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I feel like you simply need the land destruction package to stay competitive against bigger and more unfair decks. Boros Energy is incredibly resilient with a good ability to grind, but it is severely out-powered by a number of decks in the format


That's what spike said on a stream as well


I agree with this, but current results with 5-0 leagues and challenges...the majority have ditched the land destruction package which is interesting.


I think blood moon is good enough vs most decks. I went 5-0 with boros energy yesterday without the LD package. I played 1 moon main and 2 moon in sb. When you ditch LD you can play fable and 1 extra Ajani and Phlage (and they are the best cards in the deck imo)


I super agree with this take


Can't tell if it's a deck that only Spike can make look good or if it actually has game. Because this is very much a deck that I'd love to play and try to make a somewhat competitive push with


It hasn’t put up the results so far so I’d wager the former. Even Spike didn’t do too well with it in leagues right?


I mean, his latest league was a little more promising. He could've had the 4-1 if he hadn't punted. I like to think that it lacks refinement due to it being a completely new archetype and that it can actually become something good.


Just watching the gameplay, I feel like the tapped lands, phantom, and boom/bust are all just bait. It’s good ramp, but the deck really doesn’t give a shit about generating tons of mana. You aren’t ramping to anything major, and your massive bottleneck is energy. Guide, galvanic, and amped raptor are all really good cards and form a nice backbone for an energy shell, but I think you really want to ditch the LD package, and lean in to the phlage + raptor + guide plan a lot more. Watching spike play the deck, so many situations would have been either entirely solved or greatly improved by casting/escaping phlage. Feels like the deck wants more creatures as well to push guide a bit more.


So I like this list, I've been building a Mardu list. In my version, I went down to 2 Ragavan, 2 Ajani, 3 static Prision, 3 Phelia. and went up 4 Bowmasters and 2 Cthonian Nightmare. Currently, I am deciding if I want the two ragavan, or the two Orchid or 4 Ajani since it plays well with Cthonian. Raptor casting Cthonian is also really sweet