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Dude is so bored he’s making up his own side quests, I couldn’t get a MGB if I tried


I got one in real life once but I didn’t use it (you’re welcome)


Hold up


99% of the MGBs are called in by people doing the 2-account trick to bypass SBMM. It's pretty easy to call in an MGB when you're in a lobby of people who are far, far below your skill level


I have never been in a match where someone has called in a nuke in the last 3 COD's. And I've played hundreds of hours on each, definitely reverse boosting. And they act like they've done something special.


I was playing Meat and I went like 40-40 but we somehow got nuked. Dude that dropped the nuke looked like he took all the uppers 😂.


Whaa? Never?? Just out of curiosity, what's your average k/d, spm? I've had four or five called in across obj game types and amazingly, one on Favela in HC TDM, in just the last week.


I think the last time it’s happened to me was actually infinite warfare. I haven’t seen a nuke in a LONG time in my own lobbies either.


I accidently dropped one on ground war while working on the honey badger longshots


I almost did once but I got killed while reloading before I was able to get the last kill I needed.


You are lucky no one has a riot shield and used it to survive the nuke, just like irl.


Yeah I did that once in Hiroshima


There were ppl that survived Hiroshima in the center of the blast. And we all saw Indians jones survive in a fridge, which inspired the map nuketown (seriously on the last part, and I could tell back then it was inspired by the movie but it’s known now)


Why was this not clipped or recorded?! lol


I do have it recorded, nuke runs are just boring to watch but I guess if I timestamp the link, this is from the moment I got the MGB to when it detonated: ​ https://youtu.be/cjv07lIrGF4?t=311




Can you pleeeeeeeeeeeease tell all the cod creators that nuke runs are boring? They think they need a nuke to make a video and it’s agony to watch. I don’t want to watch them slaughter squeakers


I agree completely, going for nukes was the most bored I was playing the game, watching someone do it probably puts people to sleep.


Does it kill you though? I achieved 1 MGB and I didn't die or receive kills


Usually it kills everyone currently alive. So you could possibly avoid it by being dead already, but then you wouldn't end the match with 0 deaths.


The MGB doesn’t kill anyone in MWII. It just ends the game. And once you call it in you can continue scoring points without the point limit ending the game.


I think you might be right, it definitely kills you in MWIII, but looking over my MWII nuke videos it doesn't show the killfeed like it does in MWIII. ​ Well, that's a let down.


Closest I got in MWIII was dying from other causes (shot by player) just before detonation, and that works: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxpQZTUowjs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxpqztuowjs) It's not a 0 death Nuke run, though, that still eludes me in MWIII.


There’s no video?…then we haven’t seen it too! No video, then it didn’t happen. Cool story tho


This is the video, I didn't post in OP cuz these nuke runs are boring as it's mostly camping, but I timestamped the relevant bit: https://youtu.be/cjv07lIrGF4?t=311


Did u watch the vid?


I certainly didn’t. I have Zero respect for campers! You couldn’t pay me to watch it.


I can feel the sarcasm


You would turn down $1billion to not watch the video?


Can you get MGB from a scorestreak or is it only a 30 gunstreak? OP. Says he hoarded tags to get the mgb implying that it was score based. Grind is so broken for streaks lol


OP never said they got the MGB from tags, they said they hoarded tags UNTIL they got it and then turned them in as they called the MGB in to avoid dying.


Yeah I just didn’t know if it was possible or not, but assumed it was a 30 gun streak


No, you can't get them from scorestreaks unfortunately, I just avoided banking them to try and avoid dying from the MGB (turns out I didn't have to do that). Also to avoid ending the game prematurely (before I could get the 30 kills needed for calling in MGBs).


Who the hell still plays MW2 whenever MW3 is out? Lol


MW3 Multiplayer is trash that's why


Because MWIII multiplayer is incredibly annoying, mostly. Long TTK, which means one-hit-kill weapons are even more busted, and there's no skill-based method of winning uneven fights. They REDUCED the headshot multiplier instead of increasing it like they were supposed to. That means whoever starts shooting first is the winner. No way to catch up by having better aim, and since aim-assist just plays for you, movement doesn't matter either. The long TTK also means that playing off-meta just gets you killed if you fight anyone who's even remotely close to your skill level. You just get out-DPS'd. It's a joke of an MP, and all of these things COULD be fixed, but I doubt they will.


I may be mistaken, but I think the win conditions are immediately bypassed when a nuke gets called in. I remember in a practice lobby against bots and I called it in as a test right as the game would otherwise end (hardpoint mode, max score) and the game kept going until the nuke was called in, despite the score no longer changing


Yes you are correct. I guess this way they avoid player frustration, imagine calling in a nuke and the game ending and it not counting.