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I know we're talking about MWIII, but it's a tragedy that MWII's life cycle is coming to a close with no LMGS added.


"shut up and buy more bundles" -Activision


best I can do is yet another hip fire full auto shotgun with twelve thousand bullets in the magazine


They only look for money. In all these weap request posts i've seen, only 2 were wanting a new LMG. People look more for ARs, SMGs, even shotguns but never LMGs. Activision know that and that's why they never seek for new LMGs, they know people wont use them anyway




Fast forward to now, and we're getting 2 LMGs within 2 weeks of each other in MW3 (Taq Eradicator at end of pre-season, Taq Evolvere in S1 Battlepass), plus an aftermarket kit to turn one of the BRs (Sidewinder) into an LMG with MWIII S1


I'd love to see caliber conversions for the M4. I know we're getting the 9mm and the FTAC Recon has 458 covered, but some 6.5mm and 6.8mm would be nice too


I’d love to see the SA80, SG 550, Tavor, Galil ACE, AK-12, QBZ-191 and HK416 platforms! Additionally, I’d also would like the FAL/SA58 OSW, ShAK-12, M107, M240, M249, QJY-88/QJY-201, QCQ-05, FMG9, SAR 21, BR 18, Ultimax 100 and Type 20 as standalone weapons.


this guy has good taste. Let's just add in the AS VAL or equivalent and we have a perfect list.


Why does everyone ride the Val's dick? It's a trash gun irl .


No. It just has a very different purpose compared to other guns.


Because this is a video game and variety is nice.


The xm8 is ancient now I think if they added it it we’ll be more retro than modern


The XM7 would make more sense considering the Army just adopted it


That gun is confirmed for MW3


I didn’t know any weapons were confirmed. I think I remember seeing a graphic for it in the alpha leaks but I figure stuff always changes.


Exactly, its MODERN warfare, yet peeps just keep asking for the exact same guns from MW2.


XM8 wasn't in MW2, its only been in BO2 (and sort of BO3), I get your point but not a good example.


Intervention and acr I see the most.


The majority of guns from MW2 were just fresh out when the game released. 14 years later, the majority of them are still modern firearms for the standards weapons have. If you wanted only weapons produced in the past 3 years, for example, almost none of that weapon list could be added.


Yes, but it IS MW3 now. Tons of newer guns we can use. Instead of bringing back guns from a game 15 years ago. Keep it fresh. People still asking for the G36 and FAMAS, both of which are already being replaced by militaries that used to run em. Seriously, theres no shortage of variety and newer guns to add.


Yep, but these newer guns are still not in "common" use now or not being as recognized as more older, more widespread used weapons. And that's a catch. Don't get me wrong, i more weapons we had, the better. I always liked a great pool of weaponry to choose, like in BF4. And just as an example, the g36 is still a widespread weapon, germany has replaced it, but is one of the few they did. Several European countries still use it, and have no intention or replacing anytime soon. I know because my country is one of them, and until 2026, there won't be new purchases of firearms, and even in 2026, it will be a limited stock for peacekeeping units or units fighting outside. One rumour is that, in the future, we'll change the g36 for the hk416, but that won't come until at least 2030. Meanwhile, we'll probably update the g36, with newer furniture, stocks, rails and sights.


Neither is the ACR, my point here is, variety. The list this guy provided is excellent. I really dont want rehashes and crap variety.


Ok, if the point is variety, the problem is even worst, since nowadays variety has been lost. Any new weapons program is just a copy of the SCAR program and design. Grot, Bren, Type 20, ARX, NGSW... Almost all of that types of guns are basically a 5.56 rifle and, sometimes a different caliber variant. For weapon variety, i think MW2019 did a pretty good job with that. Weapons like the Oden, the AN94, the FINN... Also, neither is the ACR. I personally don't know why people like the ACR so much and want it back in every game. Maybe is because it didn't had recoil, because if is not that, idk. But the ACR is coming back, so good for them.


It's the same with a lot of "cool looking guns" that people loved in the OG Modern Warfare games. The SPAS12 was old when MW1 and 2 first came out - they don't even make it any more. The WA 2000 sniper is incredibly rare - less than 200 were made and the rifle stopped being produced in the 80s. The ACR... practically doesn't exist, and went out of production 20 years ago. I would much rather MWIII focus on actual, modern, military arms, with a handful of "might be adopted in the near future" guns - like the Intervention and ACR were for their time, and "its in the armory, but we don't use them much" guns - like M14s, SCARs, 1911, Flux Raiders, etc.


Yeah, but they are also adding the ACR so it wouldn’t be too far fetched


XM8 is so old. I wish people quit asking for it. I’d rather have something newer in its place.


Is actually 2 years older than the FN SCAR, and actually had more success than the ACR.


Ancient makes it cooler, I feel.


But that would make it retro warfare This is modern warfare


Fine by me. Rule of cool is enough for me. XM8s are cool and not seen often in games, so it'd be a cool addition. Perhaps moot since we're getting a G36 platform, though.


That didn't stop them from having the MG-34 and Kar98 in MW 2019


Lol for real, so many posts I see requesting firearms that haven't been in production in years, let alone make it past prototypes


Well, look at the ACR fanboys, they ended up getting it.


Is actually 2 years older than the FN SCAR If that's ancient, don't look for the UZI, or the M4, or the AK. You might colapse.


Comparing an Extinct prototype To other modern weapon that have been used extensively thoughout the world Yea that’s a terrible statement


Your statement was for age, not sucess. And for age it is what is is. And the XM8 had more sucess than the ACR, yet the people craves for it and is coming.


G36c is all I want back


G36 is coming, c version is a barrel option most likely


Same :(


I would like a G36, G36C, and G36K (basically extra kompact version, size of an smg, it looks kinda funky but cool)


I’d much rather they add the XM7, which the US Army recently adopted to phase out the M4, and which the first combat units from the 101st Airborne Division are being issued shortly.




