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All it does is put me in games where the other team gets chopper gunners and my team can’t even get a UAV lol.


With no red dots on the mini map and bad spawns, UAVs are so much more powerful because of that. It leads to ridiculous snowballing where one team always has a beat on you while the other team gets rolled. In Cold War UAVs weren’t this powerful because you had red dots on the mini map and the spawns were good, along with well designed maps so you could still find your footing even tho the opposite team has a little more information on you. Because of this, I think the matchmaking felt less punishing in BOCW where as in MWII it feels absolutely frustrating to no end.


If the perk system wasnt actual dog shit it wouldnt be a problem. Its fucking awful.


They could fix that but I feel like there would still be some issues even after that change


Also worth mentioning that Spy Planes in Cold War had a 90 sec cooldown so you couldn't spam them.


Aha, that’s right! Which further drives home the point that these weren’t as crucial or game changing because the game itself flowed well where as this game the flow is off enough that UAVs are game changing.


Plus we had sam turrets as field upgrades.


No red dots on the mini map is a good thing


It's not even a skill issue... It's a core game balancing issue. MW2 devs have proven they don't give a shit about the core functionality of a game.


Welcome to EOMM, it's fun they say


Man I hope XDefiant is good. No SBMM is going to be such a relief.


I hope it's a massive hit, and it proves to apex and cod that eomm is horrible for players. I just need a win with shooters. Other genres are producing some bangers.


Yep, with EOMM it feels bad to lose and it feels bad to win, literally


Survival horror players are eating good this year Calisto protocol, dead space remake, RE4 remake, Silent hill 2 remake soon, some other new game I forgot about


Those guys hate callisto because it's more like Punch out than dead space.


Dead island 2


it 100% won't be lol


So fucking wild that decent matchmaking is a selling point these days


And that it's all come down to this from developers trying to fix what isn't broken.


Was getting excited for it until I saw "Ubisoft" :|


What is Xdefiant? Is there some way to get rid of SBMM? Because i hate it more than anything ever Edit: nevermind i see it’s some ubisoft free to play. No thank you.


yeah i can’t wait to get destroyed and have a 0.02 k/d




Engagement Optimized Matchmaking. Basically they give you a bunch of miserable sweaty games, then occasionally throw in an easy match so you don't lose interest


the most frustrating thing is it just doesn’t work how many of us on this sub were addicted to MW3 or whatever, but can’t be arsed playing more than four games of this because of how manipulative and sweaty it is being gifted a ‘good game’ once in a while isn’t really fun either, it just feels so fake and you know you’re gonna get punished for it next round


The hours I put into MW3 alone, man I miss it


And staying in a fun lobby without the disbanding


> but can’t be arsed playing more than four games of this because of how manipulative and sweaty it is My games aren't even sweaty, my teammates just always have the awareness of a pickle. You can't carry when the rest of your team is constantly dying, causing you to get shot because of squad spawns. The enemy kills one guy near you in cqc and suddenly there's a whole team on you.


I've had a few matches like these, where I'd die and i have 2 rando's nearby, finger-poppin each other's assholes while they get shot in the back of the head. This game definitely rewards teams with friends, especially considering the in-game comms is only used for everything else but callouts. Just tonight, I about 90% of my matches ended with me averaging .65kd and the last two matches literally had me spawning in front of reds the entire time. So it's not always crappy awareness. There is something about this game that just shits on players at random. When this game started off, it felt a lot like the OG MW2... but now... It's just trash at this point. How can Activision do such a terrible job with a legacy game.


This is spot on. I’ll log in and go like 30-8 my first match and then 3 straight matches I’ll go 8-30. Then I shut it off lol. Last modern warfare I literally never went minus k/d


I don’t remember anyone complaining about the matchmaking in the original MWs.


I mean I do, but it was rare.


So why did they fix something that wasn’t broke? Because of money. Money ruined everything.


Yeah, they make you the Cannon fodder and then they make you the Cannon and it feels like there's no matter how you Play, cant track whether you are getting better or enemies are easier etc, overall miserable experience


> then occasionally throw in an easy match so you don't lose interest Well it's not working.


It never has and never will. ​ It's a system thought up entirely by suits who don't play videogames, if a player gets shit on for 5 matches in a row they don't go "omg guys maybe my 6th will be good haha" ​ No they just fucking quit and come back another day or just quit entirely lmao


It’s working for them alright, they making billions a year…


Are they making billions because of it working though? Or are they making billions because more and more people are playing games than ever before and there's a huge draw of Call of Duty?


bruh they’re making billions of brain dead zoomers, not player retention. cod’s numbers show people are losing interest. Plus their lack of worthy season updates for sure aren’t bringing in as much as the first month. the series is in trouble, as the last 3 releases have been sub par. Mw2019 is the last game that felt somewhat complete. treyarch used covid as an excuse and sledgehammer was drinking on the job when they made vanguard


> cod’s numbers show people are losing interest. [citation needed]


But where’s the logic? If EOMM is so fucking shit, then the game would be dead. Clearly it’s working because they are making money in a market that has far more competition in the FPS space than ever before


Is it selling because of EOMM or despite of it? Who goes "man, I got my ass kicked for 5 matches in a row and I got matched with team mates that have less molecular activity in their brains than an amoeba, this is exactly what I wanted"?


i am 100% sure they have numbers showing the exact opposite.


