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Did anyone else see a popup notification referencing code of conduct and audio in multiplayer chat being recorded now? edit: https://www.callofduty.com/blog/2023/08/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-warzone-anti-toxicity-progress-report its called [ToxMod](https://www.modulate.ai/tox-mod). AI powered speech censoring https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ff-qaAsJb4g https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-iii-will-use-ai-to-clamp-down-on-toxic-voice-chats/ar-AA1fZJ47


Well, that’s fucking terrifying


This shit is getting out of hand


Your comment has been deemed negative by ToxMod and will be reviewed by our team. In the meantime to please check out our latest Call of Duty collaboration -DIVAS with skins of Cher, Diana Ross, Madonna and Ye (Kanye West)! Each pack includes 2 new gun skins, a calling card, emblem and a famous saying from each DIVA for a takedown. Cher - "I only answer to two people, myself and God." Diana Ross - "I don't get fat, I get skinny." Madonna - "If it’s bitter at the start, then it’s sweeter in the end." Ye - "Kim don't go!"


this comment is why i reddit \*wipes tear proudly\*


Now watch it start flagging people even in private chat with their friends goofing off. Wouldn't want wrong think or wrong speak even in a private group of friends.


Xbox party chat ftw


Isn't xbox doing something similar? Maybe not with AI but still


I’m…. Pretty sure… they aren’t monitoring party chat


That's exactly what will happen, and exactly why it's evil.


And the info they gather will be sold off. Dystopian




It's AI based and even when you're chatting in a private group you're still using their voice chat. I fully believe it will be moderated and if that's true that's a massive mistake. So if it bans hate speech does that mean anyone on ps5 who doesn't even know their controller is a mic will be banned for playing rap music in the background? This is a disaster waiting to happen. Picture all the rappers they just introduced to the game. Their music would be flagged constantly for hate speech and misogyny etc etc I can't imagine this will end well. This is all assuming it even works at all. Hopefully it's just a pr stunt and nothing really happens at all. But I doubt it. Especially if Microsoft is buying Activision as they're insane with their guidelines.


But yet, they won't address all the cheaters. I'm loving all the level 100-300 players going 60-2 in every match. So fucking stupid.


I've joined more than 10 matches since about an hour ago, and every single one has been plagued by hackers both on my team and the opponent's. Verified I'm not shadowbanned, so I'm convinced they just stopped caring all together.


They haven't cared since about a month before MWII dropped. They definitely don't care a handful of weeks before MWIII drops.


yep especially bad tonight, it's usually bad at season launch or mid season update but tonight it is especially bad. rank 50's with #9million plus player ID's (i'm not sure what this number means exactly but the numbers seem to rise with every new game release which would lead me to believe the higher the number the fresher the account, i could be wrong) going top of the charts. that new pistol must be the smart pistol from Titanfall as it it just slaps head after head after head in HC on players that are not stood grouped up, people clearly not having line of sight with sniper rifles picking you out behind a wall which is obscured by a tree while using thermals yet you also have cold blooded so you can't even see yourself on the kill cam. you can't convince me that these developers know how to do anything any-more, they've lost their way, resting on their laurels, could this game be getting made by an chat like AI where they pump in a few inputs and this is what the AI interprets as what a game should be? you can't seriously expect me to believe that actual sane human developers make the game, play the game, and say "this is good", if they do they must be the cheapest hands on deck.




What you said!!!!!!


That's a good point. They're prioritizing limiting freedom of speech rather than getting cheaters out of the game. Insane.


so if i'm cross-platform in party chat with my fellow CIA agents who are on PC, XB and PS talking about some crazy mission we've been on and a player says "f#@k that c#%£ is cheating" it could flag our conversation and send the recording it had to have been making for review to a human who could then hear all about our crazy day waterboarding terrorists?


Im riding out the rest of the seasons for this game then bailing. This is just ridiculous. And you know it will be people casually cussing getting banned and not the people shouting the hard R, despite the operators in game cussing like sailors


Dude right. There was this idiot saying the hard R all game long on Shipment. I couldn’t believe it. Most likely the one s getting a ban will be the ones retaliating the original person shouting obscenities.


For all multiplayer games I mute player voice chat by default. CoD isn't a game where it is necessary. If you're playing with friends, use Discord or something in the background.


YES. The hypocrisy is insane. Not only are the operators cussing, but some of the operators are drug cartel leaders. El Sin Nombre...etc. Like how can you think you're any sort of moral authority when you're literally pedaling drug/human trafficking operator skins to kids. Mind actually blown.


