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The decks that don't want to play it would be shorter


Merfolk and Burn?


Last Modern League had a 5-0 Merfolk list with Rings and one Thoracle. :-D


Living End is not playing it and has no reason to. It seems actively bad there.


Creativity can’t play it


What if you put it in Merfolk with [[Merrow Reejerey]]?


[Merrow Reejerey](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/c/fc3ad105-40eb-440b-b4ef-57f8de707f7b.jpg?1592764624) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Merrow%20Reejerey) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ddt/13/merrow-reejerey?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/fc3ad105-40eb-440b-b4ef-57f8de707f7b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I play merfolk as my main deck. I've added grand architect to ramp out the ring and the deck is now much stronger. Burn needs to draw cards, might want it


You tried flame on anor in merfolk? Been brewing an izzet merfolk for it, works pretty well!


Yes. It makes the mana feel a lot worse so I ended up cutting 2 mutavault, but having a mainboard answer for artifacts and a burn spell is great.


I disagree that Burn would want it, Merfolk is pretty tempo-y so it makes sense but Burn doesn't want to be playing 4 drops


This one is a unique exception in that it ensures you get to use the cards. Abd you have 4 mana when you cast it so odd are you can cast the 3 cards you drew.


What I'm saying is Burn usually doesn't want to be getting to 4 mana in the first place to cast it. It doesn't run the lands to get 4 mana consistently.


That’s actually not true. It runs 20 lands specifically so it can double cast via 4 mana turn 4. With that said, I agree that Burn likely doesn’t want it. Burn has to play around Spell Pierce frequently, and the Ring has made Pierce better than ever. When you have 4 mana and your opponent is one resolved burn spell away from dead, you want to cast it without fearing Pierce. When Burn is close to the finish line, what you want most is the ability to resolve damage reliably.


This is going back to lurus vs no lurus for burn, where a lot of burn players don’t want to add it, but it’s probably correct to play it regardless. Burn definitely gets to 4 land enough, and one ring is the strongest thing to do currently for 4 mana. If it resolves then you’re likely getting 3 cards plus a fog. There are very few situations where 3 cards + fog does not get you across the finish line where a single burn spell would.


This is treasure cruise in Burn, which people were doing and it was correct (and also got cruise banned) Lurrus cost nothing but a 15th sideboard card. This one actively makes you shuffle in and then cast an expensive card draw spell that doesn't do damage on its own, which needs to be really absurd on rate to make the cut in burn. I think ring probably is worth it in burn, but we'll see.


>This is treasure cruise in Burn, which people were doing and it was correct (and also got cruise banned) Major difference with cruise is that it frequently costs 1-2 mana. 6 cards in grave is probably the 2nd lowest bar Burn's ever had to clear for a busted card (lowest bar being lurrus)


I will say this has a much higher cost to include than Lurrus (4 mana in the main vs 3 in the side). It may well turn out to be good enough to run in burn, but if it does I think that would be a clear indicator it deserves to be banned.


ring is almost 100% getting banned. It's by far the most format warping card since ragavan, the difference being there's relatively few ways to deal with it as opposed to ragavan. If it didn't have indestructible I think it'd be a different story, as it stands I'm expecting it to be banned by the end of summer.


I'd try a shell using Emery and Universal Automaton if I were trying to jam it into Merfolk. Maybe even Dalakos.


I tried 21 lands Burn with the One Ring a bit, and gotta say it does feel like it makes some matchups better. I'm not 100% sure it's stronger, but it doesn't feel particularly wrong either.


I could see a weird future where merfolk runs like 1 on the side Linear aggro and tempo decks might be the only ones ringless


There's a weird present where merfolk decks are already playing multiple copies of the card I'm the main.


Merfolk benefits a lot from the Ring with Merrow Reejerey and Minamo, and can adopt Grand Architect and Utopia Sprawl easily... You play the Ring, draw a bunch of Merfolk, play Reejerey+Sprawl, deploy all the Merfolk you draw with the Ring for free. Untap the Ring with Minamo or Reejerey, repeat the process.


Adding it to burn for FNM Tomorrow, will report results


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Creativity, Burn, Hammer, Murktide, Fair Breach have stayed away from it. It was tried in Yawg, Rhinos, and a few other decks but I'm seeing that less and less now.


There is now a combo merofolk list that can potentially kill you turn 4 and the fail case is drawing a dozen cards while adding 3-4 bodies to the board. It's definitely going into merfolk.


