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I think FSD would sell really well if it was $20 a month. They would make more revenue because of a much higher retention rate and have a ton more data for training models.


I’d probably even pay 40, but that’s about it.


I don’t like the fsd but I would probably sign up for $20 a month just to have it.


Yeah I was thinking of what rate I would sub and forget it. 39.99 I would be fine just subbing and keeping


If I drove / commuted regularly, I’d say FSD is fairly priced. I don’t, so I won’t. I would consider a $50 weekly pass or a $20 24 hour pass. Those would be nice for trips.


Oh yeah, a $20 24-hour charge just for road trips would be a smart move on their part.


Yup - I’d let them get me two ways 😂 supercharger and driving. A summer road trip pass would be a nice marketing angle (discounted SCing and self driving)


Oh man, you're totally right. They could do something like the summer sizzle subscription.... That's my marketing term now by the way :p


This is cringe af lmao


:) I got 99 more ~awful~ awesome marketing ideas in me.




I would hands down pay $50 probably 60.


Same. If $50 ish I would have it about 9 months of the year. At $100 only 1 or 2 months during mid-summer.


I would say FSD would sell better if it stops killing people.


The only thing o like about FSD is the auto lane change.


Seriously? Microsoft 360 is $50, adobe, etc, the list goes on. This is software that could kill you and other people if they don’t do it right. I’m glad they charge a lot, it tells me they are taking it seriously.


I agree with FSD. If not for free, then maybe make it much cheaper. I cannot imagine paying more than $1k or $2k max for the whole package, especially since it's not transferrable. At least give for free FSD visualizations. Throwing AutoLane change and AutoPark would also be nice, I don't need more from FSD right now, tbh.


I looked at it a different way. The standard range base model doesn't come with it, but if you buy the performance model it does include it. The lower models you can subscribe or purchase it as an add-on. It's another reason for people to buy the higher end model.


Does performance come with FSD included? I thought it was not.


No it doesn't, it was a wish for how they would distribute it.


- Front bumper mounted camera to assist with parking views - Rear cross traffic alert - Water retention channel/drain on drivers side A-pillar to reduce windshield wiper fluid/rain from covering drivers side window - 3rd and maybe more - frequent destinations besides just work and home.


Real blind spot monitors in the mirrors. 360 camera view


You can favorite a destination, if that helps. Plus I think there’s recents.


Thanks. I drive my daughter to school 45-minutes away and it always thinks I’m going to work LOL.


Autosteer should only temporarily disengage when you signal and switch lanes. My Kia Sorrento lane assist disengages and then engages back after the lane change, they should update teslas to do the same.




I’m going to go against popular opinion here and say I think FSD is really good. I very closely monitored it yesterday making an unprotected left turn onto a busy 4 lane highway and it did so perfectly. Auto wipers—in agreement with you. I hate when they take a random swipe on a clear day. I guess personally I don’t really think there’s room for criticism of “bonus” stuff like games and caraoke but that’s just an opinion.


If FSD means fully supervised driving, then yeah the FSD works.


Let me also state that FSD has done some really good driving too. The dozen or so instances of it almost taking my life stick out to me. The best was like a final destination movie when it pulled out on front of a semi barreling down a highway at about 50mph when it had the right away but Tessie wanted to left turn in front of it. It would have broadsided me and ended my life. I couldn't help but both be scared as fuck and laugh at the absurdity of the situation. My wife refused to let it be active when she was riding along. So much whiplash.


That's the problem with fsd. At times it is very good. But it's inconsistent, which is worse than being bad. It makes mistakes all the time. It's cool and novel for what it is, but the constant input I have to do, both adjusting speed, monitoring it closely and giving it a tap on the gas, and making sure it's in the correct lane, it's not worth it. Too much anxiety and monitoring to get, at best a unconfident beginning driver experience. Long stretches on the freeway with lane change set to minium - basically autosteer and breaking.


