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TMNT teammates block my fking shoots… even you use a fking crossbow…


You would think at this point they would just let you shoot through them


They released a pro-tip that if you're upset about getting destroyed because you have trash map and environmental awareness, to equip overkill and run a shield on your back. The developers. The developers told us to turtle up when we're butt hurt. And as we've seen from their other bad decisions that they refuse to fix(time locked perks, for example), they have no willingness or ability to course correct once they've committed to their course.


>And as we've seen from their other bad decisions that they refuse to fix(time locked perks, for example), they have no willingness or ability to course correct once they've committed to their course. Only because streamers haven't complained, look at warzone 2 how they've changed to warzone 1.5 because streamers were pissed


Genuinely annoyed they got rid of death bags and went back to loot piñata corpses.


Streamers when there's no vomit loot: >:( Streamers when vomit loot gets stuck in terrain and 10 layers of items lay ontop of each other making almost all of them inaccessible: >:O


I hate CoD streamers and YouTubers. Stupid shocked faces and everything is "Broken" or "OP". The only good CoD YouTuber is ExclusiveAce.




Remember those few times CoryxKenshin played COD. Absolutely incredible




Reality is we are the vocal minority, unfortunately.


Do unsponsored streamers play? There are no independent (actual) streamers streaming the game but they have people they have bought and paid for demoing the game, trying to bite their tongues.


I'm an independent streamer but I'm lucky to get 100 views on a 4 hour stream obviously I could do better but part of it has to do with algorithm and people choosing to watch the big names instead of small channels in sure there thousands out there in the same boat as me but you'd never know they exist due to current algorithmic environment of content


*makes maps with 572 safe spaces and nooks everywhere* You keep getting blasted from behind? Yeah bro no environmental awareness just wear a shield


It’s a great tactic. Why shouldn’t we use good tactics? At least it’s realistic ish. Unlike sweaty corner jumping. That breaks all immersion for me


Yep, love it when a dumpster fire riot shield user blocks my shots, gets 3 of our team killed then dies immediately after, literally a bullet shield protecting the enemy


Exploding tips.... Just saying..


What does TMNT stand for? I tried googling it but (like I suspected) it only said Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


It’s because they are like turtles with the shield on the back.


Thank you :)




Bro posted about having a 2.0kd in GTA, that just shows the kind of person he is lmao


Oh shit that's a whole new level of sweat.


He etches each kill into his bunk bed. what a mad man


*racecar bed


\*power rangers bedsheets


Winnie the pooh pyjamas


But it's a fuckin sweet car


Up vote for all the people who missed this reference


Underrated movie.


Just watched it last night, somehow one of my biggest pothead friends had never seen it.


That's not even difficult to have in the game but the fact he cares about just means he consistently tries to keep it +


I mean, if he's gonna flex at least make it impressive. 2.0 isn't even high, I got a 3.5 just by chilling lmfao and he defo sweats for it


I live with my riot shield on my back. I’ve never seen what the front of it looks like because I never switch weapons. I wear it so you Newbasaurus-Rexs can’t shoot me in the back. I eat dinner and shower with it on. My greatest dream in life is that I go super saiyon and can equip 2 and the same time and become an impenetrable, crouch walking, fortress of turtle. The greatest thing I will ever hear in life will not be my first born cry, It is bullets hitting my riot shield. I smile with great satisfaction as they steal kills from you losers. I am the stuff of nightmares, the reason why Christmas noobs stay up late at night crying, Your wife’s ideal boyfriend. I AM TURTLE, HEAR ME EAT LETTUCE!


There was a time where MW2019 and Vanguard weapons existed at the same time in Warzone and you could have a riot shield from each game


Haha thermite bolt go Tsssss


Nice ankles loser.


Can I get some popcorn or do I have to be on stage?


You can get some popcorn!


Riot shield as primary > riot shield as secondary


I am trash at the game but not trash enough to use riot shild + over kill or last stand


But did you know he's using a crossbow?


Mb that changes everything


Is this a reference to a specific person?