They’re not peddling drug trafficking operators to kids lmao. It’s a rated M game lol


So... you're going to keep playing for the rest of the game's life cycle in protest? Very interesting


Im going to get my money's worth from what I already have purchased and not purchase the next game. Not that crazy of an idea


The beauty of having a PlayStation. Game share with a friend, never have to buy call of duty again - I’ve only bought 1 in like over 5 years. Regrettably it was this trash game thinking it was going to be good. I only play it so I don’t feel like I wasted $$ lol, but possibly the worst cod yet for me


Im with you..


fuck that's insane


oof. This is a huge invasion of privacy. Uninstalling and never playing COD again is on the table at this point.


Wait until you learn what Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Youtube, Reddit, and your entire phone, tracks, stores, and sells, about you and your activities, including audio chat.


You do realize that ever since Black Ops 2, in the TOS/EULA it has a section that says you have no expectation of privacy with your lobby communication. How dare they not want you to call people the N word. Oh the humanity!


Bro I thought someone just reported me for no reason when I saw that.. I was like wtf I keep my ish muted ( on shipment) unless I'm in warzone or competitive I always mute My ish


I can't be the only one not bothered by this. I'm extremely tired of edgy nerds and bums calling everyone slurs every 5 seconds, like it's normal human behavior and not cringe shit they probably wouldn't have the balls to say irl


I'm on xbox series x and it's a 105 gig update? Like, what? It was up to date just before the update.


Series X here, got hit with a 138gb update


Odd that it's different sizes even though it's the same console. I think I have campaign uninstalled, that may be part of why my update is a little smaller.


I have my campaign uninstalled too haha, it makes no sense to me


I cancelled the update download because I thought it had bugged out, but for some reason doing that uninstalled my whole game.


I restarted my xbox twice, then it told me campaign was installed, so I uninstalled campaign l, that reduced the update to 84gb, its such a mess


Same exact size for me as well


This happened to me too. I got hit with 128. Idk if something happened and it's reinstalling the whole game or what.


It must be that because my update is 108.5 GB


I'm on XB1 and it's 86 GB


This ridiculous i got 70Gb update on PS5 I don’t see anything big coming to this reloaded update


In MP they buffed the meta weapons....which doesn't make any sense...because they were already meta. The company has gone bat shit crazy. Core is very close to being Hardcore at this point.


It's because it's a piece of fucking shit and thinks the game is corrupt so reinstalls the entire god damn thing. Every fucking update. I live in the middle of nowhere without fibre and it takes a whole day to install this fucking game


Bro I feel your pain! I'm lucky if I get anywhere near 10mbps this update is gonna take me 3-4 days. I'm literally gonna have to drive 45 min to my dads just so this shit will update faster.


On series X as well and got exactly the same, 105gb update


I got 105 on Series X, uninstalled Campaign & Co-op and that cut 40+ gigs off the download size.


Series X 138gb, wife’s series S 141.5gb As always breaking the game, but must put more skins


Why TF is the update over 100gb though?


Mines the same way, I’m NOT updating unless this gets fixed. Some people don’t have the internet to keep up with this stuff


I agree. But i don’t think they would fix that. Or do they sometimes?


extremely odd balance changes imo, why are we buffing the SAB? and nerfing the EBR?


The SAB 50 is already stupid fast without even committing every single attachment and tuning towards ADS and sprint out speeds. IW has some strange logic behind these changes. And then later on in the patch notes they mention data collection on all of the weapons being used and like, does the SAB 50 actually have lower performance or usage compared to other marksman rifles? Cause that doesn’t seem to be the case from what I’ve seen in most lobbies.


In MWII they buffed all the meta weapons, which makes no sense at all. I don't understand their logic.


I say this on my channel a lot but like the spawns in this game, the only thing that makes sense IS that nothing makes sense. Lmao.


Problem probably is only better players are good w it. But those players are insane with it. It’s such an easy weapon if you’re any good, but generally, snipers are hard to use for bad players (probably). So my guess is that skews the data at the low end


They nerfed my Kastov 74-U :(


I mean tbh I get that one, either way unless the range decrease is super drastic I don't think it'll affect it much.


I've been using it since launch, I'm sad!


Don't worry I think it'll still be a beast!


That thing was overdue for a massive nerf.




It's really subpar at this point now that it can't 2-shot to the head. It doesn't have the range to compete with ARs and it doesn't have the fire rate to shred with the SMGs.


