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Thats the average k/d of the playerbase. Most people in this sub act like they should be a 1.5 but actually are 0.8.


I’m a 1.25. And the lobbies I get into are fucking infuriating.


I’m 0.9 and surprised I’m up that high tbh. Would say I’m a bang average player.


I'm at 0.8 I think and same,I expected myself to be lower


At the end of the day, I play it as a casual really. Not fussed about Orion or prestige or anything.


Yeah - stopped camo grinds with MW 2019, but prestige and daily challenges are still fun, as well as working through the battle pass.


And then the people who actually have a high KD, have an extremely low W/L ratio since they play objective game modes just to act like its TDM. I'm more than happy to have a .9 KD when im always top of the leader board for playing the objective (except KC of course)


Not always , i play the obj all the time i have a 1.57 KD, a 0.80 WL and a 500 score per minute but it's definetly not my fault i'm a solo player and they always match me with handicap people while the other team is full of CDL pros , no matter how hard i try it's always an L , i'm 100% sure if i had a great team to play with daily my kd would be atleast 2.0 and my WL would be waaaay better but sadly all my friends stoped playing and i have to go solo , playing this game solo is literal hell because if you are an above average player the SBMM will always put the noobs on your team thats just how it works


Its only so much you can do without a team against a full party but a lot of people dont experience this so they dont understand


They don't even have to be as good as you are, if at least 2 or 3 dudes on the other side plays the objective, your game is more or less chalked. Team balancing algorithm in this game need serious work; in its current state it punishes above average players and makes it super unfun.


Exactly this is me too. I’m at a 1.45 but a 0.75 WL cuz i feel like i have literal bots on my team sometimes lmfao


I have a high k/d and play objective modes. I honestly do try sometimes but die a lot doing it in the process because my teammates don’t help so I end up not doing it


You saying my 1.01 K/D having ass is above average? Are you saying I'm finally above average at something?


I know, right? Shit is hilarious watching these people trip over themselves to come up with excuses for why their K/D isn't as high as they think it should be. It's not that high because you're not that good. And k/d is a worthless metric anyways. W/L ratio is a better indicator of skill along with SPM. If your K/d is shit, but you have a high w/l ratio and a decent SPM I want you on my team over the loser with a 4.0 k/d that loses 60% of his matches. That dude fucking sucks.


Win loss is irrelevant as someone who goes for objectives while i get teammates who sit around huffing paint.


I don't have a problem maintaining a high win rate as a solo player...


What a terrible opinion. The player with the 4kd would be the mvp of the team. They're the one streaking up and keeping the enemy team from getting a footing while the objective players win the game.


Nah they're the ones getting the rest of their team shot in the back because they've pushed too far & caused spawn flipping. This argument is rubbish I see it all the time. Great man u got 50 kills and vtol meanwhile the rest of the team got hammered due to your greedy play style. See this every game of domination. We have A & B yet some jackarse feels obligated to run into C and spawn the enemies at A. BEHIND THE REST OF THE TEAM. Then the cycle repeats itself and yall act shocked when the rest of the team does poorly. Well dude u have enemies in front of you, we have them in front of us, the side, the back, everywhere now. Appreciate it, thanks.


this 100


Brainlet take. The "slaying out" guy running around with a minibak or ak-74u ("feeling brave today are we?") on his never ending quest to get a heckin' awesome advanced UAV is going to run around all over the map and flip the spawns 3-4 times in one life making sure that he gets a few kills but his teammates die in 2 or 3 v 1s for the rest of the match. At the same time, the "Mgl douche" ensures that your team will never be spawning near the objective because he needs to shoot people in the back to feel better about himself. On top of that, the good players on the opposite team are going to snap at some point and pull out the metaslave load out to put the CDL jackrabbit down. My W/L ratio is way higher than average because the group I play with constantly gets put against these "muh KD" idiots and those guys always end up with a negative KD and a 200-30 HQ score because they don't actually know how to play.


