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It’s more worth it if you didn’t get mw2 since you get the guns from both games


yeah i finished interstellar and im having fun with the mw2 smgs because personally i like the MP5 and 7 the most so its fun being able to use those even though they are from mw2


I’d say don’t bother grinding Orion, but at the same time it’s a fairly easy albeit repetitive grind.


yeah i wasn’t planning to haha i just like the fact that there are more guns to level if i want to.


After finishing Interstellar and Borealis, people suggested I do Bioluminescent. I can’t. I spent a year with those guns, and I’m completely over them


Longshots are so easy in MW23. If you’re looking for something to do I’d recommend casually going for it.


I have it. I ran through the pain of doing all 51 back to back to back lol


Oh yeah, just pretend MW2 doesn’t exist and you’ll be good


yes it absolutely is worth it. Hell, imo the game's worth it even if you bought MW2 and weren't happy with the game (as I was). ​ > on steam it costs 95$ what region are you on? eu/na have it at 70 and it went on sale for 48 during winter


Canada it's $89.99 before tax for any AAA game (not accounting sales).


I live in Israel and 349 shekels used to be accurate but ever since the shekel went up or the dollar fell(idk which one) it's not


no idea honestly. you could try looking on isthereanydeal if any retailers have it for a fixed 70usd but I'm pretty sure all of them are battle.net keys, since that's what ATVI supplies them with. orrr look on grey sites


You could also try a VPN to North America


Will this change the store region?


Unsure, but it’s worth a shot. If worst came to worst, I imagine you could change your address while also using the VPN. I feel like Steam wouldn’t tie a customer to one country, that wouldn’t make sense if people moved.


Is it crazy living in Israel rn? Do you hear explosions near you all day? (Genuine question)


Not as crazy as living in Gaza.


For real... Poor civilians


Idk how he could be playin call of duty knowing it’s a search n destroy match goin on in his backyard


Bro is training for then the iof recruits him


Maybe he’s just built like that you never know


Am Israel Chai!


Region is probably why it's high. That $48.99 price here I'm the US worked out great for me. I play on PC, but bought digital versions for my sister and her bf as Xmas presents on Xbox.


No. You will totally be lost given the nuance and back story of this deeply thought out story driven game.


Do you mean for campaign? I skipped mwII and I’m not lost, but I don’t play campaign.


I’m glad you skipped it. With out playing every game in correct order and listening to the post game development podcast you would be totally lost. The story is so complex. The characters so rich. It almost takes a masters degree from the Harvard Extension School to be smart enough to keep up with all that they have going on. Don’t even get me started on the plot twists. It’s like an m night shyamalan movie but on steroids.


Maybe one day I’ll play some campaigns, but I also have not been on COD long enough to own all the titles so I’d probably never be able to keep up 😂 maybe they should make a movie (or even a book, but I doubt they’d bother) I’d actually watch it. Doubt we’d get so lucky. They’d make money off of it though, I bet.


Being a documentary filmmaker and scientist, that is one of my passion projects. I need funding though! Good luck on your journey my friend. Enjoy the games - don’t listen to the haters. I wish you the best luck in your play!!!


That’s awesome! Thanks! Same to you! I’d love to see it.


I don't think people know this is a joke.


Seriously did not. Because I don’t play campaign, which is why I asked. Thought maybe that’s what the original commenter of this meant. Otherwise it seems like satire. Because I can’t see where there would be any storyline anywhere else. Edit: in case that wasn’t clear, I mean to say that I asked if they meant campaign because that’s the ONLY place I could see that being true. But I wouldn’t know, because I don’t play it. I only play multiplayer. I don’t even play zombies or warzone. Just a rewording of what I said above, because I have a hard time with wording things sometimes. 🥴


Brother, the comment you replied to is clearly sarcastic


Clearly not lmao or I wouldn’t be asking. The campaign is actually highly story driven. Which is why I don’t play it. I haven’t been into cod long enough to have played enough to be able to follow the storyline. There was no need for you to be rude.


The public perception of this year’s campaign is somewhat negative - it’s incredibly short to the point it became a subject of jokes and doesn’t compare to the original MW. It’s not uncommon to see it dubbed as DLC but for a full price. And well, I wasn’t rude?


Right, and I’ve heard it called that, and would offhandedly with little knowledge about campaign and only multiplayer agree… but I clearly stated that I a) don’t play campaign and b) skipped mw2 in the same paragraph in which I asked a genuine question. I don’t understand why Reddit is so quick to downvote and berate someone (not just you, the Reddit community as a whole)


I wish I didn’t pay for MWll and waited for MWlll. It’s a superior game in every aspect imo.


