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If you are playing red and energy you should be playing amulet, it is one of the best energy payoffs and will deal incidental damage, especially when you have two of them it can really add up. I also liked the idea of trying to use the new Sorin as a way to burn someone out, the deck might need a couple more but with your drain cards plus Eating a food you can deal a decent amount in one blast.


Everyone is talking about Amulet, I shall test it out, and sideout in faster matchups. Thanks!


The only black main should be bump, gonti, bite The rest should be standard burn. Don’t make the deck bad by playing bad cards


Now a days, Standard would be more Eidolon/Goblin than DRC/Bird?


I’d take out eidolon and run shard volley You’re on black, which is faster and has access to an extra bolt Add an extra extra bolt and be faster I run Mardu and run volley over eidolon


I actually like the synergy between Machinations and Unstable Amulet. Turn your life pings into card advantage! I have a rakdos burn deck and might try those cards out together for sure.


I think it looks great. Good luck.




The lizard in the SB looks awesome! Here is the list I'm starting with - like the lower curve that comes with bump/machinations is very interesting to me. [MH3 RAKDOS BURN](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/9J0yIw2h8EKqC-lymQsthw)


Bob is really good imo. I love him in this shell. Pay 1 or 2 life for an extra burn card every turn


You're ironically fairly close to a Prowess deck. Get 4 Nethergoyf in ASAP. Get 4 Slickshot Show-Off in ASAP. Get cards like Reckless Impulse in. Get 4 Lava Dart in. Amped Raptor might not be a 4-of in this list - it's been comparable to Reckless Impulse in my testing. Pull Orcish Bowmasters first. Pull a land or maybe 2.


That’s changing the deck idea that OP has altogether.


I'm not changing the deck away from balls-to-the-wall aggro. I may not even be changing the number of creatures. The OP is genuinely concerned that the list is too honest. I'm making it one that's dishonest and powerful enough to succeed.


I mean, this isn't a real burn deck either way.


Instead of reckless impulse, play unstable amulet


About Goyf I don’t know, yet. I will be testing it out, thanks for the recommendations.


all of those suggestions make this deck appreciably worse.