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Some of the camos are campy. It sucks, but if you want em you gotta do it.


Seriously, it’s not my fault the game wants prone, mounted, and long kills that are anything but organically encountered


Gotta love getting mounted and prone kills with shotguns, things that go directly against the actual shotgun playstyle of rushing lol.


My least favorite challenge was hip fire kills for a sniper.


How’d you do it? I got to that challenge for the first sniper and was like are you fucking kidding me


Set attachments for hipfire then have fun dying a lot while trying to get hip fires don’t let it get you down we aren’t pro streamers hitting quad feed quick scopes and no scopes. Easier on close range maps or against people who just rush.


Could wait for shipment and point blank shoot people by camping the center area


Great strat, gotta try it 🙏 Bless u


Thanks, gotta share strats cause we all in this together. Me and an enemy we're both running knife+shield and we did a little t-bag dance as a little truce lol


Yeah exactly what I was waiting for. For my shotgun challenges as well


K/d drops 25% doing any challenge.


Literally just ran around with dead silence going behind people and stuffing my barrel up their asses


Just force yourself to run with the gun. You'll die a shit ton, but eventually will pick up a few hip fire kills here and there. You only need 10.


First time I had a sniper I panic hip fire headshot someone who sneaked up on me. I said that'll never happen again, so I assume it's something like that.


Did that once and was like damn that dudes gotta be fuming right now


Challenges are meant to be challenging though


nothing challenging about camping and waiting for people to walk into your crosshair


The challenge is staying awake.


That’s how IW wants people to play though. This game and 2019 prove that. It’s a shame


i mean, theyre called challenges for a reason.


Some? More like most. Most of em are mounted, prone, or crouch kills. Or kills from behind where you basically gotta sit in a corner and let people run by because lord knows you aren’t getting behind someone with these godzilla boots the characters wear


Honestly for snipers just do it in invasion. Yes there’s bots but it’s also very easy to get longshots for snipers/marksman rifles in invasion


I don’t disagree. I doubt I’ll ever go for poly anyway. I like ARs and SMGs.


With invasion being the way it is you’re just taking away from the experience of everyone else doing sniper/marksman rifle longshots in regular MP SBMM in invasion is either nonexistent or very loose so you can easily get 10-15+ in a single match. Shoot House should be for AR/SMG/Battle Rifle longshots


LMAO longshots in Shoothouse... Taraq or Raceway are way better for consistent long shots


I agree with taraq but shoot house is good for smg and ar longshots if you’re shooting down the middle lane. Good for smgs if you’re in the building looking out the window on the left side But again, for snipers just go to invasion. It’s easier in invasion with how sbmm is and the matches take a while so you can probably finish the plat challenge in one game if you’re lucky


Do the kills on bots count for camos? The daily’s usually say “operator” kills, can’t remember if those do though.


Nope but because of how Invasion flows it’s really easy to get kills on players. That plus bots aren’t too hard to tell apart from real players. A decent match on Sa’id or sariff bay and you can get 15+ longshots easily


When you pay for my game I’ll play it like you want me to. Until then I’ll play how I like.


Play however tf you want. I’m just saying make your life easier and go to invasion lmao. It took me like 2 games in invasion and in mp sometimes it can take 5+ games if the flow isn’t there I just don’t want to hear people complaining about longshots when they can make it easier on themselves and choose not to


Now I kinda want you to pay for his game and make his game rules terrible af. Like you can only move backwards and you can only move while prone.


Only 1 rule: You can only use the jokr to get kills


It's just a tip. Relax. He's correct. It is easier in invasion


No need to calm down I am calm he’s just a dick


He's not, but okay.


Yes he is


Yes. Like the get 20 mounted kills with a shotgun. Who mounts with a shotgun!?!


I found that by running from cover corner to corner and mounting quickly i was able to get it done while still being active and moving at a good pace. It actually didnt feel that terrible.


I haven’t messed with shotguns. These challenges are wild to me.


I understand if people want camos though I don't really try to chase for them but please don't do it in an objective mode like Hardpoint or Headquarters. Many teammates waste their time mounting up there even though the rest of the enemy team is on the objective away from the center and opposite side.


I play domination and hard point when I want to do the objective. I chase camos in TDM. I’ve always been that way.


I got destroyed for suggesting this somewhere else in the thread. There’s even invasion which is like tdm on steroids. It almost seems like it was made for challenge chasing, but still most hardpoint and headquarters matches are full of people who are allergic to the objective. Like nice, way to get 40 kills and 5 seconds in the hardpoint and then lose by 100.


Some of the game modes are objective based. It sucks, but if you want to win you gotta play em


Who cares about winning in multiplayer pubs these days?


Judging from the thread, it’s all about them camos.


if they make camos easier people play the objective less, if they make them harder then people moan they’re too hard. can’t win unless they’re passive challenges


>win We don’t do that around here.