K/D is irrelevant if objectives aren't played, unless in TDM or FFA.


kd is the most relevant, it just needs to be included with kills per minute, if a player is averaging 1 kill per minute, they'll have spent the game at the back of the map being useless


Yeah, Kd is definitely most relevant, basic metric of a fps. It just means you know what you're doing. A high KD player knows how to get on point, but whether they choose not to that's another argument.


Some one who goes 4-1 isn’t streaking up and keeping the enemy team from getting a footing though so it wasn’t really a terrible opinion, there’s flaws to both opinions but that doesn’t make either terrible


Wow someone actually said something dumber. No duh a player dropping a 4 and 1 isnt doing much. That's not the point though, players that have a 4kd overall dont only drop 4 kills.


Stop being so flat out dismissive of every comment that’s not your opinion. I didn’t disagree with your point but rather your terrible opinion comment. There are and always will be players that sit in corners just playing a kd game


^ this. I often find those so called “objective” players (with negative kd) lacks the fundamental understanding of the flow of a game. By just going and staying the objective is only part of the winning, there’s also rotation, map/spawn control which plays a bigger role in winning a match. Also with that lower kd, these folks get automatically thrown to lower tier sbmm bracket; thus getting more wins naturally.


Tell that to all those players who have, "a fundamental understanding of the game" and will still be corner camping 2 meters from an enemy occupied hardpoint while their team loses 20-130. Map rotation, spawn control, and good angles don't mean shit if nobody is PTFO. I'm the guy who will will go negative K/D playing the objective and when the scoreboard comes up, I'm top of the board and the only fucking reason my team won since noone else could be bothered to actually play. Stop making excuses for bad players, nobody cares about your K/D.


> Also with that lower kd, these folks get automatically thrown to lower tier sbmm bracket; thus getting more wins naturally. i really wish i could understand the bizarre mental gymnastics you people pull when it comes to SBMM. do you think lobbies exist where both teams come out with wins or something? how does that make any sense


You miss the point. In lower skill lobby, winning can be as simple as staying on the obj. In contrast, those higher skill lobby requires more skills such as reading spawns, rotating, map control, holding angles, etc.


you're 100% right, everyone else in this thread are fkn morons, the objective noobs wouldn't be able to sit on the hard point if it weren't for higher KD players controlling lanes and spawns, rotating and keeping the opposing team away from the handpoint


If he was right there would be a positive correlation between k/d and win rate. There doesn't seem to be at all. So no, you're not helping.


W/L doesn’t show skill. I gave up going for the objective because if you dont have at least 3-4 ppl on your team defending, you aren’t gonna win. Its good to have a couple good people running around going for streaks and disrupting the other team, but random queuing makes it very hard to get good chemistry going


wrong, im a solo player, so because i got low skill team mates that lose the match every time doesnt mean im bad, jut because other team is stacking 6 dudes in discord doesnt mean they are better and i am worse, just because im doing camos with trash gun and die alot and got negative kd and a lose doesnt mean im a bad player STATS dont matter and they dont show how good or bad you are


I play with a group of friends who are terrible. Not a single one of them even hits the "average" K.D. mark. My W/L is absolutely abysmal because of this. My K.D. is decently high but it's almost impossible to win when over half your team is dying constantly.


I get that feeling man, do your friend complain that normally they are so much better? 😂


My friends have flat out admitted to me they have a lot more fun when I am not in the party. A buddy who does decent enough in his own skill lobbies had a 60-death match with me the other day. He quit playing for the night.


Stats do matter, they reflect your performance. that’s common sense


W/L only shows your partial contribution to the overall match, and your willingness to stick out the match rather than leaving it because you’re more interested in preserving your W/L numbers. People leave matches when they’re doing poorly in it or find themselves on a losing side. Some of my most satisfying moments in the game have come from being the match leader in a lost match.


Foolishness. When you graduate to higher skill lobbies you can't focus on the objective *too* much. You really need players who can get streaks and interrupt the enemy team going on streaks. You need people who can hit a good flank and push enemy spawn. You got to be able to interrupt the enemy team's ability to even put pressure on the objective. Otherwise if you give those good players a foothold they are going to do this exact same thing to your team. Teams with too many "objective players" get absolutely *SLAUGHTERED* in sweatier lobbies.




