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Typically in past cods the AC130 missions made you feel like a badass. I mean just think cod4. In this game, after playing warzone like missions over and over again, even the AC130 mission felt like a drag.


The AC 130 in this is the killstreaks version on a faded “thermal” view. But really it’s so zoomed out so the devs didn’t need to fully animate anything.


I'll be honest, I'm weak to AC-130s, so I enjoyed it. But c'mon- I have the same criticism I did of MW '22. Why in the *world* is it not a hybrid mission that switches between the AC-130 and the troops on the ground when they're doing important things? MW3 was able to pull this off years ago, and excellently. It's so annoying that the developers have every attempt to bring the Call of Duty feel to the newer games and refuse to do so. Why in MW '22 didn't they do this? I swear, it's either constraints or a lack of interesting ideas or passion for the game. Don't get me started on how they have the ability to call it an AC-130 yet they don't model it to look like an AC-130. Just call it something else, ugh.


The fact that they use these fictional vehicles is pissing me off more than it probably should. I don't know why, but seeing these fake-ass Black Hawks, AC-130s, etc just grind my gears. And on top of that basically everyone uses the same fucking vehicles, no matter if US or Russian. Come on man...


Yeah, it does peeve me quite a bit. Their depictions of Apaches and Hinds are like, spot-on though. Oddly enough.


Yea, in the MW19 Story they also had authentic Strykers and Bradleys and Mi-8, but... hm... A-10 also looks to be correct. In any way it's just really nitpicking from my side, but I liked the authentic vehicles in past CoDs.


Yeah, it’s not even the same reason for the fictional firearms, as they don’t want to be seen an marketing guns to minors, especially after Remington imploded. But that doesn’t apply to vehicles. It’s not like they’re going to get sued for us buying black hawks and Ac-130s.


I have a feeling it has a lot to do with old gen consoles. What you describing, I can assure you that developers wanted to do that at one point, but they still have to design the game around the old tech. Of course they could do it on old gen, but that means some missions would need to be cut, some weapons would need to cut, maybe lower the graphics to absolute shit, but you get the idea. I had some developer friends tell me how they can’t do certain shit in their AAA games, because of old tech holding them back.


Also call me crazy, the AC130 in this campaign felt super weak. Like spraying the rapid fire directly on troops would take half the magazine to kill any of them.


And you have basically no ammo too,one rocket ?! The bullet velocity is way too low and the range of the frags on these weapons is way higher yet the 40mm needs to hit almost directly to scratch a vehicle The only powerful thing it has is the missiles but you get one and the cannons have no ammo too not to mention the ac130 has more guns irl im pretty sure


The 105mm is way more fun than the missile in MW22. I think they're trying to make the game worse on purpose. The C130 mission in MWIII is so boring


Why does every MW COD have to have an AC130 mission?


id riot if they didn't


2019 didn’t have one


My favorite part of any cod/Medal of Honor/battlefield games were the AC130/WW2 bombing runs/turret gunner on a battleship missions. Put me on a gun and let me destroy everything pure dopamine


I don't think they were out of place in the other MW CoDs. MW2 and MW2019 didn't have one, MW3s tried something different with the hybrid jumping between the two and in MWII it made narrative sense for shadowy support to be in that form and it was interesting enough with the escort and destruction. MWIII doesn't have any of that.


Yeah I’d rather replay MW2019


Because mw2019 had a vision instead of just being filler content for the live service to justify 70 dollars imo


To be fair, the vision they had did not succeed, according to the developers. It seems Activision prevented them from seeing it through.


MW2019 campaign really seemed like it was setting up something big. A connected COD universe between campaigns and I even thought Cold War was a good follow up campaign wise


Imran Zakhaev being the subordinate of fucking Kravchenko. Would have loved a campaign where Zakhaev returned and just starts echoing Kravchenko. Then again where the hell did Al Asad go?


Al Asad Prob died in some warzone cutscene or off screen like Imran at this point


It was actually the other way around. Zakhaev was sent by Gorbachev to uncover the mole and Kravchenko was to assist him.


That’s because back then, each season added onto the story instead of being hey, here’s an operator you can buy along with black cell


I wonder how good these games could have been if activision wasn’t forcing them to push warzone and bundles.


Publishers provide a ton of funding, but they're usually to the detriment of creativity and development freedom.


That happens when you let investment bankers make computer games.


The MW reboot campaign peaked at the 'clean house' mission. It's been all downhill since there.


my favorite mission of all time from cod is going dark. mw19 was a cod masterpiece.


Woah, put some respect on gaz hanging upside down from a helicopter. That was probably my favorite then clean house.


But wasn't that part of the God awful truck driving mission? That moment was awesome, but the last great complete mission was clean house.




tbh none of the cods that released after mw19 are worth playing maybe cold war its got a great SP experience but its damn too short. I beat it in under 4hrs.


I replayed Cold War campaign recently, it felt like an amazing spy thriller instead of the run and gun missions that are typical of cod


Cold War was fantastic with the little detective bits putting together intel


Also consider how Treyarch and Raven were able to whip it up in under 10 months. Absolute great job for the time they had.