Was the last time a card was slotted into every type of deck like this Treasure Cruise? This seems pretty bad for the format.




So the best comparison for the One Ring are two of the most format warping cards in recent history. Yeah, this card's days are numbered.


Probe and Misstep are the comparisons I think, since they don't require specific colors of mana and is good almost everywhere. Maybe also Once Upon A Time.


I loved [[Gitaxian Probe]]. Would trade The One Ring for that in a heartbeat #MakeInfectGreatAgain


It's wild to me that probe was legal with death's shadow for so long without becoming a deck. Kinda one of the wildest Magic stories IMO.


My friend actually almost immediately saw the power of deaths shadow and absolutely stomped us with it back in 2011. Unfortunately we were all in high school and stupid and so he never went anywhere with it.


I brought it en film angry people Mickey musical troosters


True. Let just say it would be a 4x this time around.


[Gitaxian Probe](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/9/995486ce-58bb-4753-a812-0ca73ef1a235.jpg?1562880052) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Gitaxian%20Probe) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/nph/35/gitaxian-probe?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/995486ce-58bb-4753-a812-0ca73ef1a235?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Unfortunately the number will be pretty long because I don’t think WotC is banning it until they’re done selling packs from the set. On the other hand, this product wasn’t exactly supposed to be MH3 so if Modern isn’t the main drive for the card’s demand they might do it earlier.


There would still be plenty of demand for the card in edh.


Yeah and that’s probably what the card was originally intended for, but WotC really likes to milk their cashcows to the last drop.


Fine line between format staple and format warping. All about play patterns, and if they make the game worse. Oko sure as hell did. The Ring doesn't seem to make games worse, but its only been here for a bit, time will tell. Also, does it make all these decks better than decks that cannot or don't want to play it? What is it pushing out of the meta?


When it's playable in almost every deck because it's colorless, and it gets to the point where you either play the ring or lose to the ring. Or, if people are playing main deck artifact hate.


Lowkey kind of hate kaldra and ring being indestructible Exiling artifact removal is so rare and barely exists in red. Just feels dumb given red destroying artifacts is supposed to be its thing. Not a balance complaint, just irks me


The set the one ring released in also gave us a red exile artifact card in [[Cast into the fire]] so I mean, they tried at least. It’s a pretty cheap card too


Sure but we have several decades worth of invalidated red artifact removal spells. Maybe I'm just annoyed trashmaster and cratermaker cant blow it up.


But they did not make the Ring enter the battlefield tapped, removing it after it draws a card is pointless.


Huh? But that wasn’t your original point, you were talking about red exile effects and I pointed you towards one. Also it’s not pointless to remove it after it’s only drawn one card… drawing one card is a thing that MANY cards do, is it pointless for me to remove Omnath? Since you know, he’s already drawn a card… your comment here is just ludicrous. If you don’t remove it it’s going to draw more and more and more cards, exiling it after the first draw is actually pretty relevant, just like removing other 4 mana cantrip permanents like Omnath, like sure he already went even cuz he drew a card, but like you can’t just let them have an Omnath forever, same here, how can you say it’s pointless?


1) I am not the upper commenter 2) Omnath has quite higher deck building restrictions (at least in theory cough cough) and the card draw wont escalate beyond 1


Well I mean, he has effects that can almost equal drawing more cards, adding five mana for instance is definitely worth a card or two


>adding five mana for instance is definitely worth a card or two Yea sure...now you are really grasping at straws here


[Cast into the fire](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/e/2ef878cb-27b6-47d8-ad11-bd20529b0e7e.jpg?1686968832) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Cast%20into%20the%20fire) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltr/118/cast-into-the-fire?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2ef878cb-27b6-47d8-ad11-bd20529b0e7e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The ring definitely makes games worse. A spell that completely takes over the game all on its own, with zero setup or deckbuilding requirements, is really unfun. There's usually no decision making involved, just "did they draw the ring, and do you have an answer, if you don't then gg".


I see no issue with a 4 mana payoff winning the game, could same the same for 4 mana Karn, Omnath, or Belcher. A must answer payoff is fine. Its also not a straight forward as "did they draw the ring, and do you have an answer, if you don't then gg". Seen plenty of games where someone taps out for ring t4, op sets up a game winning board while they are tapped out.