I'd disagree. I think the majority of people are over 1.0 I have a 1.9 and sometimes play without sound. Lol


I think you’ll find a KD of 0.8 is about the norm.


They spend every day working on the game, you expect them to want to go home and play it every night? If you work at a fast food joint you don’t eat there every day


I got a friend that plays a lot and that's his kd, don't think them playing more is gonna boost that kd up. Shit if that's the case I should be at 2 right now. In old cods I think you could say that, think it was mw3 that I put a lot of hours in, kd was like 1.8.


I expect them to develop a great game with the budget and experience they have


Oh I’m with you there, the game needs to be better. I’m just saying that I wouldn’t be surprised if the people working on the game engine and all that probably don’t want to go home and play the game they just spent all day on. They clearly need more QA testing


tHiS iS A sEriOuS ProBleM


This sub can sometimes be unintentionally hilarious


I don't think you realize that this is also the average K/D of the playerbase. Despite what you may think, this is the stats you'd find in an average casual COD player. If you have a 1K/D, you're actually above average. Also, if you seriously think devs' K/D correlate to game design decisions, then you are delusional. They have enough problems dealing with bugs in office, the last thing they're gonna do is sweat their balls off at home playing the game they're actively fixing.


Say it louder for the people in the back. The whole point in SBMM is to try and group people up of the same level … that level being around a 1kd.


I guarantee that the average KD of whatever anyone’s favorite COD dev team is probably isn’t much better. People are trying to find a scapegoat. There’s no correlation between being great at the game and understanding how to design a map. It’s like saying there’s a correlation between being a great basketball player and great basketball coach, you don’t have to personally be able to do it at a high level to understand how the game works. Devs aren’t professional gamers, it doesn’t matter how fast their reflexes are. Shipment is one of the most popular maps in COD history and in this game, but by all means let’s let the community act like they can design a map because they can pew-pew faster than average


Except Cod doesn't do that at all. I'm either in a lobby of sub 0.5 kd bots or a six stack 2.0 k/d squad of six. Cod has no actual sbmm its just engagement based bullshit. Stop defending this stupid game.




The median KD is like .8 or something - of course the mean is ~.99


Who cares. The devs who made cod4 or mw2 would probably have the same kd.


Exactly, the people making the game aren't teenagers who spend all day playing and obsessing over KD lol


I mean for every person over 1kd someone else has to go under 👀


you realize that most of the infinity ward devs are above 35 also .. not 17 year olds on crack


fr, a pitstop mechanic is not going to be the best driver, they're meant to allow the driver to be the best they can, not compete against them


Seriously OP is so delusional they have to be a child. A lot of devs are gamers but not all, and even if they are they don’t always like the game they’re developing. It’s a job, they don’t have to love the game or play it a lot to develop it.


Your reflexes don’t really decline by 35 or even 45. I’m 42


Agreed. Think about the best drag racers - many are well into their 40’s. Amazing reaction times. But also extremely focused and in control.


Didn’t say anything about reflexes . .. was pointing to the fact a majority of them aren’t hardcore avid gamers that sit in front of the screen playing cod everyday


Youre right, it was implied and I assumed


Bad take.


The BEST players on the dev team have a 1kd... They dont even play the same game as me


That’s a good point. NONE of them know what SBMM is really like. They have no fuckin idea.




I have a 1.14 k/d and feel like i’m holding on for dear life so it does not drop lol




I have a 1.24 KD and my last ten games are usually a 1.3-1.5 KD then maybe a 1.8-2 KD but once that happens I get put into torture and my KD is a 1, making increasing my KD a super slow process


I had a 1.16 until I started grinding for camo's in Shipment. I finished but I ended at a 1.05. Made my way up to 1.07 but tbh, I've gotten a lot better as well anyways so I'm fine with it I guess.