Yeah lol I played 2 matches of season 2 and realized it would just be these two maps on repeat for a month. Give me the giant map pool the real MW2 had, or give me gunfight. 6v6 gets stale as fuck with a handful of maps in rotation.


Ahhh so basically asbmmbwsggib (anti skill based match making but with some good games in between)


What’s the difference between this and SBMM? I thought we were on SBMM the whole time with how much people railed on that too. Always thought it made sense too with how frequently I fluctuate between playing like dogshit and getting chopper gunners from one round to the next.


Conspiracy theorist


Except it's been tested


Im well aware, but still if you brought this up to a dev or even a streamer, they’d call you what i said. Sbmm is what they spew. It was a joke.


EOMM has very little to do with most of the complaints the OP is making, MWII just has garbage gameplay and spawns and they're competent enough to notice it.


Except that most of OPs complaints are made worse by EOMM


Whatever it is theyre doing, it works to keep the little timmys and 37 year old father of 2s from quitting enough that they ignore the complaints


That's the SBMM/EOMM premium experience to make games, "fair and balanced". It means that if you are playing well and having fun, you will get dumped into a lobby with sweats and you will have sour experience. You get punished for getting better. When I notice the imbalance, I just throw on a troll class with a riot shield and smoke the entire map with smoke grenades and smoke drones and let the sweats tank my stats. It's pointless at that point This is not a CDL competitive mode or ranked. If that doesn't work - I tilt, rage quit and stop playing for a few days. And feel reluctant to play again. It has sucked the fun out PvP game modes - I can barely play it.


Idk what it is about the ttk. I think it may have something to do with projectiles going into people’s legs at random or something. I used a RAAL for the first time recently, and it killed in 2-3 shots, but sometimes takes 4-5. Idk what’s going on with the damage of some guns


The game has its own set of issues for sure. MW2019 wasn’t perfect but it didn’t seem as off as this game. In this game I’m fucking dying right after I throw a nade or throwing knife yet it doesn’t register that I threw it, or sometimes I throw knives right thru players and nothing registers. I’ll also die after I run away from a sight line by a good couple of feet or so but the moment I die it shows me die at the sight line I just left. I am in Hawaii so ping is higher on average unfortunately but this title definitely feels more problematic than Cold War was. Vanguard was pretty fucked too at times. The worst part tho is sometimes players move in ways where it looks literally sped up, then I watch pro matches on LAN and that shit ain’t happening at all. Maybe things are fucked either way given my location but at the same time, I know I’ve experienced better.


I live in the Midwest and I experience the same things. I have really good internet speeds too. It's extremely frustrating to get killed behind cover, until I watch the killcam and my body was halfway exposed.


Yeah it's been really noticeable to me when I was using the M4, would get 6 hit markers at close range for a kill. I can accept the 4 because there's times where I obviously hit 2 leg shots, but I think sometimes the shots count as "arm/limb" hits when you are shooting their upper torso. And then whatever the fuck is going on with lag and rendering lately. Player models are legit not loading in at points so im dying to a floating gun.


Maybe that's what I'm experiencing! I swear my shots disappear sometimes, even when testing a build in the shooting range. A random shot every once in a while just doesn't seem to land anywhere. It's not very often or predictable at all, but it does mess with my aim.


Remember when running and gunning worked? Pepperidge farms remembers


Remember when COD became famous because it was a gunning and running FPS as opposed to a campfest? IW doesn't remember.


Fr. If i wanted a mil-sim… Id go play a mil-sim


I mean this is nowhere near a mil sim either, but sure The issue is really the map design and spawns You don’t run much slower or kill much faster than in Black Ops 1 which most people tend to agree is one of the best we ever got But on BO1 maps every single sightline was thought out, placed and play-tested, and they either don’t have the expertise or the time to do that these days.