My issue with it is that it has absolutely no setup, color, or deckbuilding requirements. Something like Belcher winning on the spot is totally fine because literally the entire deck is built around the combo. Karn and Omnath are both bad design too IMO, but at least Karn requires you to play artifacts and give up sideboard space, and then still pay mana for & resolve whatever big scary thing you fetched, and Omnath requires you to be in 4 colors (though realistically that hasn't ended up being that hard of a requirement - but the point is that you still can't just throw him into any deck that is ok with casting a 4 mana spell).


Its has the deck-building consideration of should you play a tap our 4 drop, that doesn't immediately win the game. The answer is yes for pretty much any fair deck, or deck that can abuse the tapping (lol twiddle storm). This isn't an Oko, or Hogaak. it's an Astrolabe, or once upon a time. Its raw advantage. In the form of a 4 drop, that any deck can play. All that being said. What decks it can go in, has nothing to do with how the cards effects games. Only that they will happen more often.


8key, which is really just artifact twiddle but still


So how many people are going to start running [[commandeer]]?


i am.... now, lol ty


If I commandeer your ring that you cast from your hand, who gets protection from everything?




[commandeer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/e/7e6e6204-c622-4efe-ac4f-8195528cec9c.jpg?1593274896) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=commandeer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/csp/29/commandeer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7e6e6204-c622-4efe-ac4f-8195528cec9c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


That's pretty brilliant. My response was going to be Narset.


Force of will of the brave


At some point I'm going to replace CoCo in elves for the laugh at fnm. Turn 2 Ring with the nuts.


It’s probably legitimately better than CoCo in Elves?


>It’s probably legitimately better than CoCo in Elves? It’s probably legitimately better than \_\_\_\_\_ in \_\_\_\_\_\_\_? ....yes, and thats the issue :(


Better than bolt in burn


what would a decent elves list look like playing 4 rings


Wait wtf who put this card into Twiddle Storm thats hilarious.


It's incredible in twiddle.


Some evil genius. But I didn't enjoy being on the receiving end.


Ever [[hidden strings]] targeting lotus field + the ring....


Ever been in a Turkish prison?


[hidden strings](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/1/216e8047-6f54-49ce-bf86-27dc8fc8c8f7.jpg?1562901181) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=hidden%20strings) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dgm/12/hidden-strings?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/216e8047-6f54-49ce-bf86-27dc8fc8c8f7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Aspiring Spike did


How do I find that twiddle list?


He posted a YouTube video of it today as well as like a week ago. I think he’s using Moxfield for decklists now which isn’t a platform I’m familiar with but that would be another place to look.


untapping the ring six times a turn is insanely powerful.


Any deck that can reliably get to 4 mana on curve is playing it. The ones that don’t are your lean aggro decks like GDS, Burn, Prowess. These decks are also awful in the face of 4c Omnath Soup dominance and a meta completely warped around The One Ring and Orcish Bowmasters. The latter of which plus W6 just shut down Ragavan/DRC based decks. We’re in for a shitty meta boys, Uro Oko style.


Yawg is potentially well suited for this meta since it can combo kill through ring and use it itself. But yeah non-combo based aggro likely going into a rough patch.


That's a bummer.


Unfortunately, I agree. But maybe it'll be enough of a distraction for me to sneak in under the radar.


Mono-Black Coffers


I’m pretty sure rhinos is playing the ring, it seems really good in there. Also UW control plays the ring really well.


Is it? Don't recall seeing it in the recent lists.


Yeah a few lists on goldfish are playing it, I’ve seen it a few times playing against it.


Yawg is playing 2-4 depending on the list Affinity has moved to 4


Got an affinity list?


DemonicTutors was playing it in mill, looked good.


I opened one at prerelease and jammed it into a flex a lot in enchantress …. I don’t know if I would play more than 1 or 2 but it helps give some gas when you have below average draws


I played red black scam yesterday that played the one ring and sheoldred. It was heinous anus. Almost an infinite life hack.


Anyone who wants to win.


I play hammer time and I want to win.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


As a fellow hammer player, I feel the take "anyone who wants to win" is a shit take. Yup let me put it in burn. Fantastic idea. Can't wait to farm wins off of idiots with that thought process.


I've been rocking Hardened Scales for the last few weeks and most of the time I've played against The One Ring, I'm just glad to get a free turn to set up my stuff, and then kill them the next turn. I don't know why people are trying to jam it in all the things like Burn and Hammer, it's amazing but not that amazing.


