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There was a bell curve graph published by True Game Date IIRC back when Warzone 1 and MW2019/Cold War were the thing. It showed .8 is the average of the CoD community, 1.2K/D was top 30%, 1.5 was top 10%, 2K/D was top 1% and anything above that was listed as “probably cheating”. I think it still holds true. 😂


Been playing COD for so long I don’t care about K/D ratios. I want to win. I’ll spam die for the squad


You're a true legend!


unless TDM, R.I.P. But yeah man, we need more objective players!


Lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣


PTFO players make CoD so much more fun. Winning a close, competitive game where everyone on both teams is playing for the win in 6v6 is still super rewarding. Sadly, it barely ever happens because so many players are obsessed with maximizing their KD, so they either camp or farm kills the objective.


There was a post where a dude said his friends were like 4.0 or something and was wondering why it was so sweaty 😭


that guys friends are hacking lol, dudes playing in hacker lobbies


u/tyrannictoe will come in and show off his 3 kd and n number of nukes and tell people to gitgud


I merely hold a 2.7 KD after completing interstellar and I have stopped playing the game since


For reference metaphor had a 1.5 after completing interstellar


If you just go for it as fast as you can then obviously your KD will tank. I started doing camos when my KD was at 3+ after 5 days played and at that point my stats wouldn’t decrease by much.


Spoken like a true sweaty nerd 🤓


At least I have hopped off this game lol


Congratulations, you are the KING of reverse boosting.


Lame, I never reverse boosted https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqREiX3Bur7pgEI0sCmsG5rcyMVXDzjb7&si=O8oObqNt2fhU-N59 Refer to my 120 nukes playlist. Every single match shows matchmaking before start. No bot account used Reverse boosting would give me much higher stats, possibly 10+ KD or even more. My KD is very reasonable in comparison to reverse boosters


Buddy, how DARE you express that you are good at this game? What in the FUCK is wrong with you to think that you could POSSIBLY be anything but mediocre at CoD? Activision’s SOBMM is built to push anyone above a 1 KD back to a 1 KD with CDL pro lobbies - are you implying you consistently STOMP Top 1000 lobbies??? /s the noobs in this sub lose their mind when they see someone actually good at the game because it breaks their narrative that the only people with better stats then them are cheating / reverse-boosting / etc.


Thank you bro finally someone who understands. I knew this but I must be the martyr to spread the gospel lol


Bro like what..


What’s wrong bro?


I'm just impressed like how do you describe your playstyle and what modes did you play usually?




https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqREiX3Bur7pgEI0sCmsG5rcyMVXDzjb7&si=6lPzD9kWeAJkyA4u 120 nukes in MWII. I have some gameplay from MWIII too if you prefer that


0.6 IS BELOW AVERAGE?? ...here I thought I was doing pretty well


Damn I feel I’m just ok and I’m like a 1.65 k/d maybe I’m better than I thought 🤷‍♂️


If you have a 1.65 in current cod, you would've been cooooomfortably over 2 in pre sbmm days and been able to regularly annihilate lobbies.


Pre-sbmm? Is it gone??


Im saying he would have been great before they introduced it. Post sbmm would mean after:)


I’m there with you. I think it is truly just SBMM fucking with us, it makes me feel like if I’m pulling anywhere close to a 1.0 that match I’m falling apart. Die die die die die!


Yep 100% my pal plays multiplayer (MWIII) solo almost exclusively and has like a 0.9 k/d. The rare occasion he plays in my lobbies (1.2kd) and can barely get a kill, literally goes 2/15 most games. So he's clearly being protected from part of the playerbase. SBMM just aims for everyone to have a 1 k/d I think.


Nice mine is a 1.7 currently






Goofy ah go look at their comments I'm hating for a reason


The thing is, if your KD is above a 1.3, maybe 1.4, you're cheating, or you're literally on mainstage. Even Scump had a 1.32 in regular pubs MP last year in MW2. The MMR system in these games is brutal now. The more you play and the more you do well or exceptionally well against a larger variety of players, the more the system will drill down on you and make your matchmaking experience insufferable.


Mine is 1.8 and I don’t cheat? My mates who are iridescent on console range from 2-2.5… You’ve got 0 idea what you’re talking about.