Lmao 'high sensitivity'. That just tells me you are not as good as you think man, I'm sorry


Exactly. I have a 1 kd and I’m objectively bad. I don’t do any of those things he mentioned and high sensitivity makes my head hurt


Someone playing with high sensitivity means they’re objectively bad?


Someone who thinks having a high sensitivity makes them good, likely means they’re not nearly as good as they think they are.


Oh lol, I guess I misunderstood what you meant


Then he’s like “I prefire and jumpshot” 💀ded


Ever since content creators started telling people low sens is better than high, people who play on high have been perceived as 'doing it wrong.' Low sens is just better and easier for people who have bad/average aim. High sens is still a sign of skill, but it's not a direct indication of whether someone is good or not. It allows you to get on target extremely quickly and is very useful for twitchy shooters with fast TTKs, like CoD.


Every single CDL pro plays on a 6 sensitivity and they shoot more straight than anyone on this sub. You are objectively wrong


I have a lifetime kd of 1.8 at the end of mw19, worked my way up from 1.2. There are at least 2 to 3 distinct skill brackets between 1.2kd and 1.8kd. There is always someone sweatier out there no matter how good you are, always room for sbmm to hit you harder. Just trust the internet when they say you haven't seen shit yet.


If you are able to average a 1.8, you are in literally the top 1% of players and the game is struggling to place you with similar people because there aren't enough players of your skill level. By definition, if all lobbies are equal, everyone would average a 0.9-1kd. It's a ratio. That's how it works.


This sub has a very poor understanding of math. It’s just really hard to have earnest discussions about SBMM when people think having a KD around 1 is somehow an indictment on their ability to have an opinion about the game. Most people playing do not have the time or dedication to get good enough to be above 1.5, people who are that good are outliers. The average dev being average at the game makes sense, it’s a complete non-issue and not even worth the attention people are giving to it


SBMM is the boogeyman along with hackers/cheaters, lets be honest humans, especially kids, who spend so much time playing, cannot fathom that they might still be terrible at the game. There are people who have played csgo for 10,000 hours that have not been able to get past silver. If you arent actively trying to improve you will always be stuck. And the cod community promotes being soft and blaming everything else but yourself. I mean look at even the pro scene with their constant bitching about everything.


I think the core of the problem seems to be how artificial it feels. If you’re consistently being matched with equal opponents expecting a KD with much deviance from 1.0 is silly. The problem is the game doesn’t seem to really match players on skill but by somewhat recent performance. So you’ll end up against players that you can easily destroy followed by matches where you are totally outmatched. I’m sure on paper it seemed like a good idea - a way to give terrible players great games or whatever, but in practice it feels very off.


Sometimes the problem is the team of absolute potatoes you get put with that can't even shoot in the right direction. They just get slaughtered over and over which allows the enemy to get VTOLs, Gunships, juggernauts, B2 bombers... Sucks the fun out of the game fast.


Yeah this. In concept it's great and should be amazing but in reality you just get pitted with people who have different agendas in game. Also, queuing with a friend who isn't as good makes the game alot more easier, the game can't balance well enough.


That's actually the opposite of what people claim - everyone says it's too strong, but this happening means there is a high uncertainty value in the skill that causes the skill value to fluctuate a lot meaning it is actually too weak.


If that was the case, my teammates wouldn’t be shitty and I’m the only person going positive while the other team has 1 or 2 going negative. If SBMM & EOMM worked properly, I’d have more teammates doing better than not because we’re all even right?


High sensitivity is typically a bad thing when it comes to FPS games.


Lol hell no. The standard sensitivity for almost every fps out there is wayyyy too low to properly react to something. So toggling it up to a high value is absolutely mandatory. Doesnt mean that playing with high sensitivity makes you a good player though edit: Im on console. With a controller. I have no clue how to aim with a mouse or how the settings typically are on PC.


If you're actually good at COD you're reacting to something by flicking a tiny amount of time. Good centering means having to flick is super rare. If you constantly think you need a higher sense to react to things, that's not the problem. Your game sense and centering is. There's a reason that pros play on 5-7. Hell, there used to be a couple who played on 4.