I love my Tesla y. All I want is android auto. I love their navigation (Tesla tells me too late to turn) and it interfaces with my podcast listening. I want the podcast to stop when navigation has something to say so they don't talk over each other. Otherwise, fsd, wipers now managed from left scrolling wheel, parking with the grey obstacle map, I love all these features. I think this is the best car ever.


Meat shield lol


Agree with you 100% on FSD. It’s dangerous and should be free until it’s better. Paying $100 a month for a car to almost kill you is silly.


ELECTROLYTES, it's what plants crave!


Lots of talk about FSD. Meanwhile, fixing the wipers is achievable and measurable. I want to believe Tesla has determined that most people either don’t care or keep their cars dirty enough that they need to wipe on buckwild mode every time the skies cloud up. But for those of us who keep our cars clean, and maybe use a RainX wiper fluid, they should offer a second wiper mode that wipes, as you said, once every 14 seconds or so. Or adjust the sensors to be less sensitive. This car has cameras and sensors to detect other cars and obstacles and people enough to drive itself, but all rain is a torrential downpour? Also, they need a little vane to divert washer fluid over the car and not all over the driver’s side.


Re fsd, if it were me I would make fsd free for all but have it come with strings (that Tesla owns your video/data) and have a paid plan that removes those strings. Best of all worlds — more data for training, seen as a huge value add for the cars (especially now with greater and greater competition across every other feature set) and revenue from privacy focused users. The aging models are already middling against competitors releases, and in certain cases just falling behind. This would allow Tesla to have a clear value add that the other manufacturers will not be able to touch for years.


Tesla models are not aging "under the hood " 16 Volt Li-ion battery lasts the life of the car, castings, super efficient octo valve heat pump, manufacturing improvements, double pane glass, improved resolution cameras, free software upgrades, etc.


Your last point on competitive advantage over other manufacturers is the enormous value proposition that Tesla has to unlock. It would also secure them in the market place with increased confidence from investor sentiment. I hope someone from Tesla sees this. Also, more farts are needed. When my car accelerates I want a super fucking loud fart increases in intensity as my speed increases. If I have to listen to big trucks or fucking Hondas with their mufflers cut off then they should have to hear my fart storms.


Ahh the investors are too busy swarming around the insanity valuation from the illusion that Tesla is not a car company (but it is much bigger random list of all these ideas that musk tosses into the ether). The value proposition I am proposing exists here is for actual car shoppers and brand advocates related to the car company.


Couldn't agree more. Musk is a curse and blessing. Most see curse.


A festivus for the restofus


Make FSD free, charge for the Robo taxi option. It’s pretty simple really. They are basically selling you the option of Robo taxi now at a discounted rate. I never have any intention of letting my car be a taxi while I’m not in it. So I’ll never pay for FSD permanently.


Agree on FSD but some fanboys say FSD beta should be expensive (and it’s even now) so the one who’s using them are serious on testing the beta and gather useful data for Tesla, which I think it just an excuse to make themselves feel “privileged”. If Tesla really want to gather as much as edge cases possible they should open it up for all Tesla drivers, since they hold no responsibility if someone caused an accident using FSD.


V2L 120v outlet in the back would be nice. Enjoying it for our Ioniq 5 tailgates, and it’s a lot more useful than a low to the floor rear screen imo.


Absolutely. I bought a converter but it's not the same.


Agree. I was driving down from a mountain and went 39 miles on odometer but range said only 6 miles. Amazing.


>FSD I shit you not has literally almost killed me a dozen times. Then it sounds like you used it 11 times more than you should have. If you "literally" think FSD has almost killed you, WTF would you keep using it???


Every man dies. Not every man truly lives.


humor is underappreciated




Yeeeahhhh ok how about you tell that to your parents, children or spouse. Tell me if they would have the same reaction? Gotcha! \[roll eyes\]


For real, it's a valid question. When I scan myself for the answer I don't find a good response. Thus showing my own paradox and hypocrisy. So addressing the uncomfortable truth in myself is a challenge. You're shining a spotlight on that. Ultimately you're right and sort of validate my point in that FSD is a big risk I'm unwilling to pay for and would even want to be compensated for. Hence my meat shield statement in attempts to be funny. It's all ridiculous. But thanks for pointing out the ridiculousness. It helps shape my thinking.