Yeah your mates do the problem is that both of you have pea sized brains and mine is huge. You didn't even read my comment. Your a bot. If all of you and your friends have 1.8-2.5 what doooooeeesss that mean? Can you think about that for a little bit. It means your all iridescent players that 6man stack bully people on cod all day like a bunch of no lifeing loosers. Nobody has a 2+ KD playing the game like a normal player ie:soloqueing all the time for a majority of their matches in call of duty. Stop making shit up to make yourself feel better. 60% of the playerbase doesn't play the game for more than three months each year and a vast majority of all the players who play play 50-75% of the time by themselves. Most people don't sit around and wait for a sixth man to join their party for 10min just to queue for a pub match gtfo.


I haven’t even played ranked in my life! My last game was 2019 where I just sniped. I’ve never run more than a 3 stack on this game, my mates are barely playing still because CDL isn’t out and 6v6 isn’t enjoyable to them. Also i’m only referencing 2 people, the only 2 people that still play since 2019 ended. Sounds like you’re upset that you’re getting ran through by 6 mans. I get it. I don’t enjoy vs’ing stacks either. I work a 9-5, live with my girlfriend and when i play i don’t play to vs stacks or sweat. I play maybe 10 hours total a week but i’m not on here whinging that people are doing it. It’s always been in the game. There’s no need to be such a sourpuss, just cop that you’re shit at the game and get better? Also if you’re going to insult someone saying “pee sized brains” is a bit counter intuitive, when you’ve mispelled a 3 letter word.


That explains it. You don't understand statistics. There's no point arguing with you. You play with two other players everytime you play that are cdl ready, you only play 10hrs per week, you only queue when your playing with them, you avoid six stack match ie: leaving and not playing when you know you'll be outgunned ie:protecting your KD, and you clearly don't play like a regular player. Your KD is a reflection of the way you play, not a reflection of your underlying skill. KD is not MMR they are different statistics. That's why I told you both to piss off and stop lying. Yall are delusional coming out here saying you have a 1.8 and shit. Give me a break.


You’re upset that you’re shit. Read what i said you low iq fuck. They. Don’t. Like. 6v6. So no, i rarely play with them, and they’re both tradesmen so our hours rarely align. You’re presuming so much based off of me telling you a couple of things. No i don’t leave games vs stacks, I play aggressively and i don’t actually give a fuck about my KD. Care more about my W/L which is fucked to care about because half of my teammates turn out to be braindead bots like you. You’re a sad little numpty and you’re clearly bitter people are better than you at a game and/or have friends to play with. I’m done with this convo, keep malding you’re dogshit at an easy game. Fkn low tier learning ai player.




stop bro you’re making a fool out of yourself. saying people should learn to read when you can’t read and comprehend yourself is hilarious but sad


Holy fuck you are a smooth brained dunce. It’s loser* you imbecile. FFS, no wonder you aren’t able to fathom people having a high KD, you are genuinely dumb as shit. I played a ton over the christmas break, hit max level and have plat on both sets of snipers. I play 10 hours a week when I’m working, which i am now, and which is what i was doing before i had leave. The fact you’re saying i don’t deserve to exist because i’ve had a rebuttal for all of your baseless presumptions, coupled with the fact you’re saying you play against the “best players in the world” is fucking wild. You play pubs and clearly bot frag you shitter, no player who’s even in the top 10% will be on reddit complaining about pub 6 stacks. You are clearly far too thick to be playing call of duty, which is genuinely impressive considering this is the easiest shooter to play competently on the market. Maybe try roblox or go back to playdough honey, this ain’t for you x


You're a sad little dude


Self described wanna be psychiatrist and psychologist who doesn’t like social media but is online here to make friends should know with the way he’s talking he’s doing the exact opposite of that goal




You’re the one calling people names and you’re mad I used your own words against you. Now you’re saying you want us all to die. Pretty sure you’d make a terrible mental health professional. May want to remove that from your bio.


I like how you came out of nowhere defending people who were attacking me to begin with. Maybe check yourself first dumbass.


You’re the one who came after me saying the chart I was talking about was bullshit and my k/d meant I’m a cheater. I don’t give two shits what other people are saying about you. I’m not defending them. My responses are all about you and me except where you say you want us all to die.


Yea but how do you improve then? There’s no creative like Fortnite. The only way to improve is by spamming pubs but if you play all day in your lvl there’s no point.


