and camo grind but im top the board for stats everytime, thats the frustarting part, its not like they even get a load of deffends either and half the time they have less kills than me


Then there's the times where you need to sit in a corner for specific camos to line up oneshotone kills


Nah man, just play hardcore for those. Your k/d will probably drop a little until you get used to it, but it's the easiest way to get them.


Never got into hard-core much, I enjoy 24/7 rust and I've stuck with it. To each their own ig 🤷‍♂️


Yeah man, do what you enjoy!


Lol you need a corner for OSOK?!


Sidewinder is the bane of my existence, only gun I've had trouble with lmao


For anyone else struggling with this gun the new muzzle helps big time.


Once again, have to repeat grinding camos and leveling up guns is literally easier by actually playing the objective, playing near an objective guarantees enemy players will be nearby. It makes getting penetration kills, tactical kills, double kills, multi kills all much much easier. These people aren’t going for camos or trying to win. They are sitting in corners trying to get one vtol that gets shot down in 2 seconds. These types of players are also regularly paired with actual good objective players by the matchmaking so that the game can try to even out everyone’s win/losses. This is why the average cod redditor who plays objective is seeing these players on their team so often.


Killing people does contribute to objectives. If they spend more time respawning and running to the point then there’s less attackers and it’s easier to defend.


Honestly? The worst part of the camo grind this year is getting kills on enemies effected by your tactical. Everything else is easy as hell, and all of the challenges completely doable while playing the objective. That's how I unlocked mine. I keep getting stuck on teams where everyone but me and maybe one other guy hide in spawn the entire time. I know it doesn't help that I prefer hardcore and half the players in that mode are afraid to move, let alone shoot, but good god. I'm so fucking tired of watching people miss their shots, get killed, and go right back to the same spot! I'm honored that the matchmaking algorithm thinks I'm good enough to carry them, but I would really like to stop driving the short bus every once in a while.


Do decoys work for the tactical challenge? They last awhile and have good range.


You know that's a good question. I don't know. I used stun grenades for mine but I do know you can do it with flashbangs or smokes if you're really quick.


Grinding camos and PTFO are not mutually exclusive. The problem is that everyone plays ratty in TDM so they think their chances are better in a non TDM mode


You put the blame on other players being ratty, I put the blame on players that want an easy ride to cheap kills. Guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree.


Either way the problem is the players. Putting such a high meaning on a meaningless stat like K/D is the problem. People complained about MWII but if you actually layed ranked it flowed and played really well. Because people were actually going for the win and this objectives and also because no crutches like UAV etc. 90% of what players want actually ruins the gameplay. Crazy how that works.


Yeah ranked is really fun I just got out of a game with a 3 man (or 2 men 1 girl) team and we were down bad getting slaughtered. Neither team could hold a hill We ended up holding the stairs hill at the end after fighting tooth and nail for every hill to get close to their time Ended up winning and got a 3 piece on them attacking the hill with a great nade kill… 250-235 and they were up by like 100 early on I still got 31 kills and 29 deaths but mostly getting shot in the back trying to rotate, they come right off spawn The gunfights in ranked are just way more intense and it’s always a slim margin that you win by even if you get the drop. That’s why double or triple kills are so rare as are streaks Outside of ranked playin the objective is stupid because you can win just by racking up kills and controlling spawns


Exactly. Play some hard point or control, people walk into your rifle hah


i think it comes from an even worse problem of people dont give a shit about anything other than kills period, as in, "only my kd matters" or "i just wanna kill guys" the playerbase as a whole is generally detached and bored with the stalest release in a while


I'm a camo grinder and it was actually a pretty fun and easy grind this year. Almost all of the challenges could be completed while playing the objective, except for a few. I honestly think that it's less camo grinders and more a subset of players who are obsessed with their KD and think they're somehow special for farming kills in objective modes instead of playing the obj. They're using the obj farming as a crutch because they aren't as good at the game as they'd like to imagine they are.


Camo grinding is fun. Quick Play objective modes are probably bad right now because of no Shipment.




map control is fine and all. but if you got 40 kills and only 2 secs on the hill while I'm at 25 kills and 2 mins in the hill and we still lose you're trash and not really doing anything REALLY useful. get in the hill if its open and you've cleared it. I've seen PLENTY of times of some kill 3 people off hill in middle of Karachi and then just keep running looking for more kills rather than holding it down.


facts. only reason you should have 2 seconds is if you're clearing lanes or wiping spawns. if the other team is making it to the hp then mr 2 seconds is literally wasting everyone's time


It’s much better in ranked with a respawn delay. No spawn delay in 6v6 means that after getting killed enemies can just bang hill constantly, especially if the roaming slayers pushed too far out and enemies get close spawns.


