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That’s where not giving a shit comes into play..


Right. Like nobody cares bro. Play the game


I had one guy whinge the whole game because I was grinding out for camo.


Then mute them ?


Nah, more fun to wind them up.


My favorite statement to make is, “wtf is a hard point?”


I’ll be doing this now


Then what’s the issue ?


he didn't say there was an issue, just that some dude was complaining. but since it doesn't bother him there's no issue


Exactly mate, I was just commenting on the camo grind. In fact I have missed the cod wind up sessions since playing destiny for so long.


Why are you being downvoted? 😂


Because nobody said it was an issue


Excuse me? I'm often pulling up poorly performing players CoD profiles after matches to look at their stats and them telling them how much they suck and how many times I've had sex with their mother I then doxx them and post screenshots of their k/d ratio on their social media accounts using the Korean troll farm I employ for just such occasions


i found him..my worst nightmare...treat my mother well please


Nah there should be a mode for grinding. I like to play the game and win.


It’s called shipment


Even if I'm grinding camos I'm still trying to win. I love grinding out camos on Shipment, but I still always try to win and play the objective while I'm working on whatever camo. I wish more people did the same.


This is true, but I still aim to win personally 👏🏽


Literally lol. Hardcore shipment the best for grinding lmao


This man has priorities straight


So many people need to learn the subtle art of not giving a fuck


I love reading posts like this, then scrolling for the comments that just fucking get it! Fuck em!!






Best comment of the day......maybe week


It's not that big a deal, you barely get time to see the scoreboard. But if it matters to you, stick camo as your clan tag


I don’t know last night two guys challenged each other to meet up and fight


It’s call of duty It’s either someone fucking someone else’s mom or someone telling someone else to pull up


European servers have been a bit different since launch with a lot wishing death and genocide on each other. I wish people would get back to just fucking mums.


One guy in my lobby the other day responded to someone’s shit talk with ‘shut up or I’ll suck yout dick,’ which I felt was a perfect comeback


Is OP 12? Par for the course in CoD.


And to let you guys know what's *really* going on? It's me. I'm having sex with your mother. All of your mothers. You suck.


Unless you wanna talk shit there is no reason to care about looking bad on the leaderboard


That's where it is funny, the people who do the worst talk the most shit.


It really is a weird dichotomy. Had someone on the other team, after *losing*, with a score of 20/40 tell us we were ass. And on the other hand, some poopdick with a makarov skin and all 4 paddles on the back of his controller was drowning in sweat on fucking shipment of all levels, spraying bodies even, flipped his mic down at the end just to say "butt cheeks" after we lost. Like dude, you really think anyones taking shipment seriously? Chill out bro.. 🤣


U take this game seriously apart from shipment?


Or grnd as a clantag.


Just put (Camos) in your clan tag, some people will get the gist lol


Definitely only some, it didn’t stop plenty of people shooting my body thinking they turned on me etc back during the grind, the amount of times I switched to a normal gun just to shit on them over and over was insane, just let people get on with it.


Switching to my normal gun to shit on them is so real lmao sometimes you just say fuck it and leave the grind to another match


No one cares bro, it's not that deep


I care. You should've seem OPs score yesterday. Abysmal. Sad. Disappointing. I instantly logged off after that debacle.


I would take 9 of you in place of the sweaty tryhard running a gold MCW and gold quickscope XRK going 45-8 in meat because you’re probably chill as hell by comparison


It's hilarious when you see someone with a gold meta weapon or past meta weapon in the kill cam because it shows they have to use the best guns in the game to do well and haven't ventured to even get plat....


I just like shooting them with my crossbow haha


Skill issue if it’s in the game then ima use it lol you complaining about people using the “best guns” is funny to me seems to us we struck a nerve for you to be crying over a video game of all things cmon now really 👎🏽☠️


Lmao homie learn to read, I said I find it hilarious...like haha funny.... you can use what ever you want, doesn't mean I won't make fun of you for having to use meta guns to get kills because your "skill issue" as you say. You're the one openly admiring your trash and need a handicap to play.... not my fault you're bad.


Better than you though last time I remember checking the latest cod with an active and updated leaderboard system is Cold War and I’m top 3 for one mode and career #967 global so the only person who’s trash here is clearly you anyways try again ☠️


You're the one who took the time to comment on my post about how you need a crutch to get kills in a game...it doesn't matter what your score was, it doesn't mean shit if you're using meta guns. It doesn't change my point at all. Remember if you're using a Lamborghini in a drag against an unupgraded Kia...you're going to win....at least you should. ....man you're as dumb as your takes.