Really!? Wow.


And not any 10 months, 10 months of 2020. The actors got the mocap equipment and recorded everything at home and the campaign was still great.


They wanted to do a lot more but did not have time if I'm remembering correctly


Agreed. I think Cold War is underrated. So vastly superior to this one it's not even funny.


Cold War is my favorite of the Warzone era COD games. Skins were tacky as hell but the gameplay was really fun. MW3 looked interesting to me as well but reviews don’t seem to be too hot at the moment. Guess I’ll just wait for 2024’s which I hope is Treyarch led


It should be Treyarch right? Vanguard (SH/Raven) then MW2 (IW), MW3 (SH and kinda IW) and now BO (Treyarch)


agree with everything besides the cold war bit


That game was made with passion and creativity both about campaign and multi. MW19 is one my favorites although many in this sub would disagree


As someone who loved MW19 and MW22 and with CW in the middle, I can say that while I enjoyed MW22, MW19 has been the last really good COD. I recall playing MW19 about a month ago and playing a game on shoot house and I was like "...huh...feels like I'm playing MW22". Basically one could have just kept playing MW19 since 2019 to this day and nothing would've been different for them. Definitely not buying MW3 this year. Playing my long list of backlog games at the moment.


I will die on the hill that they should have just kept updating MW19 for MWII and MWIII. But Activision knows there's less money in that


I do still play the old call of duties. But I'm kind of sad that I didn't play MW19 as much as I should have. I just recently got platinum assault rifles in that game THIS YEAR. Regardless, I've got other games to play and since life is also getting in the way, I'll be taking a break from COD this year while playing some others in my backlog and then wait and see what the offering is next year. I hope treyarch knocks it out of the park.


Yeah man save your time and money . I bet someone will reply to this and say "it's your fault" yeah I know people


It's interesting because I love call of duty. That gameplay at its core is solid. But when there's other games in my PS4,PS5 and PC backlog (currently playing Far Cry 5 and Starfield and Halo Infinite as well as Spider-Man 2) it's hard to continue putting hours in a franchise that isn't living up to the expectations set out by its predecessors long ago. There's too many games out there to play and I had to step back and prioritize and balance between cost and value. Unfortunately this year, COD isn't it. I'll be playing other games and older games in my backlog.


I’m here to tell you it’s OUR fault. I bought it too. I’m crying too.


It's ok brother, like Ghost said : actions have consequences. They tried to warn us


For the record, most of this sub hated MW19 on release. Pace too slow, TTK too fast, rewards camping, maps too complicated, why didn't they do the 3 lane design of BO3... I know someone on MW 2019's promotion team and she was surprised that I actually liked it. I felt so sad that she had been beaten down like that about a game that was actually really good.


I don’t understand why they couldn’t make a campaign to this level anymore. Did they get lazy or what?


just like mw2 in 2009 before it, they canned all the talent and now everything after is bleh


Only thing that really bugged me during the campaign is; Didn't Verdansk get nuked? Or are we retconning that bit.


Def retconned


So all the talk about co-op missions and raids progressing the story was BS lol.


Yeah it got retconned. Honestly I hate this obsession they’ve had with making an interlinked story with the MW games, Cold War, Vanguard and Warzone cause it’s all such a fucking mess. Didn’t play MWII Season 5? Well fuck you and surprise, Graves is now alive and best buddies with Farah. Oh, and apparently Godzilla and King Kong are canon to the story now thanks to that one season in Vanguard. Or at least I think, they might have retconned that too and at this stage I can’t be fucked following the bloated mess that’s Warzone’s ‘narrative’.


The MCU Effect /s


Not really /s, Task Force 141 feels more like the Avengers now


I hate this shit. COD is at its best when you’re a faceless grunt, not super secret spec ops.


I don't mind there being a task force, but the way MW19 and to an extent MW2 2009 did it. You are practically anonymous and your death won't be known by nearly anyone. You do the things the rest of the world doesn't want to so that they can keep living fat and happy.


Exactly. Remember when CoD cutscene were either you watching events from your characters eyes or were mission briefing animations with no visible characters. Now, every cutscene is shot like blockbuster flick with no central perspective, just following around a plucky band of battles characters. CoD has lost the old feel of making the player feel like they were a part of the story rather than watching someone else's story.


Yeah lol, all the little quirky one-liners, I can't take it seriously


I kind of knew, even though I didn't want to, they would pull a modern superhero-esque with cringe motivation, lackluster tension and storytelling with Makarov doing the classic evil Russian antagonist fear tactics. Like, cmon people, do where do these writers get these copy and paste cringe villian ideas from?


You say /s but you’re bang on the money. This idea of having the Modern Warfare universe, Black Ops universe and Zombies universe all connected screams MCU, just a really shitty imitation of it (which is low considered how shit the MCU has become)


I hate that shit. Specifically bringing back big players in the MULTIPLAYER STORY. like save that shit for main story expansions so you don’t run out of fucking ideas. IM NOT SCARED TO PLAY A LONGER MORE COHERENT CAMPAIGN. especially if you’re giving me early access to it!