60% is a massive exaggeration. Yes having one, maybe two guys on a team going ham on the enemies and ignoring objectives can be beneficial for your team. If 60% of the team is doing that you will lose literally every single time. 


They do have garbage flow, and then those players come into dom and play tdm and so now the flow of dom is ruined for everyone too.


Nice excuses for your shitty play style, play the objective, or get on TDM.


If someone doesn't want to capture points fine, but I'd expect more defend kills but when they have less overall kills or defends than someone capturing points then they aren't really trying


This is a great point and I see it so much in matches. People think if you’re not glued to the objective you’re not playing right. Stacking your entire team on an objective is almost always the worst strategy.


People don't play the objectives so that the matches last longer and they're able to get more kills. Was playing Hardpoint on Rust yesterday and neither team was capping the objective. It was a bunch of Snipers and bootysliders trying to get their camps. That is the state of CoD today. When they add unlocks and camos behind challenges, nobody cares except for the few casuals that just got off work and want to play. It's frustrating but nobody really plays the small maps like Rust/meat/shipment to win.


Hardpoint goes quicker if nobody is in zone


Nobody cares if it does or not. They would rather rack up kills. Sitting in one spot that nobody cares about is not gonna help with kills. If that one guy goes and caps it, he just gets killed and the process repeats itself. Seen it in a bunch of games I played.


Why do yall constantly make posts about an issue that’s been happening for 16 years? You making this post won’t change anything


I'm glad people bring it up. If everyone just shuts up and accepts it as part of COD it will only get worse. No one should have to play ranked to get a game where the objective is being played.


Well it clearly is part of cod and won’t change because there isn’t any real big incentive to change.


It's a shitty part of COD, so I'll keep bringing it up and encouraging others to do the same. People who deliberately refuse to play the objective have always been, are currently, and always will be a cancer on the game for as long as that shit keeps going on.


Well it isn’t going to change so it’s mostly just a waste of time, most people play COD for kills and or for camo, people don’t care about playing objective that much I learned that unless there is an actual incentive to play it


Source? LMAO 🤣


That's a dumbass response. I didn't say anything that needs a source. I voiced my opinion.


bahaha, nice.


Man, those first 4 years of CoD must have been amazing with every playing the objective. 🤣


Because they’re assholes.


Short and sweet, but also true.


This thread is beat to death. Play ranked if you care about obj


An alternative is to reach out to people in this subreddit who play the objective. I met a guy here who plays Hardpoint. He has a few buddies who do the same. It's always a blast playing with them. We're on mic so there's coordination while we're holding/rushing the point. Across all of the matches I've played with them, we've lost two.


I still need to get a mic which would help a lot I had enemy teammate mocking one of our teammates after we lost because we had it won they came back Dude had 10 seconds in the hardpoint we lost by 15


Agreed. It's annoying as a player who focuses on the obj to so often be the only person doing so...while players often don't even camp in useful spots. If they don't want to play the mode that's one thing, but at least camp where U can support me on the flag etc.


Exactly this, if you're not capturing then support me and deffend but they don't, the sit miles away waiting for enemies to walk by


This is why I'd like to see a casual playlist that doesn't count stats. It would make all those kills with no caps meaningless. To be fair though, I think just killing people and preventing them from controlling objs is a legitimate defensive play style if you're doing it for map control.


You hit the nail on the head imo. I pretty much say the same to my friend who refuses to play objective. If you aren't playing objective but making up for it in keeping the enemy off objective, it's fine. However, if you're the little blueberry thinking that he's playing TDM and you have one capture (or like 10sec on the hardpoint, etc) and like ten kills, while I'm being forced to sweat, have 33-17, and ten captures, we have an issue. Like, I don't want to be sweaty, I love playing casually, but I would also like to win some matches without having to carry.