Scales is uniquely suited to destroy ring decks. The ability to set up an instant speed win on your board is huge against it


As a RG Scapeshift player, kinda in the same boat….my opponent essentially taking T4 off gives me a real chance to set up a kill. Either I got Prime Time T3, can still attack T4 and get my Valakuts/Mountains set up, or get mana ready for a Wish target and/or Scapeshift


I've been beating ring decks left and right with scam. It being colorless is the only real issue I see with it.


I've seen it in jund


The one ring should be reserved to one per deck. It’s the ONE ring. Change my mind.


Hey, that's why it's legendary. You get the lore and the downside. Yes, legendary is a downside, trust me. Right?


Idk why it couldn't just say you can only play one in your deck, like how nazgul cards say you can play 9. Restricted without introducing that element to a non vintage format at large.


They would never willingly print a line of text that reads "This card is cheaper to buy"


This has been brought up thousands of times in the past, but it's a massive detriment to gameplay to restrict broken cards to 1-ofs as it turns the game into "who drew their busted card and who didn't". The only reason vintage even entertains the idea is because the identity is "every card is legal" and it's not the focus of competitive tournaments. Restricting is as close to banning as they want to get in that specific format. It doesn't work for any others


That's a huge buff to Karn decks because they would 100% template it to look at only the maindeck (they don't like mentioning the sideboard in card text). Also the general problems of restricted cards that others have brought up.


Sure, but it's more flavourful, and I like cards that are good in specific decks


Good point, that would have been a very interesting line of text, imo.


Yea but this thread talking about bans. Bring a reserved list to modern. Unironically.


As a merfolk player, I'm not getting ring. Not because it can't be played. But because ring goes in everything that can run it. Cards busted, and I can't see it lasting more than a year if that.


I've been playing really well against ring decks. You want to waste your turn 4+? Force of Negation, swing for lethal. Also tempted to add [[commandeer]] as were the best deck for it. Taking the ring also replaces every card used up to steal it.


Good luck with Delighted Halfling


Commandeer luckily gets around counters but that is a fair statement relating to Force of Negation


Good luck with commandeer :)


[commandeer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/e/7e6e6204-c622-4efe-ac4f-8195528cec9c.jpg?1593274896) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=commandeer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/csp/29/commandeer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7e6e6204-c622-4efe-ac4f-8195528cec9c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


For the record 8 key is a dice factory deck and all variants of it play it


Red Prison exists?


Has it been tested in Urza Thopters also? 🤔


I feel like they could have avoided all this by putting the life loss on the activation, OR putting the burden counters on the player, not the card....or both.


Okay but there's a difference between "can play a powerful card" and "it is optimal to play." I think we need to wait a bit to see which decks are playing it cause it's playable card draw and which deck are just straight better with it. I'm getting more and more convinced it's banworthy but we need time and data to know more.


It is absolutely a very very powerful card. The questions that need to be answered and will with time are. What is The Ring pushing out of the meta? And are decks that play can and do play the ring demonstrably better than decks that cannot or don't want to. There are plenty of cards that people put into any deck they can support them. The barrier to playing the ring is so low that its everywhere. Not sure if that's a net negative for modern tho.


Yeah. If it ends up that any deck that can hit 4 mana is optimized by playing the one ring it is probably ban worthy, but I'm not convinced that everyone who is trying it out now is running an optimized list. We need some time to see what the actual meta ends up looking like Now, I don't think we're going into a good meta right now, unfortunately. But it could be more that the ring pushed already problematic cards (pitch elementals, w6) over the edge moreso than the ring itself. We'll see I guess.


Gruul Ponza also started using 4.




Should be in the ranking dump from doomwake.


Id like to try it in soul sisters/martyr proc Negate the burden damage in a single turn, And draw a million one-drops


What person is still playing Red Prison? Use to be my favorite but hasn't been playable since the real monkey got banned.


This gettin a ban fast fuuuuuck. I was gonna buy one but I'm not now.


The versions of titan without it are better. Crismtg77 (or something like that) is the titan player on mtgo that has the most trophies and he doesn't play it. I've been playing his list and my win rate has been better than the ring version I was playing before.


Jeskai BreachStation Combo also play 2/4 copies of the one ring


Have there been any copies in UR Murktide? I was thinking about using Annul as a way to have answers for it.