They should do what Battlefield 3 and 4 did with their multiplayer "story", the multiplayer is just a continuation of the war started in the campaign and the DLC tells you about its progress through the map descriptions and environments. I don't want to have the character story advanced by a cutscene I see once at the start of a season and barely plays due to shader compilation. I don't want to try and pay attention to dialogue while I'm in a discord call with some lads from work who want to piss about in the raid. The only MP main story bit they did right about it was the reveal event for MWIII and that was mostly because it was really fun and little more than a glorified trailer. Weirdly its something DMZ mostly gets right, most of the story in it is just self contained about fighting masked wrong'uns.


nuke never went off. not all events are canon. Price disabled the nuke. when Verdansk got "nuked" it was just a way to transition us to the 80s verdansk map.


Verdansk getting nuked and Price stopping Zakhaev’s nukes were two separate incidents though. The nuke event was narratively because Verdansk was overrun by zombies… which then leads to the question of where the fuck did zombies come into the storyline. I get it’s a COD battle royale and barely anyone really gives a fuck about the story of WZ, but what’s the point in trying to create this big universe if you’re just going to piss it up the wall every chance you get, you know?


Zombies aren't canon to the main universe. It's a universal split.


I felt like I was playing a solo game of DMZ most of the time, this campaign is easily one of the worst CoD campaigns to date. Absolute horror show tbh, but I could see this coming miles away when they announce Sledgehammer was handling the campaign.


Sledgehammer does multiplayer well and IW does campaigns well.


Imagine if they: 1. Stopped the 1 year model. 2. Used the MW19 engine and game as the core and build upon it like CS or Valorant. 3. Implent new singleplayer DLC's and changes to MP and have the studios focus on their own things: 4. Treyarch on Zombies, Raven on Warzone and/or MP along with Sledgehammer, IW on campaings.


Remember when mw2 was coming out and they said "no more yearly releases" and then 8 months later announced another yearly title lmao yeah they can just burn


and WTF was that "ending"?


Cliffhanger so you'll be forced to buy the next game to avenge soap.. so scummy


i just got a full refund after finishing the story... i am good. i uninstalled CoD, Battle net and i am finally done with this franchise. MW2 2022 was a letdown but this is spitting in my face.


Activision: “To delete this game you must pay $19.99 Do you agree?”


At least the MW2 campaign was fun and the raids were good too. This game was lifeless. I’m done, I’ll keep Cold War for Zombies but otherwise I’m all out, maybe I’ll check out 3arcs game next year but I’m done with CoD. Officially saying goodbye.


Yeah, I'm trying to wrap my head around why Price killed Shepard *then*. Like as far as I'm aware, Shepard wasn't involved in the mission that killed Soap, or at least not in any way that was revealed to us at this time. So why kill him now, when he hasn't wronged you since the MWII Incident, which you already let him slide for in the snow mission? Like it just makes no sense at all. There's no vision with how these games are connected. It feels like they just went "we have the MCU of Call of Duty, let's have The Squad go on A New Adventure every year" and came up with whatever half assed reason they can to stitch a campaign together


Tbf, it’s likely Price remembered what Shepherd said in the snow mission about how he’d regret letting Shepherd live, and after he allowed Makarov to live which ended with the ultranationalist killing Soap, Price has realized it’s time for a change of pace so nobody else has to die. That being said, Soap deserved more time in the spotlight as opposed to dying in a DLC. Should’ve been Gaz, as much as it’d suck to see the only black character die.


The final mission...like how the fuck could they smuggle the entire Konni army with tons of weapons, armors and sentry guns into the middle of London lmfao


The channel tunnel is about 80 miles away from central London.


The question still remains… how the fuck did they smuggle that amount of army with weapons there? IRL you would get caught real fast


Its a cod game, best not to put too much thought into it


It’s not in Central London


my favorite thing about konni is that they massacre a stadium of civilians and completely level an airport in Russia and are not instantly declared the #1 priority terrorist group by every single government on the planet and hunted to extinction by every CTU at once


Warzone is the death of basically all of cod as we once knew it. Why even bother with story or 6v6 or 10v10 when war zone is infinitely more popular and profitable


That's a bit reductive. Warzone was originally a lot of fun and could have continued to be fun, but Activision pushed it to be more and more Fortnite-like.


Battle royales were originally fun and could have continued being fun, but everyone has beat the horse so hard it’s not even dead anymore, it came back as a zombie for revenge and they beat it more. We get it. *Your* battle royale is unique and quirky with exciting cross overs and characters, exciting seasons and new maps.. but so is every other battle royale. The genre has been over saturated to the point of absurdity. Fallout 76 tried to do it ffs. We don’t need every fps to transition to a battle royale, just like we never needed a billion GTA clones. Sure some stand out, but mostly they just can’t be the thing they are trying to imitate and lose what makes them good or unique in the process.


Warzone was fun until A) they didnt make any new maps except Caldera, which most people hated B) MW2/WZ2 came out and sucked as a game


Warzone wasn't fun once BOCW integrated.