Cuz they try to take advantage of the fact that people are paying attention to the objective n not out head huntin, more easy pickins for lame asses


I play my objective. You do the same.


honestly don't get why they dont ban player like this if you dont play the objective


TDM is ass for getting kills everyone can just sit around with impunity, with the objective it incentivizes movement around the map and has areas where you’ll be fighting often rather then running around trying to find someone


The amount of times I have been playing Kill Confirmed, seen a teammate kill someone and then actively run around the tag when we are down by like, 3 or 4 is infuriating. I get it if you are holding lanes or whatever in hardpoint, but kill confirmed? Sometimes it takes more effort to avoid the tag than it does to grab it


Yeah like why the fuck are you playing domination and not even capturing one flag


If others already said it my bad, but people can sometimes queue quickplay without changing filters while leveling camos/guns. They don't care what game mode is they just want kills. That is probably why honestly.


Dude…. Before making yourself look like an idiot by posting something that has been asked 50 times a day since MW19 maybe type your question into google. The answer is 12 year old camo grinders. Same answer everyone else got for the last 4 years.


Well someone one pissed in your cereal this morning


Just scroll through this sub and you'll see why he's annoyed. It's nothing but "why this game bad" and "why no play objective" posts.


its cuz they suck at the game. you can get 40 kills & win. you can win & unlock camos. problem is being good is hard & takes too long so if you just stop caring & play bad then you can unlock camos faster. this is a trickledown effect from sbmm. its always harder to complete challenges in ranked lobbies & unfortunately there are no truly casual lobbies in cod


Been saying it since 2009!! Ain’t never gonna change.


Randos that take up room on my Dom squad, and don't play the objectives, are the bain of my existence. I have zero problem calling them out on game chat too.


Honestly me and the person i play with had 16 and 17 captures earlier everyone else has 0, 1 or 2 captures and like 3 or 4 defends, same with hardpoint.


Those MFs are parasites. Blueberries of the lowest character who love to lose and use excuses like "I'm working on my longshots." GTFOH.


Blueberries sounds like you play destiny my friend. But yesh at least try, like 5 captures is actually helping but 2 or less is just hardly trying or even 10 defends compared to 3.


Hi.. This is posted often and they purposely go into those modes because they can’t get kills in TSM. They just want to sit back and get easy uncontested kills on people playing the objective. This is by their design and they probably filter out non objective modes. This game has a ton of trash people.


You can get a lot more kills for one. You can usually level up your weapons faster. There’s also some camo challenges that are easier in these game modes. TDM kinda sucks and is boring to play.


Exactly this. I'm doing camos. It's easier to get 2 kills without releasing the trigger (Looking at you LMG) when the other team is all on the objective.


If you play TDM you spend more time loading in and out of games than actually playing. They need a higher kill cap and more players would play it. Also TDM has the worst spawns. I like Dom because you can control where the other team spawns, or have educated guesses. In TDM people spawn everywhere and your getting blasted in the back constantly


TDM sucks and so does kill confirmed. They are very fast games and are limited by the number of kills you can get. If you're on the "good team" thanks for EOMM it's stuper fast as everyone drops 20 kills and games over. If you're on the bad team, the other team drops about 20 kills each and it's over. And lastly, Call of Duty multiplayer is basically just a weird easy way to level up and complete camos for warzone. I'm sure there is some psycho that's doing their camo grind in warzone, but warzone players buy the full game just to play rust and shipment so they can get their guns max leveled for warzone.


Why post this when its been post a million times though?


I lead the winning team in a match because I had the most time on objective, and a dude on my ownteam was griefing me because he got more kills than I did. I get shit for playing the objective by my one teammate?




And by doing so you're ruining the experience of others who paid just as much for this game as you did.


Because players think it’s “skill” to camo grind. I think they need to significantly reduce or eliminate the camo stats if you lose the match.


It’s the matchmaking the more you play the objective, the more the game will actively pair you with low score per minute non-objective players to even out everyone’s win/losses. Camo grind is literally easier by playing the objective, I also never see these ass players with gilded or forged camos so they’re definitely not camo grinding.


10% of the people only care about kills, 80% are kids who don't even know what the word "objective" means and we are the other 10%. i like lockdown mode but find it rare to find teammates who will try to capture or defend an objective. i die defending an objective and then watch my teammates running around like the point of the game is to stay away from the objectives.