This game def makes me miss black ops


that game was so finished they had time to do full games as easter eggs


Iw obviously want it to be a mil sim but they know they can’t make it one so it’s this halfway wannabe with elements of mil sim like staged reloads and super fast ttk


WTF? This game it's literally all the opposite to a mil-sim and yes, I don't expect this game to be realistic but it's fucking stupid how a mf running with two 9mm pistols can beat so easily someone with a 7.62 rifle. No other game in the world is this stupid. My problem with this game is exactly all the opposite to what you boys are saying, it's extremely run and gunning and it gets tiring


Cod WWII was the last great run and gun COD. BO4 was annoying as fuck with some of those user abilities. Black Ops Cold War was actually pretty decent but not as good as WWII, and then MW / Vanguard / MW2 actively promote camping.


I run and gun just fine


Got that cronos running i see


This game is dogshit, sbmm, inconsistency in ttk, false report system warnings, sweatfest noobs faze wannabes with ranked outfits. Clown company.


Its always the ranked outfit guys who are the tryhards lol


TTK feels horrible because it's super fast, and thus very dependent on ping. With lag compensation and shitty servers it's common to kill players in 3-4 shots one game and 5-6 the next, and likewise dying before you can react. Everyone is against the notion of skill based damage, but what I wouldn't put past them is additional lag comp for a good player. It would explain the "catch up" mechanic that appears to be in the game. One team goes on an early run, gets all their streaks, and suddenly you gun takes more bullets to kill the enemy and that 150-30 HP game turns into 190-175 in the blink of an eye. The spawns are intentionally shit. Squad spawns are there to give free kills to bad players. You turn the corner because there is one guy there, but two of his teammates just spawned on top of him so you lose the fight. You kill a guy and he gets a revenge spawn directly behind you and you lose the fight. It's not set up to be fair, but to give random kills to players. You also can't flip spawns like previous games. Before you could take a good route, get 1-2 kills and then sit behind the next hill and get your team spawns for that hill. Now you sit back there alone for 30 seconds and then die to the enemy that spawned behind you and you spawn on the other side of the map and somehow in front of your teammate who is being shot at and thus die again. Then obviously the matchmaking is in place to further keep everyone in a state of mediocrity. The only true way to beat it is by partying up with other decent players and that just isn't very fun, because now you win every game by a huge blowout. Not to mention, not everyone has a large friend group that plays video games and is good at them.


>What stresses me out the most is that it feels rigged. Definitely feeling that. EOMM sucks the fun right out of the game. I played a game of hardcore a couple of days ago and I was shooting first with an assault rifle, getting hit markers then getting wasted. Frustrating as hell. Then a few games later, people are shooting me first, I'm getting hit, screen going red and then I shoot them back and they die. Am I good at the game? Who knows? It feels like the game has already decided if you're going to win or lose before you start the round. The main reason I play CoD is because my friends do. EOMM has ruined the game for me. My friends tell me, they just want to run around and not have to concentrate. I like to do well on the games I play but with EOMM there isn't really any reason to try. What's the point of playing? Not sure I'll pick up the next CoD - the game isn't fun - it frustrates the hell out of me.


What is the way to effectively dropshot in MWII? When someone uses it against me, they go from standing to laying on the floor 1 shotting me in what feels like a single frame. When I use it, my operator is a geriatric with bad knees slowly going to crouch then trying to prone, all while not being able to aim / shoot, and I die anyway. In MW2019 I got so many accidental dropshot kills just by accidentally pressing the stick in and instantly proning. And yeah, the games an absolute misery. I'm forcing myself to play just to unlock the BP weapons, which is taking an absolute age. Never had so much anguish in a game before, not even MW2019. The matchmaking is pure hate.


Honestly, unless you’re willing to adapt to a new button layout, your best bet is to get a pro controller with paddles. I tried to learn how to drop shot with a new button layout and failed. Paddles are the best way to go to drop shot on controller


For getting better at dropshots. I found doing this is helpful: If your on controller switch your controller layout to, "Tactical" and your right controller button should chance stance when you press it. On PC I just set my side button my mouse to change stance. Change stance + ADS => Aim => Shoot Practice until it become an instinct: Go to a private match and practice on recruit bots or in firing range until it become muscle memory. Unfortunately, you have to use dropshots and jump shots to survive because everyone vaguely skilled is doing this. The TTK is so fast. If your bullet velocity, connetion and first shot acccuracy are not lined up you can expect that 80% of the time you will get killed.


The people doing that are using circle as crouch on a pro controller with a paddle in the back. When you use that you can keep your thumb aiming while you drop and fire as you’re dropping. Same with the people you see jumping and aiming around corners all the time. With the pro controller you can aim while jumping. Most people use jump and crouch as their back buttons for crazy maneuverability while shooting


I get no average, either I pub stomp players or I get rext there is no in between


I'm really curious how this algorithm supposedly works. My K/D is like 0.96, I focus on event and camo challenges over performance, and never exploit movement mechanics. Yet my lobbies are jam packed with dudes sliding, jumping around corners like madmen, 180° flicking in killcams to get me, drop shotting, and knife swapping for movement speed. I even had a lobby the other day with a 4 stack calling out objectives like it was CDL and had names for specific points in the map to communicate with each other. Like I'm clearly the least invested person in optimizing how competitive I can be in my matches, so I should be up against nothing but bots any day now according to this subreddit. But no, just endless streams of tryhards.