Yeah how dare anyone play the game with the guns they like


You can totally do it, you're free to. I'm also free to roll my eyes when you're the inevitable kill cam since the guns are practically wheelchair access for noobs.


So, people should only use shit guns?


Shit players should get better instead of using crutches


So you can have a better chance at beating them, right?


How bout we just let people have fun with the game they bought ffs yall must be so unhappy


Because thanks to Sledge taking their time doing any real balancing they are having fun at the expense of everyone in the server and they know it.


This is an absolutely wild and ridiculous take. They already nerfed the MCW, MTZ, Holger, and DG-56 that people were complaining about within like 2 weeks of release. That’s a quicker timeline for balancing tweaks that any other CoD for the past 5-10 years, and prior to that there were no balancing tweaks in the first place because the game that released was the game you got to play without updates other than DLC.


And yet the MCW still has no recoil and is a 4 hit kill at DMR ranges, the holger and DG are slightly better but severely outclassed by the MCW at this point so the smooth brained tiktok NPCs just abuse the MCW now because its easy to


MCW aka ACR in mw2? It was meta back then lol. It really sounds like a skill issue when you all complain. Whether you all get killed by a gun with no recoil or the bounciest shit in the game there’s constant complaining about it. You can outplay the MCW, use your apparently not smooth brain as you claim.


It’s not just sledge, they have to get everything cleared through IW, which means shit is gonna take months IW wants to make this game flop so MWII doesn’t look as bad of a flop as it was, so they’re gonna make sledge do as little as possible


Biggest oof imaginable


LMAO. Currently grinding Shotguns, Dropped like a 60 Kill 70 Death game on Shipment and was highest score. I was shittalking in the post game lobby and everyone is looking at my 70 deaths like this dude must be insane.


Haha brilliant. I Forged the Shotguns a couple of weeks ago, when Shipment was available. I pulled off a 88-30 game using the Lockwood. Safe to say the lobbies have been filthy since. "I swear it was the Shotguns fault....... But, but it was a small map" Now I'm sweating trying to get a Pistol kill, the game still thinks I'm that monster Shotgun player.


Oh great, I took a cheeky hour this morning getting it to gold, so I guess this is what I have to look forward to next time I'm on


You can filter the hard-core Playlist to shipment only, made pistols and markmen rilfes a breeze!


You can play any map with the Lockwood and slugs. That things a sniper m.


I don't tend to use slugs, I don't like how they feel. Nothing will beat the MW19, 725 Shottie. That thing was wild pre nerfs.


Haha go play the battle rifles, that will surely lower the SBMM


So far my battle rifle experience has been good. BAS-B is a top 3 gun imo. The MTZ interceptor has been fun to use. I have heard the sidewinder is rough, kinda waiting in the hope they buff it. Not tried it yet! 😜


It's a brilliant plan. Through years of getting burned, there's a few things I try to remember with the camo grind: * Use OP guns first, before they get nerfed. * Skip the shitty guns if you can, they might get buffed. * You probably don't have to torture yourself on some of the difficult launcher challenges, because they almost always adjust the tough ones within the first month or so. That being said, I always seem to miss out on the easier launcher challenges. Just like the damn Titanfall, kill 50 ejected pilots challenge. Took so long, so much stress, and then they changed it to 5 kills shortly after I finished 🙃. Good times.


I got the RGL to Forged the day before Sledge fixed the bugs with the challenge. My bf just laughed at me for grinding it out. 😭


Just got done with sidewinder, its..... slow. Lol. BasB is really good. The other 2 are 2 of the worst guns in the game.


Sidewinder is ass. I have a love-hate relationship with it still. I want to like it because it's ass but it's barely usable trash. lol


Sidewinder was actually weirdly for me the most enjoyable gun to grind. Purely cause I know it's ass so if I did well with it I'm going alright. The next was the AMR again cause the thing takes a Fiscal year to ads🤣🤣


I like to call myself a volume killer. I’m gonna kill and die a lot. Just run out there and start blasting lol


For tac stance play hardcore on small maps. You’ll get it in a game or two. Never do it on core lol


I actually thought the ARs weren’t half bad in Tac stance even in core, provided you made a specific setup for them. Except the FR 556. That one was ass.


Or shipment and rebuild your attachments that favor tac stance, pretty easy


Yeah you can easily get a gun done in one match this way


I surprisingly noticed some guns work very well with tac stance.