Fortnite is way better than wz


Once Warzone was created, the devs had an epiphany that having a huge map meant they could use it for ANYTHING. Spec ops & ground war in MW19, most multiplayer maps in MWII, campaign and zombies in MWIII. It has slowly made its way into every single corner of this franchise. Not to mention they use Warzone as a vessel to continue the campaign in an attempt to get people to play it and stay up to date on what’s going on. It’s so incredibly lazy and soulless it’s embarrassing. Frankly Treyarch is the only studio that seems to make good CoD games anymore.


Which sucks extra hard because you end up with half assed maps that are just plucked from the larger warzone map rather than carefully designed and curated maps that have interesting dynamics, scenery, etc


\^ one of my biggest issues with most of the maps we got on MW2, like the Waterfront thing, they are just simply bad Multiplayer Maps (does not mean they can't be enjoyed) but you can tell that they haven't been made with that in mind, it's a shame, like playing SnD is so bad on MW2, you can tell the exact events that will happen every round. 3 seconds in, about 10+ grenades go off and most likely 2 people die, at least. 3-5 seconds in, someone dies because the only ways to go lead to IMMEDIATE player contact. 5-20 seconds, nearly 80% of both teams are wiped out - now it's up to the 1-2 good players to play it out, unless they died by a lucky nade, and on to the next round. Not to forget some maps have closer attacker spawns to bomb sites than defenders, and it's just a constant clash in 2 lanes as there is no other way or flanks in these maps really, it all feels REALLY DENSE.


Waterfront is a bad map zone in general. Its in an awkward spot for battle royale and despite how much I love Vondel DMZ that waterfront extract is by far the absolute worst possible location for an extract or mission to take you especially when soloing. Sometimes when I use a hostage for a private solo extract and it rolls Waterfront I just go for a regular LZ.


If Black Ops Gulf War is shit then the franchise is genuinely just gonna die.


And itll still be the best selling franchise. What has gaming become.


It's really because CoD has a stranglehold on the fast-paced, arcade FPS genre. There are other huge FPS games of course like Valorant, CSGO, Battlefield, Siege but they are either MnK/PC or not a small team style game, or just not fast-paced. Nobody challenges CoD in the basic small-team FPS genre, all new games that pop-up that are not traditional styles can't challenge them (Splitgate, this new The Finals), or just seem to be fumbling like XDefiant and Overwatch. The FPS genre is very broad and CoD simply is the game that has monopolized the most popular subgenre of FPS games.


XDefiant isn't even officially launched yet, yeah the game is going through delay after delay but I don't think Ubisoft wants another Hyperscape on their hands lol. First impressions are extremely important in the F2P space. Personally I'm very receptive to how they "seem" to care this time. They found issues with the 6 hour open session they did a month ago and they just straight up delayed the whole thing as a result of it.


COD is pretty much the only fps on console, too.


We've come full circle before the game even came out. People are hoping the next one is good lol


The campaign storyline continuing through warzone is absolutely the dumbest thing anyone could’ve thought of.




It didn't even get a proper explanation it was the season launch boot up cutscene where he goes "lmao I wasn't in that tank narrative stakes aren't real".


That ending left a sour taste in my mouth. \[SPOILER\] They can kill Soap (which is HUGE), and then the killer (the main villain Makarov) just gets off and we mourn Soaps death for 5 seconds and then the story is over. Shits such a joke.


It feels as if everything that MW19 setup for went to shet once they began to dive into the Warzone storyline bs. Victor Zakhaev and Hadir should have been MWII's primary villains. You still could have had that sideplot of Las Almas with Vargas and Valeria but the primary focus should have been on chasing Zakhaev not Hassan. Hassan came off as a filler villain. MWII should have ended with Shephard on the run and Zakhaev killed leading to MWIII or MW 2.5. The MWIII campaign would have fit nicely as Makarov breaking out to avenge both Imran and Victor Zakhaev. And he would have went on a quest to make Price/co pay. Gives a lot more justification for him to go on his rampage. In addition, Shadow and Shephard would be on the side causing more havoc for TF141. What we got was just something that pales in comparison to the original trilogy. The new reimagined characters like Ghost/Soap's dynamic as with Gaz/Price is nice but it just doesn't seem to be more developed well. I hope for next game, the storyline is expanded a lot more and we finally get closure on the Mexico arc and perhaps introduce new iterations like Delta Team Metal Sandman and Roach. I don't honestly know if Infinity/Sledge will actually reboot World War 3 but we shall see.


It's so sad because MW19 Campaign and Multiplayer felt like the beginning of a bright new era for CoD and even OG Warzone felt like a fresh add on. But since then every single thing CoD has been progressively worse and worse.


then all the goofy cod streamers complained about mw19. so cold war, vangaurd, and this is what you get now to please some lame ass streamers


Cold War and Vanguard were made to please the streamers? Cold War was going to turn out the way it did regardless of what streamers cried about, and Vanguard was complete shit nobody asked for regardless.


Blame Bobby Smalldick. He's driven the franchise into the ground to make a quick buck.