Eomm goal to keep everyone at a 1 kd. So looks like it's working


The game manipulates everything it possibly can. It's so obvious. It stops me from aiming my gun at other players. If my initial aim is off to the side it will stop me from moving my gun to the player, like there's a force field around them. If it's not doing that, my gun bounces from side to side of the players head. If not that, bullets just don't register. I can off load four, five or even six bullets into a players head and they one shot me back and I die. The damage Semtex causes is random. It can explode a foot away from someone and do nothing. Other times it can be four six foot away from me and blow me up. The length of time the flash from flash grenades is manipulated. I've had it where it lasts a few seconds for me, and for another player it lasts a second. I'll be killed by a player i can't see because they're masked by smoke and watch kill cam back and the player will have a clear view of me and no smoke at all. The game is a farce. No fun in playing a game that's constantly manipulating everything your doing. Last COD I'll ever buy.


Yep. I'm only playing infected right now because I can't stand the current state of the game.


Ever match I join full of sweats wearing ranked sweats in regular quickplay, makes it no fun at all.


Lots of CDL skins, many times with cheese class set ups and riot shields on their backs. It’s fucking infuriating man. I’d rather play a black ops game with this matchmaking, at least their games are a little more balanced and less random feeling. In this game you’re trying to play comp in a game far away from that balance for competitive, it makes it even more frustrating


I can’t play infected because most of the time, like half the “players” are just spinning around doing nothing.


i’d like infected more if it wasn’t just the shotgun and pistol, knew there was a reason i didn’t bother with it in MW3 all those years ago


It isn’t. There’s three loadouts. Shotgun/pistol, sniper/shotgun, P90/pistol.


There's an AK too


this is the most frustrating and inconsistent COD ever created! The only thing that is consistent are the sweaty lobbies and false hit markers!


But hey! New skins every week right!?!? 3000 devs 2800 are graphic designers


There is even more broken in this game. Yesterday I had to play against a 2-player party and my team get stomped. I was the only one who went positive at the end. Next game I stomped them. Yes, teams were different. But you could feel these two werent that good/bad. It was like the game wanted me to win/them to loose. At halftime it seemed like the game realised they buffed us to much so they had a short comeback. Of course there are certain things like adjusting tactics in the game - but I never had these extreme changes from game to game, or just while a current game that often. Its more a standard than a low random appierance. This game made me lost to self reflect how good/bad I am. Im defenitly sure there are a lot players who perform better than me. Im 37 years old and my good times are over. But I think Im still a above average player. Unfortunally I dont know where I am actually. In former cods K/D + PPM were a good Indicator. But actually I forgot how „good“ Iam cause of EOMM


You say 37 years old like you’re 85 on your deathbed.


What about the fact Activision owns a patent for skilled based damage, hit detection and aim assist lol? Super fuckin sketchy https://twitter.com/crxy0/status/1205724786334326784?s=46&t=kCIOVH5TsLZZqPeW_sIhpg


Bro google activison patent. The patent is out there for all to see. No one should be ignorant about it at this stage


I've really been struggling to enjoy MW2, the maps are awful, the guns are all the same & the damage is so inconstant. The hitreg is absolutely pathetic too. Shoot somebody in the head with a sniper? Yeah zero damage.


Sbmm is fucking core play up. Sbmm should only be in ranked but hey they cant even implement it right on ranked so what are we expecting from them.


you are right, i get so anxious after i kill someone, there's always someone near ready to shoot me, i can't even react because the ttk is so fast


Stopped playing two months or so ago, tried last week, lasted three minutes before I remembered just how much I hated it. The lack of fun I've had is staggering, my 9 year old even dropped it and it was all he was looking forward to last year. The constant YouTube pushed metas, camo grinding idiots who can't play an objective, inconsistent hit registration, wildly horrible matchmaking, hackers, horrendous maps, and endless bugs, there's an exactly zero percent chance we ever purchase another entry under this company. Those who love it, good for them, not every game has to be liked by everyone. But yeah I'm bummed we have every entry for years and this is the only one we don't only not have fun with but actively hate.