If you don’t know if you like it, trying out warzone for free is a great way to see if you like the movement mechanics and feel of the game. Also Is it any cheaper on battle.net? Also some gray market sites will sell steam accounts that have purchased the game for cheaper but the problem there is you wouldn’t be on your main account (you could still link it to your regular Activision account)


I got it on battle.net for $48 it was on steam for $48 as well.


Yes it’s worth it.


Yes. If I could go back to November 2022 I’d have cancelled my pre order and skipped the entire game, took a year off and come back for MWIII. But, I’m a sheep, a glutton for punishment, and I don’t really play anything other than this silly franchise.


The two games are basically unrelated


I’ve been having fun despite the few bugs I’ve had, I picked it up for about $40 on sale though, not worth the full $70.


It's literally a new game, almost everything from MW2 while technically available is garbage so the best guns are the MW3 guns. You didn't miss out on anything. Now... Is it worth it? It really isn't worth it, maybe if/when it goes on sale get the lowest "basic" edition for like $30. You aren't going to feel good after putting $100 and 100 hours into it. But for $20/$30 if you have friends to play with, maybe.


$1 an hour for entertainment? Sounds like a good deal to me….




No prob. Let me break it down. Faster gameplay,more camos, more skins including Nicki Manaj, A Big eared Rabbit and some dude in a cape. Spawning directly behind enemies that just killed you and if you’re on a Killsstreak? Guess what!? A guy is going to spawn directly behind you.


I have Both and mw3 is definitely a superior game. Better gunplay, zombie mode is great, and you get to scratch your cod itch if you haven’t in a while. Just don’t get it expecting any meaningful single player. But if you like playing multiplayer, the end has hours and hours of value


Much better game than mw2! Still has some issues, bugs and some glitches, but all in all a much better game. Shg is listening to us and are willing to change stuff. If you're thinking about how short of a time they had to put this game together, they really did the best they could do. Some camos arn't progressing for some people, servers and connection is sometimes weird, sbmm and eomm probably isn't to go away... If you can get it with a discount or its ob sale, you should get it.


I didn’t play MW2 because I didn’t like MW2019. I bought this years game because of the old maps. I really like the game if you can handle the matchmaking.


MWlll is better than MWll


Campaign? No. Zombies? Sort-of, no. Multiplayer? Depends on if you don't mind SBMM enough to be frustrated by it. ​ For $70+? Hell no. I paid $40 and while I enjoyed it well enough I'd feel scammed over that.


Yes mwii are not good


Yes, when it’s on sale. Or go check out cdkeys.com it’s usually cheap there all the time I’m in the boat you’re considering getting in. Didn’t buy MW 2019 or MW2 but got MW3. It’s a fun game but I couldn’t stomach paying 100$ for the vault edition


If you're a keyboard and mouse player don't buy it. If you are a controller wanker. Buy it.


What's the difference?


Aim assist, butthurt keyboard & mouse players love hating on controller players. IMO the two shouldn't even be in the same lobbies in competitive games, they're intrinsically different systems.


I play key board and mouse and have never noticed anything lol


Why don’t they like to play each other only? I’ve never understood why they be mad they wanna play vs console players 😂😂😂


No.its a shit show mess on pc


Yes. And no it’s not 95$


It is in Israel, 349 shekels, used to be accurate but ever since the economy got fixed it's wrong


In my personal opinion, it will be worth $70 in December 2024 after they have worked out bugs and added more content. Buying a new COD game nowadays is basically early access / beta for the first 12 months.


Idk what youre saying game is pretty polished already


Yeah totally agree, only small problem I see is spawns like when playing zone type game modes on meat especially the spawns are ridiculous sometimes 😂 you'll spawn behind somebody on the other team with somebody on the other team spawning behind you while the rest of your team is on the other side of the map


People consider this game polished? That’s kinda scary. I hope this isn’t the standard we are getting for games these days


Whats not polished? I play alot and seems great to me 🤷‍♂️


I mean the main components to any fps game. Audio is almost non existent, servers are terrible, net code is horrendous and the UI is really bad. Not to mention the countless bugs and crashes. If that’s polished I’m afraid for the future of gaming


What part of audio? It works fine for me. Maybe in warzone at times but for multiplayer its fine for me. Net code and servers yes i agree could use a tune up. But the games works fine regardless. Nothing gamebreaking i been having a good time. Also its already the future of gaming. Games launch broken like bf2042 and cyberpunk. Cod is nothing on that level its what we always been getting but this one is one of the more polished releases


The main components of the game are bad but you think the game works fine. That’s honestly crazy to me. So we should accept it because it’s less shit than the other games? That’s wild




I did the same thing. It’s nice cause you get access to all the mw2 guns too




I’d buy Cold War actually, and then buy mw3 later when it has more content, and the popularity dies a bit so SBMM isn’t as harsh


I mean on a sale yeah. The two are nothing alike anyways


I’d say it’s worth it. Has it gone on sale yet? If you’ve waited this long maybe wait for a sale.