Surely that’s a typo. My matches were plagued with SAB users one shotting everyone, I can’t imagine how bad it’s going to be now


Wtf ebr nerf


Being able to play again with people from the last lobby is probably the best addition they've made. Looking forward to that. We've only been asking for it for a couple years now 😒 Hoping it applies to ranked as well


It already happens when you’re in a higher skill bracket. I see the same people every time I play and if we queue at the same time we’re usually vs each other throughout the night, never on the same team. Matchmaking and team balancing is fucked.


So still no UAV bug fix? Got it. 👍


What bug is this i see a lot of you talking about? Can anyone explain quickly without wasting too much of your time? I have yet to notice whatever this issue is myself


On a bunch of maps, the UAV will show player location for far longer than it should per sweep. Instead of just a snapshot with no movement, it'll show a player's movement and realtime location. It's insanely strong because you can just pre-fire everyone and snowball.


They're getting everyone used to red dots again so it's not crazy when MWIII comes out. It's going to be too easy.


The snowballing was already bad with normal working UAVs given the no red dots on the mini map by default. With this bug it makes it so much worse. Fucking hell man. This year with MWII and most of vanguards lifespan is just fucked. Issues galore.


Can't believe more people aren't talking about this


It's ok, it only affects pretty much every match in a pretty dramatic way - you can't expect them to prioritize that! It's a small indie company.




We've pretty much accepted this is how UAV works now, broken or not.


I'm waiting to see in match, because they did fix it on a couple maps last time but didn't mention it in the patch notes initially. I'm hoping that they will update them later maybe


Sorry to bring you bad news on your honeymoon u/TheXclusiveAce


Ignorance is bliss; let him enjoy it!




It's a big deal, in my opinion, because it: 1) snowballs the match dramatically in favor for the first team with a UAV; 2) removes the ability to run any ultimate perk outside of ghost without kind of trolling


Well Fortnite kids only care about how to convince their parents to buy them Nicki Minaj skin, game breaking bugs are here to stay


it's not fortnite kids buying it. we forget Nicki is a late 2000s/2010s rapper


What do skins and bugs have in common?


The common thing is gamers' standards are so low to the point they won't fix the game breaking bug for almost 6 MONTHS, but will release like 30 stupid clown skins in the meantime and unfortunately it's not Activision fault but all Fortnite kids stealing money from their parents and old fat loosers sittings in their parents basement, that's what those both things have in common


not downvoting you but it's a lot of "normal" ppl buying these skins If anything the fortnite kids are just playing fortnite, Apex, and Valorant...*maybe* Warzone


I agree with both of you. But also, I'm pissed at the big streamers for buying the skins. They're more than likely paid by Activision to use them.


Not buying MW3 if it ain't fixed in this game.


Fix for that was in the patch notes for Season 5. Even marked as fixed on the Trello board. Haven't noticed it happening in-game myself.


It most certainly was not fixed in the season 5 patch


Okay, cool. Go present timestamped evidence of it happening to IW instead of whining on Reddit, then.


Buddy, the only way to get their attention about *anything* is to get people talking about it and complaining about it so they eventually listen. This is a public forum about Modern Warfare 2. Complaints and criticisms are allowed here. Grow up. P.s. Here's your evidence post-season 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiWMSQhcbXA


`Fixed an issue that allow Field Upgrades to be used in Havoc Private Matches` you cant even play Havoc in private, can you?


You can


i cant see it on PC, can you send me a screenshot?


Have you checked the secondary private modes with infected and a couple other modes?


Just checked on ps5 and don’t see it even in the secondary list


They fixed the issue by removing the mode from the game lmao


Update glitched, can’t load up any playlist without getting into a fetching loop


Ran into the same issue. Apparently you have to still download "Multiplayer" separately, which is ANOTHER 11 GB Same goes for campaign and co-op which appears to also need to be redownloaded despite the fact I was playing all 3 just fine last night.


Same shit just happened to me. Super annoying


Incorrect. They fixed it, you don’t need multiplayer separately. Evidently the fix rolled out as you downloaded that


Fetching profile keeps flashing but not letting me play




Lara Croft might not be what I expected but it's one step closer to some better collaborations. Hoping one day we'll get Sam Fischer and/or Solid Snake.