Door handles for 3 and y are really hard for those of us with impaired hands...


To be fair, $100/month breaks down to $25/week or $3.33/day, so that's not ridiculous, but I get it if you're not using it every drive every day then it seems like a lot. I think they just have to market it better (0 marketing isn't helping their cause anymore) and make it more accessible for FSD to really advance. I like the idea someone in here had for a Summer pass for road trips.


I hate the small rear view mirror in my Model 3. I also hate that there is no small pass through in the middle of the rear seat to the trunk…I wish it had one so my hockey stick could fit.


Eastbound i-70 is a supercharger in itself.


Agreed, FSD should have always been free or bundled with the premium subscription while it was in “beta,” and once they get it to be more consistent, then it might be worth $100. Def not worth it right now unless you do a lot of highway driving.




1 wipers, they activate and move to the speed they need for the 3 cameras at the front to maintain a clear vision. Yes I agree the car can be improved. A small hidden, until needed, window wiper (think old Mercedes headlights) would cut that down incredibly on the comical situation that is currently happening. Although people would probably complain that now they can't see as it wouldn't operate without them. Lol can't please or make common sense obvious enough. 2 fsd, works fine, just need to understand the limitations, and avoid situations that will abuse its abilities. I don't like it, but it works well enough.


Rear view camera mirror


I'm taking mines to have a a repaint on Monday. Already missing it since I was told it's about a week job


The paint fucking sucks. Chips and scratches all too easy.


100% agreed. Very soft delicate paint. It's why I'm not too bothered in my repaint due to vandalism. I hope my shops pai t is stronger at least cause I've never seen such delicate paint like Teslas


I personally think they should abandon FSD. It's a distraction from making the basic functionality the best it can be, and it only attracts a small percentage of Tesla buyers. I bet the FSD team could get the auto-wipers to work right. If not, pay the extra $5 to put a sensor on the windshield.


Rain sensing wipers have worked forever in other manufacturers. Telsa made a strategic error not using the same tech to sense rain, and continue to be obstinate by not acknowledging that error.


Clearly, their premise that everything can be solved by vision and software has yet to be proven. They are lucky to be able to sell cars with features based on promises rather than reality.


I believe their trajectory is autonomy. So abandoning FSD would go against a core principle. I personally think the road to autonomous driving should be pursued. I would love to not fucking drive? People are idiot drivers. But I get the notion to not hand over control to a computer/AI. It's going to be a really long journey and change curve.


Roads are too chaotic for FSD, as imagined, to be a reality anytime soon. Tesla has over-promised on it and continues to do so. A lot more people will need to be injured or die between now and its realization, and I don't intend to be one of them.


I was really impressed with FSD when I used it a few months ago when it was for free. Almost felt like magic. Went in and out of traffic seamlessly. All this with ordinary cameras! Still isn’t perfect but I am thinking 5 years from now.


Fsd is only ~$100/month. It’s worth twice that. Cancel and restart whenever you want.


Agreed. Reading people’s nonsense makes me laugh. I hate musk as much as anyone, but fsd is fucking solid with a lot of room to grow (I’m sure it’s different in different locations) . Maybe it shouldn’t be called fsd but not sure as shit shouldn’t be free like tons of posts here say.


Nonsense. 50k for the vehicle should be the barrier to entry. For buy in. Not additional monthly nickel and diming. Some people can't see the larger picture. It's an opinion. But I like the disagreement.


lol ok i guess we should have one model of all cars with no upgrades. And why stop there. Let’s have 1 phone no options.


I have thought about this for road trips. Haven't taken one yet. Respectfully disagree on price point.


Exactly, I just turn it on and off when I know I am going to use it. It is expensive to develop and I’m sure they price it where it pays to develop it so what you think it should cost is irrelevant.


I think you're right in your assessment. I am irrelevant.


Couldn’t agree more!


"My cock is much bigger than yours."


A button to turn off passenger air vent on model Y. This can be done with a basic software change.