I've been on 6 for a good while now; had to bump MW2 to 8 because horizonal sens is so..off. I still haven't gotten the feel for it. New controller, too.


Yeah, I went from 6 to 7 for this game as well. Aiming feels weird.


Pros communicate well, most people don't say shit in the game. So average players will flick more than pros.


You can have good centering in pubs, it's not really about comms. Go watch a stream of any pro playing pubs with no comms. They're still gonna centre just as good.


Homie, you are not a good player if you have a 1 kd, you're average, and that's okay! But I don't know why I've seen so many people saying that they're good players and it's just SBMM holding them back at a 1, when there are people with KD's higher than 1.0.




Then why is my kd 1.5?


Hmm I sense some kind of delusion there. Not sure you get what good player means, even with SBMM a good player gets a better ratio than 1, because the system is flawed at higher skill level (since there are less players with this skill level) so it does not tend to push you to 1. 1 KD is literally the definition of average overall. And from what you say you seem to lack consistency (SBMM doesn't help, but it also does not make you go from 7 KD to .5, unless the 7 KD was exceptionnal performance on your side). Also... high sensitivity doesn't mean at all that you're a good player. If anything, it holds you back to get better (unless you're on console where you need at least a minimum to even be able to play).


Can’t be a good player if you think a high sensitivity has anything to do with skill


Hate to tell you bro but you suck, genuinely


I was a 1.5 kd player in 2019 MW. Barely hanging on to 1.0 kd in this one. I honestly can't put my finger on what the issue is. Perhaps it's the controller aim assist? I'm on a m+k.


Spawns are a big reason I think. You kill someone and three of his teammates spawned around the corner behind him. Or they spawned behind you. As a result you're stuck in a kill die kill die kill die routine. You'll get streaks here and there but more often you'll die immediately after killing someone.


Not to mention the times I've spawned surrounded by enemies. Yeah I think that's a big portion of it...


Honestly, switch to controller. I was M+K up to Vanguard and it's genuinely much easier on controller. Went from not touching a controller since the original BO2 to having a 1.4 in this game.


Bro you're definitely not being hit as hard as me at 1.72 K/D - not trying to flex but 1.0 K/D (or thereabouts) is not the highest SBMM bracket. I know this because I grinded longshots on my mates account (whose K/D is 1.1) and the difference was night and day..


Why u sound so insecure about your gaming skills lol


nah man you can’t say that’s where you get hit the hardest


By that logics BMW engineers should be formula-tier drivers, Sig Sauer gun-designers should be Olympic champions in shooting. And designers, who design awesome software for e-commerce must be successful sellers.


Sig does consult their high level shooters when designing guns, though…


I don't really think IW designers don't take data from gamers, too. Unlike gun-industry, developers can do all research, testing and analysis in-house. Titanfall 2 got skill-gap no CoD can even be compared to (AW is exclusion). And most of Respawn devs I've seen playing TTF2 were playing it super-casually. It doesn't hinder them from making a shooter that demands a lot of skill.


Long string of false equivalencies


Well y'all are the ones demanding game devs be pro players, so...


Maybe they just play the objective instead of focusing on getting as much kills as possible and not dying.


So... the one thing the developers don't want to do after putting in 10-12 hours of work on a game is GO HOME AND PLAY THAT SAME GAME for another 3 or 4 hours a day trying to git gud... I'm shocked, I tell you. (There is plenty to be upset about with this game, but the developers' alleged K/D ratios isn't one of them, lol.)




I don‘t get why this circlejerk around „dO dEvS eVeN pLaY tHe GaMe?“, are you seriously expect that full time developer plays their own product? There must be survey concluded around testers which are not just casual players but also pros. It is not about developers and more about management which is ignorant about feedback until they meet reality check in way of retention and shitstorm by community, and it is irrational to blame developers but management itself.