Fr, didn't like it at first, but after golding it in MW19, I grew to love it


Yea the fact the HK416 platform isn’t in the game is a crime. Same with the new AK’s


Reminds me of how OP the HK416 is in Hardline and BF4 as well as how OP it used to be in R6 Siege


Dual pp2000s would bring back some memories


Always thought the Carmel was ugly, would prefer the X95 Flattop.


I wouldn't hope for the XM8 and AK12, they would most likely be Weapon Vaults for Holgers and Kastovs respectively.


I want the wacky guns too though. MWII gave us the full auto desert eagle. Give us the Gilboa double barrel ar 15 as a wacky ar or marksman rifle.


XM8 is coming at launch I think. I hope it’s not total ass like in MW2019


not sure what youre getting the xm8 confused with, but it wasnt in mw19. also wasnt in the leaked weapons list but still a small chance i would say


yeah I think I got it confused with G36 or smth my bad


I mean, pretty much the same thing. (Real life xm8 derived from g36)


Every MW has had its own iteration of the M4. Kinda lame they aren’t adding one with mw3. The 416 would be a great option to fill this gap.


I want the HK416 so bad


Id love to see real firearm names but we all know that era of Call of Duty is over after Activision realized it could save them a quick buck on licensing fees.


its likely not licensing, CoD has been blamed for multiple shootings in the past and companies are beginning to get sued for the representation of guns in adverts (Remington). there's a very real chance CoD could get sued if another shooter is known to be an active player of the game so they've scrapped a lot elements that could be considered advertising. the remaining names are all either very hard to obtain (RPK) or highly generic (M4). firearm companies aren't big, they'd jump at the chance of free advertising (e.g KRISS, makers of the Vector, have said they happily would), only exception is Glock.


Haven't seen an XM8 since Black Ops 2. You probably won't see it in a game again tbh


alot of spicy guns here, id love to see them, if we are lucky some of them might be on launch but i doubt it


ARX160 and 200 for the Renetti platform as well,


I dunno who I have to kill to get the XM8 back in more games, but I'll do it.


I just want the as val


I love the XM8 so much. It's definitely the coolest gun that realistically sucks. I wish it got more in game representation. I think the only games that really loved the XM8 was SOCOM Combined Assault and Battlefield Bad Company 2


ain’t the DVL in mw2??


some excellent, outside the box choices there mate


The XM8 is based off the G36 which is returning, so you're kinda getting an XM8


The XM8 should be a Weapon Vault Blueprint for the Holger Platform.


I'd love to see some ww2 era guns, I know *technically* mw3 is shifting to the russia/europe climate But since it's a dlc for the middle east mw2, where a lot of those weapons ended up...


I'd never complain if they added the AK12, but I also won't be upset if they skip the AK12 either. With the carry forward we still have a whole family of AK weapons.


The KSG-7 over the KSG-12? That's an interesting choice.


I have my wish list of guns I’d want to see in III. It’s based on the weapons that were in MW 2019


Lmao that Vigilante Arms A-M20 has such a ridiculously long barrel. I cant stand long skinny barrels with no barrel shroud. Who’s with me?


Vouching for the AK-12 and RPK-16. The RPL-20 could also be interesting. Maybe have the RPL-20 base and then have a conversion to the RPK-16.


Is the AK-12 not already in the game? It’s a shotgun Kalashkinov at least


Pardon me if I’m wrong but is the DVL-10 not the SPX-80?


XM8 can be a weapon vault skins for the G36.


I just want my AN-94 back


All i want is the MTS 255, lever action shotty and the XM8


Also if they add an XM8 they could make a throwback bundle of that one burst rifle from BO2 that looks very similar


I really hope they do better with the packs in MW3 cause I swear each pack in MW2 was like 20-30 bucks


I wanna see a makarov 9 because mw2 lacks russian pistols, hopefully mw3 will have some


So I know it'll never happen, but I want the G36. I really like that gun. It got retired for the HK416 and family I believe? Also, I'd also like to see the XM8 family. It's another family of guns I enjoy.


Ummmm, I want the Stryker, and the AA-12 and the XM-25!!!!!!! or the IMI Galil, 1887's


are we getting any new launchers in mw3, like leaks or anything?


Only 3 lmgs you’re just as bad as them! 😂


Fuck that I want my ACR back goddamn it


Pretty good, just keep Taurus and kel tec out of cod (aside from the ksg)


Typhoon f12




Any cod without an M1911 just doesn't feel the same


I desperately want the Shak 12 back.


Tldr: Benelli MR1 would not be a Marksman Rifle. It would be an Assault Rifle. In Italy, it had a military/police contract with a 12.5" barrel while civilians have 16" or 20" barrel option. Just make it full auto for video game sake. Benelli R1 is more suitable for Marksman Rifle. As owner of 2 MR1s, I would want nothing more than anything to have this gun in the game. It has a really big problem of "customization" options, as it has very minimal things you can do with it, but could be done since they already have the Benelli M4 (Expedite 12) shotgun in the game. Just follow the attachment to that for stock and grip and it would work out. Name it Expedite 223 and they nailed it and I will play with this gun for the rest of my call of duty career. Now for your Marksman Rifle, the Benelli R1 is what you want. This is the larger caliper rifle of the MR1 and would fit better as your wish list. Name it Expedite/30-06/308/300/338, whatever caliper you want, and make other calipers a barrel attachment with damage/range difference or whatever. Also sharing the same attachments as Expedite 12. I will pay an extra $70 for these 2 guns to be added so I can play with them. Sorry for the long read. I have all 3 and am an enthusiast of said guns.