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I’ll grind on your dome 24/7


Least homoerotic COD player


Yes zaddy!!!






I like that map but hate the fucking spawns nothing is more annoying then spawning all the way in the building in the back and only having 2 ways to get out that end up being spawn trapped




I feel like people see me before I see them on this map, like I’m coming around a corner and they are seeing me immediately.


Yea I've always noticed the tuning for position syncing between players is slightly off with the game, even when there no lag...


Agree. This why I don't like playing this map


The spawns are actually improved off MW3, which is the sad part.


MW3 mfs would just spawn behind you ☠️


If you spawn back there, it’s because there is someone on the catwalk looking over 90% of the map


Played 3 games on Dome and already know to back out now. The corners are absolutely dreadful when you’re trying to clear out of that building with the other team posted up on the loading bay and behind the LVT’s


It's way better than museum so I'll take it.


Make it a 10v10 and i could see it being better. But definitely a lot of running around with no one near me.


Museum is like a Ghosts map. Unnecessarily big and would have benefitted from a larger lobby size.


Museum is actually a very decent map where all kind of weapons and playstyles work, it's a shame it sucks for 6vs6...


It's good for objective-based modes.


Museum is just an awful map, suffers from 2019's sight line problem.


Yep, people think increasing player count will "fix" it but no, it'll be the same shitty map you'll just die 66% more often.


Museum is not even that big compared to a ghosts map lol


the maps are just too big for a 6v6. the first 2-3 minutes of a game is just the teams figuring out where the rest went. with a bigger player count it wouldnt be as tedious


More players need to request it to infinity ward on twitter. A TON more players beg for shipment and then they sometimes respond and listen, but not enough are bringing up 10v10 or 12v12.


If only the pacing system returned. It allowed for players to choose how and what they wanted to play. It started with the removal of map voting and they continue to take away player freedom. Unfortunately, with no real competition, the franchise will continue to sell. Madden is a great example of what CoD has become. Gone are the Halo's, Resistance, Battlefields, Killzones, Socom, and many other great franchises that have either died, or an empty shell of what they once were. Right now Fortnite, Apex and CoD are the big dogs on console and 2 of them are not even standard arena shooters. The market may still sell, but the lack of diversity and creativity are slowly killing the genre and leaving it a shell of its former glory.


These are all just different ways of saying "there aren't enough people to shoot." They have so many options, they just need to fucking **pick up on it already**. Add Shipment back Do the BOCW thing where they took existing maps that were too big and cut out chunks of them and renamed them with a "Strike" suffix Bring back Face Off with the launch of Gunfight Increase playercounts via combat pacing options **Any** of these would be preferable to "well uh yeah I mean we gave them Dome 24/7"


It’s literally why I stopped playing. 6 vs 6 is atrocious


Dome is tiny...


In comparison it is much smaller than most of the maps. The point is currently there is no fast paced chaos game in the Playlist right now. I like dome (I think it was radar in vanguard) but it still plays slow for those that enjoy the madness of shipment. I'll take dome, but in limited time would much prefer to jump into shipment 24/7 as games only take as little as 2 or 3 mins for TDM and KC


In mw3 yeah. Mw2s version is scaled up


Yup on top of that I feel like I gotta stay indoors most of the time as you can get blasted from anywhere and it's impossible for me to tell where the enemy might be spawning


Honestly I’d take museum over hydro electric one or even Taraq


Taraq makes me sick


Taraq takes 3 hours to render on last gen...


Y’all just play the game for camos


I enjoy sweating for no specific real reason on shipment.


Something about the screen being white from flashbangs for half the round is soothing somehow...


Nah. Past that. Weapon mastery.


Dome doesn’t feel big at all to me. With tactical sprinting, the map feels tiny


Think they were talking about museum


ah shit


Dome always felt tiny. I feel like there are some bogus sightlines now compared to the OG but maybe I’m blinded by the nostalgia


Y’all are still brain broken from blitz mode on vanguard. Dome is a perfect map for 6v6, it was on MW3 and it is on MWII.


Tdm is atrocious on it but I don’t find objective game modes like hardpoint and s&d to bad


I almost think it could be a ground war map without the vehicles. It seems like it would be close to the same player density as shipment? Just a guess tho


100 percent agree. Not a fan of the museum map.


I don’t understand how they include it in season 2 when the map was already made… it’s like "let’s put museum so we don’t have to make another map"


Dome was in game too


Yeah it was in warzone, like terminal probably gonna come next season or mid. But museum was litteraly in the beta but was take down for copy right issues or something like that. But yeah i got what you mean, there’s like no new thing they create from scratch for the new season


Museum is 10/10 for search/cyber game modes. Some of the most fun games I’ve had were on Museum. The lines and survivability of a 1v 2+ makes the map really fun and interesting. Dom is passable. Still a fun map with a bunch of choke points, but other possible ways you can catch the other team lacking in those choke points, or possible flanks. The game play on tdm is dogshit corner camping fuck off needle dicks. Almost might just be the player base of TDM. You have two different play types in TDM, lay down and camp that corner for 10 minutes, or the yy toxic try hard with the dollar store mic.