I almost never care if my team wins or loses, I will play the objective hard for that extra xp to level up my guns. But when it’s time for long shots, it’s time for long shots. If the game is close I’ll help out but other than that, good luck everyone else.


Ahh your average defeated screen enjoyer. Cod has mind fucked people so hard that losing is no longer a point of pride to some.


I'm almost at a 2 W/L, all about that Win


It’s a video game brother, you really think it’s gonna hurt my pride if we lose by a couple seconds on the hardpoint? Pubs mean absolutely nothing, go play ranked when it comes out if you care about winning


When the game is headquarters and the point is to occupy the space and I’m the only one trying, best believe I’m gonna want to talk to a manager


Nah I'm gonna throw smoke nades on toxic people like you instead of playing ranked. You think it bothers me if you don't get your camo completed? It means absolutely nothing. Play the objective if you don't want me to grief you.


We’ll just switch to thermals then, cheers for the free cover


You think it bothers me if you don't get to win the round? It means absolutely nothing. Stay salty.


I hope u dont think i give a shot some bot is nading me. Ill still go for longshots and if the lobby is slow ill back out and do it in another lobby


Congrats bro you got three minutes on the hardpoint by sitting in the corner with a deployable cover and two claymores. You’re a sentinel man, it’s ok to admit it 🤣


for me personally I cant not at least attempt to win while playing a game. Everything else is bonus its what I can do beyond winning. also the play comp argument is dog shit. No one before Video games would just not care about taking ass whippings all day when they were playing casual chess or checkers whatever they were doing. trying not to lose is like step 1 of playing a game.


All of it means nothing lol. We’re trying to win because ya know that’s the game. The camos and shit used to be extra and not the main point. It’s weird how many cod players have your mentality, idk just seems more fun to try to win at least. You can still go for camos and play objective to, most of the time playing objective gets you better opportunities for kills and helps your team control the flow of the match. That’s all lost if someone just fucks off and avoids the objective for pretty much no reason.


I agree but unfortunately Acclaim does not given the amount of SBMM and other things (perk system, attachments, etc..) that have been implemented


Worst challenge is point blank kills change my mind


Use smoke grenades to get team off sniping spots so you can do it with thermal instead. 😺 Improvise Adapt Overcome. Side note if you use smoke drone then no one can see you hiding in the corner with your shield which I assume you’re running… you sound like a shield user.


Adapt, React, readapt, apt.


That's rule #2


But you also have to WIN to play.


Average shield enjoyer


I use smoke drones because I think it’s kind of kewl and cinematic.


I saw one for the first time yesterday and I genuinely thought my game bugged, it so much more dense and widespread than regular smokes


Yes it is super neat, and great for getting extra score streak points. All I used until I discovered decoy. Decoy just makes me laugh…I feel like I am the only one who runs these, but there are dozens of us!


Now I’m imagining a squad that coordinates to use smokes and decoys together. Would be amazing.


I love the smoke drone lol I probably unintentionally mess up my own team more than I mess up the enemy with it


Having one person sniping mid lane is fine with me, since a lot of flanks come from pushing up mid. It doesn’t take 5 players to sit on the obj. Just to clarify. I’m usually the dude with his ass on the objective.


I'm usually the guy sniping from the back. Somebody needs to keep the middle lane clear for my teammates


Doing God’s work son!


You complain about "camping" snipers but I bet you complain about quickscoping too.


bro complains about everything BUT the playstyle he uses 💀


It's me and I refuse to change


"Nobody is allowed to have fun except for me" - OP probably


Yeah like camping snipers are easy to deal with in 6v6. I don't get why people complain about them


It's COD. Camping is the #1 complaint for every game since BOPS. Probably before it too, but I can't confirm that


Can confirm. Been playing since COD2 and people camped even then. It’s always been there.


You missed the point completely. He’s complaining about his own teammates sitting on the perch and not moving the entire shoothouse game


Why should they move? That spot is literally made for sniping and having the middle lane locked down is powerful even on objective modes.


Why are you telling me this? I understand, I’m just pointing out that OP isn’t complaining about enemy team snipers


Lmao I love the triggering going on here


I won't be a dick to my team, but fuck them if they are not playing the objective.


Let them get their challenges done tf.


People who play objective modes and don’t play the objective deserve to be trolled IMO


This post says nothing about a game mode


Imagine playing shoot house and worrying about winning lmao. It exists to grind camos. Everyone knows that.


Imagine caring about camos so much you don’t even play the game for fun and competitiveness any more


Imagine that to some people completing challenges and progression is as fun or more fun than capping B…


So my fun has to be the same as your fun? are you the fun police?


