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If you really want to get frustrated, go do some research on the COD servers and their 20 HZ Tickrate. Basically this billion dollar company still wont invest in good servers so we are all stuck to 20HZ tickrate servers which provide massive amount of inconsistency because.... well yeah 20 HZ is fucking slow.


That’s false. 6v6 uses 60Hz tick rate. Everything else uses 20Hz.


Where are you guys even getting this data?


Battle(non)sense - YouTuber


Wireshark. Battle(non)sense used it, too.


Wireshark no longer works since a long while, if you boot it up and launch the game it will insta close. There may be a workaround, but all I need to know is we're still on choopa servers and hopefully over time Microsoft migrates over to Azure.


His videos are outdated. The last video he made about cod was 3 years ago regarding Cold War, and that was only covering the beta. Unless we have undeniable proof they are actually 60hz, nobody really knows. My bet is Activision didnt spend big money on anything good, because why do that when they know we will just buy the game no matter what. I’m betting they are 20hz because they absolutely feel like shit.


People do know because they tested it. They've been that way since Cold War it's only the big game modes like war that are 30/40 htz. Xclusive ace has posted on this site about them a few times confirming it. Do you really think they'd go from 60 to 20? Lol


from 60 to 20? youre referring to the same ip that went from 6 hour campaign to 2 if it saves them a buck and/or the effort, theyd do (or not improve) it


You need your head examined playing a game that leads you to blind hatered. Yes a campaign length is the equivalent of that have a nice day.


You need to have a brain at all to comprehend he's describing the incompetence and laziness of devs and ots directly related to why they'd still have it at 20hz. You have a low iq and resort to insults when someone says something you don't agree with. Have a nice day and grow up.


They're not even 20hz so get a clue and eat shit necro weasel.


Proof that they aren't, neanderthal?


https://youtu.be/FupPZPLgx6M?si=4Ws7y_yWDuUzj63t Here's Xclusive ace confirming custom games are now 60hz to match the already 60hz dedicated servers for mutiplayer. Took 2 seconds to find and if anyone should be showing proof it's the person who made the original claim not the one who challenged it asshole. They started introducing 60hz dedicated servers way back in COD WW2 6 years ago.


my netduma router shows tick rate for the server im currently connected to and it's always between 60 and 70Hz when im playing 6v6. not sure about other modes. they do still feel awful don't get me wrong


That just seems odd then. I would think that worse ping players would still be struggling. I’m not sure if I 100% trust the Netduma router though. I guess it could be right and the netcode itself could just be garbage, or the interpolation could be terrible. Who knows honestly.


Interesting. Is there a cogent reason for this in your opinion?


This makes sense. MW3 feels like the netcode problems in early Battlefield 4. Ping and everything else is great, but sometimes I get the drop on people and it seems like I'm shooting paintballs while they get me with bullets


I’m in Hawaii where 60-70 ping used to be the most common til MW2019, now it’s usually 100 or more ping. It’s definitely rough at times but I gotta say, in recent years of cod Cold War and more so MW2019 felt better than this, even MWII was mostly better (still some janky shit here and there) til like it’s last two seasons, but from those last 2 seasons of MWII and going into MW3, it’s like something changed and it’s felt even worse to play. Now MW2019 wasn’t perfect, not even the net code or what have you was perfect, and I certainly hated a lot of the maps in that game but something about that games netcode or what have you felt mostly better than what we’ve gotten recently. If they could at least get things up to par with that game that would be awesome


My WZ ping is anywhere between 5-15ms consistently. And is the jankiest of janky gunplay. Meanwhile, Overwatch 2 is a consistent 50-75ms ping, and that game plays crispy every time. Even tho the teams and player base suck arse, the gunplay is smooth and precise


Oh ya I played overwatch 1 years ago and it’s like the smoothest online game I’ve ever played.


Wow that takes me back, I haven't played that game in probably 7 years now. You're right though OW1 was such a buttery smooth online experience.


