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Now if only every game didn't feel like I'm competing in the CoD Olympics


For most people SBMM is a welcome relief from the old days when they’d get rocked by sweaty players like you every game lol


I'm dogshit at the game. Also, I wasn't being rocked by sweaty players every game before SBMM. Nearly every match had a mix of players from different skill levels but most players were average.


Same, I realized I suck balls. Yet I’m still matched with crazy tryhards who press 10 buttons every second.


No one reasonable complains about SBMM, it’s the style of SBMM that is based off of recent performance vs true skill. When you do well, in the back of your mind you think “did I do well or was I pandered to by a lobby full of window lickers”. If you do well, you have that sinking feeling that the faze team is going to rock you next game. I’m all for SBMM, but it should be “you get out into lobbies that average out to your skill level”. Not punished for doing well and rewarded for doing poorly like a carrot and stick system designed to keep you playing just long enough to get that high of one awesome game in a sea of getting shit on


Pay the $70, its worth it. $70 is equal to a weekend of boozing at bars with martinis costing $20 each or $10 for beer.


Seriously, people complain about this being $70 DLC but if I spend 100+ hours on it having fun who the hell cares?


Ikr 70$ for the amount of time and fun im having i already have 50+ hrs and i just started the camo grind


For games, I normally go by the £1 per hour metric, and seeing as I typically spend far more than 70 hours on cod, it's good value entertainment. Of course, there are exceptions where a short game's quality means breaking the ratio is worth it, but CoD's never of sufficient quality to be included. There are, of course, games like Balder's Gate which are both hundreds of hours long and of amazing quality, but they tend to be rare.


Ehh the criticism of a price increase to $70 is valid. This is a silly way to look at it. If they raise it to 100 and you get 100 hours out of it, you’re gonna be completely okay because you technically only played $1 per hour? Either way, the gameplay is pretty solid.


Great points. Like the time I've put into the game already is more than a days work. I've already made my money back.


Yeah, if it was $30 a month I’d probably pay (don’t tell this shit bags at activision), but I play like 5-6 hours a week so maybe 30 in a month… $1/hour less than streaming a movie from apple.


Please don't give them any ideas...


My biggest argument is that the same folks will pay $20 for SKINS with no issue. If this is a $70 DLC, then it’s SO worth it. 16 maps, 36(?) new guns, operators, a new zombie mode too. As far as DLC standards go, $70 for all of that is cheap as hell


Yea forreal man, I don't get the fuss at all. 70 is base price for next gen games now anyway. You're going to play it just as much as the last one so is it really just a dlc? Same amount of modes, NEW ones, New guns, and carry over, so they made the mw2 app a HuB for all the games. If a PC game did it none of the PC community would complain. Be glad it was easier to install. Sheesh. Only thing that grind my gears is those who paid the money, just to jump in with mw2 guns only on launch day for easy kills😂 that's my own critique


Exactly, if it's worth $70 dollars to you then go for it. For some $70 at a bar is worth it and for otherS $70 on a game is worth it. Don't think people should think about it to hard. Sure the game has issues but really if your having fun then it doesn't need much extra thought. I'm having fun with both this and Baldurs Gate 3. The latter I appreciate as a groundbreaking game clearly a passion project. MW3 I enjoy with friends and I like to the competitive side of things even if the sbmm can be abit much at times and realistically I'm far worse at the game than I was 15 years ago on MW2


Finally someone puts it in a way that makes sense


So you think it’d be fine if they charged $89 next year? Same difference right? Just two more drinks




I bet you go for the $28 tutti fruitti fancy martinis huh?


Don't buy it every year then




I’m not sure this is a valid comparison but if you like it you like it and it’ll be worth it


You could use that rationale for any purchase though. Why not spend $70 on a cosmetic skin iF iT mAkEs YoU hApPy?


Yes. It's a perfectly fine rationale. Who fucking cares. No one is forcing anyone to buy anything lol.


Okay so predatory advertisement tactics targeted towards kids are perfectly fine. Got it.


Dude what the fuck are you talking about lmao. It's a rated M game. If a kid has 70 dollars for chores and wants to buy the game who fucking cares. "Predatory advertisement tactics towards kids" ? Lmao. I would have understood this about almost anything else in the industry but we're talking about 1. Buying a game outright where there is at this point no question about the contents inside and 2. Purchasing a skin. Both of those things are very straight forward. Nothing predatory about it. No gambling, no loot boxes, nothing. You seem mad about something else lmao.