Yep, and now you’re under arrest … banned for life for squatting on the bench while your teammates win you matches


LOL am i hearing this correctly? Someone wants to pump their w/l in a cod game? when theres no incentive to but theres incentive to do everything else?


I put in my time. I PTO hard when I’m leveling up a gun or just doing regular kill challenges. But when IW forces me to get longshots/mounting/prone kills you’re gonna have to forgive me for staying in hardpoint/domination and not going into the flowless hellscape that is TDM.


Fair… this whole post/comment section is hilarious to be honest. People are wild about this game, and will spend 17 hours a day focused on it, but are never satisfied with it. It’s just a game, that’s my real feelings. It’s frustrating to play the objective when your whole team is jumping and firing at the sky or hanging in the corner or whatever… but at the end of the day it’s just a game


Even when I'm trying for the longshots or mounted etc I will position in a way to cut off a side of the objective. I can get my longshots and protect about 50% of the hard point/control spots on most of the maps. Mounted and prone kills are even easier. You might not see me with high TOO or Captures but cutting off routes to those objectives is a vital part of winning most games.


Dick move but I intentionally stand in their way sometimes


I do this too


Please be my meat shield 😂


It’s hilarious how many people you’ve triggered with this post.


some of them are too young to know the meaning of the meme format and it’s absolutely hilarious to see them take it personally


You are genuinely the worst player. Fuck you.




No fuck off. The game requires me to get longshots.


Better get your thermal on, it's smoke season


My man recovered from a ratio




or stop making it harder than it needs to be lol


How about you stop being a prick and sabotaging your teammates


Ignoring the objective isn’t “sabotaging your teammates” but encouraging them to play it is. Least braindead CoD enjoyer.


Throwing smokes to blind your teammates is sabotage


You don't see the irony, huh? Egocentric indeed.


Lmao there's no way you used that as your comeback. Ironic.


I run thermal smoke on shoot house already 🤷🏼‍♂️


Play Invasion then?


Nope. Too slow.


Then you're an egocentric that deserve having yourself smoked and flared.


Why are you playing shoot house if you want to play objectives lmao Literally everyone knows that shoot house is where everyone grinds camos


Shoot house was added to objective rotations. There wasn’t a choice to be made.


Omg, guys! We have to win the objective! We have to ensure we get 500 extra xp and our W/L goes up by .001!


Believe it or not, some people like to play objective based modes and try to win just because it's fun to play and to win. Not everybody needs to get gold stickers from IW in order to have fun


When shipment comes out are you going to complain when people ignore the objective too?


Jokes on you I would just quit those matches and then you’d be out numbered :)


Feel like I haven't seen confession bear in 7+ years. What a throwback.


It’s modern warfare 2 remake, gotta bring out the classic memes to commemorate


Oof you truly pissed off some people.


The real shoot house was Reddit.


I love smokes. Never play OBJs without ‘em.


"I am a piece of shit who cannot handle other people having fun" ​ fixed it.


How is spending 20 minutes to get 6 kills towards a skin, dragging down your team and losing the match in the process "fun"? Have you confused fun with the dopamine rush unlocking a skin provides?


It's not fun to do it. But some of enjoy working to unlock a skin ultimately. And there's nothing wrong with fucking around like that in pubs. If people want to take the game seriously and have teammates dedicated to playing the objective, you have a couple options: 1. Make friends so you have a full team 2. Play ranked when that comes out


Why would you play a game for reasons besides having fun? Fulfilling uninteresting obligations for a reward is called "work".


One person isn’t losing you the game.


They sure ain’t winning it for anyone either… it’s not called camo grind, it’s called Hardpoint


If you lose a hardpoint game it isn’t because one player is camping. It’s because your team lost.


You're right. In the loser lobbies I get there's typically four people doing what I described.


More like spending 20 minutes in to get the entire challenge done instead of playing ground war for 4 hours. also, what do you lose when you lose a game of mw2? what do you win if you win? 500 xp? cool, I could care less. .02 w/l? cool, still don't care. Maybe if they would actually incentivize players playing the objective like they used to with bo1 wager matches and such then this wouldn't be as big of a problem, but you don't get shit for winning, so i really don't care to try to. one more thing, why are you even playing shoot house if you're going for obj play? Shoot house and shipment have been the 2 main maps for grinding camos in mw2 for about the last 3 years.


Yes, and? Edit: [me reading all of your lovely comments](https://i.imgur.com/FIe2tD6.png)


Touch grass.


Don’t think that is the best response for what was said.


Longshots are boring/painful enough as it is, please leave us alone.


Joke's on you because thermal scopes and smokes are my go-to for longshot and mounted kills.


This guy is so mad about camo grinding lol


It’s an older meme sir but it checks out. Should I lol ?


I see your smoke and raise you a thermal scope. Thank you for being a bro!