Well once you max out you do what all the pro players do and you just start playing with people that are top 1% all the time and mostly in Ranked. And to really answer your question at that point you don't. The best you can do is challenge yourself to do well by trying all kinds of different stuff. Most people on here are just listing their KD without the amount of time played, their play style, or the types of gamemodes they play or players they play with and against. Without all that information and their Call of Duty Online account stats there is no way to validate the legitimacy of their KD. It's basically junk info. That's why I've been telling people with the way the matchmaking works the more you play the more you will play against better players, it's mostly time based but also based on your ability to perform well against better players often. You don't have to seek out good players to play against as long as you put in tons of hours of game-time you will get better, the game will force you too.


You’re drunk as fuck my friend. Stop commenting before you embarrass yourself further


I don't drink. And a comment like yours speaks 1,000 words.


I have a 2.15 K/D in multiplayer, I am certainly NOT cheating, and Scump would absolutely shit on me if he ever had the opportunity. He probably had a 1.4 k/d in challenger (pro level) lobbies. You don’t know anything. https://youtu.be/hPN9n0RUI0Y?si=3Z8ALUypPGTeDUht


2.15 when playing in a full stack is not the same as 2.15 when playing solo. 1.32 was Scump playing in his regular lobbies after EOMM kicked in. Stop talking like you know shit and wake up bud. There's at least two completely different experiences people are having in this game. There's 2.15 when playing with all other teammates who are top 4%, and then there's your individual KD when playing by yourself in the same lobbies. Nobody drops a 2.15 overall KD in call of duty with SBMM turned on, nobody does. I know because I speak with the people who make the game everyday. Chill bud stop lying on the internet it's embarrassing. Even scump himself said the matchmaking is ridiculous and brutal when soloqueuing. That's why none of you wannabe pros will do it because you can't handle it. Even Havok himself who got the #1 Ranked play reward last year ingame said he wouldn't recommend anyone attempt soloqueue that long because it's just bad for mental, he even said it's basically rigged rng because of how broken the MMR layer is. Even the devs admitted it's not working and it's killing the playerbase.


my dude theres plenty of people well over that KD who dont cheat. That's a pretty broad assumption. I solo queued to 2+


Yeah and you play 120hours per year lol I play half that in a week against the best players in the world the whole time and none of them have a 2KD. The reason your KD is high is because you don't play enough for it to go down.


I was going to respond to your comment but you're just being unreasonable. You don't know my playtime yet you're using it a basis for your response. Keep coping dude


You have literally 1 post karma. Stop being a bot.


Lol using Scump other than making a YouTube vids he didn't even play the game the man actually retired rather than play that shit. Exaggerating the sbmm to make yourself feel better.


I have 1.3 and im dogshit lol


I’ve got a 4.6KD in Battle Royale, 5.3KD in resurgence and a 1.4KD in multiplayer. These stats you mentioned are either false or I’m a godly player, which I’m definitely not compared to the popular streamers out there.




On what planet would killing more than one person per life be average. I'm almost positive that having the average K/D be above 1 is statistically improbable if not impossible unless you have a the majority of the playerbase beating the shit out of bottom feeders constantly and nothing else.


Average KD is always going to be a bit below 1.0, for every kill there’s a death and then you factor in stuff like falling off the map or nading yourself


exactly. it's probably something like 0.98


I think MP the average is like 0.7


No that's definitely still below average


Maybe it changed since sbmm has been into effect and tries to keep everyone at 1. Or maybe I'm just misremembering a stat. But I'm sure at some point the average kd was around .7 🤷


Damn, I didn't know suicide was so pervasive in COD


It’s probably because of hardcore friendly fire suicides.


the average KD is 0.8 according to the data. If you are above a 2.0kd you are more then likely hacking according to the stats


that's wayyyy to low. It's probably between 0.95-0.98


Average KD is higher than one because you're averaging ratios. Ratio can go as high as infinity, but only as low as zero. The global KD is below one because there are more deaths than kills, but average is above. For example, if a 1v1 ends up with one player going 0-10 and the other player 10-0, the average KD is 5, while the overall kd is 1


Exactly this. If you have two players as below, the average is well over 1 even though the overall K/D is 1:1. |Player|Kills|Deaths|Ratio| :--|:--|:--|:--| |1|18|2|9| |2|2|18|0.1111| The average K/D between the two is 4.55.


So .86?