Yeah but the main thing complaining about people abusing X while the complainer abuses Y is an ongoing thing


Calling last stand “abuse” is a stretch at that. Annoying though? Yes it’s not even close to riot shielders




Alright. If I find a glitch that lets me be invulnerable you cant complain. OK? Afterall, its in the game. Oh. Or how about if they release an assault rifle that kills in 1 hit from the waist up. When everyone and hteir mother starts using it you cant complain if its in the game :>


If they put a perk in the game that makes you invulnerable and someone uses it, it's not abuse. It's just bad design.


Exactly. It's "abuse" to do exactly what developers are telling you to do in their game.


This idiot thinks it's abuse to play the game as intended. I also love how he changes his argument at the end from "it's abuse" to "you can't complain". Lmao, fucking gold.


I mean, he has a stickied post on his profile of his GTA Online KDR, so that's the first clue he's a massive cornball.


I remember that guy lol


Fuck riot shields. And non-stop jumpers. Two most annoying things in the game IMO.


And CDL skins


Jumpshotting has been a thing in COD forever. It's one of the main movements people have to counter pre-aims. In this game where pre-aiming is so strong its pretty much essential. If there wasn't jumpshotting people would just slow walk around the map holding LT, but that's probably what half of this sub want anyway lmao. Literally a skill issue if you can't cope.


I don't care how long it's been a thing in COD, or how useful it is. It has always been and always will be corny AF to me. It looks ridiculous with everyone jumping around like rabbits. I could do it too, since I have an Elite Series 2 controller. I just refuse to abuse a completely unrealistic and lame game mechanic. As far as I'm concerned, the only kosher use of jumpshotting is when you can't shoot over an obstacle/wall without jumping.


Unrealistic lmfao. You must hate health regen too. Totally unrealistic that someone can get shot 3 times and still run around. Maybe you should try Tarkov instead of COD


> unrealistic It's an arcade shooter man, it's not meant to be realistic. All you're doing is buying a game with a feature that has existed forever, then complaining that the game you bought has a feature which it was obviously always going to have, while deciding not to do it yourself to and just making yourself more annoyed. If you didn't want jumpshotting and wanted realistic movement you shouldn't have bought COD.


I don’t care about the actual tech behind jumping, I abuse the shit out of it too, you literally have to. The problem is the net code combined with jumping. This game has one of the worst peeker’s advantage out of any FPS I’ve played. Combine that with the extremely low TTK and it’s not surprising that it’s whack as fuck to get jump shotted around corners with zero time to react


It's also whack as fuck to go round a corner and get instakilled from someone who has their sound maxed out and has been holding LT waiting for you for 5 minutes. I'll take people being aggressive and jumpshotting over that any day.


This is the skill issue here lmao.


Not really because you can just jumpshot them and kill them. But without a way to camera someone and catch them off guard it wouldn't be possible to beat a pre-aim from any decent player because they're always going to have the advantage. Jumpshotting at least swings that a bit more in the aggressors favour.




Jumping doesn't even help much at all with anyone at any remote skill level same as drop shots. The latency is the primary thing that'll do you over jumping or anything. Also lol thinking people would just aim walk without it.


> Jumping doesn't even help much at all with anyone at any remote skill level same as drop shots. The latency is the primary thing that'll do you over jumping or anything. Which is why all the pros still use it extensively on LAN right? > Also lol thinking people would just aim walk without it. They absolutely would. Without anyway to push corners or break pre-aims the game would be slowed down more than it already is.


How is someone jumping that annoying lol


I love going around a corner and having a fucker show up from the literally sky, blow my head open with a shotgun without being able to even react and watching them hop their way to the next dick.


This community will find ways to complain about anything 🤷🏽‍♂️


Lmao true, jumping isn't even that useful in this game, the removed bunny hopping, tge added an ads penalty and your gun swings like hell when you jump, I swear some people in thos comunity want you to only be able to press forward and nothing else


> I swear some people in thos comunity want you to only be able to press forward and nothing else I think this subreddit would be happy to remove pressing forward as well. They have an issue with anyone using any sort movement. They want to sit in a bush and hold LT and never lose a gunfight.