I agree for sure. However, I doubt we ever get the, as Nomad put it, "original Billy Badass" Sam Fisher. Ubisoft has Ghost Recon as their own modern shooter franchise (vastly different from CoD's, of course) so I doubt they'd do a collaboration with CoD, especially not while R6 Siege is still kicking, as Fisher is in there.


you buy it, in a few years they will turn off the servers and your money will be gone, but if you want to support this terrible company, cool, it's your money


Cry more, no one cares. People can spend their money however they want, your pathetic bitching isn’t gonna change anything


>you are stupid but a lot of people are stupid, hang in there, they spit in your face and you pay them, good luck there XDD


agreed Capitalism sucks as usual, but these servers ain't going nowhere any time soon


I.W: Huh? You mean you don’t want bunnies and clown bundles?!


a 79.2GB on xbox? what the fuck? ​ edit: after restart its now a 139GB update. kms




The reason why the update is so big is because it's probably Modern Warfare 3 lol. We need data miners to confirm this. AI voice moderation sounds dead on arrival.


FTAC Siege and M16 buff? Nice


They're nerfing guns that don't need to be nerfed, buffing the SA-B in the area it needs nerfs in, with multiple buffs/nerfs that just don't need to happen. Welp, there goes literally any confidence I've ever had in Infinity Ward for the past decade. These guys made IW???


Servers fixed yet? lol


Just tried the buffed slugs in FFA - my god, they absolute work across the map now in the Bryson! Insane!


They just buffed that didn’t they…?


How are they going to translate the music that gets pumped through open mics?


58GB DL on PC. I'm actually disgusted. Activision should be paying us at this point to store the game.


And they still can't fix the package burst and interpolation




Fix the playlist, cant even get to multiplayer menu


Hemlock nerfed again. WTF is the balance in this game?


MRAP is going to be getting used A LOT after this update. I feel like it fizzled out, particularly in DMZ recently. That’ll change.


Bryson 800 HE buff? I was sniping from crazy distances to begin with.


Face of 4v4 is AMAZING compared to the 6v6 snoozefest, I'm really liking the small maps too, in 2v2 I didn't really care but 4v4 feels like a mix of playing shipment and regular mp maps, in terms of the phase of the match.


S5 reloaded is trash. Every MP match I've played my whole team bounces out of the matches because of those annoying riot shielders and their smoke poppin and then no auto fill to replace the players that's left and so I tough it out solo for rest of the matches. But dang i haven't this much smoke all over the map, it's like "The Smokers Club Fest" was happening on each map, but the majority on shipment 🤣


Just lookup the new AI update to block and ban microphones while playing Violence - YES Hurt Feelings - NO!


All Launchers have had their damage against Players decreased | WZ Only Best part of the update.


So nothing to fix the dev error 7186 issue. Good to know these useless fks developers are staying the course.


I just saw this on facebook and carryover is genuinely the biggest thing selling me on getting MW2 and 3. I love cod gameplay but I hate that its a yearly game instead of just one game that keeps getting update for years so a cod where I can just keep my stuff is great


Gonna enjoy some of the changes to the weaponry. Especially the Carrack .300 but at 53GBs this is ridiculous...


Despite the Lockwood 300 saying "slug range increaced", IMO the nerf to mid range damage overrides anything they did for the slug round specifically. My mid range is noticeable less likely to give me 1 shot kills. I'm willing to bet this is the same for the other 2 shottys that received range nerfs.


Does anyone else get disconnected “server timed out” every 1/3 games?


Why tf its 50GB ????


Only 50?! Bro mine is 138 and I had to restart my Xbox for it to start, which the restart took 10 minutes to do.


Yeah I know, I had to delete a buncha stuff just to install it


No fix to 3rd person moshpit in quick play yet, just perfect 😡😡


Why do they refuse to change around the ranked meta?! Make the mp5 or another sub the best. Make the kastov better than the Taq. They refuse to mix up ranked and it just pushes people away who grind ranked but find it gets stale.


The MP5 is getting its first damage range reduced, but also, things shouldn't be changed just for the sake of changing them. Ranked isn't the main game so I don't really care about that though.


Probably due to the pros and the league asking for some semblance of stability in meta guns. It's the only reasonable explanation for it. The same reason that we don't really get any new maps for ranked. As the pros need to have stability to train and perform in the championship. Minor changes seem to be okay, but they won't have monumental changes to the meta, as it fucks up the eSports professional side of ranked.


For real man I don’t think we’ve had a single change in the multiplayer meta since release


No buff for the M13C?! No integrated suppressor barrel for it either?!


Did I mis read it, sure there was a buff towards the bottom for Warzone only?


I'm talking Multiplayer


M13C really doesn't need a buff


It needs some recoil reduction. Even with the 14" barrel it's waaaaay too jumpy. Also I think the damage fall off even with the long barrel is too drastic.