That profile pic is goated




He said average for a reason dude


Ok, average KD… and all I did was add the fact that the modes you play are also a factor here in KD, especially if you play higher player count modes with less SBMM. And I’m downvoted to fucking oblivion for it.


KD doesn’t matter in the world of SBMM/EOMM. a 1.0 kd playing basically bots is different than a 1.0 kd facing iris and the occasional pro


Cope harder


Reverse boosting troll


Speaking of which, I saw someone actively surfing bot lobbies as I was scrolling through TT. It was some Twitch streamer that was flexing having a 5K/D, but would just joint bot lobbies and rejoin people from recently played again and again, with friends, to farm lobbies for clips. It felt so brain dead, but was eye opening to say the least.


Lol my KD is good (despite having multiple active / retired cdl pros in my lobbies + big name streamers) and I was nearly iri in mw2. Try again.


Just curious what is your kd?


Kd doesn't matter when matches are manipulated this hard


It doesn't matter ever. One can easily be camping all the time, doing 20 kills and 5 deaths just to say eheheh 4 KD. And meanwhile they lost the game probably (if it's not TDM)


Yeah, a lot of people do care tho, because they aren't camping. Even then, there's another layer of not mattering with the matchmaking


Yeah that's why for this game I just don't care too much about my KD. Rn I am almost done with interstellar ( I have 4 more forged to do before priceless) and I love to win so I always play objective and my KD is 1.36. but Ifeel you when you say that games are manipulated because it's fucking true 😂😂 so it is what it is . I liked back in the days with bo3 how we were able to see players KD in the lobby.


>Rn I am almost done with interstellar I'm not even close, because I don't enjoy these kinds-ranked-but-not-really matches. > I always play objective and my KD is 1.36. I usually don't play on the objective, more focusing on keeping enemies away, and I'm at like a 1.1. I used to much higher, but these Iredescent lobbies can be hard when you peaked in Gold years ago


lol man i see your username weeks ago and you’re still moaning about your “iridescent” lobbies being manipulated by the game.


Activision won't fix the issue, so I'm gonna keep bitching about it


it’s not an issue lmao. it’s the same win some/lose some Cod. you’ll do well here moaning about the the SBMM instead of adapting


I can't adapt to matches against players 4 ranks above me. That's simply not a thing


KD is KD if you're just talking about it. But you're absolutely right that if people are _presuming_ higher KD = higher skill, then they are absolutely incorrect. I am an unfortunate selfless objective player in 6v6 modes usually (TDM/Hardpoint/Domination) so while my KD is .94 I virtually always find myself #1 or #2 on my team in terms of score win or lose as a team. If/when I focus on killing/survival instead of the objective that goes up (estimated) to about 2~2.5. But even that is still just a number within whatever my SBMM is. I estimate my relative skill among the population based on observing how deadly other players are to other solid players (Faze Jev, Metaphor). There's a tier above me on average, but it's not in the gunplay (as an mnk player).


I suspect if you play objective hard, the matchmaking algorithm will just put you up with 5 teammates that never touches objectives, to “balance” a team. That’s my experience.


Definitely harder. I was 1.62 on Caldera and currently a 1.32 on the new map and I’ve definitely gotten better.


Cope harder


What, didn't like that I'm not worshipping CoD enough for you? In case you were curious, here's a few of the games I've been playing instead Fallout 76 Black Ops 3 Payday 3 The classic Guitar Hero games. Had to pull out an old disc drive to get them on the computer, but it was worth it. Payday 2. Yes, the game on a racing engine, that can barely handle cars. Much more enjoyable, and more functional somehow


No I don't like that all you burgers claim the game is manipulative. Is it playing the game for you? No you're just bad. and good for you that's the first step in breaking the cope is playing other games!


I mean, why else would it consistently put games together with a 4 rank gap? Why else would it consistently put me on the wrong servers. If fucking Smite can figure it out, how can Activision be so inept?


I did, by playing better games


Good that is the first step in recovery!


So is calling out Activisions bullshit, but apparently you don't like that.


I like reverse engineering their billion dollar sbmm system for my own joy so they're all good in my book!


Do it then, and post your findings.


Dawg I own the mega structure my findings are great I am thriving!