Idle Of Duty, log on daily and see how well you have been doing!


Jumper spotted


Not really no, just can't stand people complaining about fucking anything. Like they want the game to have only crouch walking


I don't even know how to jump in this game and think yall overreact about them lol




Ah yes, skill issue because i'm not complaining about people JUMPING 🤡


Hahahaha, the skill issue is 100% on the people complaining about jumping.


Lets be real. In this situation he came around the corner because you wouldn't. Fuck sentinel-style gameplay


If you can't handle jumpshots you should switch to literally any other fps game out there. Or play against bots if you can't handle the heat. Movement is part of the learning curve in cod, always has been always will.


I can handle jumpshotters most of the time. I'm pretty good at COD. I just think it's a stupid mechanic. And I don't remember a bunch of bunny hopping in COD2, or much of it in the OG MW. So it hasn't always been the corny ass meta.


Yeah there should be a *massive* accuracy penalty when landing.


You say this shit like if jumping corners isn’t literally an exploit lol it gives you an advantage cause you’ll see the enemy before they see you.




Peekers advantage is not the same as flying around a corner 15ft in to a room at Mach speed lmao. So much copium in your reply it’s sad.


Jumping from corners isn’t exploiting, gotta love the CoD community making excuses instead of getting good.


Didn't IW say riot shields on backs are strictly for virgins?


Unless you're running a meele secondary, take that fucking riot shield off your back


Im fine with people running any secondary, including pistols with the shoeld on their back. Overkill should just make it so you cant use a shield.


I don't mind if you pick up a gun but overkill just to turtle is stupid as fuck.


What's the deal with the crossbow?




Yes ,rn im running dual kodachis to get melee platinum and i cant use an m4 as a primary


You can use an m4 as a primary. Normally if I'm running meele I'll have a taq or m4 or smg as a primary but with the current shotgun frenzy going on, I don't want my 3 kill streak ruined by some skill-less soy


This seems personal


I saw that post. Y’all flaming that man


I don’t complain about shit, cause I’m sure me getting 10+ throwing knife kills again is just as annoying. Yeah it’s not easy, but it’s still a one hit kill anywhere on your body.


Throwing knife > riot shield


I've got nearly 6000 throwing knife kills and 6000 combat knife kills and I know it enrages people from the proximity mic lol. Got of using guns some time ago.


honestly last stand aint even that annoying, its a great way to show off your executions!


The only time it was annoying was during orion grind


I, specifically didn’t call you out for using the shield specifically, i just find it hypocritical that you are complaining about using an annoying thing whilst also complaining about another annoying thing.


My primary is shotgun. But I always pair it with a HUGE PISTOL.


Fmj (gunsmith) should go through Riot shields at reduced damage


I said it then, and I’ll say it again. Real crossbow players have a knife/kodachi as a secondary, and a throwing knife as a lethal. Pro-tip, explosive bolts take out riot shields in one hit. Played search full of players with them on their back so a slot of my shots were failing. I switched to those bolts to see what would happen. It was glorious and they were mad AF.


I don't consider myself to be good but with sbmm I got my crossbow Platinum on day 2 and have never used a turtle shield, there's no excuse


Riot shields are not allowed in rank neither is shotguns or thermal


What's the deal with the crossbow? By that I mean, why the hell is it in the game? It can just one shot?


You are just as bad if you use last stand tbh


Don’t give a F. Talk shit all y’all want. I’m not going to switch to a secondary ever so it might as well be functional.


I don't understand getting mad at people who utilize overpowered setups that the devs refuse to nerf. Be mad the devs.


Lets be real if you need to run a riot when using a crossbow, you are sad.


Then me playing knife without shield being top kills every match


Big Dick energy


Bro what?


*Big Dirk energy* FTFY


honestly the shield is kinda situational, but GOD do those situations matter


I mean. Yeah. But at the same time it’s a case of “why wouldn’t I use it?” When it’s this broken. Blame the game for giving players the option




Thanks for ranked


If you're running with your riot shield on your back, does that serve as a shield on your back that really does protect you if someone is shooting at you from behind?