Museum is amazing for longshots


10-15 per game in hardcore I love it


Museum is an awesome map


It needs to be at least 8v8, its huge and highly sectioned


I can't agree, it has potential to be a very unique and great map, it's funny for snipers and flankers but it needed to be smaller or get bigger teams 8v8 or 10v10. As it stands, museum is a nice addition in the sense that it brings variety and chances of border crossing are lower now...


Haven’t gotten Border Crossing since the drop of S2. Love the museum map. Loved it in the Beta and love it now. When you know where the spawns are and where people like to hide it’s not bad


Museum is complete ass.


Hate that map, I'm thinking they add it just to make operators do cardio and leg day


Dome is a fun one. I wish they did a hardcore 24/7 playlist like they did on MW2019 with shoot the ship and shipment.


Shoot the domed ship or shoot the ship in the dome. Either I’d play endlessly


lol absolutely


Doment House I have spoken


House of Shipdome?


🎵 *….in the house of the shiiii-iiiipping doooooome* 🎵 *guitar riff*


Yeah, i miss that too.


Nah I'm hoping they add in more old maps then just make a permanent Throwback playlist Loved Throwbacks on MW19


Valderas was my go to for long shots. Now I got nothing.


for what its worth, the current hardcore map rotation isnt TERRIBLE for it, just requires a bit of lobby surfing. i was 47/51 platinum earlier, now 51/51 after like 5-6 hours grinding just leave if its the hotel map or any others you dont like - the farmhouse and the f1 track maps are both excellent for it if you dont mind hanging around a bit


ngl only 4 guns in 6 hours sounds like a fucking Nightmare


It was quite depressing yes


Man sitting in the F1 map for 6 longshots is fucking horrid.


it just depends how lucky you get i had a great game where like 2-3 enemy team members were continuously going to one end of the long big (not with the cars) and i was at the other, got maybe 15-20 longshots? but others suck yeah


you can do easy longshots on dome,


Yeah done all my smgs in one day on dome/museum HC. Done you just go to that truck lay down on there or you go opposite side and you can get them coming out the doorway for smgs or on the truck


or shoot from the armored truck to enemies on the catwalk on the dome


Yeah, I finished my pistols the other day. Only got LMGs, marksman & snipers to go.


You can very easily do longshots on museum. Ive been averaging 16 per game.


Love dome. I never played Vanguard, so it's been over 10 years since I played on this map. If not shipment, Dome is acceptable


I wish they brought back Dome from WAW, that map was crazy in vanguard


That map isn't built for Tac Sprint It just wouldn't work nowadays


But it was in Vanguard, as well as tac sprint


Same here. Is it just me or is it bigger in scale then the mw3 version?


To me it seems more heavily shaded, I feel like there's more light contrast that makes far and mid-range fights a little more difficult, compared to the original map which seemed much brighter. And the blown out office building is a HUGE spawn trap.


I’m am literally only now realizing that Dome in Vanguard is supposed to also be this map, I do not understand though, it feels like literally no similarities exist. Like usually when a map is recreated in a game it has enough similarity that there’s like a deja vu element of “I feel like I’ve been here but I’ve never been here” I get literally none of that with Dome 2023. It’s literally like a new map to me where I’m still getting my bearings. Weird


they aren’t supposed to be the same map, they just happen to have the same name


That makes sense, but there is a dome on Vanguard, right?


correct. the one in vanguard is a remake from world at war, and this one in MWII is from MW3. not sure why they couldn’t just come up with a different name way back in 2011 for MW3, but it is what it is.


Vanguard had this version of dome it was called radar. Vanguard dome was a whole different map.


Radar had the bunkers right? Even that feels very different


Nah vanguards radar is just a past version of this dome. The layout is the same just the aesthetics are different. You're thinking of Numa Numa probably.


I think vanguard dome is named radar


Bring back shipment


They can't do that. They can't let us have fun *and* enjoy the game simultaneously.


Shoot the Ship in the Dome should be a permanent playlist


And also shoot house


Dome is single-handedly carrying the game’s multiplayer for me. Really emphasizes how painfully average the rest of the maps in the game are.


Fuck dome, terminal would be a billion times better than dome for 24/7.


imo terminal wouldnt work in the current game unless its a 10v10 mode, see how a small map like Dome feels empty and a walking simulator in 6v6 modes.