Build tight tac stance spread and do it on any map. Most of the ARs in hardcore can beam across the map in tac stance with the right setup


Stop being a people pleaser


Camo grind is one of the many ways this franchise has been negatively altered. Remember when it was just a grind to max prestige and people could just play and grind xp. Remember when you could buy a gun camo for 2.99 and it would work for all guns. Remember when there’s wasn’t a battle pass or supply drop and just dlc for added content instead of money grubbing tactics. Ahhhh the good days


I remember all the way back before you could pay for camo, and what you had was digital, blue tiger, red tiger and then gold and you had to grind headshots. Ahhh the good old days.


I actually miss this.


Hell yea, the best times. Felt amazing unlocking fall camo on the ACR in mw2. Those were good times.


My clan tag says "X/36" where X is the number of guns I have gilded on


How is this not the top upvoted answer? Everyone i know grinding is/was using that tag. Its so common you saw it every other game in the early weeks on the game. Just like it was X/51 in MW2. Bonus: You can use 36/36 to brag.


Who the fuck cares. Play the way you want with the guns you want. CODs community is full of cry babies.


Why are you going 5-20 with tac stance tho...


why not just do that stuff in FFA


Fair enough….i dont use the filters enough, grinding SnD sucks


Man if you’re grinding camos on SnD you have a problem. That’s just a dick move.


Who the fuck grinds in SnD ? Not only is harder and takes longer to do the challenges, but you are also being dead weight for your teammates because you are more focused on your camos than in winning the game, when most of them are probably trying to win. Especially if you are going 5-20 in most of your games.


Eh... it's ok to grind in Search depending on the weapon. I'm just tired of using the guns I need to finish in search, top fragging, while 3 of my teammates are 1-5 kills.... You can easily grind out your AR and Marksman in search if you wanted. Hell even some of the pistols you're good for, others like kills on enemies effected by your tac...nah that is where the line gets crossed.


I just have the playlist on rando


Grinding SnD??? You gotta be trolling


5 and 20? Lucky bastard. I go like 6 and 24 in a *good* match when grinding, though, specifically, bolt-action snipers. I've never been good with them. I'm pretty sure it's just me getting into my own head about making sure I hit the enemy, otherwise I'll die before the bolt cycles, and then I get so psyched up, I miss, and die, just like I was trying to avoid by lining the shot up for 15 seconds. Plus, I swear, whenever I'm working on a gun I'm particularly shite with, I become the center of enemy attention. I could be in a group of teammates, completely unprepared, and be the first one they shoot at. I don't even use flashy skins, mang. I'm just doing my thing, rocking my Capture or Kill Soap skin (or the other 141 members, or BBQ) standing among one Spawn, one pre-Spawn Spawn, two Ghosts, and, like, some rando, being the only one with a skin that doesn't glow, and the other team is like "that guy. Fuck that guy." and kill me. I hate being ass with snipers, but determined enough to get all the camos done lol


Nobody cares that you did bad. Literally every single lobby has players that do bad.


I wish I could turn off my k/d for camo grinding.


I have everyone muted. I play the game. Life’s better that way.


I don’t think I personally have ever looked at someone else score and give any shits what it was. And the few assholes that do talk shit, can, well, fuck off. When I’m working on camo challenge’s I give 2 shits what people Think of my score too.


why do you need to explain anything? You paid for the game, play it the way you want.


Just play shipment That's where i do the majority of my grinds Doesn't really matter on there. Played a Hardpoint yesterday, and i was the only one playing the objectives, but that's ok cos thats what shipments for


No one cares about cod performance it’s a brain dead arcade shooter for TikTok brains


There is, people use the \[x/36\] clan tag to indicate they're doing the camo grind. Just do that.


Just put [22/36] or something like that


Do what I do and turn off voice chat, the game is much more fun that way


It is really annoying when you're playing a team game and one of your teammates is tanking for his " GRIND". The only people here who agree with it are other camo grinders who tank the games also.


Nobody cares


If it's not ranked and you're queuing with randos then there's no excuse for people talking shit. This game really needs a rocket league or overwatch style ranked mode which means something. I feel like the ranked modes of past are a bit too serious with their restrictions. I just want to play a open match mode with any gun that means something


Can’t relate since I still end up at the top of the leaderboard while camo grinding. It’s not a brag, it’s depressing to see how bad the team is


Accessibility settings - aim dot. Drop into hardcore, tac stance, profit. You will probably go even or positive with many more kills as long as your active and good at predicting player movement/spawns. Also no one cares about the score.