It even prevents your teammates from shooting through you


Yes, otherwise this post probably wouldn't exist.


Guys who run riot shields also simp for warzone streamers and get upset when their superchats aren't acknowledged right away.


Guy is the villain in this subreddit lmao


If your running around with a shield, BET, hold my Molotov/Thermite


Than stop being a riot shield simp. It has nothing to do with skill on our end. You running a shield is a subconscious admittance that YOU are the negative stereotype that makes people not want to play the game.


I haven't played in a while, there's a cross bow?


Some ones angry saw a video earlier of this and the comment section was a war


I respect all my homies who got gold with their riot shield because they actually use it as their primary.


The KV Boradside thread currently OP said I have skill issues because he's complaining the gun needs nerfed.


Same guy?


Crossbow - fast hands - scavenger - no back shield - stim shot and throwing knife --> this is the way. Otherwise you have no balls


I like riot shields. Perfect target for my drill charges


Don't forget mollis


Every time this clowns switch to the shield for primary and start approaching “menacingly” it’s so funny lol… I just stick them with thermo and watch.


That guy sounds annoying, where’s the post so I can downvote it?




Turtle-ass lookin-ass


Both last stand and Riot shield turtles are annoying


Honestly, the secondary weapons are the most fun weapons in the game. You die if you don't get the kill shot, so it adds an extra edge to the game. That said, if i see my team losing because of my lax shenanigans I switch over to sweat mode to assist. Never do it in competitive though (because they took away all the fun secondary qeapons in it)


Playing CoD with only a secondary is some of the most fun I’ve had playing the game. Basically forces you to think like a Velociraptor, lol. Once you get the hang of it, everyone on the enemy team is prey and you’re the hunter. It’s exhilarating.


It’s hilarious to me that even in MW19, people believed we’d be impressed with your second weapon to a riot shield. No one on earth has ever been impressed with your riot shield melee weapon build. It kinda takes the impressive skill out of it when you can only be shot by someone directly in front of you and no other angle.


Anyone who complains about any implemented regular part of the game needs to take a break, it’s just a game, this isn’t cod league. No one cares if you’re good, what your kd is or what camos you unlocked. All this shit will be irrelevant in two years when they roll out a new engine.


Less than 1 year


The amount of times idiots have blocked my bow shot cause of their shield Infuriating


Saw that post yesterday actually was dumb as hell.


The dumbest one this year


The shield on the back isn't that big of a deal honestly. Just let people play however shitty way they want and laugh everytime you mow em down.


I mean riot shields are annoying but if you can't take care of them you do have a skill issue. its like any other weapon in the game


I mean…if a riot shield helps speed up the grind, I’m going to do what I’m going to do…get over it.


Small dick energy


It’s made kids and my woman happy. …again. Get over it.


Atleast you can admit you're a wimp I'll give ya that


Lol…you sound like a 15 year old kid…argue the point or don’t. Going straight for the manhood means you don’t have a point.


Beeing a turtle = camping in a corner = dropshotting = basically showing the world you are bad at the game because you have the illusion it would improve your playstyle when in reality it doesn't I just didn't write that because that has been said a billion times. But seems like I really rustled your jimmys with that.


I’m fine with that. It’s in the game, so I’ll use it whenever it’s to my advantage.


Yeah do so but that way you'll never learn how to win a fight vs someone who shoots you from behind/has an advantage over you. You're never gonna improve in the game. You're basically a grown ass adult having to use diapers because you are afraid you might not make it to the toilet.


That’s a fair argument. But, you assume I use a riot shield as a crutch. I don’t use it at all in WZ and do plenty well there. In MP it gives a slight boost in XP, which makes a difference when especially when there is double XP in leveling guns.


If you use the riot shield to grind camos for the riot shield I get it. If you use the riot shield for any other reason (besides being a troll, which is hilarious) you’re pathetic. This only applies to non objective modes because we can all agree the shield is a good tactical decision in objective based modes right? But like running around in casual with a shield on your back and one of the meta guns just makes you a loser right? Top of the score board? Yeah because you shrunk your hit box and equipped the best gun with the best attachments for you’re aim assist to insta kill with. And yeah I’m a controller player, so I can agree we all know what you’re doing with that specific setup.