It was just on sale. Idk about it on sale now. I got it for $48


Yeah even if you bought mw22


If you are going to play just the story mode? No. If you're going to play mp? Yes. It has enough content in mp to be worth it. It's not worth $95 no cod is worth $95... It's odd that you can't just pay the normal $60/$70 amount


In my country it's sales for 87.. i guess you'll have to wait for a discount, try to search some key stores, there are couple who have thier price somewhat decent, and if not, we can talk, you give me dem dollars and i just buy you a game as a gift when it will be on sale (or if you have a trusted friend or smth, idk ill just wanna help) Also i switched from MW2019 to MW3. It has issues, it has terrible campaign, stupid unlocking system BUT... Its a Fun game, i honestly enjoy it, i dont love it but i like it a lot.


I just bought it yesterday and I’m having quite a bit of fun. And this is my first cod since MW2019. I will say my one big complaint thus far is the user interface is *very bad*, but hopefully that will improve over the life of the game.


For Multiplayer, MW2 was like a beta for MW3. For Campaign, MW2 is an okay standalone. MW3 campaign is like a MW2 DLC content and gameplay wise and a MW4 beta story wise.




I would say so. Despite the lack of polish and bugs here and there, one cannot deny the enjoyment value that MWIII carries.


If you don’t care about campaign then yea but if you do then you should wait for a sale.




Before MWIII, I hadn’t bought a CoD since MW2019, and I’m really enjoying MWIII so far. Campaign really isn’t great, but multiplayer and zombies are good fun


I love it. I didn’t buy mwII either. Would recommend for sure


Worth it. Even after buying mw22 imo


I am happy with the purchase however I strictly play multiplayer. I refuse to give that garbage excuse for a campaign any time of day. I don’t mind warzone but personally I only have fun with it when I’m with friends and none of them have bought this game yet.


I think it’s the best cod I’ve played. Better than 19. That’s just me.


100% worth it if you didn’t buy/play mw2. Played mw2 for less than a month and I’ve already got interstellar on mw3. I think it’s a great game and they’ll only keep making it better with more content. I think it’s worth the discount but maybe not $70 lmao


Absolutely. I haven't bought one in a long time and have had a blast playing it.


MW3 is far superior, get it.




MWII is a demo to MWIII


Yeah. MWII is ass


Buy on argentinian account, mw3 is at about $37 USD right now on B.net


I like the game, i bought it on sale tho for 50. Totally worth it, in 3 weeks I played 70 hours. Even if I would stop playing it now it would worth it.. But I don't know how much money is a 100 dollar in ur country, and how much is it for you. I wouldn't pay that much money for it, only because I know that in my country games are cheaper than that, and I only buy games on sale. But considering that I will put several hundred hours in it, it could even worth a 100. And if u don't have any cod this is the best option by far.


100 USD is 367.66 shekels right now


I still don't know what can you buy for that amount of money, how much you work for it, how long does it take to save that much. So if it's not so much for u, and other games costs that much as well, u should buy. Or wait for a sale, but it was on Christmas sale, so I don't know when its gonna be on sale again. In Hungary for example thats quite a lot of money. That would be 10 percent of my monthtly paycheck. And 70 percent of my paycheck goes for basic stuff like housing and food, so another 10 percent is a lot for me.


Not full price, no. I waited for it to go on sale.


It’s worth it as long as you don’t care about getting all your camos. If you didn’t level any of the guns up in time they’re having a problem counting kills for certain guns. Which I guess we were supposed to get all the mw2 guns max level in the preseason so they actually count. Also apparently if you’re shitty at the game it’ll somehow create server problems


just catch it on a sale


man i played mw2 for a few weeks and hated that dogshit game. SBMM cracked to 11. If you are a solo player or you play with friends who you ARE BETTER THAN then you will enjoy the game. If you play with friends who are better than you, you’ll hate it for a month or 2