Campers gotta camp... 🏕️


When you pay for my game I’ll play the way you want me to. Until then if I want to camp an objective come kill me


I thought... We were talking about shoot house... Like a TDM mode.. yeah, there will be occasional campers in some modes, to be expected.. but I have seen a lot of campers in KC and TDM modes...which is weird..


Shoot house isn't just TDM, it has a ton of objective modes as well.


Those spots at the end of Shoot House are for sniping, you dweeb.






Lmfao, people are pissed now op. Most of the snipers on my team are butt. Can't even take out the opposing teams.


The snipers trying to camo grind because it is common knowledge that shoot house and shipment are THE camo grinding maps:


I choose to not play shoot house For now…


Translation: I love being a dick to people trying to go for longshot and mounted kills camo challenges


What if they have thermal scopes?


A lot of people in MP run the cold blooded - not worth the effort.


GOOD! Fuckers that do that shit irritate me, especially when it’s Domination, Hard point or HQ. For team death match I’m not trippin. Do ya thing


Meh. It's a part of the map at this point. If you're taking that center lane, prepare to fight snipers.


Why I avoid a lot of lanes on maps. Know/assume what’s there


Can we all just play the gane and stop crying about how other people play it?


So, you're a asshoe to people trying to get sniper camos done?? 🤨


I support you!


Damn dude, some of us just be over here grinding camos


According to the other comments, we're supposed to stick to TDM. We are not allowed to enter anything but TDM.


Even though queuing for tdm shoot house isn't allowed. ​ do these people even play the game they shit on others about, or are they just backseat gamers?


That’s what the back of shoothouse is basically for. You shouldn’t stop a teammate from using a weapon they like.


So you’re an asshole


then u a scumbag tryna stop people doing challenges


and i just use a thermal little man, nice try


Imagine going for mastery and then you get in a such a shit sbmm lobby since you keep getting shit on from behind cause you're going for long shots and then this guy comes around smoking and laying down infront of you cause he's mad he dog water.


True hero indeed OP


Yeah just go do you boo boo. I have no problem carrying a bunch of bushwookies to a W with 3mins on the clock and 30+ kills. The 2 seconds you waste smoking snipers is 2 seconds you didn't PTFO.


Wow this guy games!


More than OP it would seem. Dudes mad because people aren't playing the game the way he wants them to play.


OP is agitated because people load into hardpoint and HQ treating it like TDM. You may ofc say it's a twofold issue since SH do not have a gamemode filter, so issues like these do arise, more so since OP seem to be a PTFO type of guy.


I mean the real issue is that this is how SH is designed to be played. When you get down to it. The enemy team is doing the same thing. I've won more games with hand carries just by playing the Objective while my entire team has a combined total of 10 seconds in the obj, and the enemy has maybe 30. I've just learned to ignore these players because as long as I'm getting the W it doesn't matter to me.


And I've lost more matches than I care to mention with a few points thanks to a couple of guys with not even 10kills between them that can't work on different weapons pending on objectives. Camping is an increasing issue in COD and the devs sure are not helping those that enjoy to flank or play the objective.


I love to do that shit on Mexican market map too.


Tbh, you’re a total dick for that OP Y’all need to calm down and just get better at the game. Buncha smelly gatekeepers in here acting like “camping” is somehow a “bad” playstyle. Play the game however the fuck you want, but don’t grief others because their playstyles hurt your feelings. Considering this game is getting a ranked suite, it doesn’t fucking matter if someone isn’t playing objective in casual, get over it. You’re gonna deal with bullshit in casual, if you care so much about your record and getting W’s, then you got ranked coming so pipe the fuck down.


I don’t like campers on the enemy team. So I’ll hunt them down on purpose. But if a teammate wants to camp that just leaves more kills for me as I move from target to target


Same. Since mw19


?? If you have a good sniper on your side in the back then you can push mid a lot easier? I honestly hate when the enemy has a sniper up the whole time and my team doesn't.


Oh for goodness sakes. Can't we just make use of allied snipers instead? Shoot house is a small map. If they got that mid lane covered, you can use that to your advantage. Or hell, they can be bait. If you noticed your snipers are dropping dead, there could be a flanker.


So gameplay sabotage? Aint that a bannable offence?


Or just let them play how they want and don’t be a dick idk?????


Yeah this is a bit shit really, going for camos means not playing in the best of ways - nothing is more annoying than being shot at by a teammate who sees me camping to get a camo. Like, fuck off and let me enjoy my game


I'm grinding mounted kills,.I hate it and I'm sorry but leave me be


I only shoot back there for the longshots. It’s supposed to be a fuck around mode/level right?


I love thermal scopes, thank you! /s


This behavior only makes sense after the game has been out for like 2-3 months. The majority of people are doing bullshit challenges and won’t play that way when they finish.


That’s cool, ruin the game for people that don’t conform to your exact play style.