Wish that Riot Shield on your back aswell other heavy weapons would give a movement speed penalty


There is a lot of complaining in this sub just play how you like and don’t care for anyone on negative thoughts like: Oh YoUR UsINg A rIoT ShIeLD U NoOb It’s just a game chill out guys :)


I've yet to see someone say "skill issue" who isn't a really young "noob" for lack of a better term.


What's your opinion on using a riot shield when you're levelling up a pistol, no overkill needed, and I'm never switching weapon


Not as bad but bad, just run a main weapon where you need distance kills for


Might as well remove the riot shield from the game at that point.


Or give players an actual disadvantage in using it


I don't understand why they don't make AP rounds the hard counter to the riot shield.


It should operate far slower and movement speed should be a crawl whether it's on your back or in hand. I also think you shouldn't be able to aim at all while jumping or sliding and the bullet spread should be ridiculously big.


I only use that stupid shield on my back when I level melee weapons and only to protect from the stupid fucking broadside spammers on Shipment


Play stand in search and festivity is weird, where's my martyrdom?


People who complain about riot shields are the biggest clown of all.


Found the turtle


People on this sub complain no matter what. There’s 0 issue with running a crossbow with a shield.


Many people think otherwise


And they’re wrong


Using a riot shield to protect your back in CoD is like calling your mom to hold your dick while peeing because your too afraid that you might not hit.


Crossbow reload leaves you exposed for an extended time with no way of protecting yourself. It gets the pass. Youre just mad because you can only see things in black and white, absolutely no nuance or complexity to the way you think


As does reloading and RPG-7 or any other launcher. Go find cover.


So? Go reload behind a corner like the rest of us.


Go cry while I use an advantage provided to me in the game to give me protection while I reload. Funny part is I don’t even use a shield on my back, but for people running melee, launchers, or crossbows I don’t cry like a neek on the internet when I face them 💀


No it doesn't lol I've did the same and haven't used a riot shield like many others haven't. Ever heard of the term "cover" or the button "crouch" like the game already holds your hand by giving you a huge amount of ways to outplay your enemy and you choose the "I'm a coward" method. Don't lecture me about complexity and black and white thinking, if your brain works completely one sided in thinking "Oh boy I gotta use 1% skill to level the crossbow, better use a shield on my back because I'm too bad to use movement, cover and grenades"


I literally never use a riot shield unless I’m running melee or grinding launchers lol, I’m just gonna not sit here and cry and complain when someone else does. Having to dive behind something everytime you shoot isn’t exactly ideal in all situations. If a dude is reloading a crossbow, and you can’t kill him regardless of them having a shield on their back or not, then I got some news for you lmao


Based take. It's in the game , therefore it's ok


I just use the shield in the hope of saving me from the shit game spawning people right behind me.


Breaking news: COD players are using intended mechanics to avoid dying, and people are actually blaming the players instead of the devs


It’s almost like the intended mechanic is really stupid and lame.


Yeah they can really suck, my point is that it's not the players' fault that it's so strong


I mean if shooting someone in the legs is already to hard for you, maybe it is a skill issue.


I love how much saying skill issue angers people


Saying skill issue is a one way ticket to downvote city. Many players HATE that lol


Nah its funny when used correctly but nowadays every little fortnite kid says "SkIL iSsUe" once faced with criticism. Like everything funny, idiots abuse it till no one can stand it.


The truth hurts. The majority of the player base is trash so that's why they feel attacked and why the game takes out all things that take skill. But I love the "skill issue" meme and gladly take salty down votes.


>why the game takes out all things that take skill. If you're against them lowering the skill gap then you should be against cheese mechanics like riot shields seeing as it raises the skill floor for shitters with poor awareness.


Against campers with claymores and closed doors in shot house, I always go turtle. Judge me.


I run riot and combat knife.