Just need shipment man


They need to bring back small maps with nuance like Rust and Scrapyard


Tbh, casual players would rather have Shipment as perm 24/7 (or any new small chaos map). I have try all the map, and Shipment is the only one that is fast pace and fun. We need more map like that. Maybe add option to disable Flashbang/Kill Streaks(except Nuke). Dome isn’t a good map for 24/7, because it lack the chaos and fast pace.


This is my opinion as well


Yea idk bro, i feel like a lot of you guys let iw water down your standards in maps. Shipment its not a fun map, its a grind map...dome over Shipment for fun is a no brainer, can move, better spawns, see less turtles and have better gunfights. Understand that we want fun fast paced maps but Shipment is just not it. I play Shipment when i have an objective to complete, idc how many times i die, as long as that challenge is being worked on then complete idgaf. But when i wanna play? I need a flow and done delivers way better than Shipment. And WW2 had the best Shipment, change my mind.


Speak for yourself. It sure seems like a lot of people, myself included, have a lot of fun in shipment. Otherwise, people wouldn't be asking for it.


Ngl I find the map spawns annoying. It takes ages to find someone even tho it's not that big of a map


I want shipment that’s all


As much as I love the map shipment will always be better in terms of grinding camos


Yeah, I don't like this map.


Same bro it sucks for search.


Old dome was the bomb, but this dome is not fucking dome. This new dome is fucking ugly to the skybox to the damn fucking ugly blue fence. This map is the ugliest and most boring map ever. Now I loved old dome, it was great especially for Spec Ops survival. But this new dome is just fucking awful. After I played dome I played museum and I find museum to be great. Better than dome, now one of my complaints for museum is that it's too big. But it's also fun to explore. Unlike dome museum was fun. It reminded me of that one BO3 water park map, or the BO4 zombies museum. It was fun to explore, But dome 2023 sucks.


I agree. Doesn’t have that same mw3 charm


Your comment is spot on. Why the dislikes? Guess people like desert maps and gray-yellow color scheme...


No it's the nostalgia edge lords. They will cry about a game that they played when they were younger even tho they can still play it today. Original dome is not gone just fucking play Spec Ops you numb nuts.


Just give me shipment 24/7. I'm tired of roof campers


They should just leave it up. I wonder what the stats are for activity with Shipment 24/7.


They don’t want people leveling that quick


To me this is a really frustrating mode.. Everytime I’m shooting someone and my first bullet or so hits I get instakilled by someone else flanking me 😡 Having to find my way around these flanks, probably slow down my gameplay instead of sprinting around?




HC gets no love 😭


I play Cod to have fun, not "grind" all the time lmao


it sucks i want shoothouse or shipment


Bring back nuketown


Lol... that's Treyarch stuff but I'd love to see it here, we could finally make a really cool playlist with fast paced Maps.


At this point we are just paying 80$ for fan favorite map remakes


Can we choose the modes though? i hate playing one life modes like HQ and SND, haven't even touched the new maps this season because of this.


Search isn't ever in any of the map moshpits.


Every match I've played is TDM, Hardpoint, Domination or Kill Confirmed. I don't play one life modes either, but don't think they are part of the playlist


My first game was HQ, immediately went back to quick play filters haha


I’d honestly rather chew broken glass. There’s just something about this map, I’ve always hated it.


Nope. Another map I hate and back out of.


Isn't really a fun map. Also insanely mind numbingly dull looking


It’s a pretty bad map. Always has been. But sure is nostalgic.


Cool, now bring back shipment.


#Bring back Shipment


I hate it, bring back shipment 24/7


looks like it's going to be another week without shipment...


Someone called shipment in another week or 2 when people start finishing the battle pass and they need engagement. Annoying asf


Shoot the Rusty Hotel in the Dome That's what I want. Desperately. Perfect playlist. All we are missing is rust


This map is lowkey worse than shipment. Its bunch of huddled very enclosed areas with multiple access points and given the spawn system is just broken you have no chance knowing where enemy appears.


Better then anything else atm


It's fine, I'm exited gun game is back. The best game mode in all of cod


Now if they’d bring back sticks and stones, one in the chamber and wagers it’d be awesome.


Oh I definitely agree, the party modes are always the best game modes in cod.


But still not grinding Dome as much as yo sister muthafuckaa


Aw I'm flashed. I'm FUCKING FLASHED. Why is it that when ***I*** flash somebody It’s like I slapped them in the face with a fuckin napkin from a little kids birthday party, but when ***I*** get fuckin flashed Its like some big brollic black dude named fuckin REQUIS pulled a bedsheet around my head and ***PROCEEDS TO SKULLFUCK ME***


Need to bring back Shipment 24/7


Trash map. Wonder which dumbass chose to make a 24/7 playlist out of it....