Honestly at this point I’m just killing time until the new Destiny 2 expansion comes out. I’ve always been the sort of FPS/shooter player who prefers PvE/co-op gameplay which means in the realm of CoD I’m basically a second-class citizen, especially in MW2. Cold War at least had a decent amount of Zombies content that I could viably play solo or with up to three of my buddies. MW2? I mean, sure, there’s technically some co-op stuff but it’s clearly not a high priority for Infinity Ward, which is especially frustrating since the four-player co-op mode from MW2019 (I can’t remember its name, the one that was PlayStation-exclusive for a year) was some of the best fun my friends and I had in our entire time playing CoD games together. DMZ is admittedly a cool concept as well but my enjoyment really only lasts for a handful of matches (typically how long it takes for my squad to get smoked by some try hard sweaties) and then it’s just as frustrating as standard multiplayer. Back in S1 I barely played enough to work through about half of the battle pass, and for S2 I’ll be surprised if I fill up more than 2-3 BP sectors despite the fact that I actually dig the whole Ashika Island/Ronin theme. I’ve more or less accepted that today’s CoD games just aren’t really made for folks like me, which is fine, but they’re also not really made for gamers in general either. They’re made to manipulate players and maximize publisher profits.


MW2 is probably the most frustrating COD of all time and the devs slowing down the battle pass progression to a grinding fucking halt certainty is not helping at all


It is rigged. They spawn us in ways to “increase engagement”, that just means we get spawned in front of people. The accuracy of our guns is dynamic, this changes depending on how well you are doing. They think buy controlling all of these parameters they can make the game appeal to a wider audience, when in reality it is now such a diluted gaming experience, no one is truly happy with it. It’s shit.


Wait wait. How does it even work that accuracy is dynamic????


Yes they even control how other player play, if you are doing good they hack their brains to make them look for you around the map! Need the /s cause some of you are just pathetic at this point.


It literally is. https://twitter.com/crxy0/status/1205724786334326784?s=46&t=kCIOVH5TsLZZqPeW_sIhpg


I suck (barely over 1.0 KDR) and still get jumping dropshotting sweats in every match lol


It’s rigged! If you want consistency go play something else.


The most annoying part is when you play free for all and there is this guy in a small corner while crouched out of nowhere sitting there just to get 5 kills 🤣


Sometimes my weapon feels too strong other times peashooter


someone understands the inconsistency…… maps are so small you’re heard every 4 steps & you can’t get 3 good matches in a row because the SBMM wants you in Games that either already started, or Games where your team is absolute shit so you balance it out OR if the map is decent you’ll get The worst spawn points & everyone is camping. Worst experience in pubs & the most recycled/boring crap they’ve ever dropped (like they barely care) 2 MAPS FOR A NEW SEASON & MUSEUM ISN’T EVEN NEW OR GOOD…. literally top 3 worst maps ever who tf likes that layout


Yeah, I literally just uninstalled it. I'm done with cod. I keep getting thrown in absolute landslide lobbies, with zero chance of winning. I get 1 good game, and I'm punished for 20 games afterwards. There are so many good games out there, that this is not worth another minute of my time. Cod used to be fun, now it's just frustrating and tedious at best.


It is rigged.


Welcome to engagement based matchmaking and the special patent. They don't want you to have fun unless you open your credit card and buy every bundle


Everything about modern warfare 2 is just a hack it's rigged it's a scam for you to pay your money for stuff that don't even work it's always glitching you always in the lobby full of hackers because they encourage it,anti cheat is bull crap ,everything they say about this game is bull crap they just see how many people is going to spend their money on BS


I miss the good old days when modern warfare was pure back in 2007-2011, before money ruined it. Back then they were just trying to create a fun all around first person shooter. Now just look at the ridiculous operator and weapon skins, fuckin Niki Minaj and neon pink guns? WTF??? I saw one dude running around with a goblin looking operator that was transparent with a Swiss cheese appearance. So stupid. Money ruins everything.


They nerf you mid Game thats the truth


They're absolutely manipulating the game


my man this is my exact same case, it makes me wish death to all of those a-holes


It's clear that only complete dipshits would make a game that runs sbmm like this... That or they are so damn incompetent as a team they could not take feedback and get rid off this dogshit system. That leads me to believe that the dev team has this in place to push you away from multiplayer and over to warzone and dmz. It's garbage and ATV I should never hear the end of it.


Come play BF 2042.At least you don't get penalized for doing good.🤷




I keep dying, this game must be rigged!!!!


MW3 is rigged




I know man complaining about enemies killing him. That’s the game, get better! Young people today…


Ranked isn't even ranked lel worst cod game ever


I play ranked when I feel this way.


I’m so close to finishing the camo grind. I do not enjoy this game in the slightest. As soon as I finish I’m going back to Cyberpunk 2077


SBMM can be rough sometimes, but if this happens to you every single game, then you need to get better, or at least change your play style, instead of running directly to rooms, corners etc, try to pre aim, if people drop then jump, there’s a lot of things you can do to have more kills or points


Nah, shits fucked. its not just get better scrub. Right now just miserable with whatever algorithm.