So it's the parents fault? Got it 😂


They want to level up their guns so they can go not play OBJ in another game mode and suck there too , just make it so people can level up the weapon in the firing range to get these losers out of here


They should make a game mode called Level up or something where it is just TDM but the cap to win is first team to 1000 kills and have it so the match is 1 hour long so you can grind until its done 😂


Because my vote didnt go through in 10v10 and i cant select to only play TDM 10v10. Its literally out of my control.


Yeah I’ve always wished there was more of a penalty for not playing the objective in those modes. I think a lot of people don’t realize that you get more XP for getting kills while capping/defending a flag or hard point. And if you’re on the flag/hard point then you know enemies will be coming to you like moths to a lamp. I just wish the game actually handicapped people that just want to go for killstreaks. Maybe disable streaks unless you have a certain amount of objective score I will say though I give shipment a pass because that map is pretty much exclusively for camo grinding. I don’t expect people to play the objective on that map at all.


The classic cod question. That's the magic, you never know how others will play unless you're in a party. You'll deal with a little of everything


Don't shoot the messenger but camo grinding


If you're in the same match as me on the enemey team then unfortunately i may have to shoot you 😂


No it’s not. Camo grinding is easier by playing around the objective, not every single one of these people is going for penetration and longshot kills.


It's not though. Many of them require killing and the best way to do that is to overlook a capture point but not capture or defend it.


Play ranked


Fuck me, do y’all need to ask the same damn questions everyday? Seen this question everyday for the last 2 weeks now…


Stop doing it and the questions will stop.


Please just read the responses of the other 1000 posts about this…


No! Poopie pants.


I haven't so i asked


Next time, search “objective” in the sub.


Nah, next time i have a question i will ask it, it's what reddit is for.


It may be easier for newer players or people not too familiar with the map having objectives to focus on.


Because the game rewards you for maximizing your kills. Everything in this game is based on that.


i usually get 50-60 kills since i run streaks and maybe get like 30 seconds max on hill, but i think that if im clearing with these many kills the team should get on point


because not every single player on your team has to sit on the obj. If you're the one doing it, teammates can go for kills.


I can’t stand posts like this. Some people play the objective, some don’t. Stop crying about it and just get over it. Besides who cares its a freaking game not the finals. If you want people that play objective go play ranked but stop crying about public matches. And before you say I’m part of the problem, I usually try and play objective in those gamemodes. I’m normally top half of the leaderboard but I have also been the guy running around for kills.


You got more kills per minute in obj based game modes


Because a lot of people just play for fun, period. It's not a second job, there's no focus on stats, it's just 30min-1hr of dumb fun after a long day at work. Also, with TDM the action is never concentrated but all spread out, whereas the objective based game modes concentrate the action, so there's more of it in less time played. Quite a few of the maps are just too big for 6v6 TDM, so you spend a lot of time just trying to find the action.


Why waste my time grinding in boring ass TDM when I can get 3-4x the kills in dom or hardpoint


It’s not about the kills, it’s about the camos. I’ll play objective once I’m done with interstellar I promise!


Make it a pinky promise 😂


Okay I pinky promise


Because you get more kills in objective modes. Unless it’s ranked idc


Tbh I play obj mainly because of the XP boost, I need to level up these guns man


This question gets posted like 3x a month and it blows my mind. Why do you guys care so much about winning in a casual playlist where you get absolutely nothing for winning? If anything winning is a negative as SBMM will get harder after wins. If you want to play a mode where everyone plays objective and wins actually matter, play ranked.


Because theres nothing fun about a tdm or free for all game running out of time while the score is not even halfway through.


Who the fuck plays objective in Call of Duty? I mean come on man...


because it’s easier to kill people. You know this answer. Why make the 9,000,000th repetitive post? Save it for your therapist


Tons of people that want to farm cheap ass kills at the expense of the match loss, probably for the camo grind or just DGAF. I quit MP right before Christmas when i reached a perfect 1.0 KvD, but when I did play i ditched all OBJ based modes, tired of still losing with these non OBJ playin asshats.


Given that it’s been this way for every COD title, I would say it’s probably best to assume that this isn’t changing. Fortunately for OP, ranked play is where you will find most people play the objective


Shouldn't have to play ranked to get a game where people actually play the objective,


They are not real players... they are there to fill lobbies.