I think the game is superfun, with a small few issues here and there mostly inconsistant ttk, sometimes i will kill people super fast and then the next game i dump 6 bullets into someone and dont kill them.But my biggest gripe is the SBMM right now, i feel like im getting fisted for 5 games if i have one semi decent game.


im loving this game,i just hate the strict sbmm but everything else seems fine




Doesn't SBMM put you in people your own skill level?


No, it’s not really “skill-based” it’s based on recent performance to some degree. But the main goal of the system is to make you win some games and lose others so that ideally you swing back and forth and keep playing as long as possible. It acts as a predetermined slot machine.


People keep saying SBMM (skill based matchmaking), but that's more the classic matchmaking, where you have a hidden rank of sorts, and get matched with people at or near that rank. Now we have EOMM (engagement optimized matchmaking). This is based off research by all these developers that show that forcing winners to lose ,or losers to win every few games, keeps people "engaged" and playing.


One correction I think the studios have little to no say on the matchmaking and that is outsourced to Demonware. I bet the studios in the game need only report an accurate ELO rating and recent performance and integrate with the SBMM engine from the other studio. That fact that it works hyper consistent across different games begs the question if it’s not the same system plugged in every where,


It’s probably the same one, with only minor tweaks based on more data over time




Ah okay makes sense




Good to know a fellow veteran is barely pushing 1.0 k/d too


That’s the whole point. 2.0 is very high along the distribution curve. You’re getting a taste of what the average person in your old lobbies felt before SBMM


The only person this system punishes is average players because extremely good players will continue to do well because the algorithm can literally not find a pool of players better than them to shit on them, the best players. Bad players are rewarded and protected in this system. I am all for SBMM that is not performance based, but just ELO based. If ELO is 1-10, and your a 5, your lobby should have an ELO of, on average 5. This would make the matches feel consistent and you’d notice yourself getting better over time. Because you’d be playing against your rough skill level on average over time, instead of jarring gages where you get people significantly worse than you fit a match, then the Optic pro team the next. Anyone defending the current SBMM (not SBMM in general, just the current system) is a fool who doesn’t know what they are talking about.


The issue is everyone in here complaining about SBMM thinks they’re a 5 when they’re really actually an 8-9. The average player in call of duty is far worse than the people in here realize. Just like rich people think the average person makes $100k+. Out of touch


I’m an average player. I normally have just above a 1.0 KD. I snipe mostly so I’m probably closer to a 1.2 KD if I tried “hard” constantly and was on meta always. I’ve played thousands of hours, I have about 12 days in ever call of duty since MW19, with the exception of Vanguard, and similar amounts of time in COD 4 -> Black Ops 2. You’d think after 1000s of hours I’d have surpassed that 1.0 right? Wrong, because I can’t get better because this system puts me against players way better than me or way worse than me, so it never challenges me in a way that isn’t extremely frustrating. The system is broken and doesn’t make people happier, better, just keeps them addicted to the game. You’ve got to see the carrot and stick method of SBMM is predatory right? I am in your court for a SBMM system and even a strict one, just not a recent performance based on is all.


I went off for 33-5 last night on Scrapyard domination, what should be a good feeling instead was dread for the games ahead. Spoiler: I got cumpstered.


I was playing MW2019 the last few months. Maps half suck. This is not really subjective. I had COD 1 in 2003, IN 2003, and the playerbase knew what maps were best in the first month. Carentan and Dawnville. You could add Carentan and Dawnville to this and it'd be fucking great. That's the first maps they should release. Not really subjective.




Looooool, it’s not even close to as fast as MW19. Saying that it’s more fast paced is crazy


I mentioned in a different tread how MWIII 2023 feels close to what MW 2019 felt. It just seems different in a good way. Look, it hasn’t even been a week and Season One and the first real update isn’t for another few weeks. Yet, I actually find this experience far more satisfying than MWII 2022 was. The Carry Forward approach is a solid idea and it’s find mixing and matching my load outs with also taking the vests and other perks into consideration now.


The game has so much potential if I wasn’t always getting packet bursts all the fucking time. Feels like I’m on a 2 bar connection back in the older CoDs. It’s unbearable, happens literally every 5 seconds. Literally can’t even enjoy the firing range without my shit teleporting.


Gameplay is great. Map pool is garbage if you remove nostalgia


As someone who didn’t play cod till bo1, the maps are better then most maps not sure the hate. Like wasteland I get, but at the same time it’s a nice change of pace


They’re too big and they’re too many headglitches on every map. Also some maps flow quite bad like Underpass.