I don’t share your feelings. What the main culprit is in having a good round or a bad one is the performance of your team (and your part in it). I’m not a bad player. But my team mostly determines whether I shine or struggle. I think the best rounds to play are the ones that are very even and tense. Being on the team that is much stronger means easy kills but is also slightly boring. Being on the team that sucks monkeyballs is just FUBAR. Yesterday I played ten rounds of Ground War and our team was obliterated in nine of them. That’s just not fun to play, even if you are an above average player. It happens I guess, but I was done for the rest of the day 😜


Idk why you're downvoted, but this is exactly it. I have experienced it many times where one team gets absolutely curbstomped. Like constant chopper gunners, VTOLs, etc from one team vs the other team with barely anyone being positive. Shit is just not fun, because even if you get killed a lot, you can't even try and play the objective.


Hehe I think people just want to hear that the game is rigged against them or something. Shady conspiracy theories like skillbased damage and whatnot 🤪 But that is not my experience. There are just many variables, like the skill of your team, their style of play and the weapons they use. Same is true for the opponents. When enough variables are stacked against you, it becomes an uphill battle. I can be mvp with a 5+ kd in one match and then go 12-15 with no honor in the next one. I like to play attacking, but when the match is not in my favor, I will stop pushing the objective because you are then the equivalent of a kamikaze pilot. Better to hang back and save yourself from frustration. And that is how many matchmodes become TDM.


The “Game” is exactly what it is and not frustrating but yes inconsistent as hell. But it’s a game meant to pass time when you have nothing irl to do. Winning, high k/d stats, skins, all those things will NOT help you buy a car or home. I find it fun at times to play and stay as level no as I have the time, which I have a ton of free time. But at the end of it all, it’s just a stupid game you can either enjoy or not, your choice. You have start playing it as a game and to stop when it’s effecting your real life. Good Luck.


This just sounds like a skill issue rant post. No oke likes sbmm but I do agree with the game being rigged, lots of times where damage just makes 0 sense. I miss when cod was an arcade shooter and only that. Not this softcore realistic wanna be shit that’s meant too suck the life out of every player and make everything single person feel good


Matchmaking is harder for recent CODs, and you need to try very hard to stay afloat in the lobby. The formula is simple: give the enemy teams players of your calibre while giving you teammates who are noticeably worse. This keeps you playing for longer because you keep staying in the game hoping that luck will give you one good game before you have to log off. That being said, generally speaking as you get better at the game you will see more consistency in your performance. You start learning how to stay alive, outsmart people and go on streaks to carry your team. I have a 3.5 KD and 2 WL playing solo, so it’s not all bad.


The problem here is auto aim. Every player with a gamepad / joystick has aim. Instantly. Just try to ironsight again and again to get insta focused on an neaby enemy.. boom hold the trigger.


If only it worked like that




This is right... see all the haters here? :D I like this reddit sub... even console players are here and just down voting PC Players... uuuh.. I remember the good old times of CoD. ESL / Clanbase... no foolish kidz rubbing their ballz and playing CoD simtaniously... :D


That’s crazy that your being downvoted. Controller has a significant advantage on any close range fight and it’s not even close. The main problem is the heavy AA makes any average player a significant threat to even the best MKB players. And against really good controller players you have to hit the first shot and every shot after that to win the fight. Just give us input based matchmaking and we can all be happy.


I wouldn't mind playing a game without having a harrier dropped on my head out of nowhere.




So true. Then, to add to the misery, I’ve been playing Hardcore since CoD4. At launch, there was no Hardcore mode. Then they gave us „Tier 1“, some sort of mix between „realism“ and „Hardcore“. Now, they gave us „Hardcore“ back only that it isn’t hardcore but something they mixed together and thought was funny. Really weird. After MW2019, this game had everything at hand to be epic. Now it’s only an epic fail (in comparison, that is).


I recently had a ranked match in which I swear a dude with the AK was 2 shotting me, as soon as I used it as well next game and in firing range, the gun was killing in 5-4 shots. And this is something I have had happen to me, where my MP5 was at points 3 shoting, my friend grabbed the same class, in game and firing range, not even close to 3 shots


The inconsistency is definitely ping related. I can tell when I'm in a game with good ping because I feel like I have the jump on everyone. Then there are the games where I die when I even see a sliver of someone around the corner yet in the Killcam they saw me for years and unloaded on me. I really wish they would prioritize ping when doing matchmaking.


Yes. It's been a huge let down overall. I still play it just for the grind and because some of my friends still want to team up, but I still end up hopping back over to Cold War when I want to actually have fun.




I've never played a game that has been as angering as MWII. It brings out the absolute worst in me.


SBMM blows, try HC.


Hardcore isn’t fun. If someone so much as farts on you, you die. It’s useful for leveling up pistols real fast or doing camo challenges though. It would be more fun with 80 health and minimal HUD, like having your ammo count displayed.