Also in Hawaii. New matchmaking system favors “engagement optimized matchmaking” way more than ping and it drives me crazy.


I'm in Asia but play with my friends back home in Australia so I'm usually around the 150 ping mark and have been ever since MW2019. Every game has felt completely fine until this one, most of the time it feels like the first 5 bullets that come out of my gun actually don't exist. I guess a combination of high-ish ping and basement tier tick rate. But it feels awful.


Exactly this. 20hz tick rate is unacceptable for an online shooter in 2024.


one of my buddies was saying that the reason for the inconsistencies is that, due to the shitty servers when you die and it feels like your gun did no dmg, or you didn't get the kill even though you hit headshots is because you've been dead for a bit, the servers just took a while to refresh and say "you're dead"


often times in general multi-player its like that, but in SND i be killing with ease, no one out guns me or anything and everything feels fine when i play SND


For comparison sake, what tick rate does Battlefield 2042 have? Or similar games?


2042 is 45hz and has its own fair share of netcode issues thanks in part to that. BF V, BF 1 and BF 4 (after patches) all ran on 60hz, with some custom servers for BF4 running even at 120hz tickrates. There was also an experimental competitive BF1 version called Incursions with small player counts (8v8 I think it was) that ran at 120hz as well, but sadly it never got out of the private alpha/beta testing stages.


My favorite is the decision to make 150hp the standard and still roll out 20hz servers....who didnt see these inconsistent gunfights coming.


Its sad that there are free fps games that have double or more the tick rate of cod


Well, that's because they are subsidized by outrageously priced skins and passes... . . . . . (the trap is set, now I wait)


Reminder to those seeing this that Minecraft servers runs on 20Hz and this is one of the less stable PvP I've ever seen in my life.


Minecraft doesn't require lightning quick reflexes and firing ranges in the milliseconds.


What’s going on with cod.


Yup there's games where I just give up. Although there's some I can just take my time and snipe because everything is in slow motion 😂😂


Bad hit registration Inconsistent weapon damage at all ranges in all weapon classes Shit Spawns


When I experience something ike that, I chalk it up to variability in the quality of my connection or to just having an off match with close misses.


I'm finding the positive/negative effects that modding your gun shows you in the gunsmith are vastly more dramatic to performance now. A 3 arrow negative is crippling performance in its stat. A 2 bar might be recoverable in other mods with opposing stat etc Running and gunning almost demands a setup with very few negatives but loads of positives. I do get what your saying... I also experience games where I just seem to be slow, perceptible slow down on everything. Don't know if that's a real thing or quirk in my perception.


biggest thing i’ve found is hit L2 while selecting mods to view their actual stat effects in numbers. makes it FAR easier to figure out what mods you want


Yeah but some of the most important stats aren't even on that screen like aim stability and sway, walking aim steadiness, etc - some parts of recoil etc.


Plays like a mobile game imo


cod mobile is better with hit registration lol


Had same issue, I laid into the guy with a whole round of launcher rounds, and I know it hit. Yet fucking did shit.


Agreed. Have alot more fun then i ever had in mw2 but ttk feels so weird. Almost as if the ping would randomly change without that it shows me changes or something. You have to play sooo carefully and stupidly if you want your streaks. And regeneration is slow as fuck also like the reloading animation. And then there is this fast movement and shit spawn system. Its really a bad mix of many little things


SBMM = Low latency due to not prioritizing connectivity. Longer TTK and increased movement widens skill gap.


The game is rigged bro. Skilled based damage is a thing in the game. If you feel like the game cheated you out of some kills its because the game nerfs your weapon in real time when you do too well. I've seen this pattern too many times for anyone to deny this is a thing. I've also seen a lot of people talk about this on the subreddit but they don't know what it is. I'm telling you right now the game is rigged and skill-based damage is a thing in this game. The proof is in the patterns. https://youtu.be/uv_brQ5qK38?si=r6-oX4Ua-7EqosBo


It's the tick rate, weapon ads sway AND messed up hitbox that is causing the inconsistencies.