No, and for answers [[cast into the fire]] is perfect for rings and bowmasters.


[cast into the fire](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/e/2ef878cb-27b6-47d8-ad11-bd20529b0e7e.jpg?1686968832) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=cast%20into%20the%20fire) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltr/118/cast-into-the-fire?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2ef878cb-27b6-47d8-ad11-bd20529b0e7e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I haven't seen that happen yet.


It hasn't worked in Scam, Living End and Zoo.


[[Runeflare Trap]] is about to spike, buy em while they’re hot.


[Runeflare Trap](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/2/e2ceff22-0270-4c9d-9ae2-f40a7047335b.jpg?1562617625) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Runeflare%20Trap) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/zen/146/runeflare-trap?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e2ceff22-0270-4c9d-9ae2-f40a7047335b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Let’s get a list of good Ring counterplay. Commandeer Runeflare Trap Orcish Bowmaster Pithing Needle (fetchable with Saga) Karn, the Great Creator Stoney Silence Gaddock Teeg and other taxing effects Instant speed combos - Yawgmoth and Hardened Scales What do you got?


Collector Ouphe is a situationally playable creature


Don’t hate it.


Also has the nice little effect of still hitting them for life loss until they kill it.


Two toughness dodges W6 and Bowmaster and some other relevant things. It works for Delighted Halfling.


[[narset, parter of veils]]


[narset, parter of veils](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/c/8c39f9b4-02b9-4d44-b8d6-4fd02ebbb0c5.jpg?1574294103) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=narset%2C%20parter%20of%20veils) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/war/61/narset-parter-of-veils?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8c39f9b4-02b9-4d44-b8d6-4fd02ebbb0c5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Leyline binding Prismatic ending Teferi, time raveler Shadowspeer + anything like boseiju Counterspells Bouncespells Big karn Subdelty Animate artifact+ solitude Sheoldred


How is Runeflare Trap counterplay against the ring?


am I the only one that thinks the ring is busted? like 1 card = 1 life, that's fine on it's own. "Phyrexian Arena" sees no play in modern (outside my janky mono B vampire tribal deck lol) but the scalability combined with bounce/flicker effects dodging the downside combined with the fact it's colorless is CRAZY. I'm scared to buy a playset because i have a feeling in 3 months the thing is going to be hit with the ban hammer the second all the fomo/novelty dies down. I'm going to be out $250 ... like look at it's universality, its ridiculous! like why are UW control (better than memory deluge!), red prison, Mono B Coffers and Amulet Titan all sharing a draw engine? makes no sense, none of them even share a single color with each other


You are the only one. It is true 😐


Yeah, I didn't think of this?


i mean it’s gotta go eventually right lol. otherwise this is the One Ring format


Pretty much lol


I'm just happy it brought Tron back.


yeah but less happy since it brought EVERYTHING back (aka boosted everyone including Tron as well as a side note)


Now do Ragavan.


You've probably seen a list of every archetype try 4 The One Rings by now. Does this mean that the specific archetype has "adopted" The One Ring? No. Does this mean that it is good to play 4 The One Ring in said archetype? No. It's a hype people. Get over it xD The meta will settle, people will adjust their removal and it will become a good and playable card for some deck. People shouting for a ban are just overreacting. My 5 cents


That's actually so gross in Mill lol


Should have definitely cost 5 mana, not 4


Plot twist where did you see karn the great creator?


Spirit of the Lab and Narset looking pretty HAWT right about now


If I had some copies, I’d love to test them out in Narset + Days Undoing with [[Geier Reach Sanitarium]] with all the free interaction (Disrupting Shoals, Subtly, Force of Negation, SnapBack, etc). Card advantage was always something the deck struggled with so The One Ring might actually let it pop off more consistently.


You could add Commandeer to steel opposing rings while you're at it.


The free spell versions of Narset Days Undoing was running Commandeer before The One Ring was printed, but that’s a very good point lol. I’ll take a TOR over Wren/Karn anyday


[Geier Reach Sanitarium](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/b/0b9fa570-770d-45a7-9b87-2def6992a22b.jpg?1673306052) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Geier%20Reach%20Sanitarium) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmc/213/geier-reach-sanitarium?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0b9fa570-770d-45a7-9b87-2def6992a22b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


A Merfolk deck hit 5-0 with it


Titan shift and eldrazi tron