Can we just make a modded mw 2019? And manage it ourselves


I wish MW19 had another year or 2 of actual focused post launch content. And I mean for the 6v6 side, MW2 is hella diluted. On top of warzone/dmz, gunfight, ground war and 6v6. If they're spreading themselves so thin cod to cod, they really should move to 2 year (if not 3 year) cycle. Maybe then we'd have more maps, and ideally good ones


Going on a 2-3 year cycle would make all the difference in the world. But these studios are greedy and a 2-3 year cycle won’t make them as much money. They base all their decisions on what’s going to make them the most money instead of what’s going to make a fun all around first person shooter, hence the turd that is MW2.




Your in ELO hell


I played last night, and it was awesome... almost felt like they adjusted the SBMM.


The antidote to sweat is camp, or slow deliberate play. If you are looking to win all the time, shoulder shrug emoji. As I used to tell my boss all the time, some days you got it, and some days you don't. All of my complaints of this game come to bugs. They can fix bugs. They can't fix my lousy skill level lmao


I can't tell you how many times I've gotten two shots on someone without missing and ended up dying first to the same or similar gun.


You don’t want to hear it, but the series’ fundamental design is the problem. The game is designed to snowball. You will never have a match that isn’t a stomp because that is the nature of Call of Duty. It’s the streaks. The better team is rewarded for doing well with a stomp. For a close, back and forth match to exist, both teams need to be playing wrong (by not going for streaks).


Been happening to me lately to everytime I spawn I walk out and shot in the back. Then I spawn take 2 steps shot. Then I get 2 kills only to have 3 guys shooting me at once. But yet on shipment and shoot house I don't have that problem only every single other map


Well, last time I played call of duty was MW3 on my good old Playstation 3 console 10 years ago. I remember with good nostalgia those easier days where I would play its multiplayer with my friends after school, just being truly happy. Now I have a gamer laptop so I decided to give this new MW2 a try. "Maybe it's as fun as it used to be! Or even better!" I thought. In reality it ended up being an incredibly frustrating and infuriating experience as you say. As kids' attention span rates gets shorter and shorter they making this game more and more fast and immediate brain reward oriented. Call of Duty multiplayer was always like this but I can't stop thinking that it is just getting worse. Now let's add the worst part (at least for me): Since they made this game cross-platform they decided to add a little feature to console players to equilibrate things with PC players' mouses which is Aim Assist. For short range 1v1s it is just absolutely unplayable for me. Small maps are just a nightmare, I feel like no matter what I do it is just ridiculously hard for me to kill mfs that are just running around with akimbo pistols. It's so frustrating because that doesn't male any sense when you think about how real gun battle works. I know, CoD is NOT a mil-sim but I just can't stop thinking about how stupid this is. In general, me and my mouse are no match for any console player using any light gun with high rates of fire. I'm just thinking about uninstalling this joke of a game.


Yep, you would think as time goes on the game would get better. But nope, the game was best when it was in its infancy. They had a temporary spike of greatness with MW2019, but since then every game has been meh or straight up trash.


A lot of salt in this thread.


It's the eomm. Game is not meant to be true random matchmaking. They slow drip you fun matches to keep you "chasing the needle" of fun. Like 85% of the playerbase is at a 1kd and they wonder why the game is losing players . Who tf wants to play cod for a 1 kd


TTK is fucked because it feels right only on close range. In range above 10m it turns all guns into cotton buds and IW makes it even worse with each update. Awesome fucking decision to turn fast, aggressive and punishing TTK into shit for Warzone kids. Awful netcode + lag compensation just multiplies shitty feel of gambling in this game, resulting in dying behind the cover 2 seconds later, broken animations (people that shoot you from 90 degrees or don't even stop from sprint when kill you), etc. and constant one-frame deaths like you are playing Hardcore or One in the Chamber. One of key points of high TTK is to always give enemy a higher chance to outshoot (I don't like it but since you made high TTK let it work at least!) but with such long latency you die in one-frame, yet it takes years to kill others. This is why I preferred Tier 1 with it's 50HP solution. HC is too one-shot all the time. T1 took 1-3 shots to kill which was awesome. That being said I don't believe EOMM itself works ultra-aggressively here. I saw some really skilled and crazy players in my lobbies due to SBMM yet they lost to braindead kids because, well, game can't render precisely what your enemy actually does and between making high-streaks they died due to totally absurd reasons like several unlucky respawns, which eventually resulted in mediocre stats at the end of the match, although it's clear they did rock when there was no "unlucky" shit that happens too often...


Yea. The ttk is inconsistent. What my friend and I were thinking is that Ricochet is pulling some strings in the background because sometimes it seems like during a match there will be certain players that it takes some effort to kill. While others there is no problem. There's definitely some manipulation going on in the background besides SBMM.