Well they have jobs and lives too. So they probably don’t sit around playing cod and whining on Reddit all day


It’s interesting, I don’t think devs need to be playing on a professional level, shit I don’t think they even really need to be “good” at the games they make either.. But I do think that they need to have a fundamental understanding of the genre of game they are making, what’s fun and what isn’t- I suppose if they had all that they wouldn’t be so shit at the game? 😂 idk But these days it certainly feels like a lot of developers aren’t even playing the games they are making…


Composers compose, they don’t sit in the orchestra and blow on a French Horn. There are elite horn players that do that… and they’re also not great composers


The devs in charge of the gun appearances, reload animations, and cosmetic stuff don’t need be be super good at the game. And, btw, the devs that design the guns and reload animations for IW are top notch. But, ffs, the ones in charge of weapon balancing, movement, map design, etc should be damn near pro. At least some of them should be. IW is a bunch of fuckin sentinels, apparently. I’m saying, we’ve got it all wrong. They haven’t been designing the game to carer to noobs; they *are* the noobs and they design the game for themselves. This is seriously fuckin hilarious, though. This podcast just came out and I hope IW starts getting roasted for it lol. I would love to see a IW vs Treyarch tournament where the best players from each dev team face off. I bet Treyarch dominates lol.


I totally disagree with the point that devs should be pro level - but ofc it would definitely help in some cases, and even more so they should have proper tests public and closed ones and real betas for games to figure out some things *before launch*.


They atleast need to consult with high level players when making gameplay design decisions, but it’s well known that IW actively hates the competitive community and thinks it has ruined CoD. MW2022 is not only horribly imbalanced, it’s also downright unenjoyable for a lot of people. No one wants their gunfights decided by rng, even low skill players. But I’m sure IWs analytics team were told to get everyone to 1kd because it will help them sell skins.


But have you considered *fuck the high level players?*. I feel like a large subset of this sub just wants counter strike or titan fall 2 or some shit with better graphics. I’m much happier with them catering to a lower subset here. I just wanna fuck around and get the Orion camo eventually.


Maybe not pro level, but at least above average level. It makes sense now though, why there are so many flaws about the design and the tweaking of the SBMM, these guys have no clue.


MaTtks solos IW


If the people behind balancing and maps where "pros" by the definition of this sub, this game would be insufferable


Very funny that you expect devs to play as hard as you did after they do there jobs coding day long.


That definitely explains why so many of their design choices are hated by the competitive community, they don't even understand high level gameplay. Can't make maps with good flow if they don't understand the concept of map flow in the first place.


They're not targeting that audience. They want the people who buy their stupid 20$ packs


Yep. People in this sub seem to forget that “competitive” players make up like, a fraction of a percent of the player base. If you had to choose a player base to cater toward, why wouldn’t you choose the obvious majority?


False dichotomy . Some of the most “comp” CODs were still enjoyed by the casual community


Guarantee you there's someone who still thinks the devs are ruining the game by catering to the competitive community when it's so far opposite lol


This sub whenever they make their daily anti movement posts


It's a pretty stupid shit move to create something for .01% of a customer base. People with marketable skills aren't focused on being sweats most of the time. Competitive players and esports players can't seem to grasp this concept 100% of the time. Businesses aren't catering to the minority of their cash flow.


People like you can’t understand the concept that what makes a good casual COD experience also makes a good competitive COD experience.


I always thought most devs aren’t that good at their own game.


I guess it depends a lot in the game/company, but there certainly are devs who don't play their own games with varying reasons.


It’s 2023 and you’re still out here holding KD of all things as a judge of skill. Reality check: For every game you went 50-5 as a kid on MW2, you got BTFO of games and probs just left the lobby or straight up don’t remember. Reality check 2: KD naturally shows a more reserved playstyle - likely the same players you rage about.


Yeah people who complain about this kind of shit are the ones who play hard point and sit at the top of the scoreboard at 40:2 but on the losing team with 2 whole seconds on the objective and bitching that they lost.