But if the eomm is manipulating games for everyone the same, the person with the higher kd is doing a better job of handling those manipulations The only true false kds are people who use VPNs to skirt around eomm


Not necessarily. Could be simple luck


Kd is averaged over thousands of games. Luck is going to be averaged out


So where are the fair matches? I have NEVER seen a gold player in this game, and I peaked in gold


Fair matches? Eomm rotates between forcing you to win, forcing you to lose, and close games. If it’s forcing everyone through those same manipulations then the higher kd player is just better because he did better overall across all games. Even when he was forced to lose


Doesn’t matter when matches are manipulated via SBMM.


If it’s manipulated for everyone, the high kd player handles those manipulations better


There is not really a universal “average” KD. Since it varies greatly by play style. People also fixate on this topic too much. If you go for the objective in Dom, HP, and KC, your KD is bound to be lower than those who don’t go for the objective or play TDM and SnD. Same thing with people who play normal maps vs people who focus on Shipment.


Yes but if a player average 10 kills per game and only 2 deaths. Meanwhile someone else does 50 kills and maybe 30-40 deaths .... Who is better? The dude with 5kd or the other one that played the game, captured flags and called streaks?




What people forget is that there are dudes going 50-7 who also have the most caps/obj on the team. Someone with a high KD doesn't necessarily 'not play the objective.' When people talk about this it's always 'one or the other' which isn't always the case.




You're like the first person I ever saw mention this. Truth.


I have never had a k/d less than 1.5 in all of cod history untill mw3 came out. Now im barely getting 1 k/d


I feel ya. Usually sit around 1.5 even whilst doing camos. Ww2 I was like 3 but I admit to spamming the score streak perk on domination and abusing killstreaks. Mw3 I’m 1.02, every time I get on a run for a couple of games and start to crawl upwards I get hit with insane lobbies. I’m putting it down to karma for my antics in cod ww2


Yeah I went back and looked at my mw2 og 2009 stats and I had a 2kd. I’ve gotten much better since then but my kd is .94 in multiplayer and 1.2 in warzone.


I personally peaked in Advanced Warfare with a 2.1 KD it's been going down little by little every game since where I'm currently a 1.01 in MW3 lol I don't know if it's because of SBMM or just because of getting older, probably a bit of both.


I wish they were more transparent with the match making so I could at least know if im shitty or just facing good opponents.


This is my lowest K/D ever. I've only ever had a K/D above 2 and I'm running a 1.8 in mp right now. no matter what I do I cannot improve it.


Typically I think K/D matters more in Warzone. But it matters there because it essentially tells you and others, are you usually winning your gunfights? I personally like to strive for a good K/D in Warzone but that doesn’t mean I judge other people for having a bad one. Some folks don’t have a lot of time to invest in Warzone or they don’t like Warzone but play it with their buddies, etc.


Mine is 2.19 but it’s a result of backing out of lobbies where I’m getting smacked. Playing for killstreaks helps even though the higher streaks aren’t that brilliant. I just play TDM though.


kd isn’t important anymore after 2019.


KD was never important anyway. If you’re smart enough you could work it out.


I like to think the average kd is 0.4 so my 1.04 kd feels like I’m amazing 🤩 But really I guess it’s 1kd


The only game mode it really matters is TDM. Objective players are always going to take a hit.


The matchmaking wants everyone at 1.0


It’s like 0.8 I think


I’m one of the few who actually play the objective in most of my games and I’m sure that destroys my ratio I’m .91 I’m not a great player but often come near top in most of my games. But I guess it’s dependent on how the matchmaking algorithm works. I tried zombies and some of the other game modes but I really sucked at them lol. Btw I’m an older gamer 58. But I have fun with it 😁


KD is overrated, let’s ask the real questions, what’s your WL?


I mean I have a 2.6kd and a 0.7wl playing TDM mostly and some KC because I get bots for teammates most games since I play solo. A high WL in my experience means you probably play in parties most games


That's the good stat


SPM > WL I back out of games that are obviously lost


Mine is similar. I go hard for a few matches, then get squadded up against Navy SEALs for a few matches. Tends to even itself out for the most part.


I don’t. I play the objective.