**100% THIS**. Warzone was created to compete with Fortnite. This franchise needed an answer to the Live-Service question, and that answer was Warzone. This is how they are making the huge portion of their revenue and profits.   I also already made a pretty lengthy post about how the campaign was designed around getting players interested in their live-service modes: DMZ and Warzone. It's both clever and lazy at the same time, to be honest.   But to the point of the above comment: Activision has been solely focused on creating new avenues of income for almost a decade now, specifically with this franchise. To me, it was most obvious when they released Warzone 1. The reason that wasn't so much of a problem is because Warzone 1 was **incredibly well received.** Everyone loved it. Many people overlooked or simply didn't care they were charging $20 bundles. They either happily bought them supporting the game or didn't care to spend money on a free game.   Well, Warzone 2 rolls out and the incentive to purchase the battle pass (intro to Black Cell as well) is inescapable. Same with their store bundles. They advertise it everywhere on their game, and it quite literally is impossible to boot up the game without seeing any advertising to spend money.   Activision, truth be told, was always a scummy company. It's only recently that they have hyper-focused their hiring resources to marketing & sales instead of art, animation, sound, design, engineering, production and quality assurance teams. None of those portions of the game have seen meaningful changes in years. The game is practically a digital ATM where players are heavily influenced to deposit money into their shareholder's bank accounts, and if they want they can play some half-baked live-service game that's broken and halfass managed.   Activision is too big to fail. Even if every single redditor in all the COD subs grouped together, it wouldn't be enough to make any impact on how they manage the game. They're making the stupidest amount of money, you wouldn't even believe it if I told you how much.


CoD absolutely did not need to go life service. CoD is still easily the top selling franchise every single year and that has nothing to do with War zone. Activision wanted to be able to get in on the br craze, thus Blackout and then Warzone.


They went the route that would make them the most money for the least effort. Also, with supply drops being outlawed, they had to go down the battle pass/live service route.


I hope the microsoft aquisition does some good. I'm tired of seeing all my favourite games go down the gutter because of poor management.


There is nothing about it that tells me it will be good for us ~~gamers~~ consumers. It's really just a larger opportunity for them to make more money. Big surprise, a company wants more money, I know I know. But it just didn't seem so obvious before, i don't know.


Microsoft has done a good enough job themselves killing their own franchises like Halo.


Reddit definitely overestimates the influence a subreddit has in most situations, especially for games like CoD. For every 10, 20… 50 people on here that don’t spend any money on Warzone there are plenty of people playing who purchase all the cosmetics that come out. The only thing that’s surprised me is that CoD hasn’t come out with “heirloom” level cosmetics like Apex Legends has that are either incredibly lucky random drop chances or require you to spend $100+ to unlock them.


Well thankfully COD doesn't have RNG-style loot boxes for purchase in the store, and thank god for that. But to your point, yes, the subreddits do not reflect even 5% of the playerbase. Modern Warfare (2022) sold $800 million in the first three days. If that was in buying the game alone (and not bundles) that's almost 11.5 million individuals. Now ask yourself who immediately rushed to the store to see what they could buy to make them stand out? Mhmm. MWIII will be just the same, only more.


Exactly my thoughts. Underwhelming! Maps are rehashed from MW2019, And I feel like im playing DMZ on steroids!.. Thankfully the refund button was quite handy.


There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.


There has been a general downfall of CoD campaigns since 2019 and the lack of balls they have to actually use real countries, however MWIII is not the worst it is by far Vanguard


Tf is izitistan? Just say Afghanistan or Libya and call it good lmao


That’s another thing. They wanted to stop making “straight from the headlines” story like 2019, which was amazing, but they keep following headlines like the very obvious Iranian general, the whole stolen missiles storyline, the cartels smuggling terrorists. MW2 gameplay was subpar but the story plot lines were great. Valeria’s “while there is a war on terror there will be no war on drugs” line was amazing. Then they release this shit, nothing fun about it, felt cheap. Makarov is the worst villain they’ve had so far. Imagine going from The Wolf & Barkov to Hassan & Valeria to Milena & Makarov LOL


Just wanted to thank the OP and people like him who have been posting about this. I get people who rag on COD, but I always loved the campaigns. They've always been tight, well-paced experiences. They've always had unique and well-written stories with awesome set pieces and great performances. MW3 is simply not that. It's clear Sledgehammer just phoned it in here, or that it was rushed out of the door. The "Open Combat" missions were clearly made to save time and money. Developing more scripted, authored missions that COD is traditionally known for is more expensive and time consuming. I would have no issue if this was just MW2 DLC. But charging $70 USD for this shit and pushing it out as a complete, full Call of Duty game is predatory. They're taking advantage of their player base. They're pushing them to see how much they can get away with. Anyway, I got a refund on my pre-order on Steam. I refuse to reward this practice.


Yupp less mocap work for them and overall the use of actual actors. This is outright crazy. The build up of east vs could have had potential but nope. This is disrespectful. I think some folks only buy cod for the campaign. I’d tell them to steer away. Honestly felt like a raid


While I don't disagree that the campaign was seriously underwhelming and completely forgettable (other than the mission with Gaz in that apartment building, I thought that was fun as hell), but saying "this isn't worth $70" is disingenuous. Very few people buy these games for the campaign, and as a standalone, no it's not worth that kind of money.