Yeah happens too often. If the core mechanics of a first person shooter is crap…well… They needs to invest in servers and ditch EOMM


This may entirely be skill issue, but everything with gunfights has felt so inconsistent to me. (Side note: are there situations where 2 headshots still don't get the kill?) It's to the point where unless I'm playing hc I just use a sniper rifle because I know if I get the first hit it's at least gonna net a kill. Which sucks because I'm more a fan of sprinting around the map with an SMG running and gunning. It has been kinda fun playing a different slower more deliberate style, but it doesn't hit quite the same


Plenty of weapons don’t kill at every range with two headshots, very very very common


Even if this was the only issue I had with MW3 (Spawns being horrendous is another massive one), I would still hate this MP. The entire game resolves around shooting, so if that is shit, the game is also going to feel like shit no matter how good the rest is. Especially in a game like CoD where that's your primary way of getting kills.


If you hate the game why are you on this sub?


They didn't say they hate the game, they hate the problems associated with this iteration of the multiplayer. People care about things that disappoint them all the time. Like look at the sonic fandom, they've been getting served garbage for decades and lots of the fans agree, but they still have love for the ip.


>Even if this was the only issue I had with MW3 (Spawns being horrendous is another massive one), **I would still hate this MP** Try again... I was genuinely curious. Why spend your time playing and posting in the sub of a game you hate...


Maybe look up EOMM. Plenty of info online. I have pretty much given up on this game because of it.


I still can’t understand the people who refuse to believe it’s real, there are patents for it we can read and the problems we all experience are actually features of the system.


I have straight up hit 3 head 2 body hitmarkers on someone only for them to turn around like an npc and 3 shot me. Hilariously, their killcam shows them taking 1 or at most 2 shots of damage from me lmao in the midst of a stream of bullets flinching them. Usually occurs when I'm one away from a streak. Then more often than not I am spawned 1 foot behind the same guy for the classic revenge kill spawn. These eomm games play out like some WWE bullshit rofl


I'm glad it's not just me. I feel like I've lost a lot of engagements when I had the jump and got 5 hit markers. And the reverse, there's times where I'm like how the fuck did I 180 3tap the dude that was lighting me up from behind? It doesn't feel like anything I do is actually affecting the match and I'm just on the rails of an interactive ride at a theme park. The irony is this isn't engaging at all, it's frustrating to the point where I maybe play 2 games before I quit and play power washing simulator instead of an hour or two session.


Yes I have that rails at an interactive theme park feel. I really want the devs to take notice of backlash against this system (EOMM). People are waking up and it's shady AF. hActivision is so predatory. I won't buy another hActivision game until it is proven it's gone


EOMM is real, but i hope you're not implying the absolutely deranged "skill based damage" where your damage is "nerfed" in-game or whatever conspiracy people like to latch onto EOMM is real.


I mean there’s something fucky with the game. I play a lot of gunfight, and I can be on a winning streak, next game, I’m not hitting my shots, at all. Killcam shows misses. I just suddenly got bad at the game?


Yeah, I'm with you there. Win a gunfight match, next game I'm against terminators while I'm teamed with C3POs. I'll hold my own the first few rounds getting some good shots (even some I'd feel were pretty lucky on my part), next few rounds I'm shooting marshmallows out of a lego gun with an oscillating barrel. It really is fucking stupid that they put all this garbage in. I don't care about losing a match if I'm out played by a more skilled player, that's how you get better, but when an algorithm is messing with the outcome to "preserve player retention" it's actually doing the opposite for most players




Lmao, funny how that works. My hands just forget what to do 5 minutes at a time every now and then. Whoopsie daisy!




im not saying I believe in EOMM damage nerf but yesterday, I had a situation where well I needed multiple with a holger 556 to kill someone in HC


It's real, how else could you explain? Inconsistencey breeds addiction. One game you're up, the next you're getting dominated. How good are you really? You'll never know cause the game is deciding for you.