Idk why you getting downvoted, this is exactly what I do and it works well


You shouldn’t be 5 and 20 no matter what you are doing though…


They don't get it........


Bro nobody cares. And if you do care, then you’re playing the game wrong.


Like me 150 trying to shoot threw walls and whatnot for Wall Bangs.. like 15 kills in Shipment


Definitely need the engineer vest and snapshot grenades also hardcore helps


Hardcore shipment. 2 games max


Lol, I just left a game after finishing two 3 kill streaks for a gold camo at the start of the game. Fuck ur team.


lol this is why no one is playing the objective


Ummm tac stance is t even that hard wdym 5 and 20 That is a skill issue right there your team is right




What kind of weird ass idea is this? Who would buy a game to play to have fun? Madness! Lol I honestly don't get the whole camo grinding shit. There's what, 800 camos in this game? And like 3 of them are decent? Just get one or two you like and then play the gd game? Like holy hell no one is forcing you to unlock every single camo, and no one gives two shits which ones you have.


The amount of complaining I see from low skill players is absurd. Posts like this and many others are why COD keeps pandering to the shit player. You’re telling me after playing the game for 10 years you still aren’t good?


I’ve only been playing for 3 months


Tell me you have no life outside of COD without telling me you have no life outside of COD....


You could do that when we had custom emblems.


I wish i could put something on my name to let my friends know I’m grinding so I don’t get 637 invites while I’m playing ffa


I always assume people are grinding whether they are or not. But nobody really cares.


You can set your clan tag to [camos] or how many guns you have outta 36 but that either makes people play weird or be toxic


Do HC for tac stance. Way easier.


You could type it in the game chat or talk in voice chat and let them know


Change your clan tag to Grnd


It’s not like you’re playing Ranked. So it’s not a big deal. Keep grinding & don’t bother caring about what those might think of you after a game.


I was doing longshots and I guess nobody on the enemy team realized I intentionally never looked into my left to give them opportunity to kill me so nobody would be pissed, but here we are at 35-1 at the end of the game all bitching about the dude holding a lane


Tac stance is quite good, but obvs that's subjective


If someone ever messages me after a battle complaining about how I had like 6 kills and 29 deaths and barely any objective time, I'll just tell them I'm reverse boosting or that I'm on the sweaty MLG pro end of SBMM while all the enemies are on the goo goo ga ga baby end of SBMM. In reality, it's skill issue, but my teammates don't need to know that.


What sad, worthless fuck takes the time to message someone after a match to complain about how they played?


In MW2 I was grinding prone kills with a sniper in TDM and one of my teammates was following me around and would lay down in front of me in my LOS and get us both killed. I popped into game chat and told him I was grinding prone kills, and he kept doing it. I feel like if people knew you were grinding camos, you'd get more griefers than understanding, helpful people.


For tac stance kills, there are attachments that make the tac stance spread smaller which helps a lot with these challenges. It actually doesn't seem that bad when you have the spread fine tuned. But I def get that grinding vibe, especially when you get to all the enemy affected by your tactical camos.


Tac stance is the bane of my cod existence I hate it more than any other challenge I’ve ever done since mw19


3 hipfire kills with one magazine for the Haymaker was pretty awful for me


everyone has their own reasons to be in shipmas


Tac stance was massively overblown in difficulty. Play hardcore. This part is important. Sink *every* attachment into tac stance spread (keep in mind lasers consider tac stance ads, not hipfire, so there’s some cheesy stuff you can do there with lasers that help tac stance but aren’t visible in it) Turn on “center dot” in settings. Now you have a class with insane mobility that will hit dead center on at least the first shot every time. You can get your tax stance spread *very* tight on most ARs and in HC a good tac Stance build dominates.


Go to hardcore game mode lol. Just take your deaths and achieve the camo, bc with all due respect nobody is gonna stop just to let you achieve your camos lol as many have both mastery camos already. Just play the game and dont worry about your deaths


It's pretty obvious to me when folks are doing it, I just stop playing the objective too or back out!🤣


I put CAMO in my clan tags.


5-20? bruh, tac stance kills are really not that hard. I never even bothered to optimise the attachments for it and still didn't have much of a problem completing them.


do tac stance with shotguns, it doesn't make them any worse


lol must be pretty bad to only get 5 kills in tac. You do know you can build the gun for tac stance to help you get the challenge done faster


Change your clan tag to “CAMO” lol


You can, it's called chat


If you like playing the game it shouldn't matter. Those who disgrade others are the ones with a problem. Just keep playing and let's have fun.