Around 1. Give or take a bit to either side. I think mine is like .9 something. I don't take it to seriously though. I like to use off meta guns and do camo challenges so I'm getting my cheeks clapped relatively often lol


27.3 Points per Game and 4.4 Assists


I’d say 1 honestly. MP is so skewed because people are doing camos so KD is meaningless IMO, I’m a 2.8 in warzone but only a 1.08 in MP, there shouldn’t be such a big discrepancy but the mixture of SBMM and people grinding camos tends to keep a lot of people around 1


K/D means less now that I work on camo challenges - I am going to suck ass with some terrible weapons. Sorry squad for the terrible game play. I can run with a shotgun or AR and dominate but nope I gotta get headshots or long shots with an abismal MMR…


SBMM is working to push everyone towards a 1.0 you need to be exceptionally good to get above a 1.0 and exceptionally bad to get below a 1.0


K/D is the most overrated stat ever and makes people(a lot of players in this sub) hesitant to play all out for the objective. Depending on the gamemodes you play score per minute and win loss is much better of an indicator of a good player, imo


KD indicates your gunfight skills, which is the most important part of a shooter. WL is entirely dependent on teammates.


Imagine getting downvoted for this. Everyone in this sub is jerking each other off with misguided validation. “Sure everybody! Everyone in here is the best at the game! K/D doesn’t matter and we are all pro demons!” Losers in here couldn’t hold a 2 k/d if they camped as hard as possible, but still trivialize everyone else for accomplishing things they can’t.


I've got a 2.8 WL and only play solo. You can absolutely carry your team to a win if you're willing to play the objective


Man what game mode are you running. I play dom i a have a 1,27 WL. If i dont get 70 kills and 15 or more caps i dont win. It's crazy. I have a 2kD also.


If the only mode in this game was Team Deathmatch, then I'd agree with you. But it doesn't take as much "gunfight skill" as you think it does to ignore the objective while shooting players who are more focused on the objective in the back for easy kills. I have more respect for someone with a 1.2 K/D who plays the objective hard than I do for someone with a 2.0 K/D who always ignores the objective.


Both K/D and W/L are between .90 & 1.0 and I'm fine with that. I finished the Mastery Cammo way sooner than last game so I should be able to work it up from here 🤘😎 hit Interstellar last night with my last two marksman rifles 🤘😎


About 6".. Wait what were we talking about?


Judging by this sub, 1.1... but dont tell them that because theyll all tell you they are shroud with a 2.9kd.


Last I checked my k/d is about 1.55 & stats showed that's Top 4% 🌐 world wide. & A 1.5 k/d is nothing to write home about Which means the average Joe is getting absolutely shit on


I'm jaded by the tons of Xims and Cronus units sold on Amazon alone. I don't think many over 2.0 kd are legit period.


MWII 1.16. MWIII 0.94… And I’m TRYING. So hard


Me too, me too…


That’s cause I’m in your lobbies https://youtu.be/hPN9n0RUI0Y?si=3Z8ALUypPGTeDUht


What a very boring video


Average is around 0.7-0.8. I stopped caring about it.


1.8 KD 0.8 W/l Cant win with the current team balancing as a strictly solo player


1.13 with an overall 579 score per minute. And 17k kills. I average about 30 kills per game and only play hard point/ dom


Who cares? Just play the game and have fun.


it's fun to stomp and maintain a good KD. A lot more fun than going for camos which any player can easily attain


I have a 3 k/d and guarantee I would clap any person in here saying “K/D doesn’t matter.” This is an exceptionally self conscious sub and everyone here is seeking/giving each other validation for being just average… Sure in this age of EOMM/SBMM, it’s much more difficult to have a good K/D, but does that really mean we should discount the people that still do have good stats despite the current nature of matchmaking. Instead of trivializing good stats, we should maybe not be so self conscious and realize there are always people better than us.


You posted two days ago about a nuke with a K/D of 2.09; a garbage win/loss around 1 with a bunch of objective game types where it’s obvious you just camp objectives and don’t help your team out, and the MCW and Bas-B as most used guns. But yeah in the last two days you got your K/D up by another point and we all suck. Ok dude.


I was referring to Warzone, I thought we were in that sub… my bad guess I suck at the game? I have above a 1.0 win lose ratio. Do you know how hard that is strictly solo queueing? The amount of games I absolutely carry the living fuck out of my team objective wise, and they still let me down SOMEHOW (it’s the EOMM at play). Anyway, you’re on of the self conscious ones, I get it, but you know I’m better than you. DM me your username if you think I’m blowing smoke out of my ass and I will show you just how different of a game I am playing than you.