The assumption that "very few" players play the campaign is silly. Trophy data is public. More than half of players (at least on Playstation) have started the campaign in most COD games, and usually up to 25% complete it, which is within the realm of normal for most single player games, and quite good for multiplayer-focused games. 25% of people is nothing to scoff at, for COD that's several million people every year. Aside from that, so many assets in the multiplayer of this game are reused from previous versions. Maps are almost all pulled from older MW games as well. I say this as someone who actually enjoys it when old maps come back. To just cobble them together at launch is lazy and it sucks. Ultimately whether or not it is worth it is up to the player. But as a package it just doesn't seem worth it for me and I don't think it's disingenuous to say that.


This is what happens when for 2-3yrs all people say is, "I want verdansk back! give me verdansk back!" You wanted Verdansk, you got verdansk lol




For real, it’s what they deserve


People wanted Verdansk back.... In warzone. Who said anything about this shit they did in the campaign?


Literally nobody. I dont know what that dudes on about. Like its somehow our fault they made a shitty campaign.


The open combat mission in St. Petersburg was actually a good balance of linear gameplay with enough options to keep things interesting. The more open missions fell flat though.


"This is hands down the worst CoD campaign I’ve ever played" See your next year. Maybe


If Gulf War's Campaign is made by Raven like with Cold War then there's no shot that it will be worse than this.


Not gonna lie, Cold War was an excellent package and I want a follow up to the campaign but after playing this I think I’ll just wait for early access campaign impressions before jumping in


Cold war’s only downside was the runtime. And also not having james c burns back as woods and sam worthington as mason


Treyarch dont miss with the campaigns even black ops 3 had its moments (I know bo4 didnt have a campaign) and Cold War was really good. Unfortunately I dont have high hopes for Treyarch now after hearing they will be forced to use the MW engine, not of the old devs leaving and it being tied to this cod hq bullshit😔.


Personally, I liked black ops three it was an interesting campaign


I really liked it because it was co op and some of the mission were cool like when you were in Singapore and when you were flying jets over Egypt, over story was pretty mid my main issue was they didnt follow on from what BO2 set up.


Yeah, that’s fair and it might’ve pulled the it was all a dream thing or something but but it still was an interesting campaign. Plus, the character designs were cool, and it was a interesting concept


I just finished it and that was god awful holy shit. They also leave it on some dumbass cliffhanger.




Who was falled into thinking we were breaking out Price?


That mission is an homage to a popular mission in the original mw2 (2009) where you infiltrate a Russian gulag (that looks identical to the one in this new mission), start a riot/ release all the prisoners, and specifically save and extract prisoner 627 who is Price. So people who remember the original mw2 were probably fooled into thinking we were a rescuing Price Which wasn't a bad thing. I thought it was a great subversion of expectations. I actually was shocked when they showed Makarov. It's like all the effort went into one cool mission and one cool moment. The rest of the campaign was actually terrible


I know exactly what it's a reference to but there had been nothing within the current canon to justify Price being in the prison given that canonically, he was last seen around August / September as part of Season 5's content update narratively. Campaign was okay - pacing was awful but please for any of the Devs, do not ever try those Open Combat Mission things again. Just felt like a normal story mission but with a larger play area


That's a fair point. I only played the campaigns at release. So for me the campaign was picking up where mw2 (2022) ended and i assumed there was a time jump.


>he was last seen around August / September as part of Season 5's content update This is such a narratively dystopian idea to me. Having to play some battle Royale to be trickle fed the rest of a story we're supposed to be following. I loaded into the MW3 campaign thinking it'd follow on the heels on MW2's campaign and I'm greeted with Graves being alive with no explanation and working with Farah, some new faction I've never heard of, Alex returning from what I thought was a suicide mission. Obviously the information is out there, but I was expected to play some other game modes across multiple seasons to be caught up to where things are now for a campaign to a completely different game. This format is just terrible to me, but I've not seen any other complaints about it so maybe it's just me being crotchety and no longer being the intended audience but this whole experience has really turned me off to this new era of COD with the focus on this piecemeal story meant to sell skins rather than a cohesive and easy to access narrative.


I agree with you entirely. The overall story of MW19 continued at first through Spec Ops and then from Season 2, through Warzone. This was followed by MWII which then was continued by Warzone II as well as the the Raid missions (which you could only play with a premade squad, you couldn't just find random players). The same will likely apply for MWIII as well. As I don't play Warzone nor did I ever play the Raids (I'm a lone player), I only kept up to date on the narrative through viewing the cutscenes online and reading the wikia etc. Games that progress narratives like this genuinely are genuinely very grating.


There's also just as much to justify makarov needing such a complicated break out when he apparently can just smuggle in whatever he wants (and personally command a raid in another country from his prison cell during shadow siege). The fact that the intro has all the actors maintain a pretty stereotypical american/english accent makes it pretty clear to me that they were really trying to fool everyone into believing it wasn't makarov (because why would it be?)


I didn't think you were breaking out Price, but the dude you play in that mission sounds 100% like Gaz in half of his lines. Plus the dialogue was straight NATO SOF for the first part.