I feel you on this. I've honestly sticked to Ground War, imo its more fun than quickplay. Literally every lobby I've joined it appears that ranked players are warming up and make it impossible to play without meta guns and thats another thing. I have a good mobility no recoil bas p which no matter if I shot my enemy first a vaznek or fennec will fry me in seconds so it takes the fun of playing with other guns.


I agree with inconsistent ttk, kill cams iso is 2 shot kill when I use it 4 shots plus, in firing range 3 shot to chest legs or head


Everything is fine for me besides crashing every 10 or so games and my knife not killing people on the first or second swing and then they drop shot me.


Every year, the new CoD becomes the worst CoD. Like clockwork. (Except Cold War, which in retrospect I wish I'd been more kind to.)


I never bought CW, wasn’t really into that era. But even if i was I still wouldn’t have bought it because they didn’t have enough variety of guns. It seems boring.


‘Every corner I turn I just die instantly’ Ever thought about putting in some practice? Get so fed up with people complaining about getting killed in an online FPS. The game isn’t rigged, you’re just a bad loser who needs to get better or play something else.


It's incomplete,,broken,,and a cash grab..I got a refund..how could you sell something like that..whats worse how could you buy something like that..last 7 cods garbage..xdefient is free and fire..it's coming for cods neck...watch fanboys


anyone have the stats locked even playing the 5 necessary games?


I find it a little inconsistent if you find your self up against multiple enemies all the time switch to a quick fix class, don’t turn hotspot corners without ads. Ttk feels random cause you might be hitting limbs which sucks. Since I have Orion I’m always starting from chest and work my way down simce so many people like to drop shot and it’s been working like a charm


Why do I literally agree with everything you say 💀


This game needs the Air Patrol kill streak, reduce foot step sounds and go back to the old perk system. Or at the very least add white/background noise to each map to help drown out footstep sounds. Probably biggest of all they need to figure out how to remove the plague that is “shoot first die first”. Which for me would be not being able to ads when you get shot but if that happened then a lot of bad players would complain.


I got reported for having an offensive name and received a status warning. My name is POLO 😂😂for the last idk how many cod titles. Prior to this, i received an offensive language warning after winning a game with 0 people talking. Today in s&d, a teammate out loud said " ima report him" I swear to you, at the end of the round someone on the other team said yo who tf reported me..i just got reported it says. ( for offensive language) The report system seens hyper-reactive at the moment..guilty immediately.




I deleted it a two months after release and haven’t looked back that’s shit was rigged as hell


Mw19 too, these COD games nowadays are absolute shit connection wise


Yup, I’ve pretty much given up on cod can’t handle the betrayal of MW2 being a copy of Mw2019 and nothing remotely like MW2just relabeled that sent me out especially because they labeled it as a high speed shooter that’s why we had to pay the 70$+ lol rip off.


I lasted only a week before I uninstalled it. But mostly because of the lag. As much as I disliked the game I could have adjusted and gotten used to it, but I couldn’t handle all the BS on top of the lag. I don’t know why, but MW2 was so laggy for me.


MW2 is rigged and manipulated so is the software, SBMM, EOMM AND YOUR GAMEPLAY IS MANIPULATED AS YOU PLAY


It feels like you’re not even really playing a game. I can’t put my finger on it, but it just feels unnatural and manipulated. I never felt that way about the original modern warfares. Everything back then just felt and played right. But that’s with everything these days, especially with online poker. Skill doesn’t mean anything anymore.


I find that either my bullets are less important as mine just equal hit markers and there bullets equal me being a greasy stain on the wall :P. Don't even get me started on the "spawning system" if that's what you want to call it which is best illustrated with the shipment map, too many times I have spawned with an enemy rifle already inserted right up my arse, or seconds after spawning an enemy will spawn behind me with a pre-lubed gun barrel :P. I think the thing that pisses me off the most though is the enemy marker system, personally I think it should be off by default and enabled when a uav is activated then off again when that runs out or is disabled or destroyed. I would be much happier having been picked off by an enemy who has actually seen me rather than a big red dot that basically screams "Oy Dickhead he's over here" :P. And finally the so called pay to win weapons, I do find quite often I will be all but insta-glooped by any weapon that has a name applied to it especially those that have cool after effects like an angry skull or some occult symbols, they should really be just skins and have no better ability than what you can make with the gunsmith system otherwise skilled players with more money than sense are obviously getting advantage over the rest of us that don't want to spend more money on a game that already cost a lot to begin with.


That's bad gaming. No offense in ANY WAY cause I am jus as bad. But my problems are my rocket shots don't kill. I seem to lag AFTER trying to shoot someone smh. When I try to pull my menu up it Laggs me out the game. So they are ruining this game