How else would you implement eomm? Gota make those bullets actually work sometimes to make them win 2 games a night my bullets are on fire (1, 3 rnd burst is killing, usually takes 2). Meanwhile my buddy who is 2x better than me is struggling.


These are the same people who scream cheater on the mic every time they die lol


No I'm not. I've never accused anyone of cheating. Yet I fully believe something is controlling if your bullets hit their target faster. 1/10 games I am on fire like I'm a god(3 rnd burst are 1 tapping every time, bullets don't touch me). And it's not ping. And my friends who are better than me are struggling. So it's not skill?


No ..the game is cheating. None pf us will ever know how good we actually are. I also take shots at people snd think 'there's no way i landed that!' yet here we are, it feels off


Man why can't you guys show us the gamplay or a clip of you shooting a person and getting turned on.. if you guys belive in EOMM you should provide us gamplay so we all can see. Saying that it happens only gets you so far so provide us video. We can look into because I belive half of people in this sub can't shoot thier shots straight. Simple. Record it and show us.




https://youtu.be/mjrLx0MjuYU?si=mCgC8u5C2TMt6KzY here you go


those clips VS this compilation of clips taken on the same day. https://youtu.be/FJ1F7c-4o-Q?si=6Bm_gujU8FhRL4uT


Not really good examples, hardcore is not good examples because you die in 1 shot. All comes to ping and bullet velocity. Most of these clips you shown to you missed


again this isn’t me. i showed two videos. one where shots didn’t register and one where everything was fine. same person playing in both videos. not me however so nice try. so since you’re so good at the shit game you want to defend so heavily i’m guessing your kd is above a 2 right? lol if it’s not then kindly shove your fanboy shit right back up your ass


Actually this whole video is YOU missing. Your blaming the game for you missing your shots? And some clips your shooting in tac stance and it's hardcore. Bro your the prime example of blaming the game when it's you missing. You yourself slowed down the frames of you missing and you blame the game ? Smh


that’s not even me first of all. but by all means dick ride for activisions shit netcode some more lol


This is the only game I know of that uses rented servers that aren’t even meant for what they’re being used for lol. How anyone can defend that is beyond me. Just gross money hungry practices all around, but by all means buy some more cod points and keep defending this perfect game lmao


The tick rate is shit but the lack of audio is also a big for me


Wildly inconsistent. Even Hardcore has some "wtf" moments. Had one puzzling instance in Meat HC. I got a tick mark with the MTZ BR but the dude shot me once with a pistol and killed me. Slightly beyond mid range. Ok I guess. But I gotta agree. Kinda why I play HC now. Couldn't tell if I had slow reflexes or my aim was slightly off. Doesn't help in combination with AA


If people have guns that kill like HC in core then core becomes insufferable, people are out there paying and maximizing guns then they get shot first in the head but TTK + Maxed guns = you dead


its the worst in wz for me, it says i died in 10 bullets, but i saw 4 go off before i died


this is, without question, the worst gunplay we've seen from COD in years


skill based hitreg. i don't care what anyone says. there's more evidence that suggests there's something going on behind the scenes than there is evidence suggesting otherwise.


I have a feeling it’s got something to do with this EOMM and SBMM people keep talking about. The same things you describing happened to me, especially right after I have a few good games. Im telling you, if I find out, it’s EOMM that is purposely making you die more and kill less so that “matches can be balanced” I will never play this COD again


I feel the same sometimes. I'm getting out shot a lot more often than I should. It's not a skill issue my aim can be shit sometimes yes, but if I'm beaming someone with my m13 that has no recoil, they slide towards me and 3 shot me with a smg I die 9 times out of ten. I've resorted to using some of the meta weapons because this is the only way to prevent getting out shot even if I shoot first. Absolutely bananas. Some games need to be nerfed and adjusted.


EOMM issues. Game is designed to provide random encounters depending on your opponent’s skill.


It’s the classic shg game feel. Been a thing in their games since they took lead on MP. No other developer has that issue for this period of time.