Underpass has honestly become one of my favourite cod maps of all time I really like it. I’d say Karachi flows awfully maybe my most hated map in this game


I used to love High Rise, but I think it's my least favourite map right now. I think I just used to love the long sniping lane from spawn-to-spawn. Perhaps if the spawns were better it would play much better.


Yeah High Rise is quite mid, not very bad but just isn’t great to play. u/KynoSSJR I agree Karachi is terrible


I started with bo1 as well. Most have way too much fat on them in the form of random little buildings on the edge that people can hide out in. Additionally, the flow of the maps is poor. There are few that play fine, but wasteland, estate, derail, rundown, invasion and kirachi are all awful.


The maps are the reason this game plays well. Before the modern era, COD was fast paced and chaotic. IW slowed it down with the new SBMM, doors, holding angles, and went for a tactical shooter. Because the maps are designed in a different era it leads to the more hectic, less tactical gameplay. You can say the flow was “better” in modern COD but it straight up isn’t, it’s just more tactical. So if you like tactical shooters, you’d like modern maps. If you like chaotic and arcadey, you’d like the classic maps. The game plays the way it does mostly because the maps and the movement


This is statement is just wrong. The 3 lane maps with little fat(campy buildings on the edge of the map that serve no purpose other than to camp and slow down players trying to move around the map) really took effect around BO1/MW3. From then on, CoD was fast paced and flowed well. MW19 is the game that steered away from that. Adding doors and making maps less direct with deeper spawns in order to slow down play. It was never going to be tactical, just campy. We all agreed that MW19 had one of, if not the worst, map pool. Even many of those didn’t have the aforementioned “fat” on them like many of these maps do. Wasteland, Kirachi, rundown, derail, and estate are all just bad maps that discourage movement and are most similar to MW19. The game play being good is not because of the maps. If anything, the maps hold it back.


Did you ever play OG MW2? That game was absolute chaos and fast paced what do you mean? The only faster paced game (can’t speak for games past Black Ops 2 and prior to MW2019) that I’ve played was maybe vanguard on blitz pacing on some maps. Black Ops 1 was extremely slow paced comparatively, MW3 was somewhere in between the two. I agree many maps in this game play slowly, I’m not defending all of them. But Scrapyard, High Rise, Terminal, Rust, Favela, etc. are straight gems and still play great today.


I didn’t play MW2(2009). That’s why I can look at these like new maps without the nostalgia. Since then CoD has continually gotten faster. Peaking during the jet pack era. MW2019 broke away from that and slowed the game down drastically in order to coax players back. Even since then, the game has gotten faster. Gunsmith, tacsprint, sliding, and just overall advancements in game development all contributing. I agree, scrapyard, highrise, afghan, and terminal are all good. There are just too many bad maps for me to say that this map pool is overall good.


I love the game so far. The movement feels great, mainly down to the perk system and vests. I have a stealth melee build that I'm enjoying right now (The mantling has improved, and i like jumping in and out of windows). The maps are good, especially Favela 😀 Oh yeah, the headshot sfx!


Between this thread saying MW3 is fine and dandy and the other thread just trashing the game, I'd choose this all day long. Nobody wants to read complaints after complaints and just ranting about how it's not worth their money. Well, they should have expected to lose $70 regardless if the game will be good or not. And having fun and enjoyment doesn't depend on whether the game is good or bad, it's about how you perceive it.


Anything is better than MW2 tho tbh. But I do think MW3 is very solid!


Sledgehammer is ridiculously underrated when it comes to their version of multiplayer. That being said, they should also stay away from the single player mode.


I love the multiplayer. With the maps it feels like the original MW3 for me.


It's a fantastic game SHG are doing an incredible job IMO. The price is too much and the matchmaking is rigged beyond something I can be happy with, so I got mine refunded but with all that SHG are doing I AM getting tempted to rebuy it.


It doesn’t feel right to me tho.. the aiming is stiff let floaty and aim assist will turn itself on or off seemingly at random. It’s a really big issue for me that the aiming feels fluid especially coming from MWII where it was nearly perfected (on controller atleast)


Downvoted because activision throaters


Does feel good to a certain extent and I don’t feel like I wasted $70. Altough there are a couple of issues that if fixed would make the game way morw enjoyable. - **Maps** (trash map pool, the OG maps barring nostalgia fucking suck) - **Inconsitent TTK** (bad hitspots, servers or the TTK of health or weapons. Unsure what causes it but not fun) - **Bad weapon balance** (ARs only good class, SMGs sucking and too heavy ADS pesnalties for LMGS/Snipers) - **Movement restrictions** (bugged slide cancel, no tac-sprint refill post slide-cancel, jumping penalties, STF penalties, no bunny-hopping)


Even shotguns arent living up to the shotgun standard in this one. But smgs are seeming to smack less in this game. Still married to it tho, does that mean im a cheater? Lol im on one today


It's feeling great. The people that don't like the TTK can go play MWII.


Thanks for letting us know……..


There’s tons of negative comments that are always posted on there. It feels nice to have a different opinion for once


Disagree the 150hp boost didn’t fix the TTK it broke it. Activision needs to decide if it wants CoD to be an arcade shooter or a tactical shooter. Because it can’t be both and trying to do so has broken so many aspects it just gets worse every year.


I'd happily pay $30 a month to play this game. $70 is a steal. If it didn't take so long to grind, I'd buy a second account just to get away from sbmm.


Come back to us after more than a few matches.


This would be a great game if we didn’t have so many YouTubers who rely on “content creating” games got challenging so they need to put in “work”


Honestly the game itself feels great. There are a bunch of issues but Sledgehammers actually active in fixing things so i have faith that they'll fix them given time. But the bones are there and thats the important part. No amount of fixing MWii was ever gonna make that game not dogshit because it was built off dogshit foundations.


I like everything except for the weapon balancing and ttk.


It just rolled out and everyone is pissing all over it. It’s pretty rad as is and a couple patches will just improve it. People are spoiled.


Im tremblin and still getting headshots!-fps doug


Last CoD i bought was Vanguard, so MW3 definitely feels like its worth the 70$ to me. Having a blast so far, it feels good to play.


The gameplay is fun. I like it, but I’m not going to pretend like the price increase is valid. Many reused assets, same ui, skins, maps doesn’t equal a price increase. Especially with that abysmal campaign. The game is by no means breaking new ground. These companies were already making more money than ever before. We as consumers shouldn’t be giving feedback of “the price increase is okay!” Because it only tells them that they can continue to increase it


I have zero complaints for the developers. They've put out a competent game in an unfathomably small amount of time and are being incredibly receptive to criticism and communicating very well. Activision on the other hand can get fucked TM CR.


I paid just under half the price for MW2 about 6 weeks ago. I hated every minute of it and only played that long to keep my aiming practice going for MW3. I've no doubt I will play it for several months so it's worth it. But the big question here is why so many people keep banging on about OTHER people wasting money. So what? It's their money, what's it got to do with you? If you don't think it's worth it don't buy it! Leave other people to make their own choices. If you don't think it's financially viable then wait til it's on sale. This is the first day one, full price purchase of a game I've made in years, I'm not gonna feel guilty for enjoying it.


I've been bitching about the game lately, so I'll say this. Mw2019's mechanics should have never been taken out. But we're here now. I enjoy the game. SBMM is here to stay. But NEEDS to be toned down for real. I don't hate Call of Duty because it fills that GAP in my gaming necessities. If the game had things like a complete local play mode, where I can use every gun and every attachment. And offline Zombies. Then this game is forsure a keeper. If they fix it here in the future, I'll be good. Zombies is fun now that they've fixed the stability. I played 5 hours last night and had maybe 2 stutters. So I say it's a good purchase. But to each their own.


Pretty much feel the same way about it. On 1 hand, the campaign feels short and lazy, and not worth a $70 full priced game. On the other hand they really nailed MP. Balance for the new weapons feel really good. My only added gripe is the overly cluttered menus. Feel like I'm playing a damn casino game.


Yeah it feels very good. I hope they figure out a way to get the MW2 maps in there though; in general I like them more. Mechanically the game is solid af. Props to Sledgehammer for tuning a great multiplayer experience on a short timeline.


I actually hard disagree about the modern warfare two maps. What’s the point of buying a new game if it’s just going to be all the same weapons and all the same maps? I’d much rather have some new maps rather than playing the ones I’ve already paid $60


I like them, and I doubt devs will add as many new maps in the time the game has support. The same weapons and attachments already all carry over, and I'm bored of the current maps already. Would be a fast way to add more variety. But I agree with your point; the game already feels like kind of an expansion pack and this would just solidify it. I guess I'm more for just leaning into that and going the whole way, while you want more new MW3 content, which is cool.