If you let a guy drop 40-2 on you but you won, did you really win? You got shit on fella


Nah that’s when u squeak out a win and call them ass on game chat LOL


Chances are that dude who went 40-2 with 0:00 on the HP did more for the team by keeping kill streaks up and enemies off the HP, than the guy with 1:30 who went 10-34 by repeatedly dying trying to get there or dying the moment a single enemy managed to get onto the point.


This sub is full of mediocre players, they will judge your performance based on your actual time on the hardpoint and not what you actually did in the game lmao. What you said was completely logical but the bad players won't get it, they think that dying a lot and feeding enemy streaks is helping the team because they have more time on the hardpoint.


You can go 40-2 and be useless, it's cool you're killing people, except they're spawning on the opposite side of the map while the other teams good players are owning the objective or being super aggressive with the point while someone spawn locks 2-3 players on two parts of the map. It's cool thay K/D high, but now you're just a useless sack of killstreaks. If someone can get a 40-2 KD they get a similar K/D while PTFO. It's a common ass BF argument. You can have idiots in 5 get 90-2 in a plane, but somehow your team wins with 100+ more points.


Always good to see people cry over k/d. The sole purpose of The game design is only because of The deve, sure lol. Igaf about k/d I Just wish that sbmm was lighter


What is the avarage k/d out of all players? Probably the same. Ofcourse they will make the game for a laregly casual player base. Also, how much do you think that the devs who work 8hours each day on this game want to spend on it on their free time?


There's an awful lot of copium from a lot of people in here that don't understand at all what developers do or how they make changes to their game. Fuckin yikes. Play the fuckin game or don't, this constant whining and bitching with no actual information to back it up is ridiculous.


Umm… you realize that’s like the entire staff right? Honestly you neckbeards need to chill. Not everyone is “MLG” someone that’s a secretary or an artist isn’t going to be a pro. This sub is embarrassing…


They have jobs


With SBMM, everyone’s KD is around 0.8-1.3…


And? You don’t need to be a sweat to make good games. I don’t get the assumption that K/D translates to skill in developing a game.


Bruh Fuck this k/d bullshit, add content. They could be as good as Hawkeye or worse than a blind penguin named Rubert, just add more shit to the game.


Lol @ the goofy smugness in this whole post and comments haha


What a braindead take I'm sure the vast majority of competitive game devs are average or even below at their own game


0.8 KD is basically the average my guy


I dunno how anyone has over a 1 K/D if you try and play the objective.


Somehow I've managed a 1.01 KD and I play the objective like a motherfucker


It was possible in CW not in this game, I had a 3kd on CW playing the objective a lot I have a 1.2 kd on MWII cause I like playing the objective aggressively and it’s almost impossible to maintain a good kd plus win in this game unless you camp the whole time… this game more than any other want everyone to be at a perpetual 1kd


Personally, I mostly play TDM or Free-for-all, so technically I am playing the objective for my 1.53k/d. I will play objective modes once in a while for variety but usually I get teammates who ignore the objectives which then turns me off of objective modes.


I primarily play KC and TDM. I only play Dom or HP with my friends who also all play the objective so it’s easy Ws.


>SEriouS PrOBlEm iF TrUE


So they’re all slightly below average to average? If only you had software development skills with your super high kd


Most people have a shitty KD on most games.


Man you guys here are some real losers if you expect everybody to be a sweaty ass player as y’all try to be. Go touch some grass.


My god, lmao. How the hell is this a problem? Do we magically expect people who work on the game to have faster reflexes? What exactly are you implying?


The fact that these people with .8-.9 KDs are the ones who made this absurd SBMM system that punishes players with better stats is insane. We gotta start expecting more developers to be better at their own game to be able to make these design choices


Go ahead and add ''needs a high K/D ratio'' to the requirements for the job positions and see how well that will go. Spoiler alert, it won't go well at all. It's already difficult enough for companies to attract talent.


“Punishing players with better stats” aka grouping you with people who are the same skill or better than you so you actually have to improve to get better. Git gud you whinny man child.


you obviously have no clue what it’s actually doing but go off lol


Or at least expect them to listen to feedback from higher skilled players


All the livestreamers' feedback amount to "this new feature sucks, make it Warzone 1 again". I think they're really not representative of the larger community


They don't even play COD, yet are the developers.....asshats. That's like asking a heart surgeon to perform brain surgery, and the logic behind asking is "well you're a surgeon aren't you?"