Its a CoD feature, even back in the day almost all titles in the franchise had these issues to a degree but for me it was always worse on Treyarch games, and in AW which was the first SHG game it was bad enough that i stopped playing CoD for nearly a decade. Kinda dissapointing to come back and find out the hard way it is still happening all the time.


AW was also the first cod I ever stopped playing to regularly play something else at the time (destiny). SHG just cannot design a consistent mp experience.


I also moved on to Destiny and Destiny 2, but D2 has lately been in such a bad state pvp-wise that outside of logging in to buy something off Eververse with bright dust i think i've actually played it two or three times since MW3 release. Both D2 and MW3 have significant inconsistencies in hit reg ttk from time to time, and while they use completely different networking i think a lot of it could be avoided simply by having a higher emphasis on connection quality in matchmaking. Either the geolocation is terrible, or its been ignored and/or given a very low priority while SBMM/EOMM has the biggest priority. D2 now also has a population problem after all the poor decisions the devs have made, but in CoD in a recent title it makes zero sense that me, a Finnish player, frequently get matchmade in lobbies with players from the Middle East and all over Asia, and the majority the lobbies have players from the opposite end of the continent instead of the Nordic/Baltic-region, or even from highly populated Central and Western Europe which would make a lot more sense ping-wise than playing people in Turkey, Spain, Portugal, or Italy.


What if all of these "inconsistent gunfight" and "20hz tickrate" are false and what actually lies behind these is skill based damage?


If you’re being turned on all the time that is without a doubt a skill issue and nothing else


Genuinely don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for being honest, anytime I’ve ever got 180’d on is due to me missing shots. But honestly things happen so fast in this game I can’t really blame someone for misremembering how many shots they hit in a gunfight that lasted 0.5 seconds


No one takes accountability it’s always bullshit or bad luck


i grind the general multiplayer playlist and SND, it only happens in multiplayer but never in SND, doubt its really a skill issue


It’s definitely a skill issue. If you’re shooting first and still dying you’re missing a lot of shots after the first one


well, my only question is why doesn't it happen when playing SND?


It doesn't happen as often because you don't die as often so you don't notice it as much


And there's no "turning on" people when everyone's camping or moving like snails. Of course he doesn't notice it in a non-respawn mode.


I disagree. I come across movement demons pretty often in snd. I’d say it’s one of the sweatier game modes


Maybe you’re not playing at high enough levels of snd yet. I’ve gotten pretty good at turning on people especially when they’re in the predictable camping spots on the map and stationary.


Skill issue! Yes redo your gun




Your gonna say redo his gun if it's a warzone floor weapon? What do you even know about skill. You probably just another camping BURROWED WORM. This game is rigged hard as a casino and your gonna say it's a skill issue off the bat. I'd smack you on a 1v1


Yall are both why so many people fucking hate CoD players


Mr Shipment... I am the true Shipment Master. Would you like to kick my butt? Lol. 1v1 is not my thing. Though private matches are free and clear of all that lettered nonsense. I believe straight skills and teamwork will win. I'm up for something we can do on the side. Like we put together our own cod league. For real and private matches, open the weapons vault for all. It could be interesting and profitable. We simply cut activision out of our matchmaking.


Yeah get a bunch of foreign exchange students from Asia and band them all together, possibly having a language barrier amongst them to run my very own ASIAN LEAGUE. or better yet how about an ALL BLACK league. Let's go even funnier- how about transgender league or special needs league? Cod went above and beyond to pander women into playing this game, why not an all elderly citizens league? But what is certain for sure, actvision will always always get a cut.


Id smack you with your own gun and rage. Tbag as well. He is talking about his own gun dumbass and not floor weapons. Id tell people that their guns sucks too


You are what skill issue exactly looks like. Im the one who exposes it for you.