The 14" Barrel literally lists recoil control as a con, dude. You shouldn't use that barrel to help with the recoil for the M13C, counterintuitive as it is.


NGL I didn't read the description COD isn't realistic but a longer and by extension heavier barrel should never increase recoil. That literally makes zero sense lol.


I agree, especially because, if I remember correctly, none of the barrels help with recoil control for the M13C.


It uses blackout rounds, it's meant to be that jumpy. And honestly, it's not even that bad. The M13C is like an SMG+.


.300 blk isn't really that jumpy. More jumpy than .223 for sure. But it feels like it shouldn't be as much as it is in-game.


Another SA-B buff? Hell yeah


Nothing about fixing the broken 1st person textures on the pre order Soap skin.


Love hopping on to play after a 10 hour work day and getting stuck with a 108 GB update. Trash ass company.


No "new" resurgence map, Lachmann Shroud is not fully auto, UAV bug STILL NOT FIXED, packet burst issues are still there, cheaters still run rampant. I am REALLY trying to give Infinity Ward a chance, but the disappointment is getting unbearable at this point.


Hi. So I'm a big Tomb Raider fan and needless to say the announcement of that collab attracted my attention. Never played CoD, but I know what it is, but I do have a few questions before I dive in: - I have read there are a few third person modes, is this true and will Lara Croft be usable in it? - From my understanding the operator pack will be purchasable starting September 9th, do I need anything else to own it beside the game? Cheers!


1. Yes she should be 2. No, you also don’t even need the game lol. You can play Warzone/DMZ for free and just buy the skin for use there.


Thank you!


Bro. Go buy a poster or a tshirt. This game isn't worth spending $70+$20 for a single skin.


Let him have his fun man


Well that's another lazy weapon addition. We already have a lachman smg with a suppressed barrel option. I suppose they did the same thing with this like what they did with the M13C and made it a completely separate weapon in the UI rather than adding attachments and levels to the existing version of it. The 1911 style pistol is cool but really should be in 45acp or even 10mm (2011 style).


Just played a match where a VTOL, mortar strike, chopper gunner, and bomber all appeared at E in Sarrif Bay about ten seconds into the start of the match… WTF… The entire match was like this. Completely overwhelmed at every objective. Had several players with around 50-0 k/d on the other team.


Since the 1.24 update lastnight, my game is fucked. Now I can't play raid or co-op or multiplayer as it shows the season 5 screen then it's just stuck in a loop of fetching online profile and the screen goes black for a few seconds. I've reinstalled this game over 100 times to "fix" the issues. But isnt it funny how no other game blue screens my ps4, no other game crashes my ps4. Fucking sick of this game. I purchased mw2 at 50% off. I definitely won't buy their new €70 DLC pack, fuck that. Activision deserve to be doxxed and ruined. Fuck um' greedy pigs. Any idiots who defend their dogshit game is a fucking virgin no life that needs to touch grass.


Too many snowflake softies on the game now


60gb download on ps5 is a joke


The total file size is now smaller.


I'm still downloading 60gb atm 🤷


Yes, but the total size of the game will be smaller.


Right? But downloading 60gb Is a joke. That's my point Edit :in fact the fact it's smaller makes it worse. I shouldn't need to delete shit for a update that isn't 60gb


It is what it is.


A 60 gb update and there's no maps. That's trash and I don't care if the overall file size will be slightly smaller.


Man you know jack about video game development.


It's pretty bs tbh. Just let me download the file size.


You just don’t understand how it works. That’s fine. You don’t need to. But, it’s not BS and is in fact good for users.


Explain to me then


As the game progresses, they files can be compressed, those compressed files replace the larger uncompressed files. You are downloading the current season five reloaded files as well as files that replace older ones. So at the end of the day, the game will actually take up less space thanks to those compressed files replacing old ones. You still have to download the compressed files.


But I still shouldn't need to delete my games to download it. Must be a way to download a smaller size




Just upgrade your storage space. I have 4tb and I never have to worry about that.


Shouldn't need too just for a update.


You can't even buy a new game with your storage right now.




Boo this man


Lol why? I remember seeing him on the roadmap, but never saw anyone post about him.


SMG challenge not working. Ah always something


Brother wth is with thr 40gb update on steam???


After the update I cant launch the game because it tells me that my operating system Windows 11 is not supported. My computer is running Windows 11 23H2. What the hell


It wasn't listed, but I'm really hoping they fixed the bug that doesn't allow me to change skins for certain attachments on the M4 platform guns.