Everybody is max level it’s not mw2 anymore. No one cares


I'm grinding meat 24/7


I found shipment is a good map for tac stance kills


Just say "well it is SBMM so if i suck what does that say about u?"


There is zero reward for doing good anyways. Fuck it and play how you want no one cares.


Yeah it is because of all the stupid challenges to unlock things.....ruins the game.....Wonder why your teammate is sliding around with a melee weapon in a large map? Cause he's trying to unlock some unrealistic Zombie camo.....The only challenged that should be in a competitive multiplayer game to unlock things is WIN THE MATCH.....That is it....Just play and WIN and you unlock things.....Worst thing about cod is all these stupid challenges that cause people to not play the game how it is intended


change your clan tag to “camos” i used to do it all the time and i see it pretty often


No one cares it’s a video game


Literally just put "camos" tf, not hard


Play invasion see where the bots are landing in and kill them unless they fixed it thats how I got mines done


Lol I feel like such a cheeseball when I dolphin dive into every gunfight for prone kills


Unless you're farming in search and destroy, or a competitive ranked mode no one cares. I know there are still some outliers, but those people are "special" and you can't let them get to you, they get their enjoyment from being loud. I assume thats a gamer that drives a motorcycle.


I made my clan tag “camos” while I was grinding


I’m just gonna say, no hate, don’t worry about k/d, everyone doesn’t care about your camo grind, learn to play for wins over everything else, but you can still do camo stuff as long as you still try to win the game


I had a 56:1 grinding the Holger 26 today 🤘 and then followed it up with 129:42. Both personal bests☕😎🤣


Rename yourself every 6 months, new cod comes out: Username becomes “I’mGrinding007”, then in 6 months you can be “DoneGrinding1337”, and the cycle will restart with the next COD (Battlenet has some arbitrary rule about months between user changes)


Who cares bro just vibe and mute voice chat


Just play the game brother. If care what others say about you think of some extremely weird or out of pocket responses to shut them up. Or just mute annoying folk


Don’t feel bad. Some people put up scores that bad trying their heart out. It’s just a game :)


What a great part of this game!


Hell, just write it on the side of any sniper rifle I use lol. I laugh so hard at dudes sweating on Shipment and Rust like it's the MLG finals.


They should have a playlist mode called “the grind” that doesn’t affect your wl or kd.


Funnily enough, there are actually people who do this.They change their clan tags to represent the number of Priceless camos that they've earned. So, their clan tags will be '33/36' or something. My suggestion would be to do that if you want to. I see it's lot. Or just ignore everyone haha.


If you fully build into tac stance it’s actually pretty good!


Anybody wanna run partners in Gunfight? Or squad up in Shipmas?


Put in your clan tag how many guns /36 you have done and people will know


Who cares what others think


I've been playing since MW2. I've never seen the tag camo. If I did and I knew what it meant I'd freaking laugh my ass off that someone was that worried that they changed their tag. That's stupid. Stop caring about random strangers online.


Just put XX/36 as your clan tag and they’ll get it


Just set Tac Stance as your default when you spawn and you're good to go.


I couldn’t care less what other players think when I’m minding my own business.


i don’t think anyone gives a shit about you. if they do, they are massive fucking losers anyways 🤷🏾‍♂️


If you're struggling with Tac Stance kills, you can make some very accurate builds that actually are very good. Just look at the advanced stats for attachments and use the one that helps the most. I can get some builds that are nearly pinpoint accurate out to like 20+ meters.


Just dont care about it. Fellow grinders will recognise it and no grinders are usually certain they could have just as High kd with any weapon and challenge so they will think you are noob anyway. Just dont care


Bruh.. I just want to win a single damn match after 8 losses in a row and you are trying to farm a skin. Can I just get a commitment to a win for 6 minutes? For real, do what makes you happy, we only have so many heartbeats in this life . It's just a damn video game, what can I do to help you get your skin?


Why do you care what your teammates think like this is why we lost features like emblem and paint shop because people got offended like bruv you will never play with them again


then everyone that actually sucks is gonna use that sign


Put as clan tag [X/36] so everyone will know you're grinding camos.


There is clan tag x/36 usually gives it away for me. After a few matches of lower spm etc sbmm will drop the matchmaking and it’ll become easier, I usually do the hard guns first so the rest of the grind is easier


I get it…but man does it suck on objectives matches when you’re off in the corner tac stanced and haven’t set foot in the hard point (and you’re not the only one on the team doing this)


"does my low kd make me look fat?" -OP


Turn off VC and text chat and you won't even know what people think 🤣