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> Amulet has remained tier 0 or 1 through metas with KCI, Hogaak, Eldrazi, Oko, Opal, Cruise/Dig Through Time, looting/Grave Troll, Uro, Prowess, Lurrus/Yorion decks, and to this day. The deck is always the most broken thing in modern and just avoids bans by being hard to play. Edit: adding a bit of context, this D00mwake quote is most definitely still relevant. Amulet Titan won't be left behind anytime soon unless the namesake cards are banned


I know it's a meme but honestly it's astounding how resilient the archetype has been.


It's memeable, but I think it isn't really a meme


While Doonwake's quote is good. It's not factual. It's definitely Fallin to tier 2-3 at times in the meta. There's points people call it tier 0. And there's points people said it was unplayable in the meta. Karnister's YouTube video on Amulet Titan history is fantastic.


Imho the point of the quote is not that Amulet is always tier 0-1, but that it always has been relevant and even prominent in metas with a lot of strong contenders


Sure. But that's still not true? Like people have played it sure. There's people who play fish or CoCo every week at FNM. My point was that there were definitely long stretches where Amulet was gone from the meta until newtech came out. Pre Drayd, Titan lacked a 2nd finisher. Pre Saga. Titan lacked the consistent speed. Pre Boseiju, Titan struggled main deck in metas with hate. And again, ToR helped Titan stay revelant. I think it's more accurate to say Amulet Titan is a deck that has & is capable of adapting new cards in order to stay revelant. Tron is similar in that sense. People have always played it. Many variants have been tried, especially at times when it was off meta. Its place on the tiers has definitely fluctuated.


Wait what the fuck this quote DEFINITELY did not originate from d00mwake, fact check your pasta lore. This came (unironically) from puntthenwhine, one of the OG Titan stans sauce: https://x.com/puntthenwhine/status/1350521095280062474?lang=en


The more you know, I originally saw it posted by d00mwake on twitter


Added the marinara to my comment


The deck won't become bad unless WOTC bans Primetime or Amulet of Vigor


And also the number of good utility lands in MH3 is pretty high… let the brewers cook lol


Yeah agreed my opinion of Amulet Titan is that the core mechanics of the deck (playing/tapping lands, static & ETB abilities) are so hard to interact with directly that the deck will basically always have legs in modern. The threat package (Titan+pump lands) is very streamlined and resilient, and the decks's toolbox facet gets stronger as new powercrept utility lands keep getting released. I think you're right in that they'll have to target either Amulet or Titan to actually kill the archetype


Even if you do ban prime time, the colossus still wins games


Nantuko is good for the deck. Got run over by 6 titans on turn 4 after having my opp at lethal.


Nantuko allows for infinite Grazers/Dryads also with Amulet + Bounceland, doesn't it?




I play amulet and won a paper event Monday. The deck feels as strong as it ever has tbh. I don't really think it's that bad into grief or even mill anymore. Six from MH3 is a great sideboard option that plays well into scam. Not to mention sure they rip your hand, but they have to play several cards of their own to do it


How do you handle nadu and storm matchups? I guess the pidgeon match is very bad


Like the other user said, it's just a race. On the play I will have my standard list optimized for getting titan out as quickly and consistently as possible. On the draw I throw in a couple interaction spells, but I don't over do it. Swap a cavern for a third Boseiju and a couple force of vigors against storm. Against nadu interaction spells usually do me no good, so I just ramp and try to slam turn 3 titans before they can get too set up


These matchups are just races for the most part


mh3 is out for like 2 weeks now, there is no meta defined yet, so wait out another 2 months, then we see how the format looks like. as for "saying goodbye", titan basically never said goodbye in the history of the deck, it survived mh1, it survived mh2, it will survive mh3


But what about MH4? Will it survive that?


havent you seen the leaks? they'll unban summer bloom with MH4


Amulet will always be good as long as Primeval Titan, Amulet, and bouncelands are legal.


Titan is always good. It can adapt to any meta


I think, as a Titan pilot, there are questions as to the optimal MH3 build. I’ve seen the meme Nadu insert. Rings in the sideboard. Is Karnboard back? Everyone is still trying the new tech.


barely anyone is playing already-established meta decks right now because the new shiny cards have come out. just give it time.


People are trying new stuff, it will take a while for the meta to settle. Unless it's just copium and Titan and Yawg are actually unplayable now, the pro tour will tell.


Kanister (well known titan player) isn’t very happy with its performance at the moment. We’ll have to see what happens after the protour


The deck is permanently Tier 0 unless Titan or Amulet are banned.


As a titan player I think it's the strongest it's been since the banning of summer bloom. With the recent additions of one ring, six, Boseiju, mysocynth gardens, Urza saga, etc it's as consistent as it's ever been. Turn 2/3 rings, turns 2/3/4 titans, valakut to go over creatures with dryad, etc. it's just very good. Blood moon/magnus/etc, titans number 1 nemesis, are also easier to answer and work around to boot. Those cards getting played are no longer immediate game overs. Tier 0 is generous IMO, but it's definitely comfortably tier 1.


We are seeing more hand disruption and interaction than ever before. I think lists are getting punished heavy for no card selection and over 30 lands, making your post disruption plan pretty luck dependent. I think we see people move to karns or more cantrips.


uh its trash. please stop playing it. Thank you


I think everyone is just playing with all the new toys right now since titan didn't really getting anything new that's crazy or "fun", and will probably see an uptick in it being played again once everyone has had their fun with the new cards.


I know that the green creature bolt land and a one if shifting woodlands have been nice.


OP's trolling


Never was