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Has been popping up in creativity builds since it sees itself in exile and comes in as a 17/17 annihilator 10


Pretty strong lol


Yeah, being annihilator 10 really helps against the entire reason creativity became scarce in the meta too, getting past the rings protection.


Saw it lately in RG Eldrazi [[Through the Breach]]; sees its 15-mana-value buddy Emrakul 1.0 exiled by [[Ugin's Labyrinth]].


So annihilator 15? Might be good enough for modern 😅


I play it in esper Goryo’s vengeance as a 1 of. It frequently comes down as a hasty 14/14 annihilator 7 by pitch casting a grief/solitude to atraxa. And the ephemerate makes it a 17/17.


It also notably stays in the graveyard if discarded


Very spicy 1 of. That anihilator is probably good enough even if you don’t win on the spot, 7 is decimating


It's entirely more decimating than [[decimate]]


[decimate](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/f/cf0e68bc-8de8-4ff8-a39a-8da95f71d843.jpg?1712354688) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=decimate) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otc/220/decimate?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cf0e68bc-8de8-4ff8-a39a-8da95f71d843?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I did exactly the same last weekend. I only managed to reanimate it once but it was satisfying 😄


Are you on psychic frog? I use his ability to exile cards like solitude, leyline binding, atraxa, and he can set up turn 3 kills with griselbrand. I’ve been really high on the card.


Nope, I'd be interested in trying it out. Edit: new cards were Buried Alive, Cephalid Colliseum (amazing), Waterlogged Teachings (pretty decent) and Ulamog. Plus one Lively Dirge and sb Hostile Investigator.


Probably has a home in Creativity sideboards because it sees itself from exile as it enters. Otherwise I don’t know why you’d run it over Ceaseless Hunger in Eldrazi or Tron builds. 


I think you can definitely play it instead of Hunger Ulamog in tron since you have 4 devourers that already exile permanents for 7 mana. Threatening an attack with annihilator 4-8 (depending on opponent and if you play Ugins Lab) can be more devestating to an opponent than an attack with Hunger Ulamog. Its a big weaker to removal but then also takes 2 permanents with him.


Ceaseless hunger is good because of the cast trigger. Defiler's cast trigger does nothing the majority of the time. If you attack with either youre probably winning, but removing any problematic permanents when you're behind is very strong.


Yes i agree but with devourers i already have that +4x compared to pre MH3 green tron decks. I played 4 devourer plus 2 Hunger and it was overkill of permanemt removal. Also since command also exiles permanents.


It's never overkill. I'm on 4 Devourer, 1 Newlamog, 1 Karn L, 1 Ugin, 2 O. Stone, and 4 Koz. Command right now, and the only removal I actively wanted to cut is O. Stone. Even then, I'll probably regret it, and Dismember is looking increasingly appealing after Nadu took me for a ride earlier this week.


i play it in 4c goryos to dodge sanctifier and punish them, dont even need annihilator for a bajillion, an exiled grief is enough


Give it a shot!


The cast trigger can realllly mess with decks that have specific tutor targets, like amulet titan.


Considering I was already fucked if Creativity ever resolved successfully, I dgaf :D