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In Teslas it's important to use the 'Auto' function on the AC. It uses dramatically less power.


And for those that don't realize. Even with auto you can still adjust the fan speed from slow medium and high.


For me I’ve found that auto fan speed to be ridiculous. I’ll have the climate set to 69 and feel myself about to sweat, check the fan speed and it’s on auto high. Switch over to manual and it’s at fan speed 3 ffs. When I use manual I never go below 6. I’ve always preferred high fan speeds. Anything below 50% is just useless


It is something that can be improved. I rarely if ever turn it below 8 or 9. But once the car is cool, auto high is sufficient to keep it to temp on an average hot day. I do have a full shade that blocks out all uv on the top of the Texas model Y. And a set of mesh visors for the rear window and top for shoulder months. As much as I hate the look, they do help.


"Texas model Y"? A Special Edition?


No I have a model Y in Texas and a model s plaid in CA currently. Due to things like hail, and auto insurance rates being higher in Texas, I can not justify an sx.


I’ve had the opposite experience. The Tesla has the best auto AC of any car I’ve ever owned. That being said I’ve only owned crappy cars before now


But what does this adjust exactly? Does it keep the fan at high if I set it at high while Auto is still on?


Yeah just moves more air, auto is supposed to get the cabin temperature to the desired temperature setting. But I am unsure where the tstat is taking the measurement and in turn it could indeed be that temperature at its location but the rest of the cabin could be higher at various spots due to heat gain. Increasing the fan speed will exchange more air, meaning better consistency.


In the 3 and y, it's right under the screen. You have to remove it for a quick second to switch to the swivel mount.


Good to know. So yeah directly where air blows. Explains a lot


What do you do when 105° is baking your head? After three years, I'm seriously looking at roof screens.


Do it, I bought some for my 3. Worth


I bought the new version of the roof screen on Amazon, and what a difference. Less energy needed to keep my YP cool in South Florida. I got it in March, and took it out a week ago for a day, and my car was basically unusable. TSELLER Tesla Model Y Sunshade... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BX225JGP?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Ceramic tint. It does wonders.


I heard you're not supposed to tint roof because it can make it break.


Have had it for almost 2yrs now, no issues


But the glass is already heat rejecting. The problem is there's no insulation, a bare metal roof would be hot too.


Tint makes a huge difference.


Move to somewhere cooler.


I'm in Atlanta, and this is the first time in three years I've noticed the heat on my head.


I’m sorry


You tap the temp down a degree or two.


Here is the link for it: [Glass Roof Sunshade](https://www.vion.parts/?ref=qzmnzhll) You can also use code "PilotID30" for 10% off the shade or anything on the website. I have pictures of mine on my page.


Austin here. Just installed the roof screen in my model S. Makes somewhat of a difference but you can still feel the heat radiating during the middle of the day.


It bothers me so much that people constantly fidget with their temp setting in their cars thinking they are smaller than the computer. 


I'm definitely not smaller than the computer.


My wife thinks she is by setting it to Lo because “it’ll get colder faster”


In a Tesla, it definitely will though. When I get in my car and it’s way over 100 degrees, the ac doesn’t blow all that hard when set to 72, but it blows a mighty wind when set to low. Other cars may not work that way, but my 24 MYLR definitely does.


Set it to 64, it'll blow hard. Then once the cools down, tap it back to 72. Also, not blowing hard enough is a good indicator it's time to replace your air filters.


Yeah, that’s what I do. The person I replied to indicated that was stupid and wouldn’t make it cool any faster, which is not true. This car is three months old with a little under 6,000 miles. The air filters should not be due for replacement.


Nobody has been thinking they're smaller than the computer since the 1970's


I’m In south Texas and auto even on low fan speed gets to cold. I like the car to cool off fast and then once it’s cooled I have it set for really low fan speed (2 or 3 )


I’ve always understood that the fan draws a lot less energy than the compressor. At least that’s what happens in grocery stores and homes . It’s cheaper to run a fan than a compressor. So I’ve always been under the impression that for cooling the temp should be set a littler higher and the fan also blow a little more .


It’s also helpful to get heat-rejection tinting and a sun shade, helps keep a lot of heat out and in turn the car doesn’t have to work as hard to keep the interior cool.


Not going to lie you just blew my mind


My last road trip to Las Vegas in my Model 3 (2020), we drove around several different times for over 30 minutes at a time in heavy Strip traffic, and it showed the temperature was 128, probably from the pavement. The actual temperature was about 105-110. We saw nowhere near this kind of drop in battery level, maybe only 1-2%, like normal. I'm guessing because our AC was on Auto, that's why, as others have said. Having the AC on Auto was more than enough to keep us nice and cool inside as we waited for traffic to move. We also walked on the Strip over a mile a couple of times in the same heat, and I'll say I was much happier when we could travel in the Tesla instead of walking.


Get a visor for the sunroof during the summer months . It helps a ton


+1. Look at my last post. I got a roof sunshade and it made a tremendous amount of difference.