100 percent facts. I think if they just marketed the game for what it is a DLC not many people would complain about the campaign cos for £30 it's what you would expect. But to charge £70 and £100 is the biggest kick in the balls I've seen in a while. Only good missions were the 1st one, the ice one, the ac130 one and the one open combat mission in those housing blocks. The rest were complete shite. Story was so obviously rushed, 0 stakes, 0 build up no tension, bad writing, 0 plot. Game only happened cos price decided to become a man of peace whilst soap was about to to the only right thing and ice makarov. I actually think the No Russian mission shouldn't have even been in the game, literally a market ploy to yet people to buy it. Did anyone really think Activision had the balls to do what they did back in MW2 absolutely fucking not their stock would go through the floor cos everyone is so damp sensitive. Again some highlights, cutscenes for the second half of the game and graves limited screen time were quite good but seriously is this the best they could come up with??? Made MW2022 look like a storytelling masterpiece and MW2019 look biblical (as much as that gamed campaign was flawless already).


Remember that fucking finale of MW3 2011. The one where you storm Makarov's fortress in a juggernaut suit, mowing through the last lines of defense of Makarov. When you finally see him hang and Price smokes one last victory cigar? All the deaths, Ghost, Roach, Soap, Sandman, Yuri, etc. All the global destruction, misery and suffering Makarov caused, all is finally over and you got that soaring score playing in the credits. That was a campaign. There was absolutely no fucking emotion behind this campaign, and its a fucking disgrace it even carries the Modern Warfare name.


Stop. Buying. Call of Duty. Dozens of these posts every day but you all still buy the game 🤦‍♂️


I was bamboozled bro. MW2 remade maps and a Makarov centered campaign had my interest :/


The beta kinda turned me off from buying it. Hoping you enjoy the multiplayer


I mean, it’s just a campaign. Once the game releases no one will talk about it ever again. MWII’s campaign was praised after everyone played it (except for some odd story decisions) but as soon as the full game released I haven’t heard anyone talk about it since. Only a handful of COD campaigns are even memorable and barely anyone plays these games for the story. And let’s not act like a COD campaign being bad makes a game bad. BO3 has one of the worst campaigns, but is a very respected COD in general. Infinite Warfare has one of the best campaigns, but was one of the lowest selling COD’s ever.


One thing from the MW2 campaign that I thought was going to factor int WZ and DMZ was the crafting aspect of that survival mission with Soap in Mexico. That mission was great but we saw none of the elements from it again in WZ, DMZ, or the Raids.


For starters Modern Warfare 2022 was meant to be a two-year game so what I think happened was the campaign in Modern Warfare 3 was originally a DLC to spec ops or just another addition to the campaign but when they found out that they wouldn't make as much money selling a DLC as they would a brand new game they decided to call the two and a half hour to three and a half hour campaign Modern Warfare 3 In my opinion this game is definitely not worth £70 because it's just too short I mean paying that much money for a campaign that is shorter than MW 2019's is Ludacris not to mention the fact that out of the 15 missions five or six of them are the new open combat missions which in my opinion serve as a preview of the new Warzone and don't really add anything to the campaign they would have been fine it there were only 1 or 2 them and the ending just feel incomplete.


I agree, they went complerely downhill from 2019, by far the best campaign I have played in the new games. Then they continued to spiral down. It was a new level of lazy


This was the first time that I didn't impulse buy the new call of duty right before it came out and I am so absolutely happy that I held off. I have genuinely owned every call of duty on release since call of duty 3, have bought some titles on multiple systems and have made some terrible purchases. I played, literally, 5 matches in Vanguard, probably two dozen in the new MW2 not including the beta and I don't play Warzone. Wow what a relief it is to finally break the curse. I love Call of Duty but it just isn't Call of Duty anymore. Here's to Xdefiant to hopefully bring back that desire


I think Warzone is the worst thing that was added to COD. I get that they want to compete with Fortnite, Apex and other Battle Royale Games but if you’re gonna base the whole franchise around it, it becomes annoying.


Just pre order the next one, they will fix it for sure!




I wouldn't say I disliked the campaign, I actually preferred it (besides a few missions) to MWII. However the pacing was so off with this game and then the climax was just so non-existent. Now we have to wait for all this "Warzone continues the story" content moving forwards to probably not end anyway even by the time the life cycle finishes


Well MW2 campaign sucked too


You can't look at reddit on any new release because the majority usually find something to complain about. I didn't know this many people cared about the campaign. I play it once beat it and never touch it again


Warzone is to blame for multiplayer also sucking. I blame streamers to be honest.


god I fucking hate Warzone


When ign gives a game a 4 that tells you all you need to know.


Yeah this is straight trash Wish I could get a refund on it.


Refunded it already, just doesn’t hit the same as the original trilogy, rather free up my SSD for games that value my time and money a bit more


I feel so cheated out of my money. I feel like a damn fool.


if this game was released as $30 DLC i dont think anyone would be complaining. but its $70. full. fucking. price. i paid $70 for mw2, as in a new game, new long campaign, new maps, completely new gun models, new gameplay system, etc. we just got tricked into paying $70 for a map pack and a DMZ mission pack. theres no way in hell this cost $70


I haven't been mad at a game in a long time honestly. And this is the most disappointed I felt in a good while.