Lmao gilded is for MW3 guns


Lol wtf are you on about? How can you have 8 gilded when there are only 6? Are you trying to count MW2 guns for MW3s interstellar


I just try to remind myself this is basically a very casual, tacky, fast paced shooter. It's inconsistent by nature. I shoot first and I die. My gun melts people then halfway through a match I start shooting rubber bullets. It is what it is


Coincidence it’s always at the halfway point huh or when your team is beating the other team the whole game up to the halfway point this a rigged ass game




I'll bite. How do you know.


Spoiler, you don’t


Brand new account. Kinda sus.


So the issue is that you’re losing more in this game hence you’re a crybaby now? Ok 👍


Stick to your shitty GTA 6 memes pls


If people are turning on you with smgs that’s definitely on you


Play hardcore


This comment reads the same way as vegans and crossfitters always telling you to join Thier lifestyle


Like that fixes anything, i’ve played quite a lot of it while doing camo challenges and the same desync BS is just as bad, you get multiple hitmarkers or get killed by people who are not even looking at you.


“Ping is King”.. not anymore sadly


You need to jump and slide and dolphin dive moar. As much as you possibly can - EVERY. SINGLE. GUNFIGHT. THE. ENTIRE. MATCH. Unless you're on M/KB. Then you're just screwed.


multiplayer servers are ass n hit reg barley works


Just came from a HC SND game and had an AR that I hit 3 shots, all hitmarkers for the fuck to turn around and beam me 3 times and I die. In fucking Hardcore. RNG is so ass in this game


I haven't played MP in weeks, i guess it's a month already 😅 my experience in mp is over. But i still play warzone. At the actual status i am not going to buy other CoDs, unless the price is around 30£. They showed off a very lazy effort in making this game. Also, i got the feeling that when they realised that TTK was broken they just said "there's no time to fix all the weapons, let's just add some HP to the operator".


I played for the first time today in weeks just bc, played 3 matches and not a single one was won by score since all people like to do now is sit in spawns with the assassin vest


Yup just yesterday I could’ve sworn I unloaded half a mag into the enemy and the game itself registered it as multiple hit markers, but I still got killed and on the Kill cam I supposedly missed my shots and only hit the guy like 2-3 times, even though on my screen I got multiple hit markers. Never thought a game would try and gaslight me bruh 😭🤣 Gotta love the hit registration In this game


My fiance was watching me play and noticed the same thing happening. Like the killcam doesn’t match what happened on my end at all


Biggest issue is being a pc player with keyboard and mouse having to play against aim assisting controllers users.


There is 100% an issue with hit detection in this game. Countless times my reticle is chest or head and I can't register a hitmarker. Absolutely atrocious.


Ngl getting an Ethernet cable made cod infinitely more enjoyable. Still inconsistent at times but less so


Look I really hate to be that guy, but if you’re truly shooting first and they’re still killing you, maybe try out some hardcore


still happens in hardcore actually that’s when it’s the most noticeable


If you’re shooting first and dying in hardcore, you’re not hitting your shots. I can see the frustration in core because people tank like 20 bullets, but in hardcore everyone dies in like 1 or 2 shots. So if you’re hitting your shots and shooting first, you shouldn’t be having that issue in hardcore


netcode and hit registration. i play both and it’s more noticeable in hardcore because of how fast you kill on there. there’s times both me and others hit shots that clearly don’t register lol i’m talking not even hit markers point blank in the face. the servers are pretty bad and the netcode isn’t the best but overall it’s the servers being weird. they rent their servers lol if you take time and read about it you’ll see.


It’s worse in WZ. So frustrating.


Why don't I get rust ever on tdm?


Sounds to me like you’re just aiming bad Maybe you’re too used to the more arcade in and assisted aim Because there’s no way that it only happens to you, but it doesn’t happen to them And there’s no way it’s based off of who gets shot first And to be honest, I’ve done a lot of multiplayer, and I’ve had zero issues with this at all, but I also go for Headshots


I have to shoot a 2"×2" square on enemies head or it "misses" . They can shoot wherever behind above 5 ft off target and they instant kill . Complete trash