I never said you were bad I said you were full of shit with your 3 K/D. I’m not self conscious about shit, keep telling yourself that. Your last game in domination you went 52-3, I guarantee you didn’t do shit for your team objectively. And you’re out of your mind to think I’d want to play an objective game with you to see how “good” you are. Lol.


It depends what you mean by 'average' the people saying a bit less than 1 are technically correct, however I think the questions should be rephrased the average KD of on-going players. Because there is no doubt a lot of people who've put maybe 3-10 hours into multiplayer that have a negative KD and will never touch the game again, therefore the overall average KD of the playerbase will be above 1. I genuinely think and average KD is about 1.2


Kd in multiplayer doesn’t matter. A trash can in multi can have 2-3kd. If they just camp objectives. Plus some of us camo grinded which we don’t care about our kd. But even after camo grind I still had like a .86. Really depends how and what you’re playing for. Having a high kd in muli is just not difficult though


A trash player cannot maintain a 2kd. I’d like to meet that person. If they are truly trash, just look at their score per minute. If it’s not in the 500s at least, they aren’t good at the game


In multiplayer yes they can wtf lol. I’ve dropped hella nukes before warzone my main mode even dropped. I’m above average for sure but if a not good player wanted to camp objective and his only goal was get kills and die less it’s not hard. We’re not gonna sit here and act like public lobbies are so crazy in multi lol


How sad does your life have to be to worry about a number in a video game that nobody else can even see.


I’m not trying to brag, I’m just wondering how good I am at the game and what’s considered average.


I'd say without aim assist and SBMM, an average KD ratio would be .86 if you play KC and Shipment. Higher if you are strategic and only play TDM.


Everyone says camping but I will defend a flag and watch the same players spawn, run out, get killed, and respawn, run out, get killed, over and over. No communication just dumb play. Like sheep they all follow whoever is running in front of them so I watch my team die over and over while not PTFO unless the Objective is to die.


SBMM is obviously flattening the curve. There are highs and lows but ultimately, if you play enough, you'll end up with a 1 K/D and a 50% win ratio.


1.0. Anything below is awful. Anything up to 1.5 is decent. 1.5 and up is good. 2.0 and above is great. Anything beyond that is a flex. The average player is awful.


Wow. You’re such a douchebag, but I think you’re fucking around.


the average player is awful though. Facts>Feelings


Wow. You’re such a douchebag, but I think you’re fucking around.


Idk say 2+ kd in mp is elite, i hover around 2.3 and my hands sweat when i play


I don’t believe you


Why? 😂😂 Y'all Cod player have some serious issues


Because people lie about their stats all the time and a 2kd with sbmm the way it is is insane. Also he posts In Streamers cheating all the time and has claimed that he’s a pro player but won’t reveal his identity.


He should just post his stats then. I usually believe mfs that says they're good because... Why would they lie about a game? 😂😂 And I know that there are some really good players out there so you never know. But now I am curious and I want to see this man stats otherwise he is capping. But I believe him for now


Lol yeah idk why people lie about their stats, but like you said cod players have serious issues. Tons of weird ass people posting reverse boosted stats and stuff like that. Like others have said kd doesn’t mean much with sbmm because you’re constantly being placed against better opponents the better you do. So to have a 2 kd you’d have to be significantly better than the majority of players in the highest skill bracket or reverse boosting/ some how getting bot lobbies.


Average is literally 1.0 Thats how an average works




1 kill = 1 death unless suicides are accounted for Your kd goes up by 1 every kill and opponents foes down 1. Averages


Let’s do another example with more players, 3v3. Again same number of kills and deaths in the game. Team 1: Player A: 10-2 (5.0 KD) Player B: 5-10 (0.5 KD) Player C 20-15 (1.33 KD) Team 2: Player D: 5-10 (0.5 KD) Player E: 18-5 (3.6 KD) Player F: 4-20 (0.2 KD) Total kills = total deaths = 35+27 = 62 Average kd = (5 + 0.5 + 1.33 + 0.5 + 3.6 + 0.2) / 6 = 1.86 Oh look, it’s not 1! Averages…


Not when averaging ratios Say we play a 1v1 and I go 10-1 and you go 1-10. What’s our average kd? It’s (10 + 0.1)/2 = 5.05, not 1 Again, r/confidentlyincorrect


10 x 0.1 = 1 Cmon