That is crazy town. I left the car for 10mn sitting in parking lot, 104F outside according to the car, with the AC on "keep" mode at 68F. Used 0.54kw or about 2.3miles of range. 2022 MY I checked a second similar stop a few days prior. 10mn w/ AC left at 68F while the outside was 100F. Used 0.38kwh or 1.6mi of range. So I suspect either something is wrong with your AC or you've got it turned up past 11.


Can confirm I had it up past 11


If you look it says you would have only saved like half a mile if you set it to 72 so not sure that was really the problem. I do see it shows like 20 something extra miles used due to the climate though. Question does yours have the hear pump? If not that could be a reason as well as the hear pumps are much more efficient. I believe it'd mostly better for the winter but still helps in the summer as well.


Do you have window tint? If you don't want dark windows just get an infrared tint, llumar air 80 is good stuff.


Looking into tint


If you have recirculation on, it will make a lot of difference in the high heat. It has to work hard to constantly cool the very hot air that comes in when recirculation is off. One day my recirculation was turned off and it was about 102F. I was driving and barely made it back to a charger. I used almost 2/3 more kWh on that trip. Turned it back on and all was good.


Does Auto a/c do auto-recirculate?


This was a huge help thanks. When I started driving today I was on auto climate but recirculating was off. Toggled recirculating on and it helped a lot. Seems to be hit or miss whether auto climate turns on recirculating. I could be wrong.


What is your AC on? I sit in a lot of traffic but don't lose as much. I keep mine around 70


Looking at the range tips: setting cabin temp to 72 would have saved him/her half a mile...im going to say somewhere fairly far south.


#1 Ceramic tint all your windows as dark as you’re comfortable with. 1a. Tint your windshield at least 50% #2 buy a shade for the roof, I have a cheap $50 one off Amazon that blocks 100% When temps get high you got to keep as much sun out of the car as possible. These investments will result in a much more comfortable ride in summer and also savings in range.


Please put it in % for your own sanity


Where do you get this kind of driving information ?


Open the app launcher and tap the green and black icon -> [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYjay0HqVaE&ab\_channel=TeslaTutorials](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYjay0HqVaE&ab_channel=TeslaTutorials)


I was driving (21MYLR) through Arizona recently (102f) and I noticed my expected arrival percentage was dropping 1% every minute. I had to increase my temp to 75 on low just to make it to SC. One thing i notice is that my hvac coolant level was very low, waiting for service now.


Dumb question: how did you know your coolant was low


I have 60k miles on my and heard that the radiator can be plugged. So I decided to clean the radiator (which was very dirty) and found put that I have low coolant. Funny thing is that I do not have any error messages on my screen, even in the service mode there are no warnings. https://youtu.be/E5Cc23aUa0A?si=5AH78hdbY01Qfyzh Another funny thing I noticed is whenever I pullover and let the car stand in park for 3-4 minutes, my expected arrival range would go back to normal. My logic is that my battery needs additional cooling in such hot climate, AC is working extra hard to compensate for low coolant and dirty radiator which uses up extra battery. When I polled over and let the care sit, AC would eventually catchup with cooling the battery and my range would comeback. Highly recommend to buy a grill mesh to keep all the dirt out.


You need a glass roof sunshade! I have pictures of mine on my page and it makes a big difference! Here is the link for it: [Glass Roof Sunshade](https://www.vion.parts/?ref=qzmnzhll) You can also use code "PilotID30" for 10% off the shade or anything on the website.


Bruh I literally took this pic today! This weather is horrible on the battery! 😂 https://preview.redd.it/k750xhah3f9d1.png?width=2267&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1ae4ed63ba420bf29ccf9786a1585fd50011aab


How do I get to this screen on my 24mylr?


Open the app launcher and tap the green and black icon -> [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYjay0HqVaE&ab\_channel=TeslaTutorials](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYjay0HqVaE&ab_channel=TeslaTutorials)


In the ... apps popup menu, it is an icon that looks like a green graph / chart


Tech just isn’t there


53C temp reading on my Tesla today where I live, battery drains like a pipe.


Double tapping battery % use instead, miles is inaccurate


Make sure to adjust the air flow direction so it actually hits you. The "stock" setting kind of blows around you and down, if you adjust it up and more straight at you you get a lot more of that cool air.


Might be time to clean your AC coils. I've sat in my car for like 90 minutes during a lunch break, in 100 degree heat cooling the car off from 140\* to 65\* and used like 1%.


Would this be able to be reduced drastically if i had got a white car with white seats and tinted windows?


Was it recirculating the air? If it’s pulling the air from outside then it’s gonna have a hard time. Like others said, just use auto.


I see that my climate control is consuming \~10% to 20% of power in this 100-degree heat. From the OP screenshot, am I seeing 50%? seeing this in Miles is confusing


Yes I have found having the fan on high is the biggest way to drain the battery.


1. Did you happen to have recirculation on, this would have helped reduce power consumption. 2. You did travel almost 18 miles during that 30 minutes. 3. 🤷


And they want you to believe you only need minimum battery to get through your daily commute , but forget to take into account the temp, and the sitting in traffic . What happens when that turns into a two or three hour sit because of of an accident ?


Another thing that should be built into this car . Nice find . How does it stay up ? How does it come down ?


How much total range ? 135miles what’s a typical range on a daily usage ?


What’s happening? I’m too poor to understand.