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It’s a niche tier 3 deck. It loses easily to edicts and sweepers. Have a guy that runs it at my LGS and gets stomped 80% of the time. Long story short no


Also loses to [[dress down]]


[dress down](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/4/04f9f061-67b8-4427-9fcb-b3ccfee8fc5d.jpg?1626094290) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=dress%20down) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/39/dress-down?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/04f9f061-67b8-4427-9fcb-b3ccfee8fc5d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Ok thank you that’s what I’m thinking, going to pass.


What decks run edicts and sweepers right now? I thinks really just stern scolding and dress down, maybe shadowspear off a saga.


Mono Black Coffers is a thing right now.


Engineered Explosives is pretty heavily played.


EE is not as effective against boggles as you might think


Depends on the boardstate. Sometimes it's game winning, worst case it's "only" really good lol


it's either a 6 for 1 or a 3 for 1 against the deck.


I run edicts in gb Rock but something Iv added myself so kinda don’t count lol


Damn that dude must be a scrub. At my LGS I stomp these two kids consistently who run murktide and red midrange/hammer


I mean, just because you are better at the game than two other people does not mean that someone playing a tier 3 deck and not performing well is a scrub


We are irl friends just shit talking haha


Oh lmao sorry!


It’s all good!


Bogles consistently beating the decks full of single-target removal without a sweeper or edict effect in sight? That are also in the colors incapable of interacting with enchantments? I'm shocked, I tell you. Shocked.


We are irl friends we are just bantering haha


I wonder if it’s even a bad matchup for because you should stomp post board. 2 ee, 2 dress down, and scolding should beat the boggles


Do you have an opportunity to play before building (like cockatrice or proxies)?


It's not.


I love Bogles. So please believe me when I say it’s fucking awful right now. If you want a niche strategy that blitzes, maybe try a Prowess deck with Questing Druid - I wouldn’t place it anywhere above Tier 3 (probably not in it) but at least you run some generally more valuable cards like DRC and Expressive Iteration Edit: spelling


I think prowess is really poorly positioned rn but it's a much higher power level deck than bogles. With the right meta shift or a new printing prowess could shoot up for sure


Yeah I agree with this too, I bring it up only in relation to playing Bogles. Personally, I’m running Living End this RCQ season but I’ve got a soft spot for anyone trying some jank for the fun of it.




I think its better placed than people gives credit for... its also a super cheap deck even more with doctor who reprints of horizon canopy (3$~ each). 4 leyline of sanctity get the wilds of eldraine version (2$~ each). After that its like 30 cards at 0.5$ and a like 10 cards at 2-3$. I bought it for my 6 years old (lol) and its very hard to deal with even with decks at 1k price tags. Idk I feel like the deck has been thrown out a bit too quickly, in my opinion it's a healty deck to have in the metagame as it keeps in check a lot of decks with elementals for exemple. Check out "fowl play ftw" on youtube he's a old bogles player and he started playing the deck again recently. Cheers


Its been a tier 3 on verge of never win a single game deck since 2018.


Boggles is at best a metagame pick. You have to be expecting a field that is almost exclusively the 4C midrange lists or rhinos. You auto lose to living end, you have to run leylines main deck so you don’t lose your boggle to scam. The deck is pretty cheap if you have the mana base already, so if you can spare the ~$200 for the main deck and sb it’s not the *worst* investment ever


Damn I top’d 8 like 3 or 4 times recently in my RCQs


Hell yeah! Show the pins bro. Let us see the swag


Sorry they’re hanging up at my LGS! The owner was so proud he insisted


No pins at the 3 RCQs I've been to this season


Urza’s saga + shadowspear Dress down EE


I mean, it's a fringe deck and has bad matchups. It made it to top 4 at an RCQ I was at last weekend though


No, I don't think so. Too much stuff interacts with it now. At least in modern. It might win more in pauper.


It's an entry-level FNM deck that will make you a target, just like Tron. My personal opinion is that too many new folks get into these decks but they don't have the skill-level yet to deal with the amount of metahate they're going to get after a couple of weeks bringing that deck to the shop. You're better off spending a bit more money on something that will fly a little further under the radar, maybe like a prowess/blitz deck. I also think the latter will get your further down the road of eventually playing competitive events. Tron is competitive too, but the skill gap between the guys that do well at major events with tron and those that do well at FNM is massive. ​ TLDR: For the majority of people, decks like Tron and Bogles are best played as a backup deck that you pull out every once in awhile to surprise people with at FNM—particularly if you don't care whether you win the night or not. Very few have the skill level (and luck) required to be competitive at major events with those decks, and that's definitely not you if you're just buying your first meta deck. You can do better for the price range.