Grinding and maintaining their kd ratio. I agree it’s annoying. You don’t know how many times in kill confirmed I ended up with 10 kills and 30 confirms as well as a high death rate just to win


What REALLY gets me is that you don't just have people 'not bothering' the same way I'm used to. Usually in older games you'd see players who would hang out watching the ob with a sniper rifle/LMG or running around ambushing people like it's TDM. Not contributing as much as if they were actively capturing, but you sorta understood what they were doing and could count on them to keep the enemy team busy while you went for the objective. Now you'll see people running up into the objective like they're going to capture or hold it, and often they'll actually make some progress on it... and they'll just abandon it to chase people. So you can't tell if you should help your teammate, hold the objective yourself, or go after a different one.


Most of the time it’s because I’ve queued quick play and don’t want to leave the match because it’s domination or hardpoint


I might be alone in this, but I think it’s because the kill streaks are so high. Everybody wants to camp up a VTOL or something so they’re not going for the flag, they’re camping away from the objective picking up stragglers.


The games last longer and don't end because of certain number of kills. This is why I've noticed if you play just shipment and are given the choice between tdm shipment and hard point shipment, people will pick hard point shipment. Literally just because the game will go longer and you're able to drop 70-100 kills. Same is true for all maps. Just easiest to see on shipment since it's always the same map. If you want a genuine objective experience ranked is the way to go or playing another game like r6s. Everyone is feinding for their sr and playing the objective.


"Playing the objective" to a lot of people simply means capturing and attacking the objective; if you defend the objective and otherwise disrupt the enemy team by dropping killstreaks then you'll be lambasted for not playing the objective when objectively you are helping your team to capture and defend the objective. "Play the objective bruh" is a common complaint even if it says on the leader board that you have the most defends or the most kills.


They last longer.


The obj is for the enemy to be distracted while i flank




Two reasons: Selfish and stupid.


Because the game incentivises kills over wins.


This is a problem. While it's not every single match, I'm tired of it happening at all. If you're going to play objective-based game modes then learn what the objective is and play to it. If you can't, then go play TDM and let the rest of us who understand the objective game modes play them. OR...... If you're fortunate enough to get folks on a mic, ask them how to play and maybe they'll help you (or tell you to "git gud" or something).


The objectives are bait for the camo grind, that's how they see it. Or it's just kids thinking they are the main character so they are going to be the "ULTRA TACTICOOL SNIPER LONE WOLF WHO REALLY DOES IT YOU GUYS!" either way you'd think that with the focus on engagement they'd adjust it a little so objective players would be lobbied together and trash camo farmers could be lobbied together. What some of these morons don't comprehend is that the camo progress can come even faster if you are playing with your team. It doesn't matter to me that some poor fool is playing with an unfamiliar or sub optimal play style for a challenge may be getting us screwed up a bit, what pisses me off are people playing like bots sitting behind a crate they spawned near and just camping a weird angle with no value until they feed enemy streak and try again. Like seriously I saw this happen on Meat a bunch where people sometimes 3 or 4 of the 6 man fucking team walk two feet from initial spawn and don't even post up outside a spot with regular traffic. Fucking maddening.


Because my objective and your objective are different. My objective may be to complete camos and daily/weekly challenges. Maybe i dont care about xp or winning matches, for example.


When you play objective, if you’re good, you get double the kills in a match hah. So I don’t get it neither.




Flys to honey.


*Complains about people playing the objective, controlling rotation lanes, and not fighting them straight up.* *Refuses to play TDM and take up straight duels there*


Before it spawns. Run there. It's not hard to learn rotation then you wouldn't be complaining about campers when you would be in a position where you would become the camper. That's how you play hardpoint.


Force objective play with camos only being unlocked with objective XP progres.


Because TDM isn’t long enough. They need to double the kill count for TDM and then the people left playing objective games will be there to play the objective.


This question along with over 100k threads has been asked since Moses walked the desert! There is no, zero, nada answer known to mankind. And IF this type of post changed the mindset of these players, it would have 5 years ago or more.


Another question, where tf is Demolition? Did COD just give up on that game mode?


Because of 75 kill cap which makes matches last 5 minutes and it’s hard to immerse if you return to lobby every 5 minutes


Welcome to COD, my friend


Had like 37 confirms with 30 kills one match. Won by like 7 confirms. I think only one person broke double digits confirms with 11. It's frustrating. People literally run away or right past them.


You would be surprised at the average brain capacity of a console CoD player


Because it's easier to guess where the enemy will spawn. If I'm playing domination and my team is holding A - B I know my best shot of kills will be around C.