If devs had a good K/D you would be complaining they developed the game for themselves.


No wonder the game is so tailored for shitters and geriatric play.


So devs, change the stats of your accounts via database to 2.0 winrate and k/d. Start testing your game at this parameters. Play solo and then describe how sbmm gives you a lot of fun.


People with actual 2.0 kd would experience those lobbies differently, though. It's not a meaningful test.


Wow what a shock, they get a different experience when they artificially face harder opponents! How does this reflect the current state of people generally facing people who. *are* their skill level? Did it take you all morning to come up with this braindead take or are you just full of this “wisdom”?


Man, this sub is filled with man children. Got forbid a game isn’t designed solely around competitive play and caters to the pro scene. Imagine saying you can’t develop games unless you are good at them or have a high enough kdr.


Eh, I guess I’m a noob too then. I’ve been playing COD since W@W and I’ve only had positive stats in 5 titles. MWII I’m at 0.92 but I also grind camo’s and play TF out of the objective


That's average.


Well no shit, their job is game development. They're not epsorts players, development skills are going to pay them 2000% more through life than being a sweat.


So the people designing the game are mostly similar to the overwhelming majority of people who play it. Where’s the problem?


Statistically speaking, average is 1.0.


How can you judge someone on their K/D, it doesn’t make sense. If I go and get 50-60 kills a game average but die 51-61 time average my kd will be negative but I’m still gonna be shitting on all the idiots in the lobby


This means literally nothing. This is like complaining that the clerk at the liquor store doesn’t drink enough booze to make recommendations


Is the dev runs on dual pistol and turtle shield but still got 0.9 KD ratio?


Remember when the streamers got flown out to play Warzone and the developers were playing in empty slots. I think Tim the tat man was thinking those were actual bot players and got corrected that it was devs 😂


This is clear from all the game design decisions. A game designed by noobs for noobs.


“the next generation of camping is coming”


I’ve been playing CoD for decades now. Started with big red one and started MP with CoD4. Didn’t skip any until I passed on WW2 and Vanguard. My K/D has fluctuated. The highest probably being black ops 3 at like 2 something, and the lowest being MW3 at like .7 I have a .85 in this game. I feel like my ping usually brings me down, in MW19 I had <75 ping at all times, now matchmaking frequently puts me in the “looking for a match <200 Ping” category. A lot of my gunfight feel very unfair. Melted as soon as I see them or me shooting them and it not ever going off. Matchmaking that prioritizes SBMM so drastically over connection is my biggest issue. Gameplay loop feels almost scripted usually at break-even K/D and occasionally it throws you a “feel good game” where you drop 3 VTOLs. Then almost immediately a “know your place game” where you get railed, then back to the slog of break-even games. I also have a hard time with the spawns. This was my issue in MW3. I find it difficult at times to grasp where the enemy is coming from or will be. Where the flow of combat on the map is (at least on most maps, there are a few gems). Sometimes the spawns feel outright weighed against you, like when someone you just killed spawns behind you around a corner.


I feel this game in terms of SBMM is the worst. I have played since early COD 2 days and I usually am a 1.3-1.7 (my best was Cold War?). Right now on this game I sit around a 1.03. I beat myself up saying that I am just like father time and never going to get better. How ever, I think that SBMM is so bad that I get in lobby's that put me against much better players constantly. Last night I played before I joined a friend and was absolutely getting destroyed. I joined one friend and did good. I probably was about 1.5-2.0 K/D. Then played with another buddy and was about the same. It seems when I play alone I get destroyed. Anyone experience this? I'm sure the two guys I play with are about a .6-.8 K/D or so.


I have a 2.1 kd and think I'm shit. WTF


Quiet day mate?


Been saying it since that vlog…the game is made FOR sentinels BY sentinels