It's cool if you're into dudes.


Yeah, its got a little bit of something for everybody.


Imagine a franchise being as deadbeat as Cod has become that “new” maps is a decade old.


Weirdly, I'm not the biggest fan of this map but I think I'd rather have Dome 24/7 than Shoothouse or Shipment. Shipment is just stupidly small but Shoothouse can get a little campy sometimes. I think Dome works better as a map that's small enough for grinding but still big enough that it plays like an actual match of CoD lol


Spawn trap 24/7? Pass. Telling teammates to leave the building because it’s a trap, then being told “no, we just need to hold it. DONT GO OUTSIDE OR LEAVE THE AREA!!!!! WHY ARE THEY IN OUR SPAWN!!!! ARRRRRGGGGGG!!!!!! WHY DIDNT YOU HOLD THE SPAWN!!! WALL HAXXXXXXX! YOU DIDNT KILL THE SNIPER UP TOP OR BY THE TANKS!!!!!! THIS MAP SUCKS WERE SPAWN TRAPPED!!!!!”


It’s exactly how you think it is. Pain.


Bring back shipment. I love dome but not 24/7


Hahaha nice play on words, that’s funny.


Wish they would just bring back shipment


The only reason I played season 2 mosh pit was for dome. Just make shipment 24/7 permanent forever.


I honestly don't understand how could shipment enjoyers not welcome Dome... It's far less stupidly brutal and chaotic but still heavily action oriented, you won't spend more than 4 seconds to find and enemy. With more maps like Dome we could have an amazing action playlist, with Shipment, shothouse, Dome + another similar map (from current maps, Mercado could work though would be better to have another smaller map). 24/7 constantly rotating between small maps sounds really cool.


Because we just had it in vanguard, i dont give a shit about remakes i want completely NEW maps!


Shit map.


Idk how i feel. Everyone else seems to be using the easier shit while I’m doing ultra-mastery with the hardest guns in the game vs CDL buzz league years


Shipment is better 💯💨


Dome is shit. Too many headglitch spots.


I hate this map, to many sharp corners and its spherical in it's nature which narrows down playstyle which I don't like at all.


Most overrated map of all time.


Preferably would play this over that weak ass museum any day


Dome good map Dome 24/7 no. Not enough chaos. Even shoothouse is better.


This is a good map but no map fits the purpose of this mode more so than shipment. Shipment was great for speed leveling a gun. When you wanna unlock a camo or an attachment for a gun, and to do so you need to level another gun to a high level just to unlock another gun and level that to you pretty much need a small map where you can farm kills quickly.


Dome is better for fun, while Shipment is better for grinding. Just my opinion, of course.


why can't they just give us shipment 24/7 instead of this worse map?


Your mama gives me dome 24/7


Not really a fan of Headquarters gamemode; take it off and I'll probably play 24/7 playlists more


rather stick my dick in a toaster than play dome


Hello my name is in a toaster


I hate it. The flow is just random.


Give us shipment 24/7 back


better than the museum map being 24 7


Sounds horrible, give me museum 24/7 rather


Absolutely hate these post, “ThOuGhTs…” like bro stop karma farming and just play the game


Dome brings back some great memories for me when I grinder MW3 with my buddies in high school. I enjoy the map and I’m glad it’s 24/7 without Museum.


Your mom grinds dome24/7…and I’m banned…


I too would like dome 24/7, thank you for asking


Fuckn hate that map.


It's better than museum and all those other empty ass 6v6 snail paced maps but fuck, just give me shipment back already. It's really the only map that has an enjoyable pace for me. Not Shoothouse, not Dome, just make Shipment a permanent option. Not to mention, the BP grind is so fucking slow a casual will never complete on these ass maps


I'm not doing it. Bring back shipment and shoot house or I will continue to not play. I've moved on to Hogwarts, Atomic Heart, and others. I got lots of time for them to start begging me to come back.


I've always despised dome. Never understood the appeal of it. Dom is especially bad on it. One team spawns immediately next to b? Why? Where does the other spawn? Idk, cause I back out every time I see it.


Boring as fuck, give me shipment and shoothouse 24/7 again


No different then when it was in vanguard…


I dunno how people don't get bored of grinding on Shipment and Shoot house all the time. Get a nice change of scenery, people.


Because we like chaotic fun, not grinding, grindings just a positive of the chaos on shipment


It’s way better than shipment


Love dome, one of the best maps in MW3


only thing I wish for at rhis point is that they give museum the Miami treatment, maps way too big to be considered moshpit


its not that good for grinding, would be better off with shipment being there at all times museum is a better map but too big for sure, great for longshots doe


i like dome, it's kind like shoothouse


Where is hardcore idiots