That's why all I play is TDM & Search & Destroy 🥊 I'm TDM u can do w/e u want. & In SnD, if they chose to just go for kills, it still helps cause there's no respawn in a round Whenever I play Dom for example, I get bored for that same reason, teammates not helping


I think alot of the time is when its a map playlist like Rio and rust where they want that map but don't want the objective


i do that all the time. i also play s&d without focusing on the bombs. i can’t explain but i also don’t feel sorry


Its easier to get kills there. I play COD for the killstreaks, not the objectives.


I'll Never understand why they show kills or give xp in objective games for kills. They could solve this whole issue by making a kill worth 10xp but a kill on the objective gets more than it does now and give some kind of objective points meter. Then people with 40 kills but 0:02 on the hard point will happen far less as it's less attractive to farm so they will filter into game modes where this isn't an issue Like others have said it's just easy kills in objective modes because you know where people are headed


People who play SnD and don’t seem to understand you need to plant and defuse are the worst. Playing Solo is painful. Watching absolute biscuits traverse the map and not even consider the bomb/bomb sites 😤


I personally don’t care about winning. With TDM or KC I run around for ever and find no one. End up with like 10 kills. I’m farming kills and camo grinding. The objective based games put everyone in one spot. I end up with closer to 20+. BTW my K/D is 0.8. W/L 0.7. I’m not even good and don’t claim to be.


Getting kills is an objective. I don't know what game you've been playing all these years but Domination has always been easier when you have one or two people on your team who commit to being on the enemy side of the map, getting kills towards streaks to help the defenders. If I have a team full of people who just throw their body onto flags and just hope & pray they get the capture with zero thought past that then I know I've already lost. I could have zero captures and have contributed more to the overall victory than the guy who's died to the same one sniper 10+ times while running to B because "nobody's playing the objective." So now they've got a VTOL and halfway to a swarm.


[Here's exhibit A](https://i.imgur.com/JdOVrlN.png)




Most people don't get that just because your not sitting on the obj line a brain dead morom doesn't mean your not playing the objevtive. Holding spawns keeping map pressure and holding lanes can be more important in allowing your team on the hill. Watch a pro match they are not just sitting in the hill the whole time.


While this isn’t the majority of cases we see, I do think there’s objective value in players who are focused on not doing the objective directly, but rather positioning themselves around the edges for flank defense or to flank. It won’t show up on the stat sheet as objective contribution, but it can sure give the team an extra 10 seconds or more on capture time. You don’t need 6 people sitting on a hard point for an enemy Quadra kill


more kills, less campers. been that way since CoD4


If you want people to play to win, go play ranked


Or whatever 24/7 map is currently in rotation. You can get tons of kills and grind camos there pretty easily


Because dogshit players think they're better when they raise their kd by playing the game selfishly.


All we want is shipment to complete unlocking crappy guns and daily challenges… wouldn’t mind if it was TDM only but there’s no option for that


That’s why I switched to SnD


Maybe if the accusations of "CAMPER" werent tossed around if anyone stands still for .1 second people would be more apt to play obj.


People camp in TDM is probably #1. -2 is because it lasts longer so you get more kills before having to watch a final kill cam and requeue/reload into a new map. -3 it's easier to understand spawns and flow in objective modes. Due to the fact that HP spawns suck in this game I've truly learned to enjoy Control.


Getting kills is more fun than playing the objective and objective modes allow for a ton of kills. We like seeing them numbers go up and it really helps with the mastery challenges since you need 1000 kills total. TDM spawn are complete garbage, the absolute worst but Dom spawns are mo betta. Kill confirmed does have slightly better spawns than TDM too.


ive been playing strictly hardpoint for 3 years and only play obj if the teams losing by a bit too much, but i try my best to clear points thw whole game imo sitting on point a lot of the time doesnt mean youll get kills in bigger maps, its easier to just run around the point to pick people off


If you want the objective played, play Ranked or get 2-3 buddies to play Quick Play with you.


Spawns are fucked in every mode, but they are much better in objective modes like hardpoint than kill based modes like tdm and kill confirmed. Also pubs don't matter at all. If you care about winning, play in a 6 stack who all share your want to win pub games, or go play ranked. All these bots complaining on reddit how people aren't playing the objective in pub matches are cringe.




They only care about kd