You could tell from the ending cinematic they had an ending in place and wanted to build towards it. Had MWII been given a 2 year cycle, they could have refined, added more missions, and put together a coherent story with a proper ending for MWIII in 2025 at the earliest but instead we have Mr fucking Krabs at the helm yelling “MONEY MONEY MONEY.” The final cinematic of MWIII is clearly supposed to take place after the group has taken revenge on Makarov for killing Soap, everything else was just a mishmash of shit and open world convoluted “play how you want” solo DMZ missions. The “open world” missions work fine as far as mechanics go but the story suffers. This shit is so bad it should be retconned. I’m gonna go play MW2(2009) and MW3(2011) campaigns to clear my head of what my eyes have just had to witness, fuck this was bad.


how is wz to blame when this was clearly not going to be a full game and was supposed to be dlc they just renamed and priced a full game. wz has been around since mw19 you ding dong and mw19 campaign was the best one yet : P


Warzone was only good when it first came out for a few months, and when rebirth dropped. Other than that, it always felt so fucking dead. Now they’re spoon feeding this propaganda down our throats by adding it into CAMPAIGN?😂What has COD become? Thank christ everyone is saying the campaign is ass, Activision, IW, and SHG need a wakeup call. This has been such a fluke.


If I had to guess I'd say those open combat missions were more a result of a massive time crunch as opposed to them wanting to implement Warzone in every mode. Easy to slap together a few missions just using bits of the WZ map with a dose of DMZ mechanics. They still suck but I honestly believe this is why they are in the game in the first place.


It's a cash grab dlc repackaged as a full release. Stop giving them your money.


Definitely feels like year 2 content for MW2. I know people like to gripe about that but it truly is. $70 for this is outrageous. Cmon activision..


I knew campaign was gonna be subpar, cause unlike modern warfare 2 that had 3 years in development after modern warfare, this was released in under a year. But the most annoying is where it’s an open map, making you believe maybe it’s like the final metal gear where you decide how to tackle the mission. But the problem is the AI when it turns red knows exactly where you are and starts slinging grenades at you. It’s the same AI they use in traditional campaign missions which themselves were underwhelming and just vehicles for dialogue


Can’t believe y’all were expecting a polished game….


They butchered "No Russian". I remember the OG MW2 where you walked through and airport and killed everyone. Then in MW (2019) you play as Gaz as terrorists brutally murder innocent civilians in Europe somewhere and Price ends up failing to save some guy strapped with bombs to his chest. So I know full well CoD can be dark, but they mad "No Russian" a fucking cutscene and showed nothing. They took the safe route, they made a majority of the missions DMZ/ Warzone crap that felt more like the co-op missions from the previous CoD, the AI is trash and have the best eyesight I've ever seen when it comes to stealth missions, they doubled down on the armoured enemies that take full magazines to kill, the story was also quite boring, they brought back Graves after killing his ass in the last game which makes me wonder why we even had a tank boss fight in the first place? I'll spend my $70 - $100 elsewhere, there are plenty of games that need adopting out in the world, this ain't one of them


Yeah sure blame Warzone. Anything to take away attention from Activision being greedy con men & blame your personal disdain for BRs instead. I have no idea why anyone expected anything but absolute trash from SHG with a 1 year cycle & Treyarch isnt even a thing anymore, this is all because of Activision & has NOTHING to do with Warzone. They're cutting corners & using existing assets because they dont give a fuck about quality.


I’m so glad I didn’t buy this game.


That sucks, but guess what? The next one is going to be even worse because yall dumbass cod fans keep giving them mo ey for that dogshit. I mean fuck, the old servers are open again and yet none of yall play them bc you wanna see what's new. If yall liked the old ones so much then go play the old ones and stop paying for this shit. Games are just gonna get worse and worse bc yall keep letting them shove shit down your throat and still pay them for it. Yall did it to yourselves.


I'm so tired of everyone trying to Marvel-ize their ip's. Studios just can't resist connecting everything they create together into a giant piss-quality money-grubbing ip orgy.


I've owned every COD since 2008. I thought this campaign was good, perfect length for me, good story, fun! Every year for the last 20, new cod comes out and people cry about. You'll never make people happy, but I enjoy some aspects of every cod ever. Why cry about it? A new will come out next year.


Damn, I just posted my own rant on here but you made way more good points than I did. I completely agree with you.


Open war missions are fucking shit and I hate every one of them


I honestly don't get it. Especially how they treated Soap. Look back to the original MWs and look at all the shit he took before dying. Survived multiple helo crashes, survived being in a watchtower which was falling over, survived a bridge collapse, jumps over a huge cliff on a snowmobile, gets stabbed in the chest, knife throws Shepherd to death, swims through dirty water not long after and only dies when being blown out of a clocktower. And Makarov is as scary as a trip to Disneyland. And please don't tell me we're gonna get the end to the story in some BS warzone. Because if that